INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 898-2 Fourth edition 2022-09 Fasteners — Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel — Part 2: Nuts with specified property classes Fixations — Caractéristiques mécaniques des fixations en acier au carbone et en acier allié — Partie 2: Écrous de classes de qualité spécifiées Reference number ISO 898-2:2022(E) © ISO 2022 ISO 898-2:2022(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT © ISO 2022 All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context o f its implementation, no part o f this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country o f the requester ISO copyright o ffice CP 401 • Ch de Blandonnet CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva Phone: +41 22 749 01 11 Email: Website: Published in Switzerland ii © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved ISO 898-2:2022(E) Contents Page Foreword v Introduction vii Scope Normative references Terms and definitions Symbols Designation systems 5.1 Nut styles 5.2 Property classes 5.2.1 Regular nuts (style 1) and high nuts (style 2) 5.2.2 Thin nuts (style 0) Design of bolt and nut assemblies Material, heat treatment, chemical composition and steel microstructure 7.1 General 7.2 Heat treatment 7.3 Chemical composition 7.4 Steel microstructure 7.4.1 Non-quenched and tempered nuts 7.4.2 Quenched and tempered nuts Mechanical and physical properties 8.1 General 8.2 Proof load 8.3 Hardness 8.4 Sur face integrity 11 Inspection 11 9.1 Manufacturer's inspection 11 9.2 Supplier's inspection 11 9.3 Purchaser's inspection 11 9.4 Delivery o f test results 12 10 Test methods 12 10.1 Proof load test 12 10.1.1 General 12 10.1.2 Applicability 12 10.1.3 Apparatus 12 10.1.4 Testing device 12 10.1.5 Test procedure 13 10.1.6 Test results and requirements 14 10.2 Hardness tests 14 10.2.1 General 14 10.2.2 Applicability 14 10.2.3 Test methods 14 10.2.4 Test procedures for routine inspection 14 10.2.5 Hardness determined in the thread 16 10.2.6 Hardness determined in the core 17 10.2.7 Uni formity o f hardness for quenched and tempered nuts (QT) 18 10.2.8 Requirements for non-quenched and tempered nuts (NQT) 18 10.2.9 Requirements for quenched and tempered nuts (QT) 18 10.3 Steel microstructure 19 10.3.1 General 19 10.3.2 Applicability 19 © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved iii ISO 898-2:2022(E) 10.4 10 11 10.3.3 Test method 19 10 Te s t re s u lts a nd re qu i rements 19 Retempering test 19 10 4.1 G enera l 19 10.4.2 Test procedure 19 10 Te s t re s u lts a nd re qu i rements 20 Su r face d i s conti nu ity i n s p e c tion 20 Marking and labelling 20 11 11 11 11 11 11 20 for nuts with fu l l lo adabi l ity 20 P rop er ty cla s s marki ng s ymb ol s for nuts with re duce d lo adabi l ity 21 M anu fac tu rer ’s identi fic ation m ark 21 Nut marki ng 21 M arki ng o f the p ackage s ( lab el l i ng) 23 G enera l re qu i rements P rop er ty cla s s marki ng s ymb ol s Annex A (normative) Thread dimensions of the test mandrel 25 Annex B (informative) Design principles for nuts 27 Annex C (informative) Stress under proof load, SP 29 Bibliography 31 iv © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved ISO 898-2:2022(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f electrotechnical standardization The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part In particular, the di fferent approval criteria needed for the di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted This document was dra fted in accordance with the editorial rules o f the ISO/IEC Directives, Part (see Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f patent rights ISO shall not be held responsible for identi fying any or all such patent rights Details o f any patent rights identified during the development o f the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see Any trade name used in this document is in formation given for the convenience o f users and does not constitute an endorsement For an explanation o f the voluntary nature o f standards, the meaning o f ISO specific terms and expressions related to formity assessment, as well as in formation about ISO's adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 2, Fasteners, Subcommittee SC 12, Fasteners with metric internal thread, in collaboration with the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee CEN/TC 185, Fasteners, in accordance with the Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement) This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 898-2:2012) which has been technically revised The main changes are as follows: — property class has been deleted completely, and nuts with fine pitch thread and property class have been deleted (see Introduction); — nuts with fine pitch thread in style and property class 12 