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Factors affecting tourism development in ba vi national park

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MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT VIETNAM FORESTRY UNIVERSITY STUDENT THESIS FACTORS AFFECTING TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN BA VI NATIONAL PARK Major: Natural Resources Management (Advanced Curriculum) Code: D850101 Faculty: Forest Resources and Environmental Management Student: Ha Van Dong Student ID: 1053090123 Class: K55 Natural Resources Management Course: 2010 – 2014 Advanced Education Program Developed in collaboration with Colorado State University, USA Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr Phung Van Khoa Ha Noi, November 2014 Acknowledgements To complete this thesis, I received assistance and supports helps from my supervisor and other departments as well as organizations, I am very grateful to local people, who helped and provided necessary information to me I also thank the staffs, forest rangers and group conducted project in Ba Vi National Park for helping me to collect the data and provide dormitory me, while I was in the Park and directed supported us devotedly, I also would like to thank Prof Lee and teachers in Viet Nam Forestry University, who have been teach me many useful knowledge that support for this thesis Especially I would like to thank my supervisor Assoc.Prof.Dr Phung Van Khoa, Ph.D of Earth Sciences (Colorado State University, USA) Dean of the Forest Resources and Environmental Management Faculty, Forestry University of Vietnam, who directly supported me throughout the process of conducting project, for his patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge His guidance helped me in all the time of studying and writing this thesis I sincerely thank you! Contents Table List Picture list Acknowledgements I NTRODUCTION 1 The definitions and characteristics of ecotourism Tourism requirements II GOALS, (SPECIFIC) OBJECTIVES AND HYPOTHESIS Goals Specific Objectives Hypotheses III METHODLOGY Study site 1.1 Location 1.2 Topography 1.3 Geology 1.4 Climate Desk research Survey methods 3.1 Field trips 3.2 Interviews 10 Analyze data 11 IV RESULTS and DISCUSSION 12 Factors Affecting tourism Development in Ba Vi National Park 12 1.1 Natural attraction and social economic factors 12 1.2 Tourism factors 23 Propose some solutions to for developing tourism with a sustainable way in Ba Vi National Park 25 2.1 Conservation Objectives 25 2.2 Activities to ensure economic efficiency 26 2.3 Community development objectives 26 2.4 Environmental 26 2.5 Management 26 2.6 Infrastructure and services 26 2.7 Local people 27 V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 28 Conclusion 28 Limitation 28 Recommendation 29 REFERENCES Table List Table 4.1: The reserves of forest types 14 Table 4.2: comparing the result of survey flora in Ba Vi National Park 14 Table 4.3: The result of fauna survey in Ba Vi National Park in 2008 16 Table 4.4: Group of rare species in Ba Vi National Park 17 Table 4.5: Statistic the tourists from 2011 to 2014 24 Picture list Figure 1.1: Characteristics of tourism Figure 3.1: Ba Vi National Park Map Figure 4.1: Repair infrastructure and fallow house 19 Figure 4.2: Impact of build road and researcher 19 Figure 4.3: Garbage on the route from point 800 to 1,100m 24 Abstract Although only recently developed at the end of the twenty centuries, tourism has been received much attention due to it advance benefits comparing to other modes of tourism These benefits of ecotourism include creating employment, lessening poverty, less destruction of the culture, and the environment resources than traditional tourism, increasing self-esteem of local community, and earning money involving people in order to promote local economic development (Bendick and Egan, 1995; Murphy, and Williams, 1999; Gordon, 2004) Ba vi national park is located in Ba Vi district of Hanoi and two districts of Hoa Binh province, namely Luong Son and Ky Son It is one of the national parks in Vietnam that has high potential to enhance tourism I had opportunities to visit Ba Vi National Park several times and I have seen many spontaneous services and many factors have been affecting sustainable tourism in Ba Vi National Park So I choose Ba Vi National Park to research I want to discribe the status, indentify factors affecting, analyze the potential and propose some solutions to tourism development in Ba Vi National Park I NTRODUCTION The definitions and characteristics of ecotourism Figure 1.1: Characteristics of tourism (Source: Mieczkowski 1995: 459) One of the first definitions of tourism was made in 1983 by the Mexican architect Héctor Ceballos-Lascuráin, who defined it as follows: "That form of environmentally responsible tourism that involves travel and visitation to relatively undisturbed natural areas with the object of enjoying, admiring, and studying the nature (the scenery, wild plants and animals), as well as any cultural