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Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành điện tử dân dụng (Nghề Điện tử dân dụng Trình độ Cao đẳng)

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TUYÊN BỐ BẢN QUYỀN Tài liệu thuộc loại sách giáo trình nên nguồn thơng tin phép dùng nguyên trích dùng cho mục đích đào tạo tham khảo Mọi mục đích khác mang tính lệch lạc sử dụng với mục đích kinh doanh thiếu lành mạnh bị nghiêm cấm LỜI GIỚI THIỆU Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên nghành điện tử dân dụng mô đun sở của nghề Điện tử dân dụng biên soạn dựa theo chương trình khung đã xây dựng ban hành năm 2017 của trường Cao đẳng nghề Cần Thơ dành cho nghề Điện tử dân dụng hệ Cao đẳng Nhóm biên soạn đã cố gắng cập nhật kiến thức có liên quan đến nội dung chương trình đào tạo để phù hợp với mục tiêu đào tạo Nội dung giáo trình biên soạn với thời gian đào tạo 60 giờ gồm có: Unit MH07-01: Safety rules Unit MH07-02: Safety at work Unit MH07-03: Install and check low voltage panel, medium voltage panel and control panel Unit MH07-04: Install and check control equipment and measurement Unit MH07-05: Electronic devices Unit MH07-06: Basic Electronic Equipment in Circuits Unit MH07-07: Basic Electronic Equipment in Use Unit MH07-08: Test and Repair Instrument Unit MH07-09: Computers Giáo trình tài liệu tham khảo tốt cho nghề Cơ điện tử, điện tử công nghiệp điện dân dụng Mặc dù cố gắng tổ chức biên soạn để đáp ứng mục tiêu đào tạo không tránh thiếu sót Rất mong nhận sự đóng góp ý kiến thầy, cơ, bạn đọc để nhóm biên soạn điều chỉnh hồn thiện Cần Thơ, ngày tháng năm 2018 Tham gia biên soạn Chủ biên: Nguyễn Phương Uyên Vũ Đỗ Hữu Hâ âu MỤC LỤC Unit 1: SAFETY RULES .6 VOCABULARY GRAMMAR READING COMPREHENSION .7 EXERCISE 13 UNIT 2: SAFETY AT WORK 15 VOCABULARY 15 GRAMMAR 15 READING COMPREHENSION 16 Unit 3: INSTALL AND CHECK LOW VOLTAGE PANEL, MEDIUM VOLTAGE PANEL AND CONTROL PANEL .19 VOCABULARY 19 GRAMMAR 20 READING COMPREHENSION 21 EXERCISE 29 Unit 4: SAFETY RULES 32 VOCABULARY 32 GRAMMAR 33 READING COMPREHENSION 34 EXERCISE 41 Unit 5: ELECTRONIC DEVICES .43 VOCABULARY 43 GRAMMAR 43 READING COMPREHENSION 45 EXERCISE 64 UNIT 6: BASIC ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT IN CIRCUITS 66 VOCABULARY 66 GRAMMAR 66 READING COMPREHENSION 68 EXERCISE 80 UNIT 7: BASIC ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT IN USE 82 VOCABULARY 82 GRAMMAR 82 READING COMPREHENSION 83 EXERCISE 87 Unit 8: TEST AND REPAIR INSTRUMENT 89 VOCABULARY 89 GRAMMAR 91 READING COMPREHENSION 92 EXERCISE 98 UNIT 9: COMPUTERS 101 VOCABULARY 101 GRAMMAR 101 READING COMPREHENSION 102 REFERENCES 104 CHƯƠNG TRÌNH MƠN HỌC Tên mơn học: TIẾNG ANH CHUN NGHỀ ĐIỆN TỬ DÂN DỤNG Mã môn học: MH 07 Thời gian thực môn học: 60 giờ; (Lý thuyết: 30 giờ; Thực hành, thí nghiệm, thảo luận, tập: 28 giờ; Kiểm tra 02giờ) I Vị trí, tính chất mơn học: - Vị trí: Mơn học Anh văn chun ngành Điện tử dân dụng môn học bổ trợ danh mục môn học, mô đun đào tạo nghề Điện tử dân dụng - Tính chất: Là mơn học bắt buộc II Mục tiêu môn học: - Về kiến thức: + Nắm vốn từ vựng của tiếng Anh chuyên nghề điện tử dân dụng (từ chuyên nghề, tên thiết bị, nguyên tắc an toàn…); + Hiểu số thiết bị, ký hiệu điện - điện tử dân dụng tiến anh - Về kỹ năng: + Đọc hiểu khái niệm chuyên ngành Điện- Điện từ dân dụng tiếng Anh + Đọc hiểu thiết bị điện, linh kiện điện tử tiếng anh + Đọc số tiêu chuẩn kỹ thuật ứng dụng ngành điện tử dân dụng tiếng anh + Đọc hiểu tài liệu tiếng anh lĩnh vực điện tử dân dụng, kỹ giao tiếp sử dụng anh văn lĩnh vực điện - điện tử dân dụng - Về lực tự chủ trách nhiệm: + Có khả tự định hướng, chọn lựa phương pháp tiếp cận thích nghi với học + Có lực đánh giá kết học tập nghiên cứu của + Tự học tập, tích lũy kiến thức, kinh nghiệm để nâng cao trình độ chuyên mơn + Sinh viên có thái độ nghiêm túc, tỉ mỉ, xác học tập III Nội dung mơn học: Nội dung tổng quát phân bổ thời gian: Tổng số Số Tên chương, mục TT Chương 1: Safety rules Vocabulary Grammar Reading Comprehension Chương 2: Safety at work Vocabulary Grammar Reading Comprehension Chương 3: Install and check low voltage panel, medium voltage panel 6 Thời gian (giờ) Lý Thực thuyết hành, thí nghiệm, thảo luận, tập 3 0.5 1.5 3 0.5 1.5 Kiểm tra and control panel Vocabulary Grammar Reading Comprehension Chương 4: Install and check control equipment and measurement Vocabulary Grammar Reading Comprehension Chương 5: Electronic devices Vocabulary Grammar Reading Comprehension Chương 6: Basic Electronic Equipment