Dạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lựcDạy học môn Giáo dục học quân sự ở các trường đại học trong quân đội theo tiếp cận năng lực
HA NOI - 2024
Trang 2Hanoi National University of Education
1 PGS.TS Pham Minh Muc
2 PGS.TS Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong
Thesis reviewer 1: Asst Prof PhD Pho Duc Hoa, Hanoi Nationnal University
of Education
Thesis reviewer 2: Asst Prof PhD Nguyen Nhu An, Vinh University
Thesis reviewer 3: Asst Prof PhD Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen, Thai Nguyen
University of Education
The thesis is defended at the grassroots thesis grading committee at Hanoi
University of EducationCommittee meeting at ………
on hour….day…month…year…
This thesis can be accessed at:
- National Library of Vietnam
- Ha Noi National University of Education Library
Trang 31 Reasons for choosing the topic
Competency-based teaching is one of the trends being studied by Thecontingents of cadres and officers in units of the Vietnam People's Army are theforces that directly command and manage the cadres and soldiers under theirauthority; as well as the teachers who directly organize the training andeducation of military personnel according to the contents, programs and plans
In order to train and educate soldiers with strong political bravery, highdetermination, willingness to receive and successfully complete all assignedtasks, Army officers and officers must have a system of competencies,especially pedagogical capacity The formation of competencies for students is
a difficult and long-term process and the result of many factors, of whichteaching Military Education is the most convenient and effective way.However, the teaching of military education is still generally academic andtheoretical Expression is that the teaching objectives in the program aredetermined in a general way; the training program is still designed according tothe content approach; Teaching activities still focus on the transmission ofscientific knowledge as specified in the program, not fully focusing on the
"output" capacity of learners as well as the ability to apply learned knowledge
in practical situations of military activities of military officers and officers This
is due to many reasons, including the main reason that lecturers have not yetorganized the teaching of this subject according to the competency approach
Stemming from the above reasons, we choose the issue: " Teaching military education at military universities according to the capacity approach"
as the research content
2 Purpose of the study
On the basis of theoretical and practical research on teaching MilitaryEducation according to the competency approach, the thesis develops teachingmethods for Military Education at military universities according to thecompetency approach in order to form and develop capacity for students,thereby improving the quality of training for Military cadres and officers in thenew situation
3 Study subjects and researchers
3.1 Research object: The process of teaching military education at universities
in the military
3.2 Objects of the study: Teaching methods of military education at
universities in the military according to the capacity approach
4 Scientific hypothesis
Trang 4If the teaching process of military education can be developed according
to the capacity approach, action-oriented methods, application of informationtechnology, building a pedagogical environment and innovating theexamination and evaluation of learning results of military education according
to the capacity approach, it will form and develop the capacity for students,contributing to improving the training quality of cadres and officers at militaryuniversities
5 Research mission
5.1 Building a theoretical basis for teaching military education at universities
in the military according to the capacity approach
5.2 Survey and assessment of the teaching situation of Military Education atmilitary universities according to the capacity approach
5.3 Proposing teaching methods for military education at universities in themilitary according to the capacity approach
5.4 Pedagogical experimentation to test and confirm the effectiveness ofteaching methods of military education at military universities according to thecapacity approach
6 Scope of the research
6.1 Limitation of research content
The thesis focuses on the teaching process of Military Education according tothe competency approach, ensuring that students are oriented, creatingconditions and opportunities for learning, acquiring knowledge, forming anddeveloping competencies
6.2 Limitations of the study area
The thesis conducts research on survey subjects who are lecturers andstudents at 5 universities in the army in the Northern region representing thetroops and branches in the whole army, including: Air Defense Academy - AirForce; Coast Guard Academy; The Infantry Officer Training College No.1;Political Officers College; The College of Artillery Officer
6.3 Objects of survey and pedagogical experimentation
6.3.1 Respondents
The thesis surveyed and studied 700 people, including: 55 managers andlecturers (teaching Military Education); and 645 students at 5 militaryuniversities mentioned above
6.3.2 Pedagogical experimental subjects
The thesis conducts pedagogical experiments on 2 classes of 4th yearstudents in the School of Political Officers The total number of studentsparticipating in pedagogical experiments was 213, of which: 107 students
Trang 5participated in the first pedagogical experiment and 106 students participated inthe second pedagogical experiment.
