Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ Tạo động lực học tập trong dạy học cho sinh viên khối ngành kỹ thuật, công nghệ
Major: Theories & Teaching Methodologies of Industrial Engineering Subjects
Code: 9140111
HANOI - 2024
1 Assoc Prof Dr LE HUY HOANG
2 Assoc.Prof Dr NGUYEN TAN AN
Reviewer 1: Assoc Prof Dr Pham Ngoc Thang
Reviewer 2: Assoc Prof Dr Thai The Hung
Reviewer 3: Assoc Prof Dr Pham Kim Chung
The thesis is defended at the Subject-level Thesis Judging
Council, which is met at Hanoi National University of Education
At on date month / 2024
The thesis can be found at:
- Library of Hanoi National University of Education;
Trang 41 Nguyen Van Truc (2020), Motivating technology students to study in thedigital age and industrial revolution 4.0 – Educational ManagementMagazine, Academy of Educational Management, 5/2020, pp 82 – 87.
2 Nguyen Van Truc (2022), Current status of motivating students to study inengineering and technology, Vietnam Journal of Education, Volume 22special issue 4, May 2022, pp 281 - 285
3 Nguyen Van Truc (2022), Overview of research on learning motivation ofstudents majoring in engineering and technology, Vietnam Journal ofEducation, Volume 22 Special Issue 11, November 2022, pp 363 - 367
4 Nguyen Van Truc (2024), Measures to create learning motivation inteaching for students majoring in Engineering and Technology, Journal ofEducation and Society, 158 - 162; 173
The fourth industrial revolution has created huge impacts on countries inall aspects, forcing countries around the world to make changes focussing onscientific and technical development At the same time, this also posesrequirements for high-quality human resources in occupations in the fields ofengineering and technology
Facing these challenges, universities in general and universities ofengineering and technology in particular need to take measures to improvetraining quality At that time, students, those directly affected by thesemeasures, will increasingly improve their quality, which will be reflectedlargely in their academic achievements
One of the factors that is believed to have a great influence on students'academic achievement is learning motivation (learning motivation) Learningmotivation directs learning activities and encourages learners' enthusiasm forlearning Three functions of motivation in the teaching and learning process are:(1) encouraging people to act; (2) the motivation to determine the direction andactivities of teaching and learning must be carried out in accordance with thedevelopment of learning goals; and (3) determine what actions must be taken inharmony to achieve that goal
Therefore, engineering and technology universities must have measuresand policies to enhance students' learning motivation Each student needs todetermine motivation and clear learning direction to get good results ininnovative research, effective application to improve productivity and productquality, and build a growing Vietnamese brand sustainable development
To do this, schools must have a systematically built theoretical basis on theissue of motivating students to learn Then, evaluate the current state ofmotivation and the level of impact of those factors on students' learningmotivation On that basis, schools will have both theoretical and practical bases
to develop measures and policies to enhance students' learning motivation
Based on the above reasons, with the desire to contribute to improving thequality of training at universities of engineering and technology in Vietnam, the
Trang 6author chose the topic: "Creating learning motivation in teaching" study forengineering and technology students" to research in his thesis.
Based on theoretical research and assessment of the current state oflearning motivation for students majoring in engineering and technology, thecurrent situation of creating learning motivation in teaching for studentsmajoring in engineering and technology, proposed measures to create learningmotivation for engineering and technology students during the teaching process
of modules, contributing to improving the quality of student training
1 Subjects of research: The process of teaching students in engineering
and technology fields
2 Objects of research: Measures to create learning motivation for
engineering and technology students during the process of teaching modules
at school
3 The area of research: The research topic clarifies the factors that
affect the learning motivation of engineering and technology students duringthe teaching process, and some measures to create learning motivation inteaching for engineering students art, technology
The topic surveys the current situation from January 2020 - March 2022for engineering and technology students at some engineering and technologyschools nationwide
- Organise experiments at Hanoi University of Textile and GarmentIndustry for the first semester of the 2022 - 2023 school year
If factors affecting the learning motivation of engineering and technologystudents can be identified, a number of measures can be developed andimplemented to promote learning motivation in teaching to ensure scientificprinciples Learning to directly impact the components of students' learningmotivation in the process of training students in engineering and technologyfields will promote students' learning motivation, contributing to improving thequality of students' learning amount of student training
The chosen topic uses a combination of the following research methods
Methods of researching texts and documents;
- Professional solution;
- In-depth interview method;
- Questionnaire survey method;
- Statistical data processing methods kê
- Supplement and clarify concepts related to the issue of motivatinglearning in teaching for engineering and technology students;
Identify factors that affect the learning motivation of students majoring inengineering and technology in teaching
Assess the current status of the level of learning motivation of studentsmajoring in engineering and technology; Current status of motivating learning
in teaching for engineering and technology students This is the basis forevaluating the urgency of creating learning motivation in teaching students, aswell as the basis for proposing measures to create learning motivation forstudents in the teaching process
- Propose some measures to create and promote learning motivation forengineering and technology students during the teaching process
The main content of the thesis includes 3 chapters and conclusions andrecommendations There are also: introduction, references, appendices
Trang 8CONTENTS Chapter 1
This section briefly presents the research situation on motivation, workmotivation, and learning motivation of students
From the overall research, it can be seen that in order to increase thelearning motivation of engineering and technology students effectively, it isnecessary to study the problem in both theoretical and practical aspects thatscientific works have not been mentioned before or have not been mentionedsystematically Specifically: identify the main factors and components thatcreate and promote learning motivation for students; identify models andstrategies to motivate students through teaching activities; research the currentstate of motivation and create learning motivation for students in engineeringand technology fields; identify factors affecting students' learning motivation;propose appropriate measures to motivate students in engineering andtechnology fields in teaching
1.2.2 Motivation for learning
Student learning motivation is the factor that promotes student learningactivities in the direction of increasing responsibility, positivity, and initiative toachieve higher learning goals
1.2.3 Create learning motivation in teaching for students in engineering and technology fields
Trang 9Motivating students to learn in teaching requires that teachers build andimplement a system of specific measures to influence students to help themimprove responsibility, positivity, and initiative in learning learning to achievehigher learning goals.
