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DUONG THI THANH XOAN MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING PHENIKAA UNIVERSITY GRADUATION PAPER EXPLORING THE USAGE OF RELATIVE CLAUSES IN "THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA” AND THEIR VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS ENGLISH LANGUAGE Student: Duong Thi Thanh Xoan Student ID No: 19010284 Course: 2019 - 2023 Field: English Language Mode of study: Full-time Supervisor: MA Tran Thanh Thu Hanoi – 2023 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING PHENIKAA UNIVERSITY GRADUATION PAPER EXPLORING THE USAGE OF RELATIVE CLAUSES IN "THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA” AND THEIR VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS (TÌM HIỂU CÁCH DÙNG MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ TRONG “ÔNG GIÀ VÀ BIỂN CẢ” VÀ TƯƠNG ĐƯƠNG TRONG TIẾNG VIỆT) Student: Duong Thi Thanh Xoan Student ID No: 19010284 Course: 2019-2023 Field: English Language Mode of study: Full-time Supervisor: MA Tran Thanh Thu Hanoi- 2023 i ABSTRACT This study aims to help English learners to understand how to use relative clauses in Ernest Hemingway's novel "The Old Man and the Sea" and the equivalent in Vietnamese At the same time, we can also compare the use of relative clauses in English and Vietnamese through the translation of Le Huy Bac and some translators to understand the similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese Learners must be certain of their knowledge; I will learn about relative clauses in literary works in this article I hope that, with this study, learner English, mainly Vietnamese people have a clear and profound understanding of how to use relative clauses in the novel "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway, which one can learn English and grammar, learners can improve their English language skills and enhance their writing abilities ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT While doing this, I have received much help, assistance, guidance, encouragement and idea contribution from my teachers, family and friends First of all, I would like to express my deepest thanks to my supervisor M.A Tran Thanh Thu, who lectured and instructions which help me a lot in completing this study with her enthusiastic guidance, constructive ideas and instructions for the preparation and correction during the completion of this graduation paper Also, I am very grateful to all the teachers at the Faculty of English of Phenikaa University for their interesting and useful lectures during the four years, which have built a firm foundation with immense ideas for my fulfilment of this paper Last but not least, I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to my family, to whom I have never had enough words to express my great gratitude for their encouragement and inspiration 39 Eg: Just then the stern line came taut under his foot, where he had kept a loop of the line, and he dropped his oars and felt tile weight of the small tuna’s shivering pull as he held the line firm and commenced to haul it in ➔ Chỉ ấy sợi dây đuôi thuyền giật giật dưới chân, nơi lão buộc hờ; lão buông tay chèo cảm thấy độ nặng một cá thu nhỏ giật giật lão nắm chặt sợi dây, từ từ kéo vào Out of the 30 English-to-Vietnamese sentences that include a relative clause using the translation method, 29 are general relational sentences and the last one is different Sometimes, even with simple sentences where the original meaning is clear, the translator still chooses to use the above method to translate the pronoun in order to stay true to the original This approach helps to make the work more relatable and engaging for the reader b Put at the end of the sentence Eg: He saw the phosphorescence of the Gulf weed in the water as he rowed over the part of the ocean that the fishermen called the Great Well because there was a sudden deep of seven hundred fathoms where all sorts of fish congregated because of the swirl the current made against the steep walls of the floor of the ocean ➔ Lão thấy ánh lân quang đám rong vùng Nhiệt lưu nước lão chèo qua vùng biển mà ngư dân gọi vùng Giếng Lớn, đợ sâu đấy bất tụt x́ng đến bảy trăm sải nước; họ hàng nhà cá đều dồn tất đó xốy nước dợi thẳng vào bờ vách dớc đáy đại dương Eg: The boy was asleep on a cot in the first room and the old man could see him clearly with the light that came in from the dying moon ➔ Thằng bé ngủ giường nhỏ phịng đầu tiên; ơng lão, ánh trăng lặn, nhìn rõ In the whole work, there are only sentences using this method As we saw in Listing 1, the author still translates the adjective “Where” into “that place” This is also a translation method that ensures the truth and nature of the sentence At the same time, it also helps the