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I E C 63 0 ® I N TE RN ATI ON AL Edition 201 5-1 I E E E S td 50 ™ S TAN D ARD colour i n sid e IEC 63004:201 5-1 2(en) IEEE Std 505-201 S tan d ard for recei ver fi xtu re i n terface T H I S P U B L I C AT I O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO T E C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E E E All rights reserved I EEE is a registered trademark in the U.S Patent & Trademark Office, owned by the I nstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, I nc Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the IEC Central Office Any questions about IEEE copyright should be addressed to the IEEE Enquiries about obtaining additional rights to this publication and other information requests should be addressed to the IEC or your local IEC member National Committee IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch I nstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, I nc Park Avenue New York, NY 001 6-5997 United States of America stds.info@ieee.org www.ieee.org Ab ou t th e I E C The I nternational Electrotechnical Commission (I EC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes I nternational Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i ca ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C Catal og u e - webstore i ec ch /catal og u e The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad I E C pu bl i cati on s s earch - www i ec ch /search pu b The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications E l ectroped i a - www el ectroped i a org The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing more than 30 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C G l ossary - std i ec ch /g l os sary More than 60 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u st Pu bl i s h ed - webstore i ec ch /j u stpu bl i sh ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email I E C C u stom er S ervi ce C en tre - webstore i ec ch /csc If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C 63 0 ® I N TE RN ATI ON AL Edition 201 5-1 I E E E S td 50 5™ S TAN D ARD colour i n sid e S tan d ard for recei ve r fi xtu re i n terface INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 25.040 ISBN 978-2-8322-2942-2 Warn i n g ! M ake su re th a t you obtai n ed th i s pu bl i cati on from an au th ori zed d i s tri bu tor ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission I EC 63004: 201 I E E E S td 5 -2 Contents Overview 1 Scope Purpose Background Annexes overview 1 2 Normative references 2.1 Conventions Definitions and special terms 3.1 Special terms Qualification requirements 4.1 Responsibility for inspection 4.2 General requirements 4.3 Qualification inspections 4.4 Inspection conditions 4.5 Qualification inspection 4.6 Method of examination and test 10 11 14 14 15 16 Framework specification 26 5.1 Framework specification introduction 5.2 Framework general specification 5.3 Materials 5.4 Restricted materials 5.5 Dissimilar metals 5.6 Workmanship 5.7 Design and construction 5.8 Framework assembly 5.9 Framework alignment/keying cavities 5.1 Framework ball-lock mechanism 5.1 Framework ball-lock/safety-lock pin devices 5.1 Framework protective cover 5.1 Method of mounting 5.1 Interchangeability 5.1 Framework stroke 5.1 Framework engagement and separation forces 5.1 Framework fixture support weight rating 5.1 Electrical conditional requirements 5.1 Framework durability 5.20 Oversize fixture framework 5.21 Environmental requirements 5.22 Auxiliary parts 5.23 Riveting, upsetting, and spinning over 26 26 30 30 30 30 30 31 48 50 51 52 52 54 54 56 56 56 57 57 57 59 59 Connector module specification 59 6.1 Connector module specification introduction 6.2 Connector specification system 6.3 Quality 6.4 General and specific connector contact specification relationships viii Copyright © 201 IEEE All rights reserved Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission 59 60 60 60 I EC 63004: 201 I E E E S td 5 -2 6.5 Materials 6.6 Reference materials, platings, and processes 6.7 Design and construction 6.8 Connector assembly 6.9 Interchangeability 6.1 Oversized pin exclusion test 6.1 Contact engagement and separation forces 6.1 Connector mating and unmating 6.1 Contact rating 6.1 Contact resistance 6.1 Contact retention 6.1 Dielectric withstanding voltage 6.1 Signal low-level circuit 6.1 Insulation resistance 6.1 Contact durability/cycle test 6.20 Environmental requirements 6.21 Contacts supplied in reels 6.22 Contact solderability 6.23 Contact resistance to soldering heat/flammability 6.24 Contact crimp tensile strength 6.25 Auxiliary parts 6.26 Marking 6.27 Workmanship 61 62 62 62 64 65 66 66 67 67 67 68 68 68 68 68 69 70 70 70 70 70 70 Signal module 70 7.1 Introduction 7.2 General specifications 7.3 Design and construction requirements 7.4 Electrical specifications 7.5 Method of examination and test 70 71 77 78 79 Power size