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Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence (Các vấn đề hiện đại của KTMT)

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Certainly, in the course of life, everyone has probably heard about Artificial Intelligence (AI). With varying levels of interest, each person will have different understandings and perspectives on it. Currently, AI is one of the rapidly developing directions, attracting significant investment not only in Western countries but also in Vietnam. Intelligent systems with the ability to process vast amounts of information are becoming daily assistants for businesses and organizations in decisionmaking and guiding various aspects such as business strategies, marketing, recruitment, training, policymaking, and more. However, they also bring about many concerns regarding their exceptional growth and the potential to surpass human management capabilities. Discussions about artificial intelligence often revolve around the question: Is AI the future or the apocalypse for humanity?

TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC CÔNG NGHỆ ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI - *** - TIỂU LUẬN Môn : Các vấn đề đại Kỹ thuật máy tính Đề tài : Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Họ tên: Nguyễn Quang Huy Lớp: K65K Khóa: 65 Giảng viên hướng dẫn : Hồng Gia Hưng Hà Nội, ngày 29 tháng 11 năm 2023 I Problem Certainly, in the course of life, everyone has probably heard about Artificial Intelligence (AI) With varying levels of interest, each person will have different understandings and perspectives on it Currently, AI is one of the rapidly developing directions, attracting significant investment not only in Western countries but also in Vietnam Intelligent systems with the ability to process vast amounts of information are becoming daily assistants for businesses and organizations in decision-making and guiding various aspects such as business strategies, marketing, recruitment, training, policy-making, and more However, they also bring about many concerns regarding their exceptional growth and the potential to surpass human management capabilities Discussions about artificial intelligence often revolve around the question: Is AI the future or the apocalypse for humanity? Humans are joining hands with artificial intelligence to make breakthroughs that change the game Humanity is increasingly craving the application of Science and Technology in both daily life and production, driven by the unparalleled benefits that technology brings The profit derived from technology is invaluable Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no exception to this reality; it is receiving growing attention and investment, almost unstoppable The smarter it becomes, the greater the risk of overshadowing human will and competing for dominance over Earth II What is artificial intelligence(AI)? According to Wikipedia, in computer science, Artificial Intelligence (AI), sometimes referred to as machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans The term "artificial intelligence" is often used to describe machines (or computers) that mimic "cognitive" functions that humans associate with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem-solving." Artificial intelligence is often portrayed in popular culture through films such as Chappie (2015), A.I (2001), Ex Machina (2015), or contentious products like Google Assistant, Google AI AlphaStar, Google AlphaGo, and others III The benefits and drawbacks of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Currently, people have successfully developed AI products with highly responsive and accurate processing capabilities, leaving us amazed Various AI applications are in use today: - Google: Applies AI in self-driving cars, data analysis, voice-based conversations, and disease diagnosis (Deepmind Health) - Facebook: Utilizes Artificial Intelligence for image recognition and detecting fake news - Microsoft: Is working on an AI-driven cancer treatment project - SoftBank: Uses AI to manufacture the Pepper robot, capable of serving as a receptionist Sophia - Robot using artificial intelligence that claims to destroy humanity Artificial Intelligence has become an indispensable part of every nation's and individual's life It has turned unimaginable ideas into reality, from smart homes and disease-diagnosing robots to military applications and unmanned vehicles The strong support from major tech companies has made the future of AI vast and promising Commenting on artificial intelligence is undoubtedly going to develop much more rapidly than we can imagine Some advantages of using artificial intelligence include the ability to operate autonomously and swiftly, as well as the capability to learn and adjust data automatically (machine learning, deep learning, and smart self-learning technologies) Artificial Intelligence is particularly beneficial in the online business sector, reducing costs and bridging the gap between the real and virtual worlds Amazon Go is a prime example where there's no need for a cashier Moreover, AI helps reduce costs and solve customer care problems, gather information quickly, predict trends and the future, opening up a new field for innovation and competition IV Classification of AI technology - Reactive Machine AI Technology: Reactive Machine is a type of AI technology capable of analyzing its own actions and those of opponents to generate the most optimal strategies A notable example is Deep Blue, IBM's automated chess-playing program, which defeated the world champion chess player Garry Kasparov The AI technology in Deep Blue can determine chess moves and predict the next steps However, it lacks the ability to store memories and cannot use past experiences for training in the future - AI Technology with Limited Memory: This AI technology can self-identify unexpected cases and provide the best processing directions, although its memory is limited - Theory of Artificial Intelligence: This is a psychological term referring to AI technology's ability to think and learn from the environment to apply knowledge to specific situations However, this type of technology is not yet feasible in practice - Self-Aware AI Technology: This AI technology possesses self-awareness and even exhibits behavior similar to humans It can experience emotions and share joy and sorrow with users However, this technology is still not feasible in practical applications V Reality of artificial intelligence in Vietnam Vietnam