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Iec ts 62668 2 2016

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I E C TS 62 668 -2 ® Edition 2.0 201 6-08 TE C H N I C AL S P E C I F I C ATI ON colour in sid e Proces s m an ag em en t for avi on i cs – C ou n terfei t preven ti on – IEC TS 62668-2:201 6-08(en) Part : M an ag i n g el ectron i c com pon en ts from n on -fran ch i s ed s ou rces I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n TH I S P U B L I C ATI O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO TE C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e va , S w i tze rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Abou t th e I E C The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i c a ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C C atal og u e - webs tore i ec ch /catal og u e E l ectroped i a - www el ectroped i a org The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C pu bl i cati on s s earch - www i ec ch /s earch pu b I E C G l os s ary - s td i ec ch /g l os s ary The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications 65 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u st P u bl i s h ed - webs tore i ec ch /j u s u bl i s h ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n I E C C u s to m er S ervi ce C en tre - webs tore i ec ch /cs c If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C TS 62 668 -2 ® Edition 2.0 201 6-08 TE C H N I C AL S P E C I F I C ATI ON colour in sid e Proces s m an ag em en t for avi on i cs – C ou n terfei t preven ti on – Part : M an ag i n g el ectron i c com pon en ts from n on -fran ch i s ed s ou rces INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 03.1 00.50; 31 020; 49.060 ISBN 978-2-8322-3573-7 Warn i n g ! M ake s u re th at you obtai n ed th i s pu bl i cati on from an au th ori zed d i s tri bu tor ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n –2– I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD I NTRODUCTI ON Scope Normative references Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms Terms and definitions Abbreviated terms Technical requirements General Overview Risks associated with purchasing from non-franchised distributors 4 3.1 General 4 3.2 Risk origins 4 3.3 Quality risks 3.4 I ndustrial risks 3.5 Reliability risks 3.6 Financial risks 3.7 Legal risk 4 Reasons to initialize the derogation process 4.1 General 4.2 Obsolescence notice failure 4.3 Allocation 4.4 I nsufficient end-of-life inventory 4.5 Late orders 4.6 Minimum order quantity 4.7 Technical requirements Derogation process 5.1 Notification to the OEM 5.2 Analysis of alternative solutions 5.3 List of approved non-franchised distributors 20 5.4 Non-franchised distributor consultation 20 5.5 Risk analysis 21 5.6 Non-franchised distributor order authorization 23 5.7 Order processing 24 5.8 I ncoming processing 24 5.9 Records 28 5.1 Processing during storage and manufacturing 28 5.1 Failed electronic components 28 Annex A (informative) Flowchart of IEC TS 62668-1 requirements 29 Annex B (informative) Example of detailed tests list, linked with procurement risks levels 30 Annex C (informative) iN EMI assessment methodology and metric development 38 Annex D (informative) Summary of SAE AS61 71 proposed test methods under consideration by SAE International 39 Bibliography 42 I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 Figure Figure Figure Figure –3– – Suspect components perimeter – Derogation process when supplying from non-franchised distribution – Potential avionics supply chain scenarios A.1 – Flowchart of I EC TS 62668-1 requirements 29 Table – Typical procurement risk scenarios and guidance for procurement risk assessment 21 Table – Typical testing 26 Table B.1 – Example of detailed revalidation testing of suspect stock 30 Table D – Summary of SAE AS61 71 test methods (under considerations) 39 I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n –4– I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 I NTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNI CAL COMMI SSI ON P RO C E S S M AN AG E M E N T F O R AVI O N I C S – C O U N T E RF E I T P RE VE N T I O N P a rt : – M a n a g i n g e l e c t ro n i c c o m p o n e n t s fro m n o n -fra n c h i s e d s o u rc e s FOREWORD ) The I ntern ati onal El ectrotechnical Commi ssi on (I EC) is a worl d wid e org anizati on for standard izati on comprising all nati onal electrotech nical committees (I EC N ational Comm ittees) Th e object of I EC i s to promote i nternati on al co-operati on on al l q u esti ons cernin g standard izati on i n the el ectrical and el ectronic fi el ds To this end an d in ad di ti on to other acti vi ti es, I EC pu blish es I nternati onal Stan d ards, Technical Speci fi cati ons, Technical Reports, Pu blicl y Availabl e Specificati ons (PAS) an d Gu id es (hereafter referred to as “I EC Pu blicati on(s)”) Their preparati on is entru sted to technical committees; any I EC N ati onal Comm ittee i nterested i n the subject d eal t wi th may parti ci pate i n thi s preparatory work I nternati onal , governmental and n ongovernm ental organizations l iaisi ng wi th the I EC al so participate i n this preparati on I EC col l aborates cl osel y wi th th e I n ternational Organizati on for Stand ard izati on (I SO) i n accordan ce wi th cond i ti ons d etermined by agreement between th e two org anizati ons 2) Th e form al d ecision s or ag reements of I EC on technical m atters express, as n earl y as possibl e, an i nternati onal consensus of opi ni on on the rel evan t su bjects si nce each technical committee has representati on from all i nterested I EC N ati onal Commi ttees 3) I EC Pu blications have th e form of recommend ati ons for internati onal u se and are accepted by I EC N ati onal