Prepared for
Ms Yen Le,
Prepared by Team 4P’s
8th November 2023
Nguyen Ngoc Van Anh
Nguyen Thi Xuan Quynh
Nguyen An Khanh Ngoc
K214100761 K214100776 K214100773
Trang 2University of Economics and Laws
Ho Chi Minh, VietNam
November 2023,
Ms Yen Le
University of Economics and Laws
Ho Chi Minh, VietNam
Dear Ms Yen Le,
Subject: Letter of Authorization (LOA) for Research Project on OOH and Social Advertising Impact
Team 4P’s, in our capacity as students at University of Economics and Law, hereby grant authorization to Ms Yen, in their capacity as lecturer at University of Economics and Law, to conduct the research project titled "The Impact of Out of Home (OOH) Compared to Social Advertising on Customer Brand Awareness in Ho Chi Minh City."
This research project aims to assess and analyze the impact of OOH and social advertising on customer brand awareness in Ho Chi Minh City The research objective, research questions, and research methods have been detailed in the research proposal
Authorization Scope:
Ms Yen Le is authorized to:
1 Collect data and conduct research on the impact of OOH and social advertising on customer brand awareness in Ho Chi Minh City
2 Engage with survey participants, analyze collected data using quantitative methods, and present findings based on the outlined research methodology
3 Communicate the research results through written reports and oral presentations to various stakeholders
This authorization is effective from 3rd October 2023 and shall remain in effect until the completion of the research project or until revoked in writing by 4P’s team
Ms Yen Le is expected to adhere to the research methodology and guidelines outlined
in the research proposal The results of the research shall be considered the property of the University of Economics and Law, and Ms Yen Le is bound to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the data
Trang 3We appreciate Ms Yen's dedication and commitment to this research project and trust that we will represent the University of Economics and Law effectively in this important endeavor
Team 4P’s
University of Economics and Law
Trang 4University of Economics and Laws
Ho Chi Minh, VietNam
November 2023,
Ms Yen Le
University of Economics and Laws
Ho Chi Minh, VietNam
Dear Ms Yen Le,
With the permission and support granted by your authorization dated November 2023,
we have successfully conducted a research project on behalf of University of Economics and Law We are pleased to present to you the findings of this study, titled
"Impact of Out of Home (OOH) Advertising compared to Social Advertising on Customer Brand Awareness in Ho Chi Minh City."
In this comprehensive report, we have outlined our research methodology, which closely adhered to the proposed plan detailed in our initial communication Our approach involved a quantitative research method with an appropriate sampling technique, involving a sample size of 66 respondents, along with primary data collection
Our research delves into the dynamics of out-of-home (OOH) advertising and social advertising, examining their respective effects on customer brand awareness in the dynamic urban environment of Ho Chi Minh City We believe that the data presented
in this report will prove valuable to practitioners in the marketing field, specifically those engaged in out-of-home marketing campaigns and social advertising
Should you require further clarification, wish to discuss the report in more detail, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at
Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated
Team 4P’s
University of Economics and Law
A Front Matter
4.2 Attraction’s level of OOH advertising and Social advertising towards
4.2.1 Attraction’s level of OOH advertising towards customer’s brand
4.2.2 Attraction’s level of Social advertising towards customer’s brand
4.4 Social media networks' influence on brand awareness
Trang 7(5)
Trang 8(8)
Trang 9(10)
Trang 10The aim of this paper is to determine the effect of OOH advertising compared to social advertising on Ho Chi Minh City customers' brand awareness This article clarifies the elements of consumer appeal to brands that are influenced by social media and out-of-home advertising, as well as people's perceptions of these elements The quantitative research method was used in this study with an appropriate sampling technique and a sample size of 66 respondents, done with primary data collection Descriptive statistics with some particular features, such as colors, size of the billboards, frequency of appearance, and movement, were used in order to analyze the data of the research study The results recorded that the majority of people were drawn
to the pertinent products that were paired with an eye-catching layout Additionally, the appearance frequency of OOH marketing when it is located in densely populated areas could gradually enter the customer’s mind while people felt it difficult to remember or recall the brand’s name correctly with social advertising This research study will benefit practitioners in the field of marketing who are doing out-of-home marketing campaigns or social advertising for company products and services
1 Introduction
In the modern world, the word "outdoor advertising" is no longer unusual There