in Circuits Vocabulary Grammar Reading Comprehension Chương 7: Basic Electronic Equipment in Use Vocabulary Grammar Reading comprehension Chương 8: Test and Repair Instrument Vocabulary Grammar Reading Comprehension Chương 9: Computers Vocabulary Grammar Reading Comprehension Cộng 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 4 8 2 3 60 2 1 30 4 3 28 Unit 1: SAFETY RULES Mã MH 07- 01 Mục tiêu học: Sau học xong học này, sinh viên có kiến thức kỹ về sử dụng anh ngữ : - Nắm vốn từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên nghề hướng dẫn nguyên tắc an toàn - Hiểu cách sử dụng động từ khuyết thiếu "might, could, may, must, should" - Sử dụng mệnh lệnh để thực phép tính "add, subtract, multiply, divide" - Chủ động, tự giác học tập Nội dung học: VOCABULARY Injury (n) Range (n) Ignite (v) Flammable (adj) Muscle (n) Thermal (adj) Spasm (n) Damp (adj) Carpet (n) Spray booth (n) Fractions (n) Spill (n) Vehicle (n) Explode (v) Overload (adj) Maintain (v) Operation (n) Battery (n) Surface (n) Explosion (n) Accidentally (adj) Concrete (n) Agent of erosion Armature (n) Deepen (v) Bedding sand (n) Depth (n) Rocky soil (n) Mortar (n) Concrete scrap (n) Concurrent Maintenance (n) Electrical insulator Ceramic insulator : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Vết thương Biên độ Đánh lửa Dễ bắt cháy Bắp thịt, Nhiệt Chứng co cứng Ẩm ướt Lớp bảo vệ Buồng phun sơn Phân đoạn Sự rò Phương tiện Nổ Quá tải Bảo trì Sự hoạt động Pin Bề mặt Sự bùng nổ Bất ngờ Bê tơng Chất ăn mịn Vỏ bọc cáp Chôn sâu Lớp cát đệm Độ sâu Đất có đá Vũa xây dựng Vụn bê tơng Bảo trì đồng thời : Lớp cách điện : Gốm cách điện Sump (n) Aerosol (n) Vapour (n) Mist (n) Respirators (n) Implement (v) Minimize (v) Withdraw (v) Corridor (n) Waterproof (adj) Splash proof (a) Machinery (n) Inadequate (adj) Socket n) Flexible (adj) Cord (n) Piece (n) Adjusting (n) Outlet (n) Manufacture (v) Regulation (n) Limit (n) Measure (n) Processing (n) Circuit (n) Satisfy (n) Demand (n) Life activity (n) Winding (n) Circuit breaker (n) Contactor (n) Interlock (n) Bus bar (n) Bus bar protection : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Bể lắng Sơn khí Hơi nước Sương mù Bình thở Thực Giảm thiểu Hủy bỏ, lấy Hành lang Không thấm nước Chống phun Máy móc Chính xác Ổ cắm Linh hoạt Dây Mảnh Điều chỉnh Nguồn điện cấp Chế tạo Quy định Giới hạn Đo lường Xử lý Mạch điện Thỏa mãn Nhu cầu Sinh hoạt Cuộn dây Thiết bị đóng cắt Cơng tắc tơ Khố liên động Thanh Bảo vệ Distance (n) Access (n) Dimension (n) Direct access(n) : : : : Khoảng cách Lối vào Kích thước Lối vào trực tiếp Panel (n) Low voltage (n) Middle voltage (n) High voltage (n) Tủ điện : Hạ áp : Trung : Cao GRAMMAR 2.1Modal verbs in Simple Present 2.1.2.Generally Modal verbs: can, may, shall, should Modal verbs are always stand before a bare-infinitive verb; in negative, add not after modal verbs; in question form, put modal verbs before subjects 2.1.3 Examples a.Torch batteries can ignite flammable substances b Alternating current (AC) and Direct Current (DC) electrical supplies can cause a range of injuries c Static electricity can cause a fire or explosion where there is an explosive atmosphere d This may have a number of effects e A single low voltage torch battery can generate a spark powerful enough to cause a fire READING COMPREHENSION 3.1 The cause and effect of accident in electric field Electrical injuries can be caused by a wide range of voltages but the risk of injury is generally greater with higher voltages and is dependent upon individual circumstances Torch batteries can ignite flammable substances Alternating current (AC) and Direct Current (DC) electrical supplies can cause a range of injuries including: Electric shock A voltage as low as 50 volts applied between two parts of the human body causes a current to flow that can block the electrical signals between the brain and the muscles This may have a number of effects including: Stopping the heart beating properly Preventing the person from breathing Causing muscle spasms The exact effect is dependent upon a large number of things including the size of the voltage, which parts of the body are involved, how damp the person is, and the length of time the current flows Electric shocks from static electricity such as those experienced when getting out of a car or walking across a man-made carpet can be at more than 10,000 volts, but the current flows for such a short time that there is no dangerous effect on a person However, static electricity can