Comm ittees i n th at sense While all reasonabl e efforts are mad e to ensu re that the technical content of I EC Pu blicati ons is accu rate, I EC cann ot be hel d responsi bl e for the way in wh i ch they are used or for an y misin terpretati on by an y end u ser 4) I n ord er to prom ote i nternation al u ni formity, I EC N ati on al Committees un d ertake to appl y I EC Pu blicati ons transparentl y to the maximum exten t possi bl e i n thei r nati onal and regi onal pu blicati ons An y d i verg ence between any I EC Pu bl icati on and the correspond i ng nati onal or region al publi cation shal l be cl earl y i ndi cated in the latter 5) I EC i tsel f d oes not provi d e any attestation of conformity I n d epend en t certi ficati on bodies provid e conformity assessment services an d , in some areas, access to I EC marks of conformi ty I EC i s not responsi bl e for an y services carried ou t by i n d epend en t certi fication bodi es 6) All u sers should ensu re th at they h ave the l atest edi ti on of th is pu blicati on 7) N o liabili ty shal l attach to I EC or i ts d irectors, empl oyees, servan ts or agents in cl u di ng i nd ivi du al experts and mem bers of i ts techni cal commi ttees and I EC N ati onal Comm ittees for any personal in ju ry, property d amage or other d amage of any natu re whatsoever, wh ether di rect or i nd i rect, or for costs (i nclud i ng l egal fees) and expenses arising ou t of the pu blicati on, use of, or reliance u pon, thi s I EC Pu bl ication or an y oth er I EC Pu blicati ons 8) Attention is d rawn to the N orm ative references ci ted i n this pu bl icati on U se of the referenced pu blicati ons is i ndi spensabl e for the correct appli cation of th is publicati on 9) Attention is d rawn to th e possibili ty that some of the el ements of thi s I EC Pu bl icati on may be the su bj ect of patent ri gh ts I EC shal l not be held responsi bl e for i d enti fyi ng any or all such paten t ri ghts The main task of I EC technical committees is to prepare International Standards I n exceptional circumstances, a technical committee may propose the publication of a technical specification when • • the required support cannot be obtained for the publication of an I nternational Standard, despite repeated efforts, or the subject is still under technical development or where, for any other reason, there is the future but no immediate possibility of an agreement on an International Standard Technical specifications are subject to review within three years of publication to decide whether they can be transformed into I nternational Standards I EC TS 62668-2, which is a technical specification, has been prepared by I EC technical committee 07: Process management for avionics I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 –5– This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 201 This edition constitutes a technical revision This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Updates to the risk assessment process b) Updates to the test methods including reference to the SAE AS61 71 test methods in development c) U pdates in line with I EC TS 62668-1 for definitions and references to DFARS and removal of reference to RECS This technical specification is to be used in conjunction with I EC TS 62239-1 and I EC TS 62668-1 The text of this technical specification is based on the following documents: En q ui ry d raft Report on voti ng 07/280/DTS 07/286/RVC Full information on the voting for the approval of this technical specification can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table This document has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/I EC Directives, Part A list of all the parts in the I EC 62668 series, published under the general title Process management for avionics – Counterfeit prevention , can be found on the IEC website The committee has decided that the contents of this document will remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the I EC website under "http: //webstore iec.ch" in the data related to the specific document At this date, the document will be • • • • • transformed into an International standard, reconfirmed, withdrawn, replaced by a revised edition, or amended A bilingual version of this publication may be issued at a later date I M P O R T AN T – T h e ' c o l o u r i n s i d e ' th a t it c o n ta i n s u n d e rs t a n d i n g c o l o u r p ri n t e r I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n of c o l o u rs i ts wh i ch c o n te n ts l og o a re U s e rs on t h e c o ve r p a g e o f t h i s c o n s i d e re d shou l d to t h e re fo re be p u b l i ca ti o n u s e fu l p ri n t th i s fo r i n d i c a te s th e d ocu m en t c o rre c t using a –6– I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 I NTRODUCTION The avionics industry has a responsibility to ensure that all flight equipment produced has a predicted product life which correlates to the predicted repair and service life to ensure the public is not endangered Typically an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) calculates a mean time between failure (MTBF) and possibly a mean time to failure (MTTF) prediction These calculations assume all components are new, or considered as “unused”, at the point of introduction into flight use and that no useful component life and/or any “unsafe” component conditions have been used For example it is therefore essential that counterfeit, recycled and fraudulent components which have had potentially some of their ”useful life” consumed and which may also be malfunctioning are not purchased for use in aerospace, defence and high performance (ADHP) industries I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 –7– P RO C E S S M AN AG E M E N T F O R AVI O N I C S – C O U N T E RF E I