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Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1

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Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk1

CONTENTS Unit 1 LOCAL ENVIRONMENT .4 Unit 2 CITY LIFE .23 Unit 3 TEEN STRESS AND PRESSURE 41 REVIEW 1 65 Unit 4 LIFE IN THE PAST 81 Unit 5 WONDERS OF VIETNAM 100 Unit 6 VIETNAM: THEN AND NOW 123 REVIEW 2 141 1 2 Unit 1 LOCAL ENVIRONMENT A REVIEW Transcription Meaning Examples I Vocabulary /ˌɑːtɪˈzæn/ Thợ làm nghề thủ The hand-woven textiles were Words công made by skilled local artisans artisan (n) /əˈtrækʃn/ Sự / sức/ điểm hấp City life holds little attraction for attraction (n) dẫn me /Buckingham Palace is a major tourist attraction authenticity (n) /ˌɔːθenˈtɪsəti/ Tính xác thực The authenticity of the letter is cast (v) beyond doubt craft (n) /kɑːst/ Đúc (đồng) The statue cast in bronze is heavy craftsman (n) /krɑːft/ Nghề thủ công Sheep shearing is a highly skilled cross (v) /ˈkrɑːftsmən/ Thợ thủ công craft drumhead (n) It is clearly the work of a master /krɒs/ Đan chéo craftsman embroider (v) The roads cross just outside the frame (n) /drʌmhed/ Mặt trống town handicraft (n) A drumhead is a membrane lacquer (n) /ɪmˈbrɔɪdə(r)/ Dệt stretched over one or both of the layer (n) /freɪm/ Khung open ends of a drum mould (v) /ˈhændikrɑːft/ Sản phẩm thủ công The sleeves were embroidered in preserve (v) /ˈlækə(r)/ Sơn mài Hold /ˈleɪə(r)/ Lớp (lá) I'm going to paint the door frame /məʊld/ Đổ khuôn white /prɪˈzɜːv/ Bảo tồn, bảo vệ Her hobbies are music, reading and handicraft Lacquer is a type of solvent- based product A thin layer of dust covered everything The figure had been moulded in clay Efforts to preserve the peace have 3 remind (v) /rɪˈmaɪnd/ Gợi nhớ failed The building reminded me sculpture (n) /ˈskʌlptʃə(r)/ Điêu khắc, đồ điêu strongly of my old school khắc She creates sculptures out of set off (ph.v) /setˈ ɔːf/ Khởi hành scrap materials strip (n) /strɪp/ Mành, dải We set off for London just after surface (n) /ˈsɜːfɪs/ Bề mặt ten team building (n) /tiːm bɪldɪŋ / Việc xây dựng đội a strip of paper, a strip of cloth ngũ Teeth have a hard surface layer thread (n) /θred/ Sợi chỉ called enamel treat (v) /triːt/ Xử lí (chất thải) The programme focuses on team turn up (ph.v) /ˈtɜːn ʌp/ Xuất hiện, đến building weave (v) /wiːv/ Đan, dệt This is a robe embroidered with workshop (n) /ˈwɜːkʃɒp/ Công xưởng gold thread Water is discharged from the sewage works after being treated Don't worry about the letter— I'm sure it'll turn up She is skilled at spinning and weaving The workshop employs 25 fulltime workers II Word formation Words Related words Transcription Meaning attract (v) attraction (n) /əˈtrækʃn/ Sự hút, sức hút authentic (a) Chất hấp dẫn côn attractant (n) /əˈtræktənt/ trùng Hấp dẫn attractive (a) /əˈtræktɪv/ Một cách hấp dẫn attractively (adv) /əˈtræktɪvli / Sự hấp dẫn, sự lôi cuốn attractiveness (n) /əˈtræktɪvnəs/ Tính xác thực Đích thực, xác thực authenticity (n) /ˌɔːθenˈtɪsəti/ Xác nhận authentically (adv) /ɔːˈθentɪkli/ Sự xác nhận authenticate (v) /ɔːˈθentɪkeɪt/ authentication (n) /ɔːˌθentɪˈkeɪʃn/ 4 cast (v) inauthentic (a) /ˌɪnɔːˈθentɪk/ Không thật, giả craftsman (n) inauthenticity (n) /ˌɪnɔːθenˈtɪsəti/ Tính không thật embroider (v) caster (n) /ˈkɑːstə(r)/ Thợ đúc casting (n) /ˈkɑːstɪŋ/ Sự đúc, vật đúc craftsmen (n.pl) /ˈkrɑːftsmən/ Thợ thủ công craftswoman (n) /ˈkrɑːftswʊmən/ Nữ thợ thủ công crattswomen (n.pl) /ˈkrɑːftswɪmɪn/ Nữ thợ thủ công embroiderer (n) /ɪmˈbrɔɪdə(r)/ Người dệt Công việc thêu, đồ embroidery (n) /ɪmˈbrɔɪdəri/ thêu preserver (n) /prɪˈzɜːvə(r)/ Người bảo quản preservation (n) /ˌprezəˈveɪʃn/ Sự bảo quản, sự giữ gìn preserve (v) preservationist (n) /ˌprezəˈveɪʃənɪst/ Người bảo thủ preservative (a, n) /prɪˈzɜːvətɪv/ Bảo quản, chất bảo quản remind (v) preservable (a) /prɪˈzɜːvətbl/ Có thể bảo quản treat (v) reminder (n) /rɪˈmaɪndə(r)/ Điều gợi nhớ treatment (n) /ˈtriːtmənt/ Việc đối xử, cách xử lí weave(v) Có thể xử lí, có thể III Grammar treatable (a) /ˈtriːtəbl/ điều trị Người giải quyết treater (n) /ˈtriːtə(r)/ Hiệp ước, thỏa thuận treaty (n) /ˈtriːti/ Thợ dệt weaver (n) /ˈwiːvə(r)/ Công việc dệt weaving (n) /ˈwiːvɪŋ/ 1 Câu phức hợp Câu phức hợp là câu gồm có một mệnh đề chính (Main clause) và một hoặc nhiều mệnh đề phụ (Subordinate clauses) Mệnh đề phụ có chủ ngữ và vị ngữ riêng Mệnh đề phụ là một bộ phận của câu tương đương với một danh từ (mệnh đề phụ danh từ), tính từ (mệnh đề phụ tính từ/mệnh đề quan hệ) hoặc phó từ (mệnh đề phụ trạng ngữ) Mệnh đề phụ kết nối với mệnh đề chính bởi liên từ 5 phụ thuộc trong mệnh đề phụ trạng ngữ, kết nối bằng đại từ quan hệ (which, who, whom, whose, that) trong mệnh đề phụ tính từ/mệnh đề quan hệ, hoặc kết nối bằng that, if/whether, what, when, where, how trong mệnh đề phụ danh từ Eg: He's going to pass his test even if he doesn't study Mệnh đề chính Mệnh đề phụ Even if he doesn't study, he's going to pass his test Mệnh đề chính Mệnh đề phụ Các liên từ phụ thuộc trong mệnh để phụ trạng ngữ bao gổm: Nguyên Nhượng bộ Điều kiện Nơi chốn Mục đích Thời gian nhân After As Although If Where In order that Before Because Even though Unless Wherever So that As soon as Since Even if On condition that For fear that Once Though As long as Until Whereas Provided that When While Providing that Whenever While 2 Cụm động từ (Phrasal verbs) Cụm động từ là cụm từ có cấu trúc bao gồm một động từ đi với một hoặc hai tiểu từ (phó từ, giới từ như: up, down, in, on ) Khi các tiểu từ kết hợp với động từ tạo thành cụm động từ có ý nghĩa khác hoàn toàn so với nghĩa động từ ban đầu - Cụm động từ có thể là nội động từ: Please don't give up I hope that my idea came across well - Cụm động từ có thể là ngoại động từ: He has been looking after his mother 6 He has been looking after her He has been looking her after (incorrect) - Một số cụm động từ có thể đồng thời là nội động từ hoặc ngoại động từ, tuỳ thuộc vào nghĩa thành ngữ được sử dụng: The two friends made up after their bitter argument (Nội động từ) Please stop making up excuses (Ngoại động từ) Một số cụm động từ thường gặp Cụm động từ Nghĩa Ví dụ be about to do st Định, sắp sửa làm gì Hi Johnny, I was about to call you be in Có mặt I will let you know as soon as the doctor be into Rất thích is in Rất hào hứng I'm really into this band rigid now be over Kết thúc The worst is over He should start to come across sb/st Tình cờ gặp ai/tìm thấy cái gì recover in a few days I came across that old watch of mine come into Thừa kế (tiền, tài sản) when I was cleaning out the drawers come up with Tìm ra, nảy ra ý tưởng He must have come into a bit of money I'm finding it difficult to come up with come down with Bị nhiễm bệnh new ideas I don't feel very well today I think I've get on (with sb) Có quan hệ tốt come down with the flu We're getting on much better now that get out of Tránh khỏi we don’t live together get (a)round to Thu xếp thời gian để hoàn tất How can I get out of this mess I'm in st/doing st việc gì I still haven't gotten (a)round to fixing get back Trở về the broken table get rid of Vứt bỏ What time did you get back last night? give away st Hiến tặng I want to get rid of that old mattress He's a generous man He gives away half give out Phân phát of his salary to charity each month Can you give out these books to the rest 7 give up Từ bỏ of the class please? look into Điều tra, xem xét, nghiên cứu The doctor has told me to give up look up Tra cứu (từ điển) smoking look forward to Mong đợi, mong chờ The police are looking into reports of a look after Trông nom, chăm sóc robbery last night look down on Khinh thường Can you look up John's phone number look up to Coi trọng for me please? break down Hư hỏng I am looking forward to seeing my family again after six months of living