and connector module(s) 81 8.1 Introduction 8.2 General specifications 8.3 Design and construction requirements 8.4 Electrical specifications for 23 A power contact 8.5 Electrical specifications for 45 A power contact 8.6 Method of examination and test 81 82 83 87 88 89 Coax size connector module(s) 91 9.1 Introduction 91 9.2 General specifications 91 9.3 Design and construction requirements 92 9.4 Coax GHz contact electrical specifications 97 9.5 Coax GHz contact electrical specifications 98 9.6 Method of examination and test 00 Mixed power connector module, 28-1 A and 6-20 A positions 01 0.1 Introduction 0.2 General specifications 0.3 Design and construction requirements 0.4 Electrical specifications ix Copyright © 201 IEEE All rights reserved Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission 01 02 04 05 I EC 63004: 201 I E E E S td 5 -2 1 Universal size connector D-Sub compatible module, 24 position 06 1 Introduction 1 General specifications 1 Design and construction requirements 1 Coax 40 GHz, size 8, D-Sub compatible, contact 1 Power 45-A, size 8, D-Sub compatible contact 1 Pneumatic, size 8, D-Sub compatible, contact 1 Fiber-optic, size 8, D-Sub compatible, contact specifications 06 06 08 111 112 112 112 High-speed signal module 1 2.1 Introduction 2.2 General specifications 2.3 Design and construction requirements 2.4 Electrical specifications 2.5 Method of examination and test 112 112 115 117 118 Annex A (informative) Receiver fixture interface tutorial 20 Annex B (informative) Critical Interface Working Group (CIWG) report 38 Annex C (informative) Bibliography 39 Annex D (informative) IEEE List of Participants .143 ? Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC 63004: 201 I E E E S td 5 -2 Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC 63004: 201 I E E E S td 5 -2 STANDARD FOR RECEIVER FIXTURE INTERFACE FOREWORD ) The I nternati on al Electrotechni cal Comm ission (I EC) is a worl d wid e organization for stand ardization com prisin g all nati on al el ectrotechnical comm ittees (I EC Nation al Comm ittees) The object of I EC is to prom ote internati onal co-operation on all qu estions concerni ng standardi zati on in the electrical and electronic fields To this en d and in ad dition to other activities, I EC pu blishes I nternational Stan dards, Techn ical Specificati ons, Technical Reports, Publicly Avail abl e Specificati ons (PAS) an d Gui des (hereafter referred to as “I EC Publication(s)”) Their preparation is entrusted to technical comm ittees; any I EC N ation al Comm ittee interested in the subj ect dealt with m ay participate i n this preparatory work I nternational, governm ental and nongovernm ental organi zati ons liai sing with the I EC also participate in this preparation I EEE Standards d ocum ents are devel oped within I EEE Societies and Standards Coordi natin g Com m ittees of the I EEE Standards Association (I EEE-SA) Standards Board I EEE devel ops its standards through a consensus developm ent process, which brin gs together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and i nterests to achieve the fi nal prod uct Volu nteers are n ot necessaril y m em bers of I EEE and serve without com pensation While I EEE adm inisters the process and establishes rul es to prom ote fai rness in the consensus d evel opm ent process, I EEE does not in depen dently eval uate, test, or verify the accuracy of an y of the inform ation contai ned in its standards Use of I EEE Stand ards d ocum ents is wholl y voluntary I EEE docum ents are m ade avail abl e for use subject to im portant n otices and l egal disclaim ers (see http: //standards ieee org/I 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ittee 91 : Electronics assembly technology, under the I EC/I EEE Dual Logo Agreem ent The text of this standard is based on the following documents: I EEE Std FDI S Report on votin g I EEE Std 505-201 91 /1 275/FDI S 91 /1 299/RVD Full inform ation on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table The I EC Technical Comm ittee and I EEE Technical Com mittee have decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the I EC web site under "http://webstore iec.ch" in the data related to the specific publication At this date, the publication will be • • • • reconfirm ed, withdrawn, replaced by a revised edition, or amended Published by I EC under license from IEEE © 201 I EEE All rights reserved I EC 63004: 201 I E E E S td 5 -2 I E E E S td 50 5™ -2 (Revision of IEEE Std 505-2006) I E E E S tan d ard for Recei ver F i xtu re I n terface Sponsor I E E E S tan d ard s C oord i n ati n g C om m i ttee on Tes t an d D i ag n os i s for E l ectron i c S ys tem s Approved 30 September 201 I E E E -S A S tan d ard s B oard Approved July 201 Am eri can N ati on al S tan d ard s I n s ti tu te Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC 63004: 201 33 I E E E S td 5 -2 IEEE Std 505-201 IEEE Standard for Receiver Fixture