T P RE VE N T I O N P a rt : – M a n a g i n g e l e c t ro n i c c o m p o n e n t s fro m n o n -fra n c h i s e d s o u rc e s S cope This part of I EC 62668, which is a technical specification, defines requirements for avoiding the use of counterfeit, recycled and fraudulent components when these components are not purchased from the original component manufacturer (OCM) or are purchased from outside of franchised distributor networks for use in the aerospace, defence and high performance (ADH P) industries This practice is used, as derogation, only when there are no reasonable or practical alternatives N OTE Typi call y this technical speci fi cation is used i n conj u ncti on wi th I EC TS 62239-1 and I EC TS 62668-1 , enabling ADH P i nd ustri es to manag e and avoi d the use of cou nterfei t, recycl ed and frau d u l ent components i n their su ppl y chai ns Although developed for the ADH P industry, this document may be used by other highperformance and high-reliability industries, at their discretion N o rm a t i v e re fe re n c e s The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document For dated references, only the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies I EC TS 62239-1 , Process management for avionics – Management plan – Part 1: Preparation and maintenance of an electronic components management plan IEC TS 62668-1 : 201 6, Process management for avionics – Counterfeit prevention – Part 1: Avoiding the use of counterfeit, fraudulent and recycled electronic components T e rm s , d e fi n i t i o n s a n d a b b re v i a t e d t e rm s T e rm s a n d d e fi n i t i o n s For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply I SO and I EC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: • • I EC Electropedia: available at http: //www.electropedia.org/ I SO Online browsing platform: available at http: //www iso org/obp 1 a ft e rm a rk e t s o u rc e reseller which may or may not be under contract with the original component manufacturer (OCM) or is sometimes a component “re-manufacturer”, under contract with the OCM I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n –8– I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 N ote to entry: Th e resel ler accum u lates inventories of encapsul ated or non -encapsulated com ponents (wafer and /or d ie) whose end of li fe date has been pu bli shed by the OCM Th ese components are then resol d at a profi t to fil l a need wi thin the market for compon ents that have become obsolete [SOURCE: IEC TS 62668-1 :201 6, 3.1 ] 3.1 broker individual or corporate organization that serves as an intermediary between buyer and seller N ote to entry: I n the el ectronic component sector a broker speci fically seeks to supply obsol ete or hard to find components i n ord er to tu rn a profit To d o so i t m ay accu mu l ate an i nventory of componen ts consid ered to be of strategic val u e or m ay rel y on i nventori es accu mu l ated by another Th e broker operates wi thi n a world wi d e component exchang e network [SOURCE: IEC TS 62668-1 :201 6, 3.1 2] 3.1 COTS product commercial off-the-shelf product one or more components, assembled and developed for multiple commercial consumers, whose design and/or configuration is controlled by the manufacturer’s specification or industry standard N ote to entry: COTS prod u cts can i ncl u d e el ectronic components, su bassem bli es or assembli es, or top l evel assembli es Electronic COTS su bassembli es or assem bl ies incl u de ci rcu it card assembli es, power su ppli es, h ard d rives, and memory mod u l es Top-l evel COTS assem bl ies incl u d e a fu ll y in teg rated rack of eq ui pment su ch as raid arrays, fil e servers to i ndi vi d ual swi tches, routers, personal com pu ters, or simil ar equ ipment [SOURCE: IEC TS 62668-1 : 201 6, 3.1 3] 3.1 counterfeit, verb action of simulating, reproducing or modifying a material, good or its packaging without authorization N ote to entry: I t is the practi ce of prod u ci ng prod ucts which are i mi tations or are fake good s or services This activity i nfri n ges the i ntel l ectual property ri ghts of the ori ginal man ufactu rer and i s an illegal act Cou nterfei tin g general l y rel ates to wi ll ful trademark i nfrin gement [SOURCE: IEC TS 62668-1 :201 6, 3.1 4] 3.1 counterfeited component material good imitating or copying an authentic material, good which may be covered by the protection of one or more registered or confidential intellectual property rights N ote to entry: A counterfeited compon ent is one whose identity or ped i gree has been altered or m isrepresented by i ts su ppli er I d en ti ty = original manu factu rer, part nu mber, d ate cod e, lot nu mber, testing, i nspecti on, d ocu mentati on or warran ty etc Ped igree = ori gi n , ownershi p hi story, storag e, h andl ing , physi cal condi ti on , previ ou s use, etc [SOURCE: IEC TS 62668-1 :201 6, 3.1 5] 3.1 customer device specification device specification written by a user and agreed by the supplier [SOURCE: IEC TS 62668-1 : 201 6, 3.1 6] I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n Test Method Sample size Bu rn -in screening M icroci rcui ts: use M I L-STD-883 00 % of th e lot m eth od 01 5, 68 h at + 25 ºC wi th vol tag e bias appli ed on a read and record basis Destructive test Comments Medium risk assessment testing High risk assessment testing Very high risk assessment testing No Confi rm there are no i nfant mortal ity fail u res Opti onal Opti on al Yes No Confi rm d ata sheet perform ance Yi el d s shou ld be very hi gh and are su spiciou s i f not Opti on al Opti onal Yes Di od es and transi stors: cond uct h i gh temperature reverse bias (H TRB) per MI L-PRF-1 9500: 201 screeni ng req u irements Tabl e E-I V Ceramic chi p resi stors: cond uct th erm