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Assessment of the plant diversity changes in ba vi national park in recent 10 years

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Being consented of the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Management (FREM), I have carried out a research: “Assessment of the plant diversity changes in Ba Vi National Park in recent 10 years" In the implementing research process, I have received the help of Management Board, Forest Rangers of Ba Vi National Park, local people, and especially the enthusiastic guidance of Assoc Prof Dr Bui The Doi – Vietnam Forestry University So I would like to express deep gratitude to Assoc.Prof.Dr Bui The Doi, and also thank to the Board of Director of Ba Vi National Park, forest rangers who have created favorable conditions for me to complete the study Especially forest rangers have instructed me enthusiastically throughout the research I also appreciate the local people, my family and classmates who help me complete this study Due to time constraints, knowledge, and capacity are limit, so this study will not avoid flaws I look forward to the contributions from teachers to more complete the study Sincerely! Hanoi, October, 2015 Tran Phung Ngoc Anh ABSTRACT The research presents the changes of plant diversity in Ba Vi National Park in recent 10 years Base on old data and survey results collected on 10 sample plots in 2015, the study clearly described the status of forest changes over the years and determine the cause of decline of plant resources, propose measures to conserve plant diversity Using methods of investigation for fluctuations in forest state, methodology of fluctuations of forest plants to investigate the biodiversity indicators The results of study showed that total forest area, natural forests and plantation forests area have changed after 10 years: fluctuation in density of high tree layer, fluctuation in diameter at breast height of high tree layer, and fluctuation in the tree high of high tree layer In addition, important value index and diversity indices of tree species are also necessary indicators to assess status of forest Data collected in 2015 include 61 species and 701 trees species Generally, plant resources in Ba Vi National Park in 10 years don’t have much fluctuation, and the index has not changed much proved that the quality of forests in the study area are quite good TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES I INTRODUCTION II AN OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH 2.1 In the world 2.2 In Vietnam III RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND METHOD 11 3.1 Goals and objectives: 11 3.2 Study site and scope 11 3.3 Methodologies 13 3.3.1 Data inherited method 13 3.3.2 Field survey methods 13 IV RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 18 4.1 Fluctuations in forest state and in forest area 18 4.2 Fluctuations of forest plants in Ba Vi National Park 20 4.2.1 Fluctuations in density of high tree layer 20 4.2.2 Fluctuations diameter at breast height (DBH) of high tree layer 21 4.2.3 The fluctuation the trees high (H) of high tree layer 23 4.3 Investigative biodiversity indicators 24 4.3.1 Important value index 24 4.3.2 Diversity indices of tree species 26 4.4 Proposed some solutions developed lower forest layer and forest management Ba Vi National Park 27 4.5 Propose some solutions to protect and grow diverse plant resources in Ba Vi National Park 28 V CONCLUSION 29 REFERENCE LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1 The location of study site 12 Figure 3.2 Sample plot 14 LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1 Comparing fluctuations of total forest area, natural forests area, and plantation forests area 18 Table 4.2.The density of high tree layer of regional in phase 2005 to 2015 20 Table 4.3 Fluctuations diameter at breast height (DBH) of high tree layer in phase 2005 to 2015 22 Table 4.4 The average height of high tree layer in phase 2005 to 2015 23 Table 4.5 Important value index 25 Table 4.6 Diversity indices of tree species 26 I INTRODUCTION Forests provide us many rare products Many of trees in forest are herbs have health benefits for human life Forests also play an important role in climate regulation, and life protection Forests are the giant lungs for air purification, oxygen supply to sustain human life They are also windbreak forests, and coastal sand compartment There are forests