Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2 Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2 Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2 Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2 Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2 Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2 Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2 Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2 Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2 Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2 Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2 Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2 Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2 Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2 Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2 Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2 Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2 Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2 Củng cố ôn luyện anh 9 hk2
I Vocabulary
chop (v) / tʃɒp/ chặt Feel the cucumber and chop it into
dip (v) /dɪp/ nhúng She dipped her toe into the pool to see
how cold it was.
drain (v) /dreɪn/ làm ráo nước Leave the dishes to drain.
garnish (v) /ˈɡɑːnɪʃ/ trang trí (thức ăn) Garnish the dish with almonds before
grill (v) /grɪl/ nướng I'll grill the bacon rather than fry it.
Marinate (v) /ˈmærɪneɪt/ ướp I allways marinate the chicken in white
wine for a couple of hours before frying.
peel(v) /pi:l/ gọt vỏ, bóc vỏ We should peel potatoes before cooking.
puree (v) /ˈpjʊərei/ xay nhuyễn The first solid food she gave her baby
was puréed carrot.
roast(v) /rəʊst/ quay I roasted the vegetables with some olive
shallot (n) /ʃəˈlɒt/ hành khô Cooking with shallots means adding
their delicate flavour to many dishes in your kitchen.
simmer (v) /ˈsɪmə(r)/ om Leave the soup to simmer for 10 minutes
before serving it.
Trang 2spread (v) /spred/ phết (bơ) She spread her toast with a thick layer
staple (n) /'steɪpl/ lương thực chính The staple crop is rice.
starter (n) /ˈstɑːtə[r]/ món khai vị This dish can be served as a starter or a
main course.
steam (v) /sti:m/ hấp The best way to steam your food to is of
course to have a steamer at home.
stew (n, v) /stju:/ (món) hầm I'm making a stew for lunch.
stir-fry (v) /ˈstɜː fraɪ/ xào Stir-fry the chicken for one minute, then
add the vegetables.
tender (a) /'tendə(r) mềm This meat is extremely tender.
/ˈvɜːsətaɪl/ đa dụng Eggs are easy to cook and are an
extremely versatile food.
whisk (v) /wisk/ Đánh (trứng ) He whisked the butter and eggs
together, wondering if this was the right way to make an omelette.
II Word formation
combine (v) combination (n) /ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃn/ sự kết hợp
tradition (n) traditional (a) /trəˈdɪʃənl/ truyền thống
succeed (v) success (n) /səkˈses/ sự thành công
successful (a) /səkˈsesfl / thành côngsuccessfully
/ səkˈsesfəli/ một cách thành công
important (a) importance (n) / ɪmˈpɔːtns/ tầm quan trọng
signify (v) significant (a) /sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/ quan trọng
Trang 3significance (n) / sɪɡˈnɪfɪkəns / ý nghĩasignification (n) /ˌsɪɡnɪfɪˈkeɪʃn / sự báo hiệunutrition (n) nutritious (a) /njuˈtrɪʃəs/ bổ dưỡng
mix (v) mixture (n) /ˈmɪkstʃə(r)/ sự pha trộn
cook (v) overcook (n) /ˌəʊvəˈkʊk/ nấu quá lửa
undercook (n) /ˌʌndəˈkʊk/ Nấu thiếu lửaarrange (v) arrangement (n) /əˈreɪndʒmənt/ sự sắp xếp
additional (a) /əˈdɪʃənl/ cộng thêm, thêmcharacter
characteristic (n) /ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk/ đặc tínhcharacterise (v) /ˈkærəktəraɪz/ mô tả
healthily (adv) /ˈhelθi/ɪli/ một cách khỏe mạnhunhealthy (a) /ʌnˈhelθi/i/ không khỏe
I want some milk.
I need some eggs.
- Sometimes some is used in interrogative sentences when expecting the answer is Yes, or is used
in sentences for requesting, inviting and offering
Did you buy some oranges?
Would you like some more coffee?
May I go out for some drink?
Trang 41.2 Any: Một ít, một vài
- Any is often used before countable nouns in plural form or uncountable nouns in negative orinterrogative sentences
Do you want any sugar?
She didn't see any boys in her class.
- Any is used before uncountable nouns and countable nouns in singular form in affirmativeclauses with negative meaning or after words having negative meaning like never, hardly,scarcely, without
I'm free all day Come and see me any time you like.
He's lazy He never does any work
If there are any letters for me, can you send them on to this address?
If you need any more money, please let me know.
- We can use some and any without any nouns when those nouns are identified
Tim wanted some milk, but he couldn't find any.
(Or) If you have no stamps, I will give you some.
- Pronouns like something, anything, someone, anyone, somebody, anybody, somewhere, anywhere can be used in a similar way with some and any
I don't see anything on the table.
(Or) Is there anybody in your house now?
(Or) I want to do something to help you.
2 A cup of tea, a loaf of bread
- Tea and bread are uncountable nouns, so we cannot use article ‘a’ or numbers before them, but
we can say a cup of tea và a loaf of bread
Trang 5- Some other examples of expression of uncountable nouns: a carton of apple juice, a tin ofpaint, a bottle of milk, a box of cereal, a tube of toothpaste, a glass of coffee, a piece of wood, aslice of bread, a sheet of paper, half a pound of butter, two littres of petrol, a bar of chocolate
- This way of expression can also be used for plural nouns after of: a box of matches, two kilos
of tomatoes, a collection of stamps
3 Modal verbs in Conditional Sentences Type 1
If + S + V (present simple) S + will/ can/ may/ might/ should/ must + V (bare
I will buy a big house if I have enough money.
I will be late for school if you don't drive faster.
If he wants to pass the exam, he must study harder.
If you finish your homework, you can watch TV (permission)
He can learn to become a good cook if he tries hard (ability)
If she likes eating spicy food, he may/ might add chilli (possibility)
If you feel unhealthy, you shouldn't eat fast food (advice)
If you don't want to get weight, you must follow these safety instructions, (necessity)
I Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1 Food in Northern Vietnam is not as _as that in Central and Southern Vietnam, asblack pepper is often used rather than chilies
2 Despite the differences in cuisine of each region, there are similarities, such as the _for main meals - rice, ways of adding fish sauce, herbs and other flavours
3 A meal of Hue people has a natural combination between flavours and colours of dishes, whichcreates the unique _ in the regional cuisine
Trang 64 _ of famous dishes in Southern Vietnam are Hu Tieu Nam Vang, Bun Mam, friedrice, flour cake, and many kinds of puddings.
