They also will help you prevent cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke, myocardial infarction....In fact, people who regularly maintain scientific exercise habits ha
Group 3 - 232_ENTH1411_42 Supervisor : MBA Nguyen Thi Phuong Ly
Ha Noi, 2024
Trang 2Throughout the process of writing the report, our group received lots of helps and encourages This report is result of the efforts of all the members, instructions from teacher and many other factors
To complete this discussion, firstly, group would like to send our heartfelt gratitude to our lecturer, MBA Nguyen Thi Phuong Ly She enthusiastically helped and gave us valuable detailed suggestions and instructions
Secondly, we would like to thank the ThuongMai University for providing us a library with a huge and useful source of documents
Besides, we are grateful to all the autors of the documents and researches we consulted Thanks to these studies, we have gained rich and accurate knowledge to serve our report Due to limitations of the time, equipments and academic knowledge, our discussion has some shortcomings Our group look forward to receiving your understanding and comments to improve our paper
Thank you all !
Ha Noi, February 26 , 2024 th
Group 3
Trang 3A Definition of sports
1 The meaning of sports
Sports are commonly known as activities or games that require physical strength and skills Besides, some organizations recognise a number of competitive but non-physical, activities as sports, considered mind sports Some people also consider some video games to
be a form of sport and they call them e-sports Regardless of them form, sports are usually performed according to pre-existing rules to ensure accuracy and fairness They are both competitive when the purpose of playing sports is to compete or achieve triumph, and non-competitive when the purpose of playing sports is to exercise or for entertainment
2 Classification
The classification of sports is diverse The common kinds are:
Combat sports: like boxing, wrestling, Muay Thai, …
Individual sports : such as running, swimming, gymnastics…;
Team sports : like football, volleyball, baseball, rowing, tracked and field, …
Extreme sports: sports with high levels of danger like skydiving, rock climbing, freediving E-sports : short for Electronic Sports like League of Legends, Counter-Strike, Dota 2, …
Additionally, we have dance sports, cue sports, mind sports, …
B Importance of discussing the advantages and disadvantages of sports
Long time ago, sports appeared and became a feature in culture Nowadays, sports are growing with a variety of types, increasingly popular They are the ideal choice for pastime, becoming a way to exercise for many people In developed countries, some sports are included
in the curriculum But what exactly do sports impact on people to make them so popular? Originating from this curiosity, our article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of sports Understading them allows us to delve deeper into the influences and roles they have on individuals and societies This knowledge empowers us to choose sports that resonate with us, providing an effective way to engage in physical activity
Trang 4I Advantages of Sports
A.Physical Health Benefits
1.Improved cardiovascular health
According to research by many health experts, playing sports will help blood circulate better, provide more oxygen, help the cardiovascular system function better, and prevent the appearance of thrombosis They also will help you prevent cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke, myocardial infarction
In fact, people who regularly maintain scientific exercise habits have healthier heart systems than people who do not, they rarely experience high blood fat conditions Sports are good for the cardiovascular system including: walking, running, swimming, cycling,… This exercise helps lower blood cholesterol and keep blood pressure levels stable
2.Enhanced strength and endurance
For a healthy resistance, experts recommend that we should play sports regularly Scientific studies have proven that playing sports helps you prevent the risk of chronic diseases, prevent the production of cancer cells that are harmful to health Playing sports every day increases bone and joint density, making bones stronger and more flexible People have a strong body, always healthy and full of vitality
Next, playing sports help enhance endurance It helps increase the ability to withstand difficulties and stress, reduce fatigue and exhaustion after a day of work It makes the body become healthier, strengthen resistance and the immune system People who play sports will
be healthier, less sick, and less tired than people who are sedentary and do not participate in any sports
3.Weight management and obesity prevention
Nowadays, many people don't frequently exercise, which makes them quite passive and lazy In turn, a lot of people experience severe overweight and obesity and lead a sedentary lifestyle In order to reduce those issues, join in sports can be a fantastic strategy for losing weight Regularly playing sports helps the body burn calories and reduce fat effectively Thanks to that, our body will get into shape and we have a well-built body
B.Mental and Emotional Well-being
Now I will be talking about one benefit of playing sports It is mental and emotional well-being
1 Stress reduction and improved mood
Trang 5As you know sports have a positive impact on our mental health Engaging in sports activities can help to manage and release pent-up emotions, which can reduce feelings of anxiety and depression When we participate in sports, our bodies release endorphins, which are hormones that improve mood and reduce stress levels These positive effects can help us to feel more relaxed and energized, boosting our self-confidence and overall well-being When playing sports, we can boost our mood, feel happier, more relaxed, or reduce stress levels and anxiety, build personal confidence
2 Boosted self-esteem and confidence
Next, participating in sports is a great way to boost our self-confidence and self-esteem People who regularly play sports are always full of energy, providing a feeling of accomplishment that can contribute to a positive self-image, which can lead to improved social interactions
3 Increased mental focus and concentration
