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BÀI TẬP HỌC KHÔNG TẬP TRUNG - TIẾNG ANH 8 (Hệ 7 năm -Từ 20/4/2020 đến 25/4/2020 – Tuần 27)

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PHỊNG GD&ĐT TP KON TUM TRƯỜNG THCS LÊ ĐÌNH CHINH BÀI TẬP HỌC KHÔNG TẬP TRUNG - TIẾNG ANH (Hệ năm -Từ 20/4/2020 đến 25/4/2020 – Tuần 27) A Language contents * REPORTED SPEECH Các Loại câu tường thuật: Có loại câu tường thuật: Câu tường thuật trực tiếp câu tường thuật gián tiếp - Câu tường thuật trực tiếp thuật lại nguyên văn câu nói câu nói bỏ dấu ngoặc kép e.g: My mom said: “Don’t forget your notebook” Mẹ tơi nói: “Đừng bỏ qn nhé” - Câu tường thuật gián tiếp vận dụng từ ngữ nói trực tiếp để diễn tả lại Nguyên văn câu nói diễn tả lại khơng đặt dấu ngoặc kép E.g: Direct speech - He said: “Give me a phone call when you come home” => Reported speech - He told me to give him a phone call when I came home Anh bảo gọi cho anh khi tới nhà Trong lời dẫn gián tiếp có mệnh đề: mệnh đề chứa động từ dẫn mệnh đề tường thuật chứa nội dung câu nói trực tiếp mệnh đề thường nối với liên từ that Câu tường thuật câu thuật lại cách gián tiếp lời người khác Muốn chuyển từ câu kế (statement) trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp phải xem xét số vấn đề sau: *    Một số thay đổi (Tense changes): + Nếu động từ tường thuật (reporting