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HANOI OPEN UNIVERSITY MID -TERM TEST ON DISCOURSE ANALYSIS FOR STUDENTS OF ENGLISH (No 2) Subject Code: EN44 Full name: Bùi Đức Thắng Date of birth: 08/06/1989 Group: FHTM215 ĐỀ 02 I Prove that the following passage is a written text Organic farming and chemical fertilisers A The world’s population continues to climb And despite the rise of high-tech agriculture, 800 million people don’t get enough to eat Clearly, it’s time to rethink the food we eat and where it comes from Feeding billion people will take more than the same old farming practices, especially if we want to it without felling rainforests and planting every last scrap of prairie Finding food for all those people will tax farmers’ – and researches’ – ingenuity to the limit Yet already, precious aquifers that provide irrigation water for some of the world’s most productive farmlands are drying up or filling with seawater, and arable land in China is eroding to create vast dust storms that redden sunsets as far away as North America “Agriculture must become the solution to environmental problems in 50 years If we don’t have systems that make the environment better – not just hold the fort-then we’re in trouble,” says Kenneth Cassman, an agronomist at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln That view was echoed in January by the Curry report, a government panel that surveyed the future of farming and food in Britain B It’s easy to say agriculture has to better, but what should this friendly farming of the future look like? Concerned consumers come up short at this point, facing what appears to be an ever-widening ideological divide In one corner are the technooptimists who put their faith in genetically modified crops, improved agrochemicals and computer-enhanced machinery; in the other are advocates of organic farming, who reject artificial chemicals and embrace back-to-nature techniques such as composting Both sides cite plausible science to back their claims to the moral high ground, and both bring enough passion to the debate for many people to come away thinking we’re faced with a stark choice between two mutually incompatible options C Not so If you take off the ideological blinkers and simply ask how the world can produce the food it needs with the least environmental cost, a new middle way opens The key is sustainability: whatever we must not destroy the capital of soil and water we need to keep on producing Like today’s organic farming, the intelligent farming of the future should pay much more attention to the health of its soil and the ecosystem it’s part of But intelligent farming should also make shrewd and locally appropriate use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides The most crucial ingredient in this new style of agriculture is not chemicals but information about what’s happening in each field and how to respond Yet ironically, this key element may be the most neglected today The passage is a written text, which can be proven by its grammar, lexical, and situation      Grammatical factors The text has more information packed into it For example: “Yet already, precious aquifers that provide irrigation water for some of the world’s most productive farmlands are drying up or filling with seawater, and arable land in China is eroding to create vast dust storms that redden sunsets as far away as North America” This sentence uses 44 words to complete the meaning, which is not usual in spoken usage All sentences in the passage are complete sentences with many clauses joined together by subordination, such as: “if, and, but, how, …” Using heavily modified noun phrases: “the rise of high-tech agriculture, or arable land in China is eroding to create vast dust storms that redden sunsets as far away as North America, or But intelligent farming should also make shrewd and locally appropriate use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides” All sentences in the passage use subject-predicate form For example, in the sentence: “The key is sustainability: whatever we must not destroy the capital of soil and water we need to keep on producing” Subject is “the key” while the predicate is the rest of the sentence The usage of passive constructions, such as “That view was echoed in January by the Curry report, a government panel that