aspect (both past and present) found in these areas, through a process which promotes conservation, has a low impact on the environment and on culture and favors the active and socioeconomically beneficial involvement of local communities" However, a universal consensus is yet to be reached about a single definition of tourism Experts on the field, government agencies, tourism operators and environment conservationist organizations, have attempted to define tourism, thus producing the various existing definitions Given that this concept comprises an activity, a philosophy and a development model, it is difficult to accurately define it Nevertheless, most of the definitions share the following elements: It is travel to natural, relatively unchanged areas, where natural beauties are the main attraction It is low-impact and small-scale form of travel aimed at avoiding the alteration of each place's ecosystem It is a sustainable kind of travel since according to its premises, it contributes to sustainable development Sustainable development is the one which seeks to optimize the present social and economic benefits, without compromising the potential to obtain similar benefits in the future It is also referred to as ethical tourism because it seeks the wellbeing of local communities without leaving the appreciation and conservation of the environment aside The terms ecological tourism and nature based travel are synonyms for tourism It seeks to promote and support the understanding, appreciation and conservation of the environment and culture, raising awareness and producing a feeling of appreciation for biodiversity (emphasizing on the conservation of diverse plant and animal species) and for local cultures (emphasizing on preserving their indigenous features) It is also a suitable means to obtaining economic resources for the conservation of the natural and cultural heritage, supporting local efforts to this end It seeks to improve local communities' welfare, by boosting their economic and social development, creating economic opportunities which in turn will produce sustainable benefits in time Therefore, it is an activity which promotes employment as well as economic and social development, acting as an alternative income source for social sectors living in hard economic situations It seeks to educate travelers on conservation of the environment and respect for different cultures It also pursues the creation of an ecological conscience, encouraging more activism among visitors so that they become enthusiastic and effective conservation agents Tourism requirements Tourism represents an excellent way to help both, the local communities and the protected areas involved It is an ideal component in a sustainable development strategy in which natural resources can be used as tourism attractions without damaging the nature of the area As an important tool for protected area is management and for development, tourism must be develop adapting to circumstances The following elements are crucial for the success of an tourism initiative Tourism must (Drumm, 2002): - Have a low impact on the natural resources of the protected areas - Involve participants (individuals, communities, Eco tourist, tourism operators and government institutions) in the planning, development, carrying out and follow up stages - Respect local cultures and traditions - Generate sustainable and equitable income for the local communities and for as many other participants as possible, including private tour operators - Generate income for the conservation of protected areas - Educate all parts involved in their role in conservation Some authors (Denman, 2001) complete these requirements with the need to add to the visitor„s experience the knowledge and appreciation of the native culture However, a basic aspect is frequently forgotten, the consideration of tourism as an economic activity based on traveling to or visiting natural areas with the purpose of enjoying and appreciating nature There can‟t be tourism if there is no (well preserved) nature to enjoy, as well as a nature-based attraction to offer Fagaceae, Juglandaceae Ulmaceae, bamboo forest This forest have high value in protect soil, prevent erosion, creat the environment for wildlife Afforestation: Have 3,992 of total area, cover 37% area This forest was planted in Ba Vi, Khanh Thuong, Yen Bai, Van Hoa, Dan Hoa community and the dominant tree is: Erythrofloeum fordii Oliver, Photinia benthamiana Hance, Pinus massoniana Lamb, Canarium parvum… Shrub and upland: It have 2,497 ha, distribute in Ba Vi and Vien Nam community The main tree is: Mallotus cochinchinensis Lour, Pueraria thomsoni Fauna: According to the result of a survey in 2008 there are about 342 species of vertebrate animals, include endemic species and 66 rare species There are 70 species provide meat, further, and feather Vertebrate animals, have been divided to class, they are reptile and amphibian It is also less than Tam Dao National Park with 1,141 wildlife species, 