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đề thi cao học tháng 3 năm 2011

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ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH CAO HỌC THÁNG 3 NĂM 2011 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM HÀ NỘI Môn thi: Tiếng Anh (Thời gian làm bài 120 phút) Section 1: Structure and written expression-50 questions Part A. Directions. Questions 1-20 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each question you will see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the queston and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Câu 1: There are a number of …. at the Bay Inn, including baby-sitting. A. extra services B. services extra C. good service D. extra service Câu 2: Her explanation was so complicated but …. was simple. A. mine explanation B. her C. Tim’s D. my Câu 3: They couldn’t hear the speaker from where they were …. His loud voice. A. though B. because of C. despite D. because Câu 4: Some students seem not to be able …… what they want to say. A. expressing exact B. to express exactly C.expressing exactly D. to express exact Câu 5: It was …. That we listened to it again and again. A. such beautiful B. such a beautiful music C. a beautiful music D. so a beautiful music Câu 6: They couldn’t find the person … had supplied the information. A. whom B. who C. whose D. he Câu 7: ……. Knows the answer to the problem. A. Neither my teacher nor my friends B. Neither I nor my brother Jack C. Neither my friends nor I D. Neither I nor my friends Câu 8: The skyscraper, which is …. , was first built in the USA. A. a tall building B. tall buildings C. a building tall D. tall building Câu 9: No competitor at the race is…… . David in computing. A. fast as B. fastest as C. faster than D. faster Câu 10: They came to the hall earlly ……. good seats. A. in order having B. so that they could have C. so that to have D. so as have Câu 11: Before children can speak, ……communicate with their faces. A. he B. who C. they D. them Câu 12: Be…… The road is dangerous. A. careful B. carefully C. to care D. care Câu 13: A great number of big trees ……in the rain forest. A. live B. lived C. living D. have lived Câu 14: The city council is asking people to donate goods or……to the poor. A. giving money B. gave money C. given money D. to give money Câu 15: Our company……the new product to the market next month. A. has introduced B. is going to introduce C. introduced D. is introduce Câu 16: The wind was so strong…….put up our tent. A. to B. that we could not C. that we can not D. that could not Câu 17: …… the boy had little money, he couldn’t buy that cheese sandwich. A. In order B. Became C. Because of D. Despite Câu 18: Producing is the process of …… raw materials into usefull products. A. transformed B. transform C. transforming D. to transform Câu 19: I ……. my parents once a week. A. use to phone B. used phoning C. used to phone D. used to phoned Câu 20: I am so happy. I ……… that I had passed the exam. A. have just heard B. hear C. heard D. was hearing Pard B. DIRECTIONS. In questions 21-50 each sentence has four underfined words or phrase marked (A), (B), (C), (D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your anwer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Câu 21: The class felt sadly when they heard of their teacher’s accident. A B C D Câu 22: Learn a new language is usually easier for children than for adulst. A B C D Câu 23: Before winning the war for indeppendence in 1965. Algeria lost many of their young men. A B C D Câu 24: Could you show me how to type as quick as you do? A B C D Câu 25: Joe wish she had taken notes to prepare for the exam. A B C D Câu 26: Sarah didn’t attend the Botany lecture, and neither does George. A B C D Câu 27: No one can denied the fact that English is universally used. A B C D Câu 28: If I can do my homework, you were certainly able to do yours. A B C D Câu 29: Warm nouishment and protection enable the baby to survive and grow. A B C D Câu 30: She has so much work to do that she usually gets exhausted when she gets home lately at night. A B C D Câu 31: Each year, tourists from all over the world travel to Poland to visit a birthplace of Frederic Chopin. A B C D Câu 32: Neither the dog nor the cats has their collars on. A B C D Câu 33: There was such a terrible smell in the shed that we left immediate. A B C D Câu 34: In order to summit the report in time, he stayed up late to finish them. A B C D Câu 35: She said that the weather will not change much for the next 10 years. A B C D Câu 36: He never spoke to them again despite they sincerely apologized to him. A B C D Câu 37: You shouldn’t have left your luggage there without keeping an eye on them. A B C D Câu 38: It was him who showed me the way to cross the swamp safely. A B C D Câu 39: Please hold the rope tight. I am go to tie it now. A B C D Câu 40: All of his painting is so great that I don’t know which one to choose. A B C D Câu 41: I found a old composition of yours in the file in the shed. A B C D Câu 42: Between you and I, we can talk free what you think about the new Director. A B C D Câu 43: Turn a corner quickly is frightening to pedestrians. A B C D Câu 44: Scientists could see little difference among the three drug. A B C D Câu 45: Most of the plays which were written by Shakespeare has been filmed. A B C D Câu 46: After her mother’s die, she, for the first time, knew what loneliness was. A B C D Câu 47: When I was young I used be interested in both reading and writing. A B C D Câu 48: Slowly an cautious, the rescue workers pulled the boy to safely. A B C D Câu 49: The tile layer worked so hard that they were absolutely exhausted. A B C D Câu 50: At the height of the season, the rose smell sweet. A B C D SECTION 2. READING COMPREHENSION – 50 questions DIRECTIONS. In this section you will read a number of passages. Each one is followed by approximately 6 questions about it. For questions 51 – 100, choose the one best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), for each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Answer all of the questions follwing a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage. Passage 1 We can communicate with other people in many different ways, We can talk, write, and send messages. We use our hand and faces, the phone, the fax, and email, television, film… to communicate. Animals have ways of exchanging information, too. Bees dance and tell other bees where to find food. Elephants make sounds that humans can’t hear. But what people can do is much greater. We have language, so we can write poetry, tell jokes, make promises, tell the truth, or tell lies. And we have a sense of past and future, not just present. Câu 51: people can communicate with one another…… A. in more than one way B. in one way C. only by using a language D. without any difficulty Câu 52: Sending a message is a way… A. to practice writing B. to replace talking C. to show the difference in people D. to communicate Câu 53: Which one below is NOT listed in the passage as a means of communication? A. our hands B. television C. the fax D. our legs Câu 54: How can a bee tell other bees where to find food? A. by talking B. by using their faces C. by flying D. by dancing Câu 55: According to the information from the text, which statement below is NOT correct? A. People have a sense of future. B. Bees can communicate in their own way. C. People are able to do fewer things than animals can. D. People can not hear the sound that the elephant makes. Câu 56: Look at the passage and decide which word below does not go with the wed ‘tell’ A. jokes B. the truth C. poetry D. lies Câu 57: The word exchanging (line 4) is clossest in meaning to … A. sending B. giving and receiving C. writing out D. communicating Passage 2 Sugar cane was grown in India thousands of years ago. In Roman times it was known in Europe as a great luxury, and it was very expensive for many centuries after that. In 1493 Columbus took a sugar plant with him to the West Indies where it grew so well that huge plantations were started by Europeans there. Thousands of African slaves worked hard on them. The slaves were shipped across the Atlantic on a journey which took six weeks. Many of them died. The empty ships then carried the sugar back to Europe. So much money was made that sugar was known as ‘white gold’. Sugar is used to sweeten food and make sweets and chocolate. By the 16 th century the English were the greatest sugar – eaters in history. Elizabeth I lost all her teeth because she ate so much of it. Câu 58: Sugar cane has been known…. A. for centuries B. as a great luxury B. for thousands years. D. first in the West Indies Câu 59: Sugar was expensive… A. for centuries B. for African slaves C. only in Roman times D. in India Câu 60: Who started huge plantations of sugar canes? A. the Indians B. African slaves C. Columbus D. the Europeans Câu 61: All the statements below are correct EXCEPT A. The slaves were shipped from Europe. B. The first sugar plant was taken to the West Indies in the 15 th century. C. The land in the West Indies was very good for growing sugar cane. D. Sugar was a luxury in the past. Câu 62: The word it (line 3) refers to …… A. sugar plant B. a great luxury C. Columbus D. the West Indies Câu 63: The word there (line 4) refers to…. A. India B. Europe C. the West Indies D. Rome Câu 64: The word them (line 4) refers to … A. plantations B. Europeans C. ships D. African slaves Câu 65: The word which (line 5) refers to…. A. the Atlantic B. a journey C. six weeks D. African slaves Câu 66: The word it (the last line) refers to …. A. history B. food C. sugar D. the English Câu 67: Which adjective below is related to ‘a great luxury’ in line 2? A. favorite B. hard C. good D. expensive Câu 68: The word ‘shipped’ is similar in meaning to … A. sold to B. exported C. carried by ships D. carried by plane Passage 3 The new Hopewell Highway runs from Shenzhen to Guangzhou, and it takes just two hours to do the 123 kilometers. This superhighway will become the main street of a huge new city, the Pearl River City. It gets bigger and bigger until the east meets the west, and the countryside in the middle disappears under concerte. There will of course be more and more cars