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x > * » JRUdNG DAI HOC KINH Tfi Qu6c DAN J - - / _ „ _ — ■' ■, ■ _z • ■M t (Z MAN THUY GIANG J HAIHOA TIEU CHUAN QUOC GIA Vffl TIEU CHUAN QUOC Tf VE HANG THUY SAN XUAT KHAU CUA VIET NAM OE\N NAM 2020 ■ K M I i HA NQI-2012 TRUCJNG DAI HOC KINH rf Qu6c DAN - && • I - MAN THUY GIANG HAI HOA TIEU CHUAN QUOC GIA VOl TIEU CHUAN QUOC TE VE HANG THUY SAN XUAT KHAU CUA VIET NAM DEN NAM 2020 CHUYEN NGANH: QUAN TRI KINH DOANH THUONG MAI I I I NGUdl Hl/ClNG DAN KHOA HOC: GS.TS HOANG DlTC THAN Ha Noi - 2012 LO’I CAM DOAN Toi xin cam doan luan van thac sy kinh te chinh toi nghien cuu va thuc hien Cac thong tin, so lieu duoc su dung luan van la hoan toan trung thuc, chinh xac va co nguon goc ro rang Tac gia luan van Man Thuy Giang LOI CAM ON Ban luan van dugc hoan sau mot qua trinh hoc tap nghien cuu cua toi tren giang dudng va thuc tien Ben canh nhung nd luc cua ban than, cung la ket qua cua su hudng dan va giup dir cua moi ngudi Toi xin gui long biet on sau sac toi Thay giao hudng dan cua toi, GS.TS Hoang Due Than, da tan tinh chi bao hudng dan toi toan bo qua trinh nghien cuu va thuc hien Luan van Xin tran cam on cac thay co giao Vien Thirong mai va Kinh te Quoc te; Vien sau dai hoc Trudng Dai hoc Kinh te Quoc dan da truyen dat nhung kien thuc, trang bi nhung ky nang cho toi qua trinh hoc tap va giup dd toi hoan tat moi thii tuc de hoan Luan van; Xin tran cam on Ban lanh dao va cac dong nghiep tai Vien Tieu chuan Chat lugng Viet Nam; cac dong nghiep quoc te; gia dinh va ban be da giup dd toi qua trinh hoc tap va hoan Luan van Tac gia luan van Man Thuy Giang MUC LUC • • LOI CAM DOAN LOI CAM ON DANH MUC CAC TU VIET TAT DANH MUC BANG BIEU, HINH VE i TOM TAT LUAN VAN LOI MO DAU CHUONG 1: LY LUAN CHUNG VE TIEU CHUAN TRONG THU ONG MAI QUOC TE VA HAI HOA TIEU CHUAN QUOC GIA VOI TIEU CHUAN QUOC TE HANG THUY SAN XUAT KHAU 1.1 Khai niem va vai trd ciia tieu chuan thuong inai quoc te 1.1.1 Khai niem tieu chuan thuong mai quoc te 1.1.2 Phan loai tieu chuan thuong mai quoc te 1.1.3 Vai trd cua tieu chuan thuong mai quoc te 13 1.1.4 Qua trinh xay dung tieu chuan quoc te 14 1.2 Nhung van de chung ve hai hoa tieu chuan quoc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te 17 1.2.1 Tam quan cua vice hai hoa tieu chuan quoc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te 17 1.2.2 Noi dung hai hoa tieu chuan quoc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te 22 1.2.3 Cac phuong phap hai hoa tieu chuan quoc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te 26 28 1.3 He thong tieu chuan quoc te ve hang thuy san 1.3.1 Tieu chuan ve yeu cau ky thuat 28 1.3.2 Tieu chuan ve phuong phap thur .' 29 1.3.3 Tieu chuan ve he thong quan ly 30 1.3.4 Tieu chuan ve moi trudng, trach nhiem xa hoi 32 1.4 Kinh nghiem cua mot so nuoc ve hai hoa tieu chuan quoc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te ve hang thuy san xuat khau 33 1.4.1 Kinh nghiem cua Thai Lan ve hai hoa tieu chuan quoc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te hang thuy san xuat khau 33 1.4.2 Kinh nghiem cua Indonexia ve hai hda tieu chuan quoc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te hang thuy san xuat khau 36 1.4.3 Bai hoc rut cho Viet Nam 38 CHlTONG 2: THUC TRANG HE THONG TIEU CHUAN QUOC GIA VIET NAM VA MUC DO HAI HOA VOI TIEU CHUAN QUOC TE VE HANG THUY SAN XUAT KHAU 41 2.1 