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Integrated, sustainable management of mangrove forest in the context of climate change a case study in xuan thuy national park, nam dinh province

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY PIYA THAMMAVONGSA INTEGRATED, SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF MANGROVE FOREST IN THE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE: A CASE STUDY IN XUAN THUY NATIONAL PARK, NAM DINH PROVINCE MASTER’S THESIS VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY PIYA THAMMAVONGSA INTEGRATED, SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF MANGROVE FOREST IN THE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE: A CASE STUDY IN XUAN THUY NATIONAL PARK, NAM DINH PROVINCE MAJOR: CLIMATE CHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT CODE: 8900201.02QTD RESEARCH SUPERVISOR: Dr HOANG THI THU DUYEN Dr NGUYEN THI THUY HANG Hanoi, 2022 PLEDGE I assure that this thesis is original and has not been published The use of results of other research and other documents must comply with regulations The citations and references to documents, books, research papers, and websites must be in the list of references of the thesis Author of the thesis Piya Thammavongsa TABLE OF CONTENT PLEDGE i TABLE OF CONTENT ii LIST OF TABLES i LIST OF FIGURES ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT iv INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.2 Overview of previous researches 1.2.1 Mangroves and their functions 1.2.2 The concept of integrated, sustainable management of mangrove forest 1.2.3 Integrated and sustainable management of mangrove in XTNP 1.3 The necessity of the research 1.4 Research Framework 1.5 Research objectives and scope of the research MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGIES 10 2.1 Materials 10 2.1 Methodologies 10 2.1.1 Impact observation 10 2.1.2 Mangrove structure evaluation 10 2.1.3 Narrative review 11 2.1.4 Household farmer survey 11 2.1.5 Analysis of carbon sequestration in soil 12 2.1.6 Data processing 14 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 15 3.1 Features of mangrove forest at Xuan Thuy National Park 15 3.2 Contribution of mangrove forest in climate change mitigation and adaptation 16 3.2.1 Contribution of mangrove forest in climate change mitigation 16 3.2.2 Contribution of mangrove forest to climate change adaptation 18 3.3 Current practice on management of mangrove forests in XTNP 22 3.4 Challenges on mangrove forest management in XTNP 26 3.4.1 Climate change and disasters 26 3.4.2 Economic development objectives 30 3.4.3 Other challenges 31 3.5 Recommendations for integrated, sustainable management in XTNP 32 3.5.1 Mitigation and adaptation ability of mangrove to CC 32 3.5.2 Significance of mangrove conservation in the context of climate change 32 3.5.3 Integrating CC mitigation and adaptation countermeasures 33 3.5.4 Recommendations for sustainable development of XTNP 35 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 37 REFERENCES 38 APPENDIX 1: Questionnaire for survey 42 APPENDIX 2: Mangrove measurement 50 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Tree density 15 Table 3.2: Carbon stock in mangrove soil and bare land to the depth of 90 cm 17 Table 3.3 List of extreme events existing in XTNP according to survey results 28 Table 3.5 Ecotourism-related services in XTNP 19 Table 3.5 Options to face with climate change impact 34 i LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: Ecosystem services of mangroves Figure 1.2: Climate change impacts on mangroves Figure 1.3: Research framework Figure 3.1: Distribution of mangroves in the studied plot (10 m x 10 m) 15 Figure 3.2: Tree height and diameter (Bars represented standard deviation) 16 Figure 3.3: Carbon (OC) content (%) in mangrove soil and bare land 16 Figure 3.4: Carbon content (mg/cm3) in mangrove soil and bare land 17 Figure 3.5: Main livelihood in Giao Thien commune 18 Figure 3.6: Contribution of main livelihood / total income (%) 18 Figure 3.7: Evaluation of importance of mangrove in local livelihood 19 Figure 3.8: Mangrove conservation impacts on income 20 Figure 3.9: Role of mangrove in DRR 21 Figure 3.10: People's awareness about role of mangrove in DRR 21 Figure 3.11: Roles in mangrove forest management in XTNP 22 Figure 3.12: Opinion about mangrove management job 23 Figure 3.13: Option toward mangrove conservation 24 Figure 3.14: Willingness toward mangrove conservation 24 Figure 3.15: Perspective of respondents about the importance of mangroves protection and conservation 24 Figure 3.16: Respondents’ willingness to plant the