Interface Figure A.1 4—Device adapter board (DAB) fixture A.5.1 Bed-of-nails fixture The bed-of-nails fixture (shown in Figure A ) is used to conduct in-circuit and functional testing through needle-like spring-loaded probes that make contact to the under- or top-side of a PCB These fixtures can be employed at both the factory and depot where conformal coatings are not used Figure A.1 5—Bed-of-nails fixture A.5.1 Cable/printed circuit board plug-in interface fixture The combined cable/PCB plug-in interface fixture (shown in Figure A 6) illustrates both cable connections between the ATS and the UUT, and/or standard interface of a printed circuit card using a 33 Copyright © 201 IEEE All rights reserved Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC 63004: 201 I E E E S td 5 -2 1 34 IEEE Std 505-201 IEEE Standard for Receiver Fixture Interface compatible mating connectors and supports Applying multiple ports/interface modules, a broad mix of UUTs can be supported with a single fixture Figure A.1 6—Cable/printed circuit board fixture interface A.6 RFI connector modules and contacts A.6.1 Overview Both the receiver and the fixture subassemblies are modularized further into a receiver/fixture frames, connector modules, and contacts, as was illustrated in Figure A.2, to support the mechanical and electrical connection Typically, there are four class types of connections, as follows: a) Signal connections: For digital and general low-level signal applications b) Power connections: To interface high amperage/voltage (20 A to 50 A) levels signals c) Coax connections: d) Special: For RF signals For fiber optic, pneumatic, cooling, etc Examples are illustrated in Figure A.1 7(a) and Figure A.1 7(b) A.6.2 RFI connector implementation based on Eurocard DIN Standards An open architecture connector footprint is described within IEEE Std 505-201 0, based upon Eurocard/ DIN and commercial contact standards for each slot This permits the user to select a number of standard 34 Copyright © 201 IEEE All rights reserved Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC 63004: 201 35 IEEE Std 505-201 IEEE Standard for Receiver Fixture Interface I E E E S td 5 -2 connector types to form the interface Multiple types and connector modules [see Figure A.1 7(a) and Figure A.1 7(b)] currently being offered by industry include the following: a) 200 position high-density signal connector module b) Rear mount 00-position high-speed digital, MHz to 750 MHz signal connector module c) Optical 24-position connector module d) Pneumatic 24-position connector module e) 4/45-59-1 52-307 position 45 A/23 A power/5 GHz coax connector module f) 24-65-1 70 position GHz RF coax connector modules g) to 24 position 40 GHz high-RF coax connector module h) 26-position RF 60 GHz coax connector module A blank module is supplied when none of the other connector modules are used The power and coax connector module houses respective power or coax contacts that can be independently installed to the configuration desired Each contact can be provided with a built-in piggyback, quick-disconnect feature that eliminates cutting/crimping in the field to repair failed interface contacts Figure A.1 7(a)—Receiver fixture interface connector assemblies 35 Copyright © 201 IEEE All rights reserved Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC 63004: 201 I E E E S td 5 -2 1 36 IEEE Std 505-201 IEEE Standard for Receiver Fixture Interface Figure A.1 7(b)—Receiver fixture interface connector assemblies 36 Copyright © 201 IEEE All rights reserved Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC 63004: 201 37 IEEE Std 505-201 IEEE Standard for Receiver Fixture Interface I E E E S td 5 -2 A.7 Receiver fixture interface assessment and trade-offs A.7.1 General background of the RFI assessment The development of the RFI specification by the IEEE Std 505 RFI Working Group sponsors was derived from many sources representing general industry needs, government-COTS interests, government opensystem directives, industry technology trends, government/aerospace test requirements (functional test requirements), and test industry/connector/packaging standards The Working Group also utilized the results of a study conducted by the Department of Defense Automatic Test System Research & Development Integrated Product Team (ARI) Critical Interface Working Group (CIWG) that reviewed as part of their tasks the ATS Test Interface They are described in the Automatic Test System Critical Interfaces Report, which has been included as an informative reference in Annex B A direct response to the RFI is addressed in 4.4.3 of the report The methodology step process used by the RFI Working Group includes the following: a) Defining the problem b) Establishing a set of requirements c) Evaluating available interface designs against a set of parameters that relate to the problem and requirements d) Defining a specification that will meet the consensus