Hanoi — 2023
Major: Legal English
I hereby state that I: Bui Hoang Tuan Anh — ID 443022, being a candidate for
the degree of Bachelor of Arts accept the requirements of the University
relating to the retention and use of Bachelor's Graduation Paper deposited in
the library
In terms of these conditions, I agree that the origin of my paper deposited in
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April 21, 2023
Supervisor’s confirmation Researcher’s signature
Vu Van Tuan, Ph.D Bui Hoang Tuan Anh
Trang 4Completing a thesis is a demanding and challenging task that requires
dedication, hard work, and perseverance The researcher expresses gratitude tothe many individuals who supported and encouraged throughout this journey.Without their help, this thesis would not have been possible
First and foremost, the researcher extends his sincere gratitude to Dr
Vu Van Tuan, the supervisor, for their unwavering support, guidance, and
expertise The supervisor's invaluable insights and feedback played a crucial
role in shaping the ideas and improving the quality of work
The researcher acknowledges the faculty members of the Foreign
Languages Department at Hanoi Law University for their inspiring lectures,
insightful discussions, and valuable feedback The faculty members'dedication to excellence was a constant source of motivation and contributed
significantly to the researcher's growth as a researcher
The members of the thesis defense committees deserve recognition for
their generosity in offering their time and expertise to evaluate the work Their
constructive criticisms and suggestions were helpful in refining the arguments
and improving the overall quality of the thesis
The researcher is grateful to the student participants who participated inthe study with enthusiasm and dedication Their willingness to share their
thoughts and experiences enriched the research and provided valuable insights
into the topic studied
Finally, the researcher extends deepest appreciation to their family and
friends who supported and encouraged throughout this journey Their
unwavering love, understanding, and encouragement were a constant source
Trang 5of inspiration and motivation The researcher acknowledges all those who, in
one way or another, contributed to the fruition of this work
Trang 6Many countries in the world adopt distinct legal systems to govern their
activities, and emphasize the need for graduates to possess a strong grasp oflegal English In many educational systems, students are equipped with legalknowledge, particularly in non-native English-speaking countries wherelegacy and English language knowledge is merged This study aimed toexplore the intrinsic and extrinsic motivated strategies used by students atHanoi Law University to learn legal English to identify the most commonlearning strategies and factors that influence their effectiveness A quantitative
method was employed in data collection and analysis with 65 respective legal
English major students at Hanoi Law University in the second term of the2022-2023 academic year The study utilized a survey questionaire to gather
data on students' motivation, attitudes towards the subject matter, and learning
strategies The findings reveal that students are highly motivated to learn legal
English with positive attitudes towards the subject matter However, somestudents experience test anxiety and difficulty understanding the material Thestudy also shows that students use various learning strategies such as asking
themselves questions, summarizing key concepts, and creating outlines Theresearch further indicates that intrinsic motivation plays a more significantrole in effective learning outcomes than extrinsic motivation The study haspractical implications for language instructors and curriculum developers indesigning instructional materials encompassing students’ intrinsic motivation,and employing effective learning strategies Overall, this study contributes to
the body of knowledge on the motivated strategies used by Legal English
major students at Hanoi Law University and provides insights for improvinglegal English language teaching and learning practices
PageStudent declaration ill
Acknowledgement IV Abstract vi
Table of contents VI
List of tables x
List of abbreviations XIPART 1 INTRODUCTION |
1 Rationale for study 1
2 Aims and Objectives of the Study 4
2.1 Aims of the study 42.2 Objectives of the study 5
3 Research Questions 5
4 Scope of the Study 5
5 Significance of the Study =
6 Methodology 6
7 Structure of the Study 6
PART IT DEVELOPMENT 8CHAPTER 1 LITERATURE REVIEW 81.1 Motivation in English language learning 81.2 Motivation 91.2.1 Intrinsic motivation Đ1.2.2 Extrinsic motivation 101.3 Strategies in English language learning 11
Trang 81.4 The relationship between motivation and strategies in English
3.1 Demographic information of the respondents
3.2 The analysis on general motivated strategies on learning
English of English major students
3.3 The analysis of intrinsic motivation for learning English of
English major students
3.4 The analysis extrinsic motivation for learning English ofEnglish major students
3.5 The analysis of the differences between gender with motivated
strategies for learning English
3.6 The analysis of the differences between residence with
motivated strategies for learning English
3.7 Summary
PageTable 1 Profiles of the respondents involving in the study 21Table 2 General Motivated Strategies for Learning English 23
Table 3 Intrinsic Motivation for learning English 29
Table 4 Extrinsic Motivation for learning English 33
Table 5 The differences between gender with Motivated Strategies 35
for Learning English
Table 6 The differences between Residence with Motivated 37Strategies for Learning English
Trang 11HLU : Hanoi Law University
EFL : English as a Foreign LanguageESP : English for Specific Purposes
