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UNIT 23 ADSORPTION Adsorption is a separation process in which certain components of a fluid phase are transferred to the surface of a solid adsorbent Usually the small particles of adsorbent are held in a fixed bed, and fluid is passed continuously through the bed until the solid is nearly saturated and the desired separation can no longer be achieved The flow is then switched to a second bed until the saturated adsorbent can be replaced or regenerated Ion exhange is another process that is usually carried out in this semibatch fashion in a fixed bed Water that is to be softened or deionized is passed over beads of ion-exchange resin in a column until the resin becomes nearly saturated The removal of trace impurities by reaction with solids can also be carried out in fixed beds, and the removal of H2S from synthesis gas with ZnO pellets is a well-known example For all these processes, the performance depends on solid-fluid equilibria and on mass-transfer rates In this chapter the emphasis is on adsorption, but the general methods of analysis and design are applicable to other fixed-bed processes ADSORBENTS AND ADSORPTION PROCESSES Most adsorbents are highly porous materials, and adsorption takes place primarily on the walls of the pores or at specific sites inside the particle Because the pores are generally very small, the internal surface area is orders of magnitude greater than the external area and may be as large as 2000 m 2/gSeparation occurs because differences in molecular weight, shape, or polarity cause some molecules to be held more strongly on the surface than others or because the pores are too small to admit the larger molecules In many cases, the adsorbing components (or adsorbate) is held strongly enough to permit complete removal of that component from the fluid with very little adsorption of other components Regeneration of the adsorbent can then be carried out to obtain the adsorbate in concentrated or nearly pure form Applications of vapor-phase adsorption include the recovery of organic solvents used in paints, printing inks, and solutions for film casting or fabric coating The solvent-laden air may first be sent to a water-cooled or refrigerated condenser to collect some of the solvent, but it is generally impractical to cool the gas far below ambient temperature in an attempt to eliminate solvent losses The air with a small amount of solvent is passed through a bed of carbon adsorbent particles, which can reduce the solvent concentration to less than ppm The concentration may be set by government emission standards rather than by the economics of solvent recovery Adsorption on carbon is also used to remove pollutants such as H2S, CS2 and other odorous compounds from air circulating in ventilation systems, and canisters of carbon are placed in most new automobiles to prevent gasoline vapors from being vented to the air Drying of gases is often carried out by adsorbing the water on silica gel, alumina, or other inorganic porous solids The zeolites, or molecular sieves, which are natural or synthetic aluminosilicates with a very regular, fine pore structure, are especially effective in preparing gases with low dew points ( — 75°C) Adsorption on molecular sieves can also be used to separate oxygen and nitrogen, to prepare pure hydrogen for synthesis gas, and to separate normal paraffins from branched paraffins and aromatics 90 Adsorption from the liquid phase is used to remove organic components from aqueous wastes, colored impurities from sugar solutions and vegetable oils, and water from organic liquids Adsorption can also be used to recover reaction products that are not easily separated by distillation or crystallization Some of the same types of solids are used for both vaporphase and liquid-phase adsorption, though often adsorbents with larger pores are preferred for use with liquids Exercises 23.1 Translate into Vietnamese Adsorption, adsorbent, switched, regenerate, regeneration, achieve, exchange, soften, deionize, bead, column, trace, emphasis, applicable, fixed bed, ink, printing ink, paint, casting, fabric, laden, refrigerate, impractical, attempt, concentration, emission, circulating, ventilation, canister, vent, porous, zeolite, sieve, aluminosilicate, regular, pore, effective, dew point, crystallization 23.2 Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words in bold type Unvulcanized rubber is both plastic and elastic Rubber either in the form of latex or solid sheet, when stored for considerable periods develops increased hardness The generation of oxygenated groups in secondary reactions is consistent with our present knowledge of polyisoprene biosynthesis It has been suggested that the carbonyl groups (in storage hardening) are incorporated at intervals along the “hydrocarbon chain” As a result of Goodyear’s work, along with improvements by Hancock, rubber goods of wide utility and durability could be made Modern industry could no longer function properly without reinforced rubber Polystyrene has been used commercially long before the high styrene resins 23.3 Find (in the list given below) synonyms to the following words Translate these words in to Vietnamese