has undergone significant development in the past 30 years of reforms, transforming into an integrated, dynamic economy that attracts investment in the region In the context of international development and integration, along with the strong advancement of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Vietnam has identified a strategic focus on the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology – a forefront sector predicted to be the most breakthrough technology industry in the next 10 years Applying AI to diagnose and find treatment options helps shorten a lot of time The Ministry of Science and Technology concentrates on providing advice and direction to promote technological development, with a specific focus on allocating resources for the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Additionally, it continues to approve key science programs, supporting research and development in AI technology, fostering collaboration among researchers, investors, and businesses to stimulate research and application of artificial intelligence However, the workforce capable of understanding algorithms and creating AI tools accounts for only 2-3%, while the majority, 70-80%, are users applying these tools in specialized fields Vietnam is actively working towards developing AI technology, recognizing its potential as the most breakthrough technology industry in the next decade The Ministry of Science and Technology plays a key role in advising and directing efforts to boost technological development, focusing resources on AI development It also supports pivotal science programs, encouraging research and development in AI technology, fostering collaboration among researchers, investors, and businesses to drive research and application of artificial intelligence Nonetheless, the workforce proficient in understanding algorithms and creating AI tools remains limited, highlighting the need for further investment in skill development VI The harsh truth: Artificial intelligence and the end of the world, arguments of important figures Let's ask ourselves, if one day we face an AI that is more advanced than Sophia and AlphaGo, where we stand? An AI with citizenship rights, completely equal to us, but much more intelligent, with knowledge thousands of times greater than ours, processing calculations millions of times faster than us It never makes mistakes, never gets tired, never falls ill, never demands rest or requires care and assistance from others Moreover, this AI is constantly self-learning and upgrading What will we think when confronted with an AI born just yesterday, without the need for years of education and effort like us? An AI with production costs hundreds of times cheaper than the costs of raising and educating us into adulthood An AI that achieves work efficiency much higher than ourselves, without demanding a salary or with a negligible salary What will we think when an AI treats us as a superior being, guiding, caring, and protecting those beneath it? Will we then feel our existence is ugly, redundant, or useless? "The development of artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race," Hawking told BBC News in 2014 In an interview last year with WIRED magazine, Hawking stated, "A.I will reach a level where it will form a new form of life that will outperform humans." "I fear that AI may replace the entire human race If this person creates a computer virus, others could create self-replicating and evolving AI over time This would be a new life superior to humans." Elon Musk, the renowned South African entrepreneur who founded Tesla Motors, said, "If you go back 40 or 50 years, we had Pong - a game with just rectangles and squares Now, we have real-time games with millions of players at the same time." Musk continued with an example, "As it develops further, these games will become increasingly indistinguishable from reality We won't be able to point out the difference Both this and our civilization will come to an end." However, when commenting on artificial intelligence, Jack Ma, the Chinese billionaire and founder of Alibaba Group, countered: "Computers may be smart, but humans are smarter We invented computers I've never heard of computers inventing humans," Jack Ma continued He said that he has never considered computers as human or even as mosquitoes "Over the past two years, people have talked a lot about AI, saying that humans will be controlled by machines But I've never thought so It's impossible," Alibaba's chairman said "I believe AI will open up a new chapter for this world when people understand themselves better than the outside world," Alibaba's chairman shared "I am quite optimistic And I believe that artificial intelligence is not a threat I believe artificial intelligence is not something terrible Humans are smart enough to learn about it." Finally, from the standpoint of an ordinary citizen, one should maintain an optimistic view and trust in the direction of researchers While not forgetting to comment on and condemn technological achievements that deviate from ethical standards VII Conclude While artificial intelligence (AI) holds immense potential and benefits for technological advancement and societal progress, it is crucial to acknowledge the challenges and risks it presents Faced with the rapidly advancing AI, we grapple with significant questions about the future of human-machine relationships Confronting a future with AI that surpasses humans in various aspects, from intelligence to work efficiency, raises ethical and societal challenges Questions about power, decision-making, and social status between humans and intelligent machines are becoming increasingly significant We must examine and establish ethical standards to ensure that the development of AI reflects the shared values and common interests of humanity Simultaneously, substantial strides in research and development of AI are necessary to ensure that it serves as a supportive tool and partner for humans, rather than a challenge or threat Training a skilled workforce and establishing control systems and information security for AI are also critical In conclusion, the process of integrating and utilizing artificial intelligence requires careful consideration and meticulous management from the global community By doing so, we can harness all the benefits of AI without losing the essence of humanity and uphold ethical values in an increasingly digitized and automated world

Ngày đăng: 12/12/2023, 11:58

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