The purpose of this study is to explore the factors motivating English major students at Hanoi Law University in writing lessons, and to examine the extent these factors have on their wr
SUPERVISOR Dong Hoang Minh, MA.
Trang 3I hereby state that I: Nguyen Thi Thu Phuong, 4430, being a candidate for the
degree of Bachelor of Arts accept the requirements of the University relating
to the retention and use of Bachelor’s Graduation Paper deposited in the
In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in
the library should be accessible for the purposes of study and research, in
accordance with the normal conditions established by the librarian for thecare, loan or reproduction of the paper
Supervisor Student
(Signature) (Signature)
Dong Hoang Minh Nguyen Thi Thu Phuong
April 4" , 2023
Trang 4First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and respect to
my supervisor, Mr Dong Hoang Minh, MA, for his constructive guidance,continued support, and invaluable scientific advice throughout the conduct ofthis research Thanks to his kindness and encouragement, I was able toovercome all my academic and non-academic challenges
My special thanks go to all the lecturers and staff of the Faculty of LegalEnglish, Hanoi Law University, for their invaluable knowledge, guidance and
support throughout my four years of study in the university
I would also like to thank our Legal English students in Course 46 fortheir tremendous assistance in collecting the data to complete this research
Finally, my genuine thanks go to my family and friends for their supportand strong encouragement to me during the study
Trang 5The purpose of this study is to explore the factors motivating English
major students at Hanoi Law University in writing lessons, and to examine
the extent these factors have on their writing performance The study employs
both quantitative and qualitative methods to achieve its goals The studyparticipants were 100 sophomores (K46) majoring in Legal English at Hanoi
Law University During the research process, the participants were given asurvey questionnaire which included statements related to the factors thatmotivate them to learn writing lessons Five students were then randomlyselected from the participants to conduct interviews, which provided theresearcher with qualitative data The data collected from these two methodswere analyzed to identify the factors that motivate students in writing lessons.The research results indicate that students are motivated to learn to write by
factors related to students, teachers, learning environment, and course books
and content These factors are of great significance to both students andteachers in terms of teaching and learning writing lessons
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1 Rationale for the Study - - - 11111 HH ghế 1
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3 Research Questions ccccccccccsssneececeessneeceseesneeeeeeseenaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaes 3
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5 Significance of the s(udy - - Gv re, 4
6 Organization Of the sfudy c1 1111222 111111 9 111 1x1 1xx re, 4
1.1 Mofivafion ch HH nh nu tt 6
1.1.1 Definitions of motivation in the Context of Writing skills 6
1.1.2 Different types Of HHOẨÏV(IẨÏOHH Ặ G Gv ng ve, 8
1.1.3 The roles of motivation in learning WFHHHE «s55: 11
1.2 Factors promoting students’ motivation in writing lessons 12
Te 2als LÀÌ NHEGHÍN”, [EU cosas issn Lưng sasan.chstea G3014 203 ASAT Aiea ARATE AaB AD 12
T.2.2 Teachers’ fACtors nan eố.ố Ắ.Ắ ằ 15
1.2.3 Learning EHVITOHIHCHÍ tru 17
Trang 71.2.4 Course books and COHGHÍ Ỏ Ỏ.À SG G 3033888 31185 1111 5111 5111 se 18
1.3 Previous research regarding factors motivating English majorStudents in Writing ÏesSOIS Ặ.G Q11 HS ng ngư 19
I Bì) 21
CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOCY - - G ceeseeeeteeeeeeeeeaeeeeneeenaees 23
2.1 Participants of the sfud\y - - S11 S* vn * n HH grry 23
Latcds SMCS” PRET THỈNH s cass swears senate s aot k 0H04 sh Aa 8 0601200808134 Sa 23
2.1.2 Students’ English proficiency levels 5s css++scccseseees 24
2.2 Data collecfion - SH TH TH HH 24
AIK Pan OL , ) 1ann.ố.ốố.ốốằẮẮẮẮ.Ắ 25
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3.1 Results of questionnaire and interview ccccccccceesseeeeeeeeees 28
SLT Students’ fACtOVS cccccccccccccccccescccceeseeseeseesesseeseesssseeeseesssnaeeeeeneaaas 28
$.1.2 Teachers’ Í([CÍOFS - HH vn a3
co ba dxÐffPTH EÌMUIPITNIHHDHÍ ccc: css acces ssa asc a sve Ama KIÊN Ah 210608 LI8 35
3.1.4 Course Books and COHÍ€HHÍ À c1 vn vn 37
students at Hanoi Law University in writing lessons 39
B.2.1 StUAONIS’ fACIOTS ẽnẽne.e 39
3.2.2 Teachers’ Í([CÍOF - - Gv vn 40
3.2.3 Learning ENvirOnimen ni 41
3.2.4 Course Dooks ANd COHÍCHÍ vn 42
Trang 83.3 SUImIAFV - 119 1 1n TH HH kh 43
4.1 Recommendations for English major students in writing lessons 44
4.2 Recommendations for English teachers to teach better in writingU01 5 45
4.3 h) 10/0) 47
GON CILUSIOIIN :aeenssmsei can nha sais HH G2210531GẦN NGIR.5080161-300188 RAED RAI SOLES 2 SRE 01800 128 48
1 Summary of the main findings 5 1S +ssisseeerreeree 48
Figure 1 Gender ratio of K46 English majors at Hanoi Law University
Figure 2 English proficiency levels of K46 English majors at Hanoi Law
Table 1 Factors motivating English-majored students concerning themselves
Table 2 Factors motivating English-majored students concerning teachers
Table 3 Factors motivating English-majored students concerning learningenvironment
Table 4 Factors motivating English-majored students concerning course
books and content
