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báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học General Psychiatry Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về y học được đăng trên tạp chí y học General Psychiatry Available online http:arthritisresearch.comcontent62R169 Open Access Research article Ovariectomized rats as a model of postmenopausal osteoarthritis: validation and application Pernille HøeghAndersen1, László B Tankó2, Thomas L Andersen1, Carina V Lundberg1, John A Mo1, AnneMarie Heegaard1, JeanMarie Delaissé1 and Stephan Christgau1 1Nordic Bioscience AS, Herlev Hovedgade 207, 2730 Herlev, Denmark 2Center for Clinical and Basic Research, Ballerup Byvej 222, 2750 Ballerup, Denmark Corresponding author: Pernille HøeghAndersen (email: phaNordicBioscience.com) Received: 17 Oct 2003 Revisions requested: 31 Oct 2003 Revisions received: 14 Jan 2004 Accepted: 21 Jan 2004 Published: 19 Feb 2004 Arthritis Res Ther 2004, 6:R169R180 (DOI 10.1186ar1152) © 2004 HøeghAndersen et al., licensee BioMed Central Ltd (Print ISSN 14786354; Online ISSN 14786362). This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the articles original URL. Abstract We aimed to assess the effect of ovariectomy on cartilage (P = 0.008). Ovariectomy also significant increased CTXI turnover and degradation, to evaluate whether ovariectomized and CTXII. Both the absolute levels of CTXII and the relative (OVX) rats could form an experimental model of changes from baseline seen at week 4 correlated strongly postmenopausal osteoarthritis. The effect of ovariectomy on with the severity of cartilage surface erosion at termination cartilage was studied using two cohorts of female (r = 0.74, P < 0.01). Both estrogen and the selective Sprague–Dawley rats, aged 5 and 7 months. In a third cohort, estrogen receptor modulator inhibited the ovariectomy the effect of exogenous estrogen and a selective estrogen induced acceleration of cartilage and bone turnover and receptor modulator was analyzed. Knee joints were assessed significantly suppressed cartilage degradation and erosion by histological analysis of the articular cartilage after 9 weeks. seen in vehicletreated OVX rats. The study indicates that Cartilage turnover was measured in urine by an immunoassay estrogen deficiency accelerates cartilage turnover and specific for collagen type II degradation products (CTXII), increases cartilage surface erosion. OVX rats provide a useful and bone resorption was quantified in serum using an assay experimental model for the evaluation of the for bone collagen type I fragments (CTXI). Surface erosion in chondroprotective effects of estrogens and estrogenlike the cartilage of the knee was more severe in OVX rats than in substances and the model may be an in vivo representation shamoperated animals, particularly in the 7monthold cohort of osteoarthritis in postmenopausal women. Keywords: estrogen, osteoarthritis, ovariectomy, selective estrogen receptor modulator Introduction typically, more than 9 to 12 months is required for signifi Osteoarthritis (OA) is a major cause of functional impair cant cartilage erosion to occur 2. Consequently, these ment and disability among the elderly 1, yet current ther spontaneous models are cumbersome and timeconsum apies predominantly target symptoms rather than ing to use in arthritis research and drug development. providing prevention or curative treatment. Animal models Transgenic mice models have been of great help in clarify of OA have been used extensively for studying the patho ing the role of numerous pathogenic factors (matrix metal loproteinases, transforming growth factor β, nitric oxide) in genesis of cartilage degradation as well as the efficacy of potential therapeutic interventions 2. However, most of the development of OA, yet these models may not be the currently available models only approximate the mech applicable for studies testing the therapeutic potentials of anisms underlying the human disease. Although several chondroprotective agents 3,4. Surgically induced joint animal species – such as mice, Syrian hamsters, guinea damage has also been used extensively as a model of OA, pigs, and nonhuman primates – can develop spontaneous though this condition more nearly approximates a trau OA, the development of disease in these models is slow; matic form of OA than it does the natural, spontaneously CTXI = collagen type I fragments; CTXII = collagen type II degradation products; ELISA = enzymelinked immunosorbent assay; OA = osteoarthri tis; OVX = ovariectomized; SD = standard deviation; SEM = standard error of the mean; SERM = selective estrogen receptor modulator. R169 Arthritis Research Therapy Vol 6 No 2 HøeghAndersen et al. evolving form 5. Thus, there is an apparent need for an rats sampled at 1, 2, 3, 6.5, and 9.5 months of age. Urine OA model that directly mimics a human form of the samples were obtained as spot samples by placing the disease and at the same time provides a convenient rats in a metabolic cage for 30 to 60 min and waiting for methodological tool for preclinical investigations. them to urinate. Development of such a generally applicable and conve Study of the effect of ovariectomy in OVX rats nient animal model of OA is complicated by the fact that For these studies, two cohorts of 20 virgin female our current understanding of the pathophysiology of the Sprague–Dawley rats were used. At the start of the study human disease is incomplete. However, one factor they were either 5 months old (cohort A) or 7 months old thought to affect the regulation of cartilage turnover is (cohort B). At this baseline, body weight was determined estrogen. The putative role of estrogens is corroborated and the animals were randomly stratified into two groups to by the fact that the prevalence of OA is higher in post undergo either bilateral ovariectomy using a dorsal menopausal women than in men 6–8. Furthermore, the approach or a standard sham operation under general anes thesia induced by HypnormDormicum (1 part Hypnorm® + recent finding that ovariectomized (OVX) cynomolgus 1 part Dormicum® + 2 parts sterile deionized water; dose monkeys show OAlike pathological changes within articu lar joints 9, as well as the chondroprotective effects of 0.2 ml100 g body weight). During the 9 weeks of follow hormone replacement therapy proposed by some epidemi up, body weight was determined weekly; urine samples ological observations 10,11, also argues for the involve were obtained at baseline and weeks 2, 4, 6, and 9 after ment of estrogen deficiency in female OA. ovariectomy. At study termination, the knees were isolated and kept in 4% formaldehyde until further quantification of The present study was designed to evaluate the role of surface erosion in the articular cartilage by histological estrogen in regulating cartilage turnover, by investigating measurements as outlined below. the effects of ovariectomy on cartilage. Histological analy sis of the knee joint was used to assess the pathological Study of the effect of exogenous estrogen and SERM changes of the articular cartilage erosions. Furthermore, For this purpose, a cohort of 60 5monthold virgin female the effects of cessation of endogenous estrogen produc Sprague–Dawley rats was included. At baseline, body tion on bone and cartilage turnover were assessed using weight was determined and the animals were randomly biochemical markers of collagen type I and II degradation stratified into five groups with 12 rats in each group. One (CTXI and CTXII). An additional aim was to clarify group was subjected to sham operation and the remaining whether OVX rats could provide a useful model of post four groups were ovariectomized as described above. The menopausal OA for future preclinical studies assessing four equal groups received treatment either with the the chondroprotective effects of exogenously adminis vehicle (50% Propylene Glycol Unikem, Copenhagen, Denmark, 0.075 M NaCl), or with 17αethinylestradiol tered estrogens and estrogenlike substances such as selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs). (E4876, Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA) (0.1 mgkg per day), or with the SERM (–)cis3,47hydroxy3phenyl4(4(2 Materials and methods pyrrolidinoethoxy)phenyl)chromane 12 given as an oral suspension in the vehicle from day 1 by gavage 5 days a Animals and study design Sprague–Dawley rats (Crl:CD®(SD)IGS.BR) obtained week for 9 weeks, in either a low or a high dose (0.2 or from Charles River Laboratories, Kisslegg, Germany, were 5 mgkg per day, respectively). Animals were weighed and used. Experiments were approved by the Experimental sampled for spot urine and serum at regular intervals. At Animal Committee, Danish Ministry of Justice (Slotsholms study termination, knee joints were prepared for histology gade 10, DK1216, Denmark) (approval number as described below. 2002561566) and were done in accordance with the European Standard for Good Clinical Practice. The Materials and buffers animals were maintained at the Animal Research Facilities All chemicals were analytical grade and purchased from at Nordic Bioscience for 1 month before the start of exper either Sigma or Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Peptides, iments. They were housed, two per cage, in a room main from Chimex Ltd (St Petersburg, Russia), were > 95% tained at 20°C with a 12hour12hour lightdark cycle pure. Cellculture reagents were obtained from Life Tech and given food (Altromin 1234, Lage, Germany) and nologies, UK. The buffers used in the immunoassays have Milli Q water (Millipore, Glostrup, Denmark) ad libitum. been described elsewhere 13; P Qvist and colleagues, unpublished. Study of agerelated changes in cartilage turnover in rats Histology To assess agerelated changes in cartilage turnover, we After careful dissection, the knees were decalcified for 3 measured the creatininecorrected excretion of CTXII (for to 4 weeks in 10% formic acid, 2% formaldehyde. The details see below) in the urine of six male and six female decalcified knee joints were cleaved along the medial col R170 Available online http:arthritisresearch.comcontent62R169 lateral ligament into two sections and embedded in paraf verify performance, and samples were remeasured if the fin. Coronal sections were then cut at three different coefficients of variation exceeded 15% or if any of the depths (0, 250, and 500 µm) from the medial collateral lig control samples measured more than 20% off the prede ament. Each section was stained in Toluidine blue and the termined value. section that comprised the most loadbearing region were used for measurements. The histological sections were CartiLaps ELISA to assess cartilage turnover assessed by a blinded observer. Monoclonal antibody mAbF46 specific for collagen type II Ctelopeptide fragments (CTXII) was used in a competi In a preliminary study, we evaluated apparent histological tive ELISA format developed for measurement of CTXII in features as well as applicable assessment methods for urine samples (CartiLaps ELISA, Nordic Bioscience Diag quantifying pathological changes in the knee joints. The nostics AS) 13. The assay was performed by first incu previously described Mankin and Colombo score systems bating biotinylated collagen type II Ctelopeptidederived are used in analyzing known OA models such as the peptide (EKGPDP) on a streptavidine microtiter plate, and