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, > _ X X A TRUONG DAI HOC KINH TE QUOC DAN DAI HOC KTQD /\ TT THONG TIN THU yip PHONG LUAN AN-Tll|p|U| PHAN THI THUY DANH GIA CAC NHA CUNG CAP CUA CONG TY TNHH CANON VIET NAM CHUYEN NGANH: QUAN TRI KINH DOANH QUOC TE THS- M 6 LUAN VAN THAC SY QUAN TRI KINH DOANH NGUOI HU0NG DAN KHOA HOC: TS NGUYEN ANH MINH HA NOI —2013 11 I.(')I CAM DOAN Toi cam doan rang, luan van Thac sy quan tri kinh doanh chuyen nganh Quan tri kinh doanh Quoc te thuoc Vien Thuong mai va Kinh te quoc te voi de tai “Dank gia cac nha cung cap cua Cong ty TNHH Canon Viet Nam” la cong trinh nghien cuu cua rieng toi A F Nhung so lieu su dung duoc chi ro nguon trich dan danh muc tai F lieu tham khao Ket qua nghien cuu luan van la trung thuc va chua F F F duoc cong bo bat ky cong trinh nghien cuu nao tu truoc den Tac gia luan van Phan Thi Thuy BO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO 11TONG DAI HqC KINH Tt QUOC DAN CONG HOA XA HQI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM B§c lap - Tu- - Hanh phuc BIEN BAN HOI • BONG CHAM LUAN • VAN THAC • SI ■ cur quyet dinh so 2888/QD-DHKTQD 31/10/2013 cua Hieu truong trirang Dai hoc KTQD, d6ng cham luan van thac si da tO chuc cham luan van cho hoc vien: Phan Thi Thuy MSHV: CH200837 tai luan van: “Banh gia cac nha cung cap cua Cong ty TNHH Canon Viet Nam” lyen nganh: QTKD Quoc te Khoa: 20 (CH20J) > hoi: 8h00, 23/11/2013 tai p.405 - nha 6, Truong Dai hoc Kinh te QuOc dan ; vien hOi dong co mat tai phien hop gom: Ho ten, hoc ham hoc vi Ho ten, hoc ham hoc vi Chu ky TK: TS Bam Quang Vinh TS Ta Van Lui 1: PGS.TS Nguyin Van Tuan Chu ky UV: PGS.TS Doan Ke Bon 2: TS Hoang Kim Huyen bieu toi du: dien co so dao tao: o vien huong din: TS Nguyen Anh Minh - Truong DH Kinh te Quoc dan dung chinh cua phien bao ve loc vien da trinh bay truoc hOi dong nOi dung tom tit cua luan van lOi dong da nghe nhan xet luan van cua 02 phan bien (co van ban kem theo) lOi ding da nghe hoc vien tra loi cac cau hoi hop danh gia chat luong cua ■ luan van, HOi d6ng quyet nghi: Aian van cua hoc vien Phan Thi Thuy da dap ung day du cac yeu cau ve nOi dung va hinh thuc cua t luan van Thac si HOi dong nhat tri danh gia luan van nhu sau: ic phln diem n nOi dung luan van Di£m cua cac vien 1,0 %o 9,0 n trinh bay luan van Tong diem 3,0 Trung binh (*) Trpng sO 0.7 Di6m qui dOi */2-3 0.3 Z/ as m thuong cong trinh nghien cuu khoa hoc (khong vuut qua 0.5 di£m) m ket luan cua HOi dong (lay diem le den chu so thapphan) 0y ici irng diem moi nOi dung luan van (neu diem noi dung (*) >9,0 phan bat buoc phai co) if io IOi dong kinh de nghi Hieu truong truong Dai hoc KTQD xet duyet va cap bang thac si cho hoc vien Zac vien HD bieu quyet cong khai, nhat tri thong qua: Co$X1 i dong cham luan van thac si ket thuc vao h6i _5 gio QA phut, Cjh.1.,~d /2011 w n Chu tich Hoi dong T mi it* Uli pm riiAi ri'ino ri’ia I V lrhnncr \nrrrt mi a 10 rtiAm BO GIAO DUC VA DAO TAO TRUING DAI HOC KTQD *** CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM Doc lap - Tir - Hanh phuc — 0O0 — NHAN XET LUAN VAN THAC SY KINH TE • • • De tai: “Danh gid cac nha cung cap cua Cdng ty TNHH Canon Viet Nam” Cua cao hoc vien: Phan Thi Thuy Sau doc xong toan bo ban luan van bao gom 85 trang danh may Toi co nhung nhan xet danh gia sau day: I Ve noi dung cua ban luan van \ r a Be canh tranh cong nen kinh te toan cau doi hoi cac doanh e r e r nghiep noi chung va doanh nghiep FDI noi rieng phai di tim kiem va thiet lap z r dupe moi quan he doi tac chat che voi nhung nha cung ung co chat lupng tot r r Muon vay doi hoi cac doanh nghiep phai xac dinh cho dupe noi dung, quy trinh r r r phuong phap danh gia toi uu doi voi cac nha cung cap Do do, viec tac gia lua A r chon de tai: “Danh gid cac nha cung cap cua Cong ty TNHH Canon Viet dat hien o cdng ty Be tai ma cao