translator create a richness of translation modes in the whole work 40 2.4 Comparison of relative clause use in the original English text and translated Vietnamese versions by Le Huy Bac and another translation 2.4.1 Restrictive Relative Clauses Eg: English: "He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of women, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength, nor of his wife" (Chapter 1) Lê Huy Bắc: Lão khơng cịn mơ về bão, mơ về phụ nữ, về kiện trọng đại, về cá vĩ đại, trận đánh, cuộc đấu sức hay về vợ lão Translation 2: Lão chẳng bao giờ nằm mơ thấy bão táp, thấy đàn bà, thấy việc phi thường, cá lớn, trận ẩu đả, cuộc đọ sức và đến vợ lão, lão chẳng bao giờ mơ thấy [24] In both Vietnamese translations, the relative clause "Never have I seen a greater, or more beautiful, or a calmer or more noble thing than you, brother" is rendered as follows: Lê Huy Bắc: "ai hùng dũng, duyên dáng, bình tĩnh, cao thượng mày, người anh em ạ" (literally: someone brave, graceful, calm, noble than you, brother) Translation 2: "một lớn lao, oai vệ, đường hoàng, đẹp đẽ đến anh" (literally: something great, majestic, noble, beautiful like you) Here are some observations: Word choice: Lê Huy Bắc uses "ai" (someone) to refer to the subject of comparison, while Translation uses "mợt gì" (something) Both convey the comparison, but Lê Huy Bắc's choice focuses on an individual, whereas the Translation choice is more general Adjective choice: Lê Huy Bắc uses "hùng dũng" (brave), "duyên dáng" (graceful), "bình tĩnh" (calm), and "cao thượng" (noble) to describe the subject of comparison Translation uses "lớn lao" (great), "oai vệ" (majestic), "đường hoàng" (noble), and "đẹp đẽ" (beautiful) The specific adjectives differ between the translations, but they convey similar qualities Sentence structure: Lê Huy Bắc uses a direct address to the subject with "mày" (you, brother) and "người anh em" (brother) Translation addresses the subject as "anh" (you) without explicitly using the term "brother." 41 Overall, both translations effectively convey the relative clause and compare the subject to something greater, more beautiful, calmer, or more noble There are differences in word choice and sentence structure, showcasing the translators' styles and interpretations Eg: English: He was an old man who fished alone in a Skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish Lê Huy Bắc : Lão già, một mợt thùn câu cá dịng Nhiệt Lưu và tám mươi tư ngày qua mà lão không bắt được được lấy mợt mớng cá nào: Có mợt lão già nọ, mợt mợt thùn thường đến câu cá vùng Nhiệt lưu Liền tám mươi bốn ngày, lão không kiếm được một cá In both Vietnamese translations, the relative clause "who fish alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream" is rendered as follows: Lê Huy Bắc: "mợt mợt thùn câu cá dòng Nhiệt Lưu" (literally: alone on a fishing boat in the Gulf Stream) Translation 2: "mợt mợt thuyền thường đến câu cá vùng Nhiệt lưu" (literally: alone on a small boat often going fishing in the Gulf Stream).[25] Here are some observations: Word choice: Lê Huy Bắc uses "thuyền câu cá" (fishing boat) while Translation uses "thuyền con" (small boat) Both convey the idea of a boat used for fishing, but the specific terminology differs Word order: Lê Huy Bắc uses the word "thuyền" (boat) before "câu cá" (fishing), while Translation places "con" (small) before "thuyền" (boat) The word order is slightly different but doesn't significantly alter the meaning Additional details: Translation adds the phrase "thường đến" (often going) before "câu cá" (fishing), implying frequent fishing trips This detail is not present in the original English text or the Lê Huy Bắc translation Sentence structure: Lê Huy Bắc uses a compound sentence structure, separating the two parts of the original English sentence with a comma Translation opts for a single-sentence structure Overall, both translations successfully convey the relative clause and the key information about the old man fishing alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream 42 However, there are differences in word choice, word order, and the inclusion of additional details, showcasing the translators' styles and interpretations 2.4.2 Non-Restrictive Relative Clauses Eg: English: "Everything about him was old except his eyes, and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated." (Chapter 1) Lê Huy Bắc: Mọi thứ thể lão đều già nua, trừ đôi mắt; chúng có màu với nước biển, vui vẻ và không hề bị đánh bại Transltion 2: Ở người lão, nom già cỗi trừ có đôi mắt vui đời và gan góc xanh màu nước biển.