mangrove 25 Figure 3.17: Mangrove conservation activities that respondents are willing to 26 Figure 3.18: Average annual temperature at Van Ly station and Nam Dinh station (⁰C) 26 Figure 3.19: Total precipitation at Van Ly station and Nam Dinh station (mm) 27 Figure 3.20: The adjustment of survey respondents about the change of mangrove areas compared to years before 29 Figure 3.21: Income from hand collection per hectare per year 31 ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CC: IPCC: OC: XTNP: Climate change Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Organic carbon content Xuan Thuy national park iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT To complete this thesis, I would like to thank the lecturers and staff of the Program on Climate Change and Development, Vietnam Japan University, Hanoi National University for their supports My research cannot be successful without their advices and collaboration First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude and sincere thanks to Dr Hoang Thi Thu Duyen and Dr Nguyen Thi Thuy Hang, who directly supervised my research implementation, for their enthusiastic instruction and dedication to orient my research topic, data processing, and analysis I would like to dedicate this thesis to my parents, my wife, my children and my friends as a gesture of thanks for their support and putting their trust in me In the process of studying, researching and implementing the topic, I have also received a lot of valuable attention, suggestions and support from teachers, colleagues, friends from Vietnam Japan University iv INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background One of the most remarkable consequences of climate change in the twenty-first century is the global sea level rise (Church & Gregory 2021) The latest report by IPCC (2021) demonstrated an increase of 0.99 oC within the first two decades of the 21st century in comparison to 1850-1900, which triggered a sea level rise by 0.20 m between 1901 and 2018 Climate change also can increase the severity of natural disasters, both in intensity and frequency With the coastline stretched more than 3,200 kilometers long, Viet Nam is one of the countries in the world that are most affected by climate change (World Bank 2020) In Vietnam, the annual average temperature in 1958-2014 increased by about 0.62⁰C, the water level at stations tended to increase by about 3.34mm/year (MONRE, 2016) Extreme weather events and climate change also affect significantly the balance of forest ecosystems, agriculture and aquaculture, particularly in the coastal area As most of the coastal population often lives in these geographically vulnerable areas while the capacity for adaptation is limited, the resources to respond to climate change are inadequate Meanwhile, the main income of local people comes from livelihood activities that are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change such as agriculture, fisheries, and forestry Mangrove ecosystem plays important roles in the economic development and environmental protection Mangrove ecosystem supports a variety of economic activities, such as firewood, charcoal, shrimp and crab farming, etc Mangrove ecosystem stabilizes coastlines, promotes coastal accretion and provides a natural barrier against storms and tidal bores In addition, mangrove forest is a carbon sink accumulating atmospheric CO2, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions As the largest coastal wetland ecosystem in the north of Viet Nam, Xuan Thuy National Park (XTNP) was chosen as a typical research site XTNP is located in the southwest of Giao Thuy District, Nam Dinh Province, right at the Red River’s mouth: Ba Lat estuary The entire buffer zone and core area of the park are located in communes including Giao Thien, Giao An, Giao Lac, Giao Xuan, and Giao Hai In 1989, this area was recognized as the 50th Ramsar of the world and the first Ramsar area of Southeast Asia and Vietnam (Ramsar, 1992) By 2003, XTNP was raised from Xuan CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The mangrove area in XTNP contributes greatly to climate change mitigation (carbon storage) and adaptation (livelihood contribution, disaster risk reduction) Mangrove forest accelerates carbon sequestration in soil in comparison to bare land, especially within top 10 cm The increase of carbon sequestration in mangrove forest floor will reduce CO2 in the atmosphere and hence, mitigate climate change effects Furthermore, respondents’ answer also revealed their evaluation about the importance of mangrove ecosystems in maintaining livelihood for local