hoc vien lua chon phu hop voi chuyen A Luan van da khai quat dupe nhung ly luan chung ve danh gia cac nha r r cung cap cua Tap doan Canon thong qua phan tich kha tot vai tro cua nha cung dung danh gia nha cung cap tu viec xac dinh muc tieu danh gia cho den quy A trinh, phuong phap danh gia Nhung bai hoc kinh nghiem ve danh gia cac nha cung cap cua Tap doan Ion tieu bieu la Boeing va Toyota da dupe luan van khai quat co dong xem nhu co so luan cho de tai nghien cuu danh gia cac nha cung cap cua Cong ty TNHH Canon Viet Nam, thoi gian z z qua Tren co so xem xet cac nhan to ben va ben ngoai anh hubng den danh r r gia cac nha cung cap cua Canon Viet Nam Luan van da cho thay thuc trang tap doan Canon va Cong ty Canon Viet Nam danh gia cac nha cung cap cua minh, r cung nhu ban than cac nha cung cap tu danh gia giai doan 10 nam qua (2002 -2012) Toi hoan toan dong tinh va nhat tri voi tac gia luan van ve uru a 9 diem va nhupc diem cung nhung nguyen nhan chu quan khach quan cua z r a nhung han che ton tai danh gia cac nha cung cap cua Cong ty TNHH _ ' Canon Viet Nam Dune de cap tu trang 66 den trang 71 cua ban luan van Day r r co the coi la co sb thuc te cho nhung giai phap kien nghi b chuong Tren co sb phuong hubng phat trien cac nha cung cap cua Cong ty TNHH Canon Viet Nam den 2020, luan van da dua dupe giai phap kha thiet z thuc nham hoan thien danh gia cac nha cung cap tu xay dung tieu chuan doi voi r a cac tieu chi dinh lupng, dao tao chuyen sau ve tham dinh nha cung cap; tang r r cubng giao tiep thong tin voi cac nha cung cap v.v Cac giai phap dua co co sb khoa hoc ca ve ly luan va thuc tien II Ve hinh thuc cua ban luan van x Luan van dupe ket cau theo kieu truyen thong, bao gom chuong; r i r r \ chuong trinh bay nhung ly luan chung ve danh gia cac nha cung cap cua tap doan Canon tu trang den trang 33; chuong trinh bay thuc trang danh gia cac nha cung cap cua Cong ty TNHH Canon Viet Nam tu trang 34 den trang 71; x z chuong de cap den phuong hubng va cac giai phap hoan thien danh gia cac nha cung cap cua Cong ty TNHH Canon Viet Nam tu trang 72 den trang 85 Z Z A Nhin chung ket cau luan van nhu vay da co the truyen tai dupe nhung noi dung X X can nghien cuu cua de tai rang Cac phuong phap nghien cuu su dung de tai la phu hop va dap ung x X dupe yeu cau dat cua de tai luan van trich dan day du III Ve trao doi voi tac gia luan van Ve muc dich nghien cuu va doi tuong nghien cuu can phai chi ro hon la r F qua trinh danh gia cua Tap doan Canon doi voi cac nha cung cap chu khong gidi han o cac phuong phap danh gia A Phan bai hoc kinh nghiem tu cac Cong ty khac danh gia cac nha cung cap co the dua them nhung bai hoc khong cong de rut kinh nghiem cho Cong ty Canon Viet Nam d trang 52 bang 2.4 nen sua lai cot muc tieu 2013 d trang 62 hinh 2.6 ket qua danh gia Cong ty Bac Viet nam 2012 nen dich Tieng anh sang Tieng viet Can lam dam net horn phan cac nha cung cap tu danh gia o trang 64 r r vat chat phuc vu cho cong tac danh gia cac nha cung cap r r r Khac phuc mot so loi in an luan van IV Ket luan chung a r a _ _ Luan van ve de tai: “Danh gid cac nha cung cap cua Cong ty TNHHCanon Viet Nam" la mot cong trinh khoa hoc doc lap, co noi dung phong phu, dap ung duoc cac yeu cau cua mot luan van thac sy kinh te, cao hoc vien Phan Thi Thuy danh gia cao ket qua cua luan van r r r Cau hdi: Khauyeu nhat qua trinh danh gid cac nha cung cap cua Cong ty Canon Viet Nam la khau nao va nhimg giaiphap cu the de khacphuc? Ha Noi, 22 thang 11 nam 2013 Ngtrcri nhan xet PGS.TS Nguyen Van Tuan CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM Doc lap - Tir - Hanh phuc Ha Noi, 22 thang 11 nam 2013 NHAN XET LUAN VAN THAC SI De tai: “Danh gia cac nha cung cap cua Cong ty TNHH Canon Viet Nam" z z Chuyen nganh: Ho va ten tac gia: Phan bien: Noi cong tac: Quan tri kinh doanh quoc te Phan Thi