Reading comprehension
2 Chapter 2: Install and check low voltage panel, medium voltage panel and control panel
Mã chương: MH06- 01 Giới thiệu:
Để hỗ trợ sinh viên trong việc học tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Điện tử công nghiệp, giáo trình này cung cấp các thuộc tính và đặc điểm kỹ thuật của vật liệu điện bằng tiếng Anh Điều này giúp người học dễ dàng nắm bắt kiến thức chuyên sâu trong các bài học tiếp theo và tra cứu tài liệu liên quan bằng tiếng Anh.
Sau khi học xong bài học này, sinh viên có kiến thức và kỹ năng về sử dụng anh ngữ:
- Đọc hiểu được các thuật ngữ về vật liệu điện, điện tử bằng tiếng anh
Hiểu rõ về các loại vật liệu như vật liệu dẫn điện, vật liệu bán dẫn, vật liệu cách điện, vật liệu từ và các vật liệu đặc biệt khác là rất quan trọng Những vật liệu này có vai trò then chốt trong nhiều ứng dụng công nghệ hiện đại Việc nắm bắt kiến thức về cấu tạo và nguyên lý hoạt động của chúng sẽ giúp cải thiện hiệu suất và độ tin cậy của các thiết bị điện tử.
- Sử dụng được thì hiện tại đơn để giao tiếp trong lĩnh vực điện bằng tiếng anh
- Tự tin giao tiếp tiếng anh chuyên ngành trong môi trường làm việc tại doanh nghiệp
- Đọc hiểu tài liệu tham khảo bằng tiếng anh trong lĩnh vực điện tử
- Chủ động, tự giác trong học tập
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Điện trở Dẫn điện Loại Truyền tải Phân phối Máy biến thế Đồng
Hệ số Biến thiên Điện áp rơi Chịu đựng Độ dẻo dai Đúc
Sự ăn mòn Độ chính xác Biến trở Tan chảy
Chịu bền Thanh cái Đồng thau Đồng đỏ Hợp chất nikel Cầu chì
Annealing (n) Valence (n) Insulating (adj) Capacitor (n) Thermoplastic Thermosetting
Elastic (adj) Solvent (n) Brittle (adj) Repellent (adj)
Hysteresis (adj) Saturation (n) Magnetization (n) Curve (v)
Coercivity (n) Adamantine (n) Ultrahard (adj) Darkwood (n) Alchemical (n) Metallurgy (n)
Sự tôi luyện Hóa trị Cách điện
Tụ điện Chịu nhiệt Phản ứng nhiệt Đàn hồi Dung môi
Dễ vỡ Không thấm nước
Phân tử Giãn nở Độ đàn hồi
Trễ điện môi Bão hòa Độ từ hóa Uốn cong Độ kháng Chất adaman Siêu cứng
Gỗ cứng Luyện đan Luyện kim
Ổ cắm, đèn huỳnh quang, chuông điện, dây cáp 3 lõi, dây chì, dây dẫn đồng, dây dẫn cao thế, và dây dẫn nhánh là những thiết bị điện quan trọng Ngoài ra, dụng cụ điện, tính chịu nhiệt, đồng hồ đo và đồng hồ điện cũng đóng vai trò thiết yếu trong hệ thống điện.
Underfloor socket Adapter (n) Voltage stabilizer Cable clip (n) Plug (n)
Thuật luyện đan Đường vòng Đường dây truyền tải Bóng đèn tròn
Mũ bảo hiểm Ổ điện Ổ điện có dây tiếp đất Ổ điện ẩn dưới sàn
Bộ nắn điện Máy ổn áp Nẹp ống dây Phích cắm
The simple present tense a Structure
To form the Present Simple Tense we use the verb's base form (go, work, speak, study)
In 3 rd person singular (he, she, it), the base form of the verb takes -s/es (Auxiliary verbs “be,” “do,” “have”, which can also be used as main verbs, are exceptions.)
Electric current deals with charges in motion
I go to school every day
I / You / We / They + do not /don't +V_infinitive He/She/It does not /doesn't / +V_infinitive
She doesn't often go to the cinema
I don't get up early at the weekend
They don't speak English very well
Do + I / You / We / They + V_infinitive Does + He/She/It + V_infinitive
Do they speak foreign languages?
Does your sister play the piano?
When we talk about things that happen repeatedly or habitually with time expressions such as always, often, sometimes, usually, seldom, on Saturdays, rarely, never, every day, etc
This flow of charge creates an electric current
I usually sleep late on Sunday morning
To indicate general truths, facts and scientific laws
The sun rises in the east
Every Monday, Sally drives her kids to football practice Usually, I work as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I am studying French at a language school in Paris, which is why I am here I hate living in Seattle because it always rains I'm sorry I can't hear what you are saying because everybody is talking so loudly Currently, Justin is writing a book about his adventures in Tibet, and I hope he can find a good publisher when he is finished Jim asked if I want to come over for dinner tonight.
Denise regrets that she cannot attend due to plans to go to a movie with friends Typically, business cards are printed by a company in New York, offering affordable prices without compromising on quality Additionally, a small chocolatier in Zurich, Switzerland, is responsible for producing this delicious chocolate.
Example: Where / they / to have / breakfast
Where do they have breakfast? a) how / Linda / to go / to the park
→ ……… b) Marie and Joe / to like / homework
→ ……… c) why / you / to ride / your bike
→……… d) what / they / to eat / for breakfast
→ ……… e) can / Ron / to speak / English
→ ……… h) to be / Peter / from Austria
→ ……… i) you / to walk / to school
→ ……… j) when / his mum / to come / home
Example: He works on the computer - He does not work on the computer The children know the answer
The kite flies into the air
Anne and Sue carry a box
Sandy washes her hair I run to school
Conducting materials are classified as low resistivity materials and high resistivity materials
Low resistivity materials: The conducting materials having resistivity between
10-8 to 10-6 ohm-m come under this category and are used in transmission and distribution lines, transformers and motor windings such as copper, aluminium, steel,
When selecting materials for electrical conductors, it is essential to consider several key properties Firstly, a low temperature coefficient is crucial to minimize voltage drop and power loss as temperatures fluctuate Secondly, the materials must possess sufficient mechanical strength to endure the stresses encountered during specific applications Additionally, ductility is important, allowing the materials to be easily drawn and molded into various sizes and shapes Finally, good solderability is necessary to ensure that joints have minimal contact resistance, facilitating effective connections.
10 e) Resistance to corrosion: The material should have a high resistance to corrosion so that it should not be corroded when used in different environmental conditions
High resistivity materials, characterized by resistivity values ranging from 10^-6 to 10^-3 ohm-m, are essential for manufacturing resistance elements used in heating devices, precision instruments, and rheostats Common examples of these materials include manganin, nichrome, mercury, platinum, carbon, and tungsten.
When selecting materials for specific applications, several key properties are essential First, a low temperature coefficient is crucial to minimize voltage drop and power loss as temperature changes Additionally, materials should possess a high melting point, particularly for those used as heating elements Ductility is another important characteristic, allowing conductors to be drawn and molded into various sizes and shapes Moreover, high oxidation resistance is necessary to prevent degradation in diverse environmental conditions Finally, these materials must exhibit high mechanical strength to endure the stresses encountered during their intended use.
