The majority ofVietnamese elderly citizens, specifically those having to reside in nursing homes, arenot well-versed in technology and do not make use of the available digital assistance
1 Introduction 2
2 Research 3
1 Brief - Tech education workshop 7
2 The unique value of the workshop 8
3 Information about the workshop 9
4 Media plan 9
5 Masterplan 10
5.1 Pre-onsite 10
5.2 Onsite 12
1.1 Attracting volunteers 19
1.2 Retaining volunteers 20
2 Technology equipment 21
3 Foods and beverages 22
4 Sponsor List 23
5 Total money spending for the project 24
1 Risks 27
2 Risk management 27
References 29
1 Introduction
In today's fast-paced digital world, it is increasingly important to ensure thatolder adults have the opportunity to learn about and use technology The majority ofVietnamese elderly citizens, specifically those having to reside in nursing homes, arenot well-versed in technology and do not make use of the available digital assistance.Some are clueless about such innovations, while others are still afraid to seekeducation from younger generations
2 Research
Several factors contribute to building this barrier, such as limited exposure totechnology in their younger years, the rapid pace of technological advancements, andthe uncertainty and hesitance of the elderly themselves This barrier poses a challengefor them to develop digital capabilities in order to stay connected, informed, and active
in society According to research conducted in 2018 and published in 2021 by theInstitute of Population, Health, and Development (PHAD) with the participation of6,050 elderly people in 654 communes and wards of 10 provinces and cities inVietnam, only about 6.4% of elderly people can use social networks and 12.7% ofelderly people can access the internet[ CITATION Hoà22 \l 1033 ] This statistic demonstratesthe lack of technological knowledge among the older population in Vietnam
Despite that, studies have shown quite interesting results regarding the elderly'suse of the Internet In China, a professor at Tsinghua University interviewed over 60-year-olds between 2018 and 2020, and the results indicated a higher level of happinessamong internet users than non-users Although there have not been large-scale studies
on this topic in Vietnam, researchers have made some basic observations regarding theimpact of technology on the elderly However, there are some risks that engaging withtechnology without proper understanding can entail According to the Kasperskystudy, 86% of senior citizens with internet access do not believe they are targets ofcybercriminals and hence do not take appropriate precautions Additionally, studiesreveal that, compared to younger generations, elderly adults are almost seven times
Trang 4more likely to spread false information on Facebook (News Department of VTV,2022).
In conclusion, the majority of elderly citizens, specifically those living inVietnam, are currently facing three problems when it comes to technology: a lack ofeducation on this matter, a sense of uncertainty, and vulnerability to cyber criminals
"Elderly Tech Tutors" is a social project created to address these hardships, empowerthose who are afraid, and provide assistance to those who are ready to embark on abrand new journey of technological exploration
We can assist older individuals by making technology more accessible andsupportive This helps them gain numerous benefits from technology and therefore livelonger, healthier, and more fulfilling lives Some of those benefits are as follows:
1 Enhance connections and relationships: By embracing digital communication
platforms, such as video calling apps, social media, and messaging services, old peoplecan cross geographical distances and retain meaningful relationships with their lovedones This will be even more valuable if they are living far away from their children,friends, and relatives As a result, this will alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolationtremendously, as well as strengthen familial bonds and relationships
2 Access to a myriad of recreational content: Old people each have their own
hobbies and preferences when it comes to how they like to entertain themselves.Knowing how to make use of technology and various online platforms will greatlyfacilitate them in pursuing their hobbies For example, e-readers and audiobooks havemade it easier than ever for older book lovers to access their favorite works, regardless
of their physical limitations; for avid music listeners, Spotify and YouTube are the twomost popular streaming services in Vietnam, which offer older adults a great variety ofmusic to explore and enjoy, catering to their diverse tastes
3 Valuable health assistance: Technology is an excellent tool for managing elderly
people's health and well-being In a typical nursing home setting, where the number ofpatients often exceeds the available caregiver resources, it will be a great help to
implement an effective technology system to keep track of each patient's health
condition For example, wearable gadgets, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers,can monitor seniors' physical activity, heart rate, and sleep patterns, which may alertthem to potential health threats as well as encourage a more active lifestyle (Salter,2023) This application of digital devices ultimately enhances patient care and theirquality of life
4 Easier to complete day-to-day tasks: Technology has also made daily errands
much faster and more convenient for older citizens For instance, seniors may read thenews online by browsing their favorite news websites or downloading a news app,
Trang 6which helps them keep up with current events without buying a real newspaper Apartfrom that, they can easily access their bank account to make transactions and checktheir balances, which saves them the arduous and lengthy trip to the bank and back.Having these services at their fingertips will reduce the physical and mental effortrequired to perform them, resulting in more time to rest and engage in meaningfulactivities.
1 Brief - Tech education workshop
Organize workshops or training sessions to teach elderly individuals how to usesmartphones, tablets, computers, and relevant apps This could cover basics like usingemail, video calls, social media, and relevant apps for health tracking, medicationreminders, etc
- Assessment of Needs: Before organizing workshops, conduct surveys orinterviews with the elderly community to understand their current level of techliteracy, the specific areas they need help with, and their interests in learningabout technology
- Workshop content: Develop a curriculum that starts with the basics andgradually progresses to more advanced topics based on the participants’ needsand comfort levels Some topics to cover may include:
o Introduction to devices: explaining different types of devices(smartphones, tablets, and computers), their functionalities, and how tonavigate them
o Internet basics: teaching how to use a browser, search engines, andaccess reliable information online
o Communication tools: Demonstrating how to use email, messaging apps,and video calling software to connect with family and friends
o App usage: Introducing useful apps for health tracking, medicationreminders, entertainment, etc
o Online safety: educating participants about online threats, how to createstrong passwords, recognizing scams, and protecting personalinformation
- Hands-on learning: Organize interactive sessions where participants canpractice using devices and applications Encourage them to bring their owndevices, if possible, to ensure they learn what they’re comfortable with
- Visual Aids and Simplicity: Use large fonts, clear visuals, and simple language
in training materials and presentations Emphasize step-by-step introductionsand offer handouts or guides for reference
Trang 8- Patience and Support: Be patient and understanding Some elderly individualsmight feel intimidated or anxious about technology Offer individualizedassistance and encourage peer support among participants.
