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ERROR REGCONITION ERROR REGCONITION 1 Susan tried the appetizers on the table She then found that, when the dinner arrived, her appetite went A B C D 2 Tom likes to gossip about other people, so he do[.]

ERROR REGCONITION Susan tried the appetizers on the table She then found that, when the dinner arrived, her appetite went A B C D Tom likes to gossip about other people, so he doesn’t like them to gossip about him A B C D Some so-called heath foods are not so healthy; many are made with oils that rise cholesterol levels A B C D Have a headache, an upset stomach, and a bad case of sunburn did not put me in a good mood for the evening A B C D I had a paper to write; although my brain had stopped working for the night A B C D Jack had to skip breakfast; otherwise, he will be late for class A B C D Single life offers more freedom of choice; marriage offers more secure A B C D Most young people prefer the city, as there wasn’t many to in the country A B C D No sooner had they returned home from the holiday when Tony had to leave for a business trip A B C D 10 Finished the household chores, Mary decided to some shopping A B C D 11 To save money, Bill decided to live with his grandparents when attended college A B C D 12 Had the teacher realized that the students couldn’t understand him, he would speak louder A B C D 13 Follow vaporization, a reduction in temperature will result in condensation A B C D 14 We were short of money; therefore we decided to not eat out that weekend A B C D 15 It rained so heavily that many of the city streets flooded A B C D 16 I made resolutions to study more, to lose weight, and watching less TV A B C D 17 The first rockets to go into space carry no living creatures, but later ones had mice or even dogs on them A B C D 18 In order to a profit the new leisure centre needs at least 2,000 visitors a month A B C D 19 Would you rather came in the morning or the afternoon? A B C D 20 Nobody seems to know to add or subtract without his or her pocket calculator anymore A B C D 21 Everyone ought to know the basic steps that follow in case of an emergency A B C D 22 It announced today that an enquiry would be held into the collapse of a high-rise apartment block in Kuala A B C D Lumpur last week 23 Some of the earth’s most valuable resources are found in only few places A B C D 24 Neither of the man arresting as terrorist would reveal information about his group A B C D 25 If they took their language lessons seriously, they would be able to communicate with the locals now A B C D 26 Fountain pens first became commercial available about hundred years ago A B C D 27 To building their nests, some birds use their bills as needless A B C D 28 Salmon lay their eggs, and die in fresh water although they live in salt water when most of their adult lives A B C D 29 There are many different ways of comparing the economy of one nation with those of another A B C D 30 A jellyfish, which isn’t really a fish, it has no brain, no bones, and no face A B C D 31 Gone with the wind written after Margaret Mitchell quit her job as a reporter because of an ankle injury A B C D 32 I don’t know where could he have gone so early in the morning A B C D 33 Lack of hygiene in restaurants and hospital are the major cause of disease in some areas A B C D 34 She had better to change her study habits if she hopes to be admitted to a university A B C D 35 The best way to eliminate a pest is to controlling the food accessible to it A B C D 36 In 1903, when the Wright brothers announced they invented a flying machine, his news was generally ignored A B C D 37 It took her five years to complete the novel which it made her famous worldwide A B C D 38 The scientific method consists of forming hypotheses, collect data, and testing results A B C D 39 The basic law of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are taught to all elementary school pupils A B C D 40 The remark was enough unexpected that she didn’t know what to A B C D 41 It was surprising that the storm had caused little destroy in the area A B C D 42 No matter who rich he is, he never gives anything to the poor A B C D 43 It is such interesting a novel that I have read it twice already A B C D 44 The Guinness Book of Records has been one of most popular books in England A B C D 45 Because English is wide used, it has been considered as an international language A B C D 46 There have been little snow in this area for ages A B C D 47 The most you learn, the more knowledge you get A B C D 48 It is suggested that smoking should to be banned in pubs, restaurants, and other public places A B C D 49 How the Earth is in the shadow of the moon, we can see an eclipse of the sun A B C D 50 When the Second World War, almost a third of a million people were killed A B C D 51 As we know, a change in the economy of a country such as the US can affect the people all over the world A B C D 52 Not until I was on my way to the airport that I