surveyed the future of farming and food in Britain”  There is no use of generalised vocabulary such as a lot of, thing, nice, stuff, place, things like that … in the text Also, there is no sign of “fillers” (such as: Well, erm, I think, you know, if you see what I mean, of course, and so on) in the text Lexical density  The text displays a high ratio of content words to total running words For example, in one of the longest sentence: “Yet already, precious aquifers that provide irrigation water for some of the world’s most productive farmlands are drying up or filling with seawater, and arable land in China is eroding to create vast dust storms that redden sunsets as far away as North America” Function words cover about 20% of the total words (44 words) while content words cover the remaining  This density is much higher than a conversational passage  Situation There is no face-to-face interaction and no use of non-verbal behaviour This means this passage is not spoken  All meaning of each sentence has to be inferred from the text with words carrying all shades of meaning This is a one-way conversation from the writer rather than a twoway as the spoken style The reader has to make assumptions about the reader’s state of knowledge  All of these factors prove that this passage is a written text II Find grammatical and lexical cohesive devices employed in this text Grammatical cohesive devices 1.1 Reference 1.1.1 Exophoric reference (References to assumed, shared worlds outside the text) The world’s population continues to climb And despite the rise of high-tech agriculture, 800 million people don’t get enough to eat 1.1.2 Anaphoric reference (points the reader/listener backwards) That view was echoed in January by the Curry report, a government panel that surveyed the future of farming and food in Britain 1.1.3 Personal reference 1st and 2nd person Feeding billion people will take more than the same old farming practices, especially if we want to it without felling rainforests and planting every last scrap of prairie If we don’t have systems that make the environment better – not just hold the fort-then we’re in trouble,” says Kenneth Cassman, an agronomist at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln If you take off the ideological blinkers and simply ask how the world can produce the food it needs with the least environmental cost, a new middle way opens 1.1.4 Demonstrative reference  This That That view was echoed in January by the Curry report, a government panel that surveyed the future of farming and food in Britain The most crucial ingredient in this new style of agriculture is not chemicals but information about what’s happening in each field and how to respond Yet ironically, this key element may be the most neglected today  There Those Finding food for all those people will tax farmers’ – and researches’ – ingenuity to the limit Yet already, precious aquifers that provide irrigation water for some of the world’s most productive farmlands are drying up or filling with seawater, and arable land in China is eroding to create vast dust storms that redden sunsets as far away as North America 1.2 Substitution 1.2.1 Nominal substitution (Replacing the Head noun of a corresponding noun phrase.)  (the) same Feeding billion people will take more than the same old farming practices, especially if we want to it without felling rainforests and planting every last scrap of prairie  So Not so (in paragraph C) 1.2.2 Elipsis In one corner are the techno-optimists who put their faith in genetically modified crops, improved agrochemicals and computer-enhanced machinery; in the other are advocates of organic farming, who reject artificial chemicals and embrace back-tonature techniques such as composting 1.3 Conjunction 1.3.1 Adversative relations  yet, though, only, but, however, nevertheless, despite this, all the same (=in spite of this), still It’s easy to say agriculture has to better, but what should this friendly farming of the future look like? But intelligent farming should also make shrewd and locally appropriate use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides Yet ironically, this key element may be the most neglected today And despite the rise of high-tech agriculture, 800 million people don’t get enough to eat 1.3.2 complex additive relations  Afterthought: incidentally, by