1.3.1 Characteristics of students majoring in engineering and technology
Based on the analysis of the specifics of engineering and technologymajors, engineering and technology majors must meet the basic requirements ofability, quality, and physical strength to be able to easily meet the requirements.get a job after graduation and meet the rapid changes in science and technology
1.3.2 Structure and expression of learning motivation of engineering and technology students
The learning motivation of engineering and technology students isstructured, including internal motivation and external motivation In particular,students' internal motivation is related to their love and passion for learningeven though there are no external rewards; the joy of learning new things, theneed to perfect one's knowledge and skills; excitement when experiencingchallenging activities; satisfaction of one's passion for the chosen profession.Extrinsic motivation includes regulations about the academic results needed tograduate, liking to get high grades, liking to express oneself when completing
an academic task, receiving rewards/scholarships, or avoiding punishment ;Learn to meet family expectations, learn to compete with others
Learning motivation in engineering and technology students is expressedthrough:
- Regarding awareness: Always see the necessity of making efforts tostudy; Try to meet the requirements of school and society; Identify the activitiesthat need to be performed to achieve career goals; Determine how to study toachieve better learning results; Identify ways to continuously improve yourself;
Be aware of the connection between your own goals and the school's goals
- Attitude: Feeling excited before each class; Feeling excited about newchallenges in learning and research; Feeling excited when teachers actively
Trang 10teach in class; Feeling happy when accessing new knowledge; Feel proud whenstudying and researching the field you have chosen
- Regarding behaviour: Regularly update new knowledge to meet futurecareer requirements; Always perform well in studying/research, meeting theschool's requirements; Always adhere to time: go to school and participate inactivities on time; Be active and complete learning tasks; Serious and honest intesting and evaluating learning results; Be passionate, explore, and participate
in scientific research even though the curriculum is not required; Set specific,clear learning goals for each stage; Find ways to overcome difficulties andobstacles to achieve your goals
1.3.3 Factors affecting the learning motivation of engineering and technology students
Factors that affect the learning motivation of engineering and technologystudents include subjective factors of the students themselves; there areobjective factors coming from the outside Subjective factors include students'personal characteristics such as awareness, will, and life perspective Objectivefactors include: social environment, environment, learning conditions, trainingprogramme, teacher quality, management
The process of teaching students in engineering and technology fieldsneeds to ensure the requirements of lecturers (having good professionalknowledge and skills; fully preparing lessons; being able to orient students toapply specialised knowledge to solve practical problems, the ability to accessreal production, access to new production technology; convey knowledgeclearly and easily to understand; effectively use industrial equipmenttechnology combined with the use of teaching methods in the direction ofenhancing active cognitive activities of students); Facilities and equipment(clean, spacious, airy classrooms; fully equipped teaching facilities to facilitatemodern teaching); training programme (curriculum objectives) (complete andclear curriculum objectives for students; fully equip students with knowledge tomeet social needs; help students practice practical application skills; developautonomy and responsibility); Extracurricular activities (refresher courses, soft
Trang 11skills training, scientific research skills to help students participate well inprogrammes, job seminars, scientific seminars, and start-ups).
