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Lesson 15

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Trang 1

I Vocabulary

2 subordinate n /səˈbɔːdɪnət/ người cấp dưới, ít quyền lực 3 coordinator n /kəʊˈɔːdɪneɪtər/ người phối hợp, người hợp tác

23 coincidentally adv /kəʊˌɪnsɪˈdentəli / trùng hợp ngẫu nhiên 24 deliberately adv /dɪˈlɪbərətli / một cách có mục đích 25 instinctively adv /ɪnˈstɪŋktɪvli / một cách theo bản năng 26 accidentally adv /ˌæksɪˈdentəli/ một cách tình cờ, bất ngờ

34 self-sufficient a /self səˈfɪʃənt / tự cung, tự cấp

Trang 2

40 deplete v /dɪˈpliːt / trút hết ra, xả hết ra

3 walk in eggs/ eggshells cẩn trọng (để không xúc phạm ai hoặc làm gì sai)

5 burn the midnight oil thức khuya học bài hoặc làm việc

8 be inflicted with = suffer from khốn khổ, khổ sở

9 drive sb up the wall khiến cho ai vô cùng tức giận 10 break the terms of contract vi phạm điều khoản của hợp đồng 11 on the horns of a dilemma tiến thoái lưỡng nan

12 stem from = date back = come

13 be guily/ innocent of có tội/ vô tội

III Practice exercise 15

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) orphrase(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the bold and underlined word(s) or phrase(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 1: His girlfriend's behavior at the party was unacceptable, which made everyone there shocked.

A out of practice B out of line C out of the habit D out of sight

Question 2: How long were you laid up after the accident last year?

A unable to work because of injury B unemployed for good C lying in bed because of illness D dismissed for carelessness

Question 3: Look at the mouse in the trap! I thought it was dead, but it's still animate

Question 4: The first time I met my friend's parents, I was walking on eggshells because I knew their

political views were very different from mine.

C had to be very cautious D was given many eggs

Question 5: I suppose I always got along quite well with my sister when we were growing up We rarely

quarreled with each other.

C went to the same school D had similar lifestyle

Question 6: An employer must be very careful in dealing with s ubordinates and documenting their files

in order to avoid complaint.

Trang 3

Question 7: Like the dinosaurs, some the pterosaurs became g igantic: the largest fossil discovered is of

an individual that had a wingspan of 50 feet or more, larger than many airplanes.

Question 8: The USA is the melting pot of the world, which has witnessed the assimilation of

generations of immigrants into the host culture.

Question 9: At present, I have to work and study at the same time, so, I often have to burn the midnighto il.

Question 10: If we are not intentional in our preparation for Globalization 4.0, we risk e xacerbating

these problems.

Question 11: One of the effective ways to ensure a sustainable development for human beings is to c ut d own on the exploitation of nonrenewable energy.

Question 12: Many inhabitants in the village have been inflicted with cancer due to the polluted source

of water.

Question 13: Instant responses and answers to simple questions as the essential consumer outcomes for

chatbot in the customer services field are easier to follow than diagnostic or behavioral purposes which

often require more rigorous scientific approaches.

Question 14: Descending into the underground through a secret entrance beneath a bridge, we walked for

hours through catacombs, and galleries of huge, bright paintings.

A going down B walking through C coming across D going up

Question 15: John's decision to drop out of university to go to a vocational school d rove his mother upt he wall She thought that it is really a stupid decision.

C made his mother worried D made his mother ashamed

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) or phrase(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the bold and underlined word(s) or phrase (s) in each of the following questions.

Question 16: If any employee knowingly breaks the terms of this contract, he will be dismissed

A coincidentally B deliberately C instinctively D accidentally

Question 17: Wendy is on the horns of a dilemma : she just wonders whether to go for a picnic with her

friends or to stay at home with her family.

A unwilling to make a decision B able to make a choice

C eager to make a plan D unready to make up her mind

Question 18: Recycling and disposal of wastes require sizable expenditure In such situations, industries

preferred to export their wastes to other countries.

Question 19: Genetic engineering is helping researchers unravel the mysteries of previously incurable

diseases so that they get to its root causes and find cures.

Question 20: The misunderstanding is thought to have stemmed from an ambiguous article which

appeared in yesterday's newspaper.

Trang 4

Question 21: We have rather lofty expectations for you, son You will attend college and be successful

You will become rich and famous before you turn forty.

Question 22: Nowadays, young people want to have a s elf-sufficient life They want to live and work

independently to support themselves.

Question 23: His lawyer thought he had a good chance of being a cquitted at the trial, if no further

evidence was found.

Question 24: Thanks to the development of information technology, instant messaging was invented and

has offered people a convenient and private way of communication.

Question 25: One of the main benefits of urbanization is that people who once lived in rural areas now have greater opportunity to access to u p-to-date technology and facilities.

Question 26: The invention of the electric lamp is one of the greatest a chievements in Thomas Edison's

Question 27: Principles of Marxist and Leninist is a mandatory course which all students are required to

take in the training program of higher education in Vietnam.

Question 28: The rapid development of artificial intelligence can replace many people in their jobs and make many people u nemployed.

Question 29: I want to apply for a permanent job in which my knowledge and skills can be improved

Question 30: Renewable resources, such as solar, wind, tidal energy, etc., are the resources that can ber eplenished overtime naturally.

Ngày đăng: 07/04/2024, 09:18