al shock to M I L-STD-202 method 07 u n-mou nted test condi ti on F (5 cycl es) except that tem peratu res sh all be 50 °C to –65 °C – 34 – Ceram ic chi p capaci tors: du ct vol tag e di tioni ng per M I L-PRF55681 grou p A su bgrou p i nspecti on Lead ed ceramic capaci tors: cond uct therm al shock an d voltage condi ti oni n g per M I L-PRF-3901 g rou p A su bgrou p Or u se SAE AS61 71 /7 or eq u ival en t 00 % of th e lot Fu n cti onal DC Cond u ct el ectrical test to el ectri cal test at pu blished d ata sheet parameters room temperatu re or to select key d ata sheet parameters on a read and record basi s, where the percent d efective all owed is no greater than %, i e yi el d no l ess than 90 % Or u se SAE AS61 71 /7 or eq u ival en t I n te rn ati o n al E l e ctro te ch n i cal C o m m i s s i o n I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 Tan talu m capacitors: cond uct thermal sh ock, su rge cu rrent wh en specified in part nu mber, vol tag e agi ng (CSR91 styl e only) per M I LPRF-39003 grou p A su bgrou p Method Sample size Fu n cti onal DC 00 % of the lot Cond u ct el ectrical test to el ectri cal test at pu blished d ata sheet parameters Tm i n an d Tm ax °C or to sel ect key d ata sheet parameters on a read and record basi s, where the percent d efective all owed is no greater than %, i e yi el d no less than 90 % Or u se SAE AS61 71 /7 or eq u ival en t Destructive test No Comments Con fi rm d ata sh eet performance Yi el d s shoul d be hi gh Medium risk assessment testing Opti onal High risk assessment testing Yes Very high risk assessment testing Yes I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 Test – 35 – I n te rn ati o n al E l e ctro te ch n i cal C o m m i s s i o n Test Qu al ificati on testi ng Destructive test Yes Comments Medium risk assessment testing Opti onal High risk assessment testing Opti on al Very high risk assessment testing Yes For fli ght critical applicati ons where th ere i s no ci rcu i t red u n d ancy and th e possibili ty of a single poi nt failu re The l ot size avai lable has to be l arge ( > 70 parts + nu mber of parts need ed ) i f q u ali fyi ng at the componen t level I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 Either q u ali fy samples wi thin the fi nal assembl y q u ali ficati on process or qu ali fy at the component level Su ggested compon ent q u al ificati on testi ng at the component l evel can be based on AEC Q1 00, AEC Q1 01 or AEC Q200 or J ESD47 or I EC TS 62686-1 or as foll ows: Li fe testi ng : 77 – M icroci rcu i ts: use J ESD22A1 08 or M I L-STD-883, 000 h at Ta =1 25 °C – M emori es: cond u ct wri te/erase end u rance per M I L-STD-883 m ethod 033 or J ESD47 N VCE or J ESD94 for the applicati on – Transi stors and d i od es: use M I L-STD-750, 000 h at 50 °C or 75 °C or i ntermittent operati ng l ife testi ng – Resi stors and capaci tors: cond uct load li fe per MI L-STD202 meth od 08, or I EC 601 5-8 for 000 h – Other componen ts: use M I LSTD-202 method 08, 000 h at max temp or eq ui val ent H u mi di ty testi ng : 45 – M icroci rcu i ts, di od es an d transistors: u se J ESD22-A1 01 TH B, testi ng at 85 °C/85 % RH for 000 h biased – Passi ves: use M I L-STD-202 m ethod 06 or I EC 60068-2-78 – Other components: use MI LSTD-202 method 06 or eq u ival en t Sample size – 36 – I n te rn ati o n al E l e ctro te ch n i cal C o m m i s s i o n Method Qu al ificati on testi ng conti nued Method Sample size 45 Temperatu re cycl i ng – M icroci rcui ts: u se J ESD22A1 04 or M I L-STD-883 method 01 tem peratu re cycli ng 000 h at –55 ° C to + 25 °C – Di od es and transi stors: u se M I L-STD-750 m eth od 051 temperatu re cyclin g 000 h at –55 ° C to + 25 °C – Passi ves: use M I L-STD-202 m ethod 07 or I EC 60068-2 – Other components: use MI LSTD-202 method 07 or eq u ival en t Destructive test Yes Comments Medium risk assessment testing Opti onal High risk assessment testing Opti on al Very high risk assessment testing Yes For fli ght critical applicati ons where th ere i s no ci rcu i t red u n d ancy and th e possibili ty of a single poi nt failu re The l ot size avai lable has to be l arge ( > 70 parts + nu mber of parts need ed ) i f q u ali fyi ng at the componen t level I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 Test I f performed, these tests shou ld be condu cted i n the ord er stated – 37 – I n te rn ati o n al E l e ctro te ch n i cal C o m m i s s i o n – 38 – I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 An n e x C (informative) i N E M I a s s e s s m e n t m e t h o d o l o g y a n d m e tri c d e v e l o p m e n t The iN EMI webpage http: //www inemi.org/content.asp?contentid=97 assessment methodology and metric development The iN EMI counterfeit risk assessment calculator tools http: //inemi.membershipsoftware.org/content asp?con tentid=456 are describes available the at These anti-counterfeit calculator tools are designed to analyse: ) risk of counterfeit use; 2) risk of untrusted sources; 3) Counterfeit loss and total cost estimations These tools are free to download and use For further information, contact Mark Schaffer (marks@inemi org) or email infohelp@inemi org for instructions The webpage http: //www inemi.org/content asp?contentid=262 provides the access to iN EMI’s white paper on this subject, see http: //thor inemi.org/webdownload/projects/Miniaturization/Counterfeit_WhitePaper_1 051 3.p df which explains the background to these calculator tools I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 – 39 – An n e x D (informative) S u m m a ry o f S AE AS p ro p o s e d t e s t m e t h o d s u n d e r c o n s i d e t i o n b y S AE I n t e rn a t i o n a l SAE I nternational (see webpage http: //www.sae org/), is a global organisation of more than 28 000 engineers and related technical