1. Itaconic Acid MSDS 220308 2. Marukasol_MSDS_FH (1) 2. Marukasol_MSDS_FH MSDS Jotaprime 500. Com B. EN UKEN106965EP3OXONIA ACTIVE (905558) 13 10 14 PAC 30% New OxoniaActiveEN (1) 1. Itaconic Acid MSDS 220308 2. Marukasol_MSDS_FH (1) 2. Marukasol_MSDS_FH MSDS Jotaprime 500. Com B. EN UKEN106965EP3OXONIA ACTIVE (905558) 13 10 14 PAC 30% New OxoniaActiveEN (1)
51.1.4 Page 1/7 Safety data sheet according to 1907/2006/EC, Article 31 Printing date 28.01.2021 Version number Revision: 28.01.2021 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1 Product identifier Trade name: itaconic acid CAS number: 97-65-4 EC number: 202-599-6 REACH registration number: 01-2119883794-19-0000 1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Application of the substance / the preparation: Formulation and repacking Used in synthesis/ used as intermediates Polymer production 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Manufacturer/Supplier: Qingdao Kehai Biochemistry Co., Ltd Address: No.3316, Sansha Road, Huangdao District 266400, Qingdao, China Telephone: +86-532-86150168 Fax: +86-532-86151260 Email: mengjian@langyatai.com Further information obtainable from: B-Lands Consulting Place Robert Schuman, BP 1516 38025 Grenoble, FRANCE Tel: +33 476 295 869 Fax: +33 476 295 870 Email: clients@reachteam.eu www.reachteam.eu 1.4 Emergency telephone number(s): Ireland - National Poisons Information Centre: 01 837 9964 or 01 809 2566 (healthcare professionals only) NHS Direct: 111 National Poisons Information Service (NPIS): 0121 507 4123 (healthcare professionals only) SECTION 2: Hazards identification 2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture Classification according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 Eye Dam H318 Causes serious eye damage 2.2 Label elements Labelling according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008: The substance is classified and labelled according to the CLP regulation Hazard pictograms: GHS05 Signal word: Danger Hazard statements: H318 Causes serious eye damage Precautionary statements: P280 Wear eye protection / face protection (Contd on page 2) 51.1.4 Page 2/7 Safety data sheet according to 1907/2006/EC, Article 31 Printing date 28.01.2021 Version number Revision: 28.01.2021 Trade name: itaconic acid (Contd of page 1) P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to Continue rinsing P310 Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor 2.3 Other hazards No further relevant information available Results of PBT and vPvB assessment PBT: No PBT vPvB: No vPvB SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients 3.1 Substances CAS Number Description 97-65-4 itaconic acid Identification number(s) EC number: 202-599-6 SECTION 4: First aid measures 4.1 Description of first aid measures After inhalation: Supply fresh air If required, provide artificial respiration Keep patient warm Consult doctor if symptoms persist In case of unconsciousness place patient stably in the recovery position After skin contact: Immediately wash with water and soap and rinse thoroughly If skin irritation continues, consult a doctor After eye contact: Rinse immediately with plenty of water, also under the eyelids, for at least 15 minutes Get medical attention After swallowing: Rinse out mouth with water Call for a doctor immediately 4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed No further relevant information available 4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed No further relevant information available SECTION 5: Firefighting measures 5.1 Extinguishing media Suitable extinguishing agents: CO2, powder or water spray Fight larger fires with water spray or alcohol resistant foam 5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture Formation of toxic gases is possible during heating or in case of fire In case of fire, the following can be released: Carbon monoxide (CO) Carbon dioxide (CO2) 5.3 Advice for firefighters Protective equipment: Wear self-contained respiratory protective device SECTION 6: Accidental release measures 6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Keep away from ignition sources (Contd on page 3) 51.1.4 Page 3/7 Safety data sheet according to 1907/2006/EC, Article 31 Printing date 28.01.2021 Version number Revision: 28.01.2021 Trade name: itaconic acid (Contd of page 2) Use personal protective equipment Keep unprotected persons away 6.2 Environmental precautions Do not allow product to reach sewage system or any water course 6.3 Methods and material for containment and cleaning up Retrieve the product by mechanical means 6.4 Reference to other sections See Section for information on safe handling See Section for information on personal protection equipment See Section 13 for disposal information SECTION 7: Handling and storage 7.1 Precautions for safe handling Prevent formation of dust Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work Information about fire - and explosion protection: The product is not flammable Dust can combine with air to form an explosive mixture Keep respiratory protective