have been added for diameters 18 mm to 39 mm (see Tables , and 10); — styles have been more precisely specified for standard hexagon nuts according to their minimum height, and styles have been specified for other nuts according to their minimum design thread height (see 5.1); — additional statements for thin nuts and jam nuts have been added (see Clause 6); — additional statements for hot dip galvanized nuts have been added by re ferencing ISO 10684; — in relation to material, heat treatment and steel microstructure (see Clause 7): — the minimum carbon content has been added (see Tables and 4), — the minimum manganese content has been specified to 0,25 % for all Non-Quenched and Tempered nuts (NQT) and has been raised to 0,45 % for all Quenched and Tempered nuts (QT) (see Tables and 4), — the table footnote for free cutting steel has been reworked (see Tables and 4), © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved v ISO 898-2 : 2022(E) — the minimum tempering temperature has been added for QT nuts (see Tables and 4), reference retempering test has been added (see 10.4), and a — for nuts that may optionally be quenched and tempered at the manu facturer’s discretion, detailed specifications have been added (see 7.2 ), — specifications for steel microstructure have been added for NQT and QT nuts (see 7.4.1 , 7.4.2 and 10.3); — in relation to proof load: — the proo f load values for nuts with coarse pitch thread and property classes and have been raised for sizes M27 to M39 (see Introduction, Table , and Annex C), — the maximum hole diameter for the grip has been corrected for diameters mm and mm (see Table 11 ), and re ference to additional proo f load specifications has been added for prevailing torque nuts (see 10.1); — in relation to hardness: — the re ference Vickers hardness values have been recalculated, and conversion into Brinell and Rockwell hardness has been adjusted (see Introduction and 8.3 ), — hardness determined on the bearing surface (see 10.2 a) and hardness determined in the transverse section at mid-height of the nut (see 10.2 b) have been added for routine inspection, — the test method for hardness determined in the thread has been improved and the test force has been specified according to the pitch dimension (see 10.2 ), — for QT nuts, the test methods for hardness in the core (see 10.2 ) and uni formity o f hardness (see 10.2 ) have been added, — requirements for hardness have been clarified (see 10.2 and 10.2 9); — inspection documents have been referenced in accordance with ISO 16228 for fasteners (see 9.4); — marking and labelling have been revised, and all nuts forming to this document are to be marked whatever their shape (see Clause 11); — Annex B, Design principles for nuts, has been improved; — Annex C, Nominal stress under proof load, has been added A list of all parts in the ISO 898 series can be found on the ISO website Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body A complete listing of these bodies can be found at vi © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved ISO 898-2:2022(E) Introduction ISO 898, the basic standard for fasteners with ISO metric thread made o f carbon steel and alloy steel, was developed in several parts, and includes diameters mm to 39 mm only for nuts Property classes are specified in the ISO 898 series in relation to materials and mechanical properties, so that nuts in accordance with ISO 898-2 are matching with bolts, screws and studs specified in ISO 898-1 and with flat washers specified in ISO 898-3, as necessary, in order to design suitable assemblies for a given application More parts are under development for bolts, screws, studs and nuts with sizes above 39 mm The nuts specified in this document result from the adequate combination o f nut heights (regular, style – high, style – thin, style 0), diameter ranges, coarse or fine pitch thread, and property classes in relation to heat treatment (Non-Quenched and Tempered = NQT, or Quenched and Tempered = QT) These combinations are based on bolt/nut compatibility, manu facturing processes and market needs I f other combinations are needed, e.g for nuts designed for particular applications, see ISO/TR 16224 In order to assure the necessary material strength in relation to property classes: — Quenched and Tempered nuts (QT) are specified with a minimum carbon content and a minimum tempering temperature, and are characterized by a homogeneous martensitic structure; — Non-Quenched and Tempered nuts (NQT) are also specified with a minimum carbon content but are characterized by a non-quenched microstructure Some property classes (in relation to nut style, diameter and coarse or fine pitch thread) specified as NQT may be optionally quenched and tempered as specified in 7.2 , and in this case all requirements for QT