cause a fire or explosion where there is an explosive atmosphere (such as in a paint spray booth) Electrical burns When an electrical current passes through the human body it heats the tissue along the length of the current flow This can result in deep burns that often require major surgery and are permanently disabling Burns are more common with higher voltages but may occur from domestic electricity supplies if the current flows for more than a few fractions of a second Thermal burns Overloaded, faulty, incorrectly maintained, or shorted electrical equipment can get very hot, and some electrical equipment gets hot in normal operation Even low voltage batteries (such as those in motor vehicles) can get hot and may explode if they are shorted out People can receive thermal burns if they get too near hot surfaces or if they are near an electrical explosion Other injuries may result if the person pulls quickly away from hot surfaces whilst working at height or if they then accidentally touch nearby machinery A single low voltage torch battery can generate a spark powerful enough to cause a fire or explosion in an explosive atmosphere such as in a paint spray booth, near fuel tanks, in sumps, or many places where aerosols, vapours, mists, gases, or dusts exist 3.2 Safety equipments Personal protective equipment (PPE) Personal protective equipment (PPE) is clothing, equipment or substances designed to be worn by someone to protect them from risks of injury or illness PPE should only be considered as a control measure when exposure to a risk cannot be minimised in another way, or when used in conjunction with other control measures as a final barrier between the worker and the hazard PPE does not control the hazard at the source PPE can include: Hearing protective devices, such as ear muffs and ear plugs Respirators Safety helmets and sun hats Safety boots Eye and face protection, such as goggles Gloves High visibility vest Life jackets 3.3 The methods of advoiding accidents → Equipment must be locked out and tagged out before preventive maintenance or servicing is performed A variety of possible solutions may be implemented to reduce or eliminate the risk of injury associated with electrical work Examples of solutions include the use of insulation, guarding, grounding, electrical protective devices, and safe work practices → Lockout devices are available in various shapes and sizes that allow for the lockout of standard control devices → Lockout/tagout kits comply with OSHA lockout/tagout standards 10 1.1 Reference words Wide (adv) Three-phase star (n) Three-phase and five-pole transformer (n) Underground three-phase cable (n) Three-phase armature winding (n) Three-phase rotor winding (n) Three-phase stator winding (n) Three-phase alternating current (n) Three-phase squirrel cage motor (n) Based on (v) Together (prep) Kirchhoff's law (n) Principle (n) Exception principle system (n) Induction (magnetic) (n) Electrical equipment (n) Magnetostatic (n) Operation (n) Induction (magnetic) (n) To use (v) Liquid use for mix (n) Alternate (v) Alternate force (n) Change (v) Structural change (n) AC voltage (n) Alternating Current (n) Rộng, rộng rãi Ba pha hình Biến áp ba pha cực Cáp ngầm ba pha Cuộn dây ba pha phần ứng: Cuộn dây rôto ba pha Cuộn dây stato ba pha Điện xoay chiều ba pha Động ba pha lồng sóc Dựa Cùng Định luật Kirchhoff's Nguyên lý Hệ thống nguyên lý loại trừ Cảm ứng điện (từ) Thiết bị điện Từ tĩnh Vận hành Cảm ứng điện (từ) Sử dụng Chất lỏng dùng để pha trộn Biến đổi Lực biến đổi Biến đổi Biến đổi cấu trúc Điện áp AC Dòng điện AC 89 2.GRAMMAR 2.1Use this question word Who* Whom* What Whose* ( + noun) Where When What time What Why* 10 What ( + noun) 11 Which ( + noun) 12 What kind of ( + noun) 13 What color 14 How 15 How many ( + noun) 16 How much ( + noun) 17 How long* 18 How far* 19 How old 20 How ( + adjective or adverb) to ask about people (names and other identifying information) used as subjects* people (names and other identifying information) used as objects* things (subject or object) ownership locations (places) time (general) time (specific) actions (verbs) reasons one part of a group (when all of the parts are not known) one part of a group (when the parts are known) descriptive names for categories colors manner; methods number (used with countable nouns) quantity (used with uncountable nouns) duration (periods of time); length distance age degree or extent 2.2 The Information Questions 90 Common Question Words 2.3 