GE : General English
EAP : English for Academic PurposesELT : English language teachingL2 : Second language
SDT : Self-determination theory
This part provides the context of the research by explaining the
rationale, aims of the study, research questions, significance and scope of thestudy, along with the structure of the paper
1 Rationale for study
Global integration requires people have to use one means of common
language to communicate with one another To meet this requirement,Vietnamese State enacted Decree No.14/2001 TC-TTg on the Renovation ofthe Vietnamese General Education Curriculum', which enforced the Ministry
of Education and other ministries and governmental bodies concerned todesign the new curriculum entailing which foreign languages should be taught
at general Education In order to intensify the learners' competency of foreign
languages, the State promulgated the Scheme on foreign language teaching
and learning in the national education system in the 2008-2020 period? signed
by Prime Minister No 1400/QD-TTg on September 30, 2008, and this
Scheme has been lengthened by Decision No 2080/QD-TTg of the Prime
Minister inked on December 22, 2017: Approving the adjustment andsupplementation of the Scheme on teaching and learning foreign languages in
the national education system for the period 2017 — 20253 Thus, English has
been taught at all levels in Vietnamese Education System, especially at
schools, colleges, universities where English is a compulsory subject andlearners have to achieve certain levels of English competence, which is
specified in Circular No 01/2014/TT-BGDDT of the Ministry of Educationand Training: Promulgating the 6-level foreign language competency
! https://vanban.chinhphu vn/default.aspx?pageid=27 1 60&docid=9 112
? https://vanban.chinhphu vn/default.aspx?pageid=27 1 60&docid=78437
3 1 60&docid=1 92343
Trang 13framework for Vietnam To meet the demand of the current situation,
Teaching and learning English for Specific Purposes (ESP) rather than generalEnglish (GE) or English for Academic Purposes (EAP) has become a focalconcern in the field of English language teaching (ELT)
Legal English has become an increasingly important skill for lawstudents and legal professionals around the world With the growth ofglobalization and international law, proficiency in legal English is crucial for
effective communication and success in the field In Vietnam, as in many
other countries, legal English is now a mandatory course in law school
curricula However, despite its importance, some students may struggle to
learn legal English effectively One potential factor that can affect the success
of students in learning legal English is their motivation Motivation is a keyaspect of learning, as it can influence the amount of effort and persistence that
students devote to their studies According to self-determination theory (SDT),
students can be intrinsically or extrinsically motivated to learn Intrinsicmotivation refers to learning for the sake of enjoyment, interest, or personalgrowth, while extrinsic motivation refers to learning for external rewards such
as grades, recognition, or social status Some studies (e.g., Alizadeh, 2016;
Carrió-Pastor & Mestre, 2014, Chalak & Kassaian, 2010) have shown thatintrinsic motivation is associated with more positive learning outcomes, such
as higher academic achievement, greater creativity, and better long-term
retention of information
On the other hand, extrinsic motivation can lead to a focus on achievingexternal goals rather than on the learning process itself, which can result inshallow learning and lower engagement However, the relationship betweenmotivation and learning outcomes is complex, and there may be individual
4 https://vanban.chinhphu vn/default.aspx?pageid=27 1 60&docid=172297
Trang 14differences in the types and levels of motivation that are most effective fordifferent learners Therefore, it is important to investigate the role ofmotivation in learning legal English among law students Specifically, thisstudy aims to explore the strategies that students use to motivate themselves tolearn legal English, and to investigate the relationships between thesemotivational strategies, their levels of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and
their learning outcomes By understanding the factors that contribute to
successful learning of legal English, this study can inform the development ofeffective teaching and learning practices in this important field
Previous studies (e.g., Carrló-Pastor & Mestre, 2014; Goktepe, 2014,
Kamaruddin et al, 2017) have investigated the relationship between
motivation and learning outcomes in various academic disciplines, including
language learning However, a few studies have specifically focused on therole of motivation in learning legal English, particularly in the context ofVietnam Therefore, this study might fill a gap in the literature by providing amore detailed understanding of the motivational factors that influence the
success of law students in learning legal English at Hanoi Law University
To achieve these aims, this study used a descriptive quantitative method
approach First, a survey would be administered to a sample of legal English
major students at HLU to assess their levels of intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation and the strategies that they used to motivate themselves forlearning legal English The survey would also gather information about
students' demographic backgrounds, prior English language proficiency, and
their intrinsic and extrinsic motivated strategies Finally, the survey wasexploited to identify patterns and relationships between motivational
Trang 15strategies, motivation types The quantitative data was analyzed to identifykey themes and patterns in the interview data.
