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Coastal mangrove change detection using multi temporal landsat data in xuan thuy national park, nam dinh province during 2000 2015

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0 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT VIETNAM FORESTRYUNIVERSITY o0o STUDENT THESIS COASTAL MANGROVE CHANGE DETECTION USING MULTITEMPORAL LANDSAT DATA IN XUAN THUY NATIONAL PARK, NAM DINH PROVINCE DURING 2000- 2015 Major: Natural resource management Code: D850101 Faculty: Forest resource and environmental management Student: Nguyen Pham Minh Huyen Class: K56 Natural resource management Student ID: 1153091140 Course: 2011-2015 Advanced Education Program Developed in collaboration with Colorado State University, USA Supervisor: Dr Nguyen Hai Hoa Ha Noi, 2015 PREFACE During the process of learning and finishing this thesis, I have received guidance, valuable help of the teachers, brothers and friends With respect and gratitude, I like to express my sincere thanks to: The administration of Vietnam Forestry University, Faculty of Forest Resources and Environmental Management, Department of Environmental and the lectures you have the knowledge and enthusiasm to impart valuable knowledge for us During learning in the Vietnam Forestry University, Dr Nguyen Hai Hoa has dedicated guide us through each classroom session and created favorable conditions for the learning process to complete this thesis He is enthusiastic guide throughout the process of implementing post graduate thesis from beginning until completion Finally, I wish that lectures in Department of Environmental Engineering really good health and confidence to continue performing noble mission on the transfer of knowledge for future generations Hanoi, 31 August 2015 Nguyen Pham Minh Huyen ABSTRACT The Vietnam mangroves have been larger and rich and they play an important role for forest ecosystems, biodiversity and local livelihoods and development However, the management of mangroves in Vietnam is still facing many challenges The process of transition to market economy under reform policy has brought high economic growth of to 8% in the first years of the twenty-first century with the changes in livelihood patterns Vietnam faces big challenges of environmental problems as a result of overfishing, mismanagement of natural resources and the pressures of globalization The changes in the social, ecological, economic and institutional schemes gave the livelihood systems of mangroves increasingly complex and vulnerable To contribute develop sustainable management of coastal mangroves the study of “Coastal mangrove change detection using mutil-temporal landsat data in Xuan Thuy National Park, Nam Dinh province during 2000-2015” was conducted The study is based on using NDVI value to indentify the change mangroves, forest plantation, water and rice paddy and aquaculture cross the time series The finding will contribute significantly to enhance sustainable management of mangroves by presenting possible solutions for study area Keywords Remote sensing technology; GIS; Vegetation cover; Index vegetable ACRONYMS GPS Global Positioning System GIS Geographic Information System NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index XTNP Xuan Thuy National Park TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE - ABSTRACT - ACRONYMS - TABLE OF CONTENTS - LIST OF TABLES - LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 2.1 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) - 14 2.1.1 Definitions - 14 2.1.2 Origins and evolution of GIS 14 2.1.3 Composition of GIS - 14 2.1.4 Functions of GIS 15 2.2 REMOTE SENSING TECHNOLOGY (RS) - 15 2.2.1 Definitions - 15 2.2.2 The basic principle of Remote Sensing 16 2.2.3 Applications of Remote Sensing 17 2.3 COASTAL MANGROVES - 17 2.3.1 Definition of mangroves - 17 2.3.2 Mangrove forest characteristic - 18 2.3.3 The role of mangroves 18 Ecological functions 18 Economic functions - 19 2.4 APPLICATIONS OF GIS AND REMOTESENSING TO MANGROVE MAPPING19 CHAPTER III STUDY GOAL, OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLOGY - 21 3.1 STUDY GOAL, OBJECTIVES - 21 3.1.1 Research questions - 21 3.1.2 Research objectives - 21 Study goal: - 21 Specific objectives: - 21 3.2 SCOPE OF THE STUDY 22 3.3 CONTENTS AND METHODOLOGY 22 3.3.1 Investigate the status of mangrove cover and its management schemes in Xuan Thuy National Park - 22 Remote sensing data for study: - 23 Status of coastal mangrove management and mangrove structures 23 3.3.2 Quantifying