preventing floods in the mountains Forests help people to limit nature disasters In particular, forest is an invaluable nature reserve with thousands of birds, rare animals, and a source of endless research for the biologists Currently, the demand for resources is increasing, leading to numerous contradictions in the relationship between nature conservation and development To resolve this conflict, but still satisfies human’s demands in a sustainable manager, the need to use resources in a way that effectively, especially forest resources However, forests have been over exploited, natural causes were devastated, and climate change is threatening the lives around Earth Estimation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) said that every year, 130.000 km² of world's forest is disappearing due to deforestation This makes the habitat of species on Earth has shrunk, biodiversity declined, with this trend in the future, every day we will lost about 100 species Besides, the conversion of forests to agricultural land, land settlement, sustainable timber harvesting, and land management inefficiency are also the common reasons for this loss of forests in many region in the world Concerning about the phenomenon of climate change, the World Bank said that 20% of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by deforestation today In Vietnam, the forest cover has been declining at an alarming rate The quality of the remaining natural forest is low In 1943, with nearly 15 million hectares of area, forests covered 43% of the natural area But the 30-year war with many different causes, made forest areas shrink rapidly, until 1993, only 9.5 million hectares remaining, covering 28% of the natural land of the country The economic development while still protecting natural resources and environment for sustainable development is a matter of many managers To make this work, investigation, monitoring and analyzing fluctuations in the forest area is one of the most important tasks Every year, forest managers should have reports on the current state and the changes of forest area to help manage and protect forests Today the protection and sustainable development of forest resources are set out as an urgent requirement for many countries and globally On general principles of sustainable development, sustainability of forest is evaluated base on the stability of the area, the ability to provide wood and wood quality, the functional conservation of biological diversity, in terms of ecological sustainability of socio-economic and employment security for the people Today, due to the development of the society, in which natural forest area in the world in general, and Vietnam in particular are being degraded in terms of area and plant resources That’s why, I chose this topic for my thesis, in order to assess fluctuations in plant resources at Ba Vi National Park, and provide a better overview of the status of plant resources in Ba Vi National Park Using old surveys of previous years, I can evaluate data over the years, analyze and clarify the status of forests, forest area, and the change of forest plant resources This will help me to clarify whether the status of forest plant resources at present is better or worse in previous years, in terms of forest area and whether forest protection wayis adequate or not From that information, a number of measurements to protect and improve forest better would be proposed, making the management of forests to be more sustainable II AN OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH Investigation and assessment of forest vegetation resources at Ba Vi National Park is actually to investigate and assess the current state of the vegetation here, and the result is to bring data collected by the group of plant resources Thereby, solutions for using reasonable and sustainable of plant resources in the study area will be proposed There have been numerous studies on vegetation and researches on sustainable development, which mentioned below: 2.1 In the world The international conference on major forest areas in the world took place on 11/03/2010 in France At this conference, participants discussed measurements to fight deforestation in the world, including the deployment of US for $3.5 billion financing, which countries (including France, Australia, Japan, Britain, Norway, and the US) have committed to support developing countries to reduce emissions causing the greenhouse effect