Thuy TS Hoang Kim Huyen Uy ban Giam sat tai chinh quoc gia r •> Tinh cap thiet, y nghia khoa hoc va thuc ti£n cua de tai luan van Z A Toan cau hoa va hoi nhap kinh te da thuc day hoat dong thuong mai, thue san xuat va gia cong tai cac nude dang phat trien Trong boi canh do, viec lua chon dung nha cung cap la mot nhung dieu kien quan dam bao cho doanh nghiep hoat dong hieu qua va cong Danh gia nha cung cap giup doanh nghiep tham dinh kha nang cua nha cung cap co dap ung duqc yeu cau ve mat chat luqng, so luqng va phuong thuc giao hang hay khong Qua do, giup doanh nghiep lira chon duqc nha cung cap cd uy tin, dong thdi giup nha cung cap nang cao chat luong phuc vu khach hang cang tot hon z _ z z Sau hon 25 nam doi mdi, he thong cac doanh nghiep FDI cang phat trien va dong gop mot phan quan vao phat trien kinh te dat nude Tren giac vi mo, FDI tac dong den qua trinh tang trudng kinh te, chuyen dich co cau kinh te va phuc lqi xa hoi cho ngudi, la khia canh de danh gia su phat trien kinh te cua mot quoc gia Tren giac vi mo, FDI cd tac dong manh me den nang lire canh tranh cua cac doanh nghiep nude, thuc day san xuat, tiep thu cong nghe va bi quyet quan ly, tham gia mang ludi san xuat toan cau, tang so luong viec lam va dao tao nhan cong, dong gop vao nguon thu cho ngan sach, Cung nhu nhieu doanh nghiep FDI cua Viet Nam, Cong ty TNHH Canon Viet Nam la doanh nghiep hang dau chuyen lap rap cac dong may in va xuat khau di nhieu nude tren tren gidi, dat ket qua va hieu qua kinh doanh tot Mot nhung nguyen nhan giup Cong ty TNHH Canon Viet Nam cong la nhd vao viec thiet lap duqc quan he doi tac vdi nhtrng nha cung ung tot Do vay, viec nghien cuu de tai “Danh gia cac nha cung cap cua Cong ty TNHH Canon - Ve hinh thirc: Chuong 1: - Muc 1.2.2 Tieu chi danh gia nha cung cap: Tac gia can bo sung them cac tieu chi sau: (i) hoa don, chung tir chinh xac, dung han; (ii) dat duoc muc • • 9 tieu/chi phi; (iii) nguong “chuan” theo thong le de so sanh boi hieu qua hoat dong cung ung khong chi dung lai o muc chinh xac thong tin doanh nghiep thu duoc, ma hieu qua can phai dupe so sanh voi “chuan” theo thong le hoac theo quy dinh, lam can cu cho cong tac danh gia Trong do, tai Chuong 3, tac A tieu dinh lupng - Muc 1.3 Bai hoc kinh nghiem tu cac cong ty khac danh gia nha cung cap: Tac gia nen dua them kinh nghiem danh gia nha cung cap cua cac chi nhanh cua Tap doan Canon r ' Chirong 2: - Muc 2.1.2 Cac nhan to ben ngoai Cong ty TNHH Canon Viet Nam: (i) De dong bo hon cac phan tich cac nhan to ben ngoai, tac gia nen bo sung nhan to moi truong phap ly boi moi quan he giira doanh nghiep va nha cung cap thuong dupe thuc hien thong qua hop dong kinh te cung ung vat tu, thiet bi Do vay, nhung quy dinh cua luat phap, che tai xu phat, trach nhiem thuc thi cua to chuc, ca nhan ky ket va thuc hien hop dong kinh te co tac dong va anh z z z hudng den den danh gia nha cung cap cua doanh nghiep; (ii) Ty le vat tu mua ngoai cua Cong ty TNHH Canon Viet Nam kha cao (chiem den 60% khoi lupng vat tu can de san xuat), vay tac gia nen dua them thong tin ve cong nghiep ho trp cua Viet Nam (con rat kem phat trien) Do cung chinh la nguyen nhan khien Cong ty TNHH Canon Viet Nam khong hop tac them voi nha cung cap moi nao de giam chi phi, Cong ty TNHH Canon Viet Nam tap trung vao cac nha cung cap Viet Nam nhung khong co doanh nghiep Viet Nam nao du tieu chuan (trang 57) ’ Z A - Muc Tieu chi danh gia nha cung cap cua Cong ty TNHH Canon Viet Nam: Tac gia can cu the hoa hon he thong tieu chi danh gia nha cung cap boi he thong tieu chi danh gia cang chi tiet, ro rang thi se giup cong tac danh gia khach quan, hieu qua va chinh xac hon MUC • LUC • DANH MUC BANG, HINH, PHU LUC DANH MUC CAC TU VIET TAT TOM TAT LUAN VAN LOI MO’ DAU CHUONG 1: CO SO LY LUAN VE DANH GIA CAC NHA CUNG CAP CUA TAP DOAN CANON 1.1 Sir can