guinea pig, and may not fulfil the criteria for a reliable then the sample as well as the primary antibody were scoring system in this OVX rat model 14. In the prelimi added. After overnight incubation, the plates were washed nary study, we analyzed OVX and shamoperated rats by and a peroxidaselabeled secondary antibody was added, the Colombo method and found that erosion was the followed by a chromogenic peroxidase substrate. The con centrations of CTXII (µgl) were standardized to the total feature most readily influenced by the ovariectomy in the OVX rats in comparison with the shamoperated rats. In urine creatinine (mmoll) (JAFFA method; HoffmannLa order to simplify evaluation protocols and increase the Roche, Basel, Switzerland) giving concentrationcreati nine (µgmmol). The precision of the assay was 7.1% and robustness of the scoring system, we found it more repro ducible to concentrate evaluation on surface erosion as 8.4% for intraassay and interassay variations, respec the main feature of cartilage damage. Exact numerical tively. Assay performance and quality assurance were values were obtained by measuring the length of the treated as described above for the CTXI assay. erosion surface and dividing it by the total cartilage surface. This approach enabled us to quantify erosion in Statistical analysis exact numerical values instead of scores relying on the Means and SDs were calculated using parametric statis observer. Furthermore, it relates to a feature that is directly tics. Differences between groups were assessed with the relevant to development of OA lesions. We therefore Mann–Whitney Utest for unpaired observations. The decided to keep the analysis simple and focus on surface association between the biomarkers and the histology erosion. data was calculated using Spearman’s rank correlation. Results RatLaps ELISA to assess bone resorption The RatLaps ELISA (Nordic Bioscience Diagnostics AS, Agerelated changes in cartilage turnover Herlev, Denmark) measures collagen type I Ctelopeptide Cartilage turnover occurs predominantly in the articular degradation products (CTXI) using a specific monoclonal cartilage and in the ectopic growth plate during skeletal antibody in a competitive ELISA form P Qvist and col growth. We first wanted to assess cartilage turnover levels leagues, unpublished. The assay is applicable for mea in normal Sprague–Dawley rats, to identify the age at surement of both urine and serum samples, but only serum which the turnover stabilizes. samples were assessed in this study. All serum samples measured in the assay were from animals that had been Normal levels of collagen type II turnover were assessed in fasting for at least 6 hours prior to the sampling. Briefly, Sprague–Dawley rats by obtaining samples from six male the assay is performed by incubating a biotinylated form of and six female rats, each tested at 1, 2, 3, 6.5, and a synthetic peptide representing the Ctelopeptide 9.5 months of age. Creatininecorrected urinary CTXII epitope EKSQDGGR. This is followed by addition of levels are shown in Fig. 1. This marker decreased substan sample and primary antibody and after overnight incuba tially over the investigated age range in both sexes. This tion the amount of bound antibody is made visible using a decline was most pronounced in animals younger than peroxidaselabeled secondary antibody and a chro 3 months of age, implying that older animals should be mogenic peroxidase substrate. The concentrations in the used in studies of articular cartilage turnover to minimize samples were determined from the construction of a cali contribution from the growth plate. bration curve based on the measurement of synthetic peptide standards. Intraassay and interassay variations Baseline characteristics and changes in body and were 6.9% and 10.4%, respectively. All samples were uterus weight measured in duplicate and samples from the same animal Two cohorts each comprising 20 female Sprague–Dawley were included on the same microtiter plate. Three genuine rats were used to assess the effect of ovariectomy on car control samples were included on each microtiter plate to tilage turnover and erosion. The animals were aged R171 Arthritis Research Therapy Vol 6 No 2 HøeghAndersen et al. 5 months (cohort A) or 7 months (cohort B) at the start of Figure 1 the study. Two animals in cohort A and three in cohort B died at the start of the study because of hypersensitivity to general anesthesia or extensive hematoma that occurred during blood sampling. The baseline characteristics of the rats included in the study are shown in Table 1. Ovariectomy induced significant weight gain in the animals, reaching 27% and 17% in the 5 and 7month old cohorts, respectively, after 9 weeks (Table 1). The cor responding changes in the shamoperated groups were 10% and 6%, respectively. At study termination, the wet weight of the uterus was measured. Ovariectomy induced significant regression of the uterus in both cohorts, com pared with agematched shamoperated animals (Table 1). Sixty 5monthold rats were used to study the effect of Normal levels of CTXII (collagen type II fragments; µgmmol, estrogen and SERM administration (cohort C; Table 2). creatininecorrected) in six male and six female Sprague–Dawley rats. Error bars indicate SEM. Two animals from the shamoperated group and one each from the estrogen and lowdose SERM groups died during surgery at the start of the study. At baseline, there were no significant differences in body weight (Table 2) or Colombo are used for analyzing guinea pigs, which have a in levels of CTXI and CTXII in the five study groups (data different pathology and histological appearance 14. They not shown). At study termination, after 9 weeks of treat did not appear to fulfill the criteria for a reliable scoring ment, uterus weights in the SERMtreated groups were system in this rodent model. We scored 12 rats (6 OVX, slightly higher than in the vehicletreated group. The sham 6 shamoperated) according to Mankin and Colombo’s cri operated and estrogentreated groups had significantly teria by assessing the cartilage surface (loss of superior higher uterus weights, which is in accord with the layer, fibrillation, and erosion), the cartilage matrix (territor uterotropic effects of estrogen, and the uterus weights in ial loss, interterritorial loss, and vascularization), and the the estrogen group were lower than in the shamoperated chondrocytes (loss, disorganization, and clones). All nine group (Table 2). Body weights were significantly parameters were higher in the OVX rats than in the sham decreased in the OVX estrogentreated and OVX high operated rats, but erosion, especially, was increased more dose SERMtreated rats at the end of the experiment in than threefold (data not shown). In order to simplify the comparison with the OVX vehicletreated rats (Table 2). evaluation procedure and increase the robustness of the scoring system, we found it more reproducible to assess the most prominent feature of the disease, surface Cartilage erosion In a preliminary study, we evaluated histological assess erosion. This approach also results in a numerical value for ment methods to find out which were best suited to the surface erosion, expressed as a percentage of the assess articular cartilage damage in ovariectomy. The pre total cartilage surface, instead of scores determined sub viously described scoring systems by Mankin and jectively by the observer. Table 1 Weight change after 9 weeks of treatment in female Sprague–Dawley rats (cohorts A and B) assessed in the studies of the effects of ovariectomy on cartilage Weight (g) Cohort Treatment Age at start (months) n Of body at start Of body at end Of uterus at end 370 ± 28 0.05 ± 0.02 A OVX 5 10 292 ± 20 Shama 5 8 295 ± 28 324 ± 34 0.23 ± 0.03 384 ± 24 0.25 ± 0.20 B OVX 7 9 327 ± 28 Shama 7 8 324 ± 29 342 ± 40 0.80 ± 0.45 Values are means ± SD. Difference between OVX and shamoperated rats were assessed using the nonparametric MannWhitney U test: aShamoperated. P < 0.01, P < 0.001. OVX, ovariectomized. R172 Available online http:arthritisresearch.comcontent62R169 Table 2 Weight changes after 9 weeks of treatment in female Sprague–Dawley rats (cohort C) assessed in the study of the effect of exogenous estrogen and SERM in ovariectomy Weight (g) Treatment n Of body at start Of body at end Of uterus at end OVX, vehiclea 12 269 ± 26 320 ± 31 0.13 ± 0.04 OVX, estrogen 11 273 ± 27 296 ± 26 0.44 ± 0.14 OVX, lowb SERM 11 269 ± 26 319 ± 33 0.18 ± 0.05 highc OVX, SERM 12 268 ± 23 287 ± 24 0.19 ± 0.03 vehiclea Sham operation, 10 276 ± 26 303 ± 29 0.66 ± 0.10 Values are means ± SD. aVehicle (50% propylene glycol, 0.075 M NaCl); bLow dose (0.2 mgkg per day); cHigh dose (5 mgkg per day). Difference from the OVX group treated with vehicle only, assessed using the nonparametric MannWhitney U test: P < 0.05, P < 0.01, P < 0.001. OVX, ovariectomized; SERM, selective estrogen receptor modulator (()cis3,47hydroxy3phenyl4(4(2pyrrolidinoethoxy)phenyl)chromane). Figure 2 Figure 3 Sections from the knees of 7monthold rats subjected to ovariectomy, stained with Toluidine blue, showing the distal femur and proximal tibia (a,b) with the meniscus (M) to the left (a). The surface erosion is indicated by the long, thin black bar (b). Scale bars: 200 µm. Knee joints were excised after termination of the experi ments and analyzed histologically by looking at Toluidine bluestained coronal cross sections showing the femoral and tibial condyles (Fig. 2a). The surface erosion (Fig. 2b) Knee sections, stained with Toluidine blue, showing effects of sham operation (a,c) or ovariectomy (b,d) in 7monthold rats. In (c) and (d), was measured as the percentage of the total articular car the structure of the collagen fibers is visualized by polarized light. The tilage surface. Fig. 3 shows the Toluidine blue staining of shamoperated rat (a,c) shows a healthy articular cartilage surface, the articular cartilage in 7monthold rats subjected to whereas the ovariectomized rat (b,d) shows surface erosion (b, framed either sham operation (Fig. 3a,c) or ovariectomy area) and alterations in the structure of the collagen fibers (d, framed area). Scale bars: 200 µm. (Fig. 3.b,d). The measured surface erosion is indicated by the frame (Fig. 3b), and below is the same section shown through a Polaroid filter (Fig. 3d), which indicates alter ations in the structure of the collagen fibers compared indicated significantly more severe surface erosion in the with the intact cartilage surface (Fig. 3a) and collagen OVX group than in the shamoperated group (P = 0.008) structure (Fig. 3c) of the shamoperated rat. OVX groups (Fig. 4). of all cohorts showed increased surface erosion in the medial tibia, medial femur, and lateral femur compared When cartilage surface erosion was assessed in vehicle with the shamoperated groups. The effect of ovariectomy treated 5monthold OVX rats from the intervention study on surface erosion was more pronounced in the 7month (cohort C), similar results were obtained (Fig. 5). The most old rats, particularly in the lateral femur, where differences severe surface erosion of the articular cartilage was seen in comparison with the shamoperated rats reached statis in the medial and lateral femur, but the total measure was tical significance (P = 0.009) (Fig. 4). In 7monthold also significantly higher in these vehicletreated OVX animals, the total measure