to be able to can behaviour certain compressed complete definite contracted 91 enough to detect to find out different form evident full lightly get motion matter obtain movement property obvious shape slightly substance strong sufficient various total whole violent 23.4 What you know about a branched chain a molecular chain a coiled chain an oriented chain a crumpled chain a side chain a flexible chain a straight chain a main chain 23.5 Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words in bold type When parts of the long molecules of the natural rubber arrange themselves in an ordered state crystallizing they are assumed to exhibit a first - order transition There is a rubber like state, which many substances made from long molecules may assume under suitable conditions Mendeleyev’s theoretically assumed value of 240 for the atomic weight of uranium was confirmed by the scientists Synthetic rubber produced from isoprene was presumed to a long chain structure built up from isoprene units by 1-2, 1-4 linkages 23.5 Give a summary of the text 92 UNIT 24 EVAPORATION The objective of evaporation is to concentrate a solution consisting of a nonvolatile solute and a volatile solvent In the overwhelming majority of evaporations the solvent is water Evaporation is conducted by vaporizing a portion of the solvent to produce a concentrated solution of thick liquor Evaporation differs from drying in that the residue is a liquid—sometimes a highly viscous one—rather than a solid; it differs from distillation in that the vapor usually is a single component, and even when the vapor is a mixture, no attempt is made in the evaporation step to separate the vapor into fractions; it differs from crystallization in that emphasis is placed on concentrating a solution rather than forming and building crystals In certain situations, e.g., in the evaporation of brine to produce common salt, the line between evaporation and crystallization is far from sharp Evaporation sometimes produces a slurry of crystals in a saturated mother liquor Normally, in evaporation the thick liquor is the valuable product and the vapor is condensed and discarded In one specific situation, however, the reverse is true Mineralbearing water often is evaporated to give a solid-free product for boiler feed, for special process requirements, or for human consumption This technique is often called water distillation, but technically it is evaporation Large-scale evaporation processes have been developed and used for recovering potable water from seawater Here the condensed water is the desired product Only a fraction of the total water in the feed is recovered, and the remainder is returned to the sea LIQUID CHARACTERISTICS The practical solution of an evaporation problem is profoundly affected by the character of the liquor to be concentrated It is the wide variation in liquor characteristics (which demands judgment and experience in designing and operating evaporators) that broadens this operation from simple heat transfer to a separate art Some of the most important properties of evaporating liquids are as follows Concentration Although the thin liquor fed to an evaporator may be sufficiently dilute to have many of the physical properties of water, as the concentration increases, the solution becomes more and more individualistic The density and viscosity increase with solid content until either the solution becomes saturated or the liquor becomes too viscous for adequate heat transfer Continued boiling of a saturated solution causes crystals to form; these must be removed or the tubes clog The boiling point of the solution may also rise considerably as the solid content increases, so that the boiling temperature of a concentrated solution may be much higher than that of water at the same pressure Foaming Some materials, especially organic substances, foam during vaporization A stable foam accompanies the vapor out of the evaporator, causing heavy entrainment In extreme cases the entire mass of liquid may boil over into the vapor outlet and be lost Temperature sensitivity Many fine chemicals, pharmaceutical products, and foods are damanged when heated to moderate temperatures for relatively short times In concentrating such materials special techniques are needed to reduce both the temperature of the liquid and the time of heating 93 Scale Some solutions deposit scale on the heating surface The overall coefficient then steadily diminishes, until the evaporator must be shut down and the tubes cleaned When the scale is hard and insoluble, the cleaning is difficult and expensive Materials of construction Whenever possible, evaporators are made of some kind of steel Many solutions, however, attack ferrous metals or are contaminated by them Special materials such as copper, nickel, stainless steel, aluminum, impervious graphite, and lead are then used Since these materials are expensive, high heat-transfer rates become especially desirable to minimize the first cost of the equipment Many other liquid characteristics must be considered by the designer of an evaporator Some of these are specific heat, heat of concentration, freezing point, gas liberation on boiling, toxicity, explosion