Grade (in number):
Trang 2Ho Chi Minh City, April 2023
Student ID: 2245519016
Cohort: K60BF-C
Semester: I Academic year: 2022-2023
Lecturer: Lê Sơn Đại
Trang 3Ho Chi Minh City, April 2023
Trang 4Ho Chi Minh City, April 2023
Nguyen Van Vinh Phat
Trang 5Table of content
Chapter 1 : Introduction 5
1.1 Abstract 5
1.2 General information about the company 6
1.3 Mission – Vission 6
1.4 Business strategy 7
1.5 Human resource management practice 8
Chapter 2 : Mainbody 9
2.1 Training and development , Establishing pay structure 9
2.2 Analysis and design of work 12
2.3 What I learn from those policies 13
Chapter 3 : Conclusion 14
Chapter 4 : References 14
Trang 6Table of picture
Trang 7Final Managing People PHAN THU…Managing
Final assignmentManaging
-Promotion: We…Managing
Trang 81.2 General information about the company
Picture 1.1 Logo of The FPT Software Company
Official name of company : Công ty TNHH phần mềm FPT
Official name of firm in english : FPT Software
Parent coporation : FPT Corporation
Headquarter : 10 Pham Van Bach Street, Dich Vong Ward, Cau Giay District,
Ha Noi City
Phone : + 84 24 7300 7300
Chief Executive Officer : Pham Minh Tuan
2 Company Research ChecklistManaging
Trang 91.3 Mission – Vission
Mission : We were and are consulting, providing, deployoing technology –telecommunications services and solution for the leading organizations in theworld
Vision : Our long-term objective is become to a digital company and among thetop 50 global orginizations in delivering comperhensive digital transformationservices and solutions by 2030 In order to achieve the aims, we aredeveloping balanced and comprehensive programs and policies in three areas:business, technology, and people
1.4 Business strategy
FPT Software is a major software business in Vietnam that offers a diversevariety of IT services and solutions to customers worldwide FPT Software hasimplemented a number of measures in order to preserve a competitive edge.There are some way which FPT software implements their strategy : economic
of scale, operational efficiency and technology adoption
Economic of scale :
+ Revenue and profit : Revenue in 2021 is expected to be at 686 million USD,increasing 17.5% from the previous year This demonstrates that FPT Softwarehas experienced consistent revenue growth
+ Customer and market : They have established a global name and presentlyservice hundreds of consumers from a variety of nations Airbus, Panasonic,Siemens, Toshiba, Hitachi, NEC, Deutsche Bank, UBS, and Allianz are amongthe firm's clients
Technology adoption : They engage substantially in product and serviceresearch and development in order to deliver complete solutions and suit thedemands of worldwide clients Software development, data analytics, cloudtechnology, IoT solutions, security solutions, and project management areamong the company's goods and services
Trang 10Operational efficiency : FPT Software prioritizes operational efficiency in allaspects of its operations, from software development to project management.Companies may cut expenses while maintaining quality by streamliningoperations and avoiding waste At the same time, outsource some of thecompany's non-core operations to international partner firms.
According to the above policies, FPT Software is executing a cost leadershipstrategy, which has assisted the firm in optimizing costs and maintaining itscompetitive position in the global information technology service industry.Customers expect and receive high-quality services at reasonable pricing
1.5 Human resource management practice
Human resources are considered the most precious asset of enterprises in the4.0 age, and FPT Software, one of Vietnam's top software corporations, is noexception To recruit and develop talent, as well as to establish a professional,dynamic, and creative working environment, the firm has implemented a highlyeffective and adaptable HR strategy
Focusing on resource development is one of FPT Software's most essentialinitiatives This firm is always seeking for, hiring, and training fresh people tomeet the demands of the company's growth Furthermore, FPT Softwarefocuses on creating a positive working atmosphere to assist workers feel more
at ease and inspired at work Our organization fosters a professional, dynamic,and creative work atmosphere and employs cutting-edge informationtechnology to assist workers' efforts
However, in the personnel policy of FPT Software, there are still some errors intraining and developing human resources and establishing pay structure
Trang 11Chapter 2 : Mainbody
2.1 Training and development , Establishing pay structure
In recent years, FPT Software is using the policy of recruiting youngemployees and training internally to serve the company's development goals Besides, People are always the most significant asset of FPT Company Theemployee training policy is interested in and supported in order to providefavorable conditions for workers to grow holistically in skills, capacity, andquality vocational training cultural activities Furthermore, in order to satisfythe demands of high-quality human resources, the enterprise's leadership andall workers must have a strong resolve to correlate training with real life.Because technology needs ongoing invention and development, the FPT'sorganization encourages generations of employees to adopt a mindset ofperpetual striving and learning in order to help the firm flourish In 2021, FPTspent about 1.7 million dollars on training programs and activities, with 1million training hours
The company's trainers are industry specialists who have worked for the firm totrain and deliver new human resources for many years
+ Instructors are chosen in coordination with other departments by the humanresources department
+ Instructors are carefully chosen
+ Plan the creation of selecting criteria
+ Instructors are often engineers or workers with great professional credentials,responsibilities, and pedagogical abilities who have been with the organizationfor at least 5 years
+ It is necessary to employ teachers with experience and a good reputationfrom vocational schools or universities
Trang 12+ The material of the company's training programs is created in an incrediblyfair and rational and unique approach The training program includes lessons,textbooks, and documents delivered by teachers in partnership with humanresources and professional people.