1) It is reddish brown in colour
2) It is malleable and ductile and can be cast, forged, rolled, drawn and machined
4) It easily alloys with other metals
5) Electrical resistivity of copper is
6) Tensile strength for copper is 210
7) It is highly resistant to corrosion
8) It is a non-magnetic material
Applications: Copper is used in conductor wires, coil windings of generators and transformers, cables, busbars etc Alloys of copper (like Brass,
Bronze, Constantan, Manganin etc) are very useful for different purposes
1) Pure aluminium is silver white in colour
2) It is a ductile metal and can be put to a shape by rolling, drawing and forging
4) It is resistant to corrosion
5) Its tensile strength is 60MN/m2
6) It can be alloyed with other elements
8) It has a higher thermal conductivity
Applications: Aluminium is widely used as conductor for power transmission and distribution It is used in overhead transmission lines, busbars, ACSR conductors etc
Materials with electrical resistivity between conductors and insulators are known as semiconductors They are essential in the production of diodes and transistors Semiconductors typically have four valence electrons and feature a small forbidden energy gap of approximately 1 eV between the conduction and valence bands Common examples of semiconductors include germanium, silicon, and selenium.
Semiconductors, such as carbon, silicon, and germanium, possess electrical conductivity that falls between that of conductors and insulators In these materials, the valence band is nearly filled, while the conduction band is only partially occupied.
Semiconductors exhibit a small forbidden energy gap of approximately 1 eV between the valence and conduction bands, requiring a relatively low electric field to promote valence electrons to the conduction band Under normal conditions, these materials act as insulators and do not conduct electricity However, at room temperature, the introduction of heat energy allows some valence electrons to transition to the conduction band, resulting in minimal conductivity As temperature rises, an increasing number of valence electrons move to the conduction band, enhancing the material's conductivity Consequently, semiconductors display a negative temperature coefficient of resistance.
Insulating materials are characterized by their high electrical resistance, preventing significant current flow and minimizing energy loss These materials come in various types to suit different applications, with specific insulating materials, known as dielectric materials, utilized for electrical energy storage Common dielectrics include mica, ceramic, and paper, which are essential components in capacitors Typically, these materials possess more than four valence electrons and exhibit a substantial energy gap (over 5-6 eV) between the valence and conduction bands Examples of such insulating materials include mica, rubber, ceramics, glass, and diamond.
Plastic materials can be classified into thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics
Plastic materials exhibit remarkable stability, as their properties remain largely unchanged through repeated melting and cooling processes These materials are characterized by enhanced elasticity, reduced brittleness, and the ability to retain elasticity even under prolonged heating They demonstrate excellent thermal resistance and can be remolded into various shapes after heating Many possess exceptional insulating qualities and are water-repellent Their linear polymer structure, consisting of elongated, thread-like molecules, contributes to their fusibility, solubility, and high plasticity, allowing for the creation of thin, flexible threads and films Notable examples include Polytetrafluoroethylene (P.T.F.E or Teflon) and Polyvinyl Chloride (P.V.C.).
Thermosetting plastics undergo significant transformations when exposed to high temperatures for extended periods, becoming baked and unable to melt or dissolve This process results in materials that are less elastic, more brittle, and lose their elasticity with prolonged heating, making them incapable of being remolded into different shapes once set and hardened These materials are ideal for applications requiring insulation that can withstand high temperatures without melting or compromising mechanical strength Thermosetting plastics are classified as space-polymers, characterized by molecules that branch off in various directions during polymerization.
Examples of the natural insulating materials are cotton, rubber, wood, mica
Mã chương MH06 - 02 Giới thiệu:
Trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa hiện nay, tiếng Anh, đặc biệt là tiếng Anh chuyên ngành kỹ thuật và điện tử công nghiệp, đóng vai trò quan trọng Bài học này trang bị cho người học kiến thức về tiếng Anh trong lĩnh vực lắp đặt tủ bảng điện hạ thế, trung thế và tủ bảng điều khiển Nhờ đó, người học có thể sử dụng các thuật ngữ tiếng Anh để đọc hiểu và nghiên cứu tài liệu liên quan đến lĩnh vực điện.
Sau khi học xong bài học này, sinh viên có kiến thức và kỹ năng về sử dụng anh ngữ:
- Đọc hiểu được các nguyên tắc, các bước lắp đặt bảng hạ thế, trung thế và bảng điều khiển
- Phát âm chính xác các thuật ngữ chuyên ngành sử dụng trong lắp đặt bảng Điện
- Nắm vững và áp dụng đúng sáu cấu trúc cơ bản trong tiếng Anh
- Tự tin hơn để giao tiếp trong môi trường doanh nghiệp
- Đọc hiểu tài liệu tham khảo bằng tiếng anh trong lĩnh vực điện điện tử
Dữ liệu Tính linh hoạt
Sự đảm bảo Điện áp thấp Nguồn ra Dải băng rộng Độ dôi
Cái đột/đục Xén, tỉa Chéo, góc Dao cắt/tiện
Bộ chống xung Bệ/nắp
Mảnh vỡ Ổ cắm điện Cầu chì Công tắc
CB Dây điện trung thế
Snap (v) Extension (n) Bracket (n) Snip (v) Crimping (adj) Duplex (n) Plate (n) Gently (adv) Adjust (v) Detection (n) Vessel (n) Feeder (n) Bus bar (n) Compartment (n) Keypad (n)
Dials (n) Breach (v) Roam (v) Button (n) Alarm (n) Cable lug (n) Terminal (n) Diagram (n)
Kẹp Độ giản Giá đỡ Cắt/kéo cắt tôn Gấp mép Ghép đôi Tấm kim loại Nhẹ nhàng Điều chỉnh
Bể chứa Cấp đầu vào Thanh cái Buồng/bể Bàn phím
An ninh Kiểm soát Cảm biến Đĩa số Nứt/ rạn Chuyển vùng Nút nhấn Đèn báo Đầu cáp Đấu nối cáp
Dây điện hạ thế Trung thế Đường dây Đường dây hạ thế Điện trung thế Động cơ
Hạ thế Động cơ điện Tủ điện Cuộn dây Ngoại trừ Lõi dây thép
Sơ cấp Thứ cấp Cuộn dây sơ cấp Cuộn dây thứ cấp Thay đổi
Từ trường Gây ra Lực điện động Sức điện động
Hệ số hỗ cảm Phụ tải
Dòng điện Mạch sơ cấp
Tỷ lệ với Vòng dây Dòng điện xoay chiều
Bộ phận lắp đặt Lõi thép lá Dây quấn
Principle (n) Junction box (n) Earthing (n) Cable tray (n) Neutral cable (n) Test (v)
Inspection and commissioning are crucial processes in ensuring the efficiency of a power grid Electrical components, such as coupling transformers and substations, play a vital role in interconnecting various systems To optimize performance, it is essential to eliminate inefficiencies in electronic circuits and electrical appliances The magnitude of power generated at a power plant is often greater than or less than the required levels, necessitating stepped up or stepped down transformations The stator and stator winding consist of intricate designs that facilitate direct current flow Additionally, cartridge assemblies in electric meters help monitor energy consumption effectively Understanding these elements is basically fundamental for maintaining a reliable electrical infrastructure.