thiet cua viec danh gia cac nha cung cap doi voi doanh nghiep 1.1.1 Khai niem nha cung cap r r 1.1.2 Vai tro cua nha cung cap doi vd’i doanh nghiep 1.1.3 Su can thiet phai danh gia cac nha cung cap doi vd’i doanh nghiep 1.2 Noi dung danh gia cac nha cung cap cua Tap doan Canon 13 1.2.1 Xac dinh muc tieu danh gia cac nha cung cap 13 1.2.2 Tieu chi danh gia cac nha cung cap 15 r 1.2.3 Quy trinh danh gia cac nha cung cap 20 r 1.2.4 Phuffngphap danh gia nha cung cap 23 1.3 Bai hoc kinh nghiem tu cac cong ty khac danh gia nha cung cap 27 r 1.3.1 Kinh nghiem danh gia nha cung cap cua Boeing 27 r 1.3.2 Kinh nghiem danh gia nha cung cap cua Toyota 32 CHUONG 2: THUC TRANG DANH GIA CAC NHA CUNG CAP CUA CONG TY TNHH CANON VIET NAM 35 2.1 Cac nhan to anh hu-o’ng den danh gia cac nha cung cap cua CVN 315 2.1.1 Cac nhan to ben CVN 35 2.1.2 Cac nhan to ben ngoai CVN 45 2.2 Thuc trang danh gia cac nha cung cap cua CVN giai doan 2002 -2012 49 2.2.1 Tap doan Canon danh gia cac nha cung cap cua CVN 49 2.2.2 CVN danh gia cac nha cung cap 51 2.2.3 Nha cung cap tu danh gia 64 2.3 Nhan xet ve danh gia cac nha cung cap cua CVN giai doan 2002 - 2012 67 Ty le the khieu nai dudi trach nhiem cua z nha cung cap la bao nhieu tinh tren tong sd r f Ket qua thuc te Chat luong 1-2 Ty le khieu nai khieu nai nhan duoc? (Sd khieu nai nha cc chiu trach nhiem/Tdng sd khieu nai nhan duoc) x 100 Ty le chi phi hang hOng nha cc tren tong Ket qua thuc te Kha nang Kha nang Chat luong Giao hang Giao hang 1-3 Ty le hang hong chi phi da mua hang(Phi ton hang hong Phan ung vdi cac de nha cc/Tong gia tri mua hang) xioo 7 Nha cc co the thay doi linh hoat va nhanh nghi dot xuat chong doi vdi su thay doi san xuat khong? Thdi gian giao hang thuc te Kha nang thiet lap Kha nang Chat luong nghi phuong phap tot de ngan chan cac van de chat luong Kha nang Chat luong Kha nang tri va o Thdi gian giao hang thuc te co ngan khong? (Thdi gian bat dau tinh tu chuan bi NVL, san xuat, logistic hoan thanh) Co hoat dong cai thien dam bao tai moi thdi diem, hay rut tu cac van de da xay hay khong? (Khi khong co san pham mdi) Cac hoat dong lien tiep de tri kiem soat kiem soat chat luong chat luong 5Ms (machines, materials, methods, manpower, measurement - May moc, nguyen lieu, phuong phap, ngudi, su luong danh gia) Kha nang Kha nang Chat luong Cong nghe Kha nang cai tien de - - Chinh xac su phan ung vdi cac van de ve phong cac van de ve chat luong (Hieu qua tdi uu cua cac bien chat luong phap giai quyet chong tai dien) Trinh dp cong nghe Nha cung cap cd sd huu cdng nghe cao hay khong? r Kha nang Cong nghe Kha nang Cong nghe Kha nang khai dong Phan hoi mot san pham mdi xuat mot san pham mdi hay khong? De xuat gia tri ky Nha cung cap cd kha nang dua de xuat thuat gia tri ky thuat hay khong? (VE) Kha nang Phan hoi Phan hoi fit ung vdi rat nhieu cdng viec Kha nang t Nha cung cap cd kha nang khdi dong san Su phu hop/tuong Kha nang Trao doi ve ngtrng cung cap Kha nang PIC Nha cung cap cd the bat dau di vao hoat dong vdi nhieu cdng viec khong? Nha cung cap cd the san xuat dap ung du cho nhu cau cua Canon hay khong? Khi nao cham dut cung cap mot sd phan? Kha nang PIC cope vdi Canon Nha cung cap cd tiet 16 cac thdng tin co lien quan ho khdi dong san pham moi hoac Kha nang Phan hoi Thong tin du phdng co su suy giam hay khdng? (Tieu chuan, quy trinh, du lieu co chat luqng ) Kha nang Phan hoi Su tiet lo chi phi Kha nang Phan hoi Cung cap thdng tin Kha nang Phan hoi So sanh qua cac nam Phan hoi Tridt ly KAIZEN Phan hoi Kha nang Kha nang Van hoa to chuc KAIZEN Thdng tin chi tiet ve chi phi duqc tiet lo bao gia ban dau hay khdng? Nha cung cap co the cung cap thdng tin huu ich khdng? Ty le thuc hien giao hang va ty le hang ldi co duqc cai thien qua cac nam khdng? Muc quan ly KAIZEN co cao hon nha cung cap khac hay khdng? Nha cung cap co