Exercise a Make questions with question words Mr Robertson came to the party alone (who) She felt better after she took a nap (how) That is an English book (what) She talked to him for an hour (how long) He studies piano at the university (what) The party lasted all night (how long) The check was for $5.50 (how much) She was eating a sandwich (what) She is working hard (what) My parents have two cars (how many) b Using the question words to fill in the blank 1…………………are you ? I'm 1m70 2…………………is the Eiffel Tower in Paris ? It's 324 m 3…………………is the next beach ? It is mile 4…………………do you go to the cinema ? Once a month 5……………… are you ? I'm twelve 6…………………books by Agatha Christie have you read ? 7…………………butter is there in the fridge ? There is enough butter in the fridge 8…………………is it in January ? It's -2° 9…………………is the River Thames ? I don't know Er 3m ? 10……………….does it take to get to the top of the Eiffel Tower on foot ? About hours, I think READING COMPREHENSION 3.1 General Safety Considerations It is SLAC policy to comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, the National Electrical Code (NEC), and other established safety standards to reduce or eliminate the dangers associated with the use of electrical energy Every person on the SLAC site is exposed to electricity to some extent The SLAC electrical safety program provides the SLAC community with the minimum knowledge of safety and recommended practices necessary to protect against electrical shock or burns The electrical safety program also provides hazard awareness information to those who use electrical equipment All electrical wiring and equipment must comply with NEC, OSHA regulations, and numerous other established safety and engineering standards This chapter should not be construed as a synopsis of all electrical requirements or as a substitute for formal study, training, and experience in electrical design, construction, and maintenance 3.2 Some electronic equipment used to test and repair 91 Digital voltmeter checking a prototype The following items are used for basic measurement of voltages, currents, and components in the circuit under test Voltmeter (Measures voltage) Ohmmeter (Measures resistance) Ammeter, e.g Galvanometer or Milliameter (Measures current) Multimeter e.g., VOM (Volt-Ohm-Milliameter) or DMM (Digital Multimeter) (Measures all of the above) The following are used for stimulus of the circuit under test: Power supplies Signal generator Digital pattern generator Pulse generator The following analyze the response of the circuit under test: Oscilloscope (Displays voltage as it changes over time) Frequency counter (Measures frequency) And connecting it all together: Test probes Advanced or less commonly used equipment Meters A multimeter with a built in clamp facility Pushing the large button at the bottom opens the lower jaw of the clamp, allowing the clamp to be placed around a conductor (wire) Howard piA digital multimeter Solenoid voltmeter (Wiggy) Clamp meter (current transducer) Wheatstone bridge (Precisely measures resistance) Capacitance meter (Measures capacitance) LCR meter (Measures inductance, capacitance, resistance and combinations thereof) EMF Meter (Measures Electric and Magnetic Fields) Electrometer (Measures charge) Probes RF probe Signal tracer Analyzers Logic analyzer (Tests digital circuits) Spectrum analyzer (SA) (Measures spectral energy of signals) 92 Protocol analyzer (Tests functionality, performance and conformance of protocols) Vector signal analyzer (VSA) (Like the SA but it can also perform many more useful digital demodulation functions) Time-domain reflectometer (Tests integrity of long cables) Semiconductor curve tracer Signal-generating devices Signal generator Frequency synthesiser Function generator Digital pattern generator Pulse generator Signal injector Leader Instruments LSG-15 signal generator Miscellaneous devices Continuity tester Test light Cable tester Transistor tester Hipot tester Tube tester Network analyzer (used to characterize Electrical tester pen components or complete computer Receptacle tester networks) 3.3 Some kinds of test Electrical testing can be taken in situations (mostly low voltage, ie not exceeding 1000 V ac or 1500 V dc) where equipment like domestic appliances is being tested Most of this equipment will be used on mains supply voltages of 230 V ac single phase and 400 V ac three phase However, there could be internally derived voltages which are much higher and in some