experts in the aerospace, automotive and commercial-vehicles industries The SAE G-1 Counterfeit Electronic Parts committee (see webpage http: //www sae.org/servlets/works/committeeH ome do?comtID=TEAG1 ) is currently working to publish the documents mentioned in Table D.1 These documents are currently in draft form Tabl e D S AE d ocu m en t – S u m m a ry o f S A E A S Ti tl e t e s t m e t h o d s ( u n d e r c o n s i d e t i o n s ) S cope AS61 71 Test M ethod s Stan d ard ; General Req u i rem ents, Su spect/Cou nterfeit El ectrical, El ectron ic, and El ectromechanical Parts Thi s d ocu men t stand ardi zes practices to d etect suspect counterfei t el ectronic parts, to maxi mize the use of au then tic parts, and to ensu re consistency across the su ppl y-ch n for test techni q u es and req u i rem ents AS61 71 /1 Su spect/Cou nterfeit Test Eval uati on M ethod Thi s d ocu men t d escribes an evalu ati on method whi ch m easu res th e effecti ven ess of a specified test pl an used to screen for cou nterfei t parts The method i nclu d es the d etermi nation of the types of d efects d etected u sin g a speci fied test pl an al on g with the rel ated cou nterfei t type coverag e The ou tpu t of thi s eval u ati on wi ll prod u ce th e coun terfei t d efect coverage (CDC), the not-covered d efects (N CD), the u nd ercovered defects (U CD), an d th e cou nterfeit type coverage (CTC) This i nformati on will be su ppli ed to the test laboratory’ s customer i n both the test report an d th e Certi ficate of Qu ali ty Con formance This eval u ati on meth od d oes not ad d ress the effecti veness of d etecti n g tampered type d evi ces AS61 71 /2 Tech ni q u es for Su spect/Cou nterfeit EEE Parts Detecti on by External Visu al I nspecti on, Remarki ng and Resu rfaci ng, an d Su rface Textu re Anal ysi s Test M eth ods Thi s d ocu ment d escribes the req u i remen ts of the foll owi ng test meth od s for cou n terfei t d etecti on of electronic components: General Extern al Visu al I nspection (EVI ), Detai led External Vi su al I nspecti on, Rem arki ng and Resu rfaci ng, Lead Finish Anal ysi s, SEM Su rface Anal ysi s AS61 71 /3 Tech ni q u es for Su spect/Cou nterfeit EEE Parts by X-Ray Fl u orescen ce Test M eth ods XRF techni q u e for cou n terfei t d etecti on is appli cable to el ectron ic and other parts as li sted i n the AS61 71 Gen eral Req u i rements I n general, the d etection techni q u e is meant for u se on piece parts pri or to assembl y on a ci rcui t board or on the parts th at are removed from a ci rcui t board The appli cabili ty spans a large swath of acti ve, passive and el ectromechanical parts Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 (c) 201 SAE I nternati onal of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /1 (c) 201 SAE I nternational of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /2 (c) 201 SAE I nternational of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /3 (c) 201 SAE I nternational – 40 – SAE docu men t AS61 71 /4 Title Techni q u es for Su spect/Cou nterfeit EEE Parts Detecti on by Deli d /Decapsulati on Physi cal Anal ysis M ethods I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 Scope Thi s method stand ardi zes i nspecti on and test proced u res and mi ni mu m trai ni n g an d certi ficati on req u irem ents to d etect Suspect, Frau d u lent, & Cou nterfei t (SFC) Electrical , Electronic, an d El ectromech anical (EEE) componen ts or parts u ti lizi ng Deli d /Decapsu lati on Physical Anal ysi s The req u i rements of thi s d ocu ment are empl oyed to either d eli d or remove the cover from a hermeticall y seal ed package or to remove the outer protective coating or encapsu lati on of an EEE Part, i n ord er to exami n e the i nternal stru ctu re to d etermi ne if the part appears authentic I nformation d eri ved may be u sed to: a precl ud e in stall ation of i nauthentic parts or parts h avi ng obvi ou s or l atent d efects b d i n d isposition of parts th at exh ibit anomali es c d i n d efi ni ng i mprovements or chang es i n d esi gn, materi als, or processes d eval u ate Su ppl ier prod u cti on trends Thi s test method shou ld not be confu sed wi th Destructive Physi cal An al ysi s as d efi ned in M I L-STD-1 580 AS61 71 /5 Tech ni q u es for Su spect/Cou nterfeit EEE Parts Detecti on by Rad i ol ogical Test M eth ods The i ntent of thi s d ocu m ent is to d efi ne the method ol ogy for suspect parts i nspecti on u si ng radi ol ogical inspection The pu rpose of radi ol ogy for su spect counterfei t part i nspection is to detect d eli berate m isrepresen tation of a part, ei ther at the part d istri bu tor or OEM level Rad i ol ogical i nspecti on can also potenti all y d etect u ni n tenti onal d amage to the part resul ti ng from i mproper removal of part from assembli es, whi ch may i nclu d e, bu t i s n ot li mited to, prol onged el evated temperatu re exposu re d u ri ng d esold ering operations or mechanical stresses d u ri ng removal Radi ol ogi cal inspection of electronics i nclu d es film rad i ography and fil ml ess rad i ograph y su ch as d igital radi ograph y (DR), real ti me rad i ography (RTR), an d compu ted tom ography (CT) Rad i olog y i s an i mportant tool u sed i n part authenticati on of microel ectronic d evices Rad i og raphi c anal ysis i s perform ed on parts to veri fy that the i ntern al package or di e construction is consistent wi th an exempl ar i tem AS61 71 /6 Tech ni q u es for Su spect/Cou nterfeit EEE Parts Detecti on by Acou stic M icroscopy (AM ) Test M eth ods Throu gh the u se of ul tra-hig h freq u ency u l trasou nd , typi cal l y above M H z, Acou sti c M icroscopy (AM ) non-d estructivel y fi nds an d ch aracterizes physi cal featu res and l atent d efects (visu alization of i n teri or featu res