from deforestation at the Copenhagen summit in 12/2009 Base on the conference opening speech, French President Nicolas Sarkozy called the developed countries and the developing countries together take on the task to fight against deforestation in the world, with the goal of reducing deforestation by 50% by 2020 and elimination deforestation by 2030 Mr Sarkozy stressed that the fight against deforestation must be linked to the livelihood security of people in poor countries Sarkozy said: "It is absurd if must choose between protecting forests and poverty of the people living in the forest and the surrounding areas I hope there will be a study on the impact of positive and negative anti-deforestation programs on food security issues in order to offer the best solutions to reconcile the task of combating deforestation and Security food security" To raise awareness about conserving and enhancing forest management and sustainable development for the benefit of the present and futuregenerations, the United Nations has officially declared the year of 2011 as the International Year of the Forest, with the main objective is to promote the management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests; while enhancing the long-term political commitment among nations based on "Declaration of Rio" (1992), the principles of Agenda 21 on combating deforestation Specifically, through the activities of the International Year of the Forest in the country and the region, the UN wants worldwide of forest cover will increase significantly through sustainable forest management, which including protection, restoration and reforestation, afforestation and the efforts to prevent forest degradation At the same time, reduce the economic, social, environmentalimpacts on and forest by improving the livelihoods of people who depend on forests 2.2 In Vietnam On 24 September 2010, the Government of Vietnam issued a "Decree 99/2010 / NDCP on the policy on payment for forest environmental services" Under this Decree, the state agencies, organizations, households, and individuals doing business to benefit from forest environment must pay for the suppliers (organizations and individuals, forest communities) There is a lot of research on the investigation and evaluation of forest vegetation in Vietnam, focusing research mainly on the status of vegetation, its development rules, which propose security solutions protection, forest restoration This proposal can list a number of typical projects: - Vu Tien Hinh (1991), "The regeneration characteristics of the natural forest ", Journal of Forestry - Le Đong Tan (2000), “Study the natural recovery process some plant communities after cultivation in Son La serve the zoning”, Biology doctoral thesis, Hanoi - Nguyen Tu Uong, Do Van Ban(2010) “Study forest plant resources in Vietnam” - Tran Minh Tuan (2014) Research of diversity of vascular plants in Ba Vi National Park The study of changes in forest resources of Tran Ngu Phuong and Thai Van Trung mentioned the laws of different forest structure, recognition of arrangement trees with the space vertical and spatially located horizontal 10 N: total individual in the plot + Diversity indicator Shannon - Wiener (H’) (3) With: H’: indicator Shannon - Wiener S: the number of species in the plot (4) N: total individual in the plot ni: the number of individual of i specie + Indicator Simpson (L - Lambada) (5) 17 IV RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Fluctuations in forest state and in forest area Total forest area and forest land in Ba Vi National Park are 10,814.6 hectares Based on the status of the distribution of forest resources, the terrain of the Ba Vi National Park is divided into functional areas: a) Strict protection zone: with functions, the basic task is to strictly protect status quo entire area and to prohibit all activities that change the composition and structure of the forest This is a subdivision primarily for scientific research and tourist attractions, including the area from a height of 400m and above, total area: 1648.6 ha, accounting for 15.2% of the area, including: forests land 1617.7 ha, accounting for 98.1% of the subdivision, no forest land 29.9 ha, accounting for 1.8% of the subdivision, other land 1.0 ha, representing 0.1% area subdivision b) Ecological restoration zones: Include area under 400m elevation, total area 8,823.5 ha, making up 81.6% of the area Forested land 7,045.9 ha, accounting for 79.8% of