nuts apply For fully loadable non-standard nuts which are to meet the requirements o f this document, the relevant style or style is assigned in relation to their minimum design thread height Nut loadability is primarily checked by proo f load For nuts with coarse pitch thread and property classes and 8, proo f load values have been raised for sizes M27 to M39 due to the latest calculations o f Masaya Hagiwara[20] in accordance with the Alexander's theory[21] , see ISO/TR 16224 For those nuts it was necessary to develop full strength in relation to the mating bolts, screws and studs specified in ISO 898-1, the di fference between the proo f loads o f ISO 898-2:2012 and the recalculated values being more than % (see Annex C ) The Vickers hardness values specified for each individual group (consisting o f property class, style, diameter range and pitch) have been chosen according to the same latest calculations, but adjusted to conventional figures taken over from the former versions o f Parts and which were merged in 2012 ISO 18265 presents no hardness to tensile strength correlation for steel in work hardened condition, which is typical for cold forged high volume NQT nuts: there fore, minimum hardness is just in formative for NQT nuts and does not constitute a criterion in case o f dispute The maximum hardness o f 334 HV is specified in order to prevent unexpected manu facturing processes which can lead to brittle behaviour o f the NQT nuts: this limit is there fore mandatory and valid in case o f dispute However, it should be noted that work hardening is usually not severe enough to reach 302 HV when typical material and forging processes are used; nevertheless, inappropriate hardness testing or scattering due to just local properties is also covered by this specified limit o f 334 HV Due to missing or decreasing market needs, nuts o f property class with fine pitch thread in style and nuts o f property class were deleted (property class or can be substituted by property class or 10 respectively) © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved vii INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 898-2:2022(E) Fasteners — Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel — Part 2: Nuts with specified property classes Scope This document specifies the mechanical and physical properties o f nuts made o f non-alloy steel or alloy steel, when tested at the ambient temperature range o f 10 °C to 35 °C This document applies to nuts: — with ISO metric thread (see ISO 68-1), — with diameter/pitch combinations according to ISO 261 and ISO 262, — with coarse pitch thread M5 to M39, and fine pitch thread M8×1 to M39×3, — with thread tolerances according to ISO 965-1, ISO 965-2 or ISO 965-5, — with specified property classes 04, 05, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 including proo f load, — o f three di fferent nut styles (see 5.1): regular nuts (style 1), high nuts (style 2) and thin nuts (style 0), — with a minimum outside diameter or width across flats s ≥ 1,45 D, — able to mate with bolts, screws and studs with property classes in accordance with ISO 898-1 (see Annex B), and — intended to be used in applications ranging from –50 °C to +150 °C, or up to +300 °C WARNING — Nuts conforming to the requirements of this document are tested at the ambient temperature range of 10 °C to 35 °C and are used in applications ranging from –50 °C to +150 °C; however, these nuts are also used outside this range and up to +300 °C for specific applications It is possible that they not retain the specified mechanical and physical properties at lower and/or elevated temperatures Therefore, it is the responsibility o f the user to determine the appropriate choices based on the service environment conditions of the assembly (see also 7.1) For additional specifications applicable to hot dip galvanized nuts, see ISO 10684 For nuts designed for particular applications, see ISO/TR 16224 This document does not speci fy requirements for functional properties such as: — prevailing torque properties (see ISO 2320), — torque/clamp force properties (see ISO 16047 for test method), — weldability, or — corrosion resistance © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved ISO 898-2:2022(E) Normative references T he fol lowi ng c u ments are re ferre d to i n the te xt i n s uch a way that s ome or a l l o f thei r content s titute s re qu i rements o f th i s c u ment For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition c ite d appl ie s For undate d re ference s , the l ate s t e d ition o f the re ference d c u ment (i nclud i ng a ny amend ments) appl ie s I S O 91- 4, ISO 320, Fasteners — Vocabulary — Part 4: Control, inspection, delivery, acceptance and quality Fasteners — Prevailing torque steel nuts — Functional properties I S