5 If I feel hungry in the afternoon, I _ snacks like fresh carrots, a bottle of milk or aslice of bread
6 My father _ hot pot, in which there is a combination of seasoned broth, vegetablesand meats if my mother goes home late this evening
7 If people work so much, they _ depressed and eat more food containing a lot of fatand sugar rather than minerals and vitamins
8 Beet greens are the most _part of the vegetable and can be cooked like any otherdark leafy green
A careful B nutritious C traditional D colourful
9 You _ chicken It means that you cook it in an oven or over a fire without liquid
10 Such ingredients as sugar, sugarcane, and coconut water are mostly used in SouthernVietnamese food than in _places in Northern and Central Vietnam
II Complete the following sentences with a, an, some or any.
1 I here arean’t _ good restaurants in this town
2 Don’t worry about lunch I've bought _ pizzas
3 We’d like to stay longer, but we don't have _ time
4 Could you give me _ information please?
5 I’m really hungry now Can you give me _ apple?
III Give the correct term of the word in brackets to complete the following text.
Good cooking is always a strange (1 MIX) _ of science and art Certainly, you alsohave to be fairly creative if you want to come up with your own recipes All cooking alsodemands a fair amount of (2 PREPARE) _, and tlais is doubly true when you'reproducing orginal dishes You also have to be thick - skinned You'll be (3 SURPRISE)
Trang 7_ by how honest people can be when it comes to food I've had people tell me my latestdish is (4 DISGUST) _ and thoroughly incredible! Sometimes, they were right! Butdon't get upset Just smile sweetly and thank them for their valuable opinion And never forgetthat when you're waiting (5 ANXIOUS) _to hear whether or not your 'masterpiece' is asuccess and they suddenly show their appreciation you'll realize it was all worth it.
IV Read the text below and write one word in each blank to complete it.
In a modem dairy, tire milking of cows is carried out by machines Cows are usually milkedtwice a (1) _ by a milking machine The warm milk from cow is collected in a large vatwhere it is cooled The milk is then (2) _ to another part of the dairy for processing.Fresh milk is converted to pasteurized milk and cream in the processing section of the dairy
A number of machines are used to process the milk Three of the most (3) _ machinesused to process milk are the separator, the pasteurizer and the homogenizer
The separator removes the cream from the milk Milk without cream is known as skimmedmilk Skimmed milk is drunk by people who want to (4) _ the fat content in their diet.The pasteurizer serves to heat the milk to a certain temperature so as to destroy any bacteria that
it may contain It is not safe to drink milk that has not been pasteurized Cream and milk areblended in the homogenized to produce full-cream milk The milk is then cooked and (5) _ The bottles are stored in a cool place before they are delivered to shops and homes
V Read the text and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
A cacao tree is about seven meters high and is covered with large leaves Up to 6,000 smallpink or white flowers appear on a tree every year Only a few of these flowers produce a pod.Each pod is about 15 to 20 centimetres long and contains from 20 to 50 beans A tree producesonly about 20 to 40 pods a year
People gather these pods, break them open with large knives, take out the beans, and drythem After a few days, the beans are cleaned, roasted, and ground into tiny pieces The naturalfat in the beans becomes a liquid Chocolate is made from this liquid
Today the largest suppliers of chocolate are Ghana, the Ivory Coast, Nigeria, and Brazil.Ghana got its first cacao tree from Fernando Po, a Spanish colony off the coast of Africa AGhanaian who was working on Fernando Po in 1879 took a cacao pod home and planted it Itgrew into a tree Other people slowly started growing cacao trees Before this, there were wars inthe region for decades When people started growing cacao trees, they stopped fighting In thisway, chocolate brought peace to the Africans there
Trang 8A tropical tree with an Indian name brought peace to West Africa Chocolate bringspleasure to all of us when we eat and drink this delicious food.
1 _ A cacao tree is about seven meters high and covered with large pink and whiteleaves
2 _ Each year, a cacao tree has 6,000 flowers which produce a pod of about 15 to 20centimetres long and contains from 20 to 50 beans
3 _ Chocolate is made from the liquid which are the natural fat in the beans taken outfrom the cacao's flower pods
4 _ People in Ghana started planting cacao in 1879 and cacao trees helped them stopfighting
5 _ We can feel happy and comfortable when we eat and drink chocolate
VI Read the following text and answer the questions below.
Isn't it amazing how much time we spend talking about food? “Have you ever eaten ?”
“What did you have for lunch?” and so on And when you travel from one country to another,you find that people have quite different feelings about food People often feel that what they eat
is normal, and that what other people eat is strange or silly
In most parts of Asia, for example, no meal is complete without rice In England, people eatpotatoes every day In the Middle East, bread is the main part of every meal Eating, like so manythings we do, becomes a habit which is difficult to change Americans like to drink a lot oforange juice and coffee The English drink tea four or five times every day Australians drinklarge amount of beer and the French drink wine every day
The sort of meat people like to eat also differs from one country to another Horse meat isthought to be delicious in France In Hong Kong, some people enjoy eating snakes NewZealanders eat sheep, but they never eat goat meat The Japanese don't like to eat sheep meatbecause of its smell, but they enjoy raw fish
So it seems that although eating is a topic that we can talk about for hours, there is very littlecommon sense in what we say about it People everywhere enjoy eating what they have alwaysbeen eating, and there is very little we can do to change our eating habits
1 What does the writer think of people's opinions about food?
2 What do people in many Asian countries almost always have in their meals?
Trang 93 Where do people prefer tea to other drinks?
VII Use the given words to write the complete sentences.
1 There/ nothing more appetizing/ smell of meat sizzling over an open fire
Trang 10VIII Finish each of the following sentences so that its meaning stays the same.
1 Follow these safety instructions or you may get burnt
I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others
in each group.
II Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the others in each group.