cases above the low voltage limits Some of the test voltages applied to equipment during testing may be above the low voltage limits These voltages are not considered dangerous if the maximum output current available from the test instrument is reliably limited to no more mA traditionally mA ac has been used, but since May 20015 new equipment should be limited to mA ac) 3.4 How to test a capacitor A capacitor is an electronic device that can store energy in the electric field between a pair of conductors (called “plates”) The process of storing energy in the capacitor is known as “charging”, and involves electric charges of equal magnitude, but opposite polarity, building up on each plate A simple example is a digital camera flash, which is powered by a small capacitor The capacitor is charged, and when the flash button is pressed, then the capacitor releases its energy and is routed to the flash bulb A typical capacitor is shown below 93 Capacitor Capacitors will discharge into whatever both leads touch at the same time This means, if you brush up against both leads, then it discharges into your body It will hurt at the very least, large capacitors could kill! If you are not confident, don't touch it, call an expert The capacitor's capacitance (C) is a measure of the amount of charge (Q) stored on each plate for a given voltage (V) which appears between the plates: A capacitor has a capacitance of one farad when one coulomb of charge is stored due to one volt applied potential difference across the plates The farad is a very large unit; values of capacitors are usually dealt in microfarads (uF), Nano farads (nF), or Pico farads (pF) Before even hooking up a multimeter, there are a few things you should look for on the capacitor to see if it is bad One is a bulging electrolyte (ceramic outer material) Another thing to look for is corrosion around the terminals If either of these is spotted, then your capacitor is leaky and must be replaced Discharge the capacitor before testing To this you need to find a resistor within to 50 ohms larger than the capacitance of the capacitor For low capacitance capacitors- It is best to de-solder the capacitor from the board first to avoid damaging other components All you have to is short both capacitor leads together with a screwdriver Make sure you don't touch the metal shank while doing this though, you will get shocked For high capacitance capacitors- Solder one end of the appropriate size resistor (for your application) to a well insulated clip lead about feet long Testing Testing capacitors can be tricky at best The quick and easy way for the average home electrician is to hook up your multimeter to the discharged leads of the capacitor You will have to find the polarity of the capacitor, and then hook up the corresponding meter leads Unfortunately with most meters, unless it's very new or expensive, you will only be checking if the capacitor is shorted or not Also, in most cases, you will need to take at least one lead off the circuit card Once your leads are hooked up as stated above, your readings should be: Any capacitor that measures a few ohms or less is bad Most should test infinite even on the highest resistance range For electrolytes in the uF range or larger, you should be able to see the cap charge when you use a high ohms scale with the proper polarity, the resistance will increase until it goes to infinity If the capacitor is shorted, then it will never charge If it is open, the resistance will be infinite immediately and won't ch ange If the polarity of the meter leads are reversed, it will not charge properly either, which is why you must determine the polarity of your meter and mark it, they are not all the same 94 If after all these tests, you are still confused, or are in doubt of your testing, then I would suggest de-soldering the remaining attached capacitor lead, and just go ahead and change it They are not that expensive in most cases and are easy to Be sure to check the polarity and match it against the circuit board before mounting it though Check and Inspection of some specific equipment: No Check Item 1.1 2.2KV Switch Gear and Inspection Inspection Steps Acceptance Criteria Basic - Fill out the check list IFC DWG Insulation - 6000V Megger for main circuit ( Resistance Test with circuit breaker ) - 500V Megger for control circuit 200m ( phase to earth with remain 5m phase) High Voltage Test Conductivity Test Function Test DC 38KV for min-phase to earth with remain