O 61 7-2 , Fasteners — Surface discontinuities — Part 2: Nuts I S O 6 -1 , Metallic materials — Brinell hardness test — Part 1: Test method I S O 7-1 , Metallic materials — Vickers hardness test — Part 1: Test method I S O -1 , Metallic materials — Rockwell hardness test — Part 1: Test method I S O -1 , Metallic materials — Tensile testing — Part 1: Method of test at room temperature f I S O 75 0 -1 , Metallic m aterials — Calibration an d verification o static unia xial testin g m achin es — Part : f f Ten sion/compression testin g m ach in es — Calibration an d verification o th e orce-m easurin g system I S O 10 4, Fasteners — Hot dip galvanized coatings I S O 162 , Fasteners — Types of inspection documents Terms and definitions No term s a nd defi n ition s are l i s te d i n th i s c ument I S O a nd I E C mai ntai n term i nolo g y datab as e s for u s e i n s tandard i z ation at the fol lowi ng add re s s e s: — ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso org/obp — IEC Electropedia: available at https://www.electropedia org/ Symbols D nom i na l th re ad d i ame ter o f the nut ( b a s ic maj or d i ame ter o f the i nterna l th re ad) , m m dh hole d i ame ter o f the grip , m m F force, FP pro o f lo ad, N h th ickne s s o f the grip, m m m height o f the nut, m m m th , de s i g n de s ign th re ad height o f the nut, m m P pitch o f the th re ad , m m s width ac ro s s fl ats , m m SP s tre s s u nder pro o f lo ad, M Pa N © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved ISO 898-2:2022(E) Key 1, 2, position of the hardness readings for hardness determination in the core area for microstructure evaluation in accordance with 10.3 Figure — Hardness determination in the core T h re e re ad i ngs i n the m idd le o f the core s l l b e ta ken (s e e p oi nts , and i n value in the core shall be the average of these three readings Figure 6) The hardness 10.2.7 Uni formity o f hardness for quenched and tempered nuts (QT) Nuts shall be tested as received Un i form ity o f rd ne s s for quenche d and temp ere d nuts sh a l l b e de term i ne d by comp ari ng rd ne s s i n the thread as determined in 10.2 and hardness in the core as determined in 10.2 For the prop er comp a ri s on o f hard ne s s i n the core with h ard ne s s i n the th re ad, h ard ne s s te s t both tests shall be in accordance with Table 13 force s for 10.2.8 Requirements for non-quenched and tempered nuts (NQT) No t ach ievi ng the m i n i mu m hard ne s s re qu i rements i n accord ance with s l l no t 10.1.6 are met be c au s e of rej e c tion T he ma xi mu m rd ne s s i n the th re ad de term i ne d i n accord ance with s p e c i fie d i n Table or T he ma xi mu m h ard ne s s i n the core de term i ne d i n accorda nce with s p e c i fie d i n Table or provide d the pro o f lo ad 10.2 s l l me e t the re qu i rements 10.2 sh a l l me e t the re qu i rements 10.2.9 Requirements for quenched and tempered nuts (QT) The hardness in the thread determined in accordance with 10.2 sha l l me e t the re qu i rements s p e c i fie d in Table or 10 The hardness in the core determined in accordance with 10.2 in Table or 10 sh a l l me e t the re qu i rements s p e ci fie d T he d i fference i n hard ne s s i n the core a nd i n the th re ad, de term i ne d i n accordance with b e gre ater than H V, a s s p e ci fie d i n 18 8.3 10.2 7, sha l l no t © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved ISO 898-2: 02 2(E) 10.3 Steel microstructure 10.3.1 General The purpose of the control of the steel microstructure is to ensure that: — non-quenched and tempered nuts (NQT) have a non-quenched microstructure as specified in 7.4.1 , — quenched and tempered nuts (QT) have a uni form martensitic microstructure as specified in 7.4.2 10.3.2 Applicability This test applies to nuts o f all sizes and for all property classes 10.3.3 Test method The nut shall be tested as received Be fore sample preparation, removal o f any coating is recommended The microstructure shall be evaluated by an optical microscope on the entire nut section through the width across corners, in accordance with 10.2 and Figure (Key 4) 10.3.4 Test results and requirements For non-quenched and tempered nuts (NQT), the requirement for the microstructure specified in 7.4.1 shall be met For quenched and tempered nuts (QT), the requirement o f approximately 90 % martensite specified in 7.4.2 shall be met 10.4 Retempering test 10.4.1 General The purpose o f this test is to check that the minimum tempering temperature has been achieved This test applies to nuts having the following specifications: — all sizes, — all quenched and tempered nuts (whether they are mandatorily or optionally quenched and tempered) This test shall be applied only in case o f dispute 10.4.2 Test procedure The nut shall be tested