device available 7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Requirements to be met by storerooms and receptacles: Store in a cool, dry location in well sealed receptacles Keep container tightly closed Information about storage in one common storage facility: Not required Further information about storage conditions: None 7.3 Specific end use(s): No further relevant information available SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection 8.1 Control parameters Ingredients with limit values that require monitoring at the workplace: Not required DNELs Dermal DNEL - Long-term exposure - systemic effects 12.5 mg/kg bw/day (human) 25 mg/kg bw/day (workers) Inhalative DNEL - Long-term exposure - systemic effects 11.03 mg/m³ (human) 22.05 mg/m³ (workers) PNECs PNEC 0.0622 mg/L (Water (Freshwater)) 0.622 mg/L (Water (Intermittent Releases)) 0.00622 mg/L (Water (Marine Water)) 0.00883 mg/kg soil dw (Soil) 2.17 mg/L (Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)) Additional information: The lists valid during the making were used as basis 8.2 Exposure controls Personal protective equipment General protective and hygienic measures: Ensure that washing facilities are available at the work place Ensure good ventilation/exhaustion at the workplace Do not eat, drink, smoke or sniff while working Avoid contact with the eyes (Contd on page 4) 51.1.4 Page 4/7 Safety data sheet according to 1907/2006/EC, Article 31 Printing date 28.01.2021 Version number Revision: 28.01.2021 Trade name: itaconic acid (Contd of page 3) Wash hands before breaks and at the end of work Respiratory protection: Use suitable respiratory protective device in case of insufficient ventilation Protection of hands: Protective gloves Wear protective gloves if prolonged or repeated contact is likely Eye protection: Safety goggles (EN 166) Body protection: Protective work clothing SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties 9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical properties General Information Appearance: Form: Colour: Crystalline White Odour: Odour threshold: Characteristic Not determined pH-value (0.08 g/l) at 20 °C: Melting point/freezing point: 163.0-168.4 °C Initial boiling point and boiling range: Not determined Flash point: Not applicable Flammability (solid, gas): Product is not flammable Decomposition temperature: Not determined Auto-ignition temperature: Not determined Explosive properties: Product does not present an explosion hazard Explosion limits: Lower: Upper: Not determined Not determined Oxidising properties Not determined Vapour pressure at 20 °C: 1.15E-7 hPa Density at 20 °C: 0.893 g/cm³ Relative density Not determined Vapour density Not applicable Evaporation rate Not applicable Solubility in / Miscibility with 77.49 g/l Water at 20 °C: Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water: 97-65-4 itaconic acid -0.301 Log Pow Viscosity: Not applicable Dynamic: (Contd on page 5) 51.1.4 Page 5/7 Safety data sheet according to 1907/2006/EC, Article 31 Printing date 28.01.2021 Version number Revision: 28.01.2021 Trade name: itaconic acid (Contd of page 4) Kinematic: 9.2 Other information Not applicable No further relevant information available SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity 10.1 Reactivity No further relevant information available 10.2 Chemical stability Thermal decomposition / conditions to be avoided: No decomposition if used and stored according to specifications 10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactions No dangerous reactions known 10.4 Conditions to avoid No further relevant information available 10.5 Incompatible materials Avoid strong oxidants, strong alkalis and strong acids 10.6 Hazardous decomposition products Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide SECTION 11: Toxicological information 11.1 Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met LD/LC50 values: Oral LD50 2969 mg/kg (Rat) (EU Method B.1) Dermal LD0 > 2000 mg/Kg bw (Rat) (EU Method B.3) Primary irritant effect: Skin corrosion/irritation: not irritating, rabbit, EU Method B.4 Serious eye damage/irritation: Causes serious eye damage, rabbit, EU Method B.5 Respiratory or skin sensitisation: not sensitising, guinea pig, EU Method B.6 Subacute to Chronic Toxicity: Oral NOAEL 1000 mg/kg bw/day (Rat) (OECD 415) Repeated dose toxicity Oral NOAEL 1001 mg/kg bw/day (Rat) (OECD 408) CMR effects (carcinogenity, mutagenicity and toxicity for reproduction): Germ cell mutagenicity: Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met Carcinogenicity: Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met Reproductive toxicity: Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met STOT-single exposure: Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met STOT-repeated exposure: Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met Aspiration hazard: Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met SECTION 12: Ecological information 12.1 Toxicity Aquatic toxicity: EC50/24h 240 mg/L (Daphnia Magna) ErC50 (96h) 6.22 mg/L (Algae) LC50/24h 