- Engagement and interaction: Incorporate activities, group discussions, or Q&Asessions to keep participants engaged and encourage interaction among them.Sharing success stories or experiences can boost confidence
- Regular sessions and follow-ups: Conduct workshops regularly to reinforcelearning and cover more advanced topics as participants progress Follow-upsessions or one-on-one assistance can help address specific challenges orquestions
- Accessible venue and equipment: Ensure the venue is accessible, comfortable,and equipped with the necessary technology (projectors, screens, internetconnectivity) for effective teaching and practice
- Feedback and evaluation: Collect feedback from participants after each session
to understand what worked well and what needs improvement We can also usethis input to refine future workshops
- Collaboration and resources: collaborate with local organizations, tech experts,
or volunteers who can contribute resources, expertise, or guest sessions toenhance the workshops
*Note: The goal is not just to teach technology but also to build confidence and empower elderly individuals to use technology to improve their lives Therefore, flexibility and adaptability in meeting their specific needs will be crucial for the success of these workshops.
2 The unique value of the workshop
The workshop dedicated to aiding elderly individuals with technology offers aunique and personalized approach tailored to address the distinct challenges faced bythis demographic Therefore, it stands out by delivering customized learningexperiences, focusing on practical and relevant content crucial for older adults,including health apps and online safety measures Through patience and adaptability,the workshop fosters empowerment, independence, and social connectivity, reducingisolation and enhancing mental well-being Its holistic approach covers diverse aspects
Trang 9beyond basic skills, emphasizing ongoing support and engagement, thereby improvingthe overall quality of life for elderly participants Furthermore, by showcasingmeasurable impacts such as increased digital literacy and enhanced social connections,the workshop demonstrates the tangible value and immense potential of technology inenriching the lives of older adults.
3 Information about the workshop
- Name: OLD NOT “SLOW”
- Place: A nursing home in HCMC
Introduce about the workshop:
who are we and what are our purposes?
List some activities that will
be done in the workshop
4 Q&A Answer the questions that
people are wondering 27/6/2024
5 Countdown Countdown 3 hours left to
Trang 102 3-16/6/2024 Contact sponsor The main reason
why sponsors wouldwant to invest in thisproject is to improvetheir brand image, since sales might notincrease
significantly (elderlypeople are not a potential group of customers), but they gain positive
recognition from society This can be used to negotiate with sponsors
3 3/7/2024 Information day (nursing
Inform the nursing home about the date,time, scale (how many people are likely to show up), and any necessary assistance from the nursing home; for example, if they can spread the
information about this workshop to the elderly people there and provide any equipment (chairs, tables, projectors, etc.)
4 3/7/2024 Information day
Tell the volunteers what they are expected to do during this workshop and how
to improvise in unexpected situations
Preparation is crucial to the success of a
volunteers) shows up at the venue, bringing necessary equipment, including the 25 phones provided by
sponsors, lights, cameras, standees, souvenirs, water, etc
Then, these people are divided into three groups:
1.The first one is in charge
of setting up the mentioned devices, making arrangements regarding seating of audiences and sponsors' representatives, and decorating the venue in accordance with the
above-workshop's topic with standees and banners
2.The second group, which consists of those who will begiving a presentation and demonstration on the topic, will find a quiet and
secluded place to rehearse one last time, make
necessary adjustments, and mentally prepare for the upcoming event
3.The third group is
workshop Be
professional, and reliable
responsible for improvising and communicating with the nursing home's staff in case
of any unexpected situation and also has the duty to go greet the sponsors'
representative and take them
to their seat later on
in their seats
The first and third group try
to provide assistance to the audiences in finding suitable seat, fixing minor problems and making sureeverything is in order
is well thought out and can resonate with the majority's interests
This is when everybody's attention is still high; try to
2 Introduce the sponsors
3 Introduce the audiences totechnology and digital devices: what they are, why they are important in our daily lives, and how the elderly can utilize their potential to make life easier and more fulfilling
pique their interest and make your talk
as engaging as possible
connecting with other users, and so forth
This is just
an introduction
; therefore, the presenter does not need to demonstrate with a real device because this will be done
in depth later in the show
as messaging services, face calling, and email
This should be
done in an to-grasp, concis
easy-e, and patient m
anner Be slow enough so that the audience canunderstand what
trackers, news apps, online banking, and so on
you are trying todo
A PowerPoint slide or any kind
of visual aid thatcan be projectedonto a big
screen is much needed.
no furtherquestion(maximumuntil11:00a.m)
Q&A session, where the audience asks questions about what they have just learned but still find hard to understand
Try to wrap up the show by 10:30, which means the Q&A session can only
go on for a maximum of 35 minutes Any additional questions will
be answered during the afternoon's practice session
Practice session, in which one volunteer will be in charge of instructing and supervising two elderly people at the same time He
or she will carefully and
Each group takes a maximum of 1 hour