as received A longitudinal section shall be made through the nut axis, with a suitable process where hardness is not altered by excessive heating or work hardening, and the sur face shall be suitably prepared The Vickers hardness shall be determined in the thread in accordance with 10.2 (see Figure 5) The other hal f-nut shall be retempered by holding it for 30 minutes at a part temperature o f 10 °C less than the minimum tempering temperature specified in Table or A fter retempering and back to the ambient temperature, the Vickers hardness shall be determined in the thread in accordance with 10.2 (see Figure 5) © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved 19 ISO 898-2:2022(E) 10.4.3 Test results and requirements The average o f the three hardness readings taken be fore and a fter retempering shall be compared The reduction o f hardness a fter retempering, i f any, shall be less than 20 HV 10.5 Surface discontinuity inspection The sur face discontinuity inspection shall be per formed in accordance with ISO 6157-2 11 Marking and labelling 11.1 General requirements Marking o f nuts shall be included during the manu facturing process They shall be marked pre ferably on the top o f the nut (i.e at the opposite side o f the bearing face) by indenting or embossing The height o f embossed marking shall not be included in the nut height dimension Nuts may also be marked: — on the flange for flanged nuts, — on the side by indenting, — on the cham fer, and in this case embossed marking shall not protrude beyond the bearing sur face o f the nut, — on one bearing face by indenting, and in this case it shall not impair functional properties Marking o f the nuts consists o f: — the property class symbol, as specified in 11.2 or 11.3 , and — the manu facturer’s identification mark, as specified in 11.4 Nuts manu factured in accordance with the requirements o f this document shall be designated in accordance with the designation system specified in Clause and shall be marked in accordance with this Clause 11 The designation system specified in Clause shall only be used and marking shall only be a ffixed in accordance with this Clause 11 when all applicable requirements o f this document: — material, heat treatment, chemical composition and steel microstructure as specified in Clause 7, and — mechanical and physical properties as specified in Clause , are met, when tested in accordance with Clause 10 For hot dip galvanized nuts with thread tolerance classes 6AX and 6AZ in accordance with ISO 965-5, additional marking is specified in ISO 10684 11.2 Property class marking symbols for nuts with full loadability The property class marking symbols shall be as specified in the second row o f Table 14 for nuts with full loadability: — regular hexagon nuts (style 1) and high hexagon nuts (style 2), and 20 © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved ISO 898-2:2022(E) — other standardized or non-standardized nuts in accordance with this document (nuts with flange, prevailing torque nuts, nuts per drawing, etc.) and with design thread height m th,design,min ≥ 0,73 D (see Table 1) In case where the shape o f the nut does not allow that marking, the alternative clock- face marking symbols specified in the third row o f Table 14 shall be used Table 14 — Property class marking symbols for nuts with full loadability (e.g regular and high nuts) Property class Marking symbol 10 12 10 12 Alternative clock face marking symbol a a The re ference twelve o'clock position shall be marked either by the identification mark o f the manu facturer or by a dot 11.3 Property class marking symbols for nuts with reduced loadability The property class marking symbols (including the preceding digit “0”) shall be as specified in Table 15 for nuts with reduced loadability: — thin nuts (style 0), and — other standardized or non-standardized nuts in accordance with this document and with design thread height 0,40 D ≤ m th,design,min < 0,73 D (see Table 1) Table 15 — Property class marking symbols for nuts with reduced loadability (e.g thin nuts) Property class Marking symbol 04 05 04 05 The alternative clock- face marking o f Table 14 is specified for full loadability only, it shall not be used for nuts with reduced loadability 11.4 Manufacturer’s identification mark The manu facturer’s identification mark shall be included during the manu facturing process on all nuts which shall be marked with the property class symbol A distributor who distributes nuts that are marked with its own identification mark shall be considered to be the manufacturer 11.5 Nut marking All nuts in accordance with this document shall be marked with the property class marking symbol in accordance with either 11.2 or 11.3 , and with the manu facturer's identification mark in accordance with 11.4 Nuts shall