Trang 101 Rationale for the study
English is an international language that is receiving great attention in
the world in the context of globalization today When learning English, you
need to hone the four skills of reading, listening, writing, and speaking Whenlearning a language, writing is usually the last skill to learn and also the mostdifficult skill for learners
Learning to write is the most vital skill for students in obtaining alanguage that helps students activate their thinking and communicateeffectively Grabe and Kaplan (1996) said that writing is a vital and viable
means of self-expression, communication, and information Walsh (2010)
also thinks that writing is an important skill because it is a skill that is widelyused in university and work environments If a student does not know how to
express their ideas in writing, they will not be able to communicate well with
professors, employers, friends, or anyone else Therefore, students need tolearn writing lessons According to Rhalmi (2021), “A writing lesson involvestraining learners to develop writing skills” Understanding the importance ofwriting skills, almost all universities and colleges teach English writing as acompulsory subject for graduation In particular, Hanoi Law University is one
of the universities that has been teaching writing lessons for students majoring
in legal English However, students often find writing lessons challengingbecause it requires more concentration, cognition, and attention Grami (2010)argued that writing is a difficult skill to learn or teach because it is not asimple cognitive activity Rather, it is thought to be a complex mental productthat requires “careful thought, discipline, and concentration” On the otherhand, Setyowati, Sukmawan, and Latief (2017) found that students were notinterested in writing lessons One of the most important reasons is that
teachers often just “give and collect” without paying much attention to
Trang 11teaching students how to approach the problem and the steps to fulfill the
requirements of the test Acquiring a foreign language is not really easy,especially in writing lessons Writing is not easy for most students, especially
non-native speakers It is more difficult for students from different cultural,
educational, and linguistic backgrounds Hence, students struggle to solve thedifficulty of writing English, but they cannot do well They lose their courage
and motivation (Thesen, 1997) According to Casanave (2004), writing is a
social practice that requires reading and engaging with other writers
Therefore, as can be seen from the above statement, writing is not a solitary
task but requires the interaction and reaction of writers with other writtendocuments and other writers In addition, learners need to take their teachersand peers to improve their writing practice However, writing remains achallenging cognitive task because it requires critical thinking Teachers cantherefore take on many responsibilities to instill in learners the spontaneous
motivation to accomplish this important task
Consequently, to get the learner to think when they learn writing lessons,motivation plays an important role We must identify the primary purpose oflearning or, in other words, create the motivation that helps us to conquer and
overcome the challenges of the written lessons Alderman (1999) said that
encouraging students to work on writing tasks is key to improving theirwriting skills, besides, purpose orientation increases motivation If studentsare properly motivated, they will feel more motivated during writing lessons.Therefore, it is important to be clear about the motivating factors that will notonly make the learning process easier but also make it more enjoyable forstudents Of course, writing is not easy, but it is less difficult than manystudents and their teachers imagine (Brookes & Grundy, 2006)
The author of this graduation thesis is aware of the paramountimportance of writing lessons for improving students’ writing skills inuniversity and finding out what motivates learners, and how these factors will
Trang 12have a heavy impact on students in learning written lessons To fill thisresearch gap, the author has created a comprehensive and systematic study
that seeks to shed light on these concerns Through careful analysis andexploration of the existing literature, as well as the author’s own empiricalresearch, this project aspires to contribute to a deeper understanding of thefactors that motivate English major students to take written lessons By doing
so, it is hoped that this study will provide valuable insights into what
motivates students to learn more effectively, help them stay motivated and
overcome challenges when learning to write so that learning will become
more interesting The topic is named “A study on factors motivating Englishmajor students at Hanoi Law University in writing lessons ”
2 Aims of the study
The purpose of the study investigates the factors that motivate English
major students at Hanoi Law University to learn in writing lesson In addition,the study is to determine motivating factors affect English major students.Moreover, some recommendations will also be given for students to developmotivation in learning and for teachers to apply more effective methods inteaching writing lessons
3 Research questions
The following research questions addressed in this study are:
(1) What are the factors that motivate learning writing lessons from theperspective of students?
(2) To what extent do the motivating factors affect English majorstudents at Hanoi Law University in writing lessons?