16 endemic species and 18 species in the World Red Book (Source: Tam Dao National Park) Table 4.3: The result of fauna survey in Ba Vi National Park in 2008 Class Species Family Order Beast 63 24 Bird 91 48 17 Reptile 61 15 Amphibian 27 Total 342 91 28 (Source: Data from survey of Ba Vi National Park in 2008) 16 In Ba Vi National Park have 66 rare species such as: Cay Van (Chrotogale owstone), Cay muc (Artictis binturong), Cay gam (Prionodon pardicolor), Beo lua (Felis temmincki), Son duong (Capricornis sumatraensis), Soc bay ( Petaurista), Soc den (Ratufa bicolor), Rong dat ( Physignathus cochincinus), Gau ngua (Selenarctor thibetanus), Tac Ke (Gekko gecko)…and we can see the rare level belong to red book of some classes in the table 4.4: Table 4.4: Group of rare species in Ba Vi National Park Class EW CR EN VU Beast 1 Bird - - Reptile - Amphibian Total ND32/2000 Total IB IIB 10 12 37 2 - - 22 - - - - - 3 19 15 19 66 (Source: Result from survey of Ba Vi National Park in 2008 ) Where: EW- Extinct in the wild CR- Critically endangered EN- Endangered VU- Vulnerable ND32/2000- the government decision number 32 in 2000 IB- The rare species not allow to hunt IIB- The rare species limited hunt 17 Insects: Ba Vi National Park have 552 insects species belong to 65 family, 14 order There are include species belong to the red book such as: Bo ngua xanh (Mantis religiosa Linnaeus), Ca Cuong (lethocerus indicus), Buom Khe (Attacus atlas Linnaeus), Ngai mat trang (Actias selene ningpoana), Buom rong duoi trang (Lamproptera curius fabricius), Buom Phuong Helen (Troides Helena Linnaeus), Buom duoi kien (Graphium antiphates gramer) The insect system have contributed to make rich in biodiversity and motivated tourism development in Ba Vi National Park 1.1.5 Infrastructure and road development Building the infrastructure lead to decrease the forest area, change topography, noise from building and tourist also impact to animals and loss biodiversity, emigration Many constructions has been downgraded and fallow, created the bad look the tourism area There are some houses had been fallowed, both of them lay on the main road of Ba Vi National Park Thuong temple is being repaired, there are many trucks used for transport materials in the boot to the peak of mountain, about three time of trucks Road development in Ba Vi National Park is an important factor lead to cut the trees, fragmentation, leveling created the bad effect to tourism, landscape, total of road in Ba Vi is 12 routes 18 Figure 4.1: Repair infrastructure and fallow house (Sources: Ha Van Dong 2014) Researchers, who had taken the sample of trees, cut down the branch tree and take flowers, seeds, and fruits beside the road Ba Vi National Park is rich in biodiversity, flora, fauna, so every year have many cases of researcher take the sample of trees, animals without permit from Ba Vi National Park and they had been punished by forest ranger, for example: last year a group of researcher about ant, they have taken some individuals from forest without permit of the Park and they have been detected by forest ranger, and that group have been punished Figure 4.2: Impact of build road and researcher (Source: Ha Van Dong 2014) 19 1.1.6 Local community Almost people living in buffer zone are ethnic people, their life mostly depend on forest, cultivation and agricultural production, forest invade in the buffer zone of Ba Vi, it has lead to reduce area of forest, but mostly are depend on traditional medicine Although, Ba Vi National Park does not allow local people to exploit forest resources, but it is can‟t control because: local people, who live in buffer area are farmers, they often go to forest to hunt, firewood, food… with the big area of the Park and lack of forest ranger For example if detected that local people take firewood, shoots, hunt… they will be confiscated their result But now day local people it is rare to see local people go into forest to exploit forest resources According to Mr Nguyen Sinh Vuong vice president of Ba Vi commune he said: “In many of last year status of the local community forest invade, logging, take shoot, firewood is still very popular, but recent year those activities is remarkable reduce, because local‟s awareness have been enhance, otherwise local people also participate to help Ba Vi National Park protect and development” Ethnics and population: In the area of 16 communities in Ba Vi have kinds of ethnics, there are: Muong, Kinh, Dao and Thai The total population is 89,928 people (in 2008), they are: 77.3% of Muong, 20.4% of Kinh, 2.15% of Dao and 0.15% of Thai ethnic Employment: The total employment in Ba Vi area is 51,568 people, most of them work in agriculture, there are include 46,562 people (90,29%) work in agriculture, and about 497 people (9.71%) of population they works in others majors According to report of Ba Vi province, there are still having 2,121 poor family, covered 10.31% in the area Khanh Thuong community is the poorest, covered 19.6% with 323 households in that