Thuc trang xuat khau thuy san va he thong tieu chuan quoc gia ve hang thuy san xuat khau cua Viet Nam giai doan 2007 - 2012 41 2.1.1 Ket qua xuat khau thuy san cua Viet Nam giai doan 2007 - 2012 41 2.1.2 Phan tich thuc trang he thong tieu chuan quoc gia ve hang thuy san xuat khau cua Viet Nam 46 2.2 Phan tich thuc trang muc hai hda ciia he thong tieu chuan quoc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te ve hang thuy san xuat khau 51 2.2.1 Muc hai hda ve noi dung tieu chuan 51 2.2.2 Muc hai hoa ve qua trinh xay dung tieu chuan 57 2.2.3 Muc hai hda ve trien khai ap dung tieu chuan 60 2.2.4 Thuc trang phuong phap hai hda tieu chuan quoc gia cua Viet Nam voi tieu chuan quoc te ve hang thuy san xuat khau 61 2.3 Danh gia thuc trang hai hda tieu chuan quoc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te ve hang thuy san xuat khau ciia Viet Nam 63 2.3.1 Danh gia tac dong tich cue cua hai hoa tieu chuan quoc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te ve hang thuy san xuat khau cua Viet Nam 63 2.3.2 Danh gia nhung han che hai hoa tieu chuan quoc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te ve hang thuy san xuat khau cua Viet Nam 66 CHVONG : PHUONG HUONG VA GIAI PHAP TANG CUONG HAI HOA TIEU CHUAN QUOC GIA VOI TIEU CHUAN QUOC TE VE HANG THUY SAN XUAT KHAU DEN 2020 70 3.1.1 Phuong hirong xuat khau thuy san Viet nam den 2020 70 3.1.2 Nhung yeu cau quoc te ve hai hoa tieu chuan den nam 2020 71 3.1.3 Phuong huong hai hda tieu chuan qudc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te ve hang thuy san xuat khau cua Viet Nam den 2020 78 3.1.4 Nhung van de dat cho cong tac hai hoa tieu chuan quoc gia va tieu chuan quoc te ve hang thuy san xuat khau cua Viet Nam 79 3.2 Giai phap tang cuong hai hoa tieu chuan quoc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te ve hang thuy san xuat khau tu den 2020 85 3.2.1 Nang cao nhan thuc ve van de hai hoa tieu chuan quoc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te hang thuy san xuat khau 85 3.2.2 Nang cap cac tieu chuan quoc gia hien co hai hoa voi tieu chuan quoc te 3.2.3 Xay dung cac lieu chuan quoc gia moi hai hoa voi tieu chuan quoc te 86 87 3.2.4 Moan thien qua trinh xay dung tieu chuan quoc gia hai hoa voi qua trinh xay dung tieu chuan quoc te 88 3.2.5 Tang cuong tham gia vao hoat dong tieu chuan hoa quoc te va hop tac quoc te ve tieu chuan hoa 89 3.2.6 Nang cao nang luc, trinh doi ngu can bo xay dung lieu chuan 90 3.2.7 Day manh trien khai thuc hien tieu chuan quoc gia duqc hai hoa voi tieu chuan quoc te 91 3.2.8 Tang cuong dau tu cho hoat dong hai hoa tieu chuan quoc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te ve hang thuy san xuat khau 93 3.3 Kien nghi nliani tang cuong hai hoa tieu chuan quoc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te ve hang thuy san xuat khau 93 3.3.1 Kien nghi voi co quan tieu chuan hoa quoc gia 93 3.3.2 Kien nghi voi cac ben lien quan tham gia vao qua trinh xay dung tieu chuan quoc gia linh vuc thuy san 94 KET LUAN 98 DANH MUC TAI LIEU THAM KHAO 99 DANH MUC CAC TU’ VIET TAT Cac t ir vKit tat t icing Viet STT Tu vint tat TCDLCL TCKV TCNN TCQG TCQT TCVN Nghia day du Tieu chuan Do luong Chat luong Tieu chuan khu vuc Tieu chuan nuoc ngoai Tieu chuan quoc gia Tieu chuan quoc tt Tieu chuan quoc gia cua Viet nam , Cac t ir viet tat t ieng Anli Chu day du ticng Anti Asean Consultative