i n a layer by l ayer process) — such as materi al conti nui ty, su b-su rface flaws, cracks, voi ds, d el ami nati ons and porosity AM observed featu res an d d efects can be i nd icators that the compon ents were i mproperl y hand l ed , stored , al tered or previ ousl y u sed AS61 71 /7 Tech ni q u es for Su spect/Cou nterfeit EEE Parts Detecti on by El ectrical Test M eth ods The scope of thi s d ocu m ent is to: Speci fy techni q u es to detect suspect SFC parts u si ng el ectri cal testi ng Provi d e vari ou s l evel s of el ectri cal testi ng th at can be used by en d u ser to d efine test pl ans for d etecti n g SFC parts Provi de gui d el ines to end users for determi nin g whi ch test h ouses have the n ecessary capabili ti es (i e , eq u ipment, procedu res an d protocol s) for performi ng el ectrical testi n g for au thentici ty anal ysis AS61 71 /8 Tech ni q u es for Su spect/Cou nterfeit EEE Parts Detecti on by Raman Spectroscopy Test M eth ods To d efi n e capabil ities an d li mitations of Raman spectroscopy as i t pertains to cou nterfei t d etection of EEE parts and su ggest possible applicati ons to these ends Add i tionall y, this d ocu ment ou tlin es req u i rem ents associ ated wi th the appli cati on of Raman spectroscopy i ncl ud in g: Operator traini ng; Sample preparati on; Data interpretati on; Compu terized spectral match ing in cl u di ng pass/fail cri teri a; Eq u ipm ent m nten ance; and Reporti ng of d ata Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version of SAE d ocu m ent AS61 71 /4 (c) 201 SAE I ntern ation al of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /5 (c) 201 SAE I nternational of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /6 (c) 201 SAE I n ternational of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /7 (c) 201 SAE I nternational Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /8 (c) 201 SAE I nternational I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 SAE docu men t – 41 – Title Scope AS61 71 /9 Tech ni q u es for Su spect/Cou nterfeit EEE Parts Detecti on by Fou ri er Transform I nfrared Spectroscopy (FTI R) Test M ethod s Thi s d ocu men t d efines capabili ti es and li mi tati ons of FTI R as i t pertai ns to cou nterfei t el ectronic compon ent d etecti on and su ggests possible applicati ons to these end s Add i ti onall y, this d ocu ment ou tlines req u i rements associ ated wi th th e appli cati on of FTI R i nclu ding: operator trai ni ng, sample preparati on , vari ous sam pling techni q u es, d ata i n terpretati on, computeri zed spectral m atchi ng i ncl u di ng pass/fail criteria, eq u ipmen t maintenance, and reporti ng of data The d iscu ssion is pri maril y aim ed at anal yses performed in th e mi d -i n frared (I R) from 400 to 000 wavenu mbers; however, many of the concepts are appli cabl e to the near and far I R AS61 71 /1 1 Techni q u e for Su spect/Cou nterfeit EEE Parts Detecti on by Thermog ravimetric Anal ysi s (TGA) Test M ethod Thi s test method provi des the capabili ti es, l imi tati ons, and suggested possible appli cations of TGA as i t pertai ns to th e detecti on of cou nterfeit el ectronic componen ts Ad di tionall y, this d ocu ment ou tl ines req u i rements associated wi th th e appl icati on of TGA i nclu ding: equ i pment req u i rements, test sample requ i remen ts, method olog y, control and cal i brati on, d ata an al ysi s, reporti ng, and q u al ificati on and certi ficati on AS61 71 /1 1 Techni q u es for Su spect/Cou nterfeit EEE Parts Detecti on by Desig n Recovery Test M ethod s Th is meth od outli nes the req uiremen ts, capabi li ti es, and li mi tati ons associ ated wi th th e appl icati on of Desi gn Recovery for the detection of cou nterfei t electronic parts i n clu d i ng: Operator traini ng; Sampl e preparati on; I magi n g tech ni q ues; Data i nterpretati on ; Design/fu ncti onal match in g; Eq uipment m ntenance and ; Reporti ng of d ata The m ethod i s pri mari ly med at anal yses performed by circui t d el ayeri ng and i magi ng wi th a scan ni ng el ectron mi croscope or opti cal mi croscope; however, man y of the concepts are appli cable to other m icroscope an d probi ng techniq u es to recover d esi gn d ata The method i s not i ntend ed for the pu rpose of manu factu rin g copies of a d evi ce, bu t rather to compare im ages or recover the d esi gn for d eterminati on of au thentici ty AS61 71 /1 Techniq u es for Su spect/Cou nterfeit EEE Parts Detecti on of Capaci tors By Acoustic Microscopy (AM ) Test Method s Acou stic Microscopy Test M ethod s for Cou nterfeit Capaci tors AS61 71 /1 Techniq u e for Su spect/Cou nterfeit EEE Parts Detecti on by Second ary I on M ass Spectrometry (SI M S) Test Method To d efi ne capabil ities and li mitations of SI M S as i t pertai ns to cou n terfeit d etecti on of EEE parts and sug gest possi bl e applicati ons to these ends Ad d itionall y, this d ocu ment ou tl ines req ui rements associ ated wi th the applicati on of SI M S i ncl u d in g: Operator trai nin g; Sampl e preparation; Data in terpretati on; Eq u ipment mai ntenance; and Reporting of d ata AS61 71 /1 Tech ni q u e for Su spect/Cou nterfeit EEE Parts Detecti on by Laser Scanni ng M icroscopy (LSM ) Test M ethod s Thi s d ocu men t d efines capabili ti es and li mi tati ons of LSM and CLSM as they pertai n to cou nterfeit el ectron ic component d etecti on and suggests possible appli cations to these end s Add iti onal l y, this d ocu men t outli nes req u i rements associ ated wi th th e appli cati on of LSM and CLSM i ncl ud ing: operator trai ni ng, sample preparati on, vari ou s sampli n g techni qu es, d ata i nterpretati on, eq ui pment mai ntenance, an d reportin g of d ata This test method is pri maril y d i rected to anal yses perform ed i n the visi bl e