4 Scope of the study
Because of the limitations of time and other related factors, this study
focuses on investigating and indicating the level of the common motivating
factors in writing lessons of English major students in classes at Hanoi Law
Trang 13University Furthermore, this study was limited and addressed only students
of course 46 Questionnaire, and interview were data gathering tools
5 Significance of the study
The findings of this study were hypothesized to have the followingvalues
First, the study is going to be a reference material for English major
students of Hanoi Law University wishing to explore the factors that motivate
them to study writing in English classes in their research In addition, it maybenefit the English language teachers by indicating factors that motivated the
learners towards the writing lessons Finally, it could develop the learner’sperspective on the role of motivation towards practicing the writing skills in
their lessons
6 Organization of the study
This study consists of three main parts: Introduction, the development,
and Conclusion
The Introduction is divided into Rationale, Aims, Research questions,Scope, Significance, and Organization of the study
The Development includes four chapters
Chapter 1 is Literature Review that sets the theoretical background forthe study and reviews some of the previous studies
Chapter 2 is Methodology which provides the information aboutparticipants, data collection and data analysis
Chapter 3 is Results and Discussion which describes and analyzes the
results of the data collected, and discusses some findings on this research
Chapter 4 is Recommendations that will provides useful suggestions
based on the research’s key findings
Trang 14The Conclusion will summarize the main findings, have someimplications, limitations and suggestions for further research.
This chapter presents a review of relevant literature and scholarlyexperiences related to learner motivation in writing lessons The chapter
defines motivation in the context of writing skills Different types ofmotivation, the role of motivation in learning writing are also discussed.Following that, the factors that promote students’ motivation in writinglessons are clarified Finally, some previous research regarding factorsmotivating English major students in writing lessons is reviewed
1.1 Motivation
1.1.1 Definitions of motivation in the Context of Writing skills
Writing is a cognitive process that involves various mental operations.Writing is divided into three stages: construction, transformation, and
execution according to Anderson’s (1985) model of language production,
which can be used for both speaking and writing in a second language
Construction is the process by which a writer prepares the content of what he
or she is going to write, using techniques like mind mapping, outlining, andbrainstorming While composition and revision involve the application ofprinciples to change intended meanings into the shape of a message,execution refers to the actual writing process Some studies have shown those
second-language writers use many of the techniques they use for writing in
their original language to help them when writing in a second language(Edelsky, 1982; Lay, 1982; Zamel, 1985), while several researchers haveemphasized the relationship between first and second-language writing(Raimes, 1985) Krapels (1990), in a review of research on the second-language writing process, concluded that the inability to write in a secondlanguage is more often caused by an inability to compose than by a loss oflinguistic ability in his review of the literature on the subject Similarly to this,
Friedlander (1990) asserts that students who do not have effective writing
strategies in their first language will not be able to translate those strategies
Trang 16into their second language Additionally, writing is a process that includes
several key steps: thinking, planning, drafting, writing, editing, and final
writing (Kurfiss, 1988) The idea for planning is created during the thinking
step Outlining and brainstorming are the primary tasks in the planning stage,
but the initial writing is done proficiently and freely, whereas organizing anddeveloping the ideas are done in the writing stage The language’s mechanics,
semantics, and syntactic errors are fixed during the revising process The
neatly written output can then be produced (Lay, 1982)
Motivation influences learning outcomes and can be viewed as one ofthe key concepts in the process of language research For this reason, a largeamount of research has been conducted, leading to the idea and definition ofmotivation When they define the same concept, they all place a distinctemphasis on different activities and processes First of all, the term motivation
is simply understood as something that encourages you to take action
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, “motivation is the need or reason for
doing something” Boundless Psychology showed more clearly that
“Motivation describes the desires or needs that direct behavior towards a
goal It is an urge to behave or act in a way that will satisfy certainconditions, such as wishes, desires, or goals” S Sibanda (2015) brieflydefined “Motivation is the invisible hand that controls all activities of peopleand organisms” Motivation is a condition that activates and sustainsbehavior toward a goal It is essential for lifelong learning and achievement inboth informal and formal learning settings For example, motivated childrentend to work harder, persevere longer, achieve better learning outcomes, andperform better on standardized achievement tests than other children(Pintrich, 2003)
On the other hand, Keaveney (1995) defines motivation as the energy
that inspires excitement, direction, and persistence in action One can seefrom Keaveney’s definition that students need to be motivated to become
Trang 17fully involved in writing activities Another crucial element from this
definition that can be contextualized is that the arousal, direction, and
persistence of writing skill-practicing behavior that depends on energizing
force should be critically applied to the practice of writing skills to improve
the skill Another influential scholar is Cherry (2022) who defined motivation
as the force that initiates, guides, and sustains goal-oriented behavior The
underlying forces of motivation can be biological, social, emotional, or
cognitive This suggests that when learners are intentionally “focused” on
their potential to become good writers, they actively “enthusiastically” guide
and practice their writing tasks According to Curzon (1990), motivation isthe internal state or circumstance that causes behavior to be focused on aparticular objective From this, it follows logically that learning requires aninternal drive toward the desired outcome displayed through a specificbehavior Thus, in order to write effectively, students should be motivated topractice writing assignments Curzon’s description, however, ignores theimportant factors that can cause motivation to start or stop On the other hand,the definition still emphasizes how crucial motivation is to achieving anyparticular objective, such as being constantly involved in writing practices oractivities
However, the definitions below arose out of common consciousness, asthey are plainly quoted from various physiology textbooks Motivation,therefore, is an internal state or condition that activates or stimulates behaviorand serves to give direction to behavior In light of the current research, itfollows that the learner’s internal state of energizing is essential for initiative(enthusiasm) and courageous practicing of the writing skills
1.1.2 Different types of motivation
Researchers classify motivation for learning English in many different
ways It mainly falls into his three categories: integrative and instrumentalmotivation by Gardner and Lambert (1985), long-term and short-term
Trang 18motivation by Crookes and Schmidt (1991), and intrinsic and extrinsicmotivation by Deci and Ryan (2000).