the subdivision in which 4932.1 are natural forests, and 2,113.8 are plant forest No forest land 1,569.5 ha, accounting for 17.8% of the subdivision, other land: 210.1 ha, accounting for 2.4% of the subdivision The average forest area (state IIIA2, IIIB), and poor forest (state IIIA1) focus area three mountains with 883.9 Table 4.1 Comparing fluctuations of total forest area, natural forests area, and plantation forests area Time period Natural forest (ha) Plantation forest (ha) Total area (ha) 2005 4,987.4 2,052.3 7,039.7 2010 4,959.4 2,086.8 7,046.2 2015 4,932.1 2,113.8 7,045.9 18 Base on data collected, tabulated comparison showing forest area over the years to compare, evaluate, and review the status, condition of forests in Ba Vi National Park *Review and explain fluctuations of types of forest Overall, forest quality in Ba Vi National Park is relatively stable, with the decline, but not significantly, in 10 years, from 2005 to 2015, the area of forest land tended to increase from 7,039.7 to 7,045.9 Natural forests: In 2005, natural forests in Ba Vi National Park is 4,987.4 reached 45.6% coverage rate of forests; natural forests in 2010 was only 4,959.4 hectares, and from 2010 to 2015, decreased from 4,959.4 to 4,932.1 Thus, after 10 years, natural forest area have decreased 55.3 Some causes affecting this decline: in a few years, the growing in population and increasing in demand of firewood, timber, food crops and large industrial plants Illegal logging status still occurs; according to statistics in 10 years from 2005 to 2015, rangers discovered and handled 30 cases of illegal logging with total losses of 38.1 m3of wood Deforestation, slash and burn, forest fires have also happened to cause the decline of natural forests Besides, forest protection has not been performing well, and uncontrolled acts of forest land encroachment existing The illegal slash and burn and forest fires in the past and present have caused destruction of species in the region It is a direct cause that weakens the plant diversity of this place It is not only destroyed directly the species, but also change the environment, and make the regeneration capacity of vegetation decline Plantation forest: in 2005, plant forest area is 2,052.3 Since then, the planted forests area increasing continuously; especially from 2010 up to now, afforestation rate has increased rapidly, 61.5 in 10 years Planted forest area increased by planting movement thriving in many places recently, and a plan to plant million hectares of forestry were applied and implemented at Ba Vi National Park Total forest area is currently 7,045.9 hectares, occupying 65.15% of total forest area 19 4.2 Fluctuations of forest plants in Ba Vi National Park High tree layer have dominant effects on situations of forest and affect the growth of native trees under their canopy According to survey of 10 plots of high tree layer in the research area, there are two main species: Vai guoc (Xerospermum noronhianum (Blume) Blume) and Khao tang (Nothaphoebe baviensis H.Lec.) 4.2.1 Fluctuations in density of high tree layer Density is a very important factor to present the level of high tree layer Frequency of appearance of Vai guoc is 10/10 plots and Khao tang is 9/10 plots Calculation results of high tree layer from 2005 to 2015 are summarized in Table 4.2 Table 4.2.The density of high tree layer of regional in phase 2005 to 2015 Area of plot: 500m2 Tree names Vai guoc Khao tang Years Plots number 2005 2010 2015 2 6 5 4 5 4 7 9 10 3 N(max) N(min) N(Av) 6 6 6 20 5 5 5 9 10 4 10 2 N (max) 9 10 N (min) 2 N(Av) 5 High tree layer density of the forest status in the study area has not change much (average increase from to trees per plot of 500m2), because plants are perennial woody plants and relatively height Highest density is 10 trees in plot #6, and lowest density is trees in plot #8 The increase is because well-protected area was not affected by deforestation, plants are still growing and well developed Thus, high layer in this forest stand is tree layer developed naturally, without human influence However, in the current period, due to the need of light and nutrients for trees under canopy in lower layer are increasing, so high layer density remaining may cause an adverse effect on the growth and development of tree under the canopy 4.2.2 Fluctuations diameter at breast height (DBH) of high tree layer The diameter at breast height is an important indicator reflecting the growth of forest trees Through which may reflect the effect of the application of silvicultural techniques, measures and adaptability of forest tree with conditions and circumstances Therefore, diameter at breast height is growth indicators indispensable in the process of investigation and research of forest resources DBH show the growing horizontally Over the year, the trees have increased about diameter at breast height and there is no sign of declining I have selected with each species a few trees that characteristic and typical for indicators DBH Data of DBH on research plots in the period (2005-2015) are shown in Table 4.2 21 Table 4.3 Fluctuations diameter at breast height (DBH) of high tree layer in phase 2005 to 2015 Unit: cm Tree names Vai guoc Khao tang Plots number Years 2005 2010 2015 13.2 14.4 15.9 27.8 29.1 31.4 21.3 22.5 24.2 6.4 7.6 8.6 13.4 14.7 15.9 DBH (max) 27.8 29.1 31.4 DBH (min) 6.4 7.6 8.6 DBH (Av) 17.1 18.4 20 20.3 25.5 29.9 50.3 52.8 56.1 6.8 7.5 8.9 17.0 22.1 27.7 15.5 17.6 21.0 DBH (max) 50.3 52.8 56.1 DBH (min) 6.8 7.5 8.9 DBH (Av) 57.1 30.2 32.5 From Table 4.2, the result shows that: each research plot by time is the increase in diameter at breast height indicators, so high tree layer in the area are still in the growth stage We can see that the growth rate is relatively stable In a time of research, DBH is variation among the plots, in 2015, the highest diameter at breast height in plot is 56.1 cm, and the lowest at plot is 8.6 cm With high DBH value is usually economic value of forest more large, due to the greater volume and tree age DBH often high, the development of DBH often slower than the development of the tree high (H) 22 Variance with the difference between the plots, from 5.3 to 9.2, such situation occurs due to natural forests growth and the previous years don’t have much affect On the other hand, trees with different age (from 15 to 24 years) should lead to disparities in DBH 4.2.3 The fluctuation the trees high (H) of high tree layer The high of trees is an important indicator in surveys of forest growth; it manifests forest tree growth, while also reflecting the structure of the forest, according to the vertical plane Based on the height, we can see a lot of the characteristics of the forest The change in H of high tree layer in the period (2005-2015) are shown in Table 4.2 Table 4.4 The average height of high tree layer in phase 2005 to 2015 Unit: m Tree names Vai guoc Khao tang Plots number Years 2005 2010 2015 9.6 10.2 11,0 8.0 12.3 14.6 7.6 8.9 10.0 5.8 7.7 8.4 8.0 10.5 12.0 H(max) 9.6 10.2 11.0 H(min) 5.8 7.7 8.4 H(Av) 7.7 8.9 9.7 8.0 11.5 15.4 17.0 21.7 25.0 6.0 7.5 9.2 12.6 14.1 15.0 11.0 15.4 18.2 H(max) 17.0 21.7 25.0 H(min) 6.0 7.5 9.2 H(Av) 11.5 14.6 34.2 23 From table 4.3 we can see that: every year, the height of high tree layer in the region still rising, suggesting that tree growth and normal development Data in the years of research, the height of the trees in the plots are relatively large fluctuations, in 2015, the height of high tree layer ranges from 8.4 m to 25.0 m The variance has not much difference, from 2.5 to 3.7; due to good plant growth and normal growth in height.With this height, high tree layer dominates the above trees layer, shielding and reducing the intensity of light for the below trees layer, includes smaller shade, tolerate plants to grow better On the other hand, Table 4.3 shows the variation in height of high tree layer is quite high, suggesting that plants grow quickly in good climate and other impacts are less affected 4.3 Investigative biodiversity indicators 4.3.1 Important value index The species that have ecological significance in the community have an important value index (IV %) of equal and more than 5% In this study, in 2015, the results of the study showed that number of the species that meet this criterion which have significant in communities ranged from to 10 species Important value indices also have differences among the species and change among years In 10 plots there are 15 species that have highest IV%, in which species have ecological significance, Khao tang (Nothaphoebe baviensis) and Re chum (Cinnamomum glaucescens) have the highest IV% values Percentage of plots where species appeared in varied from 60% to 90% 15 species which have the high important value indices (IV%) are shown in Table 4.4 24 Table 4.5 Important value index No Name of species Family IV % (2015) IV % (2005) Khao tang (Nothaphoebe