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Đề Olympic Thang 3 - Lop 7 (1).Docx

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ĐIỂM HỌ TÊN, CHỮ KÝ GIÁM KHẢO SỐ PHÁCH (CTHĐ chấm thi ghi)BẰNG SỐ BẰNG CHỮ GIÁM KHẢO 1 GIÁM KHẢO 2 HƯỚNG DẪN PHẦN THI NGHE HIỂU  Bài nghe gồm 3 phần, mỗi phần được nghe 2 lần, mỗi lần cách nhau 10 gi[.]

ĐIỂM BẰNG BẰNG SỐ CHỮ HỌ TÊN, CHỮ KÝ GIÁM KHẢO GIÁM KHẢO GIÁM KHẢO SỐ PHÁCH (CTHĐ chấm thi ghi) HƯỚNG DẪN PHẦN THI NGHE HIỂU  Bài nghe gồm phần, phần nghe lần, lần cách 10 giây  Mỗi phần cách 20 giây  Thí sinh đọc kỹ hướng dẫn và câu hỏi trước nghe SECTION I: LISTENING (5.0 pts) Part 1: Listen and choose the correct picture Write A, B or C in the numbered box (1.5pt) What does the girl ask the boy to bring to her party? What’s Julia going to buy? How many chairs does the boy need to get? What colour belt is the girl wearing? How many cartons of milk is the man going to buy? Your answers Part 2: Listen and write the correct answer in each gap Write one word or a number or a date or a time You will hear a teacher telling her class about a school trip (2.0pt) SCHOOL TRIP TO NEWQUAY Day: Cost of trip: Time bus arrives in Newquay: What to see in the castle: Where to have lunch: What to take: Your answers Thursday (1) £ (2) _a.m (3) _ (4) _ (5) _ Part 3: Listen to Jessica talking to France about a dance class Write A, B or C in the numbered box You will hear the conversation twice (1.5pt) The class takes _ A half an hour B three quarters of an hour C an hour What doesn’t France need to take? A trainers B sports clothes C drink The teacher needs to know _ A if people are beginners B how fit people are C people’s age The normal price of classes is _ A £5 B £6 C £8 They will meet _ A at Jessica’s house B at college C in the café Your answers SECTION II: LEXICO AND GRAMMAR (4.0pt) Part 1: (1.0pt) Choose the correct answer in each sentence Write A, B or C in the numbered box There’s a big _ in my town They make shoes there A factory B museum C stadium Would you like _ volleyball tomorrow? A play B to play C playing I didn't understand some words but I found them in the _ A dictionary B notebook C timetable I haven’t got £420 for a dress! That is too _ A light B cheap C expensive The footballer Harry Kane’s birthday is _ July 28 A in B on C at You have to _ this exam, or you have to take it again A pass B fail C study Between you and me, who is _? A good B better C the best _ book is this? I found it in the bathroom A Who B Whom C Whose _ Tom nor Harry can make it for the outing A Both B Either C Neither 10 You must hurry _ you will miss the train A or B because C so Your answers 10 Part 2: Fill in the gap with one correct word Write your answer in the numbered box (1.5pt) Jane doesn't spend much money _ clothes She always takes good _ of her children 3.We went there _ car and stayed there for the whole day He congratulated me _ winning the competition Mr Foster lives _ 667E, 76th street in New York Washington State is famous _ its apples Thank you very much _ what you have done for me My brother took _ basketball lessons two months ago Tet often takes _ in late January or early February 10 The harder you work at school, the _ opportunities you get better-paid job later Your answers 10 Part 3: Identify the mistake in each sentence Write A, B or C in the numbered box (1.5pt) I’d like having a cup of tea after dinner A B C My brother likes playing soccer a lot and I like, too A B C 3 I don’t take many money on me I’m afraid of losing it A B C Remember turning off the lights before you leave the room A B C That man works very hardly on his farm A B C The movie is not more interesting as the one we saw last week A B C My brother never enjoy classical music and I don’t either A B C Mrs Mai bought the material and makes the dress for her daughter yesterday A B C At breaktime, the school yard is very crowded and noisily A B C 10 Though Tom lived in a small town, but she could learn in a big school A B C Your answers 10 SECTION III: READING (6.0 pts) Part 1: Which notice (A – H) says this (1 – 5)? For questions – 5, write the correct letter A – H in the numbered box (1.5pt) A YOUTH CLUB 0.We work fast Under 16s only B Half-price drinks with 3-course meals This is not for adults C CITY CENTRE CLOSED TO TRAFFIC ALL DAY TODAY You can’t drive this way D Tourist Information open 24 hours We can help you day and night E NO PETROL STATION ON MOTORWAY You can have dinner here F TURNER TRAVEL Fly away to the sun this summer Come here to book a holiday G SCHOOL OFFICE CLOSED FOR LUNCH H.We repair shoes QUICKLY a.m – p.m Your answers H Part 2: Read the text and decide which answer A, B or C best fits each gap Write your answer in the numbered box (1.5pt) The History of Chocolate The history of chocolate began (1) _ three and a half thousand years ago At the time, people in the America (2) _ as the Mayans and the Aztecs grew the beans and made chocolate drinks (3) _ them Around 1500, Christopher Columbus took cocoa beans to Europe, and chocolate drinks (4) _ became popular in Spain However, it wasn’t until nearly 100 years (5) _ that people started drinking chocolate in (6) _ parts of Europe In 1657, a Frenchman opened the first chocolate hour in London The drink was expensive, so only rich people (7) _ enjoy it