[26] Both translations include the idea of "everything about him was old except his eyes." They convey the concept that the old man's body shows signs of age, except for his eyes The translation by Le Huy Bac uses a restrictive clause structure ("trừ đôi mắt" except his eyes), similar to the original English text It follows the structure of introducing the exception before providing additional information about the eyes On the other hand, translation doesn't use a relative clause to express the exception Instead, it employs the phrase "cái nom già cỗi trừ" (everything is old except), which conveys the same meaning but without a relative clause structure Both translations convey the information that the eyes have the same color as the sea and are cheerful or undefeated However, they differ in the specific choice of words and sentence structure used to express this idea Eg: English: The old man, whose name was Santiago, had not slept since Tuesday" (Chapter 1) Lê Huy Bac translation: "Lão, tên Santiago, từ thứ ba đến giờ chẳng ngủ" (literally: The old man, named Santiago, hadn't slept since Tuesday) Translation 2: "Người lão già kia, tên Santiago, từ thứ ba đến giờ chẳng mấy ngủ" (literally: That old man, named Santiago, had hardly slept since Tuesday) [27] 43 In both translations, the non-restrictive relative clause "whose name was Santiago" is rendered as follows: Word choice: Both translations use the phrase "tên Santiago" to convey the meaning of "whose name was Santiago." The phrase directly states the name of the old man Sentence structure: Both translations maintain the same sentence structure as the original English text, placing the non-restrictive relative clause after the noun "lão" (old man) and using a comma to separate it from the rest of the sentence Additional details: Translation adds the phrase "người lão già kia" (that old man) before the relative clause to provide additional context and clarity Overall, both translations effectively convey the non-restrictive relative clause and provide the information that the old man's name is Santiago They maintain the structure and meaning of the original English sentence while adjusting for the nuances of the Vietnamese language 2.5 Evaluate the translation of relative clauses in the novel The Old Man and the Sea through the translation of Le Huy Bac 2.5.1 Advantages of Le Huy Bac's translation Le Huy Bac's translation of The Old Man and the Sea demonstrates his commitment to the original text, capturing its essence and style while accurately conveying its meaning in Vietnamese His translation is known for its clarity and readability, with smooth-flowing sentences that avoid confusion and ambiguity Le Huy Bac pays close attention to the naturalness of the target language, adapting grammatical structures and conventions to ensure idiomatic expression without any awkward or forced phrases Consistency in his translation style throughout the novel, including the handling of relative clauses, contributes to the overall coherence of the text, allowing readers to follow the story without distractions Le Huy Bac successfully captures the spirit and essence of the original novel, understanding the importance of the relative clauses in Hemingway's writing style and conveying their impact in the translated version Overall, Le Huy Bac's skillful translation of the relative clauses in The Old Man 44 and the Sea demonstrates his ability to faithfully convey the original meaning while ensuring clarity and naturalness in the target language Eg: "The fish, which was gigantic, struggled fiercely against the old man's line." In Le Huy Bac's translation, the relative clause "which was gigantic" is translated clearly and coherently, preserving the intended meaning of the original sentence The use of the relative pronoun "which" effectively connects the information about the fish being gigantic to the main clause, providing a smooth and understandable reading experience for the target language readers This translation choice by Le Huy Bac demonstrates his ability to accurately convey the descriptive nature of the original sentence while maintaining its syntactic structure The clarity and coherence of the translation allow readers to visualize the fish's size and understand its significance in the story’s context Overall, Le Huy Bac's translation of relative clauses in The Old Man and the Sea showcases his skill in capturing the essence of the original text while ensuring the target language readers can follow the narrative smoothly 2.5.2 The similarities and differences between types of relative clause in English and Vietnamese Similarities Relative clauses in both English and Vietnamese serve the purpose of providing additional information about a noun or pronoun (the antecedent) within a sentence They help to define or describe the antecedent more precise Both English and Vietnamese use relative pronouns to introduce relative clauses These words serve as a link between the main clause and the relative clause