6 A individual B supermarket C avocado D information
9 A understand B geography C engineer D disappearance
I Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
11 If you _ a choice, which country will you visit?
12 Trees won't grow _ there is enough water
13 An interesting feature in northern cuisine is in winter all family members gather around a bighotpot _ there is a combination of seasoned broth, vegetables and meats
14 The patient could not recover unless he _ an operation
[undergo: pass through]
15 One special feature of cuisine in Southern Vietnam is short cooking time which aims to _ the freshness of food
16 Pumpkin soup is a good source of _ , minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin A
17 If you _ to be chosen as a chef in that restaurant, you'll have to be experienced inthe field
18 You usually _ into many small pieces
19 If I had enough money, I _ abroad to improve my English and try the localspecalities
A will go B would go C should go D should have to go
20 Don't worry about lunch I've bought _ sandwiches
21 Could you bring me _ glass of lemonade, please?
Trang 1222 They ground beans from the cacao or cocoa tree and mixed them _ water andvanilla to make a drink.
23 When Africans started _ cacao trees, they stopped fighting, so chocolate broughtpeace there
24 If it rains tomorrow, we _ postpone going on a picnic
25 The tradition of taking different meats, and sometimes vegetables as well, and spearing themwith a sharp stick called a skewer _ cultural lines today
A crossed B has crossed C crosses D is crossing
II Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses of the conditionals
26 If she (need) _ the recipe, she can ask me
27 If you (not go) _ away, I’ll send for the police
28 She will be absolutely furious if she (hear) _ about this
29 If we leave the car here, it (not be) _ in anybody's way
30 He'll be late for the train if he (not start) _ at one
31 If he (go) _ on telling lies, nobody will believe a word he says
32 Unless they (sell) _ more, they won't get much commission
33 Well have to move upstairs if the river (rise) _ any higher
34 If we (work) _ hard today, can we have a day off tomorrow?
35 If the house burns down, we (claim) _compensation
III Write one word in each gap to complete the following sentences.
36 Most people seem to be _ of the harmful effects of their diet
37 Everyone complemented her _ the wonderful buffet she'd laid on
38 The problem with drinks like that is they're full _ sugar
39 I can't choose _ Death by Chocolate or fruit salad
40 I'm _ to tell you what your supper is; then you’ll just have to wait and see
41 She's generally regarded _ being the best cookery book writer of her generation
42 Most people associate English food _ fish and chips and shepherd's pie
Trang 1343 Karen's very careful about how _ salt she has every meal.
44 There's _ lack of good restaurants round here
45 The meat was well cooked _ the sauce was totally lacking in flavour
I Read the following passage and decide which answer best fits each numbered blank.
Packet sugar from the supermarket is extracted from (46) _ sugar cane or sugarbeet These (47) _ are mixed with hot water, which dissolves their natural sugar Sugar
is also found in fruits, some of which, such as dates and grapes, (48) _ very highamounts of sugar To be a little more (49) _, sugar should be called sucrose Sucrose ismade up of two substances, glucose, which (50) _ for instant energy, and fructose,which lasts longer as a source of energy The sugar in fruit is mainly fructose So, when we eatfruit, we (51) quite large amounts of natural sugar Some scientists believe that toomuch sugar (52) _ in sweets, cakes, and biscuits It is said to be generally bad for thehealth, although nothing (53) so far However, it (54) _ that sugar causestooth decay As one expert said that “If other foods damaged our body as much as sugar (55) _ would be our teeth, they banned immediately.”
47 A productions B products C producers D producing
48 A contain B are containing C are contained D contains
49 A scientists B scientific C science D non-science
51 A are also eaten B have been eaten C also eat D will be eaten
53 A is proving B has proved C were proved D has been proved
II Read the text below and write one word in each blank to complete it.
In some cultures, when you are invited to have a meal at someone's house, you might beconsidered rude if you don t say how (56) _ the food is In Britain, for example, it's
Trang 14normal for someone to complement the cook on the tastiness of the meal You can say somethinglike, “That delicious Do, please, write the recipe down (57) _ me!”
In other cultures, however, people tend not to be so full of enthusiasm for the meal Youmight (58) _ regarded as being rude, as the cook might associate your praise withsurprise He or she might think “So, they're shocked I can cook well, are they?”
If you are not sure how to react, the best advice is to wait and (59) _ how the otherpeople at the table react If that doesn't help, be very careful with what you say! I would suggest(60) _one solution could be to say “That was delicious, but then I know it would be!”
III Read the following text and answer the questions below.
Indians in North and South America ate popcorn thousands of years ago Scientists foundsome ears of popcorn in New Mexico, a state in the United States They were 5,600 years old.Farmers probably learned to raise popcorn first before they planted other kinds of com Farmersnow raise popcorn in the United States, Australia, Argentina, South Africa, and southern Europe.Corn was an important food for the Indians It was also important for their religion WhenColumbus and other Europeans visited the New World, they saw this When the Indians andEuropeans had their first Thanksgiving, they ate popcorn Today Thanksgiving is an importantholiday in the United States but people don't usually eat popcorn for this holiday now
Many Europeans and Indians fought wars with each other When a war finished, the Indiansbrought popcorn as a sign of peace
In the 1920s, people started selling popcorn at movies Now most movie theatres in theUnited States sell popcorn Popcorn and movies go together very well During the Second WorldWar, American soldiers in the army taught Europeans to eat popcorn
Is popcorn good for you? Yes, it is However, some people put a lot of salt and butter orvegetable oil on it It tastes good that way, but it is not very good for you
61 Is New Mexico a city of Mexico?
Trang 1565 Why is some popcorn not good for us?
I Rearrange the given words or phrases to make meaningful sentences.
66 We/ as/ body/ need / should eat/ only/ much food as/ our
67 Moderation/ key to any healthy diet/ and/ it/ also/ mean/ the balance/ our diet/ is/ also means.
68 Cutting down/ your intake of sugar/ or salt/ and/ helps you/ prevent/ several problems/diseases/ in
69 You/ eat/ only when/ should/ you/ active/ during daytime/ / at night/ and/ avoid/ eating / are.
70 If/ and/ you/ work/ feel hungry/ can/ you/ as/ healthier snacks/ such/ fruits or vegetables.
II Use the given words to write the complete sentences.