Overall, this study had the potential to contribute to our understanding
of the role of motivation in learning legal English among law students in
Vietnam, and to provide insights into effective legal English teaching and
learning practices The findings of this study might have implications for the
development of more effective pedagogical approaches for teaching legal
English, as well as for the design of educational policies related to languagelearning in Vietnam For the mentioned reasons, the researcher would like toconduct a study on “Students' intrinsic and extrinsic motivated strategies for
learning legal English at Hanoi Law University” The study was toinvestigate students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivated strategies when learning
legal English The researcher decided to implement this study with K45 legalEnglish major students at Faculty of Legal Foreign Languages at HLU duringthe second term of the 2022-2023 academic year
2 Aims and objectives of the study
2.1, Aims of the study
The study on investigating the intrinsic and extrinsic strategies inlearning legal English is undertaken with these following aims:
- To identify the most common intrinsic and extrinsic motivational
strategies used by legal English major students at HLU in relation to their
attitudes towards learning legal English
- To determine the relationship between students' intrinsic and extrinsicmotivational strategies and their academic performance, as measured bygrades and language proficiency test scores
Trang 162.2 Objectives of the study
- To conduct a survey questionaire to identify the most effective
intrinsic and extrinsic motivated strategies used in learning legal English
- To propose several suggestions to improve the learning effectiveness
of HLU legal English major students in legal English classes, including bothinstructors and students
3 Research questions
Generally, the study aimed to determine the intrinsic and extrinsic
motivated strategies in learning legal English at HLU to serve as the groundfor recommending some effective initiatives for learning better at legalEnglish
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1 What common motivational strategies do legal English major
students use to learn legal English?
2 What is the relationship between students' intrinsic and extrinsic
motivational strategies and their academic performance in learning legalEnglish?
4 Scope of the study
The scope of this study was to investigate the intrinsic and extrinsic
motivated strategies used by students at HLU to learn legal English The study
would focus on 112 students enrolled in legal English courses who are in K45
at HLU during the second term of the 2022-2023 academic year
5 Significance of the study
Trang 17The significance of this study lies in its contribution to the literature on
motivational factors and language learning strategies specific to the context of
legal English at HLU This study would provide insights into the intrinsic andextrinsic motivated strategies used by students to learn legal English and
explore the relationship between these motivations and students' performance
in legal English assessments The study findings would be of interest to
teachers, policy-makers, and researchers in the field of language education,
providing them with a better understanding of the factors that influencestudents' language learning experiences in legal English courses
6 Methodology
The study employed a descriptive quantitative methodology thatinvolved the use of a researcher-made questionnaire to gather data fromstudents on their motivations and learning strategies for legal English The
questionnaire was designed to elicit information on the relationship betweenrespondents’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and their performance in legalEnglish assessments It consisted of closed-ended questions that were easy toanswer and could be scored numerically
7 Structure of the study
The study includes 3 Parts mainly organized as follows:
The first part, Introduction, consists of the research’s rationale, aims,research questions, scope, methodology, and the importance of the study areput forward
The second part, Development, is subdivided into the following
Trang 18Chapter 1 Literature Review specifies theoretical background, as well
as related researches concerning students’ intrinsic and extrinsic strategies and
how they affect their performance in legal English assessments at Hanoi LawUniversity
Chapter 2 Methodology provides details of the data collection
instruments, procedures of data collection and procedures of data analysis —
conducted at HLU
