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Tài liệu bảo dưỡng Kawasaki 80zv 2 shop manual

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Tài liệu bảo dưỡng Kawasaki 80zv 2 shop manualTài liệu bảo dưỡng Kawasaki 80zv 2 shop manualTài liệu bảo dưỡng Kawasaki 80zv 2 shop manualTài liệu bảo dưỡng Kawasaki 80zv 2 shop manualTài liệu bảo dưỡng Kawasaki 80zv 2 shop manualTài liệu bảo dưỡng Kawasaki 80zv 2 shop manualTài liệu bảo dưỡng Kawasaki 80zv 2 shop manualTài liệu bảo dưỡng Kawasaki 80zv 2 shop manualTài liệu bảo dưỡng Kawasaki 80zv 2 shop manual

mE Kawasaki 93209-00441 August 2011 SHOP MANUAL WHEEL LOADER 8O0ZV-2 General Information Standard Measurement Performance Check Function & Structure Check & Adjustment Powered by CUMMINS Serial No 80C5-9001 QSC8.3 Engine and up Values for 93208-00501 August 2011 Foreword To ensure good machine performance, reduce failures or problems, and prolong the service life of each component, it is necessary to operate the machine as is directed in the Operator and Maintenance Manual To effectively diagnose and repair the machine, it is important to follow the guidelines laid out in this Shop Manual General Information Function and structure For the engine, refer to the engine Shop Manual provided by the engine manufacturer The purpose of this manual is to provide information on the product and the correct maintenance and repair methods Please read this manual to ensure correct troubleshooting and good repair service This manual will be periodically reviewed and revised for more satisfactory content If you have any opinion or requests, please inform us Safety Symbols An accident may occur if you disregard safety rules In this manual, several expressions are used according to levels of danger for inspection and repair work as shown below Read the work procedures and cautions described in this manual, and take preventive measures against possible problems before starting service work DANGER This danger symbol identifies special warnings or procedures which, if not strictly observed, will result in death or serious injury A WARNING This warning symbol identifies special warnings or procedures which, if not strictly observed, could result in death or serious injury Á CAUTION This caution symbol identifies special instructions or procedures which, if not strictly observed, in minor or moderate injury may result IMPORTANT This important symbol or procedures which, identifies special instructions if not correctly followed, may result in serious machine damage We cannot predict all possible accidents or incidents that may occur during service work Therefore, an accident that is not specifically mentioned in this manual may occur To protect yourself from all accidents, be careful when doing service work CONTENTS BOZV-2 General Informaiion .1112 1.111 - How †o Use Manual co n2 2t r C22020 00-1 002000 064 Hose band tightening torque ^ Liquid gasket and screw lock agent 00-17 .c.cccccsssccsssssesstsnessssssistsersesersnstssasssssnssnnasssssssisssssstsasasasneseeeeeesceee, 00-18 Cautions regarding welding repair service n1 11p rrEreerre 00-20 80ZV-2 Measurement for Performance Check Cautions on Safety .s.cccsoccccccrc Standard Measurement Values for Performance Check .s 80ZV-2 Function & Structure Chassis Group Front CHASSIS 222220222 SH He 111 e s02 021111122181 re nrrr tre COAO1A SG 12-2 7a1A ,, 12-2 Loading linkage pin cu 2n 2.,.01110 212211 teen Hee c.7.4.A Fuel tank (S/N 9001~9128) H212 1e 1e re Rear CHASSIS Fuel tank (S/N 9129~) Floor board moui[ há 022 set 2111112121121 ng ke re erererrerrrereeeeeec ơ.ơớ.