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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale of the study Since Vietnam officially joined the TPP and the AEC, having a good command of foreign languages in general and English in particular is a necessity in the context of globalization English has become one of the important keys to the regional and global integration and the development of the country (MOET, 2013) In educational circles, the debate about the importance of English and learning other subjects through English continues gathering momentum as well as being the core of conversation Ministries of education of all countries are constantly reviewing policy, hoping to find optimal learning opportunities for students to succeed in a world that is becoming increasingly demanding, especially in terms of linguistics (British Council, 2010) Accordingly, teaching and learning English in Vietnam has been receiving special attention (To, 2010) Since 1994, personnel working in Government agencies have been required to be able to communicate in English (Le, 1999, p.73) From then on, the foreign language has been a compulsory school subject that students have to pass if they want to get the Secondary School Education Certificate (ibid, p.73) University students are now required to take foreign languages, mostly English, for the entrance and graduation exams Postgraduate education and the granting of faculty positions also require foreign language proficiency (Do, 1999) In order to boost the effectiveness of teaching and learning foreign languages within Vietnam‟s educational system to achieve a vivid progress on professional skills, language competency for human resources by the year 2015, making languages as an advantage for Vietnamese people, serving the cause of industrialization and modernization for the country, the NFL 2020 was approved in 2008 (Decision No 1400/QĐ-TTg on September 30th, 2008) This decision has proved the importance of teaching and learning foreign languages in general and -1- English in specific MOET also instructed universities to make plans to use English as a medium in the training programmes Priority should go to science, economics, business administration, finance and banking (MOET, 2005) According to a survey conducted by The British Council in cooperation with Oxford University Department of Education in 2014, Vietnam is one of the countries having the growing trend in using EMI in all stages of education – primary, secondary and tertiary (Dearden, 2014) Since the 2011-2012 academic year, MOET has decided to adopt EMI for natural science subjects at some particular schools as one component of the NFL 2020 and also part of the DGS 2020 in order to ensure that Vietnamese students are able to keep abreast of scientific and technological development that is mostly recorded in English and to provide opportunities for students to use English and consequently increase their proficiency in the language (MOET, 2013) MOET believes that despite a series of difficulties, now is the proper time to start its plan on teaching science subjects, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and informatics, in English at several high schools for the gifted nationwide (Vietnamnet, 2014) The teaching will be piloted in 2-3 years, before it is applied on a large scale in the ensuing years Until now, EMI has been implemented at about 20 high schools for the gifted nationwide with one or two lessons a week for every science subject, and at the first step has made a positive change in innovating the education at these schools (Giáo dục & thời đại, 2013) The main purpose of the pilot programme is to familiarise students with specialised terminology in English, which will help them read a wide source of materials written in English Furthermore, this programme also helps them improve their self-study skills, and apply for international study abroad (Vietnamnews, 2012) These purposes correspond with the perception of English as the ultimate international language of choice for career development of students and their parents (Deller & Price, 2007) Teachers who apply EMI also benefit from this programme They have the opportunity to broaden their professional knowledge, -2- access new teaching approaches, study and work in some advanced institutions in the world (Luu, 2013) To prepare for the implementation of this programme, the first training course was provided in late 2013 to teachers from 63 provinces and cities (Vietnamnet, 