Chapter 3 Results and Discussion illustrate the detailed results of thesurvey; in specific, students’ intrinsic and extrinsic strategies and how theyaffect their performance in legal English assessments at Hanoi Law University
is analyzed
Chapter 4 Recommendations are proposed with an aim to to propose
several suggestions to improve the learning effectiveness of students majoring
in legal English at English at Hanoi Law University
The last part, Conclusion, summarizes the study’s result and identifieslimitations to the research
Trang 19PART II DEVELOPMENTCHAPTER 1 LITERATURE REVIEWThis chapter reviews the theory related to the area of demotivatingfactors affecting student acquisition of legal English The knowledge
accumulated would be used to formulate the theoretical framework for the
The motivation and strategies of English language learning are
considered significant factors that contribute to successful learning outcomes.This literature review aims to explore the intrinsic and extrinsic motivated
strategies of students for learning legal English The review is divided into
four parts: 1.1 motivation in English language learning; 1.2 motivation, which
includes intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation; 1.3 strategies in English
language learning; and 1.4 the relationship between motivation and strategies
in English language learning
1.1 Motivation in English language learning
Motivation is one of the most influential variables that affect Englishlanguage learning Several researchers have identified the importance ofmotivation in language learning, including English language learning (Carrió-Pastor & Mestre, 2014; Chalak & Kassaian, 2010; Fatiha et al., 2014; Geddes,2016; Liu, 2014; Luu, 2012) Motivation refers to the drive or desire to learn a
new language or to achieve a goal in language learning (Alizadeh, 2016)
Motivation can be both intrinsic and extrinsic Intrinsic motivation comesfrom within the individual, while extrinsic motivation comes from external
factors such as rewards, grades, or social recognition (Liu et al., 2020)
Research has shown that learners with high levels of motivation aremore likely to have positive attitudes towards English language learning and
Trang 20are more successful in achieving their language learning goals (Carrió-Pastor
& Mestre, 2014; Fatiha et al., 2014) In contrast, learners with low motivation
may experience feelings of frustration, boredom, and lack of interest, whichcan hinder their progress in learning English (Chalak & Kassaian, 2010).Therefore, it is important for English language teachers to understand the role
of motivation in language learning and to create an environment that fostersmotivation in their students This can be achieved through various methodssuch as using interesting and relevant materials, providing meaningful andchallenging tasks, and creating a supportive and encouraging classroom
atmosphere (Geddes, 2016; Luu, 2012) By doing so, teachers can help to
increase their students' motivation, leading to greater success in Englishlanguage learning
and the desire for self-improvement Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand,
refers to the external factors that influence language learning, such as rewards,grades, and the expectations of others
1.2.1 Intrinsic motivation
Intrinsic motivation refers to the internal drive or desire to learn andimprove one's skills (Hassan et al., 2020) Several studies have explored theimpact of intrinsic motivation on English language learning For example,
Trang 21Alizadeh (2016) found that students who are intrinsically motivated to learn
English have better academic performance and greater success in their
language learning In another study, Liu et al (2020) found that intrinsicmotivation has a positive effect on academic performance, and it can enhance
the effect of extrinsic motivation on academic performance over time
Moreover, research has also shown that intrinsic motivation can lead tolong-term language learning success, as it creates a sustainable drive tocontinue learning even when external factors such as rewards or recognitionare not present (Dörnyel, 2001) Intrinsic motivation is typically driven by
factors such as personal interest, enjoyment of the learning process, a desire
for personal growth and development, and a sense of accomplishment (Hassan
et al., 2020)
Additionally, fostering intrinsic motivation in English language learners
can be achieved through various approaches, such as creating a supportive and
stimulating learning environment, providing opportunities for student
autonomy and choice, incorporating tasks and materials that align withstudents' interests and needs, and encouraging self-reflection and self-