be marked pre ferably on the top o f the nut (i.e at the opposite side o f the bearing face) Examples are shown in Figures to © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved 21 ISO 898-2:2022(E) Key manu facturer' s identificatio n mark p ro p erty clas s symb o l ( full lo adab ility) Figure — Examples of marking for hexagon nuts with full loadability Key manu facturer' s identificatio n mark re ference twelve o' clo ck p o s itio n marked by a t p ro p erty clas s symb o l ( full lo adab ility) re ference twelve o' clo ck p o s itio n marked by the manu facturer' s identificatio n mark (rep lacing the t) Figure — Examples of marking with clock-face system for hexagon nuts with full loadability For nuts with re duce d lo adabi l ity, the prop er ty cla s s s ymb ol s p e ci fie d i n Figure 9) 22 Table 15 shall be used (see © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved ISO 898-2:2022(E) Key manu facturer's identification mark property class symbol (reduced loadability) Figure — Examples of marking for hexagon nuts with reduced loadability Nuts with le ft-hand thread in accordance with this document shall additionally be marked with a le ft pointing arrow, see Figure 10 It shall be located at the same face as the property class marking and pre ferably on the top o f the nut Figure 10 — Examples of marking for left-hand thread Alternative groove marking for le ft-hand thread as specified in Figure 11 may also be used for hexagon nuts s width across flats m nut height Figure 11 — Alternative groove marking for left-hand thread 11.6 Marking o f the packages (labelling) All packages for all types o f nuts o f all sizes and for all property classes in accordance with this document shall be marked through labelling The labelling shall include at least: — the manu facturer's and/or distributor’s identification and/or name, and — the property class symbol in accordance with 11.2 for nuts with full loadability, or the property class symbol in accordance with 11 for nuts with reduced loadability, and © ISO 202 – All rights reserved 23 ISO 898-2 : 2022(E) — the manu facturing lot number, as specified in ISO 1891-4 For hot dip galvanized nuts with thread tolerance classes 6AX and 6AZ, additional in formation is needed for labelling and designation, as specified in ISO 10684 24 © ISO 202 – All rights reserved ISO 898-2:2022(E) Annex A (normative) Thread dimensions of the test mandrel Table A.1 — Thread dimensions o f the proo f load test mandrel — Coarse pitch thread Dimensions in millimetres Nut thread D M5 M6 M7 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M18 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30 M33 M36 M39 © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved External thread diameter of the mandrel ( lowe s t qu a r ter o f tolera nce g) Pitch diameter of the mandrel (tolerance 5h) m a x m a x 4, 4, 4,4 4,4 5,839 ,79 5,350 , 60 6,839 ,79 6,350 6,260 7, 7,76 7,1 8 7, 9,7 91 9,7 9, ,9 1 ,767 1 ,70 10 , 10 ,745 ,75 13 ,682 ,701 , 76 ,75 15 ,682 14,701 14, 76 17,70 17, 62 16 , 76 16, 44 19,70 19, 62 , 76 18, 244 ,70 , 62 , 76 20, 244 , 671 , 577 2 , 51 21 , 91 , 671 6, 577 , 51 4, 9, 62 9, 2 7,7 7, 5 , 62 32 , 52 ,7 0, 557 35,584 ,4 3 ,4 02 33,222 38,584 ,4 6 , 02 36,222 25 ISO 898-2:2022(E) Table A.2 — Thread dimensions o f the proo f load test mandrel — Fine pitch thread Dimensions in millimetres Nut thread D P × M8×1 M10×1,25 M10×1 M12×1,5 M12×1,25 M14×1,5 M16×1,5 M18×2 M18×1,5 M20×2 M20×1,5 M22×2 M22×1,5 M24×2 M27×2 M30×2 M33×2 M36×3 M39×3 26 External thread diameter of the mandrel ( lowe s t qu a r ter o f tolera nce g) Pitch diameter of the mandrel (tolerance class 5h) m a x m a x 7, 7,79 7, 7, 9, 9,76 9,1 8 9, 9, 9,79 9, 9, 1 ,79 1 ,7 11 ,02 10 ,9 14 1 , 81 1 ,76 1 ,1 8 11,0 82 ,79 1 ,7 3 ,02 ,9 1 ,79 1 ,7 ,02 14,9 14 17,75 17, ,701 16 , 69 17,79 17,7 17, 02 16 ,9 14 19,75 19, 8 ,701 , 69 19,79 19,7 19, ,9 14 ,75 21 ,682 ,70 , 69 ,79 ,7 21 ,02 ,9 14 ,75 23 ,682 2 ,701 2 , 69 ,75 26,682 ,701 , 69 9,75 2 9, 2 ,701 , 69 ,75 32 ,682 ,701 , 69 , 671 , 577 4, 51 3 , 91 , 671 , 577 7, 51 6, 91 © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved ISO 898-2:2022(E) Annex B (informative) Design principles for nuts B.1 Basic design principles for nuts The design o f the nuts specified in this document was basically made for hexagon regular nuts (style 1) and for hexagon high nuts (style 2) o f product grades A and B, see Table B.1 For detailed technical in formation on the design principle for nuts, see ISO/TR 16224 A bolted joint basically consists o f two or more work pieces, which are clamped together using an externally threaded fastener (bolt, screw or stud) on one side and an internally threaded part or a nut on the other side (for fully threaded studs, an additional nut is used instead o f the head o