Sự tiếp đất Máng cáp Cáp trung tính Kiểm tra Nghiệm thu Vận hành thử Lớn hơn Nhỏ hơn
Cỡ nhỏ Khớp nối Máy biến Kết nối Lưới điện Khử Mạch điện tử Đại lượng
Cơ bản Thay đổi Nhà máy điện Trạm biến áp Đồng hồ đo điện Thiết bị điện Dòng điện 1chiều Tăng lên
Giảm xuống Phần tĩnh Dây quấn tĩnh Gồm Cường độ Hộp
I swim Joe swims They swam
I drive a car Joe plays the guitar They ate dinner
I am busy Joe became a doctor They look sick
Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object
I gave her a gift She teaches us English
I left the door open We elected him president They named her Jane
17 a Determine the sentence pattern for each sentence given below
1 The child behaved horribly in the store
2 On his last trip to Russia in the spring, Hilda finally felt comfortable
3 In another life I must have been a dancer
4 Upon his return, the people elected Jasper king of the entire country
5 My brother showed me the stream behind the wooded area
6 You are very quiet today
7 The personality test found Jenkins unsuitable for the position
8 After much deliberation, Millie bought the biggest car on the lot
9 Later, Smithers became the most important person in his life
10 The poor sailor was at sea for a year
11 Under most circumstances, we would be happy with your work
12 The professor considered the student a genius at mathematics
14, He waited in the rain for an hour
15 During my teen years, I grew tall b Make six sentences with the six sentence pattern above
4 Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object
3.1 Install and check low voltage panel
Fig 2.1: Installing a media network panel with modules for phone, data, and video lines provides flexibility and the assurance that you have reliable connections
To ensure proper connectivity, begin by cutting openings and installing low-voltage boxes at each outlet location Additionally, create an opening between two studs for the network panel Next, run Category 5e cables for phone and data lines, along with coaxial cables for broadband or satellite connections This stage of the installation is the most challenging and time-consuming aspect of the project.
Label each cable end as you pull them, ensuring to leave 12-18 inches of excess at each opening Install a 14/2 electrical cable from the breaker panel to the network box opening, removing knockouts and equipping the box with bushings for cable protection Finally, feed the cables into the box and secure them to the studs.
When purchasing Category 5e connectors, choose colors to differentiate their uses, such as blue for data lines and white for phone lines Strip approximately 2.5 inches of the cable jacket and straighten the wires Following the A color key on the eight-conductor connector, insert the wires into their corresponding color-coded slots and secure them in place with the provided punch tool.
Ensure that the wires are properly aligned before trimming any excess with a diagonal cutter Next, securely push the connector cap into position and attach type-F connectors to the coaxial cable.
To install the surge protector and GFCI power module, begin by removing the knockouts and securely fastening the components into the network box Strip the 14/2 cable and connect it to the module according to the manufacturer's instructions Use the provided screws to secure the module in place, and ensure that the caps remain in position to protect the receptacles from debris.
To set up a telephone distribution panel, first snap it into place to manage incoming telephone lines Next, attach a voice and data module, adding more modules as necessary since each can serve up to six wall outlets Wire each household extension line to the module and connect patch cords between the modules and the designated plug-ins for optimal functionality.
To prepare a Category 5e cable, strip approximately 2.5 inches of the cable jacket from each incoming line Next, follow the manufacturer's guidelines to straighten and fan the wires, placing them into the designated color-coded brackets next to the correct module Finally, use a punch tool to secure the wires in place and trim off any excess.
To set up your Internet gateway, first snap it into position and connect the incoming modem line to the WAN (wide-area network) port using Category 5e-rated patch cords Next, connect your computer lines to the gateway and configure it using the software included on the CD that comes with the device.
Install a new breaker to power the dedicated 15-amp lines Test for power Remove a protective cap from one of the GFCI receptacles and plug in the Internet gateway transformer
To properly set up your coaxial connections, begin by attaching type-F coaxial connectors to each incoming coaxial line with the appropriate stripping and crimping tools Next, connect the incoming service cable to the CATV/ANT port and ensure that all other lines are connected according to their designated labels Finally, plug the module transformer into the power module for optimal functionality.
To install the duplex plate, snap the connectors into place, selecting from options with two to six openings Afterward, test each line and carefully feed the cables into the wall before attaching the plate to the outlet box.
To test a network cable, locate the cable at the network panel and connect the tester to it A high-pitched sound from the tester indicates a correct line, while the absence of sound suggests the need to check other lines until the correct connection is identified If errors are found, adjust the connections at the panel to resolve any issues.
3.2 Install and check medium voltage panel
Fig 2,14: Cable switch panel CS
(shown with main bus in the middle)
1 Sockets for capacitive voltage detection system
2 Manual operation for the mechanism of the load-break /disconnecting function
3 Indicator “Fuse intact / Fuse blown”
4 Switch position indicator for load- break and for grounding function
5 Manual operation for the mechanism of the grounding function
6 Sockets for capacitive voltage detection system
7 Insulating cap on bus bar (for > 15 kV)
9 Bushing-type insulator for bus bar
10 “Ready-for-service” indicator for switching device
11 Interlocking lever of cable compartment cover (with three- position switch)
12 Pressure relief device for switching device
13 Locking device for three-position switch
Fig 2.15: Fuse switch panel FS (shown with main bus on top)
15 Gas-insulated vessel for switching device
16 Bushing-type insulator for feeder
18 Cable termination (not in scope of supply)
22 Spring-operated mechanism for three- position switch
23 Grounding connection (for location see dimension drawings)
24 Option: Local-remote switch for the motor operating mechanism of the three- position switch
25 Option: Momentary-contact rotary control switch “CLOSED – OPEN” for motor operating mechanism for three- position switch
26 Option: HV HRC (current limiting) fuse
Three VFD modules will be installed at Pump Stations 1, 3, 4, and 9, with all modules featuring VFDs and two also including switchgear Each module will be accompanied by a platform that houses a cooling system for the liquid-cooled VFD, a transformer to reduce incoming power from 13,800 volts to 6,600 volts, and a station transformer for 480-volt power supply The VFDs are designed to control power frequency, allowing for variable pump motor speeds A 3-D rendering of the planned VFD modules for Pump Station 4 is provided below.
The image displays an ABB switchgear with its front panels open, revealing its structured sections The leftmost section is dedicated to the control wiring, while the section on the right houses the circuit breaker and the multifunction protective relay that manages its operation.
VFD module will have six or seven breakers
The computer can sense the full range of current and can be programmed from a laptop computer In addition, a communications module will interface with the PLC Fig 2.18: Switchgear
Mã chương MH06- 03 Giới thiệu:
Trong bối cảnh hội nhập kinh tế quốc tế, nhu cầu sử dụng ngoại ngữ, đặc biệt là tiếng Anh, ngày càng trở nên quan trọng đối với các nhà đầu tư nước ngoài mở rộng hoạt động kinh doanh tại Việt Nam Bài học này cung cấp kiến thức và kỹ năng cần thiết để người học có thể đọc hiểu các linh kiện điện tử, đồng thời trình bày một cách ngắn gọn và đầy đủ về các đặc điểm và thuộc tính của các linh kiện như đi-ốt bán dẫn, điện dung, Mosfet, Transistor, điện trở và tụ điện.
Sau khi học xong bài học này, người học có khả năng:
Đọc hiểu các linh kiện điện tử bằng tiếng Anh là rất quan trọng, bao gồm các thành phần như đi-ốt bán dẫn, điện dung, Mosfet, transistor, điện trở và tụ điện Nắm vững các giá trị linh kiện của chúng giúp bạn áp dụng hiệu quả trong các dự án điện tử và nâng cao khả năng giao tiếp kỹ thuật.