van hoa to chuc thu thach cho danh gia KAIZEN nhu 5S, greeting, the way to walk hay khdng Dieu kien tien quyet Tai chinh Sue manh tai chinh Dua ket qua danh gia tai chinh cua nha cung cap ■ Kiem tra Bao mat thuc te thong tin Kiem tra Quan ly tai thuc te san Hinh Quan ly nha dung cung cap Hinh Quan ly nha Ro ri thong tin Thong tin co bi ro ri hay khong? Van de ve tai san Nha cung cap co cac tai san chua biet den cho muon hay khong? Nha cung cap co thay duoc rui ro Quan ly tai chinh Phan phoi thuong -— 0 danh gia va chuan bi bien phap doi pho? Nha cung cap co phai la phan phoi thuong mai hay khong? mai cung cap b— iiT r!i „ yVgwO«:Phdng dieu phoi 2, Cong ty TNHH Canon Viet Nam dung 0 Phu luc 2: Ban ket qua danh gia cong ty Bac Viet nam 2012 Supplier Evaluation Result Announcement Canon Vietnam CO.,LTD Purchasing Control Dept Supplier •name : Bac Viet Category : MIO • Evaluation content and result Evaluation Maximum Supplier content Score Score 20 Quality Main evaluation viewpoint * Defect ration - Complaint ratio - Damage ratio - Keep control quality - Capability quality, etc Cost 20 * Price competitiveness - Cost reduction Delivery 20 12 * On time delivery ratio - Ressponse to unplanned request - Actual pur lead time, etc Technology 20 10 * Risk control - Technological capability - Part & Process correspond, etc Response 20 11 * Correspondence of discontinue - Capacity of PIC - Kaizen activites - Provide information, etc • Total score Full score Supplier score Supplier rank 100 49 C Rank standard Supplier rank A B C D Score 100-80 80-60 60-40 40- • Comment to Supplier Thank you so much for your kind co-operation to us so far Base on evaluation result as above, we would like to have some comment as below: * Strong point: - Strongly support CVN in urgent case: Add urgent DO, urgent arrange production, and help us to keep line - Quite good in keep delivery on time and printing DS * Weak point: - Quality: You got highest DPPM in 2012, all most NG related oil mark, foreign natter, silver mark -> This NG problem you can improve by yourself but still happen many time - Cost: More expensive than other vendor Reply quotation too late and unclear - Technology: Many die trouble long time no maintainance and can’t improve by yourself No VE proposal Some time, delay submit FA 3rd time due to repair die NG - Response: Didn’t keep deadline and CVN has to push many time to get confirmation Because your score is under 50, you are requested to send us your action plan to improve on due date 18 - May And joint Meeting with us as below schedule: + Time 3h - 4h30 PM / Date: 13 - May - 2013 Phu luc 3: Ke hoach danh gia cac nha cung cap chi tiet nhua cua CVN Subject Resp Mar Feb Jan Apr May Preparat on> General schedule CVN trai Training with A2200 IIPD ling < Vt ndor trainp I fl N ¥ Schedule discusion meeting PE QA PE MO.HA CVN Factory tour QA QA PE MO, HA PE QA, PE MO, PUR 30 ¥ Over all Canon Standard V V _ V Training in CVN 16 Part function explaination PE Vendor Mold injection training MO Vendor Part inspection training QA, MO Vendor V PE PE, MO HA 12 Visiting Vendor for preparation content and schedule Modify die MDM Die transfer PUR,MO Hot runner Controller MO Timer for hot runner MO ► Die temperature controls r Material preparation PE QA PE, MO, HA Vendor PE, MO, HA Measuring instrument preparation Vendor FA try period Vendor QA PE MO, HA Injection try at Vendor Vendor PE, MO, IIA Inspection at CVN Vendor QA HANEL Evaluation Part PE PE Vendor SQM auditr Improvement V 26 V L_v 12 12 - Y 29 PE, QA J Vendor V Meeting for all training period before MP PE MP period Vendor SQM explaination and check QA Following project meeting V _ V TVP prepare Process, ' Vendor First try Make conclusion about FA period 20 Vendor Pre-MP evaluation period V V PUR III Confirm prepare status