phases - To be carried out on SWGR busbar connection and earth system joints And bolt torque to be as per V/D requirement - All features switchboard function as intended to be demonstrated by power 95 to withstand less than 200% IFC DWG Relay Test All protection relay be tested at the normal setting to verify their operation parameters, with secondary injection - Protection Relay Check - Stap setting as per Samsung Setting Record approved - Tripping time setting as per relay setting Samsung Setting Record and cruves - Traveling Time at selected T/D tap - Verify the operation of the switching devices tripping mechnism and all alams and intertrips Phase Rotation - Disconnect 22KV cable and Test apply 400V + Phase temp: power, and check Clock Wire phases - Rotation All terminals CT Polarity to be carried out on diff Relay same as V/D Check CTs before Function Test drawing 2.1 22KV cable 2.2 22KV cable Basic - Fill out the check list Inspection Insulation - 5000V Megger for phase to Resistance Test earth with remain phases and Continuiry DC 30.4KV for min-phase to High Voltage earth with remain phases (cable to Test be disconnected ) Basic 3.1 22/6.6 Inspection - Fill out the check list KV TR 2.Insulation 5000V Megger for primary ( oil Resistance Test 2500V Megger for secondary Immer 3.Oil Test Times Measurement sed ) Function Test Fill out the check list 4.1 22kv/4 Basic 00V Inspection Fill out the check list TR 2.Insulation 5000V Megger for primary ( oil Resistance Test 500V Megger for secondary Immer 3.Oil Test Times Measurement sed Function Test Fill out the check list 5.1 Basic Inspection Fill out the check list 96 IFC DWG 200M to withstand IFC DWG 75 M 75M 30KV/2.5mm IFC DWG IFC DWG 75 M 75 M 30KV/2.5mm IFC DWG IFC DWG 6.6KV 2.Insulation Resistance Test 2500V Megger for main circuit ( with circuit breaker ) 200M SWGR 5M 500V Megger for control circuit ( phase to earth with remain phases) High Voltage DC 16.5KV for min- phase to to withstand Test Earth with remain phases ( voltage transformer and load to be disconnected) Conductivity to be carried out on SWGR less than 20% Test busbar Connection and earth system joint And bolt Torque to be as per V/D requirement 5.Function Test All features of switchboard IFC DWG function as Intended to be demonstrated by temp power 6.Relay Test All protection relays shall be tested at the normal setting to verify their operation parameters, with secondary injection 1- Protection Relay Check - Stap setting as per Samsung Setting Record - Tripping Time Setting as per samsung Setting Record - Travelling time at selected T/D and Tap - Verify the operation of the switching devices tripping mechnism and all alarms and intertrips Phase Rotation Disconnect 22Kv cable and clock wise Test apply 400V 3Phase temp: power, and check phases Rotation All Terminals CT Polarity to be carried out on diff Relay Check CTs before Function Test EXERCISE 4.1 Complete the sentences Multimeter comply voltages circuit people regulations program conductor button a When you install electrical equipment, you have to ……… with with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)…………… 97 b The Government should hold some electrical safety ………… to provide hazard awareness infromation to ……… who use electrical equipment c Voltmeter is used for basic measurement of ………… d ……………are used for basic measurement of voltages, currents, and components in the circuit under test e When you push the large ………… at the bottom of the multimeter, the lower jaw of the clam is open, so that the clamp is placed around a …………… 4.2 Answer the following questions a What is the function of the ammeter? b What is the function of the protocol analyzer? c Can you tell me some signal- generating devices? d What is a capacitor? And how to test a capacitor? e Why you test the equipment before using? 