Their policy has some problems FPT software is pursuing a low-costleadership strategy That means they must reduce their expenses Fpt software,
on the other hand, invests extensively, even a lot of money, in their trainingprocedure Unfortunately, despite significant expenditure, the training methodsare outmoded and conceptually heavy, resulting in very low training efficacyand failure to meet the company's expectations Since then, FPT Software hasalways recruited individuals to match the company's demands
However, there is a fact that the job hopping rate in genz is very high, because
we can know that this generation loves to experience new things and caresabout their own compensation And FPT software is also affected, with theturnover rate at around 10% The main reason comes from the level ofcompensation
Picture 2.1 Salary comparison table by position of FPT software with companies in the
same fieldFurthermore, the utilization of cash invested in training influences employeeremuneration, resulting in a high turnover rate and the organization not yetrecovering the invested capital
Trang 13To begin, FPT software should have an acceptable, public, and transparentcompensation and bonus regime to motivate staff to stay with the company for
an extended period of time Furthermore, there are policies of long-termcommitment to the organization with one of two common training applications
in American companies, orientation for new employees
Moreover, in order to reduce training costs, we must upgrade and modernizeour training techniques There are several training options available, butapprenticeship and simulation are two of the best for a technological firm Anapprenticeship is a work-study training technique that combines organized on-the-job training and classroom instruction to teach job skills A simulation is atraining approach that simulates a real-life situation by having trainees makedecisions that result in consequences that are similar to what would happen onthe job
Regarding the salary and bonus regime for employees, FPT should have analternative policy of pay by job to optimize costs Organizations haveresponded to the limits of job-based compensation by shifting away from therelationship to employment and toward pay systems that reward individualsbased on their knowledge and abilities Skill-based pay systems are paystructures that establish compensation based on an employee's degree of ability
or knowledge and what they are capable of performing Paying for skills makessense in firms because changing technology necessitates individuals constantlybroadening and deepening their expertise
Modern machinery, for example, necessitates operators to understand how toprogram and monitor computers to accomplish a range of functions Skill-based remuneration also helps to empower individuals and enhanceoccupations by encouraging them to expand their knowledge so they can makejudgments in a variety of areas As a result, skill-based remuneration assistsfirms in being more adaptable and inventive In general, skill-basedremuneration may foster a culture of learning and adaptation while also
Trang 14providing employees with a more comprehensive understanding of how thefirm operates These modifications should assist staff in making better use oftheir expertise and ideas A field study of a manufacturing company discoveredthat implementing a skill-based compensation system resulted in higher qualityand cheaper labor expenses.
2.2 Analysis and design of work
As previously stated, FPT software is adopting a plan to attract youthful laborsources, also known as "Genz" generations, who are thought to have creativeadvantages, a wealth of information, and an awareness of many technologicalsectors new industry, great self-learning capacity, and communicationconfidence FPT software has adopted agile methodologies, which may beregarded as teamwork and employee empowerment, to capitalize on what Genzprovies
For a while, the cost leadership strategy of FPT software was problematic.However, empowering employees without experience or knowledge is prone to
a number of limitations, including:
+ Lack of decision-making consensus: When individuals are given authority,decisions might be uneven throughout the business
+ Weak management and support: When employees are empowered, they maynot receive adequate management and assistance from their bosses
+ Discipline and control: As people are empowered, they may lose control anddiscipline at work
As a result of the above, the company's work performance will suffer greatly,and FPT software will be unable to minimize expenses and their plan will fail
Trang 15For a while, the cost leadership strategy of FPT software was problematic.However, empowering employees without experience or knowledge is prone to
a number of limitations, including :
Managers must also encourage employees to communicate with colleaguesthroughout the firm, ensuring that employees have access to the informationthey require, and reward collaboration
Furthermore, employees who are responsible for a final product or service must
be able to listen to clients, adapt to changing demands, and handle a range ofchallenges imaginatively
Ultimately, empowered people who are totally involved in their job provide thehighest outcomes Employee engagement, defined as complete interest in one'swork and devotion to one's job and organization, is linked to increasedproductivity, better customer service, and fewer turnover
2.3 What I learn from those policies
Through the project presenting business areas, organizational structure,business findings and policies to human resources of FPT Software company, Igained a wide range of precious lessons from these policies:
- Business strategy :
FPT Software is a large corporation with numerous well-known products,particularly in the field of software technology To attain success in today'sindustry, the organization has gone through many difficult times, battling withfirms offering identical items To increase product quality and get widespreadrecognition, the Company must always take new initiatives to establish newpolicies, strategies, and technologies I've learnt that if a huge firm ororganization wants to thrive in the market, it must constantly evolve to fit thedemands and tastes of customers
Trang 16- Training and development , Establishing pay structure and Analysis anddesign of work :
I've learnt from the preceding that we may establish appropriate humanresource strategies and design positions depending on the company's capital aswell as the business plan to maximize the company's profitability, H (2020) FPT xoay chính sách nhân sự thu hút thế hệ trẻ
Trang 17education, F (2018, 7 4) Retrieved from Chúng ta: (2021, 10 23) Retrieved from Esuhai: the-cua-gen-z-ma-ban-chua-biet.htmlễn, N (2021, 25 6) Retrieved from Chúng ta: software-khoi-dong-chuong-trinh-thuc-day-agile-1132861.html, S (2023) Retrieved from Lương Tháng: technology-vietnam
Trang 19Final Managing People PHAN THU…Managing
Final assignmentManaging
-Promotion: We…Managing
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