6.4 Research period: Research thesis from 2019 to 2023.
7 Approach viewpoints and research methods
7.1 Approach view
7.1.1 System Approach
7.1.2 Practical approach
7.1.3 Perspectives on accessing competencies
7.1.4 Perspectives on approaching activities
7.1.5 Approach to the process
7.2 Research methods
7.2.1 Group of theoretical research methods: Analysis, comparison, synthesis,
generalization, systematization of theory from domestic and foreign documents
7.2.2 Group of practical research methods: Observation methods;
questionnaire survey methods; conversational methods; pedagogical researchmethods; pedagogical experimental methods
7.2.3 Support method: Using SPSS 22.0 software.
8 Arguments for protection
Thesis 1: Teaching competency-based military education is an appropriate and
highly feasible choice in order to form and develop capacity for students atmilitary universities to meet the training and education requirements of militarycadres and officers
Thesis 2: The current situation of teaching military education at military
universities according to the capacity approach still exists many limitations andshortcomings due to many different objective and subjective reasons, butmainly there is no system of teaching methods in a synchronous, scientific andappropriate manner
Thesis 3: In order to teach military education at military universities according
to the capacity approach, it is necessary to synchronously implement measures:Develop the teaching process of military education according to the capacityapproach, apply action-oriented methods in teaching, apply informationtechnology in teaching, build a pedagogical environment in teaching and testinnovation, and evaluate the learning results of military education according tothe capacity approach
9 New contributions from thesis
9.1 Develop a theoretical framework for teaching military education atuniversities in the military according to the capacity approach
9.2 Assess the teaching situation of Military Education subject according to the
Trang 6capacity approach in some universities in the military.
9.3 Proposing the process of teaching Military Education at universities in themilitary according to the capacity approach
10 Thesis Organisation
In addition to the introduction, conclusions and recommendations, the list
of references and appendices, the main content of the thesis consists of 4chapters:
Chapter 1: Theoretical Basis for Teaching Military Education in Military
Universities by Competency Approach
Chapter 2: Status of teaching military education in universities in the
military according to the capacity approach
Chapter 3: Assessment of the appropriateness of teaching Military
Education in universities in the military according to the capacity approach
Chapter 4: Assessment of the appropriateness of teaching MilitaryEducation in universities in the military according to the capacity approach
CAPACITY APPROACH 1.1 Overview of study issues
1.1.1 Studies on competency-based teaching in schools and in the military Studies on competency-based teaching in schools
Competency-based teaching was formed and developed widely in the US inthe 1970s and became a movement with new steps In the 1990s, the competencymodel was developed worldwide Depending on the characteristics of eachcountry as well as the field of education, this theory is changed accordingly InVietnam, research on competency-based teaching has really developed strongly inVietnam since 2000 until now Through the studies of Dang Quoc Bao and PhamMinh Mu, Dang Thanh Hung, Nguyen Thi My Loc, Nguyen Thi Tinh, NguyenCanh Toan, Thai Duy Tuyen Although the research and findings are still limited,the merits of these researchers are that they have drawn the first sketches of thecurrent overall picture of Vietnamese education and have the effect of directingthe movement of education in the future These pieces quickly received theattention of researchers, supplemented in longer and academically sharp works,especially the research, design and development of competency-based teachingprograms Research on competency-based teaching in the military
The ideas of Soviet military pedagogists laid the foundation for the birth of
Trang 7military teaching theory At the same time, when studying the theory and practice
of training in military units, Soviet military pedagogists and socialist countries inEastern Europe also mentioned the development of capacities for cadets andsoldiers in military units to meet the requirements of military practice In Vietnam,authors Trinh Quang Tu, Mai Van Hoa, Tran Dinh Tuan, Phan Van Ty all pointout that in order to improve the quality of training of officers, it is necessary toresearch and innovate teaching according to capacity approach, contributing to theformation and development of learners' capacity to meet the requirements ofmilitary practice
1.1 2 Studies on teaching education and teaching military education in the military according to the capacity approach Studies on teaching education and teaching military education in the military according to the capacity approach
Authors Doan Ngoc Anh, Nguyen Thi Tim Hue, Nguyen Thi Bich Lien,
Le Thuy Linh, Nguyen Thi Tuyet, and Tran Thi Tuyet Oanh have studied indepth the teaching of Education for students of pedagogical schools according
to their competency approach Studies on teaching Military Education according to the capacity approach in the military