4.3 Decide True or False a Cable tester is a miscellaneous device b Pulse generator is a miscellaneous device c Network analyzer is used to characterize components or complete computer networks d Vector signal analyzer can’t perform many more useful digital demodulation functions e A wheatstone bridge precisely measures resistance 4.4 Listen and Check equipment dangerous current ac May higher phase voltages appliances testing Electrical …………… can be taken in situations (mostly low voltage, ie not exceeding 1000 V ac or 1500 V dc) where equipment like domestic ………… is being tested Most of this equipment will be used on mains supply ……… of 230 V ac single ………… and 400 V ac three phase However, there could be internally derived voltages which are much ……… and in some cases above the low voltage limits Some of the test voltages applied to ……… during testing may be above the low voltage limits These voltages are not considered ………….if the maximum output …………… available from the test instrument is reliably limited to no more mA traditionally mA……… has been used, but since ……… 20015 new equipment should be limited to mA ac) 4.5 Match the ideas The process of storing energy in the capacitor In a digital camera flash, when the flash button is pressed, Capacitors The capacitor's capacitance (C) A capacitor has a capacitance of one farad when a will discharge into whatever both leads touch at the same time b is known as “charging” c the capacitor releases its energy and is routed to the flash bulb d one coulomb of charge is stored due to one volt applied potential difference across the plates 98 e is a measure of the amount of charge (Q) stored on each plate for a given voltage (V) which appears between the plates 99 UNIT 9: COMPUTERS Mã MH 07- 09 Mục tiêu học: Sau học xong học này, sinh viên có khả sử dụng kiến thức kỹ anh ngữ: - Nắm vốn từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên nghề tin học - Hiểu sử dụng tiền tố "semi-, de-, dis-, micro-, multi-" - Hiểu cấu tạo thành phần máy vi tính - Đọc hiểu tài liệu liên quan đến chuyên nghề tin học - Chủ động, tự giác học tập Nội dung học: VOCABULARY Make a survey of your class to find out how many have access to computers Use questions like these Do you have access to a computer? Where? At home? At work? At college or university? What you use it for? What kind of computer is it? You may add other questions of your own Check the meanings of these words in the Glossary, then match the terms in the box with the appropriate explanations or definitions below a sofrware b peripheral devices g CPU d hardware e input c monitor f output a The brain of the computer b Physical parts that make up a computer system c Programs which can be used on a particular computer system d The information which is presented to the computer e Results produced by a computer f Hardware equipment attached to the CPU g Visual display unit GRAMMAR 2.1 Language study: Describing purpose Study these ways of describing the purpose of random access memory: RAM is used for the temporary storage of programs and data RAM is used for storing programs and data temporarily RAM is used to store programs and data temporarily Fill in the gaps, using “to” or “for” a A transformer is used change AC voltages from small to large or from large to small b A milliammeter is used measuring very small currents c A motion sensor is used as part of a burglar alarm detect movement d A radio transmitter is used the transmission of radio frequency signals e A fuse is used protecting circuits from a surge in voltage 100 f A mixer is used master down different recordings to make a master tape g A metal detector is used find buried metal 2.2 Which is incorrect, A, B or C? a The source is used to providing the electromotive force which establishes the A B C difference b The source is used for supply electrical energy A B C c The load is used to converted the electrical energy into some other form of energy A B C d The transmission system is use for conducting the current round the circuit A B C e A switch are used to interrupt the current A B C f The control is used with regulating the current flow A B C g A rheostat used to control the current A B C READING COMPREHENSION 3.1 Skim this text and decide which statement best expresses the main idea of the text a Computers can still be useful machines even if they can’t communicate with the user b Compuetrs are machines capable of processing and outputting data c Computers have changed the way in which many kinds of jobs are done The Computer Computers are electronic machines that process information They are capable of communicating with the user, of doing five kinds of arithmetic operations, and of making three kinds of decisions However, they are incapable of thinking They accept data and instructions as input, and after processing the information, they output the results When talking about computers, both hardware and software need to be considered The former refers to the actual machinery, whereas the latter refers to the programs that control and coordinate the activities of the hardware The first computer was built in 1930 but since then