190 mg/mL (Fish) NOEC 21.7 mg/L (Activated Sludge) 12.2 Persistence and degradability Readily biodegradable (Contd on page 6) 51.1.4 Page 6/7 Safety data sheet according to 1907/2006/EC, Article 31 Printing date 28.01.2021 Version number Revision: 28.01.2021 Trade name: itaconic acid (Contd of page 5) 12.3 Bioaccumulative potential Due to the distribution coefficient n-octanol/water a worth-mentioning accumulation in organisms is not expected 12.4 Mobility in soil No further relevant information available 12.5 Results of PBT and vPvB assessment PBT: No PBT vPvB: No vPvB 12.6 Other adverse effects No further relevant information available SECTION 13: Disposal considerations 13.1 Waste treatment methods Recommendation: Do not allow product to reach sewage system Uncleaned packaging: Recommendation: Disposal must be made in accordance with official regulations Recommended cleansing agents: Water, if necessary together with cleansing agents SECTION 14: Transport information 14.1 UN Number ADR, ADN, IMDG, IATA Not applicable 14.2 UN proper shipping name ADR, ADN, IMDG, IATA Not applicable 14.3 Transport hazard class(es) ADR, ADN, IMDG, IATA Class Not applicable 14.4 Packing group ADR, IMDG, IATA Not applicable 14.5 Environmental hazards Marine pollutant: No 14.6 Special precautions for user Not applicable 14.7 Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code Not applicable SECTION 15: Regulatory information 15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture This safety data sheet complies with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 15.2 Chemical safety assessment A Chemical Safety Assessment has been carried out SECTION 16: Other information This information is based on our present knowledge However, this shall not constitute a guarantee for any specific product features and shall not establish a legally valid contractual relationship Abbreviations and acronyms: ADR: Accord européen sur le transport des marchandises dangereuses par Route (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road) IMDG: International Maritime Code for Dangerous Goods IATA: International Air Transport Association GHS: Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals EINECS: European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (division of the American Chemical Society) DNEL: Derived No-Effect Level (REACH) PNEC: Predicted No-Effect Concentration (REACH) LC50: Lethal concentration, 50 percent (Contd on page 7) 51.1.4 Page 7/7 Safety data sheet according to 1907/2006/EC, Article 31 Printing date 28.01.2021 Version number Revision: 28.01.2021 Trade name: itaconic acid (Contd of page 6) LD50: Lethal dose, 50 percent Eye Dam 1: Serious eye damage/eye irritation – Category Product code: MFH MARUKASOL-FH Mar 10, 2020 ( / 9) Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Chemical product and company identification Chemical product name MARUKASOL–FH Product code Company name Address Department in charge Telephone number Emergency telephone number MFH MARUZEN PETROCHEMICAL CO.,LTD 1-1, Irifune 2-Chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN Industrial Chemicals Dept +81-3-3552-9372 Fax number Industrial Chemicals Dept., +81-3-3552-9372 +81-3-5566-8395 Hazards identification GHS Classification Physical hazards Health hazards Explosives Flammable gases (including chemically unstable gases) Aerosols Not classified Acute toxicity (oral) Not classified (dermal) Not classified (inhalation: gas) Oxidizing gases Not classified (inhalation: vapour) Gases under pressure Not classified (inhalation: dust) Flammable liquids Category (inhalation: mist) Flammable solids Self-reactive substances and mixtures Pyrophoric liquids Not classified Pyrophoric solids Not classified Skin corrosion/irritation Serious eye damage/eye irritation Not classified Not classified Self-heating substances and Classification not mixtures possible Substances and mixtures which, in contact with water, emit Not classified flammable gases Not classified Classification not possible Not classified Classification not possible Not classified Classification not possible Not classified Category 2B Respiratory sensitization Classification not possible Skin sensitization Classification not possible Germ cell mutagenicity Classification not possible Classification not possible Classification not possible Oxidizing liquids Not classified Carcinogenicity Oxidizing solids Not classified Reproductive toxicity Organic peroxides Not classified Corrosive to metals Classification not possible Specific target organ toxicity single exposure (Respiratory tract irritation, Category narcotic effect) Desensitized explosives Not classified Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure Environmental hazards Aquatic hazard, short-term (acute) Aquatic hazard, long-term (chronic) Hazardous to the ozone layer Classification not possible Category Category Classification not possible Aspiration hazard Category Product code: MFH MARUKASOL-FH Mar 10, 2020 ( / 9) GHS labeling elements Pictograms or symbols Signal words Hazard statements Danger [H225] Highly flammable liquid and vapour [H320] Causes eye irritation [H335] May cause respiratory irritation [H336] May cause drowsiness or dizziness [H304] May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways [H412] Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects Precautionary statements [Prevention] [P233] Keep container tightly closed [P271] Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area [P240] Ground/bond container [P210] Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces -No smoking [P241] Use explosion-proof electrical/ventilating/lighting equipment [P243] Take precautionary measures against static discharge [P242] Use only non-sparking tools [P280] Wear protective gloves/eye protection/face protection [P264] Wash the hands thoroughly after handling [P261] Avoid breathing gas/mist/vapours/spray [P273] Avoid release to the environment [Response] [P370 + P378] In case of fire: Use appropriate method for extinction [P304 + P340] IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing [P312] Call a doctor/physician if you feel unwell [P305 + P351+ P338] IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to Continue rinsing [P337 + P313] If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention [P303+P361+P353] IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove/Take off immediately all contaminated clothing Rinse skin with running water/shower [P301+P310] IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician [P331] DO NOT induce vomiting [Storage] [P233] Keep container tightly closed [P403 + P235] Store in a well-ventilated place Keep cool [P405] Store locked up [Disposal] [P501] Dispose of contents/container by contracting an agency for industrial waste disposal licensed by the prefectural governor Composition/information on ingredients Substance/mixture A chemical Chemical name or general Cyclopentane (other name: pentamethylene) name Concentration or Cyclopentane; 97 %, hexane; % concentration range (The contents are the actual mean values.) Chemical formula C5H10 (molecular weight: 70) Reference number in CSCL* : (3)-4166 gazetted list in Japan 3-(3)-25 ISHA* : 287-92-3 CAS Registry number *CSCL=Chemical Substances Control Law, ISHA=Industrial Safety and Health Act Product code: MFH MARUKASOL-FH Mar 10, 2020 ( / 9) First-aid measures If inhaled If on skin If in eyes If swallowed Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayed Protection of first-aid responders Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing Call a doctor/physician if you feel unwell Keep the victim warm and at rest by covering them with blankets If breathing stops or is weak, loosen clothing, secure airways and give artificial respiration For those who are unconscious but breathing or who are conscious but have breathing difficulty, oxygen inhalation is effective It is preferable to perform oxygen inhalation under a physician's instructions Do not use any drug other than oxygen or give anything orally without a physician's instructions Get medical attention immediately Remove/Take off immediately all contaminated clothing Rinse skin with plenty of running water/shower and soap Wash contaminated clothing before reuse If any change is detected in appearance or pain persists, get medical attention immediately Call a doctor/physician if you feel unwell Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to Continue rinsing When washing the eyes, wash so that water can flow all over the eyelid If eye irritation persists, get medical attention/advice Do not induce vomiting Wash inside the mouth thoroughly Get immediate medical advice/attention For the victim who is unconscious, not give anything orally If the victim vomits spontaneously, have the victim’s body tilt to avoid aspiration to the trachea If inhaled: Headache, nausea, vomiting, narcotic effects (coma, dizziness, loss of consciousness, feeling of exhaustion.) If on skin: redness If in eyes: redness,pain If swallowed: abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea, sore throat, vomiting, loss of consciousness During a first-aid activity, the rescuer should avoid skin and eye contact with the product Fire-fighting measures Extinguishing media Unsuitable extinguishing media Specific hazard arising from the fire Specific fire-fighting method Small fire: Dry chemical powder, carbon dioxide, sprinkling water, foam extinguisher Large fire: Sprinkling water, water spray, foam extinguisher Water jet Special protective Highly flammable liquid and gas Extremely flammable Catches fire easily by heat, spark and flame Heating may induce explosion of containers Fire may produce irritant, corrosive or toxic gases Vapour may generate explosive mixed gas with the air if heated Risk of vapour explosion in indoors/outdoors or in sewage ditches The flash point of this product is extremely low Sprinkle water, if any fire-fighting measures are unlikely to be effective in large fire Move the container away from the fire if safe to Fight fire from the most distant place within the effective range using unmanned hoses holder or