is outdoor advertising everywhere The idea behind outdoor advertising, according to Gambetti, is to point out the outdoor or open-air part of this kind of advertising that people come across when they leave their homes or places of work, such as advertisements viewed from a bus or a cab OOH advertising is a recent innovation in advertising This idea encompasses not only outdoor advertising in public spaces but also other non-domestic OOH advertising, like signage at train, bus, and airport terminals, as well as retail or entertainment venues like restaurants, health clubs, retail stores, doctor offices, and public restrooms (Gambit 2010, Wilson and Till 2008, 59) The study will examine how OOH advertising affects consumer brand awareness Due to the current increase in social networking site (SNS) visits, online social network advertising is becoming a crucial component of marketing strategies "The application of marketing technologies to the analysis, planning, implementation, and evaluation of programs designed to influence the voluntary behavior of target audiences" is how Andreasen defines social marketing Social networks facilitate the quick sharing of viral content and co-creation in the online space, and they are a goldmine of data on clients Co-creation refers to the practice of using user-generated material to advertise goods Social networking services such as Facebook and Twitter
Trang 11the US access these sites As social networking has grown in popularity, astute marketers have realized how important it is to their companies and how it is a natural progression of conventional marketing The research will define how social advertising impacts consumer brand awareness
In short, the primary research objective is to assess the impact of out-of-home (OOH) advertising compared to social advertising on customer brand awareness in Ho Chi Minh City
The study will evaluate various factors related to OOH advertising and social advertising, in terms of how they reach, engage, and are attracted, and how these factors influence customer brand awareness in the context of a dynamic urban environment such as Ho Chi Minh City
2 Research objectives
2.1 Research objectives
This study investigates the effect of OOH advertising compared to social advertising on Ho Chi Minh City customers' brand awareness
2.2 Research Questions
How does OOH advertising impact Ho Chi Minhcustomers’brandawareness comparedtothedevelopmentofsocialadvertising?
1 Which factors of consumer attractiveness to brands are impacted by OOH advertising and social advertising?
2 What attitude do customers have towards the factor that causes brand awareness to be affected by OOH advertising and social advertising?
3 What factors make customers more attracted to a brand's advertising when influenced by OOH advertising than social advertising and vice versa?
4 How can data analytics from this research be leveraged to develop innovative strategies for OOH and social advertising campaigns that are tailored to the evolving customer behavior dynamics in the city?
3 Method
3.1 Descriptive method
3.1.1 Definition
In order to impose fixed beliefs on the dynamic in which the items initially existed and the flux of change in which the objects have originally existed, Kirshnarao claims that the descriptive approach aims to grasp or generalize the behavior of the things under investigation Thus, a probability value is ascribed to the comprehension
Trang 12of knowledge that has been built up through these understandings or generalizations Intellectual challenges arise when attempting to determine an object's character, explain an unexpected event, or, more generally, when attempting to use a means rather than an end No manipulating, biasing, or interacting with the variables Only fresh information or the application of previously established scientific theories may provide a solution to these problems
3.1.2 Characteristics of descriptive research
The descriptive method provides an objective and accurate account of the subject under study Researchers seek to report what they observe or find without introducing bias or personal interpretations Moreover, because descriptive research is non-experimental in nature, it does not include changing variables or interfering with the scenario under observation Researchers frequently utilize large samples or representative samples to reduce bias and improve the study's external validity in order to guarantee that the results may be applied to a wider population Furthermore, depending on the aims and objectives of the study, descriptive research may be carried out longitudinally (during a period of time) or cross-sectionally (at a single moment in time) In terms of data analysis, organizing and summarizing data takes precedence over doing statistical analyses or testing hypotheses in descriptive research Thematic analysis, frequency counts, content analysis, and basic statistical measurements like mean, median, and mode for quantitative data are examples of data analysis techniques Organizing and summarizing data takes precedence over doing statistical analyses or testing hypotheses in descriptive research Thematic analysis, frequency counts, content analysis, and basic statistical measurements like mean, median, and mode for quantitative data are examples of data analysis techniques