realized I had left my passport at home A B C D 53 In spite of their size, multinational corporations often make products at lower costs than local industries A B C D 54 There are less infectious diseases these days thanks to medical advances A B C D 55 This is the store in where you can buy anything you need for your project A B C D 56 Although many people claim that they like classical music but not all of them understand it A B C D 57 Tom bought two books, one about Captain Cook and another about Christopher Columbus A B C D 58 The department of Korean language and culture is one of the youngest department of the newly-formed university A B C D 59 A number of tourists is going to return the evaluation form distributed by the travel agent A B C D 60 I have three brothers, one is a farmer, another is a dentist and other is a teacher A B C D 61 After teaching English in Vietnam for years, Philip decided to buy a house and spending the rest of his life there A B C D 62 The film was a bit boring but at the end, the main characters had a happy ending A B C D 63 After he had researched his paper and wrote it, he found some additional data that he should have included A B C D 64 Because of the light, the city looked differently from the way that I had remembered it A B C D 65 While the wife tasted all of the main courses, her husband started to prepare the desserts A B C D 66 There has been a growing number of research on space exploration in the recent decades A B C D 67 The novel was such interesting that I read it from the beginning to the end in four hours A B C D 68 Our new history teacher greatly differs with the ones we have got A B C D 69 No sooner had the wind stopped blowing when it started to rain heavily A B C D 70 Although Tim always has a very tight schedule, but he can manage time well to complete everything as planned A B C D 71 We are proud about our parents who have been trying very hard to offer us the best education A B C D 72 You should set your alarm clock for important event A B C D 73 A celebrity is a person who works hard to become well-known and then wears dark glasses to avoid recognized A B C D 74 We have been waiting in this queue in over three hours A B C D 75 Little of the airport workers live within 10 kilometers of the airport A B C D 76 Bush looks after passengers from the moment they arrive at the check-in desk then they board the plane A B C D 77 Either an apple and an orange a day is good for your health A B C D 78 My wife always suggests I can check the labels before buying food A B C D 79 Among Sarah and Daisy I prefer Sarah because she’s very kind A B C D 80 Quite few people came to the party, so we ordered more foods to serve enough guests A B C D 81 When David is too busy doing his assignments, he often gets his mother does the cleaning for him A B C D 82 Duncan was handpicked by the general manager to head the next project because her experience in this field A B C D 83 All commuters use the main highway to get to the centre of the city will face delays of to an hour today A B C D 84 In order to become a member of the club, applicant have to meet the strict requirements set by the club president A B C D 85 They really had difficulty to look after their three-month-old baby on their trip around Europe A B C D 86 Graham Bell decided to work on a new machine which could use electricity to send the human voice from one A B C D place to other 87 Dreaming, like all other mental processes, it is a product of the brain and its activity A B C D 88 After having dinner in that restaurant last night, I felt badly and my wife had to take me to the hospital A B C D 89 The office furniture that was ordered last month have just arrived, but we’re not sure whether the manager likes it A B C D 90 A number of people who works in this company feel that the benefit package isn’t as attractive as it was in A B C D previous year 91 In order for one to achieve the desired results in this experiment, it is necessary that he work as fastly as possible A B C D 92 The children were surprised when the teacher had them to close their books unexpectedly A B C D 93 By the time Robert will finish writing the first draft of his paper, most of the other students will be completing A B C their final draft D 94 It was a six hours journey; we were completely exhausted when we arrived A B C D 95 I’d like to see him in my office the moment he will arrive A B C D 96 Being that he was a good swimmer, John managed to rescue the child A B C D 97 Each of the beautiful cars in the shop was quickly sold to their owner A B C D 98 Professor said that a good way to improve your language are learning to practise it frequently A B C D 99 The team leader demanded from his team members a serious attitude towards work, a good team spirit, and that A B C D they work hard 100 Many people found the monotonous buzzing of the vuvuzela in the 2010 World-Cup match so annoyed A B C D 101 In my judgment, I think Hem is the best physicist among the