ớớ.,ớ.a LOWer G©nfer pBỈn na c2 a 2t 1e 12-4 12-5 12-5 re Hreereeseee 12-6 Upper certer pÏn c2 re BC 12-1 te 12-7 12-8 12-8 HreHrarrsrseeee 12-8 g 12-9 80ZV-2 Check & Adjustment Chassis Group .cscscccccsssssessssssessssssesssssssssssassststisessssavec tsssesssssstiseesssssssueeseeseecce 13-1 Linkage Pin Center PIN oo œc-ưcưưc._ơ ẶẶẶẶ 111 bò) 20980 0n Installing bearing COV@T ch C110s83 00á)s09)).0uu nu HH HH HH 22-1 POWEr LINE ốốốốốốốốốốốốốốốố ố ốố cố ốốố ốốố 22-2 Engine / Transmission "6 22-3 000) =1 20 90001 á- c1 22111 22111424 13K 22-3 22-4 ng HH C6160 A2008 Tố RadiatOr mOUTIE cà HT HT TH TH “-4dđ4 s00 Radiator mOUTIE .- 2111111 K1 13-5 11111111 11 gi Z12)0-0Ä1 TH 13-4 HH HH KH TH HT TH HT vkc 13-4 AT“ 80ZV-2 Function & Structure Power GTOUD 13-4 HH Tàn ưưi TH HH HH tr re 22-5 he HH HH HH HH Propeller Shaft -Ặ SH HH HH HH HH 11111112111 22-6 re 22-7 2Ề1111111111271127112711117111217 HC HH HH HH H20 Hàn rhàp 22-8 ‘Second propeller shaft assembly cà HH HH HH HH TH HT HH HH HH Tiện 22-9 Third propeller shaft ASSCMDLY ccc ccc ố ố < 22-10 Axle ASSEMDIY ooo ceceeeessseseneeessereceeeereeeteessaeecatsseeenensaeceaessaesasscasusseseseesseeusaeceaeseeseaesaeeesseparecsesseasaeaseesseasees 22-11 S902 ốốốốốốốốốốốốố.ốằẶộỒộ Ắ aa Differential G@ar HH Torque (s23 02000 nh e0 TT HH 1k HH HH TH HH Hy ee UOố Measuring engine Oil PreSSUre Propeller Shaft 1111211112 1110111 11111 TT ÝÁÝÁÝ Limited Siip Differertial (Opfion)_ mu TH T1 ẽ ẮẮ.ồ Propeller Shaft phase n“ Axle nut tightening procedure: nadd Differential gear adjustment procedure 22-12 ườ 22-14 22-14 22-17 22-18 22-18 80ZV-2 Function & Structure Torque Converter and Transmission có ::‹- Torque Converter 32-1 Torque converter structure Power flow path Torque multiplication Torque Converter Gear Pump Gear pump specifications - Transmission Clutch combination Shift lever position Downshift button operation Gear train and number of te fh co nh n1 21112 Heo 32-5 Clutch specifications Clutch Pack Hydraulic System Diagram oo sccsssessesssssssesecsessecsnsssssssssisssussussssssecguesasissussnisstessessstsssssesstvesteeeseeeveesccees 32-14 Hydraulic Circuit Diagram c0 212101112121 .1 211 xe re Oil Flow 32-15 Clutch Solenoid Valve ooo e 32-27 For forward/reverse and speed CIULCHES 22.0 cccccccssesessesesssecsesesecsecseseceseeceessesseevacevacavavasvassesscateseesavars 32-27 20000) 000 13a354 TH tre 32-29 80ZV-2 Check & Adjustment Torque Converter and Transmission GroUp Q22 Hee 33-1 Clufch Oii PresSUre cu SH Measuring Clutch oil Dr@SSUT€ 12 1110111011111 111111111 1111 TT án HH HH 1121111142 HH H11 80ZV-2 Function & Structure Hydraulic GrOUD - sát TT TH cư 33-2 HH HH HH TH HH tàn 33-2 HT 121 8111112411112111 01T gen 42-1 Flushing HydrauliC CirUif s1 nề H1 9111111111.1111 1211111411211 TT TH TH TH TH TT T0 ng 42-2 Purpose of flUshing, - - 1212221212011 11411111113 01111 131 1c HH Cautions on Hydraulic Parts ReplaCementL Hydraulic Circuit SYMDOIS H210 2n H1 HH HH TH TH HH HH HH2 42-2 HH TH 42-3 ““ .ee Ả Hydraulic HIMOS ƯA PUMPS & MOOS HC TH HH ooo cece sseneeseeeaeeneseesseessessseesecoevsesaesaeseessssacsesaucssseessseesscsessucsuseucaesacsusssseaneseveceaeaase 2209 cố Operation Methods l6 S0 ốốốốốốốốốốốẽốố ốốố ốeốe^ s02) I9 sou ôn mẽ ố ốc ố ố.ố hố ằe ố ốốốốeẮe Directional control valve CHECK VEIVE .ố.ố.ố ƠỎ Miscellaneous hydraulÍC symmbOlS ccc ch HH2412412111111 81 HH HH HH HH ty Hydraulic System OperafÏOn HH 211 1111 c1 HH HH HH 42-7 HH 42-8 Hydraulic system operafion oufline Set cv 22111221 12 11H11 HH TH HH Hưun 42-8 Layout of Hydraulic Unif8 TL 2221211111 HH HT HH HH H141 01 ty 42-10 Hydraulic Tank 42-11 TT“ ốằằ Hydraulic tank specificatiOns - e1 ke 42-11 Hydraulic oil level check -sàn SH HH He 42-11 Hydraulic Tank (S/N 9001~9250) 42-12 Hydraulic Tank (S/N 9251~) Hydraulic Pump 42-14 c.c: 42-16 Hydraulic pump Specifications An" - ố 42-16 Hydraulic pump prinCÏDÏ© - - -c c1 L1 2112111031612 111 TH tk Hà HT 11 HT Hydraulic pump Wear Plate oo Hydraulic pump bushing lUubriCatiOn HC TH TT kg 42-17 .ẻ.