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oxford skills world listening 5 with speaking

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Tiêu đề Oxford Skills World Listening 5 With Speaking
Tác giả Jessica Finnis
Trường học Oxford University
Chuyên ngành English Language Teaching
Thể loại Workbook
Năm xuất bản 2019
Thành phố Oxford
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Số trang 63
Dung lượng 21,78 MB

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The Oxford Skills World: Listening with Speaking Student Book Workbook has six topics, and each topic has two units. There are clear learning goals on ...The Oxford Skills World: Listening with Speaking Student Book Workbook has six topics, and each topic has two units. There are clear learning goals on ...

OXFORD Jessica Finnis Jessica Finnis OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD AUINIVERSITY PRESS 198 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10016 USA Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, oxa 6p», United Kingdom Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford Trfurthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries © Oxford University Press 2019 ‘The moral rights of the author have been asserted First published in 2019 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 109876543 No unauthorized photocopying All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by licence or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization Enquiries concerning reproduction outside ‘the scope of the above should be sent to the ELT Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Aftica Studio), (picking an applelJP Chretien), (iciclesfintoir), 29 {family around firelSyda Productions), 31 (hands on laptop/Georgejmclittle), 34-35 (banana plantvincentchuls), 36 (kimchijnorikkko), 38 (lady serving food/ployypoii), 40 (honey and yogurt/Peredniankina), (spinach leaves/firi Hera), (three chili peppers/Xateryna Bibro), 43 (range of spices/Alexei), (mother and daughter cooking/Kokulina), (shopping at a supermaricet/Monkey Business Images), (shopping at a market/William Perugini), 44 (frog carved from watermelon) PP_photography), 46 (pizzagkrphoto), 48-49 (two tigers playing/Onkar Sansare), 50 (flamingojindependent Birds), (flamingo head/AOME1812), (eagle beakjlukaKikina), 51 (peacock feathers/Yuliya Koldovska), (two swans) Algirdas Gelazius), 53 (two peacocks{PeterVrabel), (group of flamingos/Kirill Dorofeey}, (close of up peacock feather|Chursina Viktoria), 56 (two pandas on ground/df028), 57 (help protect logo|Fejas), 58 (tiger and a jeep|Dr Ajay Kumar Singh), {roller in flight/PhotocechC2Z}, (tiger print in sanddiy13], 60 (penguins|vladsilver), 62-63 (busy streetJBABAROGA), 64 (red square in the snow/Pavel L Photo and Video), (tower of london{Alexander Chaikin), 68 (grand palace Bangkok,|Travel mania), (passport/piaharrisphotography), (japanese foodfhiphoto), 70 (post it notes on table/Rido), 71 (grand bazaar in istanbuljLuciano Mortula-GM), (family on a beach/Monkey Business Images), 72 (Tsaritsyno Palace in Moscow.,Dance60), 73 (Russian dolls/Yeniamin Kraskov), 76-77 (litter in countryside/Andriy Solovyov), 78 (wodden toy box} Mikhail Rulkoy), 80 (campsite in woods/shutter_o}, 82 (girls whispering/Tom, 'Wangl, (plate of chipsjJacek ChabrasZéwki), [broken glassjr.classen), (cotton plant/ConstantinosZ}, 85 (white shitt/Suradech Prapairat), (stainless steel pans} Delpixel), (vase of flowers)Africa Studio), (waterfal/Greg Browning), 86 linside of eco housefTakako Picture Lab}, (glass house/Larysa_Geofirey Moler) Workbook ISBN? 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Unit 11 78 PAGE 76 Workbook Dictionary Syllabus T15 Hi, I'm Molly! Welcome to Oxford Skills World Oxford Skills World: Listening with Speaking is a flexible paired skills course that takes students on a journey toward independent learning, providing them with strategies and support to reach their goals Inside Each Topic Topic Opener Theme-based topics provide Helping Out high-interest content relevant to increase their engagement with the topic to students’ lives My Goals Fun characters, Olly and Molly, encourage 21st century skills like critical thinking, collaboration, and communication introduces students to the objectives of For Students For Teachers e Student Book / Workbook e Student's website with downloadable audio and extra resources www.oup.com/elt/oxfordskillsworld e Downloadable Teacher's Pack with instructional support, assessment, professional development videos, projects, and speaking resources e Classroom Presentation Tool e Teacher's website with downloadable audio and extra resources www.oup.com/elt/teacher/oxfordskillsworld Hi! We're Olly and Molly, your skills adventure guides We help you reach your goals by introducing new listening and speaking strategies, asking helpful questions, and giving friendly reminders, Most importantly, we cheer you on every siep of the way! Let's go! Students listen to a Fun Fact each unit in the topic.