- Đọc hiểu các từ vựng và phát âm chính xác các thuật ngữ chuyên ngành về linh kiện điện tử
- Hiểu và biết cách sử dụng hiện tại phân từ trong tiếng Anh
- Tự tin giao tiếp trong môi trường doanh nghiệp
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Đi ốt Van Tồn tại Thuộc mạch Thuật ngữ Thường thường
Bộ chỉnh lưu Phân cực thuận Phân cực ngược
Sự hoạt động Tương tự Thủy lực Chất lỏng Cần thiết Phân cực Đo lường Mối nối Chịu đựng Cổng Cực dương Cực âm Thyristo
Sự thiếu hụt Tín hiệu Xung Tốc độ Đầu cuối
Animation (n) Load (n) Parameter (n) voltage (n) Transistor (n) External (adj) Amplify (v) Ubiquitous (adj) Pave (n)
Resistor (n) Potential (n) Distinct (adj) Sufficient (adj) Vice versa (adv) Capacitor (n) Insulator (n) Electrostatic (adj) Resonant (adj) Leakage Current Inductance (n) Unidirectional Vacuum tube (n) Constant (n)
Transistor trường silic oxit kim loại
Transistor hiệu ứng trường
Hoạt ảnh và phụ tải là hai yếu tố quan trọng trong việc phân tích thông số điện áp Transistor và khuếch đại thường gặp trong các mạch điện, giúp điều chỉnh điện trở và điện thế Việc phân biệt giữa các thành phần này là cần thiết để đảm bảo hệ thống hoạt động đầy đủ và ổn định, ngược lại có thể dẫn đến sự cố trong quá trình sử dụng.
Tụ điện Cách điện Tĩnh điện Cộng hưởng Dòng điện rò Điện cảm Một chiều Đèn chân không Hằng số
The present participle is created by adding “-ing” to the base form of a verb, while omitting any silent “e” at the end For example, the infinitive "to sing" becomes "singing," "to take" transforms into "taking," "to bake" changes to "baking," "to be" is rendered as "being," and "to have" becomes "having."
A The present participle may often function as an adjective:
That tree is a weeping willow
B The present participle can be used as a noun denoting an activity (this form is also called a gerund):
The present participle signifies an ongoing action, but it cannot function independently as a verb Typically, it serves to modify a noun (or pronoun), an adverb, or a past participle.
Thinking myself lost, I gave up all hope
Washing clothes is not my idea of a job
D The present participle may be used with “while” or “by” to express an idea of simultaneity (“while”) or causality (“by”):
He finished dinner while watching television
By using a dictionary he could find all the words
While speaking on the phone, she doodled
By calling the police you saved my life!
E The present participle of the auxiliary “have” may be used with the past participle to describe a past condition resulting in another action:
Having spent all his money, he returned home
Having told herself that she would be too late, she accelerated
Rewrite the sentences replacing the italic part with a present participle
1 She was talking to her friend and forgot everything around her
2 Since we watch the news every day we know what's going on in the world
3 They are vegetarians and don't eat meat
4 The dog wagged its tail and bit the postman
5 While she was tidying up her room she found some old photos
6 He was a good boy and helped his mother in the kitchen
7 As they didn't have enough money they spent their holidays at home last year
8 The man was sitting in the cafe He was reading a paper.?
9 Since I didn't feel well I didn't go to the cinema
10 She walked home and met an old friend
An electronic circuit consists of various components, including resistors, transistors, capacitors, inductors, and diodes, each serving distinct functions These circuits can be categorized into three main types: analog circuits, digital circuits, and mixed-signal circuits.
Electrical Wire Conductor of electrical current Connected Wires Connected crossing
Not connected Wires Wires are not connected
Switch Symbols and Relay Symbols
SPST Toggle Switch Disconnects current when open SPDT Toggle Switch Selects between two connections Pushbutton Switch (N.O) Momentary switch - normally open Pushbutton Switch (N.C) Momentary switch - normally closed
DIP Switch DIP switch is used for onboard configuration
Relay open / close connection by an electromagnet
Jumper Close connection by jumper insertion on pins
Solder Bridge Solder to close connection Ground Symbols
Earth Ground Used for zero potential reference and electrical shock protection
Chassis Ground Connected to the chassis of the circuit
Digital / Common Ground Resistor Symbols
Resistor reduces the current flow
Adjustable resistor - has 3 terminals Potentiometer (IEC)
Adjustable resistor - has 2 terminals Variable Resistor / Rheostat
Capacitor Capacitor is used to store electric charge
It acts as short circuit with AC and open circuit with DC
Capacitor Polarized Capacitor Electrolytic capacitor Polarized Capacitor Electrolytic capacitor
Variable Capacitor Adjustable capacitance Inductor / Coil Symbols
Inductor Coil / solenoid that generates magnetic field Iron Core Inductor Includes iron
Voltage Source Generates constant voltage Current Source Generates constant current
AC Voltage Source AC voltage source
Generator Electrical voltage is generated by mechanical rotation of the generator
Battery Cell Generates constant voltage
Generates voltage as a function of voltage or current of other circuit element
Generates current as a function of voltage or current of other circuit element
Voltmeter Measures voltage Has very high resistance Connected in parallel
Ammeter Measures electric current Has near zero resistance Connected serially
Generates light when current flows through
Lamp / light bulb Diode / LED Symbols
Diode Diode allows current flow in one direction only (left to right)
Allows current flow in one direction, but also can flow in the reverse direction when above breakdown voltage
Schottky Diode Schottky diode is a diode with low voltage drop Varactor / Varicap Diode Variable capacitance diode
Light Emitting Diode (LED) LED emits light when current flows through
Photodiode Photodiode allows current flow when exposed to light Transistor Symbols
NPN Bipolar Transistor Allows current flow when high potential at base (middle)
PNP Bipolar Transistor Allows current flow when low potential at base (middle)
The Darlington transistor consists of two bipolar transistors, resulting in a total gain that is the product of each transistor's individual gain The JFET-N is an N-channel field effect transistor, while the JFET-P is a P-channel field effect transistor Additionally, the NMOS transistor is an N-channel MOSFET, known for its efficiency in electronic applications.
PMOS Transistor P-channel MOSFET transistor Misc Symbols
Transformer Change AC voltage from high to low or low to high
Electric bell Rings when activated
Fuse The fuse disconnects when current above threshold Used to protect circuit from high currents
Bus Contains several wires Usually for data / address
Optocoupler / Opto-isolator Optocoupler isolates onnection to other board
Loudspeaker Converts electrical signal to sound waves
Microphone Converts sound waves to electrical signal Operational Amplifier Amplify input signal
Schmitt Trigger Operates with hysteresis to reduce noise
Analog-to-digital converter(ADC)
Converts analog signal to digital numbers
Digital-to-Analog converter (DAC)
Converts digital numbers to analog signal
Crystal Oscillator Used to generate precise frequency clock signal Antenna Symbols
Transmits & receives radio waves Antenna / aerial
Dipole Antenna Two wires simple antenna Logic Gates Symbols
NOT Gate (Inverter) Outputs 1 when input is 0
AND Gate Outputs 1 when both inputs are 1
NAND Gate Outputs 0 when both inputs are 1 (NOT
OR Gate Outputs 1 when any input is 1
NOR Gate Outputs 0 when any input is 1 (NOT +
XOR Gate Outputs 1 when inputs are different
D Flip-Flop Stores one bit of data
Connects the output to selected input line
Demultiplexer / Demux 1 to 4 Connects selected output to the input line
A diode is an essential electrical component that functions as a one-way valve for current flow, primarily represented by semiconductor diodes in modern circuit design While various diode technologies are available, semiconductor diodes are the most prevalent, often depicted in schematic diagrams Typically, the term "diode" refers to small signal devices with a current of 1 A or less, whereas devices handling currents greater than 1 A are commonly referred to as rectifiers.