Committee for Standards and Quality STT Tir vint ttt ACCSQ ACFS National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards AOAC Association of Official Analytical Chemists APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 10 ASEAN ASEM BSN CAC EN ICS 11 IEC 12 ISO 13 ITU 14 METI Association of South East Asia Nations Asia - Europe Economic Meeting Badan Standardisasi Nasional Codex Alimentarius Commission European Norme International Classification System I nternational Eletrotech n ical Commission International Standardization Organization International Telecommunication Union Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry 15 PASC Pacific Area Standards Congress 16 17 18 19 TBT TIS1 WB WTO Technical Barriers to Trade Thai Industry Standards Institute World Bank World Trade Organization Nghia tinng Viet Uy ban Tu van Tieu chuan Chat luong cua ASEAN Van phong Tieu chuan quoc gia cua Thai Lan ve hang hoa nong nghiep va thuc pham Hiep hoi cac nha hoa phan ti'ch chi'nh thOng Dien dan Hop tac kinh tn Chau A-Thai Binh Duong Hiep hoi cac quoc gia Dong Nam A Dien dan hop tac kinh tn A - Au Co quan tieu chuan quoc gia Indonexia Uy ban tieu chuan thuc pham hon hop Tieu chuan Chau Au Khung phan loai tieu chuan quoc te Uy ban Ky thuat dien Quoc tn To chuc tieu chuan hoa Quoc tn Lien minh Vien thong Quoc tn Bo Kinh tn Thuong mai va Cong nghiep Nhat Ban Dien dan tieu chuan khu vuc Thai binh duong Hang rao ky thuat thuong mai Vien Tieu chuan Cong nghiep Thai Lan Ngan hang thn gioi To chuc Thuong mai Thn gioi DANH MUC BANG BIEU, HINH VE DANH MUC BANG Bang 1.1: Linh vyc tieu chuan hoa theo khung phan loai tieu chuan quoc te 11 Bang 2.1: Gia tri thuy san xuat khau cua Viet nam tu 2007 den 2012 41 Bang 2.2: Gia tri xuat khau thuy san cua Viet Nam theo thi truong Bang 2.3: Tang truong gia tri xuat khau thuy san cua Viet Nam theo thi truong 45 Bang 2.4: Muc hai hoa ve so luong tieu chuan hang thuy san xuat khau 51 Bang 2.5: Phan tich muc hai hoa tieu chuan quoc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te 44 ve yeu cau ky thuat hang thuy san 52 Bang 2.6: Phan tich muc hai hoa tieu chuan quoc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te ve he thong quan ly cho hang thuy san xuat khau 555 Bang 2.7: Phan tich muc hai hoa tieu chuan quoc gia voi tieu chuan quoc te ve quan ly moi truong va trach nhiem xa hoi 56 Bang 3.1: Dy bao xuat khau thuy san theo nhom san pham den 2020 71 DANH MUC HINH Hinh 1.1: He thong tieu chuan thuong mai quoc te Hinh 2.1: Gia tri xuat khau thuy san cua Viet Nam qua cac nam 2007 den 2012 42 Hinh 2.2: Muc tang truong xuat khau thuy san nam sau so voi nam truoc 42 Hinh 2.3: Tong hop xuat khau thuy san cua Viet Nam theo cac thi truong tu 2007 d6n 2011 45 TRtfdNG BAI HOC KINH tE QuOc dAN - - MAN THUY GIANG quoc te ve hang thuy san xuat khau CUA VIET NAM den NAM 2020 CHUYEN NGANH: QUAN TRI KINH DOANH THUONG MAI TOM TAT LUAN VAN THAC SY Ha Noi - 2012 STT So hieu 257 258 259 SNI 3228.2:2010 SNI 3228.1:2010 SNI 2731.3:2010 260 261 262 263 SNI 7321.3:2009 SNI 7316.1:2009 SNI 2720.3:2010 SNI 2709.1:2010 264 265 266 SNI 7308:2009 SNI 2707.2:2010 SNI 2695.3:2010 267 SNI 7471.3:2009 268 SNI 7306:2009 269 SNI 7472:2009 270 SNI 7471.2:2009 271 SNI 7471.1:2009 272 SNI 7311:2009 273 SNI 7310:2009 274 275 276 SNI 7309:2009 SNI 2731.1:2010 SNI 7473:2009 277 SNI 01-2332.5-2006 278 SNI 01-7260.2-2006 