* Students answer questions to activate prior knowledge and think critically Get Ready to Listen « Listen Listening Goals Students learn and practice new vocabulary They can look up unknown words in a dictionary at the back of the book are strategies students can apply to any passage Students apply strategies to high- interest fiction and nonfiction passages, think critically about what they hear, and make connections to their own lives Introduction Quick Guide Quick Guide Get Ready to Speak « Speak Understand Students Vocabulary increase their application comprehension of the passages by applying listening strategies to what they have heard Students complete activities focused on listening activities strengthen ễ Re students’ sọ | 5 comprehension of the unit’s new language Additional passages and activities prepare comprehension and critical students for task types found on standardized Listening Check as Cambridge English Qualifications for thinking organizers to organize their thoughts for their own speaking contexts Speaking Tips help students Thoughtprovoking questions help students generate ideas they will and accurately speaking provide guidance on grammar, punctuation, and mechanics and aoe © use in their own speak fluently Natural Speech tips help students exams, such young learners Students use graphic Speaking Goals prepare students to speak in different listen for and use natural rhythm, pronunciation, and intonation Workbook Additional With helpful Workbook reminders from Olly and Molly, students apply the Listening pages at the opportunities for listening opportunities for students and vocabulary to apply their Listening Goals and boost comprehension new passage provide extra end of the book provide more Goals from both units to a activities comprehension practice Students apply the topic’s Speaking Tip Students complete activities to boost listening comprehension and vocabulary application Quick Guide to ensure proper usage in their own speaking Quick Guide Helping Out SOCIAL STUDIES MY GOALS UNIT + Listen to the story Watch Out, Paws! « Listen for sequence UNIT - + Listen to the conversation A Special Day in Thailand « Listen and make an eo) GJ Look at the picture (J) Listen to the Fun Fact Then answer outline Where are the children? What are they doing? the questions SPEAK Who does this chore in your house? How much of their lives people spend doing chores? + Give instructions €) 2 How many people enjoy doing chores? What chores you enjoy doing? Think, Pair, Share How much time you spend doing chores each day? Get Ready Let’s learn the key words to Listen and in the end to understand the sequence @ Listen What happens first? Choose the correct answer I clean my shoes every morning jo get the mud off Leis the laundry The clothes are dirty @® [_] b Kim loads the dishwasher a Kim clears the table [_] a Kim took out the trash [_] b Kim fed the cat [_] a Kim vacuums the floor [_] b Kim does the laundry Peewee We need to feed the cat It looks hungry eee eenew eee eveene happens?ons Pawsl Whatteneae Watch Out, theeta \@ storyeseesa I hang out the clothes in the backyard to dry SND Listen for Sequence GOAL: The sequence is the order that things happen Listen for words like fo begin with, suddenly, later, My brother cleans the patio so we can sit outside Fw sten LISTENING Read and listen to the sentences Look up the words you donf† know in your dictionary €))3 a © Li My dad loads the dishwasher after dinner We take out the trash to keep the smell outside After breakfast my mom vacuums the floor Listen and number €)) e« « “ ° == = = ees " SS How dothesequence words help you Now put the sentences in order a Mr Brown turns Spark on [1| b Spark puts Paws in the dishwasher LÌ il c Spark starts working @{ Listen and complete the sentences My grandparents are coming to stay this weekend, so we need to clean the house lui (4) Unit Get Ready to Listen Li BL how =.YxYƯY °d So s66426Ắ6 @eevoeceeoenoeue Sea L] cee seeveeeeeoees (J)5 Pm going to (1) _clean the patio _ understand the story? because it’s very muddy My sister is going Mom and Dad will be very happy Finally, PU WHAT CAN YOU DO? Color the oe stars oe We Wow Ineed help Icando this alittle s —eEeeEeeeQEGeEe SS Understand Remember! The sequence is the order that things happen €9 Think about Watch Out, Paws! Answer the mem ©@ (J) 10 Listen and complete the sentences load the dishwasher questions and discuss with the class clean the patio 1, What are the main events of the story? vacuum the floor clean your shoes the laundry What is the sequence of the main events? Sue What words does the author use to show the sequence? loads the dishwasher 1, What will Spark hang out? What does Pau|.want Spark to do? L] b feed the cat b the clothes the cat [Ï d clean the patio What happens when Mr Brown starts Spark? What does Spark put in the dishwasher? LJ a Spark says “Hello” L] b the clothes (J d Spark turns around _ after lunch for school? Z When will you Til this evening There are so many bottles Tm ina hurry Please a Mom Ti’s sunny and warm Let’s Listen to Mark talk about his chores Complete the list 15 /((clean her shoes)/ clean the kitchen Spark picks up the cat / plates / clothes 11 Weeken wt Choose the correct answer ® shistlaferd [_] d the plates Read the sentences Then listen to Watch Out, Paws! again before you go to school every Saturday morning L_] «& shoes Spark is quiet / speaks / makes a noise it „ M——— Chores to do: = LÌEr —— ——- — LI- Ask and answer the questions with a partner What you to help out around the house? If you had a robot to help you, what would you ask it to do? Why is it important for everyone to help keep the house clean? 