According to Canadian social psychologists Gardner and Lambert(1985), learning motivation is divided into integrative motivation andinstrumental motivation Integrative motivation refers to the desire to learn alanguage in order to become part of a new culture or community, to
understand and communicate with the people who speak that language It
arises out of a positive attitude towards the target language and its culture, and
a desire to establish social relationships within that culture Instrumental
motivation, on the other hand, refers to the desire to learn a language forpragmatic reasons, such as finding a better job, passing an exam, or being able
to read and understand official documents in that language It is driven by
external factors that are not directly related to the language or its culture Bothforms of motivation can be effective in different contexts and for differentlearners However, language learners who are motivated by integrative
reasons are often more successful in achieving a high level of proficiency and
maintaining their interest in the language over time, because they see it as ameans of personal growth and social connection, rather than just as a tool for
a particular task
Crookes and Schmidt (1991) proposed a distinction between short-termand long-term motivation in their model of second language acquisition.Short-term motivation is a component of long-term motivation It refers to theimmediate factors that influence a learner’s motivation, such as the desire topass an exam, to impress others, or simply to feel good about oneself Thesefactors are typically more tangible and visible, and their effects are feltrelatively quickly In contrast, long-term motivation refers to the moreenduring factors that sustain a learner’s motivation over a longer period oftime These factors are often less tangible and less immediately obvious, andtheir effects are typically less immediate Examples of long-term motivation
Trang 19might include a desire to integrate into a new culture, to pursue a career that
requires knowledge of a second language, or to deepen one’s understanding of
another culture Crookes and Schmidt argue that both short-term and
long-term motivation are important for second language acquisition Short-long-term
motivation can provide the initial impetus to begin learning a language, whilelong-term motivation sustains the learner’s commitment over the long haul
Deci and Ryan (2000) are both psychologists who put forth the
Selfdetermination theory, which explains that there are two types of motivation
-intrinsic and extrinsic Both types of motivation are important in learning
writing lessons Intrinsic motivation refers to the internal drive or desire toperform an activity because it is inherently rewarding or meaningful Learnerswho are driven by intrinsic motivation will be confident and excited to
dedicate themselves to the learning process For example, the pleasure and
satisfaction derived from writing creatively or expressing oneself throughwriting In writing lessons, intrinsic motivation can be fostered by providing
opportunities for students to choose their own writing topics or allowing them
to explore their own unique ideas
In contrast, extrinsic motivation refers to performing an activity to attain
an external reward or avoid punishment For example, a student may studyhard for a test to receive a good grade and avoid failing In writing lessons,extrinsic motivation can be fostered by providing positive feedback orrecognizing student achievements, or by setting benchmarks or deadlines.Extrinsic motivation is encouraged by external factors, such as significant
others and feedback As Kohn (1993) explains, “Incentives, a version of what
psychologists call extrinsic motivators, do not alter the attitudes that underline
our behavior They do not create an enduring commitment to any value or
action Rather, incentives merely and temporarily change what we do.”Moreover, Self-determination theory suggests that in order to transform fromextrinsic to intrinsic motivation, three basic psychological needs must be met,
Trang 20namely autonomy (the need to approve and be the source of one”s behavior),competence (through the need to interact positively with the environment) and
relatedness (such as the need to perceive oneself attached to others and
supported by others) Extrinsic motivation helps students become driven and
competitive, while intrinsic motivation supports seeking knowledge for itsown sake In the last few years, the topic of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
has raised a lot of interest in learning English (Oletié, 2014)
Ryan and Deci (2000) argue that intrinsic motivation is more effective
than extrinsic motivation because it leads to greater engagement, interest, and
persistence They also suggest that extrinsic motivation can actuallyundermine intrinsic motivation when overused Thus, a combination ofintrinsic and extrinsic motivation can be effective in promoting studentlearning in writing While intrinsic motivation helps to foster studentengagement and creativity, extrinsic motivation can provide students with
tangible rewards or incentives to help them stay motivated and focused on
their writing goals
1.1.3 The roles of motivation in learning writing
Motivation plays a crucial role in learning writing lessons Writing can
be a challenging task, and it requires a lot of effort and practice to improve.Motivation is what drives students to learn and practice writing consistently,even when faced with difficult or uninspiring writing assignments Motivatedstudents are likely to learn more effectively and even more quickly than lessmotivated students In particular learning writing lessons, less motivatedstudents are likely to lose their attention, misbehave and cause disciplineproblems On the contrary, students who are more highly motivated willparticipate actively and pay more attention to a certain learning task oractivity Apart from the role that intellectual capacity and language aptitudeplay in a second or foreign language learning (Gardner & Lambert, 1972),motivation is a main factor in the successful study of language acquisition
