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Điều tra về nhận thức và thực tế giảng dạy tiếng anh sử dụng giáo trình lets go của giáo viên tại một số trường tiểu học ở huế

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STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I hereby acknowledge that the information reported in this paper is the result of my own work, except where due reference is made The data and findings are true and with permission from associates The thesis has not been submitted for any other degree or diploma or appeared in any other media Signature: Truong Thi Tu Liem Date: August, 2011 i In the process of choosing and conducting the study, I am fortunate enough to receive valuable assistance and support My thanks first goes to my supervisor, Dr Le Pham Hoai Huong, for her warm support throughout the current study I am also deeply indebted to her for her experienced guidance and useful materials for the research topic Secondly, I wish to send my great appreciation to all the teaching staff of the Department of ESP, especially the Medicine and Pharmacy section of Hue College of Foreign Languages for the most favorable conditions they created for me during the time I attended the M.A course Thirdly, I would like to thank the primary teachers and administrators who participated in this study for their willingness to share valuable ideas and experiences of teaching English to primary children through the questionnaires and interviews In addition, I respect the support from my colleague, Phuong Lan, for her whole-hearted help and encouragement when I was dealing with the data and searching for materials I also would like to send my sincere thanks to all my friends of the English M.A class (2009-2011), especially Phuc An and Thanh Hai for assisting me during the thesis, especially the pilotting of the questionnaires ii Finally, I would like to show my deep gratitute to my mother, my father-teacher, my brother and sister who are always by my side, give me mental support and most importantly, more inspirations to finish the thesis after a lot of difficulties iii TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS Chapter INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Background of the Research Rationale for the Research Research Questions Scope of the Study Thesis Outline Chapter LITERATURE REVIEW 10 2.1 Introduction 10 2.2 Features of the Young Learners 10 2.2.1 Motivation 10 2.2.2 Cognitive and Affective Domains 11 2.2.3 Creativity 11 2.2.4 Indirect Learning 12 2.2.5 Capacity for Finding and Making Fun 12 2.2.6 Imagination 12 2.2.7 Instinct for Interaction and Talk 12 2.3 Benefits of Starting a Foreign Language at a Primary School Level 14 2.4 Teaching English to Primary Children 15 2.5 Assessing Young Learners 16 2.6 Materials and Other Teaching Aids 19 2.6.1 Textbook 19 2.6.2 Other Teaching Aids 23 2.7 Ways to Effective Teaching and Learning 24 2.8 Textbook Adaptation 28 2.8.1 Definitions 28 2.8.2 Reasons for Adapting 28 2.8.3 Techniques for Adaptation 29 2.9 Previous Studies 31 2.10 Review of the Book Let‟s Go 35 2.11 Chapter Summary 35 Chapter METHODOLOGY 37 3.1 Research Design and Approach 37 3.2 Participants and Research Sites 37 3.2.1 Teachers 38 3.2.2 Administrators 38 3.2.3 Research Sites 38 3.3 Instruments of data collection 39 3.3.1 Questionnaires 39 3.3.2 Interviews 40 3.4 Data collection procedure 41 3.5 Data analysis methods 41 Chapter FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 42 4.1 Introduction 42 4.2 Results from the questionnaires 42 4.2.1 Teachers‟ perceptions of the necessity and benefits of teaching English to primary pupils 43 4.2.2 Teachers‟ perceptions of the suitability and appropriateness of the book Let‟s Go (Cluster 2) 44 4.2.3 Proper methods/techniques of teaching Let‟s Go to primary pupils (Cluster 3) 48 4.3 Current difficulties in teaching Let‟s Go to primary pupils 53 4.3.1 Current difficulties in terms of pupils‟ ability 53 4.3.2 Current difficulties due to other factors 55 4.4 Results from the interviews 57 4.4.1 The importance of the English teaching program using Let‟s Go at primary schools 58 4.4.2 Teachers‟ satisfaction with the results of this English teaching program with the book Let‟s Go 60 4.4.3 Strong points and weak points of the book Let‟s Go 61 4.4.4 Obstacles of using Let‟s Go 64 4.5 Chapter summary 66 Chapter CONCLUSION, IMPLICATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH 67 5.1 Summary of the Key Findings 67 5.2 Implications 71 5.2.1 Implications for teachers at primary schools 71 5.2.2 Implications for administrators at primary schools 72 5.2.3 Implications for learners 73 5.2.4 Implications for textbook designers 74 5.3 Contribution of the study 74 5.4 Limitations of the study 75 5.5 Recommendations for future research 75 5.6 Conclusion 76 REFERENCES APPENDIX 1: QUESTIONNAIRE APPENDIX 2: INTERVIEW QUESTIONS LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Research sites and data collection 39 Table 3.2 Summary of the questionnaire components 40 Table 4.1 The reliability of the pilotted questionnaires Reliability Statistics 42 Table 4.2 The reliability of the questionnaires 43 Table 4.3 Mean scores of teachers‟ perceptions of the necessity and benefits of teaching English to primary pupils (Cluster 1) 43 Table 4.4 Mean scores of the suitability of using Let‟s Go to teach English to primary pupils 47 Table 4.5 Mean scores of different types of teaching methods used by primary teachers in Hue 50 Table 4.6 Mean scores of different ways of adapting the content of the book 51 Table 4.7 Mean score of teachers‟ current difficulties in teaching English to primary pupils 53 Table 4.8 Frequencies and percentage of teachers whose pupils can read correctly but not write appropriately 54 Table 4.9 Frequencies and percentage of teachers whose pupils are not of the same level of English 54 Table 4.10 Frequency of item 7: Too many pupils in a class 56 Table 4.11 Frequency of item 9: Ineffective sound system 56 Table 4.12 Frequency of item27: Shortage of teaching and learning facilities 56 LIST OF CHARTS Chart 4.1 Percentage of teachers‟ agreement about the appeal of the book 45 Chart 4.2 Percentage of teachers‟ perception of the appropriateness of the content of the book Let‟s Go 46 Chart 4.3 Mean scores of teaching aids preferred by primary teachers 49 Chart 4.4 Percentage of teachers who said that they changed and added activities to the content of the book 51 Chart 4.5 Percentage of teachers who reported to remove activities 52 Chart 4.6 Mean scores of difficulties in terms of pupils‟ ability 54 ABSTRACT This study investigates issues relating to teaching English using Let’s Go at some primary schools in Hue It aims to examine primary teachers‟ perceptions of teaching English to young learners, how teachers dealt with the content of the book, and whether they encountered any difficulties in the teaching process The data were collected through questionnaires and interviews Forty primary teachers and five primary school administrators in Hue participated in the study The collected data identified the teachers‟ perceptions and practice of teaching Let’s Go to primary children The results indicated that primary school teachers of English had positive perceptions toward teaching English to young learners Even though many of the teachers agreed upon the good features of the book Let’s Go, a few of them still did not feel satisfied with the content of this book and therefore some adaptations such as changing, adding, replacing and removing activities were carried out Four main problems in primary teachers‟ implementation of teaching English to young learners were found: (1) children could read correctly but could not write appropriately, (2) they did not have the same level of English, (3) oversized classroom and (4) ineffective facilities Based on the findings, suggestions were given to teachers and administrators at primary schools, young learners and also for textbook designers so that the English teaching and learning situation at the primary level can be enhanced Chapter INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Research English is widely perceived as one of the most valuable global commodities – the currency for global mobility and individual success – and governments are investing large sums of money in improving the standards of teaching and learning English worldwide (Whitehead, 2007, p 9) This is a huge issue with aspects related to different groups of people in the society, from kindergarten children to graduates and even the elderly people As Scott (1998) mentions, the importance of teaching English to young learners has been especially emphasized in recent years One reason for this has been the introduction of primary EFL teaching in a number of European countries – but it is also a world-wide phenomenon Since the 1980s, as Rixon (1992) says, many countries have witnessed a marked increase in the teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL) at the primary level of education It is the view of Lightbown and Spada (2006) that the acquisition and maintenance of more than one language can help us reach many personal, social, and economic opportunities Since Vietnam began its „open door‟ policy, together with the modernization of the whole world, the English language has gained national significance The government has stressed the importance of English, as it will play a crucial role in the country‟s drive to modernization According to Ha Van Sinh (2006, p 111), the “Economic and political changes over the past decade have brought about a more significant role for EFL in all spheres of life English has become an effective means of attaining well-paying jobs and promotions and