of the Working Group and industry short- and long-term goals It was based upon “open standards” or functional specifications that are supported by multiple-vendor products 37 Copyright © 201 IEEE All rights reserved Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC 63004: 201 I E E E S td 5 -2 1 38 IEEE Std 505-201 IEEE Standard for Receiver Fixture Interface Annex B (informative) Critical Interface Working Group (CIWG) report Automatic Test System Critical Interfaces Report, dated September 30, 996, is the results of a study conducted by the Department of Defense Automatic Test System Research and Development Integrated Product Team (ARI) Critical Interface Working Group (CIWG), which reviewed as part of their tasks the Automatic Test System (ATS) Test Interface 19 A copy of the CIWG Report can be found at the following link: http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/scc20/HIWG/CIWG%20Report.doc 38 Copyright © 201 IEEE All rights reserved Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC 63004: 201 39 IEEE Std 505-201 IEEE Standard for Receiver Fixture Interface I E E E S td 5 -2 Annex C (informative) Bibliography [B1 ] ANSI/ASQC M-1 , MIL-STD-45662, Calibration Systems Requirements 20 [B2] ANSI 260.4, American National Standard Letter Symbols and Abbreviations for Quantities Used in Acoustics [B3] ANSI Y32.9, American National Standard Graphic Symbols for Electrical Wiring and Layout Diagrams [B4] ASME B46, -78, Surface Texture (Surface Roughness Waviness and Lay) 21 [B5] ASTM B734, Standard Specification for Electrodeposited Copper for Engineering Uses 22 [B6] ASTM D4080, Standard Specification for Trichloroethylene, Technical and Vapor-Degreasing Grade [B7] ASTM E32 Standard Practices for Sampling Ferroalloys and Steel Additives for Determination of Chemical Composition [B8] EIA RS-3 0-C, Racks, Panels and Associated Equipment 23 [B9] EIA 60796-3, Racks, Panels and Associated Equipment [B1 0] IEC 01 0-1 , Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use Part I: General Requirements 24 ― [B1 ] IEC 60068-1 , Environmental testing [B1 2] IEC 61 326-1 , Electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use EMC Requirements Part I: General Requirements ― [B1 3] IEEE/ASTM SI 0™-2002, IEEE Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System 25, 26 [B1 4] IEEE Std 91 ™, IEEE Standard Graphic Symbols for Logic Functions [B1 5] IEEE Std 260.1 ™, American National Standard Letter Symbols for Units of Measurement (SI Units, Customary Inch-Pound Units, and Certain Other Units) [B1 6] IEEE Std 260.3™, IEEE Standard for Mathematical Signs and Symbols for Use in Physical Sciences and Technology 20 ANSI publications are available from the Customer Service Department, American National Standards Institute, 25 W 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 0036, USA (http://www.ansi.org/) ASME publications are available from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Park Avenue, New York, NY 001 6-5990, USA (http://www.asme.org/) 22 ASTM publications are available from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 00 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 9428-2959, USA (http://www.astm.org/) 23 EIA publications are available from Global Engineering Documents, Inverness Way East, Englewood, Colorado 801 2, USA (http://global.ihs.com/) 24 IEC publications are available from the Central Office of the International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Varembé, P.O Box 31 , CH-1 21 , Geneva 20, Switzerland (http://www.iec.ch/) IEC publications are also available in the United States from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 0036, USA (http://www.ansi.org/) 25 IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA (http://standards.ieee.org/) 26 The IEEE standards or products referred to in Annex C are trademarks owned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated 21 39 Copyright © 201 IEEE All rights reserved Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC 63004: 201 I E E E S td 5 -2 1 40 IEEE Std 505-201 IEEE Standard for Receiver Fixture Interface [B1 7] IEEE Std 280™, IEEE Standard Letter Symbols for Quantities Used in Electrical Science and Electrical Engineering [B1 8] IEEE Std 31 5™, IEEE Standard Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams (Including Reference Designation Letters) [B1 9] IEEE Std 945™, IEEE Recommended Practice for Preferred Metric Units for Use in Electrical and Electronics Science and Technology [B20] IEEE Std 991 ™, IEEE Standard for Logic Circuit Diagrams [B21 ] IEEE Std 01 4™; IEEE Standard for a Versatile Backplane Bus: VMEbus [B22] IEEE Std 1 55™, IEEE Standard for VMEbus Extensions for Instrumentation: VXIbus [B23] IEEE Std C37.1 00™, IEEE Standard Definitions for Power Switchgear [B24] IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws, New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc [B25] IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc [B26] IEEE-SA Standards Companion, New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc [B27] IEEE Standards Style Manual, New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc [B28] ISO 9001 , Quality Systems Model for quality assurance in design/development, production, installation and servicing 27 [B29] Joint Service Automatic Test Systems Research and Development Integrated Product Team (ARI), government/industry Critical Interfaces Working Group; USAF-CIWG Contract Report, Washington, DC, 6/1 /98 [B30] MIL-C-83733, Rectangular Rack and Panel Connectors 28 [B31 ] MIL-G-45204, Gold Plating, Electrodepositing (equivalent standard AMS 2422) [B32] MIL-PRF-2 8800, General Specification for Test Equipment for Use with Electrical and Electronic Equipment [B33] MIL-STD-1 91 6, Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes (equivalent standard ASQ Z1 4) [B34] MIL-STD-961 , Defense and Program Unique Spec Format and Content [B35] PCIbus; Wakefield, MA 29 [B36] PXIbus; Austin, TX 30 [B37] Society of Automotive Engineers; Aerospace Material Specification (AMS); Warrandale, PA 27 ISO publications are available from the ISO Central Secretariat, , ch de la Voie-Creuse, Case Postale 56, CH-1 21 , Geneva 20, Switzerland (http://www.iso.org/) ISO publications are also available in the United States from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 0036, USA (http://www.ansi.org/) 28 MIL publications are available from Customer Service, Defense Printing Service, 700 Robbins Ave., Bldg 4D, Philadelphia, PA 91 1 -5094 29 Available at http://picmg.com 30 Available at http://vxipnp.org 40 Copyright © 201 IEEE All rights reserved Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC 63004: 201 41 IEEE Std 505-201 IEEE Standard for Receiver Fixture Interface [B38] VMEbus 31 [B39] VXIbus 32 [B40] VXIbus, Eurocard Mechanical Packaging 33 31 32 33 Available at http://vita.com Available at http://vxi.org Available at http://vxi.org 41 Copyright © 201 IEEE All rights reserved Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I E E E S td 5 -2 I EC 63004: 201 I E E E S td 5 -2 1 42 Annex D ? ? ?? ????? ?? ?? ? IEEE list of Participants At the time this standard was submitted to the IEEE-SA Standards Board for approval, the IEEE Std 505 RFI Working Group had the following membership: , Co-Chair , Co-Chair Michael Stora David Droste Malcolm Brown Anthony Estrada Anthony Geneva Chris Gorringe David Heck Orman (Bob) Horton Ashley Hulme Mark Kaufman Soo H Kim Teresa Lopes William F Maciejewski Stephen Mann Alex Meloni Scott Misha Ion Neag Leslie Orlidge Richard Patrick Theodore Ronnenburg Howard Savage Mike Seavey John Sheppard Timothy Wilmering The following is a historical list of participants who have dedicated their valuable time, energy, and knowledge to the creation of this material: Darryl Ashby Jim Babb William Birurakis Jim Clegg Dave Engler Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission James Guzak Tom Leddy Corey Motel David Rocker Bill Ross Anthony Sedberry Rob Spinner John R Stabler Mario Tobias Robert White John Wong I EC 63004: 201 43 I E E E S td 5 -2 The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this standard Balloters may have voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention Stephen Allen Martin J Bishop Malcom Brown Keith Chow David Droste Heiko Ehrenberg William Frank Anthony Geneva Randall Groves Lee Herron Werner Hoelzl Piotr Karocki James Langlois William F Maciejewski Stephen Mann Jeffrey Moore Michael S Newman Leslie Orlidge Donald Parker Ulrich Pohl Robert Robinson Theodore Ronnenburg Bartien Sayogo Mike Seavey Gil Shultz Roger Sowada Joseph Stanco Michael Stora Walter Struppler David Tepen James Timperley Stephen Webb When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 30 September 201 0, it had the following membership: Robert M Grow, Chair Richard H Hulett, Vice Chair Steve M Mills, Past Chair Judith Gorman, Secretary Young Kyun Kim Joseph L Koepfinger* John Kulick David J Law Hung Ling Oleg Logvinov Ted Olsen Karen Bartleson Victor Berman Ted Burse Clint Chaplin Andy Drozd Alexander Gelman Jim Hughes Ronald C Petersen Thomas Prevost Jon Walter Rosdahl Sam Sciacca Mike Seavey Curtis Siller Don Wright *Member Emeritus Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons: Satish K Aggarwal, NRC Representative Richard DeBlasio, DOE Representative Michael Janezic, NIST Representative Lisa Perry IEEE Standards Program Manager, Document Development Soo H Kim IEEE Standards Program Manager, Technical Program Development vii Copyright © 201 IEEE All rights reserved Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSI ON 3, rue de Varembé PO Box 31 CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 91 02 1 Fax: + 41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch

Ngày đăng: 17/04/2023, 11:49


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