Trang 21In addition, motivation is an issue worthy to investigate because it has agreat number of implications for how to support language learners to be moresuccessful And motivation is the answer that researchers and teachers make
effort to create when referring to an efficient language learning environment
Most teachers and researchers have widely accepted that motivation is one ofthe key factors which affect the rate and success of second language learning
Ultimately, motivation is essential for learning writing lessons because ithelps students stay engaged and focused on their goals, even when faced with
challenges or setbacks By staying motivated, students can develop the skills
they need to become confident and effective writers Furthermore, motivationcan help learners set and achieve goals, manage their time effectively, seekfeedback and take constructive criticism, and enjoy the learning process
1.2 Factors promoting students’ motivation in writing lessons
1.2.1 Students’ factors
In today’s world, access to education is becoming increasingly important
for individuals to succeed in their personal and professional lives It is notenough to simply have access to education, however Students must also
possess the ability and interest to engage with the material in order to trulybenefit from it As noted by Lei (2010), students who are motivatedextrinsically - that is, by external factors such as rewards or punishments - are
at a greater risk of performing lower academically than those who aremotivated intrinsically, by an internal desire to learn and improve Thishighlights the importance of fostering intrinsic motivation in students,particularly in the context of writing skills practice classes One way topromote intrinsic motivation is to encourage learners to find pleasure in thelearning process itself This might involve providing opportunities for
students to explore topics that interest them, or to engage in interactive and
collaborative learning activities By doing so, students are more likely to feel
a sense of ownership over their own learning, and to be motivated to continue
Trang 22developing their skills in the long term Students’ attitudes and perceptions
towards writing can significantly impact their motivation to learn and improve
their writing skills It is important to recognize that writing is not just a skill,
but also a process involving creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving
One possible reason why students may have a negative attitude towardswriting is that they have not been given enough opportunities to express
themselves and develop their own writing voice In some cases, they may
have been taught a rigid set of rules and formats, which can stifle theircreativity and make writing seem like a chore On the other hand, studentswho view writing as a meaningful and enjoyable activity are more likely to bemotivated to improve and hone their skills Teachers can help foster this
positive attitude by providing students with opportunities to write about topics
they are interested in and giving them feedback that is both constructive andencouraging Furthermore, McGlynn (2008), Fulton and Turner (2008)
emphasize that overall academic motivation is influenced by several factors,
including the reason for preferring the school, the likelihood of finding a jobafter graduation, the order of preference, future expectations, thedistinctiveness of testing and measuring activities, the desire to complete alevel of education, attitudes toward the teacher and peer group, income level,classroom appropriateness, and adequacy of the classrooms
Maslow (1943) suggested that student engagement in learning can be
inspired by considering the hierarchy of needs According to this theory, if astudent is hungry or thirsty, it can be more challenging for them to focus onlearning Hence, it is crucial to ensure that the basic physiological needs ofstudents are met before expecting them to engage in learning activities.Another critical factor that can impact learning motivation is the perceived
well-being of learners For example, if a student has had a disagreement with
someone before class, it may significantly impact their perception andmotivation to learn Therefore, it is important to create a positive learning
Trang 23environment that promotes the being of learners In other words,
well-being or life satisfaction refers to the degree to which a student is content with
their life This includes their pleasure in daily activities, perceived health,financial security, the fit between their desired and achieved goals, mood, andself-concept A student’s level of well-being can significantly impact theirmotivation to learn, and hence, it is crucial to promote the well-being of
learners to enhance their engagement in learning activities
Thus, these well-being factors must be extrapolated into the classroom in
order to improve satisfaction with the learning experience and in turn
performance Emergent motivation arises from the connection between workand personal expression, exploration, and sustained creativity Thismotivation is unique to each student and arises from what they perceive assignificant and meaningful To foster emergent motivation, educators shoulddesign a variety of learning experiences that can overcome individualdifferences in student inputs This approach can lead to uniformly high levels
of perceived personal effectiveness, ability to apply course materials, andsatisfaction with both course results and the educational process (Lengnick-Hall and Sanders, 2017)
According to Richardson and Abraham (2009), conscientious studentsmay do better in academic tasks because of differences in achievementmotivation capacity This means that students who are more motivated toachieve good grades or to learn the material may perform better than thosewho lack motivation In the context of an English language class, it isimportant for students to feel motivated to practice writing tasks in order toimprove their skills One way to achieve this is by setting achievable goalsand providing positive reinforcement for progress Nonis and Hudson (2010)emphasize that having a sufficient amount of time and good study habits areboth salient factors for better motivation The researcher understands that thelearning strategy in relation to time can significantly influence learners’