the way Clearly, it’s time to rethink the food we eat and where it comes from Lexical cohesion 2.1 Repetition The use of the word farming, organic farming, and chemical fertilisers with the same meaning in more than one sentence 2.2 Synonymy Different words bearing the same meaning or nearly the same meaning Food - eat 2.3 Meronymy a part/whole relationship Whole environment technology Parts soil, water, ecosystem, rainforest, praisire genetically modified crops, improved agrochemicals and computer-enhanced machinery agriculture field, irrigation water, farmland, farmers 2.4 General word (nouns with general meanings)  Human noun: population, people The world’s population continues to climb And despite the rise of high-tech agriculture, 800 million people don’t get enough to eat  Fact: sides In one corner are the techno-optimists who put their faith in genetically modified crops, improved agrochemicals and computer-enhanced machinery; in the other are advocates of organic farming, who reject artificial chemicals and embrace back-tonature techniques such as composting Both sides cite plausible science to back their claims to the moral high ground, and both bring enough passion to the debate for many people to come away thinking we’re faced with a stark choice between two mutually incompatible options 2.5 Collocation  Modificational collocation (An item and one of its inherent qualities) high-tech agriculture - computer-enhanced machinery friendly farming - back-to-nature techniques an ever-widening ideological divide  Contextual collocation (The process and the participant) the food we eat - Feeding billion people Concerned consumers come up short at this point - the techno-optimists who put their faith in - advocates of - who reject III Translate the text into Vietnamese Canh tác hữu phân bón hóa học A Dân số giới tiếp tục tăng Và bất chấp phát triển nông nghiệp công nghệ cao, 800 triệu người không đủ ăn Rõ ràng, đến lúc phải suy nghĩ lại thực phẩm ăn nguồn gốc chúng Việc nuôi sống tỷ người tốn nhiều công sức so với phương thức canh tác cũ, đặc biệt muốn làm điều mà không chặt phá rừng nhiệt đới trồng mảnh vụn cuối đồng cỏ Việc tìm kiếm thức ăn cho tất người đánh thuế khéo léo người nông dân - nghiên cứu - đến giới hạn Tuy nhiên, tầng chứa nước quý giá cung cấp nước tưới tiêu cho số vùng đất nông nghiệp suất giới khô cạn ngập mặn đất canh tác Trung Quốc bị xói mịn để tạo bão bụi khổng lồ làm đỏ hồng tận Bắc Mỹ “Nơng nghiệp phải trở thành giải pháp cho vấn đề môi trường 50 năm Kenneth Cassman, nhà nông học Đại học Nebraska Lincoln, nói: Nếu khơng có hệ thống làm cho mơi trường trở nên tốt - khơng trì - gặp rắc rối Quan điểm lặp lại vào tháng Giêng báo cáo Curry, hội đồng phủ nghiên cứu tương lai nơng nghiệp lương thực Anh B Có thể dễ dàng nói nơng nghiệp phải làm tốt hơn, nông nghiệp thân thiện tương lai nào? Những người tiêu dùng lo lắng điều trở nên yếu vào thời điểm đối mặt với dường chia rẽ ý thức hệ ngày gia tăng Ở phía người lạc quan công nghệ, người đặt niềm tin vào trồng biến đổi gen, hóa chất nơng nghiệp máy móc nâng cấp máy tính; nhóm cịn lại người ủng hộ nông nghiệp hữu cơ, người từ chối hóa chất nhân tạo áp dụng kỹ thuật thân thiện với thiên nhiên ủ phân hữu Cả hai bên trích dẫn khoa học hợp lý để ủng hộ tuyên bố họ với tảng đạo đức cao, hai tranh luận gay gắt khiến nhiều người bỏ nghĩ phải đối mặt với lựa chọn rõ ràng hai lựa chọn không tương thích lẫn C Không phải Nếu bạn cởi bỏ tư tưởng bề đơn giản tự hỏi làm thế giới sản xuất thực phẩm cần thiết với chi phí mơi trường tối thiểu, giải pháp hài hòa mở Chìa khóa tính bền vững: điều làm khơng phá hủy trữ lượng đất nước mà cần để tiếp tục sản xuất Giống canh tác hữu ngày nay, canh tác thông minh tương lai cần ý nhiều đến sức khỏe đất hệ sinh thái mà phần Nhưng canh tác thơng minh nên sử dụng phân bón hóa học thuốc trừ sâu cách khôn ngoan phù hợp với địa phương Thành phần quan trọng phong cách nông nghiệp hóa chất mà thơng tin xảy lĩnh vực cách ứng phó Tuy nhiên, trớ trêu thay, yếu tố quan trọng bị xem thường nhiều Một số yêu cầu: + Sinh viên nộp file word lên hệ thống + Ghi rõ mã đề làm Chú ý: + Chế tài xử lý phát có chép ( VD: phát chép làm sinh viên không công nhận nhận điểm 0….) + Giảng viên trao đổi, nhận xét góp ý cho làm sinh viên diễn đàn buổi Vclass (SV tham gia lớp Vclass đầy đủ để giải đáp)

Ngày đăng: 09/08/2023, 15:00