to near in frared (400 nm to 1 00 n m approxi matel y) I f SAE AS61 71 /1 is invoked in th e contract, the base document, AS61 71 General Req ui rements shall also appl y Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version 1 Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /9 (c) 201 SAE I n ternational of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /1 (c) 201 SAE I nternational of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /1 (c) 201 SAE I nternational of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /1 (c) 201 SAE I nternational Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /1 (c) 201 SAE I n ternational Reprinted wi th permission from the d raft version of SAE d ocu m ent AS61 71 /1 (c) 201 SAE I n ternational I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n – 42 – I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 Bibliography I EC 60068-2-1 , Environmental testing – Part 2-1: Tests – Test A: cold I EC 60068-2-30, Environmental testing – Part 2-30: Tests – Test Db: Damp heat, cyclic (12 h + 12 h cycle) I EC 60068-2-78 , Environmental testing – Part 2-78:Tests – Test Cab: Damp head, steady state I EC 601 5-8 , Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment – Part 8: Sectional specification – Fixed surface mount resistors IEC PAS 62435, Electronic components – Long-duration storage of electronic components – Guidance for implementation I EC TS 62686-1 , Process management for avionics – Electronic components for aerospace, defence and high performance (ADHP) applications – Part 1: General requirements for high reliability integrated circuits and discrete semiconductors ISO/I EC 31 01 0, Risk management – Risk assessment techniques I SO Guide 73, Risk management –Vocabulary I SO 9001 , Quality management systems – Requirements ISO 4001 :2004, Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use ISO 31 000 , Risk Management – Principles and guidelines ISO 6678, Guidelines for interoperable object identification and related authentication systems to deter counterfeiting and illicit trade AEC Q1 00, Failure Mechanism Based Stress Test Qualification For Integrated Circuits AEC Q1 01 , Failure Mechanism Based Stress Test Qualification For Discrete Semiconductors AEC Q200, Stress Test Qualification For Passive Components AS/EN /J I SQ 91 00, Quality Management Systems – Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations AS/EN /J I SQ 91 20, Quality Management Systems – Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Distributors ASTM B487, Standard test method for Measurement of Metal and Oxide Coating Thickness by Microscopical Examination of Cross Section ASTM B568, Standard test method for Measurement of Coating Thickness by X-Ray Spectrometry DFARS 252 246.7007, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement – Contractor Counterfeit Electronic Part Detection and Avoidance (http: //www.acq.osd mil/dpap/dars/dfars/html/curren t/252246.htm#252 246-7007) I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n System I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 – 43 – DFARS 252 247.7007, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement – Liability and Insurance ( http://www acq.osd mil/dpap/dars/dfars/html/current/252247.htm#252.247-7007 ) DFARS case 201 4-D005 , Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement – Detection and Avoidance of Counterfeit Electronic Parts – Further Implementation, see http://www.acq osd.mil/dpap/dars/opencases/dfarscasenum/dfars.pdf or https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2015/09/21/2015-23516/defense-federal-acquisitionregulation-supplement-detection-and-avoidance-of-counterfeit-electronic GEI A-STD-001 6, Standard for Preparing a DMSMS Management Plan GI FAS 5052/2008 , Guide for managing electronic component sourcing through non-franchised distributors, preventing fraud and counterfeiting IDEA-I CE-3000, Professional Inspector Certification Exam (http://www.idofea.org/products/51- -idea-ice-3000 ) IDEA-STD-1 01 Acceptability of Electronic Components distributed in the Open Market (www idofea org) IPC J EDEC J-STD-002, Solderability Tests for Component leads, Terminations, Lugs, Terminals and Wires IPC JEDEC J-STD-033, Handling, Packing,Shipping and Use of Moisture/Reflow Sensitive Surface Mount Devices JESD22-A1 01 , Steady state temperature humidity bias life test JESD22-A1 04, Temperature cycling JESD22-A1 08, Temperature bias and operating life JESD22-B1 07D, Marking Permanency JESD47, Stress-Test-Driven Qualification of Integrated Circuits JESD94, Application Specific Qualification using Knowledge Based Test Methodology MI L-PRF-1 9500:201 2, specification for Performance specification: semiconductor devices, general MI L-PRF-39003, Capacitors, Fixed, Electrolytic (Solid Electrolyte), Tantalum, Established Reliability, General Specification for MI L-PRF-3901 4, Capacitor, Fixed, Ceramic Dielectric (General Purpose) Established Reliability and Non-Established Reliability, General Specification For MI L-PRF-55681 , Capacitor, Chip, Multiple layer, Fixed, Ceramic Dielectric, Established Reliability and Non-Established reliability, General Specification For MI L-STD-202 method 06, Moisture resistance MI L-STD-202 method 07, Thermal shock MI L-STD-202 method 08, Life (at elevated ambient temperature ) I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n – 44 – I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 MI L-STD-750 , Test method standards for semiconductor devices MI L-STD-750 method 051 , Thermal shock (temperature cycling) MI L-STD-883, Test method standard microcircuits MI L-STD-883 method 201 0, Internal visual (monolithic) MI L-STD-883 method 01 0, Temperature cycling MI L-STD-883 method 01 5, Burn-in test MI L-STD-883 method 033, Endurance