f the bolt or screw) An externally threaded fastener with specified property class in accordance with ISO 898-1 assembled with a regular or high nut o f the mating property class in accordance with Table o f this document, is designed to be used up to the yield strength o f the externally threaded fastener Under tensile load, the failure mode o f bolt and nut assemblies corresponds to the lowest value o f the following three loads: a) thread stripping load of the nut; b) ultimate tensile load o f the bolt, screw or stud; c) thread stripping load o f the bolt, screw or stud The bolt breaking in the free threaded length a fter elongation is the intended failure mode o f bolt and nut assemblies in case of overloading These three loads mainly depend on: — the hardness, height and e ffective thread height, diameter, pitch and thread tolerance class o f the nut, — the hardness, diameter, pitch and thread tolerance class o f the externally threaded fastener, — the e ffective length o f engaged thread between the externally threaded fastener and the nut These three loads are linked to each other; their interdependence was the analytical basis for the calculation o f the di fferent stripping loads by Alexander[21] , and extensive experimental tests proved the Alexander's theory through practical results In addition, recent FEM-based calculations [20] also confirmed Alexander's theory According to Alexander’s theory, hexagon nuts were classified to style (regular nuts) and style (high nuts) in relation to their height, see Table B.1 Thin nuts (style 0) have a reduced loadability compared to regular nuts or high nuts and are not designed to prevent thread stripping failure mode in case of overloading WARNING — Nuts on the market showing vertical bars on each side of the property class symbol (e.g |8| ) not fulfil the requirements o f this document NOTE The vertical bars in the warning above are from former DIN 267-4, which was withdrawn in 1994 © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved 27 ISO 898-2:2022(E) Table B.1 — Minimum height o f standard hexagon nuts (without flange and without prevailing torque feature) Dimensions in millimeters Thread D Width across flats snom 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 27 30 33 36 39 10 11 13 16 18 21 24 27 30 34 36 41 46 50 55 60 Minimum height of hexagon nuts Regular nuts (style 1) 0,80 D ≤ m < 0,89 D m 4,40 4,90 6,14 6,44 8,04 10,37 12,10 14,10 15,10 16,90 18,10 20,20 22,50 24,30 27,40 29,40 31,80 m /D 0,88 0,82 0,88 0,81 0,80 0,86 0,86 0,88 0,84 0,85 0,82 0,84 0,83 0,81 0,83 0,82 0,82 High nuts (style 2) m ≥ 0,89 D m 4,80 5,40 6,84 7,14 8,94 11,57 13,40 15,70 16,90 19,00 20,50 22,60 25,40 27,30 30,90 33,10 35,90 m /D 0,96 0,90 0,98 0,90 0,89 0,96 0,96 0,98 0,94 0,95 0,93 0,94 0,94 0,91 0,94 0,92 0,92 B.2 Nuts with diameters D < mm and D > 39 mm Mechanical properties for bolts and nuts have been specified using the Alexander theory[21] for fasteners with nominal diameters mm to 39 mm only, on the basis o f hexagon nut dimensions specified in ISO 4032 (regular nuts, style 1) and ISO 4033 (high nuts, style 2) with the specified width across flats and minimum heights shown in Table B.1 Nuts with D < mm and nuts with D > 39 mm given in ISO 4032 have a minimum height m less than 0,80 D These nuts heights originate from former DIN 934 1) , and they have not been resized up to now: this means that such nuts would need a higher hardness and/or a greater minimum height to match the Alexander theory and meet the requirements of this document However, increased hardness alone cannot always compensate for an insu fficient height to avoid the thread stripping failure mode of the nut There fore, mechanical properties for nuts with D < mm and for nuts with D > 39 mm are not specified in this document, and property classes cannot be assigned in product standards Consequently, the mechanical properties and related tests to be per formed as well as the relevant marking and labelling should be specified by agreement between the purchaser and the supplier 1) 28 DIN 934 has been withdrawn in 1992 and replaced by ISO 4032 © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved ISO 898-2:2022(E) Annex C (informative) Stress under proof load, SP Stress under proof load SP is related to proof load values FP and to the nominal stress area of the bolt A s , as given in Formula (C.1): SP = FP (C.1) A s,nom Stress under proof load is given in Tables C.1 and C.2 for i n formation on ly SP values of Tables C.1 and C.2 are the result of the calculations provided in ISO/TR 16224 These calculation groupings are the basis for the revision of the hardness values and proof load values of this c u ment D u ri ng th i s la s t revi s ion, the pro o f lo ad va lue s from I S O -2 : 19 were up date d accord i ng to the re ca lc