before try IV 20 V—V Equipment preparation Untility ( every tueday morning) MP I II < TTpo o Actual production with T3164 FEED TRAY CVN project meeting for setup schedule Aug • BOTTOM CASE II Jul Attention Vendor plastic I Jun PE Sep Oct Nov Dec Subject Resp Attention PE training PE Part function Impotant point of part Relate document and requirement Mo MO: Process after injection Atention point for process Extra work Trouble with part and die during working time (i not) Weak point of die (if not) QC checking flow NG part control Data record document control Inspection equipment using training Attention item when using equipment Practice with actual parts MQA MQA SQM sys explain Procedule and form which relate (FA, process change, claim report ) Examination or report PE, QA, MO Vendor 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Canon Format Supplier Code : Ver.9 Supplier Company Name : Self-Evaluation Sheet We declare that the contents of the "Self-Evaluation Sheet," the "Questionnaire on Current Situation," and the "Action Item List & Check Sheet" are true and correct Name of representativv*!: Seal/signature Date: (month: _ day: year: _ ) English*4 SupplierCompany Name In local language English*4 Name of evaluated company*2 In local language English*4 Name of evaluated site*3 In local language English*4 Address of evaluated site In local language * 1: "Name of site representative": The president, executive in charge, operating officer, representative of the site, or environmental management representative appointed by top management is asked to sign or put his/her seal on this document *2: Fill in the name of the company subject to a "supplier environmental evaluation" *3: Fill in the name of the site to be evaluated When only part of the site is subject to self-evaluation, describe the scope of limitation *4: Be sure to enter all items marked "English" Respondent Section name Title Name TEL E-mail Canon Format I Supplier Code : _ Ver.9 Supplier Company Name : •ivacy Policy] /anon will handle personal information provided to us, as described below ’lease enter your personal information only when you consent to the following: Your personal information will be used only within the scope necessary for making inquiries about data entered on this sheet Your personal information may be shared with other Canon group companies for the purpose stated above Refer to http://www.canon.com/corp/ for a list of the Canon group companies Canon Inc bears responsibility for the management of shared information Your personal information will not be provided to third parties outside the Canon group without your consent, unless otherwise required by law Your personal information will be handled with utmost security Send inquiries to the address below if you wish to disclose, correct, or delete your personal information or if you have any questions regarding personal information :Contact> Operational site of Canon division responsible for personal information management Technology Procurement Promotion Div, Global Procurement Administration Center, Global Procurement Headquarters, Canon Inc e-mail mailto:sup-green-procurement@list.canon.co.ip Check the appropriate box(es) concerning third-party environmental certification (IS014001, EMAS, or other third-party environmental certification body), and fill in the date of renewal (or certification) Certification by third-party certification body ] Certified by ISO 14001 or EMAS (Date of the latest renewal: month: year: ) J Acquisition of a certification planned (Planned date: year: ) year: ) ) year: ) ) month: J No acquisition plan 2] Certified by another third-party environmental certification body (Date of the latest renewal: month: (Name of certification: J Certified by another company’s environmental certification