describing the severity of carti animals than in the shamoperated group (P = 0.012). lage surface erosion over the four areas of interest also Estrogentreated OVX animals displayed surface erosions R173 Arthritis Research Therapy Vol 6 No 2 HøeghAndersen et al. Figure 4 Cartilage surface erosion in four condyles in 5monthold (a) and 7monthold (b) female rats maintained for 9 weeks after ovariectomy or a sham operation. The erosion (expressed as percentage of total cartilage surface) is presented as mean erosion + SEM for the two groups (OVX and sham operated). Mean scores are represented for each of the four condyles — medial tibia (Medial T), medial femur (Medial F), lateral tibia (Lateral T), and lateral femur (Lateral F) — and for all four taken as a group (Total). P values indicate difference between ovariectomized (OVX) and shamoperated rats assessed using the nonparametric Mann–Whitney U test. similar in severity to those in the shamoperated group. Figure 5 Hence, surface erosion measurements for the medial and lateral femur, medial tibia, and total knee joint of the estro gentreated group were significantly lower than for the vehicletreated OVX group. The two groups of SERM treated animals also showed less severe surface erosion. The highdose SERM group showed a similar incidence of cartilage erosion to that seen in estrogentreated rats. In addition, the severity measurements were significantly lower than in the medial and lateral femur, lateral tibia, and total knee joint of the vehicletreated group (Fig. 5). The group treated with low doses of the SERM showed reduced surface erosion, but the effect was not as pro Severity of cartilage surface erosion in kneejoint cartilage of 5month nounced as in the highdose group. Only the measure old ovariectomized (OVX) rats treated with the vehicle alone (OVX vehicle), with estrogen (OVX estrogen), or with the selective estrogen ment for the medial femur of the lowdose SERM group receptor modulator (SERM) ()cis3,4diarylhydroxychromane, given in was significantly lower than that in the vehicletreated either a low dose (0.2 mgkg per day; OVX SERM low) or a high dose OVX group (P = 0.018). (5 mgkg per day; OVX SERM high). Means for vehicletreated sham operated rats are also included (Sham). The erosion is expressed as percentage of total cartilage surface. The left side of the graph shows Bone and cartilage turnover the accumulated total mean score for all four joint compartments Bone and cartilage turnover were quantified in all rats by (medial and lateral femur and tibia) and the right side, for the medial measurement in serum of CTXI and urinary measurement femur only. Error bars indicate SEM. The significance of differences of CTXII, reflecting bone and cartilage turnover, respec between treatment groups and the OVX vehicle group was assessed using Student’s ttest. P < 0.05, P < 0.01, P < 0.001. tively. The 5monthold cohorts had higher levels of both markers. For CTXI, the baseline levels were 49.2 ± 13.9 ngml and 26.9 ± 14.7 ngml in the 5 and 7monthold rats, respectively (mean ± SD). For CTXII, the The low dose of the SERM showed intermediate effects corresponding baseline values were 2.25 ± 0.83 and on CTXII levels. 0.85 ± 0.42 µgmmol. The effect of ovariectomy on bone resorption was clearly In line with the histological findings, ovariectomy induced reflected by the elevation in serum CTXI concentration significantly increased CTXII levels in all cohorts (Figs 6 (Figs 6 and 7). The OVX rats treated with estrogen had and 7). The increase in CTXII was most pronounced at CTXI levels similar to those in the shamoperated group week 4 after ovariectomy, showing a decreasing tendency (Fig. 7). However, even the highest dose of the SERM thereafter. Nine weeks after ovariectomy, there was no sig compound was not able to suppress bone resorption to nificant difference between CTXII levels in the OVX and the same extent as estrogen, indicated by the less pro shamoperated groups. The OVX rats treated with estro nounced decrease in the CTXI marker. The animals gen and the highest dose of SERM presented CTXII treated with a low dose of SERM showed even less pro levels similar to those in the shamoperated group (Fig. 7). nounced effects on CTXI levels. R174 Available online http:arthritisresearch.comcontent62R169 Figure 6 Cartilage and bone turnover in the ovariectomized (OVX) and shamtreated (SHAM) rats. Cartilage turnover was assessed using collagen type II fragments (CTXII) as a marker (a,b), and bone resorption was determined by measurement of collagen type I fragments (CTXI) (c,d). Measurements, made at the weekly intervals shown, are from rats that were (a,c) 5 months old and (b,d) 7 months old at the beginning of the study. Data are presented as average percentage of individual baseline, with error bars representing SEM. The association between bone and cartilage turnover severity of cartilage surface erosion in these two studies. markers CTXI and CTXII was assessed in baseline In cohort A, comprising 18 5monthold rats, there was a samples from the three study cohorts. The correlation correlation between CTXII change and surface erosion, coefficients (Spearman’s rho) were between –0.04 and but it did not reach statistical significance. When the four –0.30 (P > 0.05), indicating that at baseline there was no compartments of the knee were considered individually, prominent association between bone and cartilage the highest correlations were observed for the medial turnover in the rats (data not shown). femur (in which the highest surface erosion was seen), where significant correlation with both absolute levels and changes in CTXII was found in all study cohorts (Table 3). Correlation between biomarkers and histology The correlation between the severity of cartilage damage Significant correlations were also found for the lateral and CTXII or CTXI was calculated for each study cohort femur. (Table 3). CTXI levels did show significant correlation with the surface erosion in cohorts A and B (Table 3), in Figure 8 depicts the association between cartilage surface accord with the specificity of this marker for bone resorp erosion and changes in CTXII observed in cohort C. All tion. In cohort C, however, there was a correlation rats from this cohort were stratified in quartiles according between changes in CTXI levels during the first 4 weeks to the magnitude of change in CTXII levels, and the of treatment and subsequent erosion at termination, after average surface erosion in each quartile was calculated. 9 weeks of treatment (Table 3). This may be due to the Rats in the highest quartile (showing the largest increases similarities in dynamics of the responses seen with the in CTXII levels) included 11 of the 12 rats from the CTXI and CTXII marker in this intervention study (Fig. 7). vehicletreated OVX group, and these animals showed significantly more surface erosion than rats in the lower Significant correlations were found between 4week quartiles. Correspondingly lowest surface erosion was changes in CTXII levels and final measurements of carti seen among the animals of the lowest quartile of CTXII lage surface erosion (total knee) in study cohorts B and C change. The differences between the quartiles were highly (r = 0.74 and 0.50 respectively). Also, the absolute levels significant as assessed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) of CTXII at week 4 were significantly correlated with the (P = 0.001). R175 Arthritis Research Therapy Vol 6 No 2 HøeghAndersen et al. Figure 7 Bone and cartilage turnover in 5monthold ovariectomized (OVX) rats treated with vehicle alone (OVX vehicle), estrogen (OVX estrogen), or the selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) ()cis3,4diarylhydroxychromane, given in either a low dose (0.2 mgkg per day; OVX SERM low) or a high dose (5 mgkg per day; OVX SERM high). Values for vehicletreated shamoperated rats (Sham) are also included. Bone resorption was determined by measurement of collagen type I fragments (CTXI) (a), and cartilage turnover was assessed using collagen type II fragments (CTXII) as a marker (b). Measurements were made at the weekly intervals shown, starting when the rats were 5 months old. The significance of differences between groups was assessed by nonparametric analysis of variance (ANOVA). P < 0.05, P < 0.01, P < 0.001. Table 3 Correlations between histologically assessed cartilage erosion scores and markers of bone (CTXI) and cartilage (CTXII) turnover in the knees of female Sprague–Dawley rats Changes in CTXI Changes in CTXII Age at start From From Cohorta (treatment) (months) weeks 0–4 At week 4 weeks 0–4 At week 4 A (OVX or shamb) (n = 18) 5 Cartilage erosion: Total 0.10 0.15 0.50 0.27 Medial femur 0.47 –0.02 0.64 0.51 B (OVX or shamb) (n = 17) 7 Cartilage erosion: Total 0.24 0.25 0.74 0.54 Medial femur 0.24 0.41 0.70 0.63 C (OVX + intervention or shamb) (n = 56) 5 Cartilage erosion: Total 0.40 0.34 0.50 0.43 Medial femur 0.35 0.33 0.37 0.45 Values are Spearman’s rho. aCohorts: A, see Table 1; B, see Table 1; C, intervention with either estrogen or SERM – see Table 2. bSham operation. P < 0.05, P < 0.01, P < 0.001. CTXI, collagen type I fragments; CTXII, collagen type II fragments. Discussion Body weight did not correlate with the severity of cartilage surface erosion. The correlations (r) between terminal Estrogen receptors are found in a wide range of cell types body weight and articular cartilage erosion were r = 0.20, in the body, explaining the pleiotropic effects of this 0.21, and 0.22 (P > 0.05) for cohorts A, B and C respec hormone 15. The effect of estrogen on several estrogen tively, indicating that less than 5% of the apparent surface responsive tissues such as endometrium, bone, and erosion in the OVX group can be attributed to the effects breasts has been extensively studied. In the present study, of an increased body weight (data not shown). cartilage turnover and morphology were assessed in R176 Available online http:arthritisresearch.comcontent62R169 In OVX rats from all three cohorts, an increase in the Figure 8 degree of cartilage erosion of the hind knee joints was observed at termination of the study, after 9 weeks of treatment. The OVX rats had a significantly higher inci dence of cartilage surface erosion in the medial tibia and lateral femur than the shamoperated rats. This tendency was also found in the medial femur, but the lateral tibia showed no difference between OVX and shamoperated animals in any of the assessed cohorts. The rats of cohorts B and C showed a more pronounced erosive change to ovariectomy. However, the changes were most pronounced in the femoral condyles in all experiments, suggesting that the relative responses of the different regions of the knee joint are similar at these two ages. The pathological changes observed in the OVX rats were of a similar nature to the very early changes observed in Association between cartilage surface erosion (score for total knee) human OA, where mild erosion and loss of proteglycans and collagen type II degradation products (CTXII). Rats from all treatment groups in cohort C (see text and Table 2) were stratified are among the earliest changes that have been described according to CTXII change after 4 weeks and the average surface 19,20. The histological appearance of the knee articular erosion for each quartile (Q) is presented. Error bars indicate SEM. cartilage in