accessing higher education” Also, the concern of the parents is that their children not only learn basic English but also acquire high levels of English language proficiency Some language institutes, generally serving adults, now attract a large number of children aged from six to twelve 5.2.4 Implications for textbook designers  To meet the increasing demand of English proficiency from the society nowadays, textbook designers should pay attention to the amount of knowledge included in the textbook, especially vocabulary and grammar  Textbooks for children always require a lot of colors and pictures, therefore the designers should always try to renew the textbooks with those features to keep the children amazed at the book as always  To establish the complete English ability of the children at this stage, the textbook designers should integrate four skills in the textbook so that the pupils have chances to practice those skills equally in the lessons  Language in the textbooks should always be updated so that new vocabulary can be added and old expressions can be reduced so that the pupils can catch up with the rapid changing of the English speaking world 5.3 Contribution of the study Up to now, there has been such a modest number of studies that focus on the English teaching program at primary schools in our country Furthermore, the book Let’s Go has been an amazing source of inspiration for primary teachers in recent time but has not received much formal consideration This study, therefore, is supposed to gain some insights into this area of few footprints with the hope to confirm the worth of teaching English to young learners, and most importantly, to take the initiative to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of this series of book It is expected that the study can partly contribute to the further success of the English teaching program at primary schools in Hue 74 5.4 Limitations of the study First of all, the scale of the study was limited to 40 teachers at 14 primary schools in Hue As a consequence, its is not potential to generalize the findings of the study to teachers of other cities or provinces in our country Also, the related references were not so efficient, therefore, some gaps in the literature review were inevitable This has contributed its part to the shortcomings of the study In addition, the results from the interviews were generalized from responses of only five administrators whose opinions may not stand for the opinions of the whole administrators of primary schools in Hue Finally, the study could only focus on one textbook that primary schools in Hue make use of, that is Let’s Go, while some other books are still offered for considerations in some primary schools Therefore, the findings of the study were restricted to only one textbook, which may not be necessary and beneficial to teachers of schools that chose another option of textbook to teach English to their pupils 5.5 Recommendations for future research Based on the limitations of this study as mentioned above, some suggestions for future research can be as follows:  Since the study was conducted with only 40 participants who are primary teachers in Hue, it is advisable that future research should have a larger number of participants and, if possible, choose some representatives from other provinces and cities so that the findings from the research can be closer to the reality of teaching and learning English at primary schools in our country  Researches on this issue in the future can be done with different textbooks such as “Let‟s Learn English” or other materials that are recommended by the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam 75 5.6 Conclusion Teaching English has always been an important mission for our society However, when we look more deeply at the issue, teaching English to primary pupils plays the most crucial part in the success of the learners later in their lives because once the base is firmly established, success is more likely to be obtained It can be seen from this study that primary teachers are well aware of the great significance of teaching English to their pupils However, good awareness needs a lot of efforts to make it up to the expectation of the developing society Up to now, the procedures of teaching and learning English at primary schools have not been definitely effective due to some difficulties It is strongly believed that if the teachers are determined to perfect their teaching, ways will be found and success will be closer to their reach From what was found in the current research, in spite of some minor irrelevance of the content, Let’s Go is perceived as one of the most suitable textbooks to teach English to primary children in Thua Thien Hue province Being aware of this, teachers should work harder to have the best adaptations as well as exploration of the content of the textbook so that English can be taught and acquired effectively 76 REFERENCES Allen, H B (1965) Teaching English as a Second Language Columbus: McGraw-Hill, Inc Allwright, R (1982) What We Want Teaching Materials for? 