71 I/ am allergic/ peanuts/ so I/ be careful/ what/I eat
Trang 16
75 I tend not/ cook very often/ the week/I/ not have time
III Finish each of the following sentences so that its meaning stays the same.
76 Although Jimmy was stronger of the two, his attacker soon overpowered him
affordable (a) /əˈfɔːdəbl/ Có thể chi trả,
(giá cả) phảichăng
They try to make their plans more affordable for all consumers.
air (v) /eə(r)/ Phát sóng The ad was submitted to CBS which
accepted and aired it.
breathtaking (a) /ˈbreθi/teɪkɪŋ/ ấn tượng The scene was breathtaking in its
Trang 17checkout (n) /ˈtʃekaʊt/ Việc trả phòng
erode away (v) /ɪ'rəʊd a'weɪ/ Mòn đi The rocks have eroded away over time.
exotic (a) / ɪɡˈzɒtɪk / Kỳ lạ The fruits look exotic Do they taste
explore (v) /ɪkˈsplɔː(r)/ Thám hiểm Canadian companies are exploring for
oil in the region.
hyphen (n) /ˈhaɪfn/ Gạch nối There is a hyphen between the two
imperial (a) /ɪmˈpɪəriəl/ (thuộc) hoàng đế,
như hoàng đế
The imperial guards stormed the palace.
inaccessible (a) /ˌɪnækˈsesəbl/ không thể
tiếp cận
The hall is inaccessible to wheelchair users.
lush (a) /lʌʃ/ Tươi tốt The lush peaks and valleys of Rwanda
unfold in the distance.
We can just get a sandwich if you want
—that won't break the bank.
orchid (n) / ˈɔːkɪd / hoa lan I had no idea there -were orchids
growing wild in Florida.
promote (v) /prəˈməʊt/ quảng bá Basketball stars have helped promote
the sport overseas.
Trang 18safari (n) /səˈfɑːri/ cuộc đi săn I just got back from a month-long
stalagmite (n) /ˈstæləɡmaɪt/ măng đá The most common stalagmites are
speleothems, which usually form in limestone caves.
stimulating (a) /ˈstɪmjuleɪtɪŋ/ thú vị Thank you for a most stimulating
touchdown (n) /ˈtʌtʃdaʊn/ hạ cánh The plane swerved on touchdown.
varied (a) /ˈveərid/ đa dạng The country has a rich and varied
II Worf formation
afford (v) affordable (a) /əˈfɔːdəbl/ (giá cả) phải chăng
affordably (adv) /əˈfɔːdəbli/ Phải chăng
affordability (a) /əˌfɔːrdəˈbɪləti/ Tính vừa phải (về giá cả)
unaffordable (a) /ˌʌnəˈfɔːdəbl/ Quá đắt, không thể chi trả
unaffordability (n) /ʌnəˌfo: dəbɪləti/ Sự không thể chi trả
confuse (v) confusion (n) /kənˈfjuːʒn/ Lộn xộn, sự bối rối
confused (a) /kənˈfjuːzd/ Làm bối rối
confusing (a) /kənˈfjuːzɪŋ/ Lộn xộn
exotic (a) exotica (n) /ɪɡˈzɒtɪkə / Vật lạ, vật ngoại lai
exotically (adv) /ɪɡˈzɒtɪkli/ Ngoại lai, kì lạ
exoticness (n) /ɪɡˈzɒtɪknəs/ Tính ngoại lai
explore (v) exploration (n) /ˌekspləˈreɪʃn/ Sự thăm dò, thám hiểm
explorer (n) /ɪkˈsplɔːrə(r)/ Nhà thám hiểm
imperial (a) imperialism (n) / ɪmˈpɪəriəlɪzəm / Chủ nghĩa đế quốc
imperialist (a.n) /ɪmˈpɪəriəlɪst/ Đế quốc
imperialise (v) /ɪmˈpɪəriəˌlaɪz/ Đế quốc hóa
access (v) accessible (a) /əkˈsesəbl/ Có thể tiếp cận
Trang 19accessibility (n) /əkˌsesəˈbɪləti / Tính dễ tiếp cận
inaccessible (a) /ˌɪnækˈsesəbl/ Không thể tiếp cận
inaccessibility (n) /ˌɪnækˌsesəˈbɪləti/ Tính không thể tiếp cận
magnify (v) magnification (n) /ˌmæɡnɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ Sự phóng đại
magnificent (a) /mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt/ nguy nga, tráng lệ