The last, engaging in sports can improve mental focus and concentration The benefits of playing sports help increase the amount of oxygen to the brain, the circulatory system pumps blood to all organs in the body, so it helps enhance memory In addition, when exercising, the body will increase the secretion of hormones called “endorphins” Thanks to that, the brain works better, improves memory, increases concentration, and prevents headaches caused by stressful work, and pressure In fact, people who regularly play sports have better memory and work more effectively than people who
do not play sports
That's all I want to present, next, Hoang Can will continue talking about the advantages of playing sports
C.Social Benefits
1.Teamwork and cooperation
Teamwork plays an important role in sports because achieving a victory always requires the effort of every team member So if you're thinking about taking up sports, make sure you pick
a team sport rather than an individual one Participating in team sports teaches us how to improve team spirit and work in groups Each individually talented player needs to connect and interact with the other players for the team to reach their target and work together toward
a common goal Each member also needs to leave aside his personal differences, allowing the team to feel like an integrated group of people who are there to build a successful collaboration
2.Building friendships and social connections
Playing sports is a great way to develop stronger bonds and networks that could be beneficial to your career, job opportunities and success in life We can learn a lot about a person's personality, strengths, and shortcomings through engaging in sports People from a
Trang 6variety of groups, origins, religions and beliefs come together in sport A new approach to meeting people you might not normally interact with is through sports We can consequently meet new acquaintances and make new friends You can also make amazing memories and lots of amazing and beautiful experiences by playing sports with your friends
3 Developing leadership and communication skills
To get a team to work efficiently, there must be a leader to call the directions to help and assist the team along In team sports, leaders have the role of organizing, assigning tasks and connecting members to work towards a common goal This requires leaders to know how to analyze each member's abilities, know how to communicate to give clear instructions, positive and concise feedback to everyone Leaders also need to be sophisticated with possible conflicts and resolve them satisfactorily, and know how to energize and spread motivation to other team members throughout training and competition
Playing sports is also good for us to improve communication skills to be more skillful and persuasive Good speech and communication skills help easily convey information and express opinions
D.Character development
1.Discipline and self-control
Sports not only bring health benefits but also help practice discipline and self-control Discipline is an extremely necessary virtue for any individual Because when following the set rules, arranging and doing everything according to plan, work efficiency will increase to help quickly achieve personal goals In addition, the power of self-discipline will help you have a healthier, more positive life
Discipline in sport means following the rules and regulations of the sport, adhering to consistent training, learning to manage their time efficiently, ensuring they allocate enough hours to training while still taking care of their other responsibilities, respecting their coaches, teammates, opponents
2.Goal-setting and perseverance
Playing sports will help us set clear goals, achieve goals and practice perseverance When
we have a vision of what we want to accomplish, we are more likely to stay focused and motivated throughout their journey By defining specific targets and creating a plan to reach them, we can work systematically toward our aspirations, keeping ourselves on track, preventing distractions and steering us away from potential detours
Trang 7Perseverance is a valuable virtue that all of us should have It will help us overcome difficulties and challenges to achieve our goals, not give up easily To play well and master a sport does not take just one or two days, it even takes years of practice Only by persistently practicing regularly every day can we progress and realize good results
3.Learning to handle success and failure
Playing sports also teaches us how to face success and failure When we achieve success,
we should not be complacent with ourselves, but must be humble, accept success with gratitude and set new goals Besides, when facing failure, we must not get discouraged or give
up We need to accept failure and have the courage to stand up after failure From that failure,
we need to learn lessons and find our own strengths and weaknesses
II Disadvantages of Sports
A Pressure and Stress
1 Internal Pressure
Athletes often set high expectations for themselves, striving for excellence and striving to fulfill the dreams they and others hold This internal pressure can manifest as perfectionism, fear of failure, and intense self-criticism, creating a constant mental strain
2 External Pressures
Coaches, parents, peers, and the media can exert immense external pressure on athletes The demands to win, perform consistently, and justify expectations can be overwhelming, leading to anxiety, burnout, and even performance deterioration Or Competitive Environment: The nature of competitive sports creates inherent pressure to outperform opponents and achieve specific results The constant comparison, tight margins of victory, and potential public scrutiny can fuel stress and negatively impact mental well-being
3 Stress in sport has dramatic impact on athletics
Basically, Mental Health: Chronic stress and pressure can lead to anxiety, depression, and burnout in athletes Besides,Stress can have detrimental effects on the physical body, weakening the immune system, increasing susceptibility to injuries, and hindering optimal athletic performance Ironically, the pressure to perform can lead to performance decline Anxiety can impair focus, decision-making, and coordination, hindering athletic skills and potentially leading to self-fulfilling prophecies of failure.The last, the all-consuming focus on sports due to pressure and stress can negatively impact athletes' relationships with family, friends, and academics This can lead to social isolation, emotional withdrawal, and hinder a well-rounded development outside of athletics
Trang 8B Risk of Injuries
1 Possibility of acute injuries