evaluation (Alizadeh, 2016; Dörnyel, 2001) By creating an environment thatnurtures intrinsic motivation, language learners are more likely to experience asense of ownership and responsibility for their learning, leading to increasedengagement and ultimately, greater success in English language learning.1.2.2 Extrinsic motivation
Extrinsic motivation refers to the external factors that motivate learners,
such as grades, rewards, or social recognition (Goktepe, 2014) Several studies
have investigated the effect of extrinsic motivation on English languagelearning For instance, Khan et al (2021) found that extrinsic motivation has apositive correlation with English language learning outcomes Similarly,
Trang 22Green and Fujita (2016) found that students who are highly motivated by
grades and rewards have better academic performance in English language
learning than those who are not motivated by these factors
While extrinsic motivation can be effective in the short-term, it may not
sustain learners' interest in the long-term This is because extrinsic motivators
do not tap into learners' inherent interest in the subject matter, and learners
may lose interest once the rewards or recognition are no longer available
(Ryan & Deci, 2017) Additionally, excessive focus on extrinsic motivators
may lead to a decreased focus on intrinsic motivation, which 1s critical forlong-term success in language learning (Liu et al., 2020) Thus, a balance
between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation is crucial to achieve sustained
success in English language learning Teachers can help students develop
intrinsic motivation by creating a positive learning environment, providingchallenging yet achievable tasks, and encouraging self-reflection and goalsetting (Geddes, 2016)
1.3 Strategies in English language learning
Students adopt various strategies in English language learning to
improve their language proficiency Strategies can be categorized as cognitive,metacognitive, and socio-affective strategies (Kamaruddin et al., 2017).Cognitive strategies refer to the mental processes that learners use to learn and
use new information, such as repetition, summarizing, and memorization
Metacognitive strategies refer to learners' awareness of their thinking andlearning processes and their ability to manage their learning, such as planning,self-monitoring, and evaluating Socio-affective strategies refer to theinteraction between the learner and the social environment, such as seekinghelp from teachers and peers, using language in social contexts, and
developing positive attitudes towards language learning
Trang 23In addition to the three categories of strategies mentioned, several other
strategies have been identified as important in English language learning For
example, Garcia and Sanchez (2016) highlight the importance of usingauthentic materials, such as newspapers and magazines, in language learning
They argue that authentic materials expose learners to real-life language use,
which can improve their language proficiency and cultural understanding
Moreover, according to Hassan et al (2020), vocabulary acquisition is a
critical component of English language learning Vocabulary learningstrategies, such as using flashcards, guessing from context, and associating
new words with images, can enhance learners’ vocabulary acquisition and
Another essential strategy in English language learning is speakingpractice Lin and Huang (2019) suggest that learners who engage in speaking
practice with their peers or native speakers can improve their pronunciation,
fluency, and communication skills
Finally, technology has become an increasingly important tool inEnglish language learning Zainuddin et al (2016) found that the use oftechnology, such as online learning platforms and multimedia materials, canimprove learners’ engagement, motivation, and language proficiency
1.4 The relationship between motivation and strategies in Englishlanguage learning
The relationship between motivation and strategies in English languagelearning has been a topic of interest for many researchers Fatiha et al (2014)found that there is a positive correlation between students’ motivation andtheir use of learning strategies The authors argue that motivated students tend
to employ more learning strategies than less motivated students, which in turn
leads to better language learning outcomes This finding is supported by Mat
Trang 24and Yunus (2014), who found that EFL learners who were more motivated
used more learning strategies, such as memorization, self-practice, and group
work, than their less motivated peers