u late d va lue s on ly i f the d i fference b e twe en the s tre s s u nder pro o f lo ad 19 and 02 was ab ove % T here i s there fore a non- s i s tenc y b e twe en the normative pro o f lo ad va lue s o f th i s document and the corresponding calculated SP given in Tables C.1 and C.2 T he pro o f lo ad va lue s s p e ci fie d i n Tables and of this document are to be met Table C.1 — Stress under proo f load, SP — Coarse pitch thread 04 Stress under proof load , SP (MPa) Property class 05 — — 500 600 800 500 585 605 610 640 660 680 705 710 740 760 860 885 895 965 985 Thread D Nominal tensile strength R of the mating bolt (ISO 898-1) M5 to M7 M8 to M10 M12 to M16 M18 to M24 M27 to M39 m , no m 380 10 12 000 200 150 180 195 205 220 040 050 070 095 Table C.2 — Stress under proo f load, SP — Fine pitch thread 04 Stress under proof load , SP (MPa) Property class 05 10 — — Thread D (mm) Nominal tensile strength R of the mating bolt (ISO 898-1) to 10 12 to 16 18 to 24 27 to 33 36 to 39 m, nom P ro o f lo ad va lue s no t s p e ci fie d i n 380 500 600 800 000 200 795 790 970 100 110 030 045 090 200 210 215 080 870 930 Table or 12 s hou ld b e c a lc u l ate d b y u s i ng the e xac t data 230 for A s (see here a fter) a nd on ly at the end, the va lue s shou ld b e rou nde d to the ne xt upp er 10 N up to 10 0 0 N , and to the ne xt upp er 10 N ab ove © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved 29 ISO 898-2 : 2022(E) I n accorda nce with I S O -1 , the nom i na l s tre s s are a Formula (C.3): A s is calculated as given in Formula (C.2) and πd +d A s,nom = 4 (C.2) where d2 i s the b a s ic pitch d ia me ter o f ex terna l th re ad i n accorda nce with I S O d3 i s the m i nor d ia me ter o f ex terna l th re ad d3,nom = d1 − H (C.3) where 30 d1 i s the b a s ic m i nor d i ame ter o f e xterna l th re ad i n accordance with I S O H is the height of the fundamental triangle of the thread in accordance with ISO 68-1 © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved ISO 898-2:2022(E) Bibliography [1] ISO 68-1, ISO gen eral purpose screw th reads — Basic profile — Part : Metric screw threads [2] ISO 261, ISO general purpose metric screw threads — General plan [3] ISO 262, ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Selected sizes for screws, bolts and nuts [4] ISO 286-2, [5] ISO 898-1, Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel — Part 1: Bolts, Geom etrical product specification s (GPS) — ISO code system for toleran ces on lin ear sizes — Part 2: Tables of standard tolerance classes and limit deviations for holes and shafts screws an d studs with specified property classes — Coarse thread an d fin e pitch thread [6] ISO 898-3, Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel — Part 3: Flat wash ers with specified property classes [7] [8] ISO 898-6, 2) Mech anical properties of fasten ers — Part 6: Nuts with specified proof load values — Fine pitch thread ISO 965-1, ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Tolerances — Part 1: Principles and basic data [9] ISO 965-2, ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Tolerances — Part 2: Limits of sizes for general purpose external and internal screw threads — Medium quality [10] ISO 965-5, ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Tolerances — Part 5: Limits of sizes for intern al screw threads to m ate with h ot-dip galvanized extern al screw th reads with m a ximum size of tolerance position h before galvanizing [11] ISO 4032, Hexagon regular nuts (style 1) — Product grades A an d B [12] ISO 4033, Hexagon high nuts (style 2) — Product grades A an d B [13] ISO 16047, Fasteners — Torque/clamp force testing [14] ISO/TR 16224, Technical aspects of nut design [15] ISO 16426, Fasteners — Quality assurance system [16] ISO 18265, Metallic materials — Conversion of hardness values [17] EN 10269, Steels an d nickel alloys properties for fasten ers with specified elevated an d/or low temperature [18] ASTM A194/A194M, Stan dard Specification for Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel, an d Stain less Steel Nuts [19] ASTM A320/A320M, [20] for Bolts for High Pressure or High Temperature Service, or Both Stan dard Specification Temperature Service H agi wara M., H iroaki S., for Alloy-Steel an d Stain less Steel Boltin g f for Verification o th e Design Con cept in Bolt/Nut A ssem blies Low- for th e Journal o f Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manu facturing, vol.1, No 5, 2007, pp 755-762 f revision o ISO 898-2 an d ISO 898-6 [21] 2) A le xander No 770420 E M Analysis and design of threaded assemblies 1977 SAE Transactions, Paper Withdrawn and replaced by ISO 898-2 © ISO 202 – All rights reserved 31 ISO 898-2 : 2022(E) ICS 21.060.20 Price based on 31 pages © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved