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Iec ts 62972 2016

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IEC TS 62972 Edition 1 0 201 6 07 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SPECIFICATION TECHNIQUE General l ighting – Organic l ight emitting diode (OLED) products and related equipment – Terms and definitions Éclair[.]

I E C TS 62 ® Edition 201 6-07 TE C H N I C AL S P E C I F I C ATI ON S P E C I F I C ATI ON TE C H N I QU E G en eral l i g h ti n g – Org an i c l i g h t em i tti n g d i od e (OLE D ) prod u cts an d rel ated eq u i pm en t – Term s an d d efi n i ti on s É cl rag e g én éral – Prod u i ts d i od es él ectrol u m i n es cen tes org an i q u e s (OLE D ) IEC TS 62972:201 6-07(en-fr) et éq u i pem en ts as s oci és – Term es et d éfi n i ti on s Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission TH I S P U B L I C ATI O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO TE C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e va , S w i tze rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information Droits de reproduction réservés Sauf indication contraire, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et les microfilms, sans l'accord écrit de l'IEC ou du Comité national de l'IEC du pays du demandeur Si vous avez des questions sur le copyright de l'IEC ou si vous désirez obtenir des droits supplémentaires sur cette publication, utilisez les coordonnées ci-après ou contactez le Comité national de l'IEC de votre pays de résidence IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Abou t th e I E C The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i c a ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C C atal og u e - 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www i ec ch /s earch p u b La recherche avancée permet de trouver des publications IEC en utilisant différents critères (numéro de référence, texte, comité d’études,…) Elle donne aussi des informations sur les projets et les publications remplacées ou retirées E l ectroped i a - www el ectroped i a org Le premier dictionnaire en ligne de termes électroniques et électriques Il contient 20 000 termes et définitions en anglais et en franỗais, ainsi que les termes ộquivalents dans langues additionnelles Egalement appelé Vocabulaire Electrotechnique International (IEV) en ligne G l os s re I E C - s td i ec ch /g l os s ary 65 000 entrées terminologiques électrotechniques, en anglais et en franỗais, extraites des articles Termes et Dộfinitions des publications IEC parues depuis 2002 Plus certaines entrées antérieures extraites des publications des CE 37, 77, 86 et CISPR de l'IEC I E C J u st P u bl i s h ed - webs tore i ec ch /j u s u bl i s h ed Restez informé sur les nouvelles publications IEC Just Published détaille les nouvelles publications parues Disponible en ligne et aussi une fois par mois par email Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission S ervi ce C l i en ts - webs tore i ec ch /cs c Si vous désirez nous donner des commentaires sur cette publication ou si vous avez des questions contactez-nous: csc@iec.ch I E C TS 62 ® Edition 201 6-07 TE C H N I C AL S P E C I F I C ATI ON S P E C I F I C ATI ON TE C H N I QU E G en eral l i g h ti n g – Org an i c l i g h t em i tti n g d i od e (O LE D ) prod u cts an d rel ated eq u i pm en t – Term s an d d efi n i ti on s É cl rag e g én éral – Prod u i ts d i od es él ectrol u m i n es cen tes org an i q u es (OLE D ) et éq u i pem en ts as s oci és – Term es et d éfi n i ti on s INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION COMMISSION ELECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE ICS 29.1 40.99 ISBN 978-2-8322-3468-6 Warn i n g ! M ake s u re th at you ob tai n ed th i s pu bl i cati on from an au th ori zed d i s tri bu tor Atten ti on ! Veu i l l ez vou s as s u rer q u e vou s avez o bten u cette pu bl i cati on vi a u n d i s tri b u teu r ag réé ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission Copyright International Electrotechnical MarqueCommission déposée de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale –2– I EC TS 62972:201 © IEC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD Scope Classification of terms Fundamental terms Terms related to physical properties Terms related to constructive elements Terms related to performance and specifications Bibliography Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC TS 62972:201 © IEC 201 –3– I NTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNI CAL COMMI SSI ON G E N E RAL L I G H T I N G – O RG AN I C L I G H T E M I T T I N G D I O D E ( O L E D ) P RO D U C T S AN D RE L AT E D E Q U I P M E N T – T E RM S AN D D E F I N I T I O N S FOREWORD ) The I ntern ati onal El ectrotechnical Commi ssi on (I EC) is a worl d wi d e organizati on for stan dard izati on comprisi ng all nati onal 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TS 62972, which is a Technical Specification, has been prepared by subcommittee 34A: Lamps, of I EC technical committee 34: Lamps and related equipment Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission –4– I EC TS 62972:201 © IEC 201 The text of this Technical Specification is based on the following documents: En q ui ry d raft Report on voti ng 34A/1 874/DTS 34A/1 896/RVC Full information on the voting for the approval of this technical specification can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/I EC Directives, Part The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the I EC website under "http: //webstore iec.ch" in the data related to the specific publication At this date, the publication will be • • • • • transformed into an International standard, reconfirmed, withdrawn, replaced by a revised edition, or amended Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC TS 62972:201 © IEC 201 –5– G E N E RAL L I G H T I N G – O RG AN I C L I G H T E M I T T I N G D I O D E ( O L E D ) P RO D U C T S AN D RE L AT E D E Q U I P M E N T – T E RM S AN D D E F I N I T I O N S Scope This Technical Specification establishes terms and definitions specific for general lighting OLED light sources and related equipment C l a s s i fi c a t i o n o f t e rm s Terms specific for general lighting OLED light sources and related equipment are classified as follows: a) b) c) d) fundamental terms; terms related to physical properties; terms related to constructive elements; terms related to performance and specifications N OTE Th is classificati on is in li ne wi th I EC 62341 -1 -2: 201 H owever, the cl assi ficati on of terms rel ated to the prod u ction process was removed F u n d a m e n t a l t e rm s o rg a n i c l i g h t e m i t t i n g d i o d e OLED light emitting diode consisting of an electroluminescent zone made of organic compounds which are situated between two electrodes N ote to entry: Thi s note applies to the Fren ch l ang u age onl y p o l y m e ri c o rg a n i c l i g h t e m i t t i n g d i o d e PLED OLED where all the organic semiconductor materials are polymers N ote to entry: Thi s note applies to the Fren ch l ang u age onl y 3 sm al l m o l e c u l e o rg a n i c l i g h t e m i t t i n g d i o d e SM OLED OLED where all the organic semiconductor materials are small molecules N ote to entry: Thi s note applies to the Fren ch l ang u age onl y s ta c ke d O L E D OLED consisting of two or more emission layers and at least one charge generation layer between two emission layers N ote to entry: There can be emi ssi on layers i n sid e a stacked OLED that are n ot separated by a charg e gen erati on l ayer H owever, at least one pai r of emi ssi on l ayers i s separated by a ch arg e generation l ayer Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission –6– I EC TS 62972:201 © IEC 201 3.5 bottom emission OLED OLED which emits light through the substrate side 3.6 top emission OLED OLED which emits light through the encapsulation side 3.7 transparent OLED OLED in which the light-emitting area is transparent in the off-state 3.8 inverted OLED OLED where the substrate carries the cathode 3.9 hybrid organic light emitting diode hybrid OLED OLED that uses a hybrid OLED stack 3.1 bendable OLED OLED designed for being bent into a permanent shape 3.1 flexible OLED OLED designed for being repeatedly bent 3.1 OLED tile smallest functional OLED light source which cannot be separated into smaller OLED lighting elements and containing at least one contact ledge with at least one positive and one negative pole for connection to the electrical power supply 3.1 OLED panel independently operable unit OLED product containing one or more OLED tiles and means of connection to electrical supply such as a connector, PCB (printed circuit board), passive electronic components and optionally a frame 3.1 OLED module assembly of one or more OLED panels and active electronic components 3.1 OLED lamp OLED panel or OLED module with a cap 3.1 OLED light source OLED tile, OLED panel, OLED module or OLED lamp Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission I EC TS 