In English, common relative pronouns include "who," "whom," "which," and "that." In Vietnamese, relative pronouns like "mà," "người," "cái," "đó" are used, along with relative pronouns like "nào," "mà," "của nó." 45 Differences English and Vietnamese differ in their word order, with English using a subjectverb-object (SVO) structure and Vietnamese adopting a subject-object-verb (SOV) structure This affects the placement of relative clauses in sentences In English, relative clauses are introduced using relative pronouns like "who," "whom," "which," and "that," while in Vietnamese, relative clauses are introduced using relative markers like "mà," "người," "cái," and "đó," or relative pronouns like "nào," "mà," and "của nó." In English, it is possible to omit relative pronouns, especially when they function as the object of the relative clause, but in Vietnamese, relative markers or pronouns are usually not omitted as they are necessary for clarity Additionally, English relative clauses often use finite verbs such as "who is" and "which has," while Vietnamese relative clauses tend to use non-finite verbs or verb less structures like "người đi" and "cái chưa đến." Let's consider an example sentence from the novel, "The Old Man and the Sea": English: " He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream'’ Vietnamese: " Lão già, mợt mợt thùn câu cá dòng nhiệt lưu " In summary, the English relative clause uses a relative pronoun ("who") and a finite verb ("fished") to describe the old man's action and provides additional information about him In contrast, the Vietnamese relative clause relies on word order, context, and a relative pronoun ("mợt mình") to indicate the relationship between the noun and the verb phrase "mợt mợt thùn câu cá." It's important to note that while these differences exist, the overall function of the relative clause remains the same in both languages, which is to provide additional information about the antecedent 46 CHAPTER 3: RESULTS OF THE STUDY 3.1 Results of the study This study aims to investigate the usage of relative clauses in the literary work "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway and its translation by Le Huy Bac Relative clauses are subordinate clauses that provide additional information about a noun in the main clause They begin with relative pronouns or adverbs and function as adjectives by modifying or describing a noun or pronoun This study explores the types of relative clauses and highlights the challenges in translating them, considering linguistic differences and cultural nuances Relative Clauses: Relative clauses serve as a fundamental component of sentence structure, enhancing the meaning of a sentence by adding descriptive details They can be classified into two main types: restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses • Restrictive Relative Clauses: These provide essential information that is identify the noun it modifies They are not set off by commas and cannot be removed from the sentence without changing its meaning Eg: The fish that the old man caught was enormous • Non-Restrictive Relative Clauses: These offer additional, non-essential information about the noun it modifies They are set off by commas and can be omitted from the sentence without altering its core meaning Comparative Analysis of Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea" and Le Huy Bac's Translation: By comparing Hemingway's original work with Le Huy Bac's translation, we can identify both similarities and differences in usage and translation of relative clauses "The Old Man and the Sea" novel uses English and Vietnamese relative clauses to modify nouns or pronouns and provide additional information These clauses are placed after commas separate the noun they modify, and non-defining relative clauses However, there are differences in the use of relative pronouns and markers While English uses relative pronouns, Vietnamese uses the relative clause "mà." In English, relative pronouns omit when used as objects, but relative clauses are required in Vietnamese Vietnamese relative clauses maintain the 47 same word order as regular sentences, while English often rearranges word order Furthermore, English has restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses, whereas Vietnamese generally use non-restrictive relative clauses without making a distinction The investigation of relative clauses in Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea" and Le Huy Bac's translation provides valuable insights into the complexities of translating these linguistic structures Understanding the types and functions of relative clauses helps illuminate their impact on the text's overall meaning The comparative analysis reveals the strategies used in translation, the