hazards, radioactivity, and necessity for sterile operation Because of the variation in liquor properties, many different evaporator designs have been developed The choice for any specific problem depends primarily on the characteristics of the liquid SINGLE- AND MULTIPLE-EFFECT OPERATION Most evaporators are heated by steam condensing on metal tubes Nearly always the material to be evaporated flows inside the tubes Usually the steam is at a low pressure, below atm abs; often the boiling liquid is under moderate vacuum, at pressures down to about 0.05 atm abs Reducing the boiling temperature of the liquid increases the temperature difference between the steam and the boiling liquid and thus increases the heat-transfer rate in the evaporator When a single evaporator is used, the vapor from the boiling liquid is condensed and discarded This method is called single-effect evaporation, and although it is simple, it utilizes steam ineffectively To evaporate kg of water from a solution calls for from to 1.3 kg of steam If the vapor from one evaporator is fed into the steam chest of a second evaporator and the vapor from the second is then sent to a condenser, the operation becomes double-effect The heat in the original steam is reused in the second effect, and the evaporation achieved by a unit mass of steam fed to the first effect is approximately doubled Additional effects can be added in the same manner The general method of increasing the evaporation per kilogram of steam by using a series of evaporators between the steam supply and the condenser is called multiple-effect evaporation Exercise 24.1 Translate into Vietnamese Objective, evaporation, nonvolatile, overwhelming, vaporize, evaporate, evaporator, crystal, brine, slurry, liquor, recover, portable, profoundly, judgment, boaden, dilute, sufficient, individualistic, tube, clog, foam, entrainment, outlet, inlet, sensitive, pharmaceutical, moderate, coefficient, steady, diminish, ferrous steel, impervious, graphite, liberate, radioactivity, sterile, discard, single-effect operation, multi-effect operation, ineffectively, approximately 94 24.2 Translate the following sentences paying attention to the function of the verb to Monosaccharides not hydrolyze to simpler substances An organic chemist has much to with different reactions It is known that most fibers when suspended in an alkaline aqueous medium have a negative charge as the particles in alkaline latex Upon what structural arrangement does the colour of an organic compound depend? Some grades of synthetic material have lower cis- content than natural rubber The results of the experiment show that adhesion does increase for a time after curing, at least when measured at room temperature On the basis of oxidizability, the zinc salt had the effect, as did mercaptobenzimidazole itself 24.3 Translate the following sentences paying attention to the “Complex Object” We consider the natural rubber to be isomerized Investigators find the infra-red spectrum to be closely similar to that of natural rubber One might expect the increase in hardness to be a result of intra- particle crosslinking Researchers dealing with latex know biologically induced oxidation to proceed in the vicinity of the tapping cut 24.4 Form nouns from the following adjectives capable mobile flexible versatile labile 24.5 Translate into Vietnamese, paying attention to the Prefixed covalent premastication degradation recycle displace unaffected interchain undesirable intermolecular unduly immobile unusable 95 24.6 Translate into Vietnamese paying attention to the prefix reheat - reheat melt - remelt soften - resoften construct - reconstruct form - reform 24.7 Translate the following derivative into Vietnamese develop, development tough, toughness compose, composition introduce, introduction monomer, monomeric rigid, rigidity adopt, adoptation resist, resistant, resistance polymer, copolymer, polymerization, polymerize apply, application nature, natural viscous, viscosity improve, improvement use, useful, useless process, processing 24.8 Translate into Vietnamese paying attention to the words in bold type The name ABS, based on the first letters of each of the monomeric components has been adopted for this family By introducing acrylonitrile monomer into a similar system, a significant improvement in all these properties is obtained, as well as outstanding toughness and resistance Various combinations of properties are possible, thus making these polymers most attractive for a larger number of current and newly developed applications ABS plastics are extremely useful and versatile, since ease of processing and forming allows them to be used for a great number of applications The strength of a fabricated item produced from ABS plastic is dependent on a number of variables 24.9 Give a summary of the text 96 UNIT 25 CHROMATOGRAPHY Chromatography is a versatile separation technique in chemistry and chemical engineering In any chromatographic separation there are two phases (solid, liquid, or gas); these move relative to each other while maintaining intimate contact There are several forms of chromatography such as gas chromatography, gas-liquid chromatography, liquid-solid chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography, e.g Gas chromatography Gas chromatography is a method for separating components of mixtures of volatile compounds In most applications, the separations are made to identify and determine the quantity of each component of a sample of the mixture, and analytical gas chromatographic apparatus includes additional devices for this purpose In some applications, separations are made for preparative purposes, but the scale is not generally greater than that required for quantities of the order of 100g The central item in the apparatus for gas chromatography is the chromatographic column, a long tube packed permeably with some adsorbent In the commonest technique of gas chromatography, the elution technique, a stream of inert gas, the carrier gas, passes continuously through the column, and the mixture to be separated is introduced at the beginning of the column as a sample either of a gas or a volatile liquid Let us suppose that the sample consists of one pure component After introduction, it is swept by the carrier gas on to the column, first evaporating to form a vapor if it is introduced as a liquid When it reaches the column, it is largely adsorbed, but the equilibrium is set up between the column and the gas in the interstices of the column so that a proportion of the sample always remains in the gas phase This portion moves a little further along the column in the carrier gas stream, where it again equilibrates with the column At the same time, material already adsorbed in the column re - enters the gas phase so as to restore equilibrium with the clean carrier gas which follows up the zone of vapor The speed at which the zone moves depends on two factors, the rate of flow of the carrier gas and the extent to which the vapor is adsorbed The faster the flow of carrier gas, the faster the zone moves; and the more strongly the vapor is adsorbed on the column, the more slowly the zone moves When two or more components are present in the sample, each usually behaves, independently of the others so that for a given carrier gas flow rate, the speed of the zone of each component will depend on the extent to which it is adsorbed Since different substances differ in their adsorption, they may therefore be separated by making use of their different speeds of progress through the column If they are eluted to the far end of the column, they will appear one after the other in the gas stream, the fastest first and the lowest last Adsorbents such as carbon, alumina, or silica gel are used as the packing material for columns, but in more than 90% of applications, the column material is the liquid held in place on the column by being adsorbed on an inert solid support Gas chromatography with this kind of column is called Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC) This method is used for separating solutes from mixed solutions 97 Exercises 25.1 Read and translate into Vietnamese Chromatography, chromatographic, exceptional, exceptionally, versatile, intimate, stationary, mobile, analogy, conveyor, belt, lag, introduce, detect, device, apparatus, column, elute, inert, carrier, sweep, interstice, equilibrate, restore, differ, pack, packing material 25.2 Answer the following questions What does gas chromatography mean? What is the central item in the apparatus for gas chromatography? What gas passes through the column? How does the process of chromatography pass? What are adsorbents such as carbon, alumina, or silica gel used for? What method is used for separating solutes from mixed solutions? 25.3 Read and translate the following derivative analytical, analysis, analyze; scheme, schematic, schematically; compress, compression; identify, identification; include, inclusion, inclusive; prepare, preparation, preparative; adsorb, adsorbent, adsorption; technique, technical, technician; evaporation, vapor; 10 equilibrium, equilibrate, equilibration; 11 behavior, behave; 12 solute, solution, solvent, soluble, dissolve; 25.4 Translate into Vietnamese paying attention to the words in bold type The mixture is introduced as a sample either of a gas or a volatile liquid The material already adsorbed in the column re-enters the gas phase so as to restore equilibrium with the clean carrier gas 98 The speed at which the zone moves depends on the rate of flow of the carrier gas and the extent to which the vapor is adsorbed The faster the flow of the carrier gas, the faster the zone moves The more strongly the vapor is adsorbed on the column, the more slowly the zone moves The speed of the zone of each component will depend on the extent to which it is adsorbed 25.5 Translate into English Sắc kí khí phương pháp tách cấu tử hỗn hợp chất dễ bay Việc tách tiến hành để định lượng cấu tử hỗn hợp Bộ phận thiết bị sắc kí khí cột sắc kí (là ống dài nhồi chất có khả hấp phụ) Khí mang liên tục qua cột sắc kí Hỗn hợp cần tách cho vào cột dạng khí dạng lỏng dễ bay 25.6 Write a short summary of the text 99 PART ACADEMIC WRITING 148 UNIT 36 INTRODUCTION TO ACADEMIC WRITING What is academic writing? Academic writing is generally formal, objective (impersonal) and technical The casual or conversational language, such as contractions or informal vocabulary is