baviensis) Lauraceae 2.54 – 18.51 1.82- 18.78 Re chum (Cinnamomum glaucescens) Lauraceae 0.92- 16.55 1.93 – 16.04 Ba dau (Croton roxburghii) Euphorbiaceae 2.18 – 12.36 3.24 – 12.04 Goi gac (Aphanamixis grandiflora) Meliaceae 1.41 – 8.12 1.91 -10.18 Nanh chuot (Cryptocarya lenticellata) Lauraceae 1.14 – 8.99 1.62 – 7.62 Tram trang (Eugenia wightiana) Myrtaceae 1.45 – 14.98 1.55 – 14.45 Linh (Eurya japonica) Pentaphylacaceae 1.21 – 8.72 1.44 – 6.46 Khao luoi nai (Machilus thunbergii Lauraceae 1.22 – 10.32 1.64 – 6.89 Myrtaceae 0.84 – 10.09 1.72 – 9.77 Sapindaceae 3.96 – 14.46 3.85 – 12.15 Magnoliaceae 0.98 – 8.62 1.72 – 8.44 Fagaceae 1.95 – 9.56 2.34 – 11.04 Apocynaceae 2.67 – 7.35 1.83 – 5.22 Lauraceae 1.04 – 6.46 1.61 – 6.94 Rubiaceae 1.30 – 8.08 1.69 – 9.53 Sieb) Tram tia (Syzygium baviense) Vai guoc (Xerospermum 10 noronhianum) 11 Mo (Parakmeria lotugensis) 12 De la tre (Quercus bambusifolia) 13 Thung muc (Wrightia laevis) 14 Re gung (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) Vang ve (Adina globiflora Salisb var 15 tonkinensis) According to Thai Van Trung (2001), the dominant tree species must have IV value ≥ 50% Calculation results show that plots (in total of 10 plots investigated) satisfies this condition, the total index of the IV% ecologically significant species varied from 50.64% to 80.88% The presence of many species, such as Khao, Nanh Chuot, Tram Tia, Vai Guoc, and 25 Re Chum, not only increases the specificity of forest plant communities, but also significance in nature conservation this area Comparing important indicator between the two stages in 2005 and 2010 we can see that: Five species has highest IV% index are: Khao tang (Nothaphoebe baviensis), Re chum (Cinnamomum glaucescens), Tram trang (Eugenia wightiana), Vai guoc (Xerospermum noronhianum), and Ba dau (Croton roxburghii) Important value index change not much in two stages 4.3.2 Diversity indices of tree species Diversity indices of tree species in the studies area in 2005 and 2015 are shown in Table 4.5 Table 4.6 Diversity indices of tree species Year 2015 Plot d H’ D Plot d H’ D 10.54 1.12 0.89 10.26 1.11 0.9 10.06 1.15 0.92 9.78 1.12 0.91 10.92 1.17 0.92 7.31 0.95 0.85 13.39 1.29 0.94 11.01 1.12 0.89 10.2 1.15 0.92 9.57 1.12 0.91 7.86 1.03 0.88 12.57 1.23 0.92 10.76 1.14 0.9 12.43 1.21 0.93 9.48 1.06 0.88 8.32 0.98 0.87 11.89 1.19 0.91 10.26 1.09 0.89 10 16.02 1.35 0.95 10 12.99 1.25 0.93 Year 2005 Values of Margalef’s Diversity index (d) reflect the richness of species in forest plant communities The more number of species, the less number of individuals of each species, the value of (d) will be higher The minimum value (d) is 7.86 revealing in plot 6, the maximum value (d) is 16.02 revealing in plot 10 in 2015, and the minimum value (d) is 7.31 revealing in plot 3, the maximum value (d) is 12.99 revealing in plot 10 in 2005 26 Values of Shannon’s Diversity index (H’) ranged varied from 1.03 to 1.29; an average value of 1.16 Many research show that the largest values of H' is approximately 5.0 If H' increases, the richness of species will increase So, H' in here is low in 2015 In 2005, it is from 0.95 to 1.25 and an average value of 1.1, so H' in here is low in 2005 Values of Shimpson’s indices (D) ranged from 0.88 to 0.95 with an average value of 0.91 in 2015, and in 2005 it is from 0.85 to 0.93 with an average value of 0.89 If (D) increases, extent of the dominance of the species will be increased Based on values of indices indicators in Table 4.5 we can see that in two stages in 2005 and 2015, diversity indices of tree species does not has much different In 2015, plot 10 has the highest species diversity, plot has the lowest species diversity; and in 2005, plot 10 has the highest species diversity, plot has the lowest species diversity So study area has diversity index of tree species at weak level 4.4 Proposed some solutions developed lower forest layer and forest management Ba Vi National Park During the pass years, the forest development in a natural way and there is little of human impact, the plant was from 10 to 15 years old, and some species grow relatively fast and have good prospects However, high trees layer in this area is having an adverse effect on the growth of lower forest layer Lower forest layer often appropriate in conditions to bear shade when they were young, but in the current period, demand of light and nutrition has increased Therefore, high trees layer as adversely affected their growth