magnificence (n) /mæɡˈnɪfɪsns / Sự nguy nga, tráng lệ
magnifier (n) /ˈmæɡnɪfaɪə(r)/ Kính lúp
promote (v) promoter (n) /prəˈməʊtə(r)/ người tài trợ, người ủng hộ
promotion (n) /prəˈməʊʃn / Sự khuyến khích, thăng chức,
hoạt động quảng cáo
promotional (a) /prəˈməʊʃənl / (thuộc về) quảng cáo
stimulate (v) stimulation (n) /ˌstɪmjuˈleɪʃn / sự kích thích, khuyến khích
stimulating (a) /ˈstɪmjuleɪtɪŋ/ kích thích, thú vị
stimulator (n) /ˈsɪmjuleɪtə(r)/ người khuyến khích
stimulant (n) /ˈstɪmjələnt/ chất kích thích
variable (a) /veəriəbl/ hay thay đổi
variety (n) /vəˈraɪəti/ sự đa dạng
variation (n) /ˌveəriˈeɪʃn/ sự biến đổi
III Grammar
1 Compound nouns
1.1 What are compound nouns?
- Compound nouns are words for people, animals, places, things, or ideas, made up of two ormore words
e.g water + bottle water bottle; dining + room dining room
1.2 Forming compound nouns
- Noun + noun: backpack, bathroom, bedroom, bus stop, fish tank, football, wallpaper, website
- Adjective + noun: blackberry, blackbird, blackboard, mobile phone, hardware, highway,software
Trang 20- Noun + verb: haircut, rainfall, sunrise, sunset
- Noun + preposition (+ noun): hanger-on, passerby, brother-in-law, mother – in – law
- Verb + noun: breakfast, runway, pickpocket
- Prepsoition + noun: bystander, influx, onlooker, underpants, upstairs
- Verb + preposition: check-in, checkout/check-out, drawback, lookout, makeup
- Adjective + verb: dry cleaning, public speaking
- preposition + verb: input, output, overthrow, upturn
- Gerund + noun: living-room, driving licence, dancing-shoes, smoking - room
- Noun + gerund: weight-lifting, coal-mining, fruit-picking
- Particle + verb: outbreak
- Verb+ particle: breakdown
- Exceptions: forget-me-not, merry-go-round
1.3 Spelling
- Many compoundnouns are written as one word: rainfall, drawback, toothpaste
- Some are written with hyphens: check-in, hanger-on, mother-in-law
- Some are written with spaces: washing machine, swimming pool, water bottle
1.4 Plural of compound nouns
- Usually, we form the plural of most compounds by adding a plural ending to the last part of thecompound:
Trang 21niother-in-law mothers-in-law
passerby / passer-by passersby / passers-by
2 Articles
2.1 The indefinite article ‘A’ – ‘An’
Use A+ consonant sound An + vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u)
2.1.1 We use ‘a/an’:
- with singular countable nouns when we are talking about them in general
Example: An elephant is a big animal.
- After the verb ‘to be’ to talk about jobs
Example: He's an astronaut.
2.1.2 We don't use ‘a/an’:
- With uncountable or plural nouns We can use some instead
I don't like apples.
I want some sugar and some strawberries.
2.2 The definite article 'the'
- ‘The’ can be used with both singular and plural nouns
2.2.1 We use 'the'
- With singular or plural nouns when we are talking about something specific which we eitheralready know about or it is mentioned for a second time
Example: The car in front of the house is Ted's.
- With nouns which are unique: the sun, the earth, the moon
- With musical instruments: the piano, the guitar
- With an adjective when speaking of a group of people: the rich, the poor
- Before the names of rivers (the Amazon) and countries when they include words such as state,kingdom, etc (the United Kingdom)
2.2.2 We don't use 'the':
Trang 22- With plural nouns and uncountable nouns when we are talking about things and people ingeneral
Example: Passwords protect our personal information.
- With proper nouns or possessive adjectives
Emma is from London.
Her friend is from Leeds.
I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others
in each group.
II Use the words given in the box to complete the following sentences.
expedition package tour check-in boarding pass inaccessible
1 Beijing works best as a _ on journeys to Sydney and Melbourne
2 At this time, it may not be easy to find accommodation with _ prices
3 We bought a cheap _ to Spain and stayed in a big hotel by the sea
4 We should arrive at the airport before _ time
5 She must have a _to be allowed to get on an aircraft or a ship
6 They live in a remote area which is _ except by horse
7 I'm still suffering from _ after my trip to Australia
8 Each passenger was allowed two 30-kg pieces of _
9 It is _ in Cornwall, and hotels have dropped their prices
10 We are not very forward with our preparations for our Arctic _next year
Trang 23III Complete the following sentences with a/ an/ the or o (no article).
1 A: Where are you going this summer?
B: Well, we want to go to _ island in _Greece
A: That's fantastic Which one?
B: We want to go to _ island of Corfu
A: It's beautiful island
2 A: I eat _apple and _ banana every day
B: Why do you do that?
A: Don't you know that apple a day keeps _doctor away
B: What about _banana then?
A: Well, I don't know but I love _bananas
IV Complete the following sentences with a/ an/ the or (no article).
1 Jason's father bought him _ bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday
2 _ Statue of Liberty was _ gift of friendship from _ France toUnited States
3 Rita is studying _ English and _ Math this semester
4 _ judge asked _ witness to tell _truth
5 Please give me _ cup of coffee with _ cream and _ sugar
6 _ big books on _ table are for my history class
7 No one in _ Spanish class knew _ correct answer to _ MrsBrown's question
8 _ my car is four years old, and it still runs well
9 When you go to _ store, please buy _ bottle of _ chocolatemilkand _ dozen oranges
10 There are only _ few seats left for _ tonight's musical show at _university
V Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences.
1 British cavers have made some important _ about Son Doong Cave (DISCOVER)
2 Passengers should arrive at check-in at least two hours before _ (DEPART)
3 They were the first _ to cross the country from south to north (EXPLORE)
Trang 244 The island offers such a wide _ of scenery and wildlife (VARY)
5 He had always wanted an _ life in the tropics (ADVENTURE)
6 During 1984, Remington spent a lot of money on advertising and _ (PROMOTE)
7 Upon _, our driver will pick you up at the airport then driving to Son Tra Peninsulaand enjoy the whole beach city (ARRIVE)
8 A survey showed people were _ about what they should eat to stay healthy.(CONFUSE)
9 It's a _ job but I'm sure you'll prove equal to it (CHALLENGE)
10 More and more foreigners like travelling to Vietnam for holiday because things are _ here (AFFORD)
I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others
in each group.
II Choose the word whose main stressed syllabic is placed differently from that of the others in each group.
A magnificence B stalagmite C satisfaction D accommodate
I Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
11 The manager is away on a business _ so I am in charge of the office now
12 If you want to see historical places, it is a good idea to go on a guided _
Trang 25A voyage B visit C tour D cruise
13 They spent two weeks at a fashionable ski _ in Switzerland
14 They met on board of a luxurious yacht during a _ in the Caribbean
15 After changing trains three times we arrived at our _ in the end
A destination B departure C package D countries
16 If you have any excess _, you must pay extra money
17 David _ a seat on the evening flight to Ho Chi Minh City
18 They are going to spend their holiday _rural France
19 Cua Lo Beach is also famous for its beautiful islands such as Lan Chau and Song Ngu whichprotect it from heavy storms and strong winds _from the East Sea
20 _ popular with tourist of young people age because they travel with minimumluggage and on a limited budget
21 We went out for _ dinner last night _ restaurant we went to wasexcellent
22 Did _ police find _ person who stole your bicycle?
23 I'm looking for _ job Did Mary get _ job she applied for?
24 We live in _ big house in _ middle of the village
25 This morning I bought a newspaper and a magazine _ newspaper is in my bag but Idon't know where _ magazine is
II.Fill in each blank with ONE suitable preposition or particle.
26 Coffee shops will always be popular _ retired people
Trang 2627 The computer suddenly broke _, and no one knew what went wrong.
28 You can operate the machine by carrying _ the instructions in the manual
29 According to the schedule, the plane to Ho Chi Minh should take _ at 2 p.m
30 We can't get access _ the Internet where we live
III Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
31 I'm sure the letter won't arrive on time unless it (send) _ by air
32 The news about the storm (already broadcast) _on radio several times so far
33 By the time we arrived, the football match (already start) _
34 I'd rather you (not tell) _ her the truth
35 She (sleep) _ for 10 hours! You must wake her up
36-37 Bill (have) _ breakfast when I (stop) _ at his house this morning
38 I am going to have my house (paint) _ next week
39-40 I think I (lose) _ my sunglasses I (look) _ for them since noon, but Ican t find them
IV Identify the mistake in each of the following sentences.
41 Our plane arrives in the Hanoi at two o clock in the afternoon
42 I don't know where could he have gone so early in the morning
43 The rainy weather here makes it possibly for living things to develop
44 He has learned a lot in the last couple of years, didn’t he?
A learned B a lot C couple of years D didn’t he
45 My teacher got used to drive a car on the left when he lived in London
I Choose ONE suitable word to fill in each blank.
Japan is (46) _ as the Land of the Rising Sun, and the red spot on the nation's flag(47) _ the sun It is an island nation made up of a large archipelago, and each of thenumerous islands has its own flavour Depending on the season, there is always something to beoffered for (48) _ If you want to experience the big city life, definitely head to Tokyo
Trang 27If you want (49 _ beauty and four full seasons, head northward to Hokkaido.(50) _ , if you want the place where you can find summer year-round, then Okinawa isgoing to be your destination of choice.
II.Read the following passage and decide which answer best fits each numbered blank.
(51) _ the widespread use of modern means of transport, people have more choice
of holiday (52) _ and can now visit even the remotest parts of the world.(53) _ has certainly become an important factor in the development of many countries
An obvious (54) _ of tourism is that it plays a key role in economic growth It (55) _ greatly to income of a region or country It also (56) _ job opportunities toall kinds of people, and therefore it promotes prosperity in diverse fields Another positive (57) _ of tourism is that it helps promote international understanding and cooperation amongnations In addition, tourism can improve the standard of living of local or rural communities, soyoung people (58) _ to stay in their hometown to build a good life rather than move tobig cities (59) _tourism brings cultural benefits, as travellers learn about the historyand (60) _of a place, and spread them around the world
51 A Thanks to B According to C Due to D Addition to
55 A contributes B communicates C adds D regrets
58 A encourages B encouraging C are encouraged D.courage
59 A Because B Therefore C Meanwhile D Finally
III Read the following passage and choose the option A, B, C or D to complete the following statements.
Situated on the central coast of Vietnam, which is famous for many beautiful beaches, Lang
Co Beach, since June 2009, has become an official member of the “World's most beautiful bays”club Today, it is a popular destination for tourists in Vietnam, especially for those who lovebeach
With the length of approximately 10 kilometres, Lang Co Beach located in Lang Co town,Phu Loc district, Thua Thien - Hue province is next to the National Highway 1A and near HaiVan Pass
Trang 28Lying on the most beautiful curve of the country, Lang Co has almost everything that thenature can offer: green mountains and tropical forests, smooth white sand, full of sunshine andcool, blue and clear sea as crystal, and the average temperature of 25oC in summer It is anattractive destination, for both domestic and international tourists in Vietnam It is the third bay ofVietnam, after Ha Long and Nha Trang named in the list 30 most beautiful bays in the globe.
It can be said that nobody can resist a nature beauty like Lang Co town This small andpeaceful town will give you the most relaxing time and many games at the beach In addition, youwill have good time to enjoy the seafood with various kinds of shrimps, lobster, crab, butter-fish,mackerel fish, oysters, etc and not far from the beach are some attractions such as Lang Cofishing village, Chan May scenery
Lying on the "Central Heritage Road", Lang Co is very close to other famous attractionssuch as the Imperial City of Hue, Hoi An Ancient Town, Son Tra Peninsula where the famousSon Tra Natural Reserve and beautiful beaches located, and so many more
61 Lang Co beach is located _
A 10 kilometres away from Hue
B under Hai Van Pass
C between Hoi An Ancient Town and Son Tra Peninsula
D on the most beautiful curve of Vietnam
62 The most important reason why so many tourists come to Lang Co beach is that _
A it is considered an ideal place for beach lovers
B it is the third most beautiful beach in Vietnam
C they can enjoy various kinds of seafood
D they can come to the famous Son Tra Natural Reserve
63 All of the following are attractions of Lang Co Beach EXCEPT _
A cool, blue and clear sea as crystal
B its location on the "Central Heritage Road"
C the National Highway 1A next to it
D smooth white sand, and full of sunshine
64 We can infer from the passage that Lang Co Beach _
A enjoys the harmony of nature and humans
B is very hot during summer
C is the most beautiful bay in the world
D is the first member of the "World's most beautiful bays" club in Vietnam
65 Coming to Lang Co Beach, you can do all of the following activities EXCEPT _
Trang 29A visiting the nearby fishing village
B enjoying seafood
C relaxing and joining in beach games
D sunbathing on many beautiful beaches
II Finish each of the following sentences so that its meaning stays the same.
71 Someone stole my camera while I was walking round the museum (had)
I while I was walking round the museum
2 She has never read such an interesting article about space exploration (most)
III Put the words/phrases into the correct order to make meaningful sentences.
76 funds / helps / by / conservation of wildlife / generating / and / Ecotourism / national parks /maintaining
Trang 30
77 can / Tourism / such as / other sectors / in the tourism industry / create jobs / and / in retailand transportation / also help
78 are created / paid / However, / which / poorly / by / tourism / jobs / are often / seasonal / and
80 development / Tourism / lead / and / may / to /, / pollution / soil erosion / waste
I Vocabulary
accent (n) /’æksent/ giọng điệu Although he has been learning English
for 15 years, he speaks English with Vietnamese accent.
dialect (n) /ˈdaɪəlekt/ tiếng địa
Her using dialect confused me much, and I didn't really understand what she meant.