279 SNI 01-7261.2-2006 280 SNI 01-2354.6-2006 281 SNI 01-7241-2006 rw-' A • •A A I en tieu chuan Frozen cooked whole lobster - Part 2: Raw material requirements Frozen cooked whole lobster - Part 1: Specification Frozen squid - Part 3: Handling and processing Frozen Spanish mackerel steak - Part : Handling and processing Frozen bone less - Part : Specification Dried flying fish roes - Part 3: Handling and processing Dry shrimp without skin - Part 1: Specification Artifial feeds for intensive cultivation of Chanos chanos fish Dry-salted jelly fish - Part 2: Raw material requirements Fins of dried cuckoo - Part 3: Handling and processing Shark catfish fingerlings (Pangasius djambal) - Part 3: Spread fingerling groups Sampling and distribution procedures of fish for diseases inspection Artifial feeds for breeding groups of grouper fish Jambal shark catfish (Pangasius djambal) - Part : Parent production of Parent stock groups Jambal shark catfish (Pangasius djambal) - Part 1: Parent of Parent stock groups Vaname shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei) fingerlings production of spread fingerling groups Shrimps (Penaesus monodon) production in ponds by way of small scale technology Cosumption size Chanos chanos production by way of intensive in ponds Frozen squid - Part 1: Specification Artifial feeds for goramy fish (Osphronemus goramy, Lac) Microbiological test method - Part 5: Determination of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in fishery products Frozen intact snapper fish - Part 2: Raw material requirements Fresh intact grouper fish - Part 2: Raw material requirements Chemical test method - Part 6: Determination of mercury (Hg) content in fishery products Magnification class of gurami (Osphronemous goramy Lac.) in fish-ponds STT So hieu 282 SNI 01-7244-2006 283 SNI 01-7245-2006 284 SNI 01-2332.4-2006 285 SNI 01-7222-2006 286 SNI 01-7252-2006 287 SNI 01-7253-2006 288 289 SNI 01-7256-2006 SNI 01-7257-2006 290 SNI 01-7258-2006 291 SNI 01-2332.3-2006 292 SNI 6926.2:2011 293 SNI 01-2332.2-2006 294 SNI 01-2354.2-2006 295 SNI 01-2354.3-2006 296 SNI 01-2354.4-2006 297 SNI 01-2332.1-2006 298 SNI 01-2372.1-2006 299 SNI 01-7146.2-2005 300 SNI 01-7246-2006 301 SNI 01-7143.1-2005 302 SNI 01-7143.2-2005 Ten tieu chuan Magnification class of lobsters (Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man) production in fish-ponds Magnification class of Litopenaeus stylirostris production intensively closed systems Microbiological test method - Part 4: Determination of vibrio cholerae in fishery products Floating net baskets made from wood for magnificating grouper fish in the sea Spread fingerling class of Litopenaeus vannamei fingerlings Parent stock class of Litopenaeus vannamei broad stock Spread fingerling class of Pangasius djambal fingerling production Parent stock class of Litopenaeus stylirostris broad stock Handling of jumbo tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) broad stock (Fabricius 1798) Test methods of microbiology - Part 3: Determination of total plate count (TPC) in fishery products Frozen cuttlefish (Sepia spp.) - Part 2: Requirements for raw materials Test methods of microbiology - Part 2: The determination of Salmonella in fishery products Test methods of chemistry - Part 2: The determination of water content in fishery products Test methods of chemistry - Part 3: The determination of total lipid content in fishery products Test methods of chemistry - Part 4: The determination of protein content in fishery products by nitrogen total methods Test methods of microbiology - Part 1: The determination of Coliform and Escherichia coli in fishery products Test methods of physics - Part 1: The determination of central temperatures in fishery products Frozen boiled intact snails (Babylonia spp) - Part 2: Raw material requirements Production of Litopenaeus vannamei in fish-ponds using intensive technologies The frozen intact nila (Oreochromis sp) fish - Part 1: Specification The frozen intact nila (Oreochromis sp) fish - Part 2: Raw material requirements STT So hieu 303 SNI 01-7143.3-2005 304 SNI 01-7144.1-2005 305 SNI 01-7144.2-2005 306 307 308 SNI 01-7144.3-2005 SNI 01-7145.1-2005 SNI 01-7145.2-2005 309 SNI 01-7146.1-2005 310 311 SNI 01-7146.3-2005 SNI 01-7145.3-2005 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 SNI 01-7265.3-2006 SNI 01-7263.1-2006 SNI 01-7263.2-2006 SNI 01-7263.3-2006 SNI 01-7264.1-2006 SNI 01-7264.2-2006 SNI 01-7264.3-2006 319 SNI 01-7262.2-2006 320 SNI 01-7265.2-2006 321 SNI 01-7259.2-2006 322 SNI 01-7266.2-2006 323 SNI 01-7266.3-2006 324 SNI 01-7265.1-2006 325 326 SNI 01-7260.3-2006 SNI 01-7261.1-2006 327 SNI 01-7262.3-2006 328 SNI 01-7260.1-2006 329 SNI 01-7266.1-2006 rf-' A , •A ■ A en tieu chuan The frozen intact nila (Orechromis sp) fish - Part 3: Handling and processing The napoleon (Chellinus indulatus) fish for consumption Part 1: Specification The napoleon (Chellinus indulatus) fish for consumption Part 2: Raw material requirements The napoleon (Chellinus indulatus) fish for consumption Part 3: Handling Frozen intact sharks - Part 1: Specification Frozen intact sharks - Part 2: Raw material requirements Frozen boiled intact snails (Babylonia spp) - Part 1: Specification Frozen boiled intact snails (Babylonia spp) - Part 3: Handling and processing Frozen intact sharks - Part 3: Handling and processing Canned cuttie fish (Sepia sp) - Part 3: Handling and processing Frozen loin marlin - Part 1: Specification Frozen loin marlin - Part 2: Raw material requirements Frozen loin marlin - Part 3: Handling and processing Frozen steak marlin - Part 1: Specification Frozen steak marlin - Part 2: Raw material requirements Frozen steak marlin - Part 3: Handling and processing Frozen intact grouper fish - Part 2: Raw material requirements Canned cuttie fish (Sepia sp) - Part 2: Raw material requirements Fresh intact snapper fish - Part 2: Raw material requirements Frozen fish balls - Part 2: Raw material requirements Frozen fish balls - Part 3: Handling and processing Canned cuttie fish (Sepia sp) - Part 1: Specification Frozen intact snapper fish - Part 3: Handling and processing Fresh intact grouper fish - Part 1: Specification Frozen intact grouper fish - Part 3: Handling and processing Frozen intact snapper fish - Part 1: Specification Frozen fish balls - Part 1: Specification STT 330 331 332 So hieu SNI 01-7261.3-2006 SNI 01-7262.1-2006 SNI 01-7259.1-2006 Ten tieu chuan Fresh intact grouper fish - Part 3: Handling and processing Frozen intact grouper fish - Part 1: Specification Fresh intact snapper fish - Part 1: Specification Test method of physic - Part 3: Density determination of 333 SNI 01-2372.3-2006 tomato sauce in packaged fishery products 