Authors Trinh Quang Tu, Nguyen Van Chung, Mai Van Hoa, Tran DinhTuan, Phan Van Ty, Than Van Quan, Bui Duc Dung, Le Quang Manh, LuuHoang Tung have initially studied the teaching of Military Education byapproaching capacity from different angles The authors clearly pointed out that
it is necessary to organize the teaching of military education according to thecapacity approach, contributing to the formation and development of thecapacity of officers and officers in the military
1.1.3 General overview of the overall research results and the issues that the thesis should focus on solving General overview of the overall research results
Thirdly, it has shown a number of processes to organize teaching
according to capacity approach, especially teaching educational subjects inpedagogical schools according to capacity approach
* Issues that have not been mentioned or clarified:
Trang 8Firstly, there is no specific study on the teaching of Military Education
according to the capacity approach with all its structural elements
Secondly, no work has proposed a method to teach military education at
military universities according to capacity approach The basic issues of the thesis need to be focused on solving
Firstly, theoretical issues on teaching military education at military
universities according to the competency approach need to continue to beimproved
Secondly, the issues of the current situation of teaching military
education at military universities according to the competency approachaccording to basic education need to be analyzed and clarified
Thirdly, the issue of developing teaching methods of teaching militaryeducation at military universities according to the competency approach needs
to be clarified
1.2 Competence and competency-based teaching
1.2.1 Competencies The concept of capacity
Based on the analysis and synthesis of directions and approaches toresearch on capacity, the thesis concept: capacity is a combination of theelements of knowledge, skills and attitudes of the subject, meeting therequirements of the activity, ensuring the successful implementation of the task
or solving the problems raised by life in specific conditions and circumstances Structure of the competency
There are different classifications of competencies so the description ofthe structure and the competency components is also different It can be seenthat competency is made up of 3 basic elements: Knowledge, skills andpsychological conditions for the performance of the individual's activity, inwhich skills are considered as core elements Classification of competencies
Currently, the currently commonly used competency classification ineducation science is to divide competencies into two main categories: generalcompetencies and specific competencies The author relies on the classification ofcompetencies in this approach to solve the problems of the thesis
1.2.2 Teaching by competency approach Concepts
Based on the synthesis of studies, we believe that competency-basedteaching is the process of lecturers designing and organizing theimplementation of teaching activities, students actively organize learning
Trang 9activities themselves, aiming to form and develop competencies for students tomeet the training program output standards. Characteristics of competency-based teaching
- Characteristics of teaching objectives
- Characteristics of teaching content
- Characteristics of teaching forms
- Characteristics of teaching methods
- Characteristics of testing and evaluation of learning outcomes
1.3 The theory of teaching military education at universities in the military according to the capacity approach
1.3.1 For universities in the military
1.3.2 Characteristics of military education at military universities
Military education is a subject that equips students with a basic, scientificand modern knowledge system of education in the military field; formingpedagogical skills, management skills and conducting training, education andmanagement of the process of military education; developing pedagogicalthinking for cadres and officers
1.3.3 Teaching the subject of Military Education at universities in the military according to the capacity approach The concept of teaching military education at universities in the military according to the capacity approach
Teaching military education at military universities according to capacityapproach is the process of lecturers designing and organizing teachingactivities, students self-consciously and actively organize learning activities inorder to form and develop capacity for students to meet subject outputstandards The relationship between teaching Military Education and developing capacity for learners at military universities
Teaching military education at military universities according to thecompetency approach has a close connection with the formation anddevelopment of competencies for students to meet the practical requirements ofmilitary operations in the country military units Teaching Military Education at universities in the military according to the capacity approach
* Objectives of teaching Military Education according to competency approach Meet the training program output standards, which are described in
detail, clearly expressed and quantified by a system of competencies to beformed and developed for trainees These competencies are directly related to
Trang 10the training, education, management and command of officers and officers inthe army The competency system includes general competencies (05competencies) and specific competencies (09 competencies).