→ Semiconductor diode schematic symbol: Arrows indicate the direction of electron current flow
When voltage is applied across a diode in such a way that the diode allows current, the diode is said to be forward-biased
When voltage is applied across a diode in such a way that the diode prohibits current, the diode is said to be reverse-biased
Fig 3.3: Diode operation: (a) Current flow is permitted; the diode is forward biased (b)
Current flow is prohibited; the diode is reverse biased
Diode behavior is analogous to the behavior of a hydraulic device called a check valve A check valve allows fluid flow through it in only one direction as in
Fig 3.4:Hydraulic check valve analogy: (a) Electron current flow permitted (b) Current flow prohibited
Diodes, similar to check valves, function as pressure-operated (voltage-operated) devices, with the key distinction being the polarity of the voltage across them in forward-bias versus reverse-bias conditions By examining the simple battery-diode-lamp circuit, we can analyze the voltage drops across the different components involved.
Fig 3.5: Diode circuit voltage measurements: (a) Forward biased (b) Reverse biased
The forward voltage across a conducting, forward-biased diode is determined by the chemical composition of the P-N junction and remains relatively stable despite variations in forward current and temperature.
The diode is represented by a schematic symbol that illustrates its PN-junction model, with the anode (pointing end) indicating the P-type semiconductor and the cathode (non-pointing end) corresponding to the N-type semiconductor.
38 type material at (a) Also note that the cathode stripe on the physical part (c) corresponds to the cathode on the symbol
If a reverse-biasing voltage is applied across the P-N junction, this depletion region expands, further resisting any current through it (Figure below)
→ Depletion region expands with reverse bias
When a forward-biasing voltage is applied to a P-N junction, the depletion region narrows, reducing the diode's resistance to current flow For continuous current to pass through the diode, the depletion region must be entirely collapsed, which requires a specific minimum voltage known as the forward voltage.
Fig 3.8: Increasing forward bias from (a) to (b) decreases depletion region thickness
Silicon diodes have a forward voltage of approximately 0.7 volts
Germanium diodes have a forward voltage of approximately 0.3 volts
The maximum reverse-bias voltage that a diode can withstand without
“breaking down” is called the Peak Inverse Voltage, or PIV rating
Fig 3.10: Diode curve: showing knee at 0.7 V forward bias for Si, and reverse breakdown
The PIV rating of a standard rectifier diode is usually a minimum of 50 volts at room temperature, with options available that exceed thousands of volts at affordable prices.
Fig 3.13: Typical Medium Power Thyristor Construction
To turn off a thyristor, it is essential to reduce the current flowing between the anode and cathode below a critical threshold known as the "holding current," which is close to zero Alternatively, applying a reverse bias to the anode and cathode can also achieve this effect.
The thyristor operates by conducting when a gating pulse is applied while the anode and cathode terminals are forward biased However, if the device is reverse biased, the gating pulse will not influence its operation.
Mã chương MH06– 04 Giới thiệu:
Bài học này trang bị cho người học kiến thức và kỹ năng tiếng Anh cần thiết để hiểu cấu tạo và nguyên lý hoạt động của các thiết bị điện tử trong mạch điện tử, bao gồm bộ khuếch đại hoạt động, bộ định thời, bộ khuếch đại transistor, bộ dao động và bộ biến đổi Đồng thời, bài học cũng cung cấp vốn từ vựng chuyên ngành tiếng Anh, giúp người học tự tin sử dụng trong môi trường làm việc với doanh nghiệp nước ngoài và đọc tài liệu tham khảo chuyên ngành điện bằng tiếng Anh.
Sau khi học xong bài học này, sinh viên có khả năng sử dụng kiến thức và kỹ năng anh ngữ:
Hiểu rõ thông số kỹ thuật và nguyên tắc hoạt động của các thiết bị điện tử như bộ khuếch đại hoạt động, bộ định thời, bộ khuếch đại transistor, bộ dao động và bộ biến đổi là rất quan trọng Những kiến thức này giúp người dùng tối ưu hóa hiệu suất và ứng dụng của các thiết bị trong thực tế.
-Hiểu các từ vựng và phát âm chính xác các thuật ngữ chuyên ngành về điện, điện tử
-Ứng dụng ba loại câu điều kiện trong tiếng Anh vào ngữ cảnh thực tế
-Tự tin giao tiếp trong môi trường doanh nghiệp
Solenoid (n) : Cuộn dây ruột gà
Timer (n) : Rơ le thời gian
Common-emitter : Bộ phát chung
Bias (n) : Sai số, sự lệch
Adjustable (adj) : Có thể chỉnh sửa
LED (n) : Đi ốt phát quang
Infinite (adj) : Vô cực, vô cùng
Oscillation (n) : Bộ dao động Fluctuation (n) : Sự dao động Detector (n) : Máy dò tìm Pendulum (n) : Con lắc
Timepiece (n) : Bộ định thời Wireless (n) : Không dây Transmitter (n) : Máy phát
Howling (n) : Tiếng rít Frequency (n) : Tần số Quartz (n) : Thạch anh Crystal (n) : Tinh thể Vibrate (v) : Rung Mineral rock (n) : Đá khoáng Quadrant (adj) : Góc phần tư Inverter (n) : Biến tần
Regenerative (adj) : Tái sinh Mode (n) : Kiểu, phương thức Comparator (n) : So sánh
Instrument (n) : Dụng cụ Quad (n) : Cáp chập bốn Offset (n) : Độ lệch tâm Impedance (n) : Trở kháng
→ It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled
If + Simple Present, will-Future
Example: If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation
→ It is possible but very unlikely , that the condition will be fulfilled
If + Simple Past, Conditional I (= would + Infinitive)
Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation
→ It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past
If + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle)
Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation
2.2 Exercise a Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I
1 If Caroline and Sue………… the salad, Phil………… the house
2 If Sue………… the onions for the salad, Caroline……… the mushrooms
3 Jane………… the sitting room if Aaron and Tim……… the furniture
4 If Bob……… up the kitchen, Anita………… the toilet
5 Elaine……… the drinks if somebody……… her carry the bottles
6 If Alan and Rebecca……… the food, Mary and Conor……… the sandwiches
7 If Bob……… after the barbecue, Sue……… the guests in
8 Frank………the DJ if the others……… along their CDs
9 Alan……… the drinks if Jane……… him some of her cocktail recipes
10 If they……… all their best, the party……… great b Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II
1 If I……… the lottery, I……… a chance to hit the jackpot
3 If I……… rich, my life……… completely
4 I……… a lonely island, if I……… a nice one
5 If I……… a lonely island, I……… a huge house by the beach
6 I……… all my friends if I……… a house by the beach
7 I……… my friends up in my yacht if they ……….to spend their holidays on my island
8 We………… great parties if my friends……… to my island
9 If we……… to go shopping in a big city, we……… a helicopter
10 But if my friends' holidays………… over, I………… very lonely on my lonely island c Complete the Conditional Sentences Type III
1 If the midfielders……… the ball more exactly, our team……… more chances to attack
2 If the forwards……… faster, they ……… more goals
3 Their motivation……… if they……… a goal during the first half
4 The fullbacks……… one or the other goal if they……… their opponents
5 If ………the goalie up, he……… the ball
6 If the referee……… the foul, he……… a penalty kick to our team
7 Our team……… in better form if they……… harder the weeks before
8 The game………… better if the trainer……… a substitute in during the second half
9 If it……… a home game, our team……… the match
10 If our team……… the match, they……… up in the league
Fig 4.1: Types of Op-Amps
1) The input impedance is infinite - i.e no current ever flows into either input of the op- amp
2) The output impedance is zero - i.e the op- amp can drive any load impedance to any voltage
3) The open-loop gain (A) is infinte
5) The output voltage is zero when the input voltage difference is zero
What can you do with op-amps?