and survival of the forest stand So now in this area exist contradiction between high trees layer and lower forest layer about nutrient and light demand In addition, there is exists a contradiction between physiological needs, the ecology of the low trees layer with the ecological conditions in the region Therefore, research is needed 27 to determine the physiological conditions, most appropriate ecological for the growth of the species, which in turn the basis for determining the appropriate measurements for the affected individuals in each species to promote growth and development of plants in the region 4.5 Propose some solutions to protect and grow diverse plant resources in Ba Vi National Park Overall protection in Ba Vi National Park is well but still exists some direct and indirect causes deterioration in forest plant resources Direct Ratio free grazing 30.7 forest exploitation 23.8 timber harvesting 19.8 slash and burn 18.2 Forest fire 7.5 Indirect Level of important Awareness of the forest is low 24% agricultural landminor area 17% Poverty 53% agricultural landminor area 4% Poverty 53% Poverty 53% agricultural landminor area 3% Poverty 53% unknown information fire warning 2% unknown information fire warning 24% From these reasons, the board and staff of Ba Vi National Park have effective solutions for reducing the risk of damage to forests, such asstrengthening the information, communication, ;infrastructure investment agricultural land, land use planning, conducting research and applying economic development pattern households, local trade development, investment and development, infrastructure upgrades for forest fire service, stricter sanctions for acts of illegal logging and forest fires intentionally caused 28 V CONCLUSION Forest areas in Ba Vi National Park, with high tree layer mainly tree species have adapted to ecological levels high, potentially improving land and good environment, sustain and govern forest conditions High tree layer have created good conditions for lower forest layer grow under the canopy, created good future for the forests in the region The major component of forest relations mutual and support to each other, in which high tree layer keeps the key role, lower forest layer are generation capable of good alternative for high trees layer later The forest in the study area has a simple structure, density and canopy cover relatively well, because forest developing naturally without intervention and human impact Basal area and volume of high trees layer in the forest stand quite high, but in the current period, due to the demand of space, nutrients and light of trees grown in lower layer, so in the forest stand existing contradictions between high trees layer and lower forest layer Studied results showed that there are 61 species in 2015 and 56 species in 2005 Total number of tree species is 701 in 2015 and 477 in 2005 Important values indices of woody species are different between species and forest plant communities Five species [Khao tang (Nothaphoebe baviensis), Re chum (Cinnamomum glaucescens), Tram trang (Eugenia wightiana), Vai guoc (Xerospermum noronhianum), Ba dau (Croton roxburghii)] have high IV% index are 35.7, 25.40, 26.90, 26.60 and 25.1%, respectively Species that have ecologically significant in plant communities ranged from to 12 species Indicator tree species diversity is reflected in the three index (d, H' and D) The results showed that indicator tree species diversity in two stages 2005 and 2015 in protected areas is low Generally, plant resources in Ba Vi National Park forest in 10 years don’t have much fluctuation, there is an increase in forest area in which natural forest decrease and plantations forest increase, so the forest management are quite good, and there are many measurements to overcome the decline of the forest The number of species in the study area have increased in 29 10 years proved that plant grow normal and good development Forest plant communities in the study sites have a good rehabilitation capacity and the transformation of forests in term of silvicultural techniques to meet the new aim and requirement of forest management is highly necessary as well as significant 30 REFERENCE Dinh, N.D.Q 2014 GIS applications fluctuations forest area in Da Lat city, Lam Dong province 2008 - 2011 Phạm, T.K.T Analysis biodiversity indicator of wood plant in nature 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Ngày đăng: 14/08/2023, 20:32