ẻ 42-18 HH HH HH HH1 HH HH HH Ha 42-18 Hydraulic Cylinder cv 2222101 22110115 1011116 xererre Đoom CyÏ nder cv Bucket ©ylinider ch 1H 011111211 Tá 42-19 110101222 01121111121 reree se re 42-19 42-19 Steering CylÏnder 1t 2v v22 121221 T1 H211 112112212 -:eerrreeree -cc 42-20 Hydraulic cvlinder specifications Loading System ác LH 1012 21 s 42-21 c2 42-22 2121 11 Reducing Valve (for Pilot Pressur©) 1111 n1 s1 Pilot Valve (S/N 9001~9208)., c1 Pilot valve funcfion c2 Hee 1112110112221 2e 1211112 1211121 re reerreeesee 42-24 tren Pilot valve operation (modulated position) 11122111811 1E Hee -sccH Pre-detent and detent magnet solenoid 42-23 42-27 42-27 Pilot Valve (S/N 9206~) Multiple Control Valve (KML28/2T102) testes Muitiple control valve specifications Multiple control valve main relief valve Multiple control valve overload relief valve (with make-up FUNCTION) oo scscessescsesceeseessecscessesseessssosseseseesee 42-38 Multiple control valve make-up VaIVE oo seecsessccssssescsssssssscsnsssavsssssecuasesanstesressesteateaterssevestcevessesceeseeceees 42-40 Multiple control valve buckef spo l -c:Multiple control valve DOOM §pOoI Adapter (OrifiCe) HH, Ride Control (OPT) 42-41 7:1 2222x222 E12 211 11211112112 10 EEerererrr eo 42-43 11212121 1111 xe 42-46 ccccescesssssssessessessesetssssseesssseesssssessssssussuessssesasssssusassnesesasesussusssssresseatsaveressesuscevscesensetseveeses 42-47 Ride control hydraulic Circuit cesseseessesssseesesseessssesecscaucsessessssessusenssssstesessetsusavessuusatasessussrcssesssseseeseees 42-47 Ride Control FUMCHION oo cececessesssestecesseestssessessnessssssseessseesssussscsvesessssusssesussussutsussussstiarsutestscersseseveescerseees 42-47 Ride control operafÏOn Ride control valve ASSOMDLY tt 2222121121211 1121 TH x1 treo 42-48 o cescesesesssessessessessecscssesesscavssusessasssesecsrsarssssasssseareseasesesscsesseteseareeesseseseesees 42-50 -00000004 42-53 K9 2060520 Accumulator (for ride confrol) Steering System 2s 22t 2222212711211 112.EEErrerrere c2 22t 222112121121 1211011211111 Eereererrsaec 42-55 OrbitrolP specification ¿22t Orbitrof® operation 22112222210 T2 10 vu 221 222112211110 t.seerereeree TH H10 re 42-58 eeerreeerreerrree 42-59 Orbitrol® feed-back mechanism operation LH H210 1222121 eeeeercee 42-61 Steering speed and flOW raf€ COI FOl .- Hydraulic pump oil amount and st©e©rÏng ÍOrCe Orbit rotor operation prirtclpble c tt c c1 Steering Valve (KVS25-A3.0/20) HH Steering valve operafiOn 22 3211301 13 12121111151 111111111111 01 TT 110511111211 van crưy 42-62 22111111111 T11 T111 1111 111121211111111 11 H211 HH HH1 H112 101116 1g, 42-62 1x11 HH c1 ky 42-63 HH rớc 42-64 c1 v22 2121112112121 11c 1111101111111 Steering plunger variable thrOtle Steering valve flow control plunger cvay 42-66 St n1 111011121112 2111110111111 HH HH1 51 156 xEy 42-68 — Steering valve main relief VaÏV© L2 1v 1v n2 1121111221111 01T 11g 42-69 rsyg 42-70 Steering valve overload relief ValV@ TL 2.12 221216111212 2110111 1111111111116 42-72 Steering pilot circuit and its operafiOn cuc t2 v22 222111211 nh 1111112111 0g gu 42-74 Stop Valve Siop valVe ÍUncfiOn SH T1 0111110111112 T1 HH TT TH H15 TH HH Stop valve operation Reducing Valve (for OrbitrolŸ) ccccec — 42-78 6C 00:0 âu - E60 ốốốốố MS 6200/sá2021 M9200/20101552 42-79 42-80 -âooo -'"đ'đ 3đ'ÊÊđ5đ5-''.5 42-80 U00 Hydraulic line - TH E21 t1 42-81 2211 E2 0012222150210 xe 42-82 Solenoid valve assermbly (1/2) 2n t H121 1211121211101 .t 111111 gu T H118 1121 ke 42-83 Solenoid valve assembly (2/2) nL t ST n1 12111111111 121110111 11 1c Efficient Loading Sys†em ch HH HH1 T1, 21111111112 110111011 111111 11 TH 1T H1 1k HH 3/09150816-90e09)/3/208e0iu An" Mounting of the ELS valVe án Mounting of the variable kicKOU† S@nSOF 0900806 0iis0) E066 000A" 20Noo ri 111012111111 11111 TT St 1v 121112112121 5111T1 11 111101111111 11T y 42-85 42-85 HH HH thg 42-86 HH ưyn 42-87 42-88 42-89 Mounting 2Ä

Ngày đăng: 03/10/2023, 06:31

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