2014) At LQD, the pilot programme of teaching some natural science subjects through English has been conducted since 2013 At first, this programme was reserved only for 10th-grade students majoring in English They kept normal hours with Vietnamese instructions and then had extra hours of learning mathematics and chemistry in English These sections have been conducted by the content teachers, who are quite competent in using English EFL teachers help them with some problems of pronunciation, word uses and grammar Step by step, other science subjects have been added in all grades As planned, all students will have to experience EMI for years The aim of the pilot activities is quite good in the aspect of helping both teachers and students access innovative teaching and learning methods, raise their competence in English, especially English in scientific fields to enhance the knowledge, to research, and to be able to acquire scientific thinking in English as well as in the aspect of offering the students greater chances to receive scholarships to study overseas or to follow advanced training courses at some specific domestic universities in which English is the main language of teaching (MOET, 2013) Indeed, the application of bilingual teaching in natural science subjects helps students their best in an innovative learning environment as well as meeting an urgent requirement of education in our country today However, in practice, to deal with the programme initiated by MOET is quite challenging to the educators, teachers as well as students in some gifted high schools, especially to the ones in underprivileged provinces Therefore, a study into the perceptions of secondary teachers and students participating in the pilot programme will help the people involved find the best solutions to all of their problems in EMI adoption -3- It is hoped that my research will help the involved have a thorough look into this problem and certain measures will be taken to ensure the continuity in study and the success of the innovative policy 1.2 Aims of the study This research attempts to explore how teachers and students at LQD perceive the programme to teach some science subjects through English implemented at the school since 2013 This study also aims to find out the challenges they are faced with in the programme application From the findings of the study, some implications will be drawn out to help make the implementation of EMI at the school more applicable and effective 1.3 Significance of the study EMI is considered to become an inevitable trend and a critical step for nonEnglish speaking countries to internationalize their education in the global era (Chang, 2010; Chen, 2014; Morgado & Coelho, 2013) Both students and teachers in EMI programmes are motivated to be proficient in both English and academic content, constituting a competitive advantage for students when entering domestic or international universities, laying a steady foundation for students‟ future in the job market and in the global integration (Le, 2012) However, how to transform the academic contents from using the L1 into using the L2 (namely, English) as a medium of instruction in such a non-English speaking context as Vietnam, especially towards high school students is still open for investigation It is expected that the findings of this case study will gather enough information to explore the perceptions and challenges LQD‟s leaders, teachers and students are facing in the pilot programme and to make practical recommendations on how to improve the EMI implementation into the curriculum and teaching practice Personally, as an EFL teacher, by doing this research, I can develop my knowledge and skills about EMI that help me cooperate better with the science teachers to make the pilot programme at the school more beneficial to both of the -4- teachers and students This study will also provide a scientific basis for further research related to the field 1.4 Research questions The following are the specific research questions guiding me during my study: What LQD‟s leaders, teachers and students think of the necessity and the preliminary success of implementing EMI at the school? According to the school leaders and teachers, what are the challenges when implementing this programme? What are the suggestions to improve the programme implementation? 