abroad Can you look after my cat while I'm away? My neighbours look down on us because we have less money She really looks up to her boss He has taught her many things My car broke down on the highway today B PRACTICE TEST TEST 1 PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY I Circle the best option A, B, C or D to choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those of the others 1 A surface B attraction C lacquerware D artisan 2 A layer B artisan C frame D place 3 A drum B culture C museum D sculpture 4 A weave B treat C deal D drumhead 5 A although B authenticity C through D tablecloth II Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions 1 A communicate B generation C historical D environment 2 A handicraft B department C embroider D opinion 3 A transfer (v.) B remind C accept D publish 8 4 A handicraft B lacquerware C artisan D pottery 5 A architecture B embroidery C authority D historical 6 A prosperity B experience C complicated D traditional 7 A bamboo B village C workshop D famous 8 A business B grandparents C experience D chocolate 9 A pottery B lantern C sculpture D repeat 10 A formation B memorable C behaviour D endangered VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I Circle the best option A, B, C, or D to complete each of the sentences 1 _ for the fact that he was working abroad, he would willingly have helped with the project A If it had been B If it had not been C Had it been D Hadn't it been 2 Whenever he had an important decision to make, he _ a cigar, supposedly to calm his nerves! A had it B would have lit C would light D would be lighting 3 Many children who get into trouble in their early teens go on to become _ offenders A persistent B insistent C consistent D resistant 4 He had repeatedly warned the children _ playing too near the canal A of B with C about D for 5 Good restaurants serving traditional English food are very hard to _ A come into B come by C come to D come at 6 Secondary schools offer a wide _ of subjects A field B scope C list D range 7 If you don't know the language, you may have to use _ language A hand B gesture C head D signal 8 The government has recently _ the buildings in the old section of the city A reformed B adjusted C restored D modified 9 9 When she came _, she found herself in hospital A round B off C over D out 10 You'll have to go for an interview tomorrow, but don't worry It's just a _ A form B format C formation D formality 11 Since the _ of the motor car, road accidents have increased A approach B inauguration C initiation D advert 12 I must have browsed through hundreds of _, but I have no idea where to go for this year holiday A booklets B yellow pages C brochures D propaganda 13 It's possible to supplement one's _ by taking a part-time job A income B earning C gaining D attainment 14 I was _ in the book I was reading and didn't hear the phone A engrossed B submerge C gripped D distracted 15 He couldn't _ his father that he was telling the truth A admit B confide C trust D convince II Provide a fitting subordinator to fill the gaps in these sentences 1 I'm going to the bank _ I need some money 2 I made lunch _ I got home 3 _ it's raining, she's going for a walk in the park 4 _ she finishes her homework soon, she will fail the class 5 He decided to trust Tim _ he was an honest man 6 _ we went to school, she decided to investigate the situation 7 Jennifer decided to leave Tom _ he was too worried about his job 8 Dennis bought a new jacket _ he had received one as a gift last week 9 Brandley claims that there will be trouble _ he doesn't complete the job 10 Janice will have finished the report _ the time you receive the letter III Supply the correct forms of the words given in bold to complete the sentences 1 Schools must try to make science more ……………… to youngsters (ATTRACT) 2 The room is arranged very …………………… (ATTRACT) 10

Ngày đăng: 20/03/2024, 11:05