/ˈdɒmɪnəns/ chiếm ưu thế With this victory, the team has
maintained its dominance of European football.
factor (n) /ˈfæktə(r)/ yếu tố Heavy snow was a contributing factor in
the accident.
Trang 31get by in (v)
(a language)
/get baɪɪn/ Cố gắng sử
dụng được mộtngôn ngữ vớinhững gì mìnhcó
I don't know much English hut I can get
by in everyday conversations.
global (a) /ˈɡləʊbl/ Toàn cầu Changes like this will impact on the
global economy.
flexibility (n) /ˌfleksəˈbɪləti/ tính linh hoạt Computer-based learning gives students
more flexibility in completing a course.
fluent (a) /ˈfluːənt/ Trôi chảy She's fluent in Polish.
imitate (v) /ˈɪmɪteɪt/ Bắt chước Some of the younger pop bandstryto
imitate their musical heroes from the past.
In some countries, English immersion schools have been built to create all- English environment for learners.
massive (a) /ˈmæsɪv/ To lớn She died after taking a massive
overdose of drugs.
mother tongue
/ˈmʌðə tʌŋ/ / Tiếng mẹ đẻ Using mother tongue in a foreign
language lesson may help students understand the lesson better.
/ˌmʌltiˈnæʃnəl/ Đa quốc gia My brother studies in ci
multinationalschool, whose students come from many different countries.
operate (v) /ˈɒpəreɪt/ đóng vai trò In English, the same word can operate
as many parts of speech.
Trang 32pickup (v) /ˈpɪkʌp/ học ngôn ngữ
một cách tụ’
I picked up some Chinese when I was
on holiday last year.
My English becomes rusty because I haven't used it for two years.
/sɪmˈplɪsəti/ sự đơn giản The stage design is striking in its stark
variety (n) /vəˈraɪəti/ thể loại I like almost every variety of fruit.
II Word formation
dominate (v) domination (n) /ˌdɒmɪˈneɪʃn/ sự thống trị
dominance (n) /ˈdɒmɪnəns/ ưu thế
establish (v) establishment (n) /ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt/ sự thành lập
established (a) /ɪˈstæblɪʃt/ đã thiết lập
globe (n)
globally (adv) /ˈɡləʊbəli/ môt cách toàn cầu
globalise(v) / ɡləʊbəlaɪz/ toàn cầu hóa
flexible (a) flexibly (adv)flexibility (n) /ˈfleksəbli//ˌfleksəˈbɪləti/ một cách linh hoạt tính linh hoạt
imitate (v) imitation (n) /ˌɪmɪˈteɪʃn/ Sự bắt chước
imitative (a) /ˌɪmɪˈteɪʃn/ Hay bắt chước
fluent (a) fluently (adv) /ˈfluːəntli/ Thành thạo
fluency (n) /ˈfluːənsi/ Sự thành thạo
massively (adv) /ˈmæsɪvli/ Quan trọng, lớn lao
punctual (a) punctually (adv) /ˈpʌŋktʃuəli/ Đúng giờ
Trang 33punctuality (n) /ˌpʌŋktʃuˈæləti/ Sự đúng giờ
simple (a)
simplicity (n) /sɪmˈplɪsəti/ Sự đơn giản
simply (adv) /ˈsɪmpli/ Một cách đơn giản
simplify (v) /ˈsɪmplɪfaɪ/ Đơn giản hóa
simplification (n) /ˌsɪmplɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ Sự đơn giản hóa
vary (v)
variation (n) /ˌveəriˈeɪʃn/ Sự biến đổi
variety (n) /vəˈraɪəti/ Sự đa dạng
If + S + V (past simple), S + would (could, might ) + V (infinitive)
S +would (could, might) + V (infinitive) + if +S +V (past simple)
* Inversion: Were + S + (to V), S + would (could, might ) + V
I am not you - this is unreal
Paula would be sad if Jan left Jan will not leave - that's not going to happen
If dogs had wings, they would be able to fly Dogs don't have wings - that's impossible
2 Relative clauses
1.1 Definition
A relative clause is a clause that usually modifies a noun or noun phrase and is introduced by arelative pronoun (which, that, who, whom, whose), a relative adverb (where, when, why) It isalso known as an adjective clause
2.2 Relative pronouns / adverbs
Trang 34person thing place time reason
object who/whom/that which/that
I need to meet the boy who is my friend's son.
That's the dog who doesn't like me.
We don't know the person who donated this money
2.2.2 Whom
- We use whom in formal styles or in writing to refer to people when the person is the object ofthe verb Whom can be used with prepositions in formal writing
I know the girl whom I spoke to.
The girl whom you saw at the concert is John's sister.
She smiled as she remembered the quiet scholar with whom she had shared a love of books 2.2.3 Which
- We use which in relative clauses to refer to animals and to things
She works for a company which makes cars.
The accident which Daniel saw wasn't very serious.
You need to tick the box which says yes.
- We always use which to introduce relative clauses when they refer to a whole sentence orclause:
He passed his exam, which pleased his parents.
She had to get up and walk all the way to the other side of the room, which isn't easy with a bad back.
Trang 35Notes: Which + prepositions
- We can use which as the complement of a preposition:
Early in the Autumn Term there is a reception at which you can meet current staff and students Close by, in the churchyard, is the famous Rudston stone, from which the village takes its name John found a cat, the leg of which was broken.
2.2.4 That
- We use that instead of who, whom or which in relative clauses to refer to people, animals andthings We use it to introduce defining clauses only
I need to meet the boy that! who is my friend's son.
I know the girl that/ who/ whom I spoke to.
She works for a company that/ which makes cars.
* We can use That:
- after: something, anyone, nobody or “all, much, none, little ”
I'll tell you something that is very interesting.
- after superlatives or ordinal numbers: only, first, last, second, next
This is the most beautiful dress that I've ever had.