computer technology has evolved a great deal There are three different kinds of computers in use today: the mainframe, the minicomputer, and the microcomputer All three have one thing in common – they operate quickly and accurately in solving problems 3.2 Decide whether the following statements are true or false (T/F) by referring to the information in the text a Computers are incapable of communicating with the user, of doing five kinds of arithmetic operations, and of making three kinds of decisions …… b A computer can store or handle any data even if it hasn’t received information to so …… c The microprocessor is the central component of a computer system …… d The control bus is used to transfer data between all the units …… e A computer system needs both hardware and software to be complete … 3.3 Can you explain what these abbreviations mean? 101 ROM RAM CPU I/O Check your answers by reading quickly through the text about Microcomputer systems MICROCOMPUTER SYSTEMS The I/O (input/output) unit consists of one or more ICs, which are used to control the data going in and out of the computer The ROM (read-only memory) and RAM (random-access memory) units consists of a number of special digital logic chips which can store programs and data The small ROM provides some permanent storage and the RAM is used for temporary storage Unlike the ROM, the contents of the RAM is constantly changing, but it only operates while the computer is switched on The CPU (central processing unit) is a microprocessor It is the main part of the computer, which controls the rest of the system and performs all the arithmetic and logic operations on the data Sets of connectors known as buses are used to carry the internal signals between each unit The data bus is used to transfer data between all the units The control bus is used to send control signals from the CPU to the other units The address bus is used to send signals from the CPU which indicate the memory and I/O locations to be used 3.4 Fill in the gaps in this table with the help of the text Component I/O unit ROM Data bus Control bus Purpose controls data going in and out of the computer _ temporary storage controls the system, performs all arithmetic and logic operations on the data _ _ sends signals from the CPU which indicate the memory and I/O locations to be used 3.5 Identify each of the electronic components or pieces of equipment described below Compare answers with your partner a It’s used to change AC voltages from small to large or from large to small b It’s used for measuring very small currents c It’s used to check the logic lavels in the pins of ICs d It’s used as part of a burglar alarm to detect movement e It’s used for the transmission of RF signals f It’s used for protecting circuits from a surge in voltage g It’s used to master down different recordings to make a master tape h It’s used to find buried metal 102 REFERENCES * English [1] Eric H Glendinning, John McEwan (1993), Oxford English for Electronics, Oxford University Press [2] Eric H Glendinning, Norman Glendinning (1995), Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Oxford University Press [3] John Eastwood (1994), Oxford Guide to English Grammar, Oxford University Press [4] Mark Ibbotson, Cambridge English for Engineering–– Cambridge University Press [5] Marie Kavanagh (2007), English for the Automobile Industry, Oxford University Press [6] Martin Hewings (1999), Advanced Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press [7] Norman Coe, Mark Harrison, Ken Pateson (2016), Oxford Practice Grammar, Cambridge University Press [8] Ronald Carter, Michael McCarthy (2015), Cambridge Grammar of English, Cambridge University Press * Vietnamese [9] Bùi Ý, Vũ Thanh Phương (2004), English Grammar, NXB Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội [10] Mai Lan Huong, Hà Thanh Uyên (2011), Giải thích ngữ pháp tiếng Anh, NXB Đà Nẵng [11] Nhiều tác giả (2013), Chuyên ngành Cơ khí, NXB Trẻ [12] Nhiều tác giả (2014), Chuyên ngành Kỹ thuật Điện - Điện tử, NXB Trẻ [13] Nhiều tác giả (2017), Chuyên ngành Cơ Điện tử, NXB Trẻ * Materials from the Internet [14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datasheet [15] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microcontroller [16] https://www.build-electronic-circuits.com/basic-electronic-components/ [17]https://www.princeton.edu/~achaney/tmve/wiki100k/docs/Programmable_logic_controlle r.html 103

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