A thorough and objective account of a topic may be obtained through descriptive research, which is a useful technique that can be used as the basis for subsequent, more focused, hypothesis-driven studies
3.2 Quantitative method
3.2.1 Definition
According to Babbie, Earl R., the focus of quantitative methods is on objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data gathered via surveys, polls, and other means of gathering information, as well as the use of computer technology to manipulate statistical data that has already been obtained The goal of quantitative research is to collect numerical data, generalize it to other populations, or provide an explanation for specific phenomena
3.2.2 Main characteristics
Trang 13dependent or outcome variable) within a population is the aim of quantitative research studies Descriptive research methods include measuring subjects just once, while experimental research designs involve measuring subjects both before and after treatment Experimental research demonstrates causation, whereas a descriptive analysis just establishes relationships between variables
The three main components of quantitative research are logic, statistics, and objectivity In contrast to divergent reasoning, detailed, convergent reasoning is the emphasis of quantitative analysis
There are some characteristics of this method that can clarify the study Numerical data that can be quantified and statistically examined is the focus of quantitative research It is possible to quantify and express this data numerically It makes an effort to extrapolate generalizations from a sample to the entire population and concentrates on quantitative, observable occurrences Testing hypotheses is a common component of quantitative research, in which scientists develop theories and apply statistical techniques to examine them As a result, inferences concerning the correlations between variables may be made by researchers Quantitative research typically uses large sample sizes to increase the reliability and generalizability of the findings Larger samples enhance the statistical power of the study Large sample sizes are frequently used in quantitative research to improve the validity and generalizability of the results Greater sample sizes improve the study's statistical power The goal of quantitative research is to be repeatable Other researchers will be able to replicate the study and confirm the findings because the methodology and processes are well-defined The study findings have greater credibility when they are replicable The goal of quantitative research is generalizability, which refers to the applicability of the findings from the sample to the broader population One of the main objectives of quantitative research is generalizability Quantitative research frequently uses closed-ended questions with predefined response alternatives in surveys and questionnaires This facilitates simpler quantitative analysis and streamlines the data-collecting procedure Since quantitative research can quantify correlations and draw generalizations about populations, it is a popular method in the social sciences, natural sciences, and market research
3.2.3 Common use cases
The productivity of data collecting and analysis, or the target statistics and analysis Data and information are frequently gathered by surveys employing in-depth questionnaires and used in reasonable sample research schools
Trang 143.2.4 Why use it for the article's research?
Researchers can gather numerical data that is simple to measure and evaluate using quantitative approaches This is crucial for measuring changes in consumer awareness over time and comparing the effects of various advertising channels when evaluating brand awareness Statistical analysis of quantitative data may be used to ascertain the importance of any distinctions between out-of-home and social media advertising in terms of their impact on brand awareness This makes it possible for researchers to derive conclusions from statistical significance that are stronger To sum
up, research on OOH advertising and social advertising activities requires data and information on a certain quantity to provide the conclusion for this issue Furthermore, the quantitative method will select basic data customers in Ho Chi Minh City to serve the purpose of researching their brand awareness
3.3 The research method
- The population: Consumers in Ho Chi Minh City
- Sample frame: Behavior of people who genuinely pay attention to OOH advertising and social advertising in Ho Chi Minh City
- Sample size: 66
- Incidence rate: 100%
- Response rate: 100%
- Methods used to analyze data: Descriptive statistics
4 Results
4.1 About the respondents
There were about 66 interviewees and more than 90% of them had seen OOH and Social advertising at least one time(1) The mass of interviewees were female, accounting for 74,2% Moreover, most of the respondents are freshmen, accounting for 62,1%(2); and 53% of the total respondents claimed that they spend more than 3 hours per day on social media platforms