334 SNI 01-7259.3-2006 Fresh intact snapper fish - Part 3: Handling and processing 335 SNI 2690.2:2009 Dry seawed - Part 2: Raw material requirements 336 SNI 2690.3:2009 Dry seawed - Part 3: Handling and processing 0'^'7 SNI 2691.2:2009 Hard texture fish - Part 2: Raw material requirements Test methods of chemistry - Part 11: The determination of residue for tetracyclines and their derivates by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in fishery 338 SNI 2354.11:2009 products 339 SNI 2691.1:2009 Hard texture fish - Part 1: Specification 340 SNI 01-2352-1998 Determination of acid number 341 SNI 2711.1:2009 Frozen lobsters - Part 1: Specification 342 SNI 2690.1:2009 Dry seawed - Part 1: Specification Fishery products, Determination of Staphylococcal 343 SNI 01-2338-1991 enterotoxin 344 SNI 2708.2:2009 Dry salted anchory - Part 2: Raw material requirements Determination of water absorption coefficient of flying fish 345 SNI 01-2372.5-1998 (Cypsilurus sp) roes Test methods of chemistry - Part 8: The determination of total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N) and trimethyl amine 346 SNI 2354.8:2009 nitrogen (TMA-N) content in fishery products 347 SNI 2714.1:2009 Shrimp crackers - Part 1: Specification 348 SNI 2721.2:2009 Dry salted fish - Part 2: Raw material requirements 349 SNI 2721.3:2009 Dry salted fish - Part 3: Handling and processing 350 SNI 2732.1:2009 Dry seaslugs - Part 1: Specification 351 SNI 2725.1:2009 Smoked fish - Part 1: Specification 352 SNI 2732.2:2009 Dry seaslugs - Part 2: Raw material requirements 353 SNI 3917.3:2009 Canned shrimps - Part 3: Handling and processing 354 SNI 2725.2:2009 Smoked fish - Part 2: Raw material requirements 355 SNI 01-2713-1999 Fish crackers 356 SNI 01-2719-1992 Dried squid 357 SNI 01-4106-1996 Presto bandeng fish 358 SNI 2717.1:2009 Boiled fish - Part 1: Specification 359 SNI 2716.3:2009 Shrimp terasi (belachan) - Part 3: Handling and processing STT 360 So hieu SNI 01-6161-1999 rf-i A •A ■ A on tieu chuan Frozen yellow tail fish (Caesio erythrogaster) fillets Frozen cooked peel shrimps for dried shrimps sushi, 361 SNI 01-3464-1994 Requirement for raw materials Test methods of Microbiology - Part 7: Calculation of 362 SNI 2332.7:2009 mold and leavened in fishery products 363 SNI 2713.1:2009 Fish crackers - Part 1: Specification 364 SNI 01-4870.2-1998 Treatment of life freshwater turtles (Trionyx spp) 365 SNI 01-3459-1994 Frozen cooked peel shrimps for dried shrimps sushi 366 SNI 01-3460-1994 Frozen oyster meat 367 SNI 2732.3:2009 Dry seaslugs - Part 3: Handling and processing Requirements of raw materials of life freshwater turtles 368 SNI 01-4870.1-1998 (Trionyx spp) Frozen Xiphias gladius steak - Part 2: Raw material 369 SNI 01-4871.2-2006 requirements 370 SNI 2691.3:2009 Hard texture fish - Part 3: Handling and processing Frozen Xiphias gladius steak - Part 3: Handling and 371 SNI 01-4871.3-2006 processing Test methods of Microbiology - Part 6: The determination 372 SNI 2332.6:2009 of worm parasite in fishery products 373 SNI 2714.3:2009 Shrimp crackers - Part 3: Handling and processing 374 SNI 2713.3:2009 Fish crackers - Part 3: Handling and processing Shrimp terasi (belachan) - Part 2: Raw material 375 SNI 2716.2:2009 requirements 376 SNI 2716.1:2009 Shrimp terasi (belachan) - Part 1: Specification 377 SNI 01-6163.1-1999 flic raw material requirements of frozen breaded shrimps 378 SNI 2717.3:2009 Boiled fish - Part 3: Handling and processing 379 SNI 2717.2:2009 Boiled fish - Part 2: Raw material requirements 380 SNI 2714.2:2009 Shrimp crackers - Part 2: Raw material requirements 381 SNI 2713.2:2009 Fish crackers - Part 2: Raw material requirements 382 SNI 2711.3:2009 Frozen lobsters - Part 3: Handling and processing 383 SNI 2708.3:2009 Dry salted anchory - Part 3: Handling and processing Frozen cooked peel shrimps for dried shrimps sushi, 384 SNI 01-3469-1994 Treatment and processing Test methods of chemistry - Part 10: The determination of histamine content by spectrofluorometry and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in fishery 385 SNI 2354.10:2009 products 386 SNI 2708.1:2009 Dry salted anchory - Part 1: Specification 387 SNI 4488.1:2011 Fresh lobster (Panulirus spp) for consumption - Part 1: STT So hieu 388 389 390 SNI 2721.1:2009 SNI 01-3919-1995 SNI 2725.3:2009 391 SNI 4108.2:2011 392 393 SNI 4488.2:2011 SNI 4107.1:2011 394 395 SNI 4107.2:2011 SNI 2711.2:2009 396 SNI 4107.3:2011 397 SNI 4108.3:2011 398 SNI 4870.1:2011 399 SNI 01-2728.3-2006 400 SNI 01-2733.2-2006 401 SNI 01-2729.1-2006 402 SNI 01-2729.2-2006 403 SNI 01-4485.3-2006 404 SNI 01-4485.2-2006 405 SNI 01-2729.3-2006 406 407 408 SNI 01-2372.2-2006 SNI 01-3458.1-2006 SNI 01-4871.1-2006 409 SNI 6138:2009 410 411 SNI 01-3458.2-2006 SNI 01-4485.1-2006 412 SNI 01-2372.7-2006 413 414 SNI 01-2372.4-2006 SNI 01-6161.1-1999 Ten tieu chuan Specification Dry salted fish - Part 1: Specification Canned shellfish Smoked fish - Part 3: Handling and processing Crabs (Scylla serrata) for consumption - Part 2: Requirements for raw materials Fresh lobster (Panulirus spp) for consumption - Part 2: Requirements for raw materials Krapu fish for consumption - Part 1: Specification Krapu fish for consumption - Part 2: Requirements for raw materials Frozen lobsters - Part 2: Raw material requirements Krapu fish for consumption - Part 3: Handling and processing Crabs (Scylla serrata) for consumption - Part 3: Handling and processing Life freshwater turtles (Trionyx spp.) for consumption Part 1: Specification Fresh shrimps - Part 3: Handling and processing Frozen tuna fish - Part 2: Raw material requirements Fresh fish - Part 1: Specification Fresh fish - Part 2: Raw material requirements Frozen tuna steak - Part 3: Handling and processing Frozen tuna steak - Part 2: Raw material requirements Fresh fish - Part 3: Handling and processing Test methods of physics - Part 2: The determination of drained weight in fishery products Frozen cooked peel shrimps - Part 1: Specification Frozen Xiphias gladius steak - Part 1: Specification Parent stock of Oreochromis niloticus Bleeker of broad parent class Frozen cooked peel shrimps - Part 2: Raw material requirements Frozen tuna steak - Part 1: Specification Test methods of physics - Part 7: Filth testing in fishery products Test methods of physics - Part 4: The determination of can of fishery products Raw material requirements of frozen yellow tail fish STT So hieu 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 SNI 01-6161.2-1999 SNI 01-6162-1999 SNI 01-6162.1-1999 SNI 01-6162.2-1999 SNI 01-6163-1999 SNI 01-6163.2-1999 SNI 01-2728.2-2006 SNI 01-4103.1-2006 423 SNI 01-4103.2-2006 424 425 426 SNI 01-4872.2-2006 SNI 01-2694.1-2006 SNI 01-2733.1-2006 427