the OVX group differs from the appearance of P = 0.001 by nonparametric analysis of variance (ANOVA). articular cartilage in models such as ligament transection and meniscal tear 2,5. In these models, more severe erosive changes can often be observed and changes such as fibrillation and vascularization appear markedly increased. The changes in knee cartilage observed after shamoperated and OVX rats to investigate whether ces ovariectomy were relatively mild in comparison and may sation of endogenous estrogen production may influence represent features of earlier or less aggressive disease, articular cartilage turnover and integrity. Our findings show which are stages of the disease that are difficult to that ovariectomy induces a significant increase in the address in many of the currently used models of OA. Thus, breakdown of collagen type II and subsequent articular the OVX model may be uniquely suitable for the study of cartilage erosion. Furthermore, we demonstrate that earlystage OA. administration of exogenous estrogen or a SERM to OVX rats suppresses the progression of these events. A significant elevation in CTXI levels reflecting bone resorption was observed in the OVX rats in comparison The assessment of articular cartilage turnover in rodents is with the shamoperated group. This observation is in complicated by the fact that the growth plate in these accord with the expected increase in bone turnover animals remains present and is at least partly metabolically induced by ovariectomy 21; P Qvist and colleagues, active, even at older age 16. The growth plate contains a unpublished. The dynamics of the changes in CTXI levels significant amount of collagen type II, which undergoes over the 9week study period suggests a sustained constant remodeling during ectopic bone formation and increase of approximately 100% in OVX rats compared thereby contributes to systemic levels of collagen type II with the shamoperated group (Fig. 6). This increase is metabolites 17. Accordingly, we observed high CTXII similar in magnitude to that seen in bone turnover at the levels in animals below 3 months of age (Fig. 1), suggest menopause transition 22. These observations indicate ing that a significant fraction of the analytes obtained from that ovariectomy in rats induces estrogen deficiency that young rats and measured in the assay originates from can evoke the skeletal metabolic changes typically accom growth plate turnover and not from articular cartilage. A panying the menopause. These observations are in accord similar situation is observed in humans younger than 20 to with findings from other studies 12,15,21; P Qvist and 25 years of age, but in contrast to the situation in rodents, colleagues, unpublished. Also, the observed increase in the growth plates in human adults close when skeletal body weight and decrease in uterus weight observed in all growth has ceased 18. In 6monthold rats, the CTXII cohorts as a consequence of ovariectomy is in agreement levels decreased by 86% compared to 3monthold rats with the known systemic effects of estrogen withdrawal (Fig. 1), suggesting that skeletal growth and thereby 15. growthplate turnover at this time are minimized. These observations formed the rationale for assessing the effects Cartilage turnover as assessed by the CTXII assay was of ovariectomy on cartilage turnover and structural also increased in the OVX rats compared with the sham integrity in 5 and 7monthold rats. R177 Arthritis Research Therapy Vol 6 No 2 HøeghAndersen et al. 12,26,27. Furthermore, it has also been demonstrated operated group. The difference was most pronounced in that the SERM idoxifene reduces disease severity and the first 4 to 6 weeks after ovariectomy, where CTXII bone erosion in adjuvantinduced arthritis, an animal levels were increased by 100%, but at later time points model of RA 28. We tested a SERM belonging to the the difference between the OVX and shamoperated class of cis3,4diarylchromanes, which have been animals were diminished. This observation suggests that demonstrated to provide significant antiresorptive effect in the increase in cartilage turnover induced by cessation of OVX rat studies 12. The SERM is structurally very similar endogenous estrogen production may be transient in the to levormeloxifene, which has been tested clinically in OVX model, possibly reflecting the activation of mecha postmenopausal women and found to be more potent nisms antedating the actual cartilage damage. The initial than hormone replacement therapy in preventing bone increases in the levels of the marker observed immediately loss 27. after ovariectomy corresponded well with the increase in CTXII levels observed at the menopause in humans, The levels of CTXII in OVX rats treated with the higher where a 100% increase has been demonstrated 18. We dose of the SERM or with estrogen were similar to levels have analyzed animals up to 15 weeks after ovariectomy, seen in the shamoperated animals of the same cohort. In in which surface erosions were present to the same extent contrast, the lower dose of SERM was only partly effective as seen in the rats maintained for 9 weeks. Whether the in reducing the elevated CTXII levels. For CTXI levels, surface erosions posses the ability to spontaneously only estradiol treatment was able to completely suppress repair after longer times cannot be determined from our bone resorption to levels seen in the shamoperated rats, studies. whereas the two SERMtreated groups showed an inter mediate effect. In accord with the effects observed with The changes in the cartilage turnover marker (CTXII) the biomarkers, the histological examination revealed that observed after 4 weeks showed close correlation with the whereas the vehicletreated OVX rats again showed sig histological signs of articular cartilage degradation nificantly increased erosions of the cartilage surface, the observed at study termination (Table 2; Fig. 5). Thus, the groups treated with estrogen or SERM were indistinguish early changes in the biomarker levels can be considered able from the vehicletreated shamoperated group. The predictive of the subsequent structural changes in the SERM showed a dosedependent ability to prevent the knee joint. This is in accordance with findings obtained in erosive changes. There was a high correlation between clinical investigations, where CTXII levels and changes in changes in CTXII observed in the first 4 weeks of the study this marker are correlated with radiologically assessed period and subsequent erosion of articular knee cartilage. damage of articular cartilage in the knee joint 23–25. The three sets of separate experiments described here The menopause can frequently be accompanied by an were all in line with significantly increased cartilage increase in body weight, which can partly be ascribed to erosion in OVX rats, pointing to an apparent chondropro estrogen deficiency. Increased body weight, especially fat tective influence of endogenous estrogen on cartilage accumulation, may theoretically have an inhibitory effect turnover. Furthermore, administration of exogenous estro on articular cartilage degradation through increased pro gen to OVX rats prevented the erosive changes, thereby duction of endogenous estrogens. Increases in body further supporting the association between estrogen and weight may also enhance cartilage degradation evoked by cartilage. These observations are in accord with findings a greater physical challenge of the joints. In the present from previous studies indicating that the prevalence and study, we observed a significant weight gain in OVX rats. incidence of OA is increased among postmenopausal However, there was no correlation between body weight women 11,29. The notion that cartilage metabolism may and cartilage erosion, suggesting that the observed histo be influenced by estrogen is conceivable also, because logical changes of knee articular cartilage in OVX rats is chondrocytes of articular cartilage possess functional unlikely to be a result of increased body weight and is estrogen receptors 15,30,31. Recent publications more likely to be due to estrogen deficiency per se. This describing the results of a 3year followup study of observation is also supported by a previous study on ovariectomized cynomolgus monkeys have provided healthy humans indicating an apparently minor overall con strong evidence that ovariectomy induces OAlike tribution of body weight to cartilage turnover as assessed changes in articular cartilage 9. In this animal model, by the CTXII assay 18. administration of exogenous estrogens, but not phyto estrogens, was able to prevent these changes. A similar In the present study, we also investigated whether exoge indication of potential chondroprotective properties of nous estrogen and an estrogenlike substance can estrogen has been obtained in several epidemiological provide prophylactic effects against the acceleration of and case–control studies, where estrogen use in cartilage degradation associated with ovariectomy. These menopausal women has been associated with a hypothesized effects were investigated with reference to decreased incidence of OA 7,32. CTXII levels are the wellknown effects of these agents on bone turnover R178 Available online http:arthritisresearch.comcontent62R169 increased twofold after the menopause, and supplemental from the Ulm Osteoarthritis Study. Ann Rheum Dis 2000, 59: 105109. hormone replacement therapy can suppress this marker to 12. 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Tuyển tập báo cáo nghiên cứu y học đăng tạp chí y học General Psychiatry Available online http://arthritis-research.com/content/6/2/R169 Open Access Research article Ovariectomized rats as a model of postmenopausal osteoarthritis: validation and application Pernille Høegh-Andersen1, László B Tankó2, Thomas L Andersen1, Carina V Lundberg1, John A Mo1, Anne-Marie Heegaard1, Jean-Marie Delaissé1 and Stephan Christgau1 1Nordic 2Center Bioscience A/S, Herlev Hovedgade 207, 2730 Herlev, Denmark for Clinical and Basic Research, Ballerup Byvej 222, 2750 Ballerup, Denmark Corresponding author: Pernille Høegh-Andersen (e-mail: pha@NordicBioscience.com) Received: 17 Oct 2003 Revisions requested: 31 Oct 2003 Revisions received: 14 Jan 2004 Accepted: 21 Jan 2004 Published: 19 Feb 2004 Arthritis Res Ther 2004, 6:R169-R180 (DOI 10.1186/ar1152) © 2004 Høegh-Andersen et al., licensee BioMed Central Ltd (Print ISSN 1478-6354; Online ISSN 1478-6362) This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the article's original URL Abstract We aimed to assess the effect of ovariectomy on cartilage turnover and degradation, to evaluate whether ovariectomized (OVX) rats could form an experimental model of postmenopausal osteoarthritis The effect of ovariectomy on cartilage was studied using two cohorts of female Sprague–Dawley rats, aged and months In a third cohort, the effect of exogenous estrogen and a selective estrogen receptor modulator was analyzed Knee joints were assessed by histological analysis of the articular cartilage after weeks Cartilage turnover was measured in urine by an immunoassay specific for collagen type II degradation products (CTX-II), and bone resorption was quantified in serum using an assay for bone collagen type I fragments (CTX-I) Surface erosion in the cartilage of the knee was more severe in OVX rats than in sham-operated animals, particularly