avoided The direct reference to people or feelings, and instead emphasising objects, facts and ideas also are avoided If you want to be a good academic writer, you need to know the specific styles and structures for your discipline, as well as for each individual writing task You should ask your supervisor, learn the writing style of the academic articles in the most prestigious journals in your discipline, and look at the successful writing by others in your field Formal language To make your writing more formal through you need to carefully choose the vocabulary that you use For instance, you should choose the formal instead of informal vocabulary (‘somewhat’ and ‘insufficient’ are more formal than ‘a bit’ and ‘not enough’), avoid contractions (‘cannot’ is better than ‘cann’t’), avoid emotional language (more moderate words such as ‘helpful’ or ‘problematic’ are better than strong words such as ‘wonderful’ or ‘terrible’), and use more cautious evaluations such as ‘strong evidence’ or ‘less convincing’ instead of using absolute positives and negatives such as ‘proof’ or ‘wrong’ Objective language To express your point of view, such as interpret findings, evaluate a theory, develop an argument, and critique the work of others and still write in an objective style, you can use the following methods     Emphasize things and ideas, instead of people and feelings For instance, write ‘The results indicate that the temperature is an important factor’ instead of writing ‘I believe the temperature is an important factor, based on the results’ Avoid evaluative words that are non-technical For example, instead of ‘amazing’ or ‘disappointment’, write ‘valid’ or ‘did not demonstrate’ Show caution about your views, or to allow others to disagree For example, instead of writing ‘I think drink alcohol causes digestion diseases’, write ‘There is evidence to support the possibility that drink alcohol increases the risk of digestion diseases’ Find authoritative sources, which support your point of view, and refer to them in your writing Technical language To write technically you need to develop a large vocabulary for the concepts specific to the discipline or specialisation you’re writing for Please take note of terminology used by your lecturer, as well as in your readings 149 Exercises 36.1 Read and translate into Vietnamese Academic, formal, informal, objective, impersonal, casual, contraction, reference, emphasis, discipline, humanity, style, prestigious, emotional, convince, strategy, intense, emotion, emotional, abuse, digestion, disease, modality, specialization, terminology, discourse, multiple, statute 36.2 Answer the following questions What is the difference between academic writing and conversational language? What should you if you want to be a good writer? What is formal language? What is objective language? What is the technical language? 36.3 State the function of the words after and before and translate the sentences The polyamine is added after the dispersion After dispersion is complete, the polyamine is added Before the discovery of vulcanization, the great drawbacks of rubber were its thermoplastic nature and its sensibility to oxidation Neoprene was used for balloons, before natural rubber was available Polymerization starts at room temperature and is complete after a few hours After substantial proportions of stabilizing soaps are avoided, polymerization takes place 36.4 State the functions of the words in bold type Some scientists observed that aerated latex could initiate polymerization A plasticizer is a material that increases the plasticity of a mass Sekhar considers that reactive sites are formed on the rubber during aeration, these probably being hydroperoxidic The vulcanization of plastic chloroprene polymer differs from that of all other rubbers in requiring the addition of no vulcanizing ingredient The methods of producing modified latices depend on those of initiation In the case of methyl methacrylate it is found that the pattern of combination in the same as that found when polymerization takes place in solution 150 36.5 Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese paying attention to the words in bold type The colloidal behavior of latex rubber is largely the result of the protective layer of protein with which the particles are surrounded It is necessary, for certain purposes, to make use of the latex itself as a raw material Proteins, fats, soaps, and other substances are present in the milky fluid, which is called “latex” We shall not consider synthetic plastic materials, partly because of their similarity The utility of rubber is ultimately related to the ease, with which it sustains very large distortions, returning to its original shape when released Concentration may be effected by using a centrifuge, in a manner similar to the centrifuging of milk to give cream Numerous ingredients other than sulfur are normally included in the rubber mixing, the proportions depending on the grade of rubber required The rubber molecule may have a molecular weight as high as 250.000 The sulfur, zinc oxide and accelerators are referred to collectively as the vulcanizing system 10 Apart from its use in such specialized products as