* Teaching content of Military Education according to competency approach The content is selected based on the requirements to be achieved in
terms of learner capacity, focusing more on practical skills, applying the theory
of Military Education to the practice of training and educating military
personnel in military units
* Teaching methods of Military Education according to the competency approach Lecturers are mainly organizers and facilitators to orient, arouse and
promote the cognitive interest and positive and creative thinking of students,focusing on the development of students' capacity
* Form of teaching Military Education according to capacity approach.
Organize diverse forms of learning; pay attention to social activities,extracurricular activities, scientific research, creative experiences
* Means of teaching Military Education according to competency approach Create favorable conditions for lecturers to organize teaching
activities; help students self-discover and acquire knowledge, support theprocess of knowledge formation, develop skills and interest in learning, therebyforming and developing competencies for students
* Evaluation of the learning outcomes of Military Education according to the competency approach Must be implemented according to the set standards,
taking into account the progress of students in the learning process; focus onassessing the ability to apply knowledge in practical situations of training andeducation of military personnel; At the same time, students must be evaluatedand participate in mutual assessment
1.3.4 Requirements for lecturers and students in teaching Military Education
at military universities according to capacity access Requirements for lecturers in teaching Military Education at military universities according to capacity access
- Recognize the role of competency-based training, the necessity ofteaching Military Education subject according to competency-based approach
- Having solid professional qualifications, good pedagogical skills andalways having a sense of self-study, self-training to improve qualifications
- Must have a deep understanding in many different fields
- Must have knowledge and understanding of teaching according tocompetency approach Requirements for students in Military Education at military universities
Trang 11according to capacity access
- It is necessary to be well aware of the role of competency-based teaching
- Students must complete all assignments and tasks assigned by the lecturer
- Actively mobilize pedagogical knowledge and experience
- Participate fully and responsibly in the process of practicing theapplication of military education knowledge
- It is necessary to improve the capacity of self-study and self-study
- Actively self-examine and evaluate the results of their own capacityformation and development, thereby adjusting themselves to improve thequality of learning
1.4 Factors affecting the teaching of Military Education at military universities according to the capacity approach
1.4.1 Requirements for fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education and training
1.4.2 University-level officer training program at military universities
1.4.3 Qualifications and pedagogical capacity of lecturers at military universities
1.4.4 Positivity and self-discipline in learning of students
1.4.5 Educational management at universities in the military
1.4.6 Military operating environment
Conclusion of chapter 1
1 An overview of the teaching of Military Education according to thecompetency approach, it can be seen that there have been a number of studiesand discussions on this issue However, teaching military education at militaryuniversities according to capacity approach has not been studied, especiallythere has not been any research on teaching methods of military educationaccording to capacity approach
2 In the thesis, teaching Military Education according to the competencyapproach can be understood as the process of lecturers designing and organizingthe implementation of teaching activities, students self-consciously and activelyorganize learning activities in order to form and develop capacity for students tomeet the output standards of Military Education
3 In order to well conduct the teaching of Military Education according
to the competency approach, lecturers must have solid professionalqualifications and good pedagogical skills; have a deep understanding in manydifferent fields; have knowledge and understanding of teaching according to thecompetency approach, thereby designing and organizing the teaching process
Trang 12well Students must be active, self-conscious and responsible for learningactivities; always complete all assigned tasks and exercises; actively andresponsibly participate in the practice of applying military education knowledge
to military training and education activities, at the same time actively examine and evaluate the results of their own capacity formation anddevelopment
self-4 There are many factors affecting the teaching of military education atmilitary universities, in which the qualifications and pedagogical capacity of theteaching staff is a particularly important factor Therefore, it is necessary tohave a strategy to standardize both the number and quality of lecturers to meetthe teaching capacity approach at universities in the military today