coastal mangrove changes in Xuan Thuy National Park during 2000- 2015 29 3.3.3 Identifying key drivers of coastal mangrove cover changes in Xuan Thuy National Park: 30 CHAPTER IV STUDY SITE, NATURAL AND SOCIAL FEATURE 32 4.1 STUDY AREA 32 4.1.1 Natural characteristics - 32 Geographical location - 32 Topography and hydrology - 33 Climate 34 Edaphic condition 34 4.1.2 Resources development 34 Forest resources 34 Biodiversity resource - 35 Tourism potential - 36 4.2 SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 37 4.2.1 Population - 37 4.2.2 Economy 37 CHAPTER V RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - 39 5.1 MANGROVE MANAGEMENT AND ITS STRUCTURES IN STUDY SITES - 39 5.1.1 Mangrove structures 39 5.1.2 Mangrove management 46 5.2 SPATIAL-TEMPORAL DYNAMICS OF COASTAL MANGROVE EXTENT DURING 2000 -2015 47 5.3 KEY DRIVERS OF MANGROVE CHANGES DURING 2000- 2015 55 5.4 EFFECTIVE MEASURES TO IMPROVE THE MANAGEMENT OF MANGROVES - 58 CHAPTERVI.GENERAL CONCLUSION, LIMITATIONS AND FURTHER STUDY 64 6.1 GENERAL CONCLUSION - 64 6.2 LIMITATIONS AND FURTHER STUDY - 65 REFERENCE APPENDIX LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1: Landsat data used in the study 23 Table 5.1 Plots information and mangrove characteristics in study site 40 Table 5.2 Plot Statistical tables 42 Table 5.3 NDVI values for mangroves and non-mangroves for studied sites different 47 Table 5.4 Mangrove area in studied sites in different years 47 Table 5.5 Accuracy of image classification in 2000 50 Table 5.6 Accuracy of image classification in 2006 50 Table 5.7 Accuracy of image classification in 2010 51 Table 5.8 Accuracy of image classification in 2015 51 Table 5.9 Changes in mangrove areas during periods 2000-2006, 2006-2010, 2010-2015 (ha) 52 Table 5.10 Mangrove changes in different periods 54 LIST OF FIGURES Fig 2.1 Components of GIS (source: providencegissolutions.com) 15 Fig 2.2 Receiving, processing and applications of Remote Sensing Data (source: Canada Centre) 16 Fig 3.1: Flowchart of Landsat images classification and processing 28 Fig4.1 Study site (source: National Park Management, 2015) 33 Fig 5.1 Distribution of coastal mangroves in each year 2000, 2006, 2010, 2015 49 Fig 5.2 Mangroves changes Xuan Thuy National Park during the period of time 53 Fig 5.3 Mangrove changes in different periods 55 Chapter I INTRODUCTION Xuan Thuy National Park is located at the estuary of the Red River in Nam Dinh province, about 150 km south-east of Hanoi, Vietnam The area was declared the country‟s first Ramsar site by the Bureau of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance in January 1989 Since then, the Government of Vietnam has worked very hard to preserve the value of this area through the establishment of new laws, policies and investments In 2003, it was upgraded from its status as a nature reserve and approved as a national park by the Prime Minister, and was also included as part of the Red River Delta World Biosphere Heritage Site by UNESCO in October 2004.Xuan Thuy national park (XTNP) is a vast wetland, which covers an area of about 7,100 hectares of the core zone, and 8,000 hectares of the buffer zone Endowed with rich alluviums, the park boasts a unique wetland habitat with diversified species of flora and fauna, especially migratory birds XTNP is the home for a total of 219 bird species belonging to 41 families and 13 orders, in which nine have been recorded as endangered species in the Red Data Book During the high migratory season, XTNP can attract 30–40 thousand birds, and hundreds of bird watchers from all over the world come to the site (Statistic of Xuan Thuy National Park Management, 2010) As mentioned above, XTNP is divided into core zone and buffer zone, in accordance to National laws designated for national parks in Vietnam Management guidelines were specifically made for each zone, so that the core zone is a strictly protected area without any human activity allowed; and the buffer zone, adjacent to the core zone, acts as a transition area where activities are regulated to restrict and reduce adverse human impacts on the park The aquatic biodiversity of this wetland ecosystem provides food and wetlands-dependent livelihoods for the locals in the five communes in the buffer zone namely, Giao Thien, Giao An, Giao Lac, Giao Xuan and Hai, and other REFERENCE Albers, T, San, D.C., Schmitt, K (2013) Shoreline Management Guidelines: Coastal Protection in the Lower Mekong Delta Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Management of Natural Resources in the Coastal Zone