adhesive, the full potentialities of rubber latex are only realized on vulcanization 36.6 Give Vietnamese equivalents to break down to run off to build from to split up to centrifuge off to squeeze out to correspond to to pass through to rise through 36.7 Translate into English Trong văn viết cần phải tránh sử dụng ngôn ngữ thơng tục văn nói Để viết tốt bạn nên học kiểu mẫu cấu trúc đặc biệt cho chuyên ngành bạn nhiệm vụ phần viết riêng biệt 151 Ngôn ngữ trang trọng tạo nhờ cách dùng từ vựng người viết tránh viết tắt, dùng ngôn ngữ biểu cảm hay tiêu cực tích cực Để viết tốt bạn cần hỏi thơng tin người hướng dẫn, thầy cô giáo, tham khảo viết thành công lĩnh vực bạn 36.8 Write a short summary of the text 152 UNIT 37 TYPES AND STRUCTURE OF ACADEMIC WRITING Types of academic writing There are four main types of academic writing They are descriptive, analytical, persuasive, and critical Descriptive The descriptive is the simplest type of academic writing It provides facts or information A summary of an article or a report of the results of an experiment would be an example Analytical Analytical writing includes descriptive writing and re-organisation the facts and information you describe into categories, groups, parts, types or relationships Persuasive Persuasive writing is a one step further than analytical writing In addition to all the features of analytical writing, you need to add of your own point of view Points of view in academic writing can include an argument, a recommendation, and interpretation of results or evaluation of the work of others Each claim you make needs to be supported by some evidence, for example a reference to research findings or published sources Critical For research, postgraduate and advanced undergraduate writing you usually use critical writing In addition to all the features of persuasive writing, you need to add least one other point of view Critical writing requires you to consider at least two points of view, including your own on an issue or topic while persuasive writing requires you to have your own point of view Structuring written work Essay and report are two types of writing in university All assay and report has the same basic three-part structure: introduction, main body and conclusion However, the main body can be structured in many different ways Introductions The purpose an introduction is to clearly tell the reader the topic, purpose and structure of the paper An introduction might be between 10 and 20 percent of the length of the whole paper It begins with the most general information, such as background and/or definitions, then shows the overall topic, purpose, your point of view, hypotheses and/or 153 research questions, and ends with the most specific information, describing the scope and structure of your paper Paragraphs Most academic writing has some paragraphs and each paragraph may have a three-part structure Firstly the topic sentence introduces a general overview of the topic and the purpose of the paragraph Next, definitions, classifications, explanations, contrasts, examples and evidence are given in the body of the paragraph Lastly, the final sentence not only presents new information, but often either summarises or comments on the paragraph content Conclusions The conclusion is closely related to the introduction and is often described in an opposite order It usually begins by briefly summarising the main scope or structure of the paper, then confirms the topic that was given in the introduction, and ends with a more general statement about how this topic relates to its context Exercises 37.1 Read and translate into Vietnamese Descriptive, analytical, persuasive, critical, empirical, interpretation, assignment, category, context, argument, argue, recommendation, effectiveness, sustainable, sustainability, coherent, scope, assumption, postgraduate, evaluate, merit, alternation, alternative, critique, debate, disagree, accurately, appropriate, authoritative, thorough, instructions, lab report, contrast, chronology, counter, sub-topic, sequence, highlight, pile, diagram, discard, heading, sub-heading, hypotheses, predictable, template, summarize, mention, outcome, implication, elaborate, themes 37.2 Answer the following questions Which type of academic writing you need to use in an empirical thesis? What are they? What is the purpose of descriptive writing? What is analytical writing? How you make your writing more analytical? What are the kinds of instructions for a persuasive assignment? How can you develop your argument? What is the difference between persuasive and critical writing? What you need to write critical writing? What are the parts of an essay? 10 What should you to writing a good essay? 11 What is the difference between the main body structure of an essay and a report? 12 What is the purpose of introduction of a text? 154 13 When should you write your introduction of the text? 14 What is the body of the paragraph about? 37.3 Rewrite the sentences in a more academic style using verbs from the list below Note that you may need to change the verb tense Investigate, assist, raise, discover, establish increase, eliminate Systems analysts can help out managers in many different ways This program was set up to improve access to medical care Medical research expenditure has gone up to nearly $350 million Researchers have found out that this drug has serious side effects Exercise alone will not get rid of medical problems related to blood pressure Researchers have been looking into this problem for 15 years now This issue was brought up during the coroner's inquest 37.4 Translate into Vietnamese paying attention to the word with: to coat positively charge electrodes with the particles; to combine with rubber molecules; to extract with acetone; to mix with sulfur; 38 to smoke with fume; 39 to stabilize with ammonia; 40 when tested with iodine; 41 some substances remain with impurities; 42 with avoidance of agitation; 37.5 Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese and state the function of will and would a) When stretched rubber flows, it will not return to its original shape If heating is carried on long enough in the presence of curatives, the latex will not form a continuous film on drying but will crack into a multitude of small pieces Styrene will polymerize to produce polymers other than rubber- like bodies Ethylene chloride will react with sodium polysulfide to form high molecular weight rubberlike substances 155 b) Coagulation would prevent the use of latex for special methods of manufacture To suppress bacterial action, which would eventually lead to coagulation, a preservative must be added to latex Were unstretched rubber cooled, a slow crystallization would take place, giving a harder and less extensible material The atoms of the molecule share in the general thermal motion at any temperature, so that a free molecule would be continually coiling, twisting and, changing its shape Density considerations make it impossible to accept a theory, which would require substances to polymerize with the decrease in density as, would be the case if the polymers spin 37.6 Translate into English Có cách viết văn phạm khoa học, là: mơ tả, phân tích, thuyết phục phê bình Văn mơ tả loại đơn giản nhất, ví dụ tóm tắt báo hay báo cáo kết thực nghiệm Văn phạm khoa học thường gồm văn phân tích Trong văn phạm thuyết phục, nhận xét bạn đưa cần thuyết phục số chứng, ví dụ từ tài liệu công bố Cấu trúc tất luận gồm phần: giới thiệu, thân kết luận Cũng giống luận, cấu trúc báo cáo gồm phần: giới thiệu, thân kết luận Trước viết bạn cần phải có kế hoạch chi tiết Chiều dài phần giới thiệu khoảng 10-20 phần trăm chiều dài báo Phần giới thiệu cần xem lại phần thân kết thúc.Microsoft Office 37.7 Write a short summary of the text 156 UNIT 38 HOW TO WRITE A SUCCESSFUL SCIENTIFIC MANUSCRIPT A manuscript allows the researchers to share their original ideas and new discoveries with the scientific community as well as to the general population Researchers spend a significant amount of time and effort during the investigative stages conducting the required research before it is released into the public domain Specific language and format of scientific manuscripts must be adhered to communicate the results to the scientific community Organization Researchers need to organize the scientific manuscripts in a logical format, which fits specific criteria as determined by the scientific community Writing methodology has been standardized in journals The common components of a well-written manuscript are: a title, abstract, introductory paragraph, methods and materials section, and discussion of results, conclusion, and a list of references The structure of each component of a journal article should follow a logical sequence, which is accustomed to members of the science community Structural Contents Title or Heading Titles are important because audience first notices it when encountering your manuscript It introduces your reader to the subject matter you intend to discuss in the next thousands words A well-formatted title could encourage readers delving into your manuscript further Abstract Abstract is a brief summary of the methods taken to achieve your goals along with a short version of the results Some readers only read this part of the paper, therefore, it should be considered as an abbreviated version of your complete manuscript Introduction The introduction supplies background material indicating why the research performed is important along with the direction the research took It includes a brief discussion the technical aspects of the experimental approach utilized to reach the article’s stated conclusions A well-written introduction will encourage readers to delve further into the body of the paper Methodology and Materials 157 This part of the manuscript is mandatory Fellow researchers will glean from this section the methods and materials you utilized either to validate your work, reproduce it, and/or develop the concepts further You should present the statistical analysis and tests here Discussion of Results This is the core part of the manuscript All the results are presented here using tables and graphs, communicating the essence of the research and the outcomes they generate Then results should be interpretated, the implications of these findings, and potential future research to follow should be discussed Conclusions This is the endpoint in the