1.5 Scope of the study With the purpose of exploring the preliminary implementation of EMI at secondary level in contemporary Vietnam, the study concentrates on investigating the perceptions of the leaders, teachers, and students of this pilot programme, the challenges faced in the use of EMI However, due to the constraints of time, effort, finance and knowledge of the field, this is just a case study at LQD, a school in an underprivileged province of Vietnam Moreover, because teaching science subjects through English is being piloted at some high schools in Vietnam, there are not so many students and teachers involved in this programme 1.6 Structure of the study The study is organized into five chapters: Chapter provides the rationale, aims of the study, the research questions, the significance, the scope and the structure of the thesis Chapter reviews the related literature that serves as the theoretical foundation for the thesis This review consists of previous related studies, the definition of EMI, the implementation of EMI in some countries, the challenges that -5- other teachers have been faced with and some relevant policies to the pilot programme in high schools in Vietnam Chapter presents the research methodology, which includes the description of the informants of the study (the leaders, teachers and learners), research instruments such as questionnaires, class observation sheets and interviews The chapter also describes the research procedure on how to obtain research data and the limitation of the study Chapter provides the detailed results of the findings with thorough discussion At the end of the chapter, a summary of all the findings and discussion will be presented Chapter displays the summary of the findings, the implications and suggestions on the areas for further research Besides, the appendices and the reference source list are also included at the end of the thesis -6- CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter first presents the previous related studies, the definition of EMI, the difference between EMI and CLIL as well as the experience gained from implementation of EMI in some countries, particularly Asian ones The perception of the importance and challenges of using EMI of some scholars are also discussed in order to provide a general view Some related factors of the case study are also carefully explained Finally, in the conclusion for the chapter, the need for this study will be highlighted 2.1 Previous related studies Vietnam is one of the countries having the growing trend in using EMI in all stages of education – primary, secondary and tertiary (Dearden, 2014) Yet little empirical research has been conducted into why and when EMI is being introduced in Vietnam and how it is delivered What are the perceptions of students and teachers towards EMI? What are the consequences of introducing EMI on teaching, learning, assessing and teacher professional development? A handful of previous researches in EMI in Vietnam is as follows: Khả biện pháp thực giảng dạy chun mơn tiếng nước ngồi trường đại học Việt Nam (Nguyen et al., 2009) mentions the abilities and suggests some feasible measures to implement EMI in higher education level in Vietnam The impacts of globalisation on EFL teacher education through English as a medium of instruction: an example from Vietnam (Dang, Nguyen & Le, 2013) In this research, the authors mention the development of EFL and its effects on the implementation of EMI in Vietnam, but at the tertiary level Learning through English – Insights from Vietnam (To, 2010) focuses on the development of EFL in Vietnam in general and gives a brief look at the use of EMI in some universities in Vietnam -7- English as a Medium of Instruction in Asian Universities – The case of Vietnam (Le, 2012) also discusses the adoption of EMI and addresses the possible impacts of EMI at higher education institutions in Asia in general and in Vietnam in specific Besides, there are some presentations at a handful of workshops and seminars held in recent years nationwide and some articles in some newspapers addressing some initial problems in implementing EMI in Vietnam As can be seen from the previous researches, little is dealt with the implementation of EMI at secondary level 2.2 Definition of EMI Prah (2005) defines a language of instruction as the language in which basic skills and knowledge are distributed to the population and the medium in which the production and reproduction of knowledge occur Accordingly, a medium of instruction is supposed to be a tool enabling the teaching and learning process, facilitating the learning of subject content, helping students