people, simultaneously reduced natural disaster’s effects on local livelihood Mangrove forest in XTNP is managed by Commune People Committee, Forest Protection Division, and XTNP Management Board, with support from Unions and/or associations XTNP management board, the Forest Protection Division and the local authority are doing well in communicating to local people about mangrove and environmental protection Therefore, 100% local people express their willingness to contribute to mangrove conservation However, 65% of them priorities to remain the exploiting aquatic activities Mangrove forest management in XTNP is challenged by climate change and disaster; economic development objectives; pandemic; limited law enforcement and compliance, unclear sanctioning mechanism, and no replanting requirement of mangroves after illegal cutting forest; and lack of information, finance, experience, and knowledge Therefore, the research recommended the authority to integrate mangrove forest protection in teaching programs in local school to raise awareness on important roles of mangrove forest The authority should support activities of organizations within and outside Nam Dinh province to reinforce capacities of protection center of XTNP At the same time, the authority allows the protection center of XTNP to 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What ethnicity are you? ANSWER _ years old Kinh Muong Other (specify): 42 What grade levels have you finished No education (education level)? Primary school Secondary school High school Intermediate vocational education College, university Is there any member in your family Over 60 years old who is: Ask one by one A Disabled B Pregnant C Below 18 years old D No one belongs to the above groups E PART I: IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND NATURAL DISASTER In your opinion, what types of natural disasters are the most Typhoon Flood serious in your area? Drought (Sort in descending order in the next column) Hot weather Extremely cold weather Heavy rain Sea level rise Hoarfrost Saline intrusion Other (specify): Do these natural disasters affect mangroves? Yes No Do not know What are those effects? 43 Do you ever receive early warning Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Creating more income A Creating a more beautiful landscape B Increase the amount of groundwater C Contributing to mitigate impacts of natural D information before a disaster strikes from the school/ locality where you live? In your opinion, is early natural disaster warning necessary? 10 Why? 11 In your opinion, mangroves contribute to the protection of natural disaster prevention and control constructions? (dykes, etc.) 12 Do you think that the sustainable planting and protection of mangrove forest will benefit the community? 13 What are those benefits? disasters & CC Creating habitat for aquatic species E Other (specify): F Yes No If yes, what are those effects? Do not know G (Do not read the answer) Interest conflict between groups with forest and no A 14 In your opinion, does the development of local mangrove forest’s area have negative (undesirable) impacts on households? 15 forest 44 Interest conflict between groups joining and not B joining Interest conflict between groups wanting to C change forest land and not wanting Decrease in household’s income D Reduction in land fund for agriculture and E aquaculture production 16 Does your family exploit forest resources? 17 If yes, what are those resources? 18 Please provide information about AQUATIC RESOURCES from Other (specify): F Yes No Exploiting non-timber products such as A Catching seafood (fish, shrimp, etc.) A1 Bee keeping A2 Timber B Ecotourism C Other (specify): D A Amount of exploitation (kg) B Average price (thousand VND/kg) the mangrove (calculated in 2018 or 2019) C Estimated average income per day (VND) D Estimated average number of exploiters per day E Estimated average exploiting days per month F Estimated average exploiting month per year 19 Please provide information about AQUATIC RESOURCES from A Amount of exploitation (kg) B Average price (thousand VND/kg) the mangrove (calculated in 2010) C Estimated average income per day (VND) D Estimated average number of exploiters per day E Estimated average exploiting days per month 45 F Estimated average exploiting month per year 20 In your opinion, which forest’s AQUATIC PRODUCTS Planted mangroves Natural mangroves exploitation efficiency is higher? Other (specify): 21 Could you please provide information about the household's A Amount of exploitation (kg) B Average price (thousand VND/kg) benefit from AQUACULTURE activities (in a Year)? 22 Please provide information about OTHER resources exploitation from the forest (such as beekeeping, C Estimated number of exploiters in the locality A Total revenue for each activity/person B Estimated number of average exploiters in the locality intercropping and ecotourism) C Estimated times/months of exploitation per (in a Year) year D Estimated number of exploiters in the locality per year 23 In your opinion, is there any change Increased in the area of planted forest since Unchanged Decreased Deforestation A Natural disasters B Land-use change C Other (specify): D Planting A Natural regeneration B Other (specify): D Very good Good Not good 2010? 24 25 26 If decreased, why? If increased, why? How you rate the commune leaders' care and implementation of forest management and protection? 46 27 In the commune, which individual or organization is mainly Not care enough Commune People's Committee Volunteer team to protect the forest Head of household allocated with forest Other (specify): Yes No responsible for the planted forest protection and management? DO NOT READ THE ANSWERS 28 Is there volunteer group to protect the mangrove forest? 29 If yes, how would you rate the work Very good tending) performance (in forest A Good B Not good C Yes No Very good A Good B Not good C Very good A Good B Not good C protection and of this volunteer group? 30 Are there forest protection rules/regulations in your locality? 31 If yes, how you rate these rules/regulations in forest management and protection? 32 If yes, how would you rate the compliance of people around you? 33 How satisfied are you with the local - Not satisfied mangrove planting programs over - Satisfied a bit - Satisfied - Satisfied quite a lot - Very satisfied Yes No the past years? (on a scale of to 5) PART II: VULNERABILITY 34 Have you ever been involved in planting and tending mangroves? 47 35 Is your family involved in mangroves management and Yes No protection? 36 If you have the opportunity, you Yes volunteer to protect and tend No mangroves? 37 If yes, please state specific measures Joined the volunteer team to protect mangroves and how many work days/year (how Joined the propaganda on mangroves many work days/session, how many sessions/year) Tended and replanted destroyed mangrove areas Other (specify): 38 39 If no, please state the reasons If your family is facilitated to convert afforestation to a more The forest is good already, it will grow by itself A The forest does not benefit myself and my family B Other (specify): C Yes No Yes No effective economic model, you want to participate? 40 In places where plants not survive, you volunteer to plant additionally? PART III: AWARENESS AND UNDERSTANDING ABOUT MANGROVES 41 Do mangroves affect aquatic creatures? 42 Do mangroves contribute to dyke protection? 43 How you think the protection and maintenance of mangroves is Yes, positive effects Yes, negative effects No effect Yes No Very unimportant Not important Important important? 48 44 What would you if you were allowed to transfer coastal Very important I would not transfer I would transfer I would integrate mangrove and shrimp farming Environmental protection A Landscape B Culture C Other (specify): D afforestation areas for other economic purposes (aquaculture)? 45 Besides that, you see any other roles/values of mangroves? Before finishing, double-check the logic of the entire form and fill in any missing information Thank you for joining the interview! 49 APPENDIX 2: Mangrove measurement Row 1: Sonneratia caseolaris No Height (m) 4.5 4.5 4.3 2.5 4 4.2 4.5 4.5 Diameter (cm) 22 27 40 19 12 30 33 21 25 Number of branches Note D1.3 Diameter (cm) 11 13 11 16 11 Number of branches Note D0.3 D0.3 D0.3 D0.3 D0.3 D0.3 Diameter (cm) 31 34 14 23 21 32 38 42 29 Number of branches Note Diameter (cm) 9 Number of branches D1.3, broken top 2 D1.3 Row 2: Kandelia obovata No Height (m) 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.1 Row 3: Sonneratia caseolaris No Height (m) 4.8 5.2 4.8 4.5 5.5 5.2 4.5 D1.3 2 2 Row 4: Kandelia obovata No Height (m) 0.7 1.3 0.8 1.4 2.4 1.2 Note D0.3 D0.3 D0.3, broken top D0.3 D0.3 D0.3 50 10 1.2 1.3 1.4 12 15 12 15 D0.3 D0.3 D0.3 D0.3 Row 5: Sonneratia caseolaris No Height (m) 4.5 4.5 3.2 4.8 4.7 4.9 4.9 Diameter (cm) 24 20 15 17 4.7 27 42 19 19 Number of branches Diameter (cm) 11 12 2 17 14 15 12 13 Number of branches Note D1.3 D1.3 3 D1.3 Row 6: Kandelia obovata No 10 11 12 13 14 15 Height (m) 1.6 1.5 1.4 0.9 1.2 1.5 0.5 1.4 0.8 0.6 0.5 1.5 Note D0.3 D0.3, broken top D0.3 D0.3 D0.3 D0.3 D0.3 D0.3 D0.3, broken top D0.3 D0.3 D0.3 D0.3 D0.3 D0.3 51

Ngày đăng: 23/10/2023, 06:19