linguistic differences encountered, and the cultural adaptations required By considering these aspects, translators can strive for accurate and culturally sensitive renditions of literary works containing relative clauses The investigation of relative clauses in Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea" and Le Huy Bac's translation provides valuable insights into the complexities of translating these linguistic structures Understanding the types and functions of relative clauses helps illuminate their impact on the overall meaning of the text The comparative analysis reveals the strategies used in translation, the linguistic differences encountered, and the cultural adaptations required By considering these aspects, translators can strive for accurate and culturally sensitive renditions of literary works containing relative clauses 48 CONCLUSION 4.1 Summary of the main finding A relative clause is a subordinate clause that provides additional information about the noun or pronoun in the sentence These studies used relative clauses in communication in translation and how they affect the use of English and Vietnamese First, the researcher analyzes the relative clauses in the original English text of "The Old Man and the Sea" to determine their syntactic patterns and semantic function This involves examining the structure of clauses, such as the presence of relative pronouns (e.g who, which, that) or the omission of pronouns in the clause limit Study also analyze semantic relationships established by relational clauses, such as attribute, defining, or defining function Next, this study evaluated the Vietnamese translations of the novel to explore how relative clauses were rendered in the target language Vietnamese, like English, uses relative clauses to provide additional information, but the structure and word order differ significantly Vietnamese often employs relative pronouns, such as "mà" or " thì," and place them at the relative clause's beginning in Chapter III, I compared the syntactic structures and semantic functions of the relative clauses in the English source text with their Vietnamese by translation Le Huy Bac and other translations The study of how the translators dealt with the differences in structure and word order, as well as the implications for the meaning and style of the translated text The study also considered the cultural and linguistic factors influencing the translation choices and the overall impact on the reader's interpretation and experience The importance of this study lies in its contribution to translation studies and the understanding of interlanguage differences in the use of relative clauses By focusing on a specific literary work, "The Old Man and the Sea," the study provides insights into the uses of relative clauses, revealing the challenges and strategies associated with translating complex syntactic structures and preserving the meaning and style of the original text through translation This study will help learners understand how to use relative clauses in English and understand 49 translation methods by comparing the literature of the novel ' The Old Man and the Sea' with the translation by Le Huy Bac Due to the limited time and scale, the exploration is not ferocious; the general knowledge has yet to completely estimate the value of the mode of transfer Thus, my failing will be studies that need to be carried out in the future I hope this small study can add little knowledge in restatement and interpretation and the judgment restatement containing relations clause in particular 4.2 Suggestions for further studies 4.2.1 To the teacher Preceptors play a crucial role in motivating scholars and enhancing their restatement skills The effectiveness of scholars' background knowledge and their ability to minimize errors heavily relies on the guidance provided by their schoolteachers, who directly teach and mentor them Consequently, it becomes imperative to give an overview of the English-Vietnamese language system, specifically focusing on the knowledge of relative clauses Preceptors should assist scholars in comprehending the distinct characteristics of restatement to minimize inaccuracies in their paraphrases Notably, when dealing with relative provisions that deviate from the structural norms of Vietnamese, scholars often need clarification during rendition Scholars tend to rely heavily on their instincts, influenced by the language used in the original textbook By understanding the fundamental disparities between the two languages, scholars can actively engage in the restatement process, employing expressions restricted to nonfictional contexts rather than relying on literal translations Therefore, in modules related to grammar, phonetics-phonology, restatement propositions, and