in the 7-month-old cohort (P = 0.008) Ovariectomy also significant increased CTX-I and CTX-II Both the absolute levels of CTX-II and the relative changes from baseline seen at week correlated strongly with the severity of cartilage surface erosion at termination (r = 0.74, P < 0.01) Both estrogen and the selective estrogen receptor modulator inhibited the ovariectomyinduced acceleration of cartilage and bone turnover and significantly suppressed cartilage degradation and erosion seen in vehicle-treated OVX rats The study indicates that estrogen deficiency accelerates cartilage turnover and increases cartilage surface erosion OVX rats provide a useful experimental model for the evaluation of the chondroprotective effects of estrogens and estrogen-like substances and the model may be an in vivo representation of osteoarthritis in postmenopausal women Keywords: estrogen, osteoarthritis, ovariectomy, selective estrogen receptor modulator Introduction Osteoarthritis (OA) is a major cause of functional impairment and disability among the elderly [1], yet current therapies predominantly target symptoms rather than providing prevention or curative treatment Animal models of OA have been used extensively for studying the pathogenesis of cartilage degradation as well as the efficacy of potential therapeutic interventions [2] However, most of the currently available models only approximate the mechanisms underlying the human disease Although several animal species – such as mice, Syrian hamsters, guinea pigs, and nonhuman primates – can develop spontaneous OA, the development of disease in these models is slow; typically, more than to 12 months is required for significant cartilage erosion to occur [2] Consequently, these spontaneous models are cumbersome and time-consuming to use in arthritis research and drug development Transgenic mice models have been of great help in clarifying the role of numerous pathogenic factors (matrix metalloproteinases, transforming growth factor β, nitric oxide) in the development of OA, yet these models may not be applicable for studies testing the therapeutic potentials of chondroprotective agents [3,4] Surgically induced joint damage has also been used extensively as a model of OA, though this condition more nearly approximates a traumatic form of OA than it does the natural, spontaneously CTX-I = collagen type I fragments; CTX-II = collagen type II degradation products; ELISA = enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; OA = osteoarthritis; OVX = ovariectomized; SD = standard deviation; SEM = standard error of the mean; SERM = selective estrogen receptor modulator R169 Arthritis Research & Therapy Vol No Høegh-Andersen et al evolving form [5] Thus, there is an apparent need for an OA model that directly mimics a human form of the disease and at the same time provides a convenient methodological tool for preclinical investigations rats sampled at 1, 2, 3, 6.5, and 9.5 months of age Urine samples were obtained as spot samples by placing the rats in a metabolic cage for 30 to 60 and waiting for them to urinate Development of such a generally applicable and convenient animal model of OA is complicated by the fact that our current understanding of the pathophysiology of the human disease is incomplete However, one factor thought to affect the regulation of cartilage turnover is estrogen The putative role of estrogens is corroborated by the fact that the prevalence of OA is higher in postmenopausal women than in men [6–8] Furthermore, the recent finding that ovariectomized (OVX) cynomolgus monkeys show OA-like pathological changes within articular joints [9], as well as the chondroprotective effects of hormone replacement therapy proposed by some epidemiological observations [10,11], also argues for the involvement of estrogen deficiency in female OA Study of the effect of ovariectomy in OVX rats The present study was designed to evaluate the role of estrogen in regulating cartilage turnover, by investigating the effects of ovariectomy on cartilage Histological analysis of the knee joint was used to assess the pathological changes of the articular cartilage erosions Furthermore, the effects of cessation of endogenous estrogen production on bone and cartilage turnover were assessed using biochemical markers of collagen type I and II degradation (CTX-I and CTX-II) An additional aim was to clarify whether OVX rats could provide a useful model of postmenopausal OA for future preclinical studies assessing the chondroprotective effects of exogenously administered estrogens and estrogen-like substances such as selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) Materials and methods Animals and study design Sprague–Dawley rats (Crl:CD®(SD)IGS.BR) obtained from Charles River Laboratories, Kisslegg, Germany, were used Experiments were approved by the Experimental Animal Committee, Danish Ministry of Justice (Slotsholmsgade 10, DK-1216, Denmark) (approval number 2002/561-566) and were done in accordance with the European Standard for Good Clinical Practice The animals were maintained at the Animal Research Facilities at Nordic Bioscience for month before the start of experiments They were housed, two per cage, in a room maintained at 20°C with a 12-hour/12-hour light/dark cycle and given food (Altromin 1234, Lage, Germany) and Milli Q water (Millipore, Glostrup, Denmark) ad libitum For these studies, two cohorts of 20 virgin female Sprague–Dawley rats were used At the start of the study they were either months old (cohort A) or months old (cohort B) At this baseline, body weight was determined and the animals were randomly stratified into two groups to undergo either bilateral ovariectomy using a dorsal approach or a standard sham operation under general anesthesia induced by Hypnorm-Dormicum (1 part Hypnorm® + part Dormicum® + parts sterile deionized water; dose 0.2 ml/100 g body weight) During the weeks of followup, body weight was determined weekly; urine samples were obtained at baseline and weeks 2, 4, 6, and after ovariectomy At study termination, the knees were isolated and kept in 4% formaldehyde until further quantification of surface erosion in the articular cartilage by histological measurements as outlined below Study of the effect of exogenous estrogen and SERM For this purpose, a cohort of 60 5-month-old virgin female Sprague–Dawley rats was included At baseline, body weight was determined and the animals were randomly stratified into five groups with 12 rats in each group One group was subjected to sham operation and the remaining four groups were ovariectomized as described above The four equal groups received treatment either with the vehicle (50% Propylene Glycol [Unikem, Copenhagen, Denmark], 0.075 M NaCl), or with 17α-ethinylestradiol (E-4876, Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA) (0.1 mg/kg per day), or with the SERM (–)-cis-3,4-7-hydroxy-3-phenyl-4-(4-(2pyrrolidinoethoxy)phenyl)chromane [12] given as an oral suspension in the vehicle from day by gavage days a week for weeks, in either a low or a high dose (0.2 or mg/kg per day, respectively) Animals were weighed and sampled for spot urine and serum at regular intervals At study termination, knee joints were prepared for histology as described below Materials and buffers All chemicals were analytical grade and purchased from either Sigma or Merck (Darmstadt, Germany) Peptides, from Chimex Ltd (St Petersburg, Russia), were > 95% pure Cell-culture reagents were obtained from Life Technologies, UK The buffers used in the immunoassays have been described elsewhere [13; P Qvist and colleagues, unpublished] Study of age-related changes in cartilage turnover in rats R170 Histology To assess age-related changes in cartilage turnover, we measured the creatinine-corrected excretion of CTX-II (for details see below) in the urine of six male and six female After careful dissection, the knees were decalcified for to weeks in 10% formic acid, 2% formaldehyde The decalcified knee joints were cleaved along the medial col- Available online http://arthritis-research.com/content/6/2/R169 lateral ligament into two sections and embedded in paraffin Coronal sections were then cut at three different depths (0, 250, and 500 µm) from the medial collateral ligament Each section was stained in Toluidine blue and the section that comprised the most load-bearing region were used for measurements The histological sections were assessed by a blinded observer verify performance, and samples were remeasured if the coefficients of variation exceeded 15% or if any of the control samples measured more than 20% off the predetermined value CartiLaps ELISA to assess cartilage turnover Monoclonal antibody mAbF46 specific for collagen type II C-telopeptide fragments (CTX-II) was used in a competitive ELISA format developed for measurement of CTX-II in urine samples (CartiLaps ELISA, Nordic Bioscience Diagnostics A/S) [13] The assay was performed by first incubating biotinylated collagen type II C-telopeptide-derived peptide (EKGPDP) on a streptavidine microtiter plate, and then the sample as well as the primary antibody were added After overnight incubation, the plates were washed and a peroxidase-labeled secondary antibody was added, followed by a chromogenic peroxidase substrate The concentrations of CTX-II (µg/l) were standardized to the total urine creatinine (mmol/l) (JAFFA method; Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland) giving concentration/creatinine (µg/mmol) The precision of the assay was 7.1% and 8.4% for intra-assay and interassay variations, respectively Assay performance and quality assurance were treated as described above for the CTX-I assay In a preliminary study, we evaluated apparent histological features as well as applicable assessment methods for quantifying pathological changes in the knee joints The previously described Mankin and Colombo score systems are used in analyzing known OA models such as the guinea pig, and may not fulfil the criteria for a reliable scoring system in this OVX rat model [14] In the preliminary study, we analyzed OVX and sham-operated rats by the Colombo method and found that erosion was the feature most readily influenced by the ovariectomy in the OVX rats in comparison with the sham-operated rats In order to simplify evaluation protocols and increase the robustness of the scoring system, we found it more reproducible to concentrate evaluation on surface erosion as the main feature of cartilage damage Exact numerical values were obtained by measuring the length of the erosion surface and dividing it by the total cartilage surface This approach enabled us to quantify erosion in exact numerical values instead of scores relying on the observer Furthermore, it relates to a feature that is directly relevant to development of OA lesions We therefore decided to keep the analysis simple and focus on surface erosion Means and SDs were calculated using parametric statistics Differences between groups were assessed with the Mann–Whitney U-test for unpaired observations The association between the biomarkers and the histology data was calculated using Spearman’s rank correlation RatLaps ELISA to assess bone resorption Results The RatLaps ELISA (Nordic Bioscience Diagnostics A/S, Herlev, Denmark) measures collagen type I C-telopeptide degradation products (CTX-I) using a specific monoclonal antibody in a competitive ELISA form [P