area Dong Xuan community is less poor household than 20 the communes in the area, there are only 28 households covered 2.8% in the area (Source: the document provide by Ba Vi district 2008) There are no local people live inside the Park, so the management of the Park is more advantages than other Park such as Cuc Phuong, Tam Dao… According to the statistics of the communes, the income achieved 21.55 billion VND (2007) The average of food production in the region reached 308 kg/person/year and the highest average income is 6,000,000 VND/person/year and lowest is 3,600,000 VND/ person/year (2007) Advantages: The propaganda and education of the staff is good, so people who live in the core and buffer area have consciously protected forests, ecological environment Recently, there are have no deforestation to change land use, the forestry resources was protected and developed by local people The labor resources is abundant, so they can join protecting and planning forest The project such as: 327/CP, 661/CP, 134/CP and 135/CP of government organizations had improved infrastructure, forestry development and raised awareness of local people to protect forestry Disadvantages: The most disadvantages is in the Ba Vi National Park is that almost people living in are minorities, up to 77.3% of Muong minority, low educational level, outdated cultivation customs, the life depend on agriculture production, and low income The infrastructure is poor and the staff is lack of experience 1.1.7 Mineral exploitation According to the Department of Natural Resource and Environment in Ba Vi district showed that: In Ba Vi National Park have many metallic and non-metallic minerals such as: Cu, Au, Pb, Zn, pirit, kaolin, puzowlan, aminang… The entire process of mineral exploitation are affecting ecosystems Exploit and mineral processing release many contaminants harmful for ecosystem by many different ways In Ba Vi National 21 Park scope have Minh Quang Pirit exploit factory, although this process have been stop, but there are still have remain many impacts of this factory Exploiting and mineral processing can be cause: Soil leached and change habitat of plant, wildlife Because, While exploit and mineral processing requires remove topsoil, vegetation with big area, lead to change the habitat of plant and wildlife Destroying of animal habitat, terrain deformation, soil leached Water pollution: The activities of exploit and mineral transport make surface water and ground water became acidosis, heavy metals and other harmful elements, impact to the water source of local community Air pollution: Exploitation process, ore processing, ore transport also create ma ny smoke, dust with high volume In condition dry, impact of wind easy create the dust explosion from the ore waste and soil, lead to air pollution Noise pollution: The sound of blasting, drilling, means and activities of human mixed together lead to many wildlife move to other place by noise impact 1.1.8 Services Although there are many hotel with over 200 rooms, the capacity is about 400500 tourist but on holiday, vocation, in the future tourist will be raise more and more and sometime hotel services is not enough rooms for tourist, and in the point 800m, 1000m there are no have hotel, so the Park need to find some trends to deal with this problem Tour guide service is poor, almost tourists go to Ba Vi to camp there are no tour guide to help, I had met three groups they were camping the forest all of these groups no have tour guide, even they found before More disadvantages are less of heath care (hospital), fire protection service, for example: If you go into forest and injured it is very difficult to find help, I found that in Ba Vi National Park no have 22 hospital, if you injured you have to go to clinics of community about 4km There are also lack of public toilet and telpher, there are only one public toilet in the point 400m to serve tourist Ba Vi National Park is have high mountain it is difficult for old people, children, who can‟t use their leg to view the beautiful landscape in the high peak, so I think telpher is very important support for sightseeing 1.2 Tourism factors Tourism development is an important task of Ba Vi National Park Tourism development lead to many projects, programs and many problems increase too Tourism development lead to increase the number of tourists annually, especially Ba Vi National Park is the popular place in Ha Noi Capital, With favorable about location, climate, topography, biodiversity and located close the Khoang Xanh Suoi Tien resort it is the attract point in Ba Vi National Park Although tourism development, improve the economic social, but it is cause many bad effects in Ba Vi National Park such as: Waste disposal from visitor: With the big number of tourist come to Ba Vi National Park, so the work of collect and handle of waste is not really good, you can see many garbage was thrown by tourist Special in the main routes, such as: The route from point 800m to 1,100m, there are many