summaries, schoolteachers will guide their students in comparing and contrasting the essential distinctions between English and Vietnamese This approach helps establish a solid foundation in an alternative language for scholars, facilitating their learning process To enhance students' practical ability, teachers should employ certain strategies One approach is facilitating classroom discussions and problem-solving sessions where students can directly address their difficulties Teachers need to provide 50 concrete examples and practice exercises to ensure that students grasp the methods of using relative clauses and employ common and appropriate translation techniques This will enable students to develop a more diverse and comprehensive understanding of translating clauses Furthermore, teachers can encourage students to incorporate regular translation practice into their learning process When students make mistakes during translation exercises, it is an opportune time for teachers to provide corrective feedback This approach helps students cultivate the habit of translating accurately In addition to classroom instruction, teachers should prioritize introducing reference systems and encourage self-study Effective self-training methods include searching for English language resources such as books, and short texts with comparative content in both languages, facilitating easy comparison Students can also observe, analyze, and learn from translation approaches These self-study techniques serve as valuable supplements to classroom learning 4.2.2 To students The relative clause is one part of grammar in English and has an important role in linguistics By understanding relative clauses well, the students can use, recognize and identify word classes and put them into the right sentences or paragraphs Some suggestions can be taken as follows: Learners must actively practice language skills, deepen their understanding of using relative clauses, analyze relative clauses, and interpret translation skills Active self-study plays an essential role in the learning process of learners; they can exchange directly with teachers or improve their knowledge through social networking sites such as YouTube and websites teaching English Students also need to be active with their teachers in class Students should actively discuss with their teachers about difficulties and problems to be guided by teachers to find solutions As we all know, the amount of time spent on each subject in a week is minimal, so the student's promotion to class is not simply absorbing the teacher’s knowledge but the environment that students are exposed to 51 Students should actively participate in activities related to foreign languages or the field of translation Foreign language learners must always be active and creative because language is expressed outwardly, always have to practice, communicate and cultivate new knowledge regularly every day 52 REFERENCES [1][3] Đinh Văn Đức, Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Việt ( Từ loại), Nhà xuất Đại học Quốc Gia Hà Nội, 2001 [2] [4] Bùi Ý, Những mẫu câu bản Tiếng Anh, Nhà xuất bản giáo dục, 1980 [5] Nguyễn Tài Cẩn, Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Việt, Nhà xuất bản Đại Học Quốc Gia Hà Nội, 1999 [6,7,8] “Independent and Dependent Clauses - Purdue OWL® - Purdue University,” owl.purdue.edu https://s.net.vn/wA5h [9] Azar, Betty Achramper Understanding and Using English Grammar Third Ed United State of Amerika: Longman, 2002 [10] Murphy, Raymond English Grammar in Use 2nd Ed United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1994 [11] Swan, Michael Practical English Usage Third Ed China: Oxford University Press, 2005 [12] [13] Thomson A J and Martinet A v 1986 A Practical English Grammar 4th Ed.Hong Kong: Oxford University, Press [14] Cambridge Dictionary, “Relative pronouns,” @CambridgeWords, Jul 05, 2023 https://s.net.vn/uf5B [15,16,17,18,19] B.D Graver Advanced English Practice, 1997 [20] N A Shah, “The interpretation of Hemingway´s The Old Man and the Sea (Literary-psychological analysis,” www.academia.edu, [Online] Available: https://s.net.vn/nsXE [21] N A Shah, “The interpretation of Hemingway´s The Old Man and the Sea (Literary-psychological analysis,” www.academia.edu, Accessed: 2011 [Online] Available: https://s.net.vn/nsXE 53 [22] A F Sulistiani, “AN ANALYSIS OF RELATIVE CLAUSE IN THE NOVEL PAPER TOWNS BY JOHN GREEN,” Journal of Language and Literature, vol 6, no 2, p 72, 2018, Accessed: Jul 07, 2023 [Online] Available: https://s.net.vn/Zzhf [23 ] Lê Huy Bắc , Ông già biển cả/Ernest Hemingway, NXB tởng hợp T.P Hờ Chí Minh, 2019 [24,25,26,27] Huy Phương (dịch), Ông Già và Biển cả Dựa bản in NXB Văn Nghệ Thành phố Hờ Chí Minh.2000 [PDF]

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