10 T think I'll Finished chores: M Cleared the table The parents want Spark to feed the cat / feed the dog / feed the children feed the cat because it rained heavily [_] a the cat [ ] b Spark runs away R L] c Sparks lighis turn on Rose wants Spark to clean the patio an L_] c load the dishwasher L] d the coats @ Ao L_] clean his shoes L ] a the sheets L]c @®: Ff tr Listen to Wartch Out, Paws! again Choose the correct answer hang out the clothes every evening after dinner I need to © jake out the trash Unit1 Understand WHAT CAN YOU DO? Color the stars BEY * - Ineed help * » KKK Ican this a little Ican this well —_ CCE Get Ready Let's learn the key words Listen to Listen @ Listen and Make an Outline GOAL: LISTENING Ouilining is a form of note-taking In an outline, use numbers and headings to show main ideas Then use bullet points to show details about the main ideas Gg Read and listen to the sentences Look up the words you don’t know in your dictionary ttt— ©) 12 Listen and complete the outlines ©) 15 Inside chores 1, After dinner Tom clears the table ä After washing the dishes, we dry the dishes with a towel ear the table Qutside chores ° ° My brother is very helpful He checks my homework for me m4 4, She went to the post office to mail a package Let's plant seeds in the garden and see what flowers grow ˆ G) Listen to the conversation A Special Dayin Thailand What is it about? We are planting flowers It's spring so they grow fast Make an outline with main ideas and details ¢}) 16 Sue stays at home each night to her homework It's important to water the plants so they grow Outline — Listen and write the number under the picture ® — SS Ẳ 13 Now read Choose T for True or F for False ® @ Read each sentence Then listen to the words Two of the three key words are incorrect Write the correct key word @® _dry the dishes You this every few days to help plants grow i ick, it’ Tà, ĐESU HƠN ĐA HỘ DEẦn c0 HỘ TP Ready to ee Pom is talking about chores she did T F youremember Pomis not doing anything special this evening T F what you hear? | WHAT CAN YOU DO? Color the stars ae Ican listen to a conversation and E ninE You need to this to send a present to a friend Unit om F 14 This is what you after washing the plates 12 How does an outline help @) Pomis talking about Mother's Day : h OO make : Ican understand all the key words “em ‹ ye We W& de te Wr Lneed help Icando this alittle tcan dosthis well Unit2 Listen 13 Understand @ Remember! Think about A Special Day in Thailand Answer the questions and discuss with the class QO & IE) An outline will help Listen Then read and choose the correct answer ideas and details after you listen b take the things off the table [ ] & wash the table [] « opena box Do you need to include every detail in an outline? Why or why not? [J d put the things on the table [_] d meet the postal worker When the man says helpful, he means Listen to A Special Day in Thailand again Choose T for True or F for False Pom will take her mom io dinner at a restaurant Pom’s dad bought tickets to a show Kate is going fo the supermarket Pom gives Kate her e-mail address [_] a put the flowers in the shower [] b be smart ©) [_] b drink the flower water L_] c things for other people (_] c put the flowers in the rain (J d be lazy T nN TH TT Pom’s mom loves flowers and plants Oi she means a be happy @ L_] d pour water on the flowers Look and listen Choose the best description ® 20 nr Pom bought her mom a card Hadas ON DM fw Pom cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher [Ì When the woman says water the flowers, 7~ T 44 Today is Pom’s mom's birthday @ [_] b send something at the post office, What details did you include in your outline? Was it helpful to make an outline? Why or why noi? _] a wrap a present [_] a put the chairs on the table What are the headings in your outline? Why? 19 When the boy says mail the package, he means When the girl says clear the table, she means you remember main @® Read the sentences Then listen to A Special Day in Thailand again Complete the sentences €5) 18 Pom is tired today because it’s Mother’s Day, _ Pom will make her mom a special present from white Pom did a lot of in the house for her mom In the evening, Pom’s dad will cook her mom a oO Ask and answer the questions with a partner 1, Do you have Mother's Day in your country? If so, what you do? What holiday does your family celebrate? What you do? What is the best gift you gave someone? What is the best gift someone gave you? KEY # ¥* Ineed help We Ican this alittle * # # Unit2 Understand Ican this well

Ngày đăng: 27/02/2024, 09:27
