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Đề thi ksclđt môn anh năm 2022

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SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO THANH HÓA TRƯỜNG THPT NHƯ THANH ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC ĐỀ KIỂM TRA CHẤT LƯỢNG ĐỘI TUYỂN HSG NĂM HỌC 2022-2023 Môn: Tiếng Anh - Lớp 12 THPT Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) (Đề có 06 trang, gồm 100 câu – kể luận) Họ tên thí sinh: Số báo danh: SECTION A: LISTENING (10pts) PART I You will hear an interview with a businesswoman called Anna Oliveira about her business For questions 1-5, choose the answer(A,B,C or D) which fits best according to what you hear (5pts) Question Who does Anna’s app HomeworX help? A Teenagers with their homework B Teenagers with their housework C Parents with their children’s schoolwork D Parents with their children’s problems Question Why does Anna have to create this app? A Both parents work and have a lot of available time to help with children’s homework B Both parents don’t have time to help their kids’ homework despite having good knowledge C Both parents want to support their children with their homework D Both parents don’t have time or knowedge to help with children’s homework Question What does the app offer? A student’s exercises B student’s lessons C tutors’ live online support D tutors’ live online comments Question How is Anna’s app? A is new and not many people know about it B is already popular C is not very successful D is difficult to use Question What can Anna’s app help the tutors who live in remote areas? A To get access to more students at higher rates B To get access to more students at lower rates C To get access to fewer students at higher rates D To get access to fewer students at lower rates PART 2: Listen to the interview with Dr Greenway about truancy.For questions 6-10, choose the answer(A,B,C or D) which fits best according to what you hear (5pts) Question Dr Greenway implies that some children who play truant A so in order to earn money B behave badly in public C are never punished D become more active Question Why some parents take their children on holiday during term time? A Because it’s peak season B To spend time together as a family C to save money D To satisfy their taste Question Why is it difficult for schools to convince students to attend regularly? A Parents sets a bad example for them B There is no good reason to attend C Some teachers behave irresponsibly D students are bad at learning Question What is the government’s contribution to combating truancy? A They have been trying for years B They are only just beginning to help C Their help has arrived too late D They ignored the problem Question 10 What are the aims of “behaviour improvement projects”? A to teach parents to be more responsible B To teach students the lessons they have missed C To teach students to take school more seriously D To teach teachers control their students better SECTION B: PHONETICS (5pts) Choose the word whose underline part is pronounced differently from the rest in the same line Write the answers on your answer sheet (3pts) Question 11 A begged B diseased C increased D lightened Question 12 A camera B stammer C chamber D hammer Question 13 A rough B enough C thorough D tough Choose the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question Write the answers on your answer sheet (2pts) Question 14 A vigorous B scandalous C victorious D dangerous Question 15 A considerate B laborious C redundancy D agriculture SECTION C: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR (30pts) Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence Write the answers on your answer sheet (10pts) Question 16 The student’s rude interruption brought a sharp _from their teacher A retort B recoup C repeat D report Question 17 Since they aren’t answering the phone, they A need have left B can’t have left C must have left D should have left Question 18 The salary of a computer programmer is a teacher A as twice much as B as much as twice of C twice at higher as that D twice as high as that of Question 19 Sue admitted that she couldn’t concentrate on her work _due to this irritating noise A in all B the bit least C in the least D at the least Question 20 Any information you provide during the interview will remain _ confidential A strictly B personally C closely D severely Question 21 His company had to _to the expense of rebuilding the office A go B listen C watch D talk Question 22 Internet users want to see clear _water between fake news and true one A green B white C black D blue Question 23 I hope these machines will have worked very well A as soon as you would come back next month B when you came back next month C by the time you come back next month D after you were coming back next month Question 24 My parents are always hard me They never let me go out A on B in C to D by Question 25 Despite losing 2-3 to _UAE in the last match of group G on Tuesday, _Vietnam still advanced as one of the five second-placed teams in the tournament A the/0 B 0/the C the/the D 0/0 Question 26 students volunteer each year for environmental projects A A number of B A great deal of C The number of D An amount of Question 27 The Lake District, was made a national park in 1951, attracts a large number of tourists every year A which B that C where D what Question 28 The Wilsons have recently purchased a _ cottage on the outskirts of town A 19th century, charming, stone B charming, 19th century, stone C stone, 19th century, charming D charming, stone, 19th century Question 29 He drives so quickly that I am afraid that one day he will someone crossing the street A crash down B knock down C turn over D run across Question 30 When his parents are away, his oldest brother _ A knocks it off B calls the shots C draws the line D is in the same boat Question 31 Nobody phoned while I was out, _? A wasn’t I B was I C did they D didn’t they Question 32 The new director is favourably towards innovations A disposed B devoted C dedicated D discouraged Question 33 The committee members resented _ A The president that he didn’t tell them about the meeting B the president’s not informing them of the meeting C the president not to inform them of the meeting D that the president had failed informing them that there was a meeting Question 34 Our project was successful _its practicality A in terms of B with a view to C regardless D on behalf of Question 35 One of the _benefits of Paula’s job was having access to the university’s superb library A supporting B secondary C auxiliary D fringe Question 36 Recently, a chemistry professor _a “fuel-latent plastic” that into a substitute diesel fuel easily A had developed/ should turn B is developing/ having turned C will be developing/ had turned D has developed/ can be turned For question 37-38, mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSET on meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions Question 37 That morning, I spent maybe 40 minutes poring over the horror of shooting and a million other things the newspapers had to tell me A forgetting B examining C remembering D finding Question 38 I think Michael hit the nail on the head when he said what is lacking in this company is the feeling of confidence A interpreted something indirectly B described something unconsciously C said something correctly D misunderstood something seriously For question 39-40, mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE on meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions Question 39 The headmaster gives the go-ahead for his students to lauch a campaign which raises awareness of people about the importance of Green Movement A allows B prohibits C encourages D discourages Question 40 The charity will go under unless a generous donor can be found within the next few weeks A whole-hearted B munificent C magnanimous D parsimonious For question 41-42, mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following exchanges Question 41 A student is asking the librarian to help her to fax a report - Student: “Could you help me to fax this report?” - Librarian: “ ” A Sorry, I have no idea B It’s very kind of you to say so C What rubbish! I don’t think it’s helpful D Certainly, what’s the fax number? Question 42 Sarah and Kathy are talking about bad habits of children - Sarah: "Children under ten shouldn't stay up late to play computer games." - Kathy: " _" A I don't quite agree with you B You are absolute right C Yes, I share your opinion D Surely, they shouldn't For question 43-45, mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the unserlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions Question 43 My brother said that he didn’t feel like overworking because he could end up in the hospital A like B could C end up D the Question 44 The president insured during a press conference that the economic situation is under control He said there was no doubt about it A insured B that C under D it Question 45 Having our car repaired by the mechanic whose telephone number you had given us, we continued or journey A Having B by C whose D had given SECTION D: READING COMPREHENSION (25pts) Read the passage and choose A,B,C or D to indicate the correct answer for each numbered blank from 46 to 55 When in Britain, you must never complain Complaining is very un-British If you are (46) _ waiting half an hour in a shop, if a bus (47) is rude to you, if a waiter brings your food ice-cold, you keep your mouth shut The stiff upper lip is the British way Other nationalities might make a (48) _, protest loudly or call for the manager, but not the British Remember also that British ears are simply not tuned to hear complaints A friend of mine was a regular (49) _at a famous and expensive London restaurant Every day at 2p.m and 9p.m the (50) manager would come out (as he had been doing for the last 37 years), go from table to table and (51) “Did you enjoy your meal?” For 37 years, hundreds of thousands of properly (52) up English people had replied to him: “Very much indeed.” The man would smile, say “Thank you very much”, and progress to the next table One day, however, the lunch was so (53) that my friend (Dutch mother, Albanian father) decided to tell him the naked truth So, when the antiquated manager appeared at his table as usual and asked, “Did you enjoy your meal, sir?” my friend replied: (54) , not at all It was appalling.” To which the manager gave his (55) _, obsequious smile, said: “Thank you very much, sir”, and moved on, quite satisfied Question 46 A made B kept C stayed D held Question 47 A conductor B attendant C assistant D steward Question 48 A discussion B argument C quarrel D fuss Question 49 A supporter B purchaser C customer D guest Question 50 A mature B elderly C outdated D vintage Question 51 A inquire B query C request D probe Question 52 A raised B grown C educated D brought Question 53 A offensive B painful C abominable D harrowing Question 54 A Sincerely B Largely C Bluntly D Frankly Question 55 A customary B average C commonplace D daily Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions from 56 to 62 Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War is the country’s impressive population growth For every three Canadians in 1945, there were over five in 1966 In September 1966 Canada’s population passed the 20 million mark Most of his surging growth came from natural increase The depression of the 1930’s and the war had held back marriages, and the catching-up process began after 1945 The baby boom continued through the decade of the 1950’s, producing a population increase of nearly fifteen percent in the five years from 1951 to 1956 This rate of increase had been exceeded only once before settle Undoubtedly, the good economic conditions of the 1950’s supported a growth in the population, but the expansion also derived from a trend toward earlier marriages and an increase in the average size of families In 1957 the Canadian birth rate stood at 28 per thousand, one of the highest in the world After the peak year of 1957, the birth rate in Canada began to decline It continued falling until in 1966 it stood at the lowest level in 25 years Partly this decline reflected the low level of births during the depression and the war, but it was also caused by changes in Canadian society Young people were staying at school longer; more women were working; young married couples were buying automobiles or houses before starting families; rising living standards were cutting down the size of families It appeared that Canada was once more falling in step with the trend toward smaller families that had occurred all through the Western world since the time of the Industrial Revolution Although the growth in Canada’s population had slowed down by 1966 (the increase in the first half of the 1960’s was only nine percent), another large population wave was coming over the horizon It would be composed of the children who were born during the period of the high birth rate prior to 1957 Question 56 It can be inferred from the passage that before the Industrial Revolution _ A economic conditions were bad B population statistics were unreliable C the population grew steadily D families were larger Question 57 The word “five” in paragraph refers to A Canadians B decades C years D marriages Question 58 The author suggests that in Canada during the 1950’s A the urban population decreased rapidly B fewer