monitored nozzles For a large-scale fire, fight fire using unmanned hoses holder or monitored nozzles If this is impossible, evacuate from the fire site and allow the fire to continue burning Fully cool containers with plenty of water even after extinction Wear appropriate air-respirator and protective clothing for chemical 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M(TM) Super 77(TM) Multipurpose Adhesive (Aerosol) 04/16/2007 Please contact the emergency numbers listed on the first page of the MSDS for Transportation Information for this material SECTION 15: REGULATORY INFORMATION US FEDERAL REGULATIONS Contact 3M for more information 311/312 Hazard Categories: Fire Hazard - Yes Pressure Hazard - Yes Reactivity Hazard - No Immediate Hazard - Yes Delayed Hazard - Yes Section 313 Toxic Chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of that section and 40 CFR part 372 (EPCRA): Ingredient C.A.S No CYCLOHEXANE 110-82-7 % by Wt 3- This material contains a chemical which requires export notification under TSCA Section 12[b]: Ingredient (Category if applicable) C.A.S No Regulation Status HEXANE 110-54-3 Applicable CYCLOHEXANE 110-82-7 ACETONE 67-64-1 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Test Rule Chemicals Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Test Rule Chemicals Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Test Rule Chemicals Applicable Applicable STATE REGULATIONS Contact 3M for more information CHEMICAL INVENTORIES The components of this product are in compliance with the chemical notification requirements of TSCA All applicable chemical ingredients in this material are listed on the European Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances (EINECS), or are exempt polymers whose monomers are listed on EINECS Contact 3M for more information INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS This material contains one or more ingredients that may be regulated by the International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), an _ Page of 3M MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M(TM) Super 77(TM) Multipurpose Adhesive (Aerosol) 04/16/2007 export control of US military technology and chemicals Prior to export of this material or any product containing this material, determine whether a proper license from the Department of State must be obtained See 22CFR 120-130 for any specific requirements Contact 3M for more information This MSDS has been prepared to meet the U.S OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200 SECTION 16: OTHER INFORMATION NFPA Hazard Classification Health: Flammability: Reactivity: Special Hazards: None Aerosol Storage Code: National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) hazard ratings are designed for use by emergency response personnel to address the hazards that are presented by short-term, acute exposure to a material under conditions of fire, spill, or similar emergencies Hazard ratings are primarily based on the inherent physical and toxic properties of the material but also include the toxic properties of combustion or decomposition products that are known to be generated in significant quantities HMIS Hazard Classification Health: Flammability: Reactivity: Protection: X - See PPE section Hazardous Material Identification System (HMIS(r)) hazard ratings are designed to inform employees of chemical hazards in the workplace These ratings are based on the inherent properties of the material under expected conditions of normal use and are not intended for use in emergency situations HMIS(r) ratings are to be used with a fully implemented HMIS(r) program HMIS(r) is a registered mark of the National Paint and Coatings Association (NPCA) Revision Changes: Section 14: ID Number(s) was modified DISCLAIMER: The information in this Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is believed to be correct as of the date issued 3M MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE User is responsible for determining whether the 3M product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application Given the variety of factors that can affect the use and application of a 3M product, some of which are uniquely within the user's knowledge and control, it is essential that the user evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application 3M provides information in electronic form as a service to its customers Due to the remote possibility that electronic transfer may have resulted in errors, omissions or alterations in this information, 3M makes no representations as to its completeness or accuracy In addition, information obtained from a database may not be as current as the information in the MSDS available directly from 3M 3M MSDSs are available at www.3M.com _ Page of SAFETY DATA SHEET Conforms to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex II (453/2010) - Europe P3-oxonia active Version : SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/ undertaking 1.1 Product identifier Product name Product code Product use : P3-oxonia active : 106965E : Biocide Product is for professional use only 1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Identified uses Disinfection product Semi-automatic process Uses advised against None known 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Manufacturer/ Distributor/ : Ecolab Ltd David Murray John Building Importer UK-SN1 1NH Swindon, Wiltshire England Tel +44 (0)1793 511221 Fax +44 (0)1793 618552 CCS@ecolab.com 1.4 Emergency telephone number National advisory body/Poison Centre Telephone number : 0870 600 6266 (This service is only available to health professionals) Manufacturer/ Distributor/ Importer Telephone number : 01793 511221 Food & Beverage, Institutional, Agri - 01793 548888 Healthcare Leeds - 0113 2322480 Healthcare Swansea - 01252 717616 SECTION 2: Hazards identification 2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture Product definition : Mixture Classification according to Directive 1999/45/EC [DPD] The product is classified as dangerous according to Directive 1999/45/EC and its amendments Classification : C; R35 The classification of this product is based only on its extreme pH value (in accordance with current European legislation) O; R7 Xn; R22 Xi; R37 Physical/chemical : May cause fire hazards Human health hazards : Harmful if swallowed Causes severe burns Irritating to respiratory system See Section 16 for the full text of the R phrases or H statements declared above See Section 11 for more detailed information on health effects and symptoms 2.2 Label elements Date of issue/Date of revision : 21 March 2013 1/13 P3-oxonia active SECTION 2: Hazards identification Hazard symbol or symbols : Indication of danger : Oxidising, Corrosive Contains : Hydrogenperoxide Peracetic acid : R7- May cause fire R22- Harmful if swallowed R35- Causes severe burns R37- Irritating to respiratory system : S2- Keep out of the reach of children S7- Keep container tightly closed S17- Keep away from combustible material S26- In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice S36/37/39- Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection S45- In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible) S50- Do not mix with organic material(s), nor alkali(s) Risk phrases Safety phrases 2.3 Other hazards Other hazards which not result in classification : None known SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients 3.2 Mixtures Classification Product/ingredient name Hydrogenperoxide Acetic acid Peracetic acid Identifiers REACH #: 01-2119485845-22 EC: 231-765-0 CAS: 7722-84-1 Index: 008-003-00-9 REACH #: 01-2119475328-30 EC: 200-580-7 CAS: 64-19-7 Index: 607-002-00-6 EC: 201-186-8 CAS: 79-21-0 Index: 607-094-00-8 % 67/548/EEC - 60% BOD/ COD or CO2 liberation, or > 70% DOC reduction in tests for ease of degradability threshold values for 'readily degradable' (e.g to OECD method 301) 12.3 Bioaccumulative potential Date of issue/Date of revision : 21 March 2013 9/13 P3-oxonia active SECTION 12: Ecological information Product/ingredient name LogPow BCF Potential Hydrogenperoxide Acetic acid -1.36 -0.17 - low low 12.4 Mobility in soil Soil/water partition coefficient (KOC) : Not determined for the mixture Mobility : Not determined for the mixture 12.5 Results of PBT and vPvB assessment PBT : Not applicable vPvB : Not applicable 12.6 Other adverse effects : No known significant effects or critical hazards SECTION 13: Disposal considerations The information in this section contains generic advice and guidance The list of Identified Uses in Section should be consulted for any available use-specific information provided in the Exposure Scenario(s) 13.1 Waste treatment methods Product Methods of disposal Hazardous waste : The generation of waste should be avoided or minimised wherever possible Empty containers or liners may retain some product residues This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way Significant quantities of waste product residues should not be disposed of via the foul sewer but processed in a suitable effluent treatment plant Dispose of surplus and non-recyclable products via a licensed waste disposal contractor Disposal of this product, solutions and any byproducts should at all times comply with the requirements of environmental protection and waste disposal legislation and any regional local authority requirements Avoid dispersal of spilt material and runoff and contact with soil, waterways, drains and sewers : Yes European waste catalogue (EWC) Waste code 20 01 14* Waste designation acids Packaging Methods of disposal Special precautions : The generation of waste should be avoided or minimised wherever possible Waste packaging should be recycled : This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way Care should be taken when handling emptied containers that have not been cleaned or rinsed out Empty containers or liners may retain some product residues Avoid dispersal of spilt material and runoff and contact with soil, waterways, drains and sewers SECTION 14: Transport information Date of issue/Date of revision : 21 March 2013 10/13 P3-oxonia active SECTION 