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0080 using flashcards to teach vocabulary for young learners at an english center in quy nhon sử dụng thẻ từ vựng để dạy từ vựng cho học sinh nhỏ tuổi tại

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MINISTRYOFEDUCATIONANDTRAINING QUYNHONUNIVERSITY VÕTRẦNTHU THẢO USINGFLASHCARDS TOTEACHVOCABULARYFORYOUNGLEARNERSATANEN GLISHCENTERIN QUYNHON Field:English Teaching MethodologyCode:8140111 Supervisor:VõDuyĐức,PhD BỘGIÁODỤCVÀ ĐÀOTẠO TRƯỜNGĐẠIHỌCQUYNHƠN VÕTRẦN THUTHẢO SỬDỤNGTHẺTỪVỰNG ĐỂ DẠY TỪ VỰNG CHO HỌC SINH NHỎ TUỔITẠIMỘTTRUNGTÂMANHNGỮ QUYNHƠN Chuyên ngành: LL & PP giảng dạy môn tiếng AnhMãsố:8140111 Ngườihướng dẫn:TS.Võ DuyĐức STATEMENTOFAUTHORSHIP Iherebycertifythatthethesistitled“Usingflashcardstoteachvocabulary for young learners at an English center in Quy Nhon”, is entirelymy own original work except where otherwise indicated I have not used anysourcesotherthanthoselistedandidentifiedasreferences.IfurtherdeclarethatIha venotsubmittedthisthesisatanyotherinstitutioninordertoobtainadegree ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Foremost,Iwouldliketoexpressmysinceregratitudetom y supervisor, Võ Duy Đức, PhD, for the enthusiastic and continuous support ofmy thesis, for his patience, encouragement, and immense knowledge Hisguidance helped me in all the time of research and writing of this thesis Icouldnot haveimagined havingabetteradvisorandmentorformyresearch I would send my special thanks to all lecturers and staff of the of theDepartment of Foreign Languages and the Department of Pedagogy, QuyNhon University for their profound knowledge and guidance during my twoyears of studying I am also thankful to all the English teachers and students at IALCcenter for their enthusiastic participation in my research Without their help, Iwouldnothave beenabletocomplete thispaper Last but not least, I own a great debt of gratitude to my beloved familywhosesupportandencouragementhavealwaysbeenagreatdealofmotivationthathas helpedmetoovercomeallproblemstocompletemythesis ABSTRACT This study was carried out in the form of an action research whichinvestigates teachers perspectives towards the use of flashcards in vocabularylessons and then figure out whether this visual aid in vocabulary teachingcould help improve students‟ vocabulary retention In order to accomplishthese purposes,five teachersandfifteenyounglearnersatIALCcenter(InternationalActiveLearningCente r)inQuyNhonwereselectedtoparticipateinthestudy,whichlastforeightweeks.Datac o l l e c t i o n instruments were employed, namely teachers‟ questionnaire and interview,pre-test and post-test, and class observation in order to have data to achievemostreliablefindingsfortheresearch.Resultsfromtheteachers‟questionnaire and interviews reflected a completely positive attitude of theteachers towards the use of flashcards, claiming that flashcard-based activitieshelpedteachingproceduremoreeffectively.Findingsfromthetestsandobserva tion revealed that students had experienced an improvement in theirvocabulary memorization throughout the eight weeks of study and the reasonfor the vocabulary retention progress was mainly attributed to the use offlashcards in language classroom Benefits of using flashcards can be listed asthedeeperimpressionofvocabularyonstudents‟memoryandamorefrequently exposure to vocabulary use On this basis, some implications forteachers‟preparation,classroompracticesandfutureresearchwereproposed TABLE OF CONTENTSTATEMENTOF AUTHORSHIPACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTSLISTOF TABLES LIST OF FIGURESTABLE OF CONTENTLISTOF TABLESLISTOFFIGURES CHAPTER1 INTRODUCTION .1 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Research aimsandobjectives 1.3 Researchquestions 1.4 Scopeofthe study 1.5.Significanceofthe study .4 1.6 Designof thestudy .4 CHAPTER2 LITERATUREREVIEW 2.1 Vocabulary 2.1.1 Vocabularydefinition .5 2.1.2 Kinds ofvocabulary 2.1.3 Stages of Vocabularyteaching 2.1.4 Techniques inteachingvocabulary 2.1.5 Vocabularyretention .10 2.2 Flashcards .10 2.2.1 Flashcardsdefinition .10 2.2.2 Kinds of flashcards 11 2.2.3 Useofflashcards .12 2.2.4 Flashcardasalanguageteachingandlearningtool 14 2.2.5 Advantagesanddisadvantagesofusingflashcards .16 2.2.6 Teacher‟srolesinusingflashcards 17 2.3 Younglearners 18 2.3.1 Introduction 18 2.3.2 Characteristicsofyounglearners 20 2.4 Actionresearch 23 2.5 Previous studies on the relationship between flashcards and vocabularyretention2 CHAPTER3.METHODOLOGY 31 3.1 Researchdesign .31 3.2 Researchcontext 31 3.2.1 Participants 31 3.2.2 Textbook .33 3.3 Datacollectioninstruments .34 3.4 Procedure 38 CHAPTER4.FINDINGSANDDISCUSSION .43 4.1 Teachers‟ perception towardsthe useofflashcards int e a c h i n g vocabulary 43 4.1.1 Findingsanddiscussionfromteachers‟questionnaire 43 4.1.2 Findingsanddiscussionfromteacherinterviews 50 4.2 Theextenttowhichf l a s h c a r d s canimproveyounglearners‟vocabularyrete ntion.55 4.2.1 Resultsofpre-testandpost-test 55 4.2.2 Comparisonbetweenpre-testandpost-test 56 4.3.Summary 60 CHAPTER5.CONCLUSIONSANDRECOMMENDATIONS .61 5.1 Conclusions 61 5.2 Implications 62 5.3 Limitations andsuggestionsforfurther research 63 REFERENCES 65 APPENDICES LISTOFTABLES Table3.1.Design ofthetextbook“EveryBodyUp 4” 34 Table3.2.WhatIsInvolvedinKnowingaWord(AdaptedfromNation,2010).37Table3.3.Pr ocedurefordatacollection 40 Table4.1.Teachers‟commontechniquesinteachingvocabulary 43 Table4.2:Teachers‟frequencyofusingflashcardsinteachingvocabulary .46 Table4.3.Teachers‟purposesofusingflashcardstoteachvocabularyanditsfreq uencyof use 46 Table4.4.Teachers‟sourcestogetflashcards 47 Table4 : C h a l l e n g e s f a c e d b y t e a c h e r s i n u s i n g f l a s h c a r d s t o t e a c h vocabulary .48 Table4.6:Scores ofpre-test andpost-test 56 LISTOFFIGURES Figure 3.1 Action research model based on Kemmis and McTaggart (1988)24Figure4.1:Theteachers‟viewontheroleofvocabularyteaching .44 Figure4.2.Teachers‟evaluationofflashcardsingeneral 45 Figure4.3.Languagegames‟availability 47 Figure4 : P r o b l e m s e n c o u n t e r e d b y t e a c h e r s w h e n u s i n g f l a s h c a r d s i n t h e processingofteachingvocabulary 48 Figure4.5 Resultsofthepre-test .55 Figure4.6 Resultsofthepost-test .56

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2023, 15:01