on the road. People don’t want bicycles. If you have a car, it means you have made money. So the traffic will be like in Bangkok, where people spend fours hours commuting every day. People eat and word in their car. When finished, the Pearl River City will probably be the greatest city on earth. It won’t be beautiful, but its power, energy, and wealth will be felt in all corners of the word. Câu 69: Read the first paragraph of the passage and say which of the statements below is NOT correct. A. It’s over one hundred kilometers from Shenzhen to Guangzhou. B. The countryside will disappear. C. It takes two hours to go from Shenzhen to Guangzhou. D. The name of the city is Hopewell. Câu 70: Hopewell Highway…. A. is 123 kilometers long. B. is the name of a new city. C. is now the main street of a huge new city. D. runs through Shenzhen. Câu 71: Which statement below is NOT correct according to the information from the passage? A. Owning a car shows that you are successful. B. The number of cars on the road will go up. C. People spend four hours commuting every day on Hopewell Highway. D. The traffic on the road will be like in Bangkok. Câu 72: The Pearl River City ‘won’t be beautiful, but its power, energy, and wealth will be felt in all corners of the world.’ means … A. People will visit the city because of its energy. B. the city can be seen from all corners of the world. C. the city is of great beauty. D. though not beautiful, the city will certainly be poweful. Câu 73: What does ‘It’ in line 3 stand for? A. Guangzhou B. Shenzhen C. new city D. superhighway Câu 74: What does ‘where’ in line 6 stand for? A. on the road B. the traffic C. in Bangkok D. in their car Passage 4. In Hollywood, life can be difficulf for children because everybody there wants to be rich, famous and beautiful. Nobody wants to be old, poor and unknown. Parents buy care and attention for their children because they do not have time to give it themsilves. They are not usually at home, so children have to decide whether to make their own meals or go to restaurants, when to watch television and when to do their homework. They organize their social lives. They play no childhood games. They become adults before they are ready. Câu 75: It can be…… for children to live in Hollywood. A. poor B. interesting C. rich D. difficult Câu 76: Which of the following statements is NOT correct according to the passage? A. Parents are often away from home. B. Everyone wishes to be famous. C. Parents spend much time taking care of their children. D. People in Hollywood want to be rich. Câu 77: Which is NOT mentioned in the passage as children’s own decisions? A. to watch television B. to make their own meals C. to travel to school by themselves D. to do their homework Câu 78: The following sentences are all true about children in Hollywood EXCEPT A. They play childhood games. [...]... schools Câu 83: The following phrases are alternatively used to name parents’ payment to schools EXCEPT A school fees B voluntary donation C compulsory fees D parental contribution Câu 84; According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? A Students can remain in school for 13 years B Primary and secondary education is compulsory C Some students can leave school at 13 D Most student... Secondary education is compulsory for students between the ages of 6 and 16 Most students start at age 5 and remain in school for the full 13 years Most children in New Zealand start primary school at age 5 and move to intermediate school at 11, then secondary school at age 13 There are three types of school: state, private (or registered or independent) and state integrated schools State and state integrated... before they are ready D They can organize their social lives Câu 79: The word ‘there’ in the first line refers to… A In Hollywood B at home C everywhere D all over the world Câu 80: The word ‘they’ in line 3 refers to… A unknown people B parents C children D everyone Câu 81: The word ‘they’ in line 5 refers to… A Famous people B Children C Adults D Parents Passage 5 Education in New Zealand is normally free... to visit the leaning tower of Piza because… A it is big and high B it is beautiful C it is an old D it is leaning Câu 92: The leaning tower is …… high A 17 feet B 18 storeys C 180 feet D 20 meters Câu 93: They started building the tower… A in the early twelfth century B in the late twelth century C in the early eleventh century D in the late eleventh century Câu 94: The tower began to lean to the south…… . ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH CAO HỌC THÁNG 3 NĂM 2011 TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM HÀ NỘI Môn thi: Tiếng Anh (Thời gian làm bài 120 phút) Section 1: Structure. Chopin. A B C D Câu 32 : Neither the dog nor the cats has their collars on. A B C D Câu 33 : There was such a terrible smell in the shed that we left immediate. A B C D Câu 34 : In order to summit. C D Câu 35 : She said that the weather will not change much for the next 10 years. A B C D Câu 36 : He never spoke to them again despite they sincerely apologized to him. A B C D Câu 37 : You

Ngày đăng: 21/04/2014, 15:20