Qvist and colleagues, unpublished] The assay is applicable for measurement of both urine and serum samples, but only serum samples were assessed in this study All serum samples measured in the assay were from animals that had been fasting for at least hours prior to the sampling Briefly, the assay is performed by incubating a biotinylated form of a synthetic peptide representing the C-telopeptide epitope EKSQDGGR This is followed by addition of sample and primary antibody and after overnight incubation the amount of bound antibody is made visible using a peroxidase-labeled secondary antibody and a chromogenic peroxidase substrate The concentrations in the samples were determined from the construction of a calibration curve based on the measurement of synthetic peptide standards Intra-assay and interassay variations were 6.9% and 10.4%, respectively All samples were measured in duplicate and samples from the same animal were included on the same microtiter plate Three genuine control samples were included on each microtiter plate to Age-related changes in cartilage turnover Statistical analysis Cartilage turnover occurs predominantly in the articular cartilage and in the ectopic growth plate during skeletal growth We first wanted to assess cartilage turnover levels in normal Sprague–Dawley rats, to identify the age at which the turnover stabilizes Normal levels of collagen type II turnover were assessed in Sprague–Dawley rats by obtaining samples from six male and six female rats, each tested at 1, 2, 3, 6.5, and 9.5 months of age Creatinine-corrected urinary CTX-II levels are shown in Fig This marker decreased substantially over the investigated age range in both sexes This decline was most pronounced in animals younger than months of age, implying that older animals should be used in studies of articular cartilage turnover to minimize contribution from the growth plate Baseline characteristics and changes in body and uterus weight Two cohorts each comprising 20 female Sprague–Dawley rats were used to assess the effect of ovariectomy on cartilage turnover and erosion The animals were aged R171 Arthritis Research & Therapy Vol No Høegh-Andersen et al months (cohort A) or months (cohort B) at the start of the study Two animals in cohort A and three in cohort B died at the start of the study because of hypersensitivity to general anesthesia or extensive hematoma that occurred during blood sampling The baseline characteristics of the rats included in the study are shown in Table Figure Ovariectomy induced significant weight gain in the animals, reaching 27% and 17% in the 5- and 7-monthold cohorts, respectively, after weeks (Table 1) The corresponding changes in the sham-operated groups were 10% and 6%, respectively At study termination, the wet weight of the uterus was measured Ovariectomy induced significant regression of the uterus in both cohorts, compared with age-matched sham-operated animals (Table 1) Sixty 5-month-old rats were used to study the effect of estrogen and SERM administration (cohort C; Table 2) Two animals from the sham-operated group and one each from the estrogen and low-dose SERM groups died during surgery at the start of the study At baseline, there were no significant differences in body weight (Table 2) or in levels of CTX-I and CTX-II in the five study groups (data not shown) At study termination, after weeks of treatment, uterus weights in the SERM-treated groups were slightly higher than in the vehicle-treated group The shamoperated and estrogen-treated groups had significantly higher uterus weights, which is in accord with the uterotropic effects of estrogen, and the uterus weights in the estrogen group were lower than in the sham-operated group (Table 2) Body weights were significantly decreased in the OVX estrogen-treated and OVX highdose SERM-treated rats at the end of the experiment in comparison with the OVX vehicle-treated rats (Table 2) Cartilage erosion In a preliminary study, we evaluated histological assessment methods to find out which were best suited to assess articular cartilage damage in ovariectomy The previously described scoring systems by Mankin and Normal levels of CTX-II (collagen type II fragments; µg/mmol, creatinine-corrected) in six male and six female Sprague–Dawley rats Error bars indicate SEM Colombo are used for analyzing guinea pigs, which have a different pathology and histological appearance [14] They did not appear to fulfill the criteria for a reliable scoring system in this rodent model We scored 12 rats (6 OVX, sham-operated) according to Mankin and Colombo’s criteria by assessing the cartilage surface (loss of superior layer, fibrillation, and erosion), the cartilage matrix (territorial loss, interterritorial loss, and vascularization), and the chondrocytes (loss, disorganization, and clones) All nine parameters were higher in the OVX rats than in the shamoperated rats, but erosion, especially, was increased more than threefold (data not shown) In order to simplify the evaluation procedure and increase the robustness of the scoring system, we found it more reproducible to assess the most prominent feature of the disease, surface erosion This approach also results in a numerical value for the surface erosion, expressed as a percentage of the total cartilage surface, instead of scores determined subjectively by the observer Table Weight change after weeks of treatment in female Sprague–Dawley rats (cohorts A and B) assessed in the studies of the effects of ovariectomy on cartilage Weight (g) Cohort R172 n Of body at start OVX 10 292 ± 20 370 ± 28** 0.05 ± 0.02*** 295 ± 28 324 ± 34 0.23 ± 0.03 OVX 327 ± 28 384 ± 24** 0.25 ± 0.20** Shama B Age at start (months) Shama A Treatment Of body at end Of uterus at end 324 ± 29 342 ± 40 0.80 ± 0.45 Values are means ± SD Difference between OVX and sham-operated rats were assessed using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test: aSham-operated **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 OVX, ovariectomized Available online http://arthritis-research.com/content/6/2/R169 Table Weight changes after weeks of treatment in female Sprague–Dawley rats (cohort C) assessed in the study of the effect of exogenous estrogen and SERM in ovariectomy Weight (g) Treatment n Of body at start Of body at end Of uterus at end OVX, vehiclea 12 269 ± 26 320 ± 31 0.13 ± 0.04 OVX, estrogen 11 273 ± 27 296 ± 26* 0.44 ± 0.14*** OVX, lowb SERM 11 269 ± 26 319 ± 33 0.18 ± 0.05** highc 12 268 ± 23 287 ± 24* 0.19 ± 0.03*** 10 276 ± 26 303 ± 29 0.66 ± 0.10*** OVX, SERM Sham operation, vehiclea Values are means ± SD aVehicle (50% propylene glycol, 0.075 M NaCl); bLow dose (0.2 mg/kg per day); cHigh dose (5 mg/kg per day) Difference from the OVX group treated with vehicle only, assessed using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test: *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 OVX, ovariectomized; SERM, selective estrogen receptor modulator ((-)-cis-3,4-7-hydroxy-3-phenyl-4-(4-(2-pyrrolidinoethoxy)phenyl)chromane) Figure Figure Sections from the knees of 7-month-old rats subjected to ovariectomy, stained with Toluidine blue, showing the distal femur and proximal tibia (a,b) with the meniscus (M) to the left (a) The surface erosion is indicated by the long, thin black bar (b) Scale bars: 200 µm Knee joints were excised after termination of the experiments and analyzed histologically by looking at Toluidineblue-stained coronal cross sections showing the femoral and tibial condyles (Fig 2a) The surface erosion (Fig 2b) was measured as the percentage of the total articular cartilage surface Fig shows the Toluidine blue staining of the articular cartilage in 7-month-old rats subjected to either sham operation (Fig 3a,c) or ovariectomy (Fig 3.b,d) The measured surface erosion is indicated by the frame (Fig 3b), and below is the same section shown through a Polaroid filter (Fig 3d), which indicates alterations in the structure of the collagen fibers compared with the intact cartilage surface (Fig 3a) and collagen structure (Fig 3c) of the sham-operated rat OVX groups of all cohorts showed increased surface erosion in the medial tibia, medial femur, and lateral femur compared with the sham-operated groups The effect of ovariectomy on surface erosion was more pronounced in the 7-monthold rats, particularly in the lateral femur, where differences in comparison with the sham-operated rats reached statistical significance (P = 0.009) (Fig 4) In 7-month-old animals, the total measure describing the severity of cartilage surface erosion over the four areas of interest also Knee sections, stained with Toluidine blue, showing effects of sham operation (a,c) or ovariectomy (b,d) in 7-month-old rats In (c) and (d), the structure of the collagen fibers is visualized by polarized light The sham-operated rat (a,c) shows a healthy articular cartilage surface, whereas the ovariectomized rat (b,d) shows surface erosion (b, framed area) and alterations in the structure of the collagen fibers (d, framed area) Scale bars: 200 µm indicated significantly more severe surface erosion in the OVX group than in the sham-operated group (P = 0.008) (Fig 4) When cartilage surface erosion was assessed in vehicletreated 5-month-old OVX rats from the intervention study (cohort C), similar results were obtained (Fig 5) The most severe surface erosion of the articular cartilage was seen in the medial and lateral femur, but the total measure was also significantly higher in these vehicle-treated OVX animals than in the sham-operated group (P = 0.012) Estrogen-treated OVX animals displayed surface erosions R173 Arthritis Research & Therapy Vol No Høegh-Andersen et al Figure Cartilage surface erosion in four condyles in 5-month-old (a) and 7-month-old (b) female rats maintained for weeks after ovariectomy or a sham operation The erosion (expressed as percentage of total cartilage surface) is presented as mean erosion + SEM for the two groups (OVX and shamoperated) Mean scores are represented for each of the four condyles — medial tibia (Medial T), medial femur (Medial F), lateral tibia (Lateral T), and lateral femur (Lateral F) — and for all four taken as a group (Total) P values indicate difference between ovariectomized (OVX) and sham-operated rats assessed using the nonparametric Mann–Whitney U test similar in severity to those in the sham-operated group Hence, surface erosion measurements for the medial and lateral femur, medial tibia, and total knee joint of the estrogen-treated group were significantly lower than for the vehicle-treated OVX group The two groups of SERMtreated animals also showed less severe surface erosion The high-dose SERM group showed a similar incidence of cartilage erosion to that seen in estrogen-treated rats In addition, the severity measurements were significantly lower than in the medial and lateral femur, lateral tibia, and total knee joint of the vehicle-treated group (Fig 5) The group treated with low doses of the SERM showed reduced surface erosion, but the effect was not as pronounced as in the high-dose group Only the measurement for the medial femur of the low-dose SERM group was significantly lower than that in the vehicle-treated OVX group (P = 0.018) Bone and cartilage turnover Bone and cartilage turnover were quantified in all rats by measurement in serum of CTX-I and urinary measurement of CTX-II, reflecting bone and cartilage turnover, respectively