react to different facts and viewpoints in order to construct a new view of the world, including the meanings they attribute to the new concepts they are introduced to, and the values they attach to them Prah (2005) also confirms that in order for communication to be effective in teaching and learning, a medium of instruction should be the one which is familiar to the teacher and the learner Therefore, it is not surprising that first language is often chosen as the medium of instruction at all levels in many corners of the world However, with the emergence of English, there is a fast-moving worldwide shift from English being taught as a foreign language to English being the medium of instruction for academic subjects such as science and mathematics EMI is increasingly being used in universities, secondary schools and even primary schools This phenomenon has very important implications for the education of young people and policy decisions in non-anglophone countries (Dearden, 2014) -8- In general, EMI is a basic educational approach which focuses on the teaching and learning of multi-disciplinary academic subjects (e.g., science, mathematics, geography, medicine) in English (To, 2010) In other words, it either introduces English as a foreign language or, more often, describes subject specific learning through a foreign language EMI is also referred to as “Language Teaching by Content Teaching” where language learning is developed naturally and incidentally (Coyle, Hood & Marsh, 2010; Fernández, 2009) Goodman (2014) considers EMI as “a means to a more prosperous future” (p.138) EMI programmes thus offer both students and teachers opportunities to study and to teach specialized academic content in English Dearden (2014) defines EMI as “the use of the English language to teach academic subjects in countries or jurisdictions where the first language (L1) of the majority of the population is not English.” (p.2) This definition is important in the fact that it provides a conceptual separation between EMI and CLIL As Coyle et al (2010) defines: “CLIL is a dual-focused educational approach in which an additional language is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language That is, in the teaching and learning process, there is a focus not only on content, and not only on language Each is interwoven, even if the emphasis is greater on one or the other at a given time.” (p.1) As can be easily seen from two definitions above, there are some distictions between CLIL and EMI CLIL does not mention which additional language academic subjects are to be studied in; meanwhile, EMI makes it quite clear that the language of education used in teaching is English, regardless of the geographical, political, social or cultural backgrounds Whereas CLIL has a clear objective of furthering both content and language at the same time, EMI focuses on using English as a bridge to the contents of the academic subject (Dearden, 2014) -9- Moreover, whereas CLIL is contextually situated, EMI has no specific contextual origin The term CLIL was coined and officially adopted by the European Network of Administrators, Researchers and Practitioners in 1996 Since its official adoption, CLIL has become a trend across Europe, gradually becoming an established teaching approach (Coyle et al., 2010) 2.3 EMI in some Asian countries The use of EMI across the world has drawn attention of language policy and planning scholars and researchers in many countries Asian ones are not an exception At the turn of the 21st century, a number of British, American and Australian universities established bilateral relationships with universities in Asia, and elsewhere, to moderate and co-teach EMI programmes in a range of disciplines The educational authorities in the Asian countries considered this trend an opportunity to develop autonomous EMI programmes of their own The main objectives of these are to create a new generation of students who are scientifically and technologically knowledgeable and fluent in English These youths can continue accessing scientific and technological knowledge, even after leaving school They, therefore, become a workforce capable of continued learning, contributing to the economic growth and development of the countries (Kirkpatrick, 2014) In Malaysia, the government allow and encourage an increasing number of private universities to introduce EMI programmes in science and related subjects (Tham & Kam, 2008) In 1991, the programme titled Vision 2020 was carried out