scientists of the SEA region A B C D 102 In order no money would be wasted, we had to account for every penny we spent A B C D 103 After analyzing the steep rise in profits according to your report, it was convinced that your analysis were correct A B C D 104 Building thousands of years ago, the ancient palace is popular with modern tourist A B C D 105 I found my new contact lenses strangely at first, but I got used to in the end A B C D 106 Publishing in the UK, the book has won a number of awards in recent region book fairs A B C D 107 During our tour of the refinery, it was seen that both propane and gasoline were produced in large volumes A B C D 108 The first important requirements for you to become a mountain climber are your strong passion and you have A B C D good health 109 Hardly did he enter the room when all the lights went out A B C D 110 A professor of economy and history at our university developed a new theory of the relationship between A B C historical events and financial crises D 111 Found in the 12th century, Oxford University ranks among the world’s oldest universities A B C D 112 Bill was about average in performance in comparison with other students in his class A B C D 113 Even though the extremely bad weather in the mountains, the climbers decided not to cancel their climb A B C D 114 Although smokers are aware that smoking is harmful to their health, they can’t get rid it A B C D 115 The media have produced live covering of Michael Jackson’s fans around the world mourning for him A B C D 116 My father used to giving me some good advice whenever I had a problem A B C D 117 The better you are at English, more chance you have to get a job with international organizations A B C D 118 Society will behaving to change radically to keep pace with the technology available A B C D 119 The woman of whom the red car is parked in front of the bank is a famous pop star A B C D 120 There are differences and similarities between Vietnamese and American culture A B C D 121 There are over twenty species of wild roses in this area, all of which have prickly stems, pinnate leaves, and A B large flowers, which usually smell sweetly C D 122 All of we students must have an identification card in order to check books out of the library A B C D 123 John Dewey thought that children will learn better through participating in experiences rather than through A B C listening to lectures D 124 The plants that they belong to the family of terns are quite varied in their size A B C D 125 It is said that Einstein felt very badly about the application of his theory to the creation of weapons of war A B C D 126 Despite of the increase of airfares, most people still prefer to travel by plane A B C D 127 The more the relative humidity rises, the worst the heat affects us A B C D 128 Until recently, women were forbidden by law from owning property A B C D 129 In England as early as the twelfth century, young boys enjoyed to play football A B C D 130 Despite of many attempts to introduce a universal language, notably Esperanto, the effort has met with very A B C little success D 131 Those of us who smoke should have their lungs checked regularly A B C D 132 It is necessary that one met a lawyer before singing an important contract A B C D 133 The value of the dollar declines as the rate of inflation raises A B C D 134 Two of the players from our school team has been chosen to participate in the game A B C D 135 The information officer at the bank told his customers that there was different kinds of accounts available A B C D 136 Psychology Today is interesting, informative, and it is easy to read A B C D 137 The new model costs as many as last year’s model A B C D 138 A paragraph is portion of a text consists of one or more sentences related to the same idea A B C D 139 He has done a valuable contribution to the independence of the country A B C D 140 Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was delivered to the professor before the class A B C D 141 In my opinion, I think the problem should be solved as soon as possible A B C D 142 Lack of sanitation in restaurants are a major cause of disease in some areas of the country A B C D 143 The professor was considering postponing the examination until the following week because the students’ A B C D confusion 144 Animals and men use energy finding in food to operate their bodies and muscles A B C D 145 Mrs Stevens, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the festivities A B C D 146 Having punished twice this week, Kate feels ashamed of her bad behaviour A B C D 147 After driving for twenty miles, he suddenly realized that he has been driving wrong direction A B C D 148 Ha Noi, the capital of the Vietnam, is very famous cultural and educational centre A B C D 149 People in the world differ in his belief about the cause of sickness and health A B C D 150 It is most important that he speaks to the Dean before leaving for his vacation A B C D 151 Visitors were not permitted