It’s All Too Much MICROBIOLOGY ASSOC PROF DR DANG VU BICH HANH CODE EN1015 UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, HOCHIMINH CITY 1 * PROTOZOA * A diverse group of unicellular eukaryotic organisms 2 Heterogeneous G[.]
UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, HOCHIMINH CITY MICROBIOLOGY CODE: EN1015 ASSOC.PROF DR DANG VU BICH HANH * PROTOZOA * A diverse group of unicellular eukaryotic organisms Heterogeneous Grouping Of Single-Celled Organism * PROTOZOA * Single-celled animals * Motility and predation • Single cell • Microscopic in size • All types of symmetry great range of structural complexity • Adaptation for all types conditions of environmental • Their evolution parallels that of multicellular animals and their origin is perhaps polyphyletic • Acellular animalcules, without tissues and organs • Having one or more nuclei but no nucleus ever in charge of specialized part of cytoplasm • Exist either single or in colonies * CHARACTERS OF PROTOZOA *Small, Microscopic Animalcules *Body Unicellular Containing one or more Nuclei which are Monomorphic or Dimorphic *Solitary or Forming loose colonies in which individuals remain alike and independent *Finger like pseudopodia/ whip like flagella/ hair like cilia/ absent *Nutrition holozoic (animal like), holophytic (plant like), Saprozoic or Parasitic Digestion occurs intracellularly inside food vacuoles *Respiration & Excretion *Reproduction asexual by binary or multiple fission and budding and sexual by conjugation of adults (Hologamy) or by fusion of gametes (syngamy) *Life history often complicated with alternation of asexual and sexual phases *Encystment *Free living Protozoa mostly aquatic, inhabiting fresh and sea waters and damp places ✓Parasitic and commensal Protozoa live over ✓Inside the bodies of animals and plants ✓Sufficient moistures essential in their environment * CLASSIFICATION Phylum: PROTOZOA Sub Phylum: Plasmodroma Mastigophora Sarcodina Sporozoa Sub Phylum: Ciliophora Opalinata Ciliata BY 10 Hyman (1940),Hickman(1961)& Storer (1965) * Subphylum: Plasmodroma *Simple and primitive *Locomotion by pseudopodia, flagella or none Cilia absent *Nucleus reproduction by syngamy *Asexual reproduction by binary or multiple fusion *Life cycle may include an alternation of generations 11 *Subphylum: Ciliophora *More complex *Cilia or sucking tentacles present in at least one stage of life cycle *Usually two types of nuclei ✓Sexual reproduction by conjugation ✓Asexual reproduction by binary fusion and budding *No alternation of generations 12 Body naked or with internal shells or external tests With Pseudopodia for locomotion & food capture Amoeboid during most of life cycle No spore formation, no Conjugation Mostly free living * CLASS: SARCODINA 13 Amoeba Globigerina 14 Euglypha Lithocircus 15 Entamoeba ➢ Body covered by thin Pellicle or test of Cellulose, Chitin or Silica ➢ One to many flagella for locomotion & food capture, some with Pseudopodia ➢ Nutrition Autotrophic, Heterotrophic or Mixotrophic ➢ Asexual Reproduction or by Longitudinal fission ➢ No spore formation No Conjugation ➢ Free living or Parasitic * CLASS: MASTIGOPHORA 16 Chrysamoeba Euglena Chrysamoeba 17 Volvox Dinobryon • Body uniformly covered by cilia-like flagella in oblique rows • Cytostome absent, Nutrition Saprozoic • Nucleus to many, monomorphic or identical • Reproduction by binary fission or by gamete conjugation • Endo parasites in cold blooded vertebrates * CLASS: OPALINATA 18 • Body covered with a thick pellicle • No locomotory organ, mouth and contractile vacuoles are present • Nutrition Saprozoic • Asexual reproduction by multiple fission • Sexual reproduction by spore formation • Life cycle complex All internal parasites * CLASS: SPOROZOA 19 Myxidium Sareocystis Nosema 20 Plasmodium • Complex Protozoa with a firm pellicle • Locomotory organelles cilia or sucking tentacles , in at least one stage of life cycle • Nuclei of kind (dimorphic) • Nutrition holozoic • Asexual reproduction by binary fission • Sexual reproduction by conjugation and auto gamy * CLASS: CILIATA 21 Balantidium 22 Paramecium Opalina Stentor 23 * BODY STRUCTURE ◆BODY COVERING: • Plasmalemma • Pellicle 24