The 5-month-old cohorts had higher levels of both markers For CTX-I, the baseline levels were 49.2 ± 13.9 ng/ml and 26.9 ± 14.7 ng/ml in the 5- and 7-month-old rats, respectively (mean ± SD) For CTX-II, the corresponding baseline values were 2.25 ± 0.83 and 0.85 ± 0.42 µg/mmol R174 In line with the histological findings, ovariectomy induced significantly increased CTX-II levels in all cohorts (Figs and 7) The increase in CTX-II was most pronounced at week after ovariectomy, showing a decreasing tendency thereafter Nine weeks after ovariectomy, there was no significant difference between CTX-II levels in the OVX and sham-operated groups The OVX rats treated with estrogen and the highest dose of SERM presented CTX-II levels similar to those in the sham-operated group (Fig 7) Figure Severity of cartilage surface erosion in knee-joint cartilage of 5-monthold ovariectomized (OVX) rats treated with the vehicle alone (OVX vehicle), with estrogen (OVX estrogen), or with the selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) (-)-cis-3,4-diarylhydroxychromane, given in either a low dose (0.2 mg/kg per day; OVX SERM low) or a high dose (5 mg/kg per day; OVX SERM high) Means for vehicle-treated shamoperated rats are also included (Sham) The erosion is expressed as percentage of total cartilage surface The left side of the graph shows the accumulated total mean score for all four joint compartments (medial and lateral femur and tibia) and the right side, for the medial femur only Error bars indicate SEM The significance of differences between treatment groups and the OVX vehicle group was assessed using Student’s t-test *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 The low dose of the SERM showed intermediate effects on CTX-II levels The effect of ovariectomy on bone resorption was clearly reflected by the elevation in serum CTX-I concentration (Figs and 7) The OVX rats treated with estrogen had CTX-I levels similar to those in the sham-operated group (Fig 7) However, even the highest dose of the SERM compound was not able to suppress bone resorption to the same extent as estrogen, indicated by the less pronounced decrease in the CTX-I marker The animals treated with a low dose of SERM showed even less pronounced effects on CTX-I levels Available online http://arthritis-research.com/content/6/2/R169 Figure Cartilage and bone turnover in the ovariectomized (OVX) and sham-treated (SHAM) rats Cartilage turnover was assessed using collagen type II fragments (CTX-II) as a marker (a,b), and bone resorption was determined by measurement of collagen type I fragments (CTX-I) (c,d) Measurements, made at the weekly intervals shown, are from rats that were (a,c) months old and (b,d) months old at the beginning of the study Data are presented as average percentage of individual baseline, with error bars representing SEM The association between bone and cartilage turnover markers CTX-I and CTX-II was assessed in baseline samples from the three study cohorts The correlation coefficients (Spearman’s rho) were between –0.04 and –0.30 (P > 0.05), indicating that at baseline there was no prominent association between bone and cartilage turnover in the rats (data not shown) Correlation between biomarkers and histology The correlation between the severity of cartilage damage and CTX-II or CTX-I was calculated for each study cohort (Table 3) CTX-I levels did show significant correlation with the surface erosion in cohorts A and B (Table 3), in accord with the specificity of this marker for bone resorption In cohort C, however, there was a correlation between changes in CTX-I levels during the first weeks of treatment and subsequent erosion at termination, after weeks of treatment (Table 3) This may be due to the similarities in dynamics of the responses seen with the CTX-I and CTX-II marker in this intervention study (Fig 7) Significant correlations were found between 4-week changes in CTX-II levels and final measurements of cartilage surface erosion (total knee) in study cohorts B and C (r = 0.74 and 0.50 respectively) Also, the absolute levels of CTX-II at week were significantly correlated with the severity of cartilage surface erosion in these two studies In cohort A, comprising 18 5-month-old rats, there was a correlation between CTX-II change and surface erosion, but it did not reach statistical significance When the four compartments of the knee were considered individually, the highest correlations were observed for the medial femur (in which the highest surface erosion was seen), where significant correlation with both absolute levels and changes in CTX-II was found in all study cohorts (Table 3) Significant correlations were also found for the lateral femur Figure depicts the association between cartilage surface erosion and changes in CTX-II observed in cohort C All rats from this cohort were stratified in quartiles according to the magnitude of change in CTX-II levels, and the average surface erosion in each quartile was calculated Rats in the highest quartile (showing the largest increases in CTX-II levels) included 11 of the 12 rats from the vehicle-treated OVX group, and these animals showed significantly more surface erosion than rats in the lower quartiles Correspondingly lowest surface erosion was seen among the animals of the lowest quartile of CTX-II change The differences between the quartiles were highly significant as assessed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) (P = 0.001) R175 Arthritis Research & Therapy Vol No Høegh-Andersen et al Figure Bone and cartilage turnover in 5-month-old ovariectomized (OVX) rats treated with vehicle alone (OVX vehicle), estrogen (OVX estrogen), or the selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) (-)-cis-3,4-diarylhydroxychromane, given in either a low dose (0.2 mg/kg per day; OVX SERM low) or a high dose (5 mg/kg per day; OVX SERM high) Values for vehicle-treated sham-operated rats (Sham) are also included Bone resorption was determined by measurement of collagen type I fragments (CTX-I) (a), and cartilage turnover was assessed using collagen type II fragments (CTX-II) as a marker (b) Measurements were made at the weekly intervals shown, starting when the rats were months old The significance of differences between groups was assessed by nonparametric analysis of variance (ANOVA) *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 Table Correlations between histologically assessed cartilage erosion scores and markers of bone (CTX-I) and cartilage (CTX-II) turnover in the knees of female Sprague–Dawley rats Changes in CTX-I Age at start (months) Changes in CTX-II From weeks 0–4 At week From weeks 0–4 At week 0.10 0.15 0.50 0.27 0.47 –0.02 0.64* 0.51* Total 0.24 0.25 0.74** 0.54* Medial femur 0.24 0.41 0.70** 0.63** Total 0.40** 0.34* 0.50*** 0.43** Medial femur 0.35* 0.33* 0.37** 0.45** Cohorta (treatment) A (OVX or shamb) (n = 18) Cartilage erosion: Total Medial femur B (OVX or shamb) (n = 17) Cartilage erosion: C (OVX + intervention or shamb) (n = 56) Cartilage erosion: Values are Spearman’s rho aCohorts: A, see Table 1; B, see Table 1; C, intervention with either estrogen or SERM – see Table bSham operation *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 CTX-I, collagen type I fragments; CTX-II, collagen type II fragments R176 Body weight did not correlate with the severity of cartilage surface erosion The correlations (r) between terminal body weight and articular cartilage erosion were r = 0.20, 0.21, and 0.22 (P > 0.05) for cohorts A, B and C respectively, indicating that less than 5% of the apparent surface erosion in the OVX group can be attributed to the effects of an increased body weight (data not shown) Discussion Estrogen receptors are found in a wide range of cell types in the body, explaining the pleiotropic effects of this hormone [15] The effect of estrogen on several estrogenresponsive tissues such as endometrium, bone, and breasts has been extensively studied In the present study, cartilage turnover and morphology were assessed in Available online http://arthritis-research.com/content/6/2/R169 Figure Association between cartilage surface erosion (score for total knee) and collagen type II degradation products (CTX-II) Rats from all treatment groups in cohort C (see text and Table 2) were stratified according to CTX-II change after weeks and the average surface erosion for each quartile (Q) is presented Error bars indicate SEM P = 0.001 by nonparametric analysis of variance (ANOVA) sham-operated and OVX rats to investigate whether cessation of endogenous estrogen production may influence articular cartilage turnover and integrity Our findings show that ovariectomy induces a significant increase in the breakdown of collagen type II and subsequent articular cartilage erosion Furthermore, we demonstrate that administration of exogenous estrogen or a SERM to OVX rats suppresses the progression of these events The assessment of articular cartilage turnover in rodents is complicated by the fact that the growth plate in these animals remains present and is at least partly metabolically active, even at older age [16] The growth plate contains a significant amount of collagen type II, which undergoes constant remodeling during ectopic bone formation and thereby contributes to systemic levels of collagen type II metabolites [17] Accordingly, we observed high CTX-II levels in animals below months of age (Fig 1), suggesting that a significant fraction of the analytes obtained from young rats and measured in the assay originates from growth plate turnover and not from articular cartilage A similar situation is observed in humans younger than 20 to 25 years of age, but in contrast to the situation in rodents, the growth plates in human adults close when skeletal growth has ceased [18] In 6-month-old rats, the CTX-II levels decreased by 86% compared to 3-month-old rats (Fig 1), suggesting that skeletal growth and thereby growth-plate turnover at this time are minimized These observations formed the rationale for assessing the effects of ovariectomy on cartilage turnover and structural integrity in 5- and 7-month-old rats In OVX rats from all three cohorts, an increase in the degree of cartilage erosion of the hind knee joints was observed at termination of the study, after weeks of treatment The OVX rats had a significantly higher incidence of cartilage surface erosion in the medial tibia and lateral femur than the sham-operated rats This tendency was also found in the medial femur, but the lateral tibia showed no difference between OVX and sham-operated animals in any of the assessed cohorts The rats of cohorts B and C showed a more pronounced erosive change to ovariectomy However, the changes were most pronounced in the femoral condyles in all experiments, suggesting that the relative responses of the different regions of the knee joint are similar at these two ages The pathological changes observed in the OVX rats were of a similar nature to the very early changes observed in human OA, where mild erosion and loss of proteglycans are among the earliest changes that have been described [19,20] The histological appearance of the knee articular cartilage in the OVX group differs from the appearance of articular cartilage in models such as ligament transection and meniscal tear [2,5] In these models, more severe erosive changes can often be observed and changes such as fibrillation and