Trang 24motivation towards practicing writing skills A comprehensive and easily
understandable long-range educational plan can reduce learners’ anxiety and
enhance their motivation, as noted by Dedmond (2009)
1.2.2 Teachers’ factors The method of teaching
Teachers play a crucial role in promoting motivational qualities amongtheir students Students are more motivated by teachers they like than those
they dislike (Montalvo, 1998) However, education is not a personality
contest The role of teachers has shifted from being knowledge dispensers tomanaging students’ learning and the learning environment Therefore,
teachers must be empowered to exercise professional judgment in theclassroom to achieve clearly expressed goals Weinstein (2010) argues that ateacher’s knowledge of the subject matter and their motivational level haveimmense effects on student motivation Additionally, a teacher’s languageproficiency, ability to disengage stress, awareness that students are not bad
but in the process of development, and sense of humor are all important skills
(Whistler, 1992)
According to Shulman (1987), effective teaching of a specific subjectrequires a particular kind of knowledge called pedagogical content knowledge
(PCK) PCK involves blending content and pedagogy to understand how
particular topics, problems, or issues are organized, represented, and adapted
to the diverse interests and abilities of learners for instruction Alderman
(1999) suggests two basic approaches to cultivating motivation in theclassroom: creating a classroom structure and institutional method, and
helping students develop self-regulation tools To implement these
approaches, teachers can encourage learners to embrace technology, conveygenuine care for their students, help each student feel special, assist studentsoutside of the classroom even at odd hours, discuss contemporary issues, anddevelop guided tasks
Trang 25Motivation can be enhanced by the teacher’s approach to teachingwriting Creating a positive and supportive classroom environment that
encourages students to take risks and learn from mistakes is one effective way
to do this According to Bayraktar’s research (2015), an effective teaching
and learning atmosphere in a classroom can be achieved through the teacher’suse of methods, techniques, tools, and materials in the relevant teaching field,which has an important effect on student motivation Mendes (2003) alsoemphasized that an effective classroom environment that enhances student
motivation should be sufficient for the teaching methods and techniques of
the educators Using exciting and unique teaching techniques during trainingcan better engage students in the lesson and motivate them for success(Bolkan and Goodboy, 2010)
Therefore, teachers should vary the activities, tasks, and materials they
use in the classroom to avoid demotivation and increase students’ interest
levels (Trong Tuan, 2012) In addition, teachers should know how to givetests that are motivating to students by ensuring that they are based on course
objectives Test-taking instructions, terminology, layout, and item choiceshould not be ambiguous, confusing, illogical, unclear, imprecise, or poorlydesigned (Trugman, 2007) Constructive and motivating feedback can also be
provided to help students see the progress they are making and encouragethem to continue working hard Teachers’ attitude towards the writing lesson
Olson (1997) highlights that almost everything teachers do in theclassroom has a motivational influence on students Therefore, Englishlanguage teachers in particular must be careful with classroom activities toavoid demotivating learners Moreover, when a teacher is enthusiastic about a
topic, students will be more likely to believe that the topic has value for them
(Palmer, 2007) Dornyei (2001) identified teacher behaviors, teacherenthusiasm, and good relationships with students as factors affecting students’
Trang 26motivation When teachers help learners develop an internal sense of controland feelings of effectiveness in task completion, learners are more likely to
become motivated to learn (C Fen Ng and P Kiat Ng, 2015)
In addition, the teacher’s attitude is a significant factor affecting students
because teacher enthusiasm serves as a positive external catalyst thatfacilitates student interest and curiosity to learn (Qin Zhang, 2014) It follows
that a motivated teacher is crucial in keeping students motivated Building a
professional relationship with learners and valuing it is one of the
super-scoping motivating qualities of professional teachers Relationships are at the
heart of teaching, which is an activity based on communication (MacGrath,2005) Empathy can help to establish a trusting relationship (MacGrath,2005) Therefore, when facilitating the practice of writing skills, languageteachers should feel empathy towards their learners, which can boost therelationship and create a motivated classroom atmosphere
from parental and student-related factors, classroom features or environmental
factors also affect students’ motivation” A creative and stimulating
atmosphere will encourage creativity and inspire students to explore theirimaginations through writing With the same thought, Dorman, Aldridge, andFraser (2006) agreed that students learn better when they perceive thelearning atmosphere to be positive and supportive A positive atmosphere is
one in which students feel like they belong, that they can trust others, and that
they are encouraged to face challenges, take risks, and ask questions.(Bucholz & Sheffler, 2009) It also promotes students to freely express their
ideas and thoughts Such an environment provides students with relevant
Trang 27content, clear learning objectives and feedback, chances to develop socialskills, and strategies to help them thrive (Weimer, 2009).