program (Date of the latest renewal: month: (Name of certification: Canon Format Supplier Code : Ver.9 Supplier Company Name : - Regarding "Requirements Related to Business Activities" and "Requirements Related to Parts and Materials," check if each requirement is fulfilled In the "Judgment" column; enter "Yes" if a requirement is fulfilled, and "No." if not - Documents, rules or other materials describing specific details of system implementation may be submitted as evidence At this time, indicate on each material the number given in the relevant No column, and attach the materials to the Self-Evaluation Sheet - Submit this Self-Evaluation Sheet with the "Questionnaire on Current Situation" (Format 2) and the "Action Item List & Check Sheet (Canon version)" (1) Requirements Related to Business Activities A: Requirements Related to an Environmental Management System for Business Activities Judgment Requirement No I Construction of an Environmental Management System The responsibilities and procedures for conducting the following have been defined and documented Policy - Draw up policy related to environmental management activities - Communicate to all persons working for or on behalf of the organization Planning - Survey on environmental impact of business activities - Survey on environment-related laws and regulations and other applicable legal requirements - Survey on production environment impact substances - Survey on preventive measures against pollution of soil and groundwater - Draw up targets and programme(s) to reduce environmental impact based on the investigation results of the current situation Operational Control - Appoint management representative(s) of the environmental management system - Establish procedures necessary for achieving the targets - Communicate the procedures necessary for achieving the targets Performance evaluation and improvement - Evaluate the progress of the programme(s), attainment of the targets, and the sufficiency of the environmental management system, and report the evaluation results to management Management Review - Evaluate performance involving top management, check compliance with laws and regulations related to environment and other applicable legal requirements, and find solutions to problems - Reflect the above results on “1 Policy” and “2.2 Establishment of targets and programme(s)” 2.1 Environmental aspect (investigations of the current situation) 2.2 Establishment targets and programme(s) Canon Format Supplier Code : Ver.9 Supplier Company Name : Judgment Requirement No II Operation of an Environmental Management System The following activities are conducted and their records kept, in accordance with the resp rnsibilities and procedures defined in "I Construction of an Environmental Management System" on the ^receding page Policy - Draw up policy related to environmental management activities - Communicate to all persons working for or on behalf of the organization —- Planning 2.1 Environmental aspect (investigations of the current situation) 2.2 Establishment targets and programme(s) Operational Control Performance evaluation and improvement Management Review 10 —- - Survey on environmental impact of business activities 11 - Survey on environment-related laws and regulations and other applicable legal requirements 12 - Survey on production environment impact substances 13 - Survey on preventive measures against pollution of soil and groundwater 14 - Draw up targets and programme(s) to reduce environmental impact based on the investigation results of the current situation 15 - Appoint management representative(s) of the environmental management system - Establish procedures necessary for achieving the targets - Communicate the procedures necessary for achieving the targets - Evaluate the progress of