life test MI L-STD-1 580, Destructive physical analysis (DPA) for electronic, electromagnetic and electromechanical parts NDAA: H R.1 540, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 / Sec 818 Detection and Avoidance of Counterfeit Electronic Parts (Became Public Law No: 1 2-081 ) NI GP 07, Guidelines for the format of Military Certificates of Conformance NI GP 09, Guidelines for Distributor Assessment of Manufacturer Performance NI GP 1 00, Guidelines for format of Packing Slips NI GP 1 3, NEDA Guidelines for Product Returns OH SAS 8001 : 2007 , Occupational health and safety management systems SAE ARP61 78 6, Counterfeit Electronic Parts: Tool for Risk Assessment of Distributors SAE AS5553A 7, Counterfeit Electronic Parts; Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation and Disposition SAE AS61 71 , Test Methods Standard: General Requirements, Suspect/Counterfeit Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical Parts SAE AS61 71 /1 9, Suspect/Counterfeit Test Evaluation Method SAE AS61 71 /2 20 , Techniques for Suspect/Counterfeit EEE Parts Detection by External Visual Inspection, Remarking and Resurfacing, and Surface Texture Analysis Test Methods Repri nted wi th permission from the pu blish ed version of SAE d ocu ment SAE ARP 61 78 (c) 201 SAE I n ternati onal Repri nted wi th permission from th e pu blish ed versi on of SAE d ocu men t SAE AS5553A (c) 201 SAE I n ternati onal Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 (c) 201 SAE I nternati onal Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /1 (c) 201 SAE I nternational 20 Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /2 (c) 201 SAE I n ternational I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 – 45 – SAE AS61 71 /3 21 , Techniques for Suspect/Counterfeit EEE Parts by X-Ray Fluorescence Test Methods Techniques for Suspect/Counterfeit EEE Parts Detection by Delid/Decapsulation Physical Analysis Methods SAE AS61 71 /4 22 , SAE AS61 71 /5 23 , Techniques for Suspect/Counterfeit EEE Parts Detection by Radiological Test Methods SAE AS61 71 /6 24, Techniques for Suspect/Counterfeit EEE Parts Detection by Acoustic Microscopy (AM) Test Methods SAE AS61 71 /7 25, Techniques for Suspect/Counterfeit EEE Parts Detection by Electrical Test Methods Techniques for by Raman Spectroscopy Test Methods SAE AS61 71 /8 26 , Suspect/Counterfeit EEE Parts Detection SAE AS61 71 /9 27 , Techniques for Suspect/Counterfeit EEE Parts Detection by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) Test Methods Technique for Suspect/Counterfeit EEE Parts Detection by Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) Test Method SAE AS61 71 /1 28 , Techniques by Design Recovery Test Methods SAEAS61 71 /1 29 , for Suspect/Counterfeit EEE Parts Detection SAE AS61 71 /1 30 , Techniques for Suspect/Counterfeit EEE Parts Detection Of Capacitors by Acoustic Microscopy (AM) Test Methods SAE AS61 71 /1 31 , Technique for Suspect/Counterfeit EEE Parts Detection by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) Test Method SAE AS61 71 /1 32 , Technique for Suspect/Counterfeit EEE Parts Detection by Laser Scanning Microscopy (LSM) Test Methods SAE AS61 74 33 , Counterfeit Material: Detection, Mitigation and Disposition 21 Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version 22 Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version 23 Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version 24 Repri nted wi th permission from the d raft version of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /3 (c) 201 SAE I n ternational of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /4 (c) 201 SAE I n ternational of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /5 (c) 201 SAE I n ternational of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /6 (c) 201 SAE I nternational 25 Reprinted wi th permission from the 26 Reprinted wi th permission from the 27 Repri nted wi th permission from th e 28 Repri nted wi th permission from th e d raft version of SAE d ocu m ent AS61 71 /7 (c) 201 SAE I nternational 29 Repri nted wi th permission from th e 30 Repri nted wi th permission from th e 31 Repri nted wi th permission from th e 32 Repri nted wi th permission from th e d raft version of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /1 (c) 201 SAE I nternational I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n d raft version of SAE d ocu m ent AS61 71 /8 (c) 201 SAE I ntern ation al d raft version of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /9 (c) 201 SAE I ntern ation al d raft version of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /1 (c) 201 SAE I nternational d raft version of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /1 (c) 201 SAE I nternational d raft version of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /1 (c) 201 SAE I nternational d raft version of SAE d ocu ment AS61 71 /1 (c) 201 SAE I nternational – 46 – SEMI T20, I EC TS 62668-2: 201 © I EC 201 Specification for authentication of semiconductors and related products SEMI T20.1 , Specification for object labelling to authenticate semiconductors and related products in an open market SEMI T20.2, Guide for qualifications of authentication service bodies for detecting and preventing counterfeiting of semiconductors and related products 33 Repri nted wi th perm issi on from th e pu bli shed versi on of SAE d ocu ment SAE AS61 74 (c) 201 SAE I n ternati onal I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSI ON 3, rue de Varembé PO Box 31 CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 91 02 1 Fax: + 41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch I n tern ati o n al E l ectro tech n i cal C o m m i s s i o n

Ngày đăng: 17/04/2023, 11:49

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