Environmental factors really affect learners’ motivation in learning In
contrast, if the classroom is overcrowded and there is not enough light, it
demotivates students because it makes studying difficult due to difficultcircumstances (Trong Tuan, 2012) Students’ anxiety caused by a tense
classroom climate, according to Mac Intyre and Young (1999), was one of the
most potent factors undermining learning effectiveness and second-language
motivation From this perspective, it is simple to demonstrate that if the
learning environment is not conducive to acquiring new information or skills,learners will struggle to maintain their interests Finally, by creating abeneficial environment with purposeful rules, students are motivated to do theright thing and assist one another
1.2.4 Course books and Content
At the least, contents must be accurate, timely relevant to real life,variety of tasks, experience involves both creative and critical thinking, etc.(Olson, 1997; Legg and Wilson, 2009; Palmer, 2007) When it is said thatlearning content is accurate, it means that the content should be reasonable;
besides, it should be compatible with the real experiences of the learners
Also, it could be motivating if it encourages the creation or production
Course books are also important in learning writing lessons If the contents
and course books provide a clear and structured approach to teaching writing,which makes it easier for students to understand the concepts and techniques
involved This helps to motivate students as they feel confident in their ability
to master the skills being taught If a range of interesting and engaging writingtasks challenge students’ abilities and enable them to develop their skills indifferent contexts, it can help to keep students motivated as they are exposed
to new and exciting writing challenges However in my point of view, if thelearning task is very difficult, it might decrease the motivation of the learners
Trang 28Thus, the course books and contents should not be too difficult or too easybecause it can cause students a demotivated in lessons Overall, content and
course books are effective tools for motivating students in writing lessons by
providing clear structure, varied tasks, and real-world relevance
1.3 Previous research regarding factors motivating English majorstudents in writing lessons
One of the previous research related to this topic is “Factors Influencing
the Acquisition of Writing Skills” published by M Dhanya and C Alamelu in
2019, which aimed to identify the various factors that affect the acquisition of
writing skills among students The researchers conducted a literature reviewand analyzed studies related to the development of writing skills Theysampled 20 teachers and 80 students from Arts and Science Colleges in SouthChennai, Tamil Nadu, India The participants were administered aquestionnaire and asked to respond appropriately The study identified severalfactors that influence the acquisition of writing skills, including a positivestudent-teacher relationship, classroom environment, intrinsic learnermotivation, and positive feedback systems These factors have varying
degrees of influence on learning writing The study highlighted the
importance of teaching methods such as explicit instruction and modeling inimproving writing skills, as well as the need to provide adequate feedback and
support to students The article also discussed the impact of writing tasks and
activities, language proficiency, motivation, and cultural differences onwriting skill development The research concluded that the acquisition ofwriting skills is a complex process involving multiple factors, and effectiveteaching strategies and interventions can significantly enhance students’writing abilities
Subsequently, the research named “The effect of motivation on
Jordanian 10th grade students’ writing skill in English” by AreeJ Al-Shourafa
(2016) addressed the topic of the effect of motivation on English writing skills
Trang 29among Jordanian 10th grade students during the second semester of
2011-2012 The study aimed to explore the relationship between motivation and
writing skills among students in the Al-karak Directorate of Education, and
how different types of motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic, can affect their
academic performance To conduct the study, the researcher selected astratified random sample of (198) male and female students from Alkarak
secondary school for boys and Alkarak secondary school for girls The
researcher developed a comprehensive questionnaire to collect data from the
participants, ensuring the reliability and validity of the instrument The studyfound that students who had higher levels of intrinsic motivation achieved
better grades and higher levels of academic performance than those withlower levels of motivation Furthermore, the study revealed that extrinsicmotivation, such as rewards or punishments, could have a positive impact on
students’ performance, but only when combined with intrinsic motivation.Therefore, the study suggests that teachers and schools should focus on
fostering intrinsic motivation in students to improve their academicperformance In conclusion, this research highlights the importance ofmotivation in enhancing students’ writing skills, and provides valuable
insights for educators to develop effective teaching strategies that promote
intrinsic motivation among students
The final is the research on “Students’ motivation in learning to writeacademic writing” by Subhan (2017) The study aims to identify the factorsthat motivate students to write, the challenges they face, and the strategies
they use in academic writing The study collected data from 110
undergraduate students from various academic disciplines using aquestionnaire that measured their motivation to learn academic writing Thefindings reveal that students’ motivations in learning to write academicwriting include personal goals, future career prospects, and academicadvancement This indicates that students recognize the importance of
Trang 30academic writing skills in their future careers and academic pursuits.
However, the study also highlights the challenges that students face in
learning to write academic writing, including cultural differences, language
barriers, and lack of self-confidence These challenges can impact students’
motivation to learn and succeed in academic writing, and may require targetedinterventions to address The study also sheds light on the strategies that
students use in academic writing These strategies include reading academic
literature, seeking help from others, and practicing writing repeatedly This
indicates that students are actively engaged in developing their writing skillsand seeking ways to improve Overall, the study provides useful insights into
the diverse motivations, challenges, and strategies in academic writing Theseinsights can aid educators in developing effective pedagogical approaches that
foster students’ academic writing skills By understanding the factors thatmotivate students to write, educators can create learning environments thatare conducive to student success By addressing the challenges that studentsface, educators can provide targeted support that meets the needs of all
learners And by encouraging the use of effective writing strategies, educators
can help students develop the skills they need to succeed in their academic
and professional pursuits
Based on the aforementioned evidence, it is clear that both intrinsic andextrinsic motivation have a significant impact on students Several studieshave identified various factors that motivate English learners to improve theirwriting skills However, no study has investigated the factors motivatingEnglish major students in their writing lessons at Hanoi Law University
Trang 31in writing lessons Different approaches and views to motivation in thecontext of writing are then clearly elucidated Finally, some previous research