manuscript You should write the conclusions in a concise manner utilizing words not numbers Only the information taken from the performed research is conveyed in this section References are not placed here It is imperative to interpret full and complete of your findings in this part Comparisons to similar work in your field may be discussed here References The preparation of reference section should follow the guidelines of each journal There exist several formats for reference creation Familiarize yourself with them The sequence of references listed should be in the order in which they appear in the research paper Production of a scientific manuscript is a necessity to introduce your research to a wide audience The complexity of the research and the results generated must be written in a manner that is clear and concise, follows the current journal formats, and is verifiable The guidelines embedded in this paper will help the researcher introduce your research to a wide audience Never write anything that cannot be justified by the performed research Your scientific manuscript will be a success with these simple rules in mind Exercises 38.1 Read and translate into Vietnamese Manuscript, endeavor, challenges, rewarding, fruition, community, conduct, domain, thorough, adhere, ethical, colleague, debate, reflect, embed, criteria, transmit, upfront, energize, accustom, crisp, encounter, everstate, dissuade, delve, glean, index, algorithms, amphasise, abbreviate, premise, amplify, aspect, rationale, reveal, clarity, mandatory, glean, validade, validity, protocol, suspicion, cast, detect, core, elaboration, ulitise, implication, ambiguous, controversy, convey, imperative, essential, misinterpretation, submission, authentication, familiarize, verifiable 158 38.2 Answer the following questions What is the purpose of writing a scientific manuscript? What are the characteristics of a scientific manuscript? What are the components of a well-written manuscript? How important is the title of a scientific manuscript? What does include in the abstract of a scientific manuscript? What should be presented in the methodology and material section of a scientific manuscript? 38.3 Translate the following sentences paying attention to the -ing forms On reheating, “melting” occurs and rubber increases in volume Reinforcing agents harden the rubber and make it more wear resistant Katz showed that ordinary, unstretched rubber has a disordered structure, resembling that of a liquid In an ideal rubber-like substance no energy is used in separating chains and in increasing their separation during stretching The highly coiled and folded condition of the rubber chains permits their being extended up to seven times their original length 38.4 Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese paying attention to the - ing forms Latex may be used for impregnating paper, leather, or cloth, the rubberized product being water proof The initial effect of the creaming agent is to cause a clustering of the rubber particles Clustering is influenced by the action of the creaming agent on this surface layer Soon after the addition of the creaming agent to the tank, a very deep cream layer is formed, which is built of clusters linked together, with water filling the space Articles are formed by dipping shapes in the latex, drying and vulcanizing in hot air The “drops” of rubber are suspended in water, when first obtained from the plant, the system resembling an emulsion 38.5 Translate into English Các nhà khoa học viết thảo khoa học để chia sẻ ý tưởng phát minh Để viết thảo hay cần đầu tư thời gian cố gắng nhiều 159 Một thảo khoa học bao gồm: tên, tóm tắt, giới thiệu, thực nghiệm nguyên liệu, kết thảo luận kết luận Phần giới thiệu viết hay khuyến khích độc giả tìm hiểu thêm nội dung thảo Mục kết thảo luận mục chích thảo Nó đưa kết thực nghiệm, giải thích thảo luận kết đó.10/2/2016 12:48 38.6 Write a short summary of the text 160 REFERENCES Bùi Thị Lệ Thủy, Giáo trình Anh văn chuyên ngành (dùng cho sinh viên ngành Lọc Hóa Dầu), Hà nội, Trường đại học Mỏ- Địa chất, 2003 Nguyễn Thị Hiền, Nguyễn Trọng Đàn Lê Thị Lan Chi, The laguage of chemistry, food and biology technology in English, Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội, 2009 https://library.leeds.ac.uk/info/14011/writing/106/academic_writing http://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/academicwriting 161 NHÀ XUẤT BẢN GIAO THÔNG VẬN TẢI 80B Trần Hưng Đạo - Hoàn Kiếm - Hà Nội Điện thoại: 024.39423346 * Fax: 024.38224784 Website: www.nxbgtvt.vn * Email: nxbgtvt@fpt.vn Chịu trách nhiệm xuất bản: Nguyễn Minh Nhật Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung: Nguyễn Hồng Kỳ Biên tập: Nguyễn Ngọc Sâm Đối tác liên kết xuất bản: Trường đại học Mỏ - Địa chất Địa chỉ: 18 Phố Viên, Bắc Từ Liêm, Hà Nội In 300 cuốn, khổ 20,5 x 29,5 cm Công ty TNHH Thương mại Dịch vụ Đức Hải Địa chỉ: 264 Nguyễn Trãi, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội Số xác nhận đăng ký xuất bản: 3960-2019/CXBIPH/1-159/GTVT Mã số sách tiêu chuẩn quốc tế - ISBN: 978-604-76-1983-2 Quyết định xuất số: 187 LK/QĐ-XBGT ngày10 tháng 10 năm 2019 In xong nộp lưu chiểu năm 2019 162

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