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Beginner Workout: Cycle 1 The first cycle of the beginner workout will focus on the basics of building a successful fitness program. Journey into a renewed healthy lifestyle as you develop a new fitness routine and have fun. Beginner Workout: Cycle 1, Week 1, Day 1 The Beginner Workout focuses on cultivating an athletic lifestyle by building the foundation for overall strength, conditioning, and flexibility. This workout will guide you through two workouts per week, with a third day called the "Athletic Exploration Day." This day is a special time for you to explore different fitness disciplines, have fun, and try something new in your personal fitness journey. The first cycle of the beginner workout will focus on the basics of a successful fitness program. The workouts are designed to help you get stronger and move better. Journey into a renewed healthy lifestyle as you develop a new fitness routine, regain your body confidence, and have fun. You will need a kettlebell and/or dumbbell set, yoga mat, great music, and a smile to complete this programming. Enjoy your athletic journey. Smile and get to it! Week 1, Day 1 Workout 30-45 minute walk outside 25 Walking lunges 25 Air squats Elbow plank: 20 seconds (sec) - Repeat 3 times 10 Push ups Stretch Downward Dog (pictured below): 30sec Pigeon Right Leg (pictured below): 30sec Downward Dog: 30sec Pigeon Left Leg: 30sec 1 Beginner Workout: Cycle 1, Week 1, Day 2 The Beginner Workout focuses on cultivating an athletic lifestyle by building the foundation for overall strength, conditioning, and flexibility. This workout will guide you through two workouts per week, with a third day called the "Athletic Exploration Day." This day is a special time for you to explore different fitness disciplines, have fun, and try something new in your personal fitness journey. The first cycle of the beginner workout will focus on the basics of a successful fitness program. The workouts are designed to help you get stronger and move better. Journey into a renewed healthy lifestyle as you develop a new fitness routine, regain your body confidence, and have fun. You will need a kettlebell and/or dumbbell set, yoga mat, great music, and a smile to complete this programming. 2 Enjoy your athletic journey. Smile and get to it! Week 1, Day 2 Walk 5 mins Jog 1-2 mins Repeat 5x 25 Jumping Jacks 25 Suhaila Squats 6 Turkish Get Ups (unweighted), alternating right (R) and left (L) side Extended Arm Plank Hold 20 secs 3x Stretch Hands Clasp Over Head - Stretch right, left, front, and back Hands Clasp Over Head - Circle clockwise and counterclockwise Forward Fold (pictured below) 30 secs Frog Squat (Malasana - pictured below) 30 secs Forward Fold 30 secs Straddle Stretch Forward (pictured below)30 secs Straddle Stretch R Side (pictured below) 30 secs Straddle Stretch L Side (pictured below) 30 secs Straddle Stretch Forward 30 secs Forward Fold 3 Frog Squat Straddle Stretch Forward Straddle Stretch Left Straddle Stretch Right Beginner Workout: Cycle 1, Week 1, Day 3 4 The Beginner Workout focuses on cultivating an athletic lifestyle by building the foundation for overall strength, conditioning, and flexibility. This workout will guide you through two workouts per week, with a third day called the "Athletic Exploration Day." This day is a special time for you to explore different fitness disciplines, have fun, and try something new in your personal fitness journey. The first cycle of the beginner workout will focus on the basics of a successful fitness program. The workouts are designed to help you get stronger and move better. Journey into a renewed healthy lifestyle as you develop a new fitness routine, regain your body confidence, and have fun. You will need a kettlebell and/or dumbbell set, yoga mat, great music, and a smile to complete this programming. Enjoy your athletic journey. Smile and get to it! Week 1, Day 3 Day 3 of each week will be your athletic exploration day. I want you to try different classes in your local area. Some classes you will enjoy and others you will choose to not attend again, but it is important to try new things when creating your personalized athletic lifestyle. Have fun in this exploration. Find what makes you happy when exercising. Find a Beginners Vinyasa Yoga class to attend. Click here to look for Yoga Alliance Certified Teachers in your area. Beginner Workout: Cycle 1, Week 2, Day 1 The Beginner Workout focuses on cultivating an athletic lifestyle by building the foundation for overall strength, conditioning, and flexibility. This workout will guide you through two workouts per