with an aim to transform Malaysia into an international education hub However, initially, this implementaion was not successful because of nationalism Malaysia is a multi-racial country with diverse groups (Malays, 50.4%; Chinese, 24.6%; Indians, 7.1% and others) Therefore, some people insisted on Bahasa Malaysia becoming the language of science and technology However, after the Asian financial crisis along with the establishment of private higher-learning institutions, the status of English has been more and more elevated The Education Act (1996) - 10 - Do, H T (1999) Foreign language education policy in Vietnam: the emergence of English and its impact on higher education Proceedings of the 4th international conference on language and development, Hanoi, Vietnam Fernández, D (2009) CLIL at the university level: relating language teaching with and through content teaching In Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learning, 2(2), pp.10-26 Fullan, M (2007) The new meaning of educational change 4th edition Routledge and Teachers College Press Goodman, B A (2014) Implementing English as a medium of instruction in a Ukrainian University: Challenges, adjustments, and opportunities International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, 9(2), pp.130-141 Griffee, D T (2012) An introduction to second language research methods: Design and data eBook edition TESL-EJ Publications: USA Hadisantosa, N (2010) Learning through English – Insights from Indonesia In Learning through English: policies, challengies and prospects – insights from East Asia Johnstone, R (Ed.), pp.24-46 Bristish Council Huynh, T B (2013) An investigation into teaching the English reading skill to non-English major postgraduates at Hue College of pedagogy to reach level B1 in CEFR MA TEFL Thesis Hue University, College of Foreign Languages, Vietnam Kirkpatrick, A (2014) English as a medium of instruction in east and south-east Asian Universities In: Murray N., Scarino A (Eds.): Dynamic Ecologies New York: Springer, pp.15-23 Le, D M (2012) English as a medium of instruction in Asian Universities – The case of Vietnam Language Education in Asia, 3(2), pp.263-267 Le, T H (2014) Teachers' perceptions of English language competency as one component within the National Foreign Language 2020 Project: A case study of - 70 - EFL teachers at Upper secondary school in Quang Tri province MA TEFL Thesis Hue University, College of Foreign Languages, Vietnam Le, V C (1999) Language and Vietnamese pedagogical contexts In J Shaw, D Lubeska, and M Noullet, (eds) Language and development: Partnership and interaction: Proceedings of the 4th international conference on language and development, Hanoi, Vietnam, pp.73–79 Bangkok: Asian Institute of Technology Le, V C (2007) A historical review of English language education in Vietnam In Y.H Choi & B Spolsky (Eds.), English education in Asia: History and policies, pp.167-179 Seoul: Asia TEFL Lee, W (2010) Learning through English – Insights from South Korea In Learning through English: policies, challenges and prospects – insights from East Asia Johnstone, R (Ed.), pp.47-68 British Council Lo Bianco, J (2010) Globalisation, universities and medium of instruction In Penelope, P.; 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Với thời lượng tiết/tuần? - 77 - Môn (đánh dấu () vào môn em Thời lượng học tiếng Anh)  Toán …………………………………………  Tin …………………………………………  Vật lý …………………………………………  Hóa học …………………………………………  Sinh học ………………………………………… Em suy nghĩ thời lượng học môn khoa học tiếng Anh lớp em nay?  Quá nhiều  Nhiều  Vừa phải  Ít  Quá Theo em, việc học môn khoa học Tiếng Anh mang đến cho em lợi ích nào? (câu hỏi có nhiều lựa chọn)  Cải thiện khả tiếng Anh  Biết thuật ngữ, khái niệm tiếng Anh  Dễ dàng tìm kiếm tài liệu Internet  Tạo tảng cho việc du học  Thể hội nhập với nước giới  Tạo tảng cho việc tham gia thi Olympic cấp khu vực quốc tế - 78 -  Tạo tảng cho việc theo học ngành/lớp chất lượng cao trường Đại học  Cập nhật nhanh chóng phát minh, phát khoa học  Tăng tự tin, hứng thú học tập Ý kiến khác:……………… … …….……………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Những khó khăn, trở ngại mà em gặp phải việc học môn khoa học Tiếng Anh? (câu hỏi có nhiều lựa chọn)  Hiểu ghi nhớ từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành  Khả diễn đạt tiếng Anh hạn chế thân  Khả diễn đạt phát âm tiếng Anh hạn chế giáo viên  Khả hiểu nội dung học so với học tiếng Việt  Sách giáo khoa hành không phù hợp với việc học tiếng Anh  Phương pháp giảng dạy giáo viên cịn mang tính thụ động  Việc kiểm tra, đánh giá cịn chưa phù hợp  Khơng có nhiều thời gian đầu tư cho việc học tiếng Anh Ý kiến khác:……………… ……… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Theo em, việc học môn khoa học Tiếng Anh có ảnh hưởng đến việc ơn luyện để thi vào trường Đại học không?  