the programme(s), attainment of the targets, and the sufficiency of the environmental management system, and report the evaluation results to management - Evaluate performance involving top management, check compliance with laws and regulations related to environment and other applicable legal requirements, and find solutions to problems - Reflect the above results on “1 Policy” and “2.2 Establishment of targets and programme(s)” 16 17 18 Canon Format Supplier Code : Ver.9 Supplier Company Name : B: Requirements Related to Performance of Business Activities Judgment Requirement Compliance with laws and regulations - Suppliers must comply with environment-related laws and regulations - Suppliers must comply with other applicable legal requirements Management of production environmental impact substances 2.1 Prohibited substances Preventive measures against pollution of soil and groundwater No 19 None of the "1A Prohibited substances" defined in the "List of Production Environmental Impact Substances" (Attachment 1) are used in the process of development, production, and sales of parts and materials delivered to Canon Note: When it is confirmed that none of the "Prohibited substances" defined in the above list is used, enter "Yes" in the "judgment" column 20 Measures are taken to prevent the pollution of soil and groundwater by chemical substances Note: When no process uses chemical substances and no measures are needed, enter "Not necessary" in the "Judgment" column 21 (2) Requirements Related to Parts and Materials C: Requirements related to the Management of Chemical Substances in Products Judgment Requirement No The responsibilities and procedures for conducting activities have been defined and documented, in line with the Action Item List of the "Guidelines for the Management of — Chemical Substances in Products" issued by the Japan Green Procurement Survey Standardization Initiative (JGPSSI) Activities are conducted according to the established procedures * Documents, rules or other materials describing specific details of system implementation may be submitted as evidence At this time, indicate on each material the relevant action item No given in the "Action Item List & Check Sheet," and attach the materials to the Self-Evaluation Sheet Canon Format Supplier Code : Ver.9 Supplier Company Name : D: Requirements Related to Performance of Parts and Materials Judgment Requirement No ——1 Management of product environmental impact substances None of the "2A/3A Prohibited Substances" defined in the "List of Product Environmental Impact Substances" (Attachment 2) are contained in parts and materials — 1 Prohibited substances delivered to Canon Note: When it is confirmed that none of the "2A/3A Prohibited substances" defined in the above list is contained, enter "Yes" in the "judgment" column * Separate surveys will be conducted individually to obtain information on product environmental impact substances in each part or material YEU CAU CUA HOI DONG CHAM LUAN VAN THAC SI V6 nhung diem can sua chua, bo sung trudc nop luan van chinh thuc cho VDTSDH b/ :bl .Lybyy' C byb jt zd.#? -za.? zd—£ d.tyg? xx bb.k .b&j uT ty , bctx ft^bb d& ./ Arfa h Xtb £ 7_r k ^yy.yyj cbyu* f-d/xK ./?* Ay dz^ZT? H / ,3??2/! (?.! j-'dd’rrd bby y ^rMc> .(^bbry7 1r'\ Jd) /dice L;d ^» dm ^ArT ' zH'A /d~e_z> Lc ty 3, rS kC?.! S MU Sd , / Qy$ fC~£ .hr#7S Cr&c fO&Z .cJm .4 Chu tich Hoi dong Cam ket cua hoc vien7 Jl Au ccun M duaL Sula BSi vM Lx j.u dm dm .m, .du Jon^ -did Hoc vien (Ky va ghi ro ho ten) ppdn Hu %u i , - Neu hoc vien co trach nhiem chinh sua theo yeu cau cua Hgi ddng chSm luan van Trong trudng hop khong chinh sua s§ khong dugc cdng nhan ket qua bao ve - Hoc vien phai dong ban yeu cau chinh sua vho cu6i luan van chinh thuc nop cho vien DT SDH

Ngày đăng: 06/04/2023, 20:40