In this circuit, an operational amplifier (op-amp) functions as a comparator, assessing the input voltage against a reference voltage determined by a potentiometer (R1) When the input voltage (Vin) falls below the reference voltage, the op-amp's output saturates to +V, activating the LED Conversely, if the input voltage exceeds the reference level, the LED remains off.
If Vin is a voltage signal produced by a measuring instrument, this comparator circuit
The device can serve as a "low" alarm, utilizing R1 to establish the trip-point Instead of using an LED for indication, the op-amp output can activate a relay, transistor, SCR, or any suitable device that controls power to a load, such as a solenoid valve, to respond effectively to low alarm conditions.
An on-delay timer is a widely used device that delays the activation of a solenoid valve after a sensor is triggered Known as TON (timer on-delay), TIM (timer), or TMR (timer), this timer waits for a specified duration before turning on the output, ensuring a controlled response to input signals.
An off-delay timer, also known as a TOF (timer off-delay), operates in contrast to the more common on-delay timer This device delays the turning off of a solenoid output after a sensor input detects a target When the sensor no longer detects the target, the solenoid remains activated for a specified duration before shutting off Due to its less frequent use, fewer manufacturers offer this type of timer compared to the on-delay variant.
A retentive or accumulating timer requires two inputs: one to start the timing event and another to reset it Unlike standard on/off delay timers that reset when the input sensor toggles, this timer retains the elapsed time even if the sensor turns off temporarily For instance, if you need to measure how long a sensor remains active within a one-hour timeframe, traditional timers would continuously reset with each sensor change In contrast, the accumulating timer provides a total accumulated time, making it essential for applications requiring accurate duration tracking This type of timer is commonly referred to as an RTO (retentive timer) or TMRA (accumulating timer).
The Txxx timer is an on-delay type that activates when the enable input is turned on It counts down for a preset value of yyyyy ticks before activating its contacts for use in subsequent program functions It's important to note that the duration of each tick, or increment, can differ based on the vendor and the selected timebase, with possible tick durations ranging from 1ms or more.
The system operates by waiting for input 0001 to activate, which triggers timer T000, a 100ms increment timer that counts for 10 seconds (100 ticks of 100ms each) Once the 10-second duration is completed, T000 closes its contacts, activating output 500 If input 0001 is turned off, timer T000 resets to zero, deactivating its contacts and turning off output 500.
The Txxx timer begins counting when the enable input is activated, ticking a preset number of times, yyyyy, to activate its contacts for later use in the program The duration of each tick can vary depending on the vendor and timebase, ranging from 1 millisecond to 1 second If the enable input is deactivated before the timer reaches its preset count, it retains its current value and resumes counting from that point when reactivated To reset the timer to its initial preset value, the reset input must be activated.
The diagram illustrates a system that activates when input 0002 is triggered, initiating timer T0:00, which increments every 10ms for a total of 100 ticks, equating to a 1-second duration Upon reaching 1 second, the T000 contacts close, activating output 500 If input 0002 is deactivated, the timer retains the elapsed time, resuming from that point when reactivated However, if input 0001 is activated, the timer resets to 0, deactivating the T000 contacts and consequently turning off output 500.
Timer 5 Minute to 50 Minute (10 Step)
Timer 2 Minute to 20 Minute (10 Step)
AC/DC three-phase converters with a full digital control
SieiDrive's SR32 devices are advanced AC/DC three-phase converters featuring full digital control, designed to operate across all four quadrants They provide a stable voltage to the DC link of AVy and AGy inverters, making the SR32 converter ideal for powering both single and multiple inverter systems linked to a shared DC link.
Buck-derived transformer-isolated converter
Single-transistor and two-transistor versions
Maximum duty cycle is limited
Transformer is reset while transistor is off
The regenerated power can be transferred between monitoring and regenerating drives, with any excess power being fed back to the mains through the SR32 converter This converter maintains a constant output voltage within a specified range, even while the inverter operates in regenerative mode, until it reaches the maximum current supplied during rectifier mode.
Part Tot.Qty Description Substit- utions
L1 1 L1 is a custom inductor wound with about 80 turns of 0.5mm magnet wire around a toroidal core with a 40mm outside diameter
MISC Heatsink For Q3, Binding Posts (For
Những trọng tâm cần chú ý trong chương 4
- Các từ vựng chuyên ngành về mạch điện tử
- Cấu trúc 3 dạng câu điều kiện
Bài tập mở rộng và nâng cao
The Op-Amp generates an output voltage that represents the difference between its two input terminals, multiplied by the gain A Additionally, Op-Amps can be utilized to amplify signals effectively.
53 c You can use Op- Amp to ……… global warming d You can use Op- Amp to ……… music very loud e You can use Op- Amp to pay off the ………
Exercise 2: Answer the following questions a Why do we call TON ?
b What is an off – delay timer?
c How many basic types of timers? ?
d What is the purpose of the gate in the thyristor?
e How do we use the transistor as an amplifier?
In this exercise, we evaluate the following statements: a) The common-emitter configuration is a widely used mode of operation for transistor amplifiers, which is true b) The emitter resistor does indeed provide negative feedback, making this statement true c) Resistors are utilized to create a potential divider that effectively reduces the voltage supplied to the base, which is also true d) An oscillator is not a device that opposes current; therefore, this statement is false e) The clock frequency of an oscillator is crucial as it determines the rate at which a computer can execute instructions, making this statement true.
Exercise 4: Listen and Check power link regenerative value converters digital quadrants constant drives
SR32 devices are AC/DC three-phase …………with a full ……… control, which are active in the four ………… to supply constant voltage to the DC link of the
Bài học này giúp người học hiểu rõ về các thiết bị điện tử trong hộ gia đình và công nghiệp, trang bị kiến thức và kỹ năng tiếng Anh cần thiết để đọc hiểu cấu tạo, thông số kỹ thuật và nguyên lý hoạt động của các thiết bị cơ bản như pin điện, điều khiển từ xa, hệ thống báo động và ghi âm Đồng thời, bài học cung cấp vốn thuật ngữ tiếng Anh chuyên ngành, hỗ trợ người học trong môi trường làm việc với doanh nghiệp nước ngoài và việc đọc tài liệu tham khảo chuyên ngành điện tử bằng tiếng Anh.
Sau khi học xong bài học này, sinh viên có khả năng sử dụng kiến thức và kỹ năng anh ngữ:
Hiểu biết về cấu tạo, thông số kỹ thuật và nguyên lý hoạt động của các thiết bị điện tử như pin điện, điều khiển từ xa, hệ thống báo động và hệ thống ghi âm là rất quan trọng Những kiến thức này không chỉ giúp người dùng sử dụng thiết bị hiệu quả mà còn nâng cao khả năng xử lý sự cố và bảo trì thiết bị.
- Hiểu các từ vựng và phát âm chính xác các thuật ngữ chuyên ngành về điện tử
- Sử dụng đúng các động từ khiếm khuyết tiếng Anh trong ngữ cảnh
- Tự tin giao tiếp trong môi trường doanh nghiệp
Spring-driven (a) : Điều khiển = lò xo
Buzzer (n) : Máy rung Radar (n) : Ra đa Ultrasonic (adj) : Siêu âm Reflection (n) : Sự phản xạ Chime = bell (n) : Chuông Premises (n) : Cơ sở, địa điểm Anatomy (n) : Cấu tạo
Circuitry (n) : Sơ đồ mạch điện Jack (n) : Ổ cắm, rắc cắm Shaft (n) : Thân trục Pinpoint (v) : Chỉ rõ Induction (n) : Sự cảm ứng
Beat frequency (n) : Tần số biến thiên
Tùy chọn (optional) là một khái niệm quan trọng trong nhiều lĩnh vực, thường được hiểu là lựa chọn không bắt buộc Vũ khí (weapon) có thể được coi là công cụ hoặc phương tiện để bảo vệ hoặc tấn công Đường (path) thường chỉ ra hướng đi hoặc nhánh phát triển của một vấn đề Chùm sáng (beam) và tia (laser) đều liên quan đến ánh sáng, với tia hồng ngoại là một loại ánh sáng không nhìn thấy Sự sụt giảm (drop) có thể đề cập đến việc giảm thiểu một yếu tố nào đó trong quá trình phát triển Đường ống dẫn (passageway) thường được sử dụng để mô tả các lối đi hoặc kênh dẫn thông tin Cuối cùng, nam châm (magnet) là một vật liệu có khả năng hút các vật liệu sắt từ, đóng vai trò quan trọng trong nhiều ứng dụng công nghệ.