1.4.2 Proposed measures to create learning motivation in teaching for engineering and technology majors
The basis for proposing measures to motivate students to learn includes:factors that motivate students (emotional components, value components,expectation components); motivational theoretical models (Self-determinationtheory, ARCS model, six Cs model, five A's model); Factors affecting theprocess of motivating learning in teaching engineering and technology students(students themselves, lecturers, teaching content, teaching methods, learningenvironment)
1.4.3 Strategies to create learning motivation in teaching for students majoring in engineering and technology
Factors and models that motivate students to learn and factors that affectthe process of motivating learning in teaching engineering and technologystudents show the need to propose strategies To improve both internal andexternal motivation for students: Strategies to create internal learning motivation for students during the teaching process
To build intrinsic motivation in learning, teachers need to pay attention tostudents' intellectual, emotional, and social maturity Extrinsic motivation can
be provided by teachers by adjusting learning conditions and situations tobenefit students, and this extrinsic motivation can be converted into intrinsicmotivation, which is when learners perceive point out the importance oflearning and they study sincerely without being told by others To do this,teachers need to:
+ Organise students to participate in the development of classroom rulesand procedures, set learning goals, choose learning activities and exercises, andwork methods through the development of plans Clear learning plan
+ Link learning goals with student goals so that learning goals becomestudent goals or are similar to student goals;
+ Allows students to expand their learning activities and materials whilestaying within the core areas of study;
+ Provide sufficient additional time for students to develop assignments
Trang 12and take advantage of existing learning resources at school; Strategies to create external learning motivation for students during the teaching process
a Apply some reward regimes to students: External motivation encouragesstudents to have appropriate behaviours toward studying or subjects that they
do not really like While some people study for their own enjoyment, somestudents need rewards or punishments to motivate them to participate inlearning Therefore, teachers must use rewards at an appropriate level andmethodically to effectively increase student autonomy
b Innovate teaching methods and forms according to the orientations ofenhancing students' positive and proactive learning: Learning tasks must bedesigned to be diverse in terms of students' ability levels; Associate knowledgewith practical problems; Provide regular and flexible practice activities;Increase the use of collaborative teaching
c Create a learning environment that is beneficial to students' learningmotivation; which focusses on creating an environment that helps students haveexperiential activities related to professional practice
1Recognizing the role and meaning of motivation in learning activities andlearning motivation of learners has been researched by many authors However,new research focusses only on models and strategies to motivate learning forstudents in general; there are no studies that have gone in-depth and clarifiedmethods of motivating learning in teaching for students engineering andindustrial students; especially when society in general and education inparticular are strongly impacted by the fourth industrial revolution
2 Motivation for learning plays a very important role for students increating excitement, desire and responsibility in learning; From there, it willhelp students have a sense of self-improvement, master knowledge, and activelystudy and research to achieve the highest results If there is no motivation tostudy, students will learn in a formal and reactive way; that leads to limitedknowledge and skills acquired Therefore, teachers should focus on creating andpromoting increased student learning motivation during the teaching process
Trang 133 The by students for learning motivation is not inherent, but is formedand developed during the learning and practice process by students At the sametime, the motivation for over time, students' learning will also change; it can belost or enhanced.
4 The demonstrations of motivation to learn among engineering andtechnology students are very diverse It can be expressed through theawareness, behaviour, and attitude of students during the learning process
5 The motivation to learn of students has a complex structure, includingboth internal and external motivation; At the same time, it is also affected bymany different factors Therefore, to create motivation in teaching engineeringstudents, technology needs to influence those factors: from factors related tointernal motivation such as awareness, goals, to other factors related to externalmotivation such as teaching methods and forms of organisation, etc Therefore,
to create learning motivation for students in teaching, teachers must implement
a system of different strategies to create learning motivation for students inteaching Favourable factors to form and develop learning motivation forstudents
6 Based on the main components to improve student learning motivation,
it can be seen that there are many different impact directions to promote studentlearning motivation such as from the students themselves or through Teacherswith appropriate content and teaching methods combined with a favourableenvironment
2.1.1 The purpose of studying the reality
Collect information to analyse and evaluate the current state of learningmotivation and create learning motivation in teaching students at engineering andtechnology universities in Vietnam This is the basis for proposing measures tocreate learning motivation in the teaching of engineering and technology students inVietnam, thereby improving training quality and meeting the high human resourceneeds according to the requirements of socio-economic development
2.1.2 Objects and areas of the reaserch
- Research subjects: The total number of subjects participating in thesurvey is 2215; including 2195 students and 20 teachers
- Research area: The thesis survey area includes five universities thatprovide training in engineering and technology University of Technology -Hanoi National University, Hanoi University of Science and Technology , HoChi Minh City University of Technology, Ba Ria - Vung Tau University HanoiUniversity of Textile and Garment Industry
2.1.3 The content of the survey
(1) Assess the current state of learning motivation of students inengineering and technology universities in Vietnam;
(2) Assess the current situation of motivating students to study atengineering and technology universities in Vietnam;
(3) Assess the current status of the influence of learning motivation onengineering and technology students in Vietnam today;
(4) Identify strengths, limitations, and causes leading to this situation inmotivating students to study engineering and technology
(5) Assess the current status of teachers' measures to motivate engineeringand technology students;
2.1.4 Methods of Studying the Reality
The topic uses a combination of several research methods, in which thequestionnaire survey method is the main method, interview methods, andmathematical statistics are supplementary methods