In a longitudinal study of Chinese students, Liu et al (2020) found thatthe combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation had a multiplicativeeffect on academic performance The study showed that students who werehighly intrinsically and extrinsically motivated performed better academicallythan those who were only highly motivated in one of these areas The authorssuggest that students who are both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated aremore likely to use effective learning strategies, which in turn leads to betteracademic performance
Goktepe (2014) found that Turkish undergraduate EFL students’ attitudes and
motivation towards learning English were positively correlated with their use
of language learning strategies The study found that students who were highlymotivated were more likely to use strategies such as taking notes, using adictionary, and seeking help from their teachers Similarly, Khazaie andMesbah (2014) found that Iranian intermediate EFL learners who had highlevels of intrinsic motivation used more language learning strategies thanthose with high levels of extrinsic motivation
1.5 Summary
In summary, the literature suggests that there is a strong relationship
between motivation and language learning strategies Students who are highly
motivated tend to use more effective learning strategies, such asmemorization, self-practice, and group work, which in turn leads to betterlanguage learning outcomes The combination of intrinsic and extrinsicmotivation has also been found to have a multiplicative effect on academic
performance Therefore, it is essential for teachers to encourage both intrinsic
Trang 25and extrinsic motivation in their students and to provide opportunities for
students to develop effective learning strategies
Given this knowledge, the researcher is now prepared to present themethodology for investigating students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivatedstrategies for learning legal English at HLU Through this research, I aim togain insights into how these strategies impact students’ success in acquiring
legal English and provide recommendations for improving the learning
This chapter presents the research methods and techniques used for the
data collection The chapter begins with research design which served as theroadmap of the research, following a restatement of research questions, which
are used to guide the process of data collection, and next information about the
participants is also presented This is followed by the discussion of the
instrument used for data collection, the data collection procedures and data
analysis are clarified to get the results of the research
2.1 Research design
The study utilized a quantitative research design to conduct a study of
112 legal English students from course K45 at HLU, selected using a stratified
sampling formula (Slovin’s formula) Expected samples of 87 legal Englishstudents, but actually 65 samples met the requirements according to the datascreening process The participants were administered a researcher-made
questionnaire through an active Google Form link that was sent to their email
addresses The questionnaire was designed to collect data on the students’
motivations and learning strategies for legal English, as well as theirperformance in legal English assessments
The data collected from the questionnaire was analyzed using IBMSPSS v.25 software, employing descriptive and inferential statisticaltechniques to determine the relationship between the variables of interest Theresults would be presented in the form of tables to facilitate easy interpretation
and understanding
The findings obtained from the quantitative data analysis was used todraw conclusions and make recommendations for more effective legal Englishteaching and learning The conclusions and recommendations were based on
Trang 27the statistical significance of the results and would be used to inform policyand practice in legal English education.
2.2 Research Question Restated
To orient the study, the following questions should be clarified in order
to specify the students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivated strategies in learning
legal English at HLU
1 What common motivational strategies do HLU students use to learn
legal English?
2 What is the relationship between students’ intrinsic and extrinsic
motivational strategies and their academic performance in learning legal
2.3 Participants
The study included legal English students from one course which isK45 with 112 students To select a representative sample from the largepopulation of students, the researcher used the random sampling techniquewith Slovin’s formula to estimate the sample size The formula was adjustedwith a margin of error of +5% to ensure that equivalent samples were selectedfrom each course
Trang 28The study's results expected samples of 87 legal English major students,
but actually 65 samples met the requirements according to the data screeningprocess.