When the subject follows the verb
In sentences that start with expletives like "there is" or "there are," it is crucial to accurately identify the subject to ensure proper subject-verb agreement.
On the wall were several posters
There are many possible candidates
There is only one good candidate
When words like “each” are the subject
When used as subjects, words such as each, either, neither, another, anyone, anybody, anything, someone, somebody, something, one, everyone, everybody, everything, no one, nobody, nothing
Do not be confused by prepositional phrases which come between a subject and its verb They do not change the number of the subject
Each takes her turn at rowing
Neither likes the friends of the other
Everyone in the fraternity has his own set of prejudices
Each of the rowers takes her turn at rowing
Every one of the fraternity members has his own set of prejudices
1 Mumps (is/are) not common among adults
2 Viruses from third world countries (is/are) a major concern
3 Most of the sand (is/are) wet from the high tide
4 Either the two kittens or the puppy (sits/sit) in my lap while I watch television
5 A subject of great interest (is/are) rainforests
6 Hansel and Gretel (is/ are) a famous children's story
7 The team members (is/are) arguing over the defense tactics
8 The economics of the trip (was/were) pleasing
9 Why (is/are) your parents going to Africa for a vacation?
10.The mayor and the governor (hopes/hope) that the bill will soon become a law
A lead acid battery consists of lead plates, sulfuric acid, and water, which together create an electrolyte solution This solution triggers a chemical reaction with the lead plates, generating electrons During usage, the battery releases electrons, leading to the accumulation of sulfur within the plates Upon recharging, the sulfur is released, restoring the battery's power.
SLA batteries are designed to be maintenance-free throughout their lifespan, eliminating the need for water addition or electrolyte gravity checks Their construction prevents electrolyte spillage, ensuring safe handling and operation Additionally, built-in vents on the battery top release gas if pressure builds up, automatically resealing once normal levels are restored.
Sealed Lead Acid batteries have many uses and can be found in a variety of products and industries Here is an example of some common usages:
Uninteruptable Power Supplies (UPS Systems)
Children's Battery Powered Riding Cars
Batteries eventually require replacement due to their inability to hold a charge, often caused by sulfation build-up, where sulfur accumulates on the lead plates Additionally, corrosion of these lead plates hinders the necessary chemical reactions, preventing the discharge of electrons and leading to battery failure.
The two most common remote keyless-entry devices are:
The fob that goes on your key ring to lock and unlock your car doors (Many of these fobs also arm and disarm a car alarm system
The small controller that hangs off your car’s sun visor to open and close the garage door
The first shows a controller chip (black) and a DIP switch (blue) A DIP switch has eight tiny switches arranged in a small package and soldered to the circuit board
By configuring the DIP switches within the transmitter, you determined the code sent to the receiver, allowing the garage door to open only when both sets of switches matched While this method offered a basic level of security, it was limited, as eight DIP switches allowed for only 256 combinations This number was sufficient to prevent a few neighbors from unintentionally accessing each other's garages, but it fell short of providing robust security.
How to Make a Remote Control Work on a Different Garage Door
Place a ladder underneath the rear section of the opener’s motor Slide the remote into your pocket and climb the ladder
Open the door on the back of the opener’s motor Locate the square button labeled “Smart.” Pull the remote out of your pocket
Press the “Smart” button, then the remote's “Open” button If the opener has lights, they blink on then off to notify you the synchronization is complete
A simple electric circuit installed at an entryway serves as an effective burglar alarm, second only to a family dog In any electrical circuit, including those for flashlights or computers, electricity flows only when a path is created between two points of opposite charge By opening or closing a section of the circuit, you can control the flow of electricity, effectively turning the alarm on or off.
To operate a flashlight circuit, you just flip a switch, while burglar alarms utilize switches to sense intrusions, such as the opening of a door or window These alarms are classified into two main categories.
In a closed-circuit system, electricity flows continuously when the door is closed, maintaining a complete circuit However, opening the door disrupts this circuit, preventing the flow of electricity and activating an alarm.
In an open-circuit system, opening the door closes the circuit, so electricity begins to flow In this system, the alarm is triggered when the circuit is completed
A magnetic sensor in a closed circuit comprises essential components including a battery that powers the circuit, a spring-driven metal switch integrated into the door frame, a magnet installed in the door aligned with the switch, and a separately-powered buzzer activated by a relay-driven switch.
When the door closes, the magnet activates the metal switch, completing the circuit and powering the relay's electromagnet, which keeps the buzzer circuit open Opening the door moves the magnet, causing the spring to reset the switch to the open position, cutting off the current and triggering the alarm by closing the relay.
Fig 5.5: The motion detector emits radio energy into a room and monitors the reflection pattern
An automatic door opener utilizes a radar-based motion detector that emits bursts of microwave radio energy or ultrasonic sound waves When no one is present, the emitted energy reflects back in a consistent pattern However, if a person enters the detection area, the reflection pattern changes, prompting the sensor to send a signal that opens the door Similarly, in security systems, a disturbance in the reflection pattern triggers an alarm signal.
Fig 5.6: If somebody disturbs the reflection pattern, the motion detector sends an alarm signal to the control box
A photo-sensor motion detector is a straightforward design commonly found in retail environments, such as shopping malls These devices activate a chime or bell when someone enters the store They consist of two main components: a focused light source, often a laser beam, and a light sensor.
Bài học này nhằm đảm bảo an toàn cho người sử dụng và thiết bị trong các nhà máy, trang bị cho người học kiến thức và kỹ năng tiếng Anh cần thiết để kiểm tra và sửa chữa thiết bị như bộ chuyển mạch 2,2 KV, cáp 2,2 KV và bộ chuyển mạch 6,6 KV Ngoài ra, bài học cũng cung cấp vốn từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành, giúp người học tự tin làm việc trong môi trường quốc tế và tiếp cận tài liệu tham khảo chuyên ngành điện tử bằng tiếng Anh.
Sau khi học xong bài học này, sinh viên có khả năng sử dụng kiến thức và kỹ năng anh ngữ:
-Đọc hiểu được thông số kỹ thuật, cách vận hành và kiểm tra các thiết bị sửa chữa và kiểm tra điện tử bằng tiếng Anh
-Hiểu các từ vựng và phát âm chính xác các thuật ngữ chuyên ngành về Điện tử
-Sử dụng đúng các câu hỏi thông tin bắt đầu với who, what, trong ngữ cảnh thực tế
-Tự tin giao tiếp trong môi trường doanh nghiệp
Solenoid (n) : Cuộn dây ruột gà
Wheatstone bridge : Cầu cân bằng
A tracer is a marking agent used in various applications, while an analyzer serves as a device for examining data The spectrum refers to the range of different wavelengths of light, and protocols establish the necessary commands for operations A reflectometer measures the reflection of light, ensuring the integrity of materials Semiconductors play a crucial role in electronic devices, and synthesizers are essential for sound production Injectors are used for pumping or compressing substances, and miscellaneous items often encompass a variety of components Traditionally, the magnitude of measurements is important in scientific contexts, and ceramics are frequently utilized for their durability Corrosion is a common issue affecting materials, which can lead to spotted surfaces De-soldering is the process of removing solder, often requiring a screwdriver for precision Remaining components must be handled with proper techniques, and polarity is vital in electrical applications Mounting devices securely is essential for functionality, and unfortunately, errors can occur in any process.