week, with a third day called the "Athletic Exploration Day." This day is a special time for you to explore different fitness disciplines, have fun, and try something new in your personal fitness journey. The first cycle of the beginner workout will focus on the basics of a successful fitness program. The workouts are designed to help you get stronger and move better. Journey into a renewed healthy lifestyle as you develop a new fitness routine, regain your body confidence, and have fun. You will need a kettlebell and/or dumbbell set, yoga mat, great music, and a smile to complete this programming. Enjoy your athletic journey. Smile and get to it! Week 2, Day 1 Repeat this entire cycle three times: March 3-5 mins 5 Rounds: 3x Kettlebell Deadlift (pictured below) 5 Rounds: 3x Kettlebell Swing (pictured below) Elbow Side Plank Right (R) 10-20 secs Elbow Plank 10-20 secs Elbow Side Plank Left (L) 10-20 secs 5 6 7 Stretch Crescent Lunge R Leg 30 secs Crescent Lunge R Leg with Eagle Arm Stretch R Arm30 secs 5 Star Pose 10 secs Wide Leg Forward Fold 30 secs Crescent Lunge L Leg 30 secs Crescent Lunge L Leg with Eagle Arm Stretch L Arm 30 secs 5 Star Pose 10 secs Wide Leg Forward Fold - Hands Clasped Behind Back 30 secs Beginner Workout: Cycle 1, Week 2, Day 2 The Beginner Workout focuses on cultivating an athletic lifestyle by building the foundation for overall strength, conditioning, and flexibility. This workout will guide you through two workouts per week, with a third day called the "Athletic Exploration Day." This day is a special time for you to explore different fitness disciplines, have fun, and try something new in your personal fitness journey. The first cycle of the beginner workout will focus on the basics of a successful fitness program. The workouts are designed to help you get stronger and move better. Journey into a renewed healthy lifestyle as you develop a new fitness routine, regain your body confidence, and have fun. You will need a kettlebell and/or dumbbell set, yoga mat, great music, and a smile to complete this programming. Enjoy your athletic journey. Smile and get to it! Week 2, Day 2 8 Walk Outside: Fast Pace 10-20 mins (Repeat 1x) 100 yard jog/run at 40% of ability Walk back to starting position with hands clasped over head Repeat 3 times: 10 Air Squats 10 Jiu jitsu Sit Ups 10 Wide Arm Push Ups 3x Elbow Plank to Extended Arm Plank (Hold each level for 5-10 secs) Stretch Runners Lunge R Leg 30 secs Runners Lunge R Leg - Holding L Leg with R Hand 30 secs Runners Lunge L Leg 30 secs Runners Lunge L Leg - Holding R Leg with L Hand 30 Secs Frog Squat (Malasana) (pictured below) - Hold 30 secs Forward Fold (pictured below) 30 secs Tadasana 30 secs Frog Squat 9 Forward Fold Beginner Workout: Cycle 1, Week 2, Day 3 The Beginner Workout focuses on cultivating an athletic lifestyle by building the foundation for overall strength, conditioning, and flexibility. This workout will guide you through two workouts per week, with a third day called the "Athletic Exploration Day." This day is a special time for you to explore different fitness disciplines, have fun, and try something new in your personal fitness journey. The first cycle of the beginner workout will focus on the basics of a successful fitness program. The workouts are designed to help you get stronger and move better. Journey into a renewed healthy lifestyle as you develop a new fitness routine, regain your body confidence, and have fun. You will need a kettlebell and/or dumbbell set, yoga mat, great music, and a smile to complete this programming. Enjoy your athletic journey. Smile and get to it! Week 2, Day 3 Day 3 of each week will be your athletic exploration day. I want you to try different classes in your local area. Some classes you will enjoy and others you will choose to not attend again, but it is important to try new things when creating your personalized athletic lifestyle. Have fun in this exploration. Find what makes you happy when exercising. Find a Beginners Kettlebell Class with an RKC or Strong First instructor. 10 . you to try different classes in your local area. Some classes you will enjoy and others you will choose to not attend again, but it is important to try new things when creating your personalized. you to try different classes in your local area. Some classes you will enjoy and others you will choose to not attend again, but it is important to try new things when creating your personalized. you to try different classes in your local area. Some classes you will enjoy and others you will choose to not attend again, but it is important to try new things when creating your personalized