2.4 Research instruments
In this study, a researcher-made questionnaire was utilized, which was
based on the factual and behavioral criteria recommended by Dörnyei andTaguchi (2010) The questionnaire comprised of 64 statements that weredivided into three groups, each equally distributed among three categories:motivated strategies, intrinsically motivation, and extrinsically motivation Toensure the validity of the questionnaire, the researchers constructed itinternally and sent it to four legal English language teaching experts and legal
practitioners for content validation After that, the questionnaires were tuned properly before a dry run was conducted among a group of 30 students
fine-This dry run aimed to validate the strengths and weaknesses of thequestionnaire and allowed the researchers to make necessary adjustments toimprove its quality The researchers retained the statements based on their
range of confidence level, which was deemed to be fairly high (a = 0.76 —
0.95, Cronbach, 1951) The final survey questionnaires included 66statements, with 44 statements focusing on motivated strategies for learningEnglish, 10 on intrinsically motivation on learning of English, and 10 onextrinsically motivation on learning of English Finally, the final versions ofthe questionnaire were again sent back to the four experts to examine andvalidate its liability By using this questionnaire, the researchers aimed to gaininsights and knowledge about the factors that influenced students' motivation
in legal English language learning
Trang 292.5 Procedures of data collection
The Google Form was created to collect data from participants The
form developed by the researcher consisted of 66 statements equallydistributed among three categories: motivated strategies, intrinsic motivation,and extrinsically motivation The participants were asked to rate eachstatement on a five-point Likert scale, where 1 represented "strongly disagree"
and 5 represented "strongly agree." Once the Google Form was created, it was
distributed to the participants The researcher recruited participants through
various channels, such as social media platforms and email invitations Theparticipants were required to complete the form anonymously, and the datacollected were stored securely After the data collection had been completed,
the data were exported from Google Form and imported into IBM SPSS v.25
application for analysis The data were checked for completeness and
consistency, and any missing or inconsistent data were addressed
2.6 Data analysis
Data analysis is a crucial component of research studies as it providesmeaningful insights into the research questions In this study, IBM SPSS v.25application was used to analyze the collected data One of the statistical
analyses conducted was ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) which was utilized to
determine whether there were significant differences between the means of thefour factors affecting legal English language learning The significance level
was set at p < 0.05 The results indicated that there were significant
differences between the three categories, highlighting the importance of thevarious factors regarding intrinsic and extrinsic motivated strategies on legalEnglish language learning The use of IBM SPSS v.25 in the data analysis
Trang 30provided valuable insights that could be used to improve legal English
language teaching practices, leading to improved learning outcomes
2.7 Summary
In this chapter, the research design, research questions, data collectioninstrument, participant profile, data collection procedures, and data analysisare outlined The chapter concludes that a questionnaire is an appropriate
method for collecting data in a quantitative study Statistical tools, such as
IBM SPSS application v.25 are available to analyze the data collected fromthe questionnaire These tools can be used to process and interpret the data,allowing for valuable insights to be gained from the study
In this chapter, the data collected through data analysis procedures of
questionnaire survey are demonstrated and discussed Simultaneously, thefindings were examined thoroughly and compared with the previous studies to
have rich, complicated, multi-dimensional ideas
3.1 Demographic information of the respondents
Table 1 provides the demographic profiles of the 65 respondents in the
study Of the 65 respondents, 48 were female (n = 48; equal to 73.8%) and 17
were male (n = 17; same as 26.2%) In terms of years of studying English, all
65 respondents had less than 15 years of studying English (n = 65; like 100%)
In terms of residence, 20 respondents (n = 20; equivalent to 30.8%) lived inurban areas, 36 respondents (n = 36; similar to 55.4%) lived in rural areas, and
9 respondents (n = 9; just as 13.8%) lived in mountain areas The majority ofthe respondents lived in rural areas, with 55.4% (n = 36) of the total sample
residing in these areas It is interesting to note that the majority of theparticipants were female and from rural areas, which could potentially affecttheir language learning experiences and outcomes However, withoutadditional information, it is difficult to draw any definitive conclusions It isalso worth noting that all participants had less than 15 years of studyingEnglish, which could impact their language proficiency levels and the types oflanguage tasks they are able to perform accurately
Overall, Table 1 provides important information on the demographicprofiles of the respondents, including their gender, years of studying English,
and residence It helps contextualize the study's findings and provides insights
into how the respondents' backgrounds may have influenced their languagelearning experiences and outcomes
Trang 32Table 1 Profiles of the respondents involving in the study
Demographic information Frequency Percent
3.2 The analysis on general motivated strategies on learning legal English
of legal English major students
Table 2 provides a list of statements related to students' motivation andlearning strategies for English language learning Looking at the means, itappears that the participants generally have a positive attitude towardslearning English The highest mean score was for the statement "I ask myselfquestions to make sure I know the material I have been studying" (M = 4.19,
SD = 0.982) indicating that the majority of participants strongly agree withthis statement Other statements with high mean scores include "Before Ibegin studying, I think about the things I will need to do to learn" (M = 4.52,
SD = 0.944) and "When studying, I copy my notes over to help me remember
material" (M = 4.42, SD = 0.764) These results suggest that the participantsare motivated to actively engage with the learning material and are willing toput in the effort to understand and remember it On the other hand, there aresome statements with lower mean scores, such as "I often choose paper topics