entering the park after dark because of the lack of security and lighting A B C D 152 After rising the flag to commemorate the holiday, the mayor gave a long speech A B C D 153 The next important question we have to decide is when we have to submit the proposal A B C D 154 Catherine is studied law at one of the most famous universities in North of the U.A A B C D 155 John has not rarely written to me since he moved to London last year A B C D 156 Many Vietnamese university students are not usually the same old as their classmates A B C D 157 My friend is not enough intelligent to pass the economics test without help A B C D 158 If the water level had raised a little higher, the dam would probably have broken A B C D 159 The letters written by the man was translating into Vietnamese by my sister A B C D 160 Last year we paid a visit to Hue city, that my elder brother recommended to us A B C D 161 Without alphabetical order, dictionaries would be impossibility to use A B C D 162 One of the most influence leaders of Vietnam is President Ho Chi Minh, who was born on 19th may 1890 A B C D 163 When they have been frightened, for example, by a storm, dairy cows may refuse giving milk A B C D 164 After the police had tried unsuccessfully to determine to who the car belonged, they towed it into the station A B C D 165 Hue city is famous for both its landscapes as well as its culture A B C D 166 The top of the mountain covered with snow during winter A B C D 167 These students cannot go out because they have a lot of homework doing A B C D 168 Jack London was a very famous novelist who works have been widely read A B C D 169 In order for to buy the house, he had to borrow his friend a lot of money A B C D 170 The main reason for the decline of sharks are the demand for shark fins A B C D 171 Dreams are commonly made up of either visual and verbal images A B C D 172 Many bridges in New England were covered with wooden roofs to protect it from rain and snow A B C D 173 Ducks are less susceptible to infection than others types of poultry A B C D 174 Mary said her friends that she would never walk alone in the forest after dark A B C D 175 Make sure that you have the words spell correctly; otherwise, your form won’t be accepted A B C D 176 She refused to tell us why was she late A B C D 177 Deforestation is occurring most rapid in tropical regions of the world A B C D 178 The fastest you drive, the greater danger you get A B C D 179 Susan decided to not her homework and went to a night-club A B C D 180 It was nice of her to let me borrow her personal computer A B C D 181 Economics, with their widespread range of practical application, is one of great interest to government leaders A B C throughout the world D 182 They really had difficulty to look after their three-month-old baby on their trip around Europe A B C D 183 Economists have tried to discourage the use of the phrase “underdeveloped nation” and encouraging the more A B C D accurate phrase “developing nation” in order to suggest an ongoing process 184 One of the most influence newspapers in the United States is The new York Times which is widely distributed A B C D throughout the world 185 It is imperative that a graduate student maintains a grade point average of “B” in his major field A B C D 186 Fertilizers are used primarily to enrich soil and increasing yield A B C D 187 The statement will be spoken just once; therefore, you must listen very careful in order to understand what the A B C D speaker said 188 Gunpowder, in some ways the most effective of all the explosive materials, were a mixture of potassium nitrate, A B C D charcoal, and sulfur 189 American baseball teams, once the only contenders for the world championship, are now being challenged by A B C either Japanese and Venezuelan teams D 190 We spent a week to preparing for our concert A B C D 191 I prefer to watch a live concert to listening to music on the radio A B C D 192 To see the Statue of Liberty and taking pictures from the top of the Empire State Building are two reasons A B C for visiting New York City D 193 Although a doctor may be able to diagnose a problem perfect, he still may not be able to find a drug to A B C D which the patient will respond 194 Traditionally, the flag is risen in the morning and taken down at night A B C D 195 Hummingbirds move their wings so rapid a way that they appear to be hanging in the air A B C D 196 Albert Einstein was such brilliant a scientist that many of his colleagues had to study for several years in A B C D order to form opinions about his theories 197 The bridge was hitting by a large ship during a sudden storm last week A B C D 198 Because not food is as nutritious for a baby as its mother milk, many women are returning to practice of breast A B C D feeding 199 Dislike the gorilla, the male adult chimpanzee weighs under 200 pounds A B C D 200 The value of precious gems is determined by their hardness, color, and brilliant A B C D

Ngày đăng: 13/04/2023, 16:23