Ảnh hưởng nhiều  Ảnh hưởng nhiều - 79 -  Bình thường  Ít ảnh hưởng  Khơng ảnh hưởng Theo ý kiến em, số lượng tiết học Tiếng Anh cho môn học hợp lý?  tuần / tiết / môn  tuần / tiết / môn  tháng / tiết / môn  học kỳ / tiết / môn  năm học / tiết / môn Ý kiến khác:……………… ……….……………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… 10 Theo ý kiến em, mức độ sử dụng Tiếng Anh tiết học môn khoa học Tiếng Anh hợp lý?  10-30%  30-50%  50-70%  70-100% 11 Em có đề nghị thầy cô nhà trường việc giảng dạy môn khoa học Tiếng Anh thời gian đến? ………………………….………………… ……………………………………… …………………………….……………… ……………………………………… …………………………….……………… ……………………………………… ………………………….………………… ……………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… ………………………………………………………… ***Xin chân thành cám ơn hợp tác em!*** - 80 - APPENDIX CÁC CÂU HỎI PHỎNG VẤN Mục đích câu hỏi nhằm tìm hiểu thêm việc dạy học môn khoa học tự nhiên Tiếng Anh trường THPT chuyên Lê Quý Đôn, Quảng Trị nhằm phục vụ cho đề tài luận văn thạc sĩ chuyên ngành lý luận phương pháp giảng dạy Tiếng Anh Các câu trả lời quý thầy cô giáo lãnh đạo nhà trường đóng góp lớn cho thành công nghiên cứu Số liệu thu thập sử dụng cho mục đích nghiên cứu, khơng mục đích khác Những ý kiến đóng góp q thầy đánh giá cao phục vụ tốt cho nghiên cứu Xin chân thành cám ơn hợp tác quý thầy cô -* DÀNH CHO LÃNH ĐẠO NHÀ TRƯỜNG Xin thầy/cô cho biết việc thực đề án giảng dạy môn khoa học Tiếng Anh theo đề án Bộ GD-ĐT triển khai trường ta? Theo đánh giá lãnh đạo nhà trường, đề án có thành cơng áp dụng trường ta hay khơng? Nếu có mức độ nào? Thuận lợi khó khăn việc thực đề án gì? Việc lựa chọn giáo viên giảng dạy môn khoa học Tiếng Anh dựa tiêu chí nào? Các chế độ cho giáo viên giảng dạy môn khoa học Tiếng Anh thực sao? Việc dạy học mơn khoa học Tiếng Anh có tạo áp lực cho nhà trường, giáo viên học sinh khơng? Nếu có, xin q thầy/cơ cho biết mức độ nào? - 81 - Phương hướng nhà trường việc thực đề án thời gian đến nào? Nếu gặp phản đối tính hiệu đề án từ phía học sinh phụ huynh q thầy/cô xử lý nào? * DÀNH CHO GIÁO VIÊN DẠY TIẾNG ANH Quý thầy cô suy nghĩ cần thiết đề án giảng dạy môn khoa học Tiếng Anh Bộ GD&ĐT? Theo quý thầy cô, đề án thực trường ta có thành cơng hay khơng? Nếu có, mức độ nào? Q thầy/cô suy nghĩ mục tiêu đề án giảng dạy môn khoa học Tiếng Anh? Theo quý thầy/cô, kết học môn Tiếng Anh có bị ảnh hưởng đề án khơng? Ở mức độ nào? Q thầy/cơ có hỗ trợ Tiếng Anh cho giáo viên học sinh tham gia đề án không? Ở mức độ nào? * DÀNH CHO GIÁO VIÊN DẠY CÁC MÔN KHOA HỌC BẰNG TIẾNG ANH Quý thầy cô suy nghĩ cần thiết đề án giảng dạy môn khoa học Tiếng Anh Bộ GD&ĐT? Theo quý thầy cô, đề án thực trường ta có thành cơng hay khơng? Nếu có, mức độ nào? Trong q trình giảng dạy, thời lượng Tiếng Anh quý thầy/cô sử dụng khoảng %? Có sách đãi ngộ cho quý thầy/cô tham gia đề án hay khơng? Q thầy/cơ thấy việc khó sử dụng Tiếng Anh giảng dạy môn quý thầy/cô phụ trách gì? (Văn phạm, phát âm, từ vựng, kỹ giao tiếp ) - 82 - Quý thầy/cô có hài lịng kết thực đề án khơng? Vì sao? Q thầy/cơ có sẵn sàng tiếp tục thực đề án khơng? Vì sao? * DÀNH CHO HỌC SINH THAM GIA HỌC CÁC MÔN KHOA HỌC BẰNG TIẾNG ANH Em có suy nghĩ cần thiết đề án giảng dạy môn khoa học Tiếng Anh Bộ GD&ĐT? Theo em, đề án thực cụ thể trường chuyên? Khi học môn khoa học Tiếng Anh, phần em thấy khó khăn nhất? (Văn phạm, phát âm, từ vựng, kỹ nghe/nói/đọc/viết ) Bố mẹ em có ý kiến việc học môn khoa học tự nhiên Tiếng Anh em? Bản thân em thấy kiến thức môn học kiến thức Tiếng Anh em có chuyển biến khơng? Em có sẵn sàng tiếp tục tham gia đề án khơng? Vì sao? - 83 - APPENDIX OBSERVATION SHEET Date: ………………………………………………………………………………… Class: ………………………………………………………………………………… Number of students: ………………………………………………………………… Teacher in charge: …………………………………………………………………… CHECKLIST:  Turn students take to respond to the questions?  Teacher talking time?  Student talking time?  Number of linguistic mistakes?  Number of teachers‟?  Number of students‟?  Pronunciation?  Spelling?  Grammar?  Teacher talking time?  Information technology?  English talking time?  Vietnamese talking time?  Class atmosphere?  Students‟ note-taking?  Students‟ understanding? - 84 -

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2023, 18:11