vascularization appear markedly increased The changes in knee cartilage observed after ovariectomy were relatively mild in comparison and may represent features of earlier or less aggressive disease, which are stages of the disease that are difficult to address in many of the currently used models of OA Thus, the OVX model may be uniquely suitable for the study of early-stage OA A significant elevation in CTX-I levels reflecting bone resorption was observed in the OVX rats in comparison with the sham-operated group This observation is in accord with the expected increase in bone turnover induced by ovariectomy [21; P Qvist and colleagues, unpublished] The dynamics of the changes in CTX-I levels over the 9-week study period suggests a sustained increase of approximately 100% in OVX rats compared with the sham-operated group (Fig 6) This increase is similar in magnitude to that seen in bone turnover at the menopause transition [22] These observations indicate that ovariectomy in rats induces estrogen deficiency that can evoke the skeletal metabolic changes typically accompanying the menopause These observations are in accord with findings from other studies [12,15,21; P Qvist and colleagues, unpublished] Also, the observed increase in body weight and decrease in uterus weight observed in all cohorts as a consequence of ovariectomy is in agreement with the known systemic effects of estrogen withdrawal [15] Cartilage turnover as assessed by the CTX-II assay was also increased in the OVX rats compared with the sham- R177 Arthritis Research & Therapy Vol No Høegh-Andersen et al operated group The difference was most pronounced in the first to weeks after ovariectomy, where CTX-II levels were increased by 100%, but at later time points the difference between the OVX and sham-operated animals were diminished This observation suggests that the increase in cartilage turnover induced by cessation of endogenous estrogen production may be transient in the OVX model, possibly reflecting the activation of mechanisms antedating the actual cartilage damage The initial increases in the levels of the marker observed immediately after ovariectomy corresponded well with the increase in CTX-II levels observed at the menopause in humans, where a 100% increase has been demonstrated [18] We have analyzed animals up to 15 weeks after ovariectomy, in which surface erosions were present to the same extent as seen in the rats maintained for weeks Whether the surface erosions posses the ability to spontaneously repair after longer times cannot be determined from our studies The changes in the cartilage turnover marker (CTX-II) observed after weeks showed close correlation with the histological signs of articular cartilage degradation observed at study termination (Table 2; Fig 5) Thus, the early changes in the biomarker levels can be considered predictive of the subsequent structural changes in the knee joint This is in accordance with findings obtained in clinical investigations, where CTX-II levels and changes in this marker are correlated with radiologically assessed damage of articular cartilage in the knee joint [23–25] The menopause can frequently be accompanied by an increase in body weight, which can partly be ascribed to estrogen deficiency Increased body weight, especially fat accumulation, may theoretically have an inhibitory effect on articular cartilage degradation through increased production of endogenous estrogens Increases in body weight may also enhance cartilage degradation evoked by a greater physical challenge of the joints In the present study, we observed a significant weight gain in OVX rats However, there was no correlation between body weight and cartilage erosion, suggesting that the observed histological changes of knee articular cartilage in OVX rats is unlikely to be a result of increased body weight and is more likely to be due to estrogen deficiency per se This observation is also supported by a previous study on healthy humans indicating an apparently minor overall contribution of body weight to cartilage turnover as assessed by the CTX-II assay [18] R178 In the present study, we also investigated whether exogenous estrogen and an estrogen-like substance can provide prophylactic effects against the acceleration of cartilage degradation associated with ovariectomy These hypothesized effects were investigated with reference to the well-known effects of these agents on bone turnover [12,26,27] Furthermore, it has also been demonstrated that the SERM idoxifene reduces disease severity and bone erosion in adjuvant-induced arthritis, an animal model of RA [28] We tested a SERM belonging to the class of cis-3,4-diaryl-chromanes, which have been demonstrated to provide significant antiresorptive effect in OVX rat studies [12] The SERM is structurally very similar to levormeloxifene, which has been tested clinically in postmenopausal women and found to be more potent than hormone replacement therapy in preventing bone loss [27] The levels of CTX-II in OVX rats treated with the higher dose of the SERM or with estrogen were similar to levels seen in the sham-operated animals of the same cohort In contrast, the lower dose of SERM was only partly effective in reducing the elevated CTX-II levels For CTX-I levels, only estradiol treatment was able to completely suppress bone resorption to levels seen in the sham-operated rats, whereas the two SERM-treated groups showed an intermediate effect In accord with the effects observed with the biomarkers, the histological examination revealed that whereas the vehicle-treated OVX rats again showed significantly increased erosions of the cartilage surface, the groups treated with estrogen or SERM were indistinguishable from the vehicle-treated sham-operated group The SERM showed a dose-dependent ability to prevent the erosive changes There was a high correlation between changes in CTX-II observed in the first weeks of the study period and subsequent erosion of articular knee cartilage The three sets of separate experiments described here were all in line with significantly increased cartilage erosion in OVX rats, pointing to an apparent chondroprotective influence of endogenous estrogen on cartilage turnover Furthermore, administration of exogenous estrogen to OVX rats prevented the erosive changes, thereby further supporting the association between estrogen and cartilage These observations are in accord with findings from previous studies indicating that the prevalence and incidence of OA is increased among postmenopausal women [11,29] The notion that cartilage metabolism may be influenced by estrogen is conceivable also, because chondrocytes of articular cartilage possess functional estrogen receptors [15,30,31] Recent publications describing the results of a 3-year follow-up study of ovariectomized cynomolgus monkeys have provided strong evidence that ovariectomy induces OA-like changes in articular cartilage [9] In this animal model, administration of exogenous estrogens, but not phytoestrogens, was able to prevent these changes A similar indication of potential chondroprotective properties of estrogen has been obtained in several epidemiological and case–control studies, where estrogen use in menopausal women has been associated with a decreased incidence of OA [7,32] CTX-II levels are Available online http://arthritis-research.com/content/6/2/R169 increased twofold after the menopause, and supplemental hormone replacement therapy can suppress this marker to premenopausal levels, further supporting a role of estrogen as a regulator of cartilage metabolism [18] Based on these previous observations, it seems reasonable to consider the model of older OVX rats (i.e months of age or more) as an in vivo model of postmenopausal OA However, the ultimate demonstration of the utility of the model awaits the introduction of novel agents with potential chondroprotective effects Conclusion The present study further supports the role of endogenous estrogens in the regulation of articular cartilage turnover and preservation of joint integrity In addition, the results suggest that the adapted OVX model described here has potential as a useful in vivo model for the clinical assessment of chondroprotective effects of novel therapeutic compounds 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Competing interests 19 P Høegh-Andersen, TL Andersen, CV Lundberg, JA Mo, A-M Heegaard, J-M Delaissé, and S Christgau are all employees at Nordic Bioscience A/S LB Tankó is an employee at the Center for Clinical and Basic Research 20 Acknowledgements We greatly appreciate the technical expertise of Trine Overgaard, Bente Therkildsen, Marianne Ladefoged, and Jonna Rungsø We also wish to express our thanks to Karsten Wasserman, Novo Nordisk A/S for the kind gift of the (-)-cis-3,4-diaryl-hydroxychromane SERM References Elders MJ: The increasing impact of arthritis on public health J Rheumatol 2000, Suppl 60:6-8 Bendele A: Animal models of osteoarthritis J Musculoskel Neuron Interact 2001, 1:363-376 Helminen HJ, Saamanen AM, Salminen H, Hyttinen MM: Transgenic mouse models for studying the role of cartilage macromolecules in osteoarthritis Rheumatology (Oxford) 2002, 41: 848-856 van den Berg WB: Lessons from animal models of osteoarthritis Curr Opin Rheumatol 2001, 13:452-456 Janusz MJ, Bendele AM, Brown KK, Taiwo YO, Hsieh L, Heitmeyer SA: Induction of osteoarthritis in the rat by surgical tear of the meniscus: Inhibition of joint damage by a matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2002, 10:785-791 van Saase JL, van Romunde LK, Cats A, Vandenbroucke JP, Valkenburg HA: Epidemiology of osteoarthritis: Zoetermeer survey Comparison of radiological 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Prev Med 1999, 28:445-448 R179 Arthritis Research & Therapy Vol No Høegh-Andersen et al 30 Ushiyama T, Ueyama H, Inoue K, Ohkubo I, Hukuda S: Expression of genes for estrogen receptors alpha and beta in human articular chondrocytes Osteoarthritis Cartilage 1999, 7:560566 31 Richmond RS, Carlson CS, Register TC, Shanker G, Loeser RF: Functional estrogen receptors in adult articular cartilage: estrogen replacement therapy increases chondrocyte synthesis of proteoglycans and insulin-like growth factor binding protein Arthritis Rheum 2000, 43:2081-2090 32 Nevitt MC, Cummings SR, Lane NE, Hochberg MC, Scott JC, Pressman AR: Association of estrogen replacement therapy with the risk of osteoarthritis of the hip in elderly white women Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group Arch Intern Med 1996, 156:2073-2080 Correspondence Pernille Høegh-Andersen, Nordic Bioscience A/S, Herlev Hovedgade 207, 2730 Herlev, Denmark Tel: +45 44525222; fax: +45 44525251; e-mail: pha@NordicBioscience.com R180 ... assay was 7.1% and 8.4% for intra-assay and interassay variations, respectively Assay performance and quality assurance were treated as described above for the CTX-I assay In a preliminary study,... (–)-cis-3,4-7-hydroxy-3-phenyl-4-(4-(2pyrrolidinoethoxy)phenyl)chromane [12] given as an oral suspension in the vehicle from day by gavage days a week for weeks, in either a low or a high dose (0.2 or mg/kg per day, respectively)... disability among the elderly [1], yet current therapies predominantly target symptoms rather than providing prevention or curative treatment Animal models of OA have been used extensively for studying

Ngày đăng: 16/06/2014, 14:08