62972:201 © IEC 201 –7– Terms related to physical properties 4.1 light output area A LO area of an OLED tile, panel or module designed to emit light, including active luminous areas, busbars and other mechanical structures, but excluding edges N ote to entry: The li ght outpu t area is expressed i n m 4.2 active luminous area A act area of an OLED tile, panel or module designed to emit light and including inner non-luminous areas due to defects, but excluding layout defined busbars and other mechanical structures N ote to entry: The active l umi nou s area is expressed i n m 4.3 aperture ratio F quotient of active luminous area and light output area A F = act ALO N ote to entry: The apertu re ratio i s a q uanti ty of di men si on one 4.4 luminous current efficacy r luminance divided by the applied current per unit area N ote to entry: Thi s term is som etimes incorrectl y call ed "lu mi nou s cu rrent efficien cy" N ote to entry: The l umin ous cu rrent efficacy i s expressed i n cd /m 4.5 emission ratio luminous flux emitted by the side with the higher luminous flux divided by the luminous flux emitted by the side with the lower luminous flux N ote to entry: Thi s term is onl y u sed wi th transparen t OLED panels N ote to entry: The emissi on ratio i s a q u anti ty of di mensi on one 4.6 internal quantum efficiency η I QE ratio of the number of photons generated inside an OLED to the number of electrons injected into the OLED N ote to entry: An intern al q u antu m effici ency greater than 00 % is possi bl e i f charge carri ers are g enerated i nsid e the OLED 4.7 external quantum efficiency η EQE quantity describing the yield of outcoupled photons with regard to injected charge carriers (electrons) Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission –8– I EC TS 62972:201 © IEC 201 N ote to entry: The extern al q u antu m effici ency can be expressed as η EQE = η IQE ∗ η out wh ere η ou t is the ou tcoupli ng effi ci ency waveg u i ded mod es η ou t tai ns opti cal loss modes such as su rface plasmon polari tons or N ote to entry: The extern al q u antu m effici ency i s expressed i n % ou tcou pl in g effici en cy η ou t quotient of the external quantum efficiency and the internal quantum efficiency η η out = EQE η IQE forward d i recti on F direction of electrical current that results when the H IL/H TL side of the OLED stack (p-type region) connected to an electrode is on positive potential relative to the EI L/ETL side (n-type region) connected to the other electrode N ote to entry: The forward d i recti on i s d enoted by ad d i n g the subscript F to th e symbol of the q u antity concerned, for exampl e forward cu rren t is d enoted as IF reverse d i rection R direction of electrical current when the H IL/H TL side of the OLED stack is connected to an electrical contact which is on negative potential with regards to the connection of the EI L/ETL side N ote to entry: Th e reverse d i recti on is d enoted by ad d i n g th e su bscript R to the symbol of the q u an ti ty concerned , for example reverse cu rrent is d enoted as IR 1 forward cu rren t IF electrical current in forward direction N ote to entry: The forward cu rrent is expressed i n A forward vol tage UF potential difference pertaining to the forward direction, dependent on the forward current at a given temperature N ote to entry: The forward vol tage is expressed i n V [SOURCE: IEC 62504:201 4, 3, modified — Note to entry has been deleted ] reverse cu rren t IR electrical current in reverse direction N ote to entry: The reverse cu rren t is expressed i n A Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission – 18 – I EC TS 62972:201 © IEC 201 Le texte de cette Spécification technique est issu des documents suivants: Proj et d’ enqu ête Rapport de vote 34A/1 874/DTS 34A/1 896/RVC Le rapport de vote indiqué dans le tableau ci-dessus donne toute information sur le vote ayant abouti l'approbation de cette Spécification technique Cette publication a été rédigée selon les Directives I SO/I EC, Partie Le comité a décidé que le contenu de cette publication ne sera pas modifié avant la date de stabilité indiquée sur le site web de l'I EC sous "http: //webstore iec.ch" dans les données relatives la publication recherchée A cette date, la publication sera • • • • • transformée en Norme internationale, reconduite, supprimée, remplacée par une édition révisée, ou amendée Copyright International Electrotechnical Commission

Ngày đăng: 17/04/2023, 11:47


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