people married C the birth rate was very high D economic conditions were poor Question 59 The author mentions all of the following as causes of declines in population growth after 1957 EXCEPT A people getting married earlier B people being better educated C better standards of living D couples buying houses Question 60 The word “surging” in paragraph is closest in meaning to A accelerating B extra C new D surprising Question 61 What does the passage mainly discuss? A Educational changes in Canadian society B Canada during the Second World War C Population trends in postwar Canada D Standards of living in Canada Question 62 The word “peak” in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A pointed B dismal C mountain D maximum Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions from 63 to 70 Ethology is concerned with the study of adaptive, or survival, value of behavior and its Evolutionary history Ethological theory began to be applied to research on children in the1960’s but has become even more influential today The origins of ethology can be traced to the work of Darwin Its modern foundations were laid by two European zoologists, Konrad Lorenz and Niko Tinbergen Watching the behaviors diverse animal species in their natural habitats, Lorenz, and Tinbergen observed behavior patterns that promote survival The most well-known of these is imprinting, the early following behavior of certain baby birds that ensures that the young will stay close to their mother and be fed and protected from danger Imprinting takes place during an early, restricted time period of development If the mother goose is not present during this time, but an object resembling her in important features is, young goslings may imprint on it instead Observations of imprinting led to major concept that has been applied in child development” the critical period It refers to a limited times span during which the child is biologically prepared to acquire certain adaptive behaviors but needs the support of suitably stimulating environment Many researchers have conducted studies to find out whether complex cognitive and social behaviors must be learned during restricted time periods for example, if children are deprived of adequate food or physical and social stimulation during the early years of life, will their intelligence be permanently impaired? If language is not mastered during the preschool years, is the child’s capacity to acquire it reduced? Inspired by observations of imprinting, in 1969 the British psychoanalyst John Bowlby applied ethological theory to the understanding of the relationship between an infant and its parents He argued that attachment behaviors of babies, such as smiling, babbling, grasping, and crying, are built-in social signals that encourage the parents to approach, care for, and interact with the baby By keeping a parent near, these behaviors help ensure that the baby will be fed, protected from danger, and provided with the stimulation and affection necessary for healthy growth The development of attachment in human infants is a lengthy process involving changes in psychological structures that lead to a deep affectional tie between parent and baby Question 63 According to the passage, attachment behaviors of infants are intended to _ A prepare the infant to cope with separation B get the physical, emotional and social needs of the infant met C allow the infant to become imprinted on objects that resemble the parent D provide the infant with a means of self-stimulation Question 64 The word“foundations”in paragraph is closest in meaning to A discoveries B inventions C institutions D researches Question 65 According to the passage, if a mother goose is not present during the time period when imprinting takes place, which of the following will most likely occur? A The gosling may imprint on another object B.The gosling may not find a mate when it matures C.The gosling will not imprint on any object D The mother will later imprint on the gosling Question 66 It can be inferred from the passage that ethological theory assumes that A failure to imprint has no influence on intelligence B to learn about human behavior only human subjects should be studied C there are similarities between animal and human behavior D the notion of critical periods applies only to animals Question 67 The word“He”in paragraph refers to A a psychoanalyst B an infant C parent D a baby Question 68 The author mentions all of the following as attachment behaviors of human infants EXCEPT _ A crying B eating C smiling D grasping Question 69 What was Darwin’s contribution to ethology? A Darwin was the first person to apply ethological theory to children B Darwin improved on the original principles of ethology C Darwin was the professor who taught Lorenz and Tinbergen D Darwin’s work provided the basis for ethology Question 70 The phrase“affectional tie” in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A behavioral change B emotional attachment C cognitive development D psychological need SECTION E: WRITING (30pts) PART I: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it Write the answers on your answer sheet (5pts) Question 71 It’s a pity your parents can’t be here too → If only _ Question 72 If Jane hadn’t refused to work overtime, she would have got promotion → If it hadn’t _ Question 73 The manager noticed I had dropped my purse and called after me → Noticing _ Question 74 We suggested a lot of things, which were all rejected → Everything _ Question 75 Although the ticket may seem expensive, it is good value for money → Expensive PART II: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it by using the word given Do not change the form of the given word Write the answers on your answer sheet (5pts) Question 76 You can rely on Frances to always say exactly what she thinks (COUNT) →You can her mind Question 77 Something tells me we should have turned right rather than left (FEELING) →I _turn left, but right Question 78 Isobel’s tendency to interrupt every conversation makes me furious! (BEND) → It _Isobel interrupts every conversation Question 79 Everyone thought that Helen had missed the train (TO) →Helen _the train Question 80 He played so well that he received a standing ovation from the audience (DID) → So _gave him a standing ovation PART III- Essay writing (20pts) With the help of the internet and teachers’online teaching, students can gain their knowledge during lockdown period without any obstacles To what extent you agree or disagree with this statement? Write an essay of about 250 words to express your opinion and support your answer with relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2023, 22:19

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