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A Please write your information or check the appropriate answer in the spaces below: Gender:  male  female Age: _ Years of English teaching experience (at primary school): _ Name of your school: _ Do you  teach English only or  teach many other subjects besides English? How many periods per week does each class have English lessons at your school? _ B The following questions concern teachers’ perceptions and realities of teaching “Let’s Go” to primary children For each statement, please check () in one of the five boxes on the right to give your opinion N Statements The book “Let‟s Go” is designed in an attractive way (the colors, the pictures, the size of the book, etc.) that keeps children interested in English studying My pupils can read the words correctly but cannot write them appropriately Learning English at primary school is advisable for the little children because they are young and active to learn new things from a new language I repeat some lessons many times to help my pupils memorize the new words and structures The content of the book “Let‟s Go” is good enough for primary children to learn new vocabulary and some English structures I always call on each student to help them practice speaking individually so that I can know their difficulties and correct their mistakes right away Totally disagree Disagree Have no idea Agree Totally agree There are too many pupils in a class and the children at this age are so naughty, therefore the group or pair work activities are not easy to be carried out I think teaching English to primary children is a good way to help them familiarize with the new foreign language Activities such as listening or speaking in chorus for the whole class can easily disturb the classes nearby, so they cannot take place as frequently as the teacher wants 10 I think it would be more effective if there is a book designed specifically for our Vietnamese primary children instead of “Let‟s Go” or other similar books 11 I usually CHANGE activities in “Let‟s Go” content and work arrangement 12 I usually ADD one or more activities to each lesson for better practice and more profound understanding 13 I usually REPLACE some activities in the book with more communicative and interesting ones 14 I usually REMOVE some activities in the book due to time constraint and/or their ineffectiveness 15 A number of pupils are not active enough to take part in the speaking sessions in my English class 16 I prefer teaching speaking to writing because my pupils are active in oral English 17 Learning English at an early age like this helps the children acquire other foreign languages more easily later on 18 I use mother tongue in the class sometimes because my students not have enough English to understand everything I say 19 It always takes longer than expected for my class to finish one lesson because the ability of the pupils are not the same 20 I usually have songs and games to help my students feel more excited in learning English 21 I think “Let‟s Go” can meet all the needs of Vietnamese primary children 22 I use a lot of teaching aids in my English lessons such as pictures, flash cards, real objects, etc 23 A number of pupils cannot pronounce the sounds that they not have in their mother tongue 24 As the children are not fully aware of the importance of learning a foreign language, it is not necessary to teach English at primary schools 25 I always follow the order of every activity in the book 26 I teach English to the children better thanks to the help of the video clips and cassette tapes 27 Our school does not have enough facilities for English teaching so the lessons are not as effective as I wish 28 I ask my pupils to speak English in the English classes so that they can improve their speech ability and overcome shyness 29 I think “Let‟s Go” is the most suitable book to teach English to primary children 30 In my class, I often adapt some activities so that the lessons can be more interesting APPENDIX 2: INTERVIEW QUESTIONS (For administrators) Teacher‟s name (optional): …………………………………………………………… School‟s name: ………………………………………………………………………… Male/Female: ……………… Age: ……………………… Position: ……………………………………………………………………………… What you think about the English teaching program using Let’s Go at primary schools? Are you satisfied with the results of this English teaching program with the book Let’s Go? What are some strong points as well as weak points we can tell from the book Let’s Go? What are some obstacles in teaching English to primary children at your school?

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2023, 18:11