2.1 Overview of universities in the military involved in researching the current situation
1 Air Defense Academy - Air Force.
2 Coast Guard Academy
3 The Infantry Officer Training College No.1
4 Political Officers College
5 The College of Artillery Officer
2.2 Introduction to the current situation study
2.2.1 Purpose of studying the situation: Survey, analysis and evaluation of the
teaching situation of military education at military universities according to thecapacity approach, as a basis for proposing the teaching process of military
education at military universities according to the capacity approach.
2.2.2 Contents of the current situation study
- Awareness of managers, lecturers and students about the objectives andsuitability of teaching Military Education at military universities according tocapacity approach
- Status of teaching military education in universities in the militaryaccording to the capacity approach Include:
+ Current situation of designing the teaching content of MilitaryEducation according to the capacity approach
+ Current status of forms and teaching methods of military education
Trang 13according to the competency approach.
+ The current situation of information technology application in theteaching of Military Education
+ Situation of assessment of teaching results of Military Education
- The current status of the results to form the capacity of students in thestudy of Military Education
- The current situation of difficulties in teaching Military Education
- The current situation of the influence of factors on the teaching ofMilitary Education
2.2.3 Survey area, subjects and time
* Survey area: 5 universities in the military, including: Air Defense Academy - Air Force; Coast Guard Academy; The Infantry Officer Training College No.1; Political Officers College; The College of Artillery Officer.
- Investigation method by questionnaire.s
- In-depth interview methodology
- Research method of pedagogical activities
- Observation method
2.2.5 The process of survey sampling, information collection and data processin
Step 1 Design questionnaire templates for survey respondents.
Step 2 Proceed to adjust the questions of the questionnaire forms to be
reasonable in terms of content, structure and number of questions
Step 3 Conduct a survey in the selected survey area
2.3 Results of the survey
2.3.1 Awareness of managers and lecturers on teaching Military Education subject according to capacity approach Awareness of the teaching objectives of Military Education according
to the competency approach Awareness of the appropriateness of teaching Military Education according to the competency approach
2.3.2 Status of teaching military education in universities in the military
Trang 14according to the capacity approach The current situation of determining the teaching objectives of Military Education at military universities according
to the capacity approach Current situation of designing the teaching content of Military Education at military universities according to the capacity approach Current status of forms and teaching methods of military education at military universities according to the capacity approach The current situation of teaching military education at universities in the military according to the capacity approach Current status of learning activities in military education at military universities according to capacity approach The current situation of information technology application in teaching military education at military universities according to the capacity approach The current situation of evaluation of teaching results of military education at universities in the military according to the capacity approach
2.3.3 The current situation of capacity building results of students in military education at military universities according to the capacity approach
* The current situation of the results forms the general competencies of students in the study of Military Education subject according to the competency approach
* The current situation of the results forms the students' own competencies in the study of Military Education subject according to the competency approach
2.3.4 The current situation of difficulties in teaching military education at universities in the military according to the capacity approach Difficulties in teaching military education according to capacity approach
* Difficulties of lecturers in teaching Military Education according to competency approach
* Difficulties of students in learning Military Education according to competency approach Causes of difficulties of lecturers and students in teaching Military Education according to capacity approach
* Causes of difficulties of lecturers in teaching Military Education according to capacity approach
* Causes of difficulties of students in teaching Military Education