* We can't use That:
- in non-defining relative clauses
Mr Brown, that we studied English with, is a very nice teacher (wrong).
- after prepositions
The house in that I was horn is for sale (wrong)
* We must use That:
- after phrases indicating both people and things
He told me the places and people that he had seen in London.
2.2.5 Whose
- We usually use whose as a relative pronoun to indicate possession by people and animals Inmore formal styles we can also use it for things
John found a cat whose leg was broken.
This is the student whose book I borrowed.
He's marrying a girl whose family don't seem to like him.
2.2.6 Relative pronouns: when, where and why
Trang 36In informal language, we often use where, when or why to introduce defining relative clausesinstead of at which, on which or for which.
where place I know a restaurant where the food is excellent, ( a restaurant at
which the food is excellent)
when time There isn't a day when I don't feel rushed off my feet, ( a day on which
I don't feel rushed )
why reason Do you know the reason why the shop is closed today? ( the reason
for which the shop is closed )
I Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences.
1 English is such an _ language that learning it well birings students great advantages.(NATION)
2 In the first place, because English is often included in learning programs, a goodof ithelps to meet a compulsory requirement in many schools and universities (KNOW)
3 Another benefit of learning English lies in exploring more subjects and _ (INFORM)
4 There are a huge number of materials written in English, so this language _ me togain further knowledge about all aspects of life (ABLE)
5 English guarantees a high-paid job since most companies prefer employees with English ability
to _ with foreigners when necessary (COMMUNICATION)
6 I like learning English because it is very necessary for my study, my knowledge and _opportunity (EMPLOY)
7 _ in French and German is required for this job (FLUENT)
8 Please _ the instructions so that the children can understand them (SIMPLE)
9 The house was built in _ of a Roman villa (IMITATE)
10 He resigned his job for a _ of reasons (VARY)
II Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type 2) by putting the verbs into the correct form.
1 If we (have) _ a yacht, we (sail) _the seven seas
2 If he (have) _ more time, he (learn) _ karate
3 If they (tell) _ their father, he (be) _ very angry
4 She (spend) _ a year in the USA if it (be) _ easier to get a green card
5 If I (live) _ on a lonely island, I (run) _ around naked all day
Trang 376 We (help) _ you if we (know) _ how.
7 My brother (buy) _ a sports car if he (have) _ the money
8 If I (feel) _ better, I (go) _to the cinema with you
9 If you (go) _ by bike more often, you (be/not) _ so flabby
10 She (not/talk) _ to you if she (be) _ mad at you
II Rewrite the following sentences using the second conditional.
1 I can't swim so I'm not going scuba diving with Jack
9 She can't buy the dictionary because she doesn't have enough money
10 I don't speak English, so I can't communicate with some tourists from England
IV Decide which is the correct relative pronoun for the following sentences
1 The Minister, (which/ who) _was appointed just last week, made no comment on the
2 Isn't that the spot (which/ where) _ the accident happened last night?
3 The human brain, (which/ who) _ weighs about 1400 grams, is ten times the size of
a balloon's
Trang 384 There are several reasons (which/ why) _ I don't want to see Michael tonight.
5 The new girl in our class, (who's/ whose) _ name is Alexandra, seems really nice.
6 The Titanic, (which/ that) _people said was unsinkable, sank on her maiden voyage.
7 April 1st, (which/ when) _ we play tricks on people, is known as April Fools' Day.
8 Harry Hill, (who/ whose) _ new series starts next week, is one of my favourite
9 All people to (whom/ who) _ the e-mail was sent replied.
10 Blackpool Tower, (which/ that) _ was modelled on the Eiffel Tower, is a very
V Use relative clauses to combine the following pairs of sentences.
1 My father lives in a small house full of ornaments This makes it really difficult to learn
My father _
2 Some students take a year out before university This allows them to work or travel
Some students _
3 The Guggenheim Museum is in Bilbao It only displays contemporary art
The Guggenheim Museum _
4 My English teacher is leaving His lectures are very interesting
My English teacher
5 The lecture was about current economic policy It was not easy to understand
The lecture _
6 In 1990 my parents arrived in New York They stayed there for the rest of their lives
My parents arrived in New York
7 gave my assignment to the faculty secretary She was not very friendly
Trang 39I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others
in each group.
II Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the others in each group.
A education B certificate C derivative D approximate
I Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
11 If I _ as young as you are, I _ in a boat round the world
A were - would sail B would be - would sail
12 _ today, she would get home by Friday
13 "He's a very brave man." "Yes, I wish I _ his courage."
14 One way of increasing your speed of comprehension is to learn all your vocabulary withoutthe use of your own _
C business language D official language
15 If I didn't have exams next week, I _ camping with you this weekend
A will go B will have gone C would have gone D would go
16 If she _ rich, she would travel around the world
18 The girls and flowers _ he painted are vivid
Trang 4019 _ interested in that subject, I would try to learn more about it.
20 Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all people _ the samelanguage?
21 It's an important part of your cultural identity to keep your _in speaking English
22 Much _ comes through body language and gesture
23 Try to _ the meaning of words rather than going straight for your dictionary
24 Reading is the best way to _ your vocabulary in any language
25 She had to leain English because she works for a _ company
II Give the conect form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences.
26 English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant language ofinternational _ (COMMUNICATE)
27 Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, _only in England and had notextended even as far as Wales, Scotland, or Ireland (SPEAK)
28 English began to spread around the globes as a result of _ , trade (including slavetrade), colonization, and missionary work (EXPLORE)
29 Thus, small enclaves of English speakers became established and grew in _parts ofthe world (VARY)
30 Two-thirds of the world’s science writing is in English, and English is the main language oftechnology, _, media, international airports, and air traffic controllers (ADVERTISE)
31 The tenants are always _in paying the rent (PUNCTUALITY)
32 The computer performs the whole _ in less than three seconds (OPERATE)
33 Employing part time staff gives companies greater _ (FLEXIBLE)
34 Pollution is a threat to the _ environment (GLOBE)
35 Charles won the highest prize in a speaking _ last week (COMPETE)
III Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.
36 If I (win) _ a lot of money, I could spend most of it travelling round the world.
37 If he worked more slowly, he (not make) _ so many mistakes.