on factors motivating English major students in writing lessons is mentioned
This chapter presents and discusses the methodology of the research,which includes participants of the study, data collection and data analysis
2.1 Participants of the study
In this study, data is mainly collected from questionnaires answered by
100 second-year Legal English students (K46) of Hanoi Law University, thenthe researcher will choose 5 randomly selected students to conduct interviews
with their consent The students speak Vietnamese as their mother tongue and
English is considered as their foreign language The selection of respondents
followed a recommendation by Merriam (1988), in which contributors werechosen based on their ability to provide insights into the research subject
Long (2005) also suggested that students are the most obvious and crucialchoice when it comes to gathering information, and that they are often the
only source of respondents The decision to consider K46 students as a datasource was due to the fact that they are studying English language andwriting, which is a mandatory subject in their curriculum As they are still in
the process of learning to write, they have the opportunity to be exposed towriting lessons in class, which allows them to better understand theirmotivations for learning, and the extent to which those factors motivate them
2.1.1 Students’ gender ratio
Trang 33According to the data provided, it appears that the majority of students in
K46 at Hanoi Law University are female, with a percentage of 62% whilemale students only make up 33% This information suggests that there is asignificant gender disparity within the student population at Hanoi LawUniversity Additionally, it is worth noting that a small percentage ofstudents, 5% identified as a gender other than male or female
2.1.2 Students’ English proficiency levels
m Intermediate - B1
= Upper Intermediate - B2
= Advanced - C1 Proficient - C2
Figure 2 English proficiency levels of K46 English majors at Hanoi Law
The chart shows the proportion of English proficiency levels of K46English majors at Hanoi Law University It is clear that Upper Intermediatewas the most common choice among K46 students, which stood at 51% whilethe opposite was true for Proficient (only 2%) In addition, there was an equal
proportion of students choosing Intermediate and Advanced with 26% and
21%, respectively Overall, the current English proficient levels of K46students are quite high and relatively equal
2.2 Data collection
The main objective of this study was to identify the multitude of factors
that motivate students towards writing lessons In order to achieve this goal,
Trang 34the researcher employed a combination of quantitative and qualitative modes
of inquiry
2.2.1 Questionnaire
The questionnaires consist of 20 statements that were formed based on
the research questions We extracted probable related factors from theresearch questions and used them to form the statements The questionnaires
were designed based on research papers related to the factors that motivate
students to learn to write The questionnaire was divided into two sections.The first part included background information about the students, and thesecond part included Likert-scale questions to determine the factorsmotivating students in writing lessons To make the information easy to
understand, the second part was divided into four titles: Students’ Factors,
Teachers’ Factors, Learning Environment, and Course Books and Content
The Students’ Factors part dealt with the attitudes and perceptions of thestudents, personal interests and goals during writing lessons The Teachers’Factors part had statements about teachers’ ability to use teaching methodsand their behavior towards learners to help them become motivated learners
In the Learning Environment part, statements focused on environmental
features The Course Books and Content part had statements about the
classroom materials and content of writing lessons
All of the statements were given to the participants to mark from 1(Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly agree) The questions were sent to 100students in course 46 and collected online The participants were informed ofthe purpose of the research and that their information would be keptconfidential, anonymous, and voluntary This helped to diminish researchers’
bias Confidentiality was ensured by using fictional names, and integrity was
upheld in dealing with participants and data The questionnaires werecollected upon completion
Trang 352.2.2 Interview
For the interview, eight questions were designed to gather more
opinions, detailed understanding, and perspectives from students about the
factors that influence their writing, as well as their experiences when learning
to write The interview was conducted one-on-one via video conferencingplatform with five randomly selected students During the interview, the
researcher recorded the interviewees’ responses on paper
2.3 Data analysis
In order to answer the basic research questions stated in Introduction, the
data which were gathered through questionnaire and interview were analyzed.The data which were collected through questionnaires were organized and
analyzed by using quantitative method The data and information gathered
from the questionnaires were summarized and analyzed by using statistical
tool Google Form, which were used for the quantitative data Here the data
were organized in tables based on their features to acquire the holistic picture
Generally, the two categories of data gathered on the characteristics ofsubjects under study were integrated, rigorously interpreted to create a holisticpicture of the findings In other words, the qualitative data were summarizedand included in the analysis to supplement and clarify the quantitative data
Trang 362.4 Summary
This chapter presents the methodology of the study Concepts included
in this chapter are participants of the study, data collection of questionnaire
and interview, data analysis, respectively
In this chapter, the factors motivating English major students in writing
lessons are analyzed from the result of questionnaires and interview Then, in
the discussion section, there will be a classification for the research questionswhich has been raised before
3.1 Results of questionnaire and interview
4 I feel excited about
getting new knowledge 1% 10% 19% 44% 26%and information in
learn writing lessons in
the classroom with the
purpose of getting high
5% 21% 55% 19%
7 I feel contented and
Trang 38have a great
motivation to learn the 1% 5% 14% 47% 33%
next writing lesson
when I can easily and
9 I did well in writing
because I realized that 2% 13% 2% 43% 15%
my dream job requires
good English writing
Table 1 Factors motivating English-majored students concerning themselves
Based on the table, there are nine statements that indicate internal factors
in learners, such as students’ perceptions and attitudes when learning to write
in class
As illustrated in the table, 81% of the students answered “strongly agree”and “agree” with the idea of statement 1, which was 62% of the studentshigher than that of “neutral” No one chose “disagree” or “strongly disagree”’.Therefore, it was concluded that sophomores majoring in English weremotivated to learn writing lessons due to their positive attitude and perceptiontowards the subject
In response to statement 2, 6% of students selected “disagree” while 4%firmly disagreed The percentage of students who selected “agree” (about40%) and “strongly agree” (19%) was higher than that of students whodisagreed 31% chose “neutral” During interviews with several students, it
was found that confidence plays a significant role in their writing Student A
expressed that when she has an idea and knows how to express it, her
creativity is boosted, leading to stronger interest in writing This is consistent
with the views of Student E, who mentioned that he is more likely to be