garbage in the two sides of road, I had collected and classified garbage for line transects, each transect about 1km and with 10m into the forest in each side and I identified it, there are include: paper, food containers, milk box, nylon, water bottles… almost the garbage from the tourist and local people And I know that all of waste disposal were collected by worker in the Park transport to point 100m to treat, but it is not regular or in a month haven‟t any once clean it, that is problem from management With the waste from hotel, restaurant they were treated before flow into river Predict in some next years the mount of tourist will be reach to million visitors 23 each year (Source: Tourist center of Ba Vi National Park), lead to waste, noise, smoke from transportation also raise, so requirement means have good quality to reduce noise, smoke and treatment system have to good working to make sure waste was treated before flow into stream, river Figure 4.3: Garbage on the route from point 800 to 1,100m (Source: Ha Van Dong 2014) Table 4.5: Statistic the tourists from 2011 to 2014 Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 Foreigner (people) 1,120 1,612 2,345 4,000 Domestic (people) 99,048 122,751 137,256 146,000 100,168 124,363 139,601 150,000 Total (people) (Source: Tourist center of Ba Vi National Park 2008) The table 4.5 shows the amount of visitor in 2011 to 2014, it increase every rapidly, average each year the mount of tourist increase about 20,000 people Predict in some next years the mount of tourist will be reach to million visitors each year (source: Tourist center of Ba Vi National Park) 24 Transportation and camp: Annually in Ba Vi National Park have 3,000 to 4,000 tourists and everyday have many cars trough into forest, each day in Ba Vi National Park have hundreds of transportation include: car, truck, motorbike go from the boot of mountain to the top of mountain that is cause effect on environmental, tourists and locals health It is also contributed to environment pollution and noise pollution in the Park Because mountainous terrain in Ba Vi it is burn a lot of fuels and produce a lot of smoke and make noise when transportation operate in Ba Vi National Park Tourists they go to camp in the forest and make the tens, play game and have lunch in forest it is also effecting biodiversity, landscapes, plans and animals in that area, with the favorable about the location and large forest area, so Ba Vi have been attract many tourists, group of tourists came to tourism, camp… with all of these activities had made the noise, smoke, waste disposal through environmental, increase forest fire potential, especially they direct impact to the animal environmental, biodiversity, so it is a reason cause degrade and emigrate of biodiversity Propose some solutions to for developing tourism with a sustainable way in Ba Vi National Park Tourism activities in Ba Vi National Park, also like other national parks, the development must pay attention to the balance of the three basic objectives are: Conservation objective must be priority, economic effects of tourism activities, development of local communities and many important factors: 2.1 Conservation Objectives It is clearly identified priority areas for conservation, reducing pressure of tourism on the environment, enrich the forms of tourism, activity must be operated the trend off provided not run on demand as other business activities 25 2.2 Activities to ensure economic efficiency Is an important demand besides conservation objectives, its support for conservation, funding for reinvestment in conservation research activities, additional income sources for park staff, support the community activities 2.3 Community development objectives To encourage the local people to participate in the process of planning, management and implementation of tourism activities 2.4 Environmental Ban the mining operations impact to environmental Serious treatment the waste from hotel, restaurant Clean the waste disposal on the any roads in the whole Ba Vi National Park Reduce transportation into the Park, try to use electric car or telpher instead of gasoline car to prevent air, noise pollution 2.5 Management Enhanced protection and strict deal with the illegal activities such as: Cut down the trees, take sample for research without permit, invade of local people, illegal hunting Celebrate the training courses for rangers in case of forest fire, illegal loggers Conducting a comprehensive survey and assessment the potential for tourism development in ecological restoration zones of Ba Vi National Park and buffer zone of the Biosphere Reserve, completed development planning tourism 2.6 Infrastructure and services Building and repairing the downgraded infrastructure, build more restaurants and hotels in boot of mountain, near the Park‟s gate to serve tourist in holiday with the big number of tourist Repairing the fallow house to avoid the bad effect to landscape in the Park Build the signboards and propaganda to tourist