of Soc Trang Province, Vietnam Available from: http://daln.gov.vn/en/dl/document-library.html Alongi, D (2002) Present state and future of the world`s mangrove forests Environmental Conservation 29(3), 331-349 Available from: http://cmbc.ucsd.edu/content/1/docs/alongi%202002.pdf Nguyen Thi Bich Huong (2012) Application of Remote Sensing and GIS thematic mapping service integrated coastal management in Thanh Hoa province Nguyen Thi Bich Huong, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2012 Beland M, Goita K, Bonn F, Pham TTH (2006) Assessment of land-cover charges related to shrimp aquaculture using remote sensing data: a case study in the Giao Thuy District Vietnam International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27, 1491–1510 Birdlife International In Indochina, Important Bird Area by Tordoff, 2002 Peter Burrough, Geographical Information Systems and Dynamic Models,1986 Dr Phan Nguyen Hong, mangrove and wetland ecosystems of coastal areas, Hanoi National University of Education, 1999 Dr Nguyen Vinh Xuan Tien, Thematic practice, City National University Ho Chi Minh City, 08/2008 Introduction to Remote Sensing, Fischer et al., 1976, p 34 10 “Mangrove forest change monitoring using remote sensing and GIS by Tran Trong Duc, Geo-Informatics Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Technology, Ho Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 11 Statistic of Xuan Thuy National Park Management, 2013 12 Statistic of Giao Thuy district‟s government, 2000 to 2010 13 Statistic of Nam Dinh province‟s government, 2003 to 2010 14 Yat-tung Yu and Swennen, C (2001) is mangrove afforestation destroying Black-faced Spoonbill habitat in Red River Delta? Oriental Bird Club Bull 33: 53–56 APPENDIX I APPENDIX 01: Questionnaires COASTAL MANGROVE MANAGEMENT SURVEY Number sign: I General information: Interviewer… Name… Interviewee: Name… Age… Gender… Job… Address… II Contents: Part 1: Policies of government and locality about coastal mangrove management before and during the period 2000-2015 History and contents of coastal mangroves management policies: (CMMP): Time.p Before 2000 2000 - 2010 2010 - present Policies - Except the CMMP, does locality receive any support from project or NGOs? Yes  No  Details: Name of Organization: Do Projects/supports bring any effectiveness? Yes  Why not? No  - Do the local administration held activities which enhance awareness of local people about CMMP, annually? Yes  No  Do they bring any effectiveness? Yes  No  Details: Why not? Application level of policies in reality: - Current application level of policies: Very strong Strong Medium Weak  Very weak Why? - Does local administration assess the effectiveness and existing problems after applying projects/policies? Yes  - No  If “yes”, does the assessment bring effectiveness? Yes  Why not? No  Part 2: Effectiveness of policies to local livelihoods (Before and after applying coastal mangrove management policies) Before After Job Nam Income Productivity values Name e Other living conditions Difficulties - Changes which result from mangrove management policies: Good  Why? Bad  Unchanged Productivity values Part 3: Assessment and suggestions of local people about coastal mangroves management I Assessment: a Policies: - Are policies suitable with living conditions? Yes  No  - Do policies equal mangroves conservation and local livelihoods? Yes  No  - Are policies clear and easy to apply? Yes  No  If “yes”, which gender has better understanding? Man  Women  - Is durability of policies possible? Yes  No  Why? b The ways to apply policies and assessment effectiveness of policies: - Does the way policies applied create close co-operation between local authorities and inhabitants? Yes  No  - Is equality between benefits and mangroves conservation suitable? Yes  No  II Suggestions: - Do you have any proposals with coastal mangrove management policies (CMMP)? Do you have any proposals with the way to apply coastal mangrove management and activities to assess effectiveness/existing problems of policies: II APPENDIX 02: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 2000, 2006, 2010, 2015 in Xuan Thuy National Park, Giao Thuy District, Nam Dinh province III APPENDIX: Field work Appendix 1: Core area of national parks Appendix 2: Plot area in core zone of national park Appendix 3: Aquaculture areas in the core zone Some Dominate Plant in Xuan Thuy National Park Appendix Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) Engl Appendix Aegiceras corniculata (L.) Blanco

Ngày đăng: 14/08/2023, 20:32