1 Who* people (names and other identifying information) used as subjects*
2 Whom* people (names and other identifying information) used as objects*
3 What things (subject or object)
Wide (adv) Rộng, rộng rãi
Three-phase star (n) Ba pha hình sao
Three-phase and five-pole transformer (n) Biến áp ba pha 5 cực
Underground three-phase cable (n) Cáp ngầm ba pha
Three-phase armature winding (n) Cuộn dây ba pha phần ứng:
Three-phase rotor winding (n) Cuộn dây rôto ba pha
Three-phase stator winding (n) Cuộn dây stato ba pha
Three-phase alternating current (n) Điện xoay chiều ba pha
Three-phase squirrel cage motor (n) Động cơ ba pha lồng sóc
Kirchhoff's law (n) Định luật Kirchhoff's
Exception principle system (n) Hệ thống nguyên lý loại trừ
Induction (magnetic) (n) Cảm ứng điện (từ)
Electrical equipment (n) Thiết bị điện
Induction (magnetic) (n) Cảm ứng điện (từ)
Liquid use for mix (n) Chất lỏng dùng để pha trộn
Alternate force (n) Lực biến đổi
Structural change (n) Biến đổi cấu trúc
AC voltage (n) Điện áp AC
Alternating Current (n) Dòng điện AC
Common Question Words a Make questions with question words
Mr Robertson came to the party alone (who)
She felt better after she took a nap (how)
That is an English book (what)
She talked to him for an hour (how long)
He studies piano at the university (what)
The party lasted all night (how long)
The check was for $5.50 (how much)
She was eating a sandwich (what)
She is working hard (what)
My parents have two cars (how many) b Using the question words to fill in the blank
2………is the Eiffel Tower in Paris? It's 324 m
3………is the next beach? It is 1 mile
4………do you go to the cinema? Once a month
6………books by Agatha Christie have you read?
7………butter is there in the fridge? There is enough butter in the fridge 8………is it in January ? It's -2°
10 What (+ noun) one part of a group (when all of the parts are not known)
11 Which (+ noun) one part of a group (when the parts are known)
12 What kind of (+ noun) descriptive names for categories
15 How many (+ noun) number (used with countable nouns)
16 How much (+ noun) quantity (used with uncountable nouns)
17 How long* duration (periods of time); length
20 How (+ adjective or adverb) degree or extent
9………is the River Thames? I don't know Er 3m?
10……….does it take to get to the top of the Eiffel Tower on foot? About 2 hours, I think
SLAC is committed to adhering to OSHA regulations, the National Electrical Code, and other safety standards to mitigate risks associated with electrical energy Everyone on the SLAC site encounters electricity, making it essential for the community to have a foundational understanding of electrical safety The SLAC electrical safety program equips individuals with vital knowledge and recommended practices to prevent electrical shock and burns, while also raising awareness of hazards related to electrical equipment usage.
All electrical wiring and equipment must adhere to NEC and OSHA regulations, along with various other safety and engineering standards This chapter is not intended as a comprehensive overview of all electrical requirements nor as a replacement for formal education, training, and experience in electrical design, construction, and maintenance.
3.2 Some electronic equipment used to test and repair
The following items are used for basic measurement of voltages, currents, and components in the circuit under test
Ammeter, e.g Galvanometer or Milliameter (Measures current)
Multimeter e.g., VOM (Volt-Ohm-Milliameter) or DMM (Digital Multimeter) (Measures all of the above)
The following are used for stimulus of the circuit under test:
The following analyze the response of the circuit under test:
Oscilloscope (Displays voltage as it changes over time)
And connecting it all together:
Advanced or less commonly used equipment
A multimeter with a built in clamp facility Pushing the large button at the bottom opens the lower jaw of the clamp, allowing the clamp to be placed around a conductor (wire)
Wheatstone bridge (Precisely measures resistance)
LCR meter (Measures inductance, capacitance, resistance and combinations thereof)
EMF Meter (Measures Electric and Magnetic Fields)
Logic analyzer (Tests digital circuits)
Spectrum analyzer (SA) (Measures spectral energy of signals)
Protocol analyzer (Tests functionality, performance and conformance of protocols)
Vector signal analyzer (VSA) (Like the SA but it can also perform many more useful digital demodulation functions)
Time-domain reflectometer (Tests integrity of long cables)
Fig 6.3:Leader Instruments LSG-15 signal generator
Network analyzer (used to characterize components or complete computer networks)
Electrical testing is essential for low voltage situations, typically not exceeding 1000 V ac or 1500 V dc, particularly for domestic appliances Most of these devices operate on mains supply voltages of 230 V ac single phase and 400 V ac three phase.
Internally generated voltages can exceed low voltage limits, and during testing, the applied voltages to equipment may also surpass these thresholds.
Voltages are generally deemed safe as long as the maximum output current from the testing instrument is restricted to no more than 5 mA Traditionally, 5 mA AC has been the standard; however, since May 2005, new equipment should limit the current to 3 mA AC for enhanced safety.
A capacitor is an electronic component that stores energy within the electric field created between two conductive plates This energy storage process, referred to as "charging," occurs when equal but opposite electric charges accumulate on each plate.
A digital camera flash operates using a small capacitor that stores energy When the flash button is pressed, the capacitor discharges its stored energy to power the flash bulb, illuminating the scene.
Capacitors can release their stored energy into any object they come into contact with simultaneously, including the human body This can result in painful shocks, and in the case of large capacitors, it can even be fatal If you're unsure about handling capacitors, it's best to avoid touching them and consult a professional for assistance.
The capacitor's capacitance (C) is a measure of the amount of charge (Q) stored on each plate for a given voltage (V) which appears between the plates:
A capacitor is defined as having a capacitance of one farad when it stores one coulomb of charge under a potential difference of one volt However, the farad is a relatively large unit; thus, capacitors are typically measured in smaller units such as microfarads (μF), nanofarads (nF), or picofarads (pF).
Before using a multimeter, check the capacitor for signs of damage, such as bulging in the electrolyte (ceramic outer material) and corrosion around the terminals If you observe either of these issues, it indicates that the capacitor is leaking and needs replacement.
Discharge the capacitor before testing
To do this you need to find a resistor within 5 to 50 ohms larger than the capacitance of the capacitor
When working with low capacitance capacitors, it's advisable to first de-solder the capacitor from the circuit board to prevent damage to surrounding components To safely discharge the capacitor, short both leads together using a screwdriver, but take care not to touch the metal shank to avoid electric shock.
For high capacitance capacitors- Solder one end of the appropriate size resistor (for your application) to a well insulated clip lead about 3 feet long
Testing capacitors can be challenging, but a straightforward method for home electricians involves using a multimeter First, ensure the capacitor is fully discharged, then identify its polarity and connect the multimeter leads accordingly to obtain accurate readings.
Most standard meters, unless they are new or high-end models, primarily indicate whether a capacitor is shorted Typically, you must disconnect at least one lead from the circuit board for accurate readings When properly connected, a capacitor that measures a few ohms or less is considered faulty, while most should show infinite resistance, even on the highest setting.