for protect forest, biodiversity in the Park 26 Travel Services: Prevent the dishes made from rare animals, provide tour guide for tourist, build more hotel in around the gate of the Park, shouldn‟t build inside the Park it will impact to biology of Park Create the telpher to help tourist easy to sightseeing, with terrain in Ba Vi it is suitable to build telpher and will attract many tourist too Souvenirs services: The souvenir shop is the concern of many visitors Most visitors go to travel also wants to have a unique gift or souvenir gift for themself or for their family, friends I had interviewed many tourist and they said that there is not varied of souvenirs to buy, so Ba Vi National Park need to improve the souvenirs services, avoid the souvenir made by rare animals 2.7 Local people Actively cooperate participate restore, maintain, development traditional culture to attract many tourist, trend to shift agricultural production to ecological agriculture Protect and tourism development in the Park, join the training about enhance awareness protect and tourism development of the Park Don‟t illegal hunt, cut down trees and invade forest in the buffer area Participate the security network in the core and buffer area Organize training for educate and propaganda to local people with the task improve environment protection awareness of the local people 27 V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Conclusion Ba Vi National Park is a place with rich potential of tourism, there are many beautiful landscapes, biodiversity combined with great elevation compare to sea level, so tourist can feel the fresh air and cool that will make visitor comfortable after work hard There is a factor attract tourist travel to Ba Vi National Park But the most important factor attract tourist came to Ba Vi National Park are spiritual tourism and historical monument I have been interviewed about 70 tourist and found that biodiversity is only cover about 30 percent of tourist, they didn‟t care much about tourism But base on spiritual tourism development, visitors can study, know about value of biodiversity in the Park So we have to conservation and development both of tourism and spiritual tourism However, with a huge of tourist came to Ba Vi National Park and the management work is not enough good and logic, it is lead to overcapacity in the holiday, raise the price of room, services Many project have not complete yet, because not enough capital investment, effect on landscape and satisfied tourist too Can‟t control visitor and lead to many tourist break off branch tree, littering, noise and smoke from transportation of tourist also effect on biodiversity, air and environmental in Ba Vi National Park Local people is also an important factor effect on landscape, biodiversity, by the way illegal cutting, hunting for food, medicine, income All the factors above are also direct impact to tourism, so to have an tourism sustainable development we need stop and think about trend to solution now Limitation - Because of limitation in time, finance and human resources, this study just focused on the factors effecting tourism in Ba Vi National Park and cannot be researched intensively 28 - On survey I just recorded the factors, which I can observe or see So some factors will not be recorded Recommendation To maintain, tourism development and reduce the factor effecting tourism Ba Vi National Park must pay attention to the management, environmental such as: Celebrating the training courses for rangers in case of forest fire, illegal loggers Propagation and education the local people to paticipate in the task maintain and tourism development in Ba Vi National Park Ban the mining operations impact to environmental Serious treatment the waste from hotel, restaurant Reduce transportation into the Park, try to use electric car or telpher instead of gasoline car to prevent air, noise pollution Build the signboards and propaganda to tourist for protect forest, biodiversity in the Park 29 REFERENCES Tran Van Chi (2012) Develop tourism in Tam Dao National Park in conserving biodiversity Dr Ngo Tien Dung, Tran Thi Hoa, Bui Xuan Truong, Nguyen Manh Hiep (2013) Viet Nam National Park (p 20) Ha Noi: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Ba Huy (2007) Ecoutourism National University of Ho Chi Minh City Pham Van Thuong, Vu Ngoc Hieu, Pham Xuan Thanh (2010) Potential and propose solutions to develop tourism in the national park of Cat Ba - Hai Phong City Ha Noi Pham Van Thuong (2009) tourism de velopment in Cat Ba National Park Ha Noi: Viet Nam Tourism center of Ba Vi National Park (2014) Tourism report in 2011 to 2014 Ha Noi Vietnam (2008) project of conservation and development in Ba Vi National Park Ha Noi Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Iran (2012) Analysis of factors effecting the tourism development District, Ba Vi (2008) Survey economic of local people in Ba Vi district 10 Ceballos-Lascurain, H (1983) Definitions of Tourism

Ngày đăng: 14/08/2023, 20:36