14: Transport information ADR/RID ADN/ADNR IMDG IATA 14.1 UN number UN3149 UN3149 UN3149 UN3149 14.2 UN proper shipping name HYDROGEN PEROXIDE AND PEROXYACETIC ACID MIXTURE, STABILIZED HYDROGEN PEROXIDE AND PEROXYACETIC ACID MIXTURE, STABILIZED HYDROGEN PEROXIDE AND PEROXYACETIC ACID MIXTURE, STABILIZED Hydrogen peroxide and peroxyacetic acid mixture stabilized 14.3 Transport hazard class(es) 5.1 (8) 5.1 (8) 5.1 (8) 5.1 (8) 14.4 Packing group II II II II 14.5 Environmental hazards No No No No 14.6 Special precautions for user None None None None 14.7 Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code : Not applicable SECTION 15: Regulatory information 15.1 Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture EU Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) Annex XIV - List of substances subject to authorisation Substances of very high concern None of the components are listed Annex XVII - Restrictions : Not applicable on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of certain dangerous substances, mixtures and articles Other EU regulations National regulations United Kingdom (UK) The Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations Health and Safety at Work Act Date of issue/Date of revision : 21 March 2013 11/13 P3-oxonia active SECTION 15: Regulatory information 15.2 Chemical Safety Assessment : This product contains substances for which Chemical Safety Assessments are still required SECTION 16: Other information Indicates information that has changed from previously issued version Abbreviations and : ADN = European Provisions concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterway acronyms ADR = The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road ATE = Acute Toxicity Estimate BCF = Bioconcentration Factor CLP = Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation [Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008] DNEL = Derived No Effect Level DPD = Dangerous Preparations Directive [1999/45/EC] EC = European Commission EUH statement = CLP-specific Hazard statement IATA = International Air Transport Association IBC = Intermediate Bulk Container IMDG = International Maritime Dangerous Goods LogPow = logarithm of the octanol/water partition coefficient MARPOL 73/78 = International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 ("Marpol" = marine pollution) OEL = Occupational Exposure Limit PBT = Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic PNEC = Predicted No Effect Concentration REACH = Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation [Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006] RID = The Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail REACH # = REACH Registration Number vPvB = Very Persistent and Very Bioaccumulative Full text of abbreviated H : H226 Flammable liquid and vapour H242 Heating may cause a fire statements H271 May cause fire or explosion; strong oxidiser H272 May intensify fire; oxidiser H302 Harmful if swallowed H312 Harmful in contact with skin H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage H319 Causes serious eye irritation H332 Harmful if inhaled H335 May cause respiratory irritation H400 Very toxic to aquatic life Full text of classifications : Acute Tox 4, H302 ACUTE TOXICITY: ORAL - Category Acute Tox 4, H312 ACUTE TOXICITY: SKIN - Category [CLP/GHS] Acute Tox 4, H332 ACUTE TOXICITY: INHALATION - Category Aquatic Acute 1, H400 AQUATIC TOXICITY (ACUTE) - Category Eye Irrit 2, H319 SERIOUS EYE DAMAGE/ EYE IRRITATION - Category Flam Liq 3, H226 FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS - Category Org Perox D, H242 ORGANIC PEROXIDES - Type D Ox Liq 1, H271 OXIDIZING LIQUIDS - Category Ox Liq 2, H272 OXIDIZING LIQUIDS - Category Skin Corr 1, H314 SKIN CORROSION/IRRITATION - Category Skin Corr 1A, H314 SKIN CORROSION/IRRITATION - Category 1A STOT SE 3, H335 SPECIFIC TARGET ORGAN TOXICITY (SINGLE EXPOSURE) [Respiratory tract irritation] - Category Date of issue/Date of revision : 21 March 2013 12/13 P3-oxonia active SECTION 16: Other information Full text of abbreviated R phrases Full text of classifications [DSD/DPD] Date of printing : R7- May cause fire R8- Contact with combustible material may cause fire R5- Heating may cause an explosion R10- Flammable R22- Harmful if swallowed R20/22- Harmful by inhalation and if swallowed R20/21/22- Harmful by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed R35- Causes severe burns R37- Irritating to respiratory system R50- Very toxic to aquatic organisms : O - Oxidising C - Corrosive Xn - Harmful Xi - Irritant N - Dangerous for the environment : 21 March 2013 Date of issue/ Date of revision Date of previous issue : 21 March 2013 Version : : 21 March 2013 Notice to reader The above information is believed to be correct with respect to the formula used to manufacture the product in the country of origin As data, standards, and regulations change, and conditions of use and handling are beyond our control, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION Date of issue/Date of revision : 21 March 2013 13/13