Chocolate continued to become more popular, (8) _ it wasn’t until 1847 that the first modern chocolate bar was (9) _ Now chocolate is available everywhere, and we also eat it in foods (10) _ cakes, biscuits and sweets A above B between C over A such B most C much A by B in C from A soon B ever C already A late B later C latest A both B other C every A must B need C could A but B because C when A making B make C made 10 A like B same C as Your answers 10 Part 3: Read the text and questions For each question, decide which is the correct answer A, B or C Write your answer in the numbered box (1.5pt) I’m sure I’m not the only person my age (15) who hates going to the dentist Channel 4’s late-night documentary Open wide last Tuesday was excellent for people like me However, none of my school friends watched it They missed this opportunity to see something interesting and educational because the programme didn’t appear in the TV Guide This was a pity, as it was the type of programme that makes both young people and their parents think about things they don’t normally consider Why can’t television companies let us know about such important documentaries in advance? This programme was important because it showed how methods for helping people with toothache have developed over the centuries If you think visiting the dentist today is an uncomfortable experience, just be grateful you didn’t live 200 years ago! Then, the programme told us, the only cure for toothache was removing the tooth There weren’t any dentists, so the person who cut your hair also pulled out your bad teeth, and there was nothing to stop you feeling the pain The programme has also completely changed my attitude to looking after my teeth My parents were always saying to me things like, “Don’t eat too many sweets” and, “Brush your teeth after meals,” but I never paid much attention Now I’ve seen what damage sugar can do, especially if I don’t use a toothbrush regularly, I’m going to change my habits Many people would benefit from a repeat of this programme Why has Sophie written this letter? A to persuade a television company to show a programme again B to ask for more television programme designed for school children C to advise people to watch a particular television programme Why didn’t Sophie’s school friends see Open wide? A They didn’t know it was on B It wasn’t shown on a channel they can receive C They don’t enjoy that type of programme What did Open wide say about toothache? A Dentist used to help people who had it B Hairdressers have it more than other people C Ways of curing it have changed What does Sophie think about her parents now? A Their advice is worth listening to B They don’t know as much as her about teeth C They don’t clean their teeth often enough Which of these gives information about the programme Sophie watched? A A play about a 19th-century dentist and how he brought comfort to his patients B The series about health care for teenagers This week, good eating habits C We suggest how to prepare young children for that first visit to the dentist Your answers Part 4: Read the text and fill in each gap with one correct word Write your answer in the numbered box (1.5pt) My brother and I (1) rock climbing last weekend I really wanted to (2) , so my brother decided to (3) me how to it It was a beautiful, warm day when we got to the mountains We started (4) about 10 o’clock in the morning and we (5) there all day It was difficult (6) climb at first because I was worrying (7) _ falling It was much (8) _ than other sports “(9) _ worry about it,” my brother said, “but be careful.” In the end, I really enjoyed it and I think I (10) go with him next weekend Your answers 10 SECTION IV: WRITING (5.0 pts) Part 1: Finish the sentence in such a way that it means the same as the original one (1.5 pts) Although Jack didn’t have much money, he booked for the trip to the USA Despite My brother likes staying at home better than going to the zoo My brother prefers What is the weight of a sumo wrestler? How _ There is no better teacher in this school than Mr John Mr John is Lan was sick, so she didn’t go to school yesterday Lan didn’t _ Part 2: Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first using no more than three words (1.5pt) It isn’t necessary for you to finish the work today You finish the work today Theatre tickets are more expensive than last year Last year, theatre tickets _ than they are now Peter said: “Why don’t you go to the booking office yourself?” Peter said: “How to the booking office yourself?” How much does the novel cost? What is _ the novel? Driving in heavy snow isn’t easy Heavy snow makes it _drive Part 3: Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce sentences which together make a complete letter (2.0pt) Dear Diana, Thank you/ much/ your letter/ which arrive/ few days ago It/ lovely/ hear / you I/ sorry that/ I/ not write/ such a long time but I/ very busy As you know we/ buy/new house/ the city centre/ September It be/ very bad condition/ and need/ a lot/ work We/ finish/ most/ it now and it/ look/ very nice Peter/ I/ decide/ give /house warming party/ May 3rd You think/ you able/ come? Please give me/ ring/and let/ know/ you/ make it 10 I really look /forward/ see you again Love, Mary - THE END -

Ngày đăng: 03/06/2023, 18:15