Besides the advantages, playing sports still has significant harmful effects One of the main disadvantages of playing sports is that it can lead to acute injuries These injuries are inevitable in training and sports competition Especially, combat sports such as football, martial arts, tennis, volleyball, are easy to get injured The most common and vulnerable locations are the ankle, knee, elbow, hip and shoulder
The common acute injury is fracture, which is a condition in which bones are broken when too much pressure is placed on them, such as from a direct blow or a bad fall Although bones are strong and have a certain amount of flexibility, any bone in the body can break, especially while playing sports such as from tackles in football or punches in boxing Bones that are most commonly fractured are located in the wrist, hand, ankle, foot, and collarbone
Another acute injury is sprain, which is an injury that causes the ligaments at the joints to stretch or tear This condition occurs when the body is overactive and affects the joints, with the ankle being the most common occurrence When the player falls and the foot flips inward, causing a dislocation of the outer ankle
In reality, many sports professionals experience severe injuries throughout their careers, and several of them even end up having to retire from their sport as a result of such injuries
2 Long-term injuries and chronic conditions
Unlike acute sports injuries that occur suddenly during sports and are often accompanied by severe pain, chronic sports injuries are often caused by overtraining Stress fractures, elbow injuries, and chronic pain in the knee are common chronic sports injuries Chronic sports injuries are the result of prolonged repetitive motion, which is especially common in endurance sports such as swimming, long-distance running, and cycling These injuries are often associated with one of the following movements: incorrect technique, trying to progress too quickly or get too active while playing a sport Therefore, chronic sports injuries are often referred to as injuries caused by overuse of an area of the body during sports or long periods of exercise
A long-term injury, also known as a residual injury, is any medical problem that involves lingering symptoms or limitations Long-term injuries include permanent disabilities Some of these injuries can be lifetime and some can lead to a lot of bed rest and
Trang 9also lots of surgeries.
3 Concussions and head injuries
Concussion is an injury to the head area that may cause instant loss of awareness or alertness for a few minutes up to a few hours after the traumatic event Symptoms of concussion include a temporary loss of consciousness, short-term memory loss, dizziness, headache, confusion, … A head injury that causes damage to the brain is known as a traumatic brain injury Repeated or severe traumatic brain injuries may increase the risk of dementia Concussions can occur when playing sports such as soccer, baseball, handball, hockey, and boxing
C Time commitment
1 Balancing between sports and academics or work
Another disadvantage of playing sports is that it can be very time consuming If you
really want to be good at your favorite sport, you will have to invest a lot of time.This makes you lose balance between sports and academics or work, especially for students
A football match usually takes 90 minutes, a basketball game takes 48 minutes If your time is limited, playing sports will take up a lot of time during the day This can lead to fatigue, lack of concentration, and poor grades that can affect your college degree and future job opportunities
2 Limited time for other hobbies and activities
Focusing too much on sports can also take away from the time you spend on other hobbies and activities
If you also enjoy artistic activities like painting or playing the piano that also require a lot of time investment, it will be difficult to manage your time
Furthermore, everyone usually spends almost time daily on working at office, and then participates in playing sports Therefore, time for family becomes smaller, so they would not have enough time for their children, interaction between other members or arrangement house
3 Potential for burn out and exhaustion
Sports, in fact, can be very exhausting
Many people practice sports too much, it makes them exhausted, tired, and affects other activities This makes them lose their interest in sports
Some sports are much more exhausting than others and if you are a person who
Trang 10doesn’t like to exercise too much, make sure to choose your sport according to that.
D Financial considerations.
1.Costs of sports equipment and gear
The number of sports is very large, and each has its own equipment and gear We can not use volleyball balls to play soccer, or use badminton rackets instead of tennis rackets Some sports like hockey, skydiving, golf,… require specialized tools which are so expensive for most people Furthermore, there are other expenses when participating in sports, such as footwear, clothes, safety gear The above things are financial problems that sports players often encounter, and… Although these paraphernalia have different price segments to suit the finances of each customer class, most people want the quality equipment to get better experiences And the better the quality , the more expensive they are So, if you are sporty, and you want to play different sports, these equipment and gear can drain your finances
2 Fees for training, coaching, and participation.
When first starting playing sports, some people have private personal trainers or opt for private coaching sessions with high prices Specially, registering the centers like fitness centers may involve the costly membership fees, training camp costs, fees for participating
in tournaments or competitions In case you want to become a professional sports player, perhaps selected to compete, these fees are unavoidable This is a drawback of sports, acts
as a barrier for individuals with potential talent who lack financial resources to pursue their passions
3 Travel expenses for competitions and tournaments
Another financial consideration is about traveling expenses for competitions and tournaments Those are costs of accommodation like hotels or motels, transportation, meals, and others While these expenses may be covered if you compete for organized teams or national representation, these expenditures still become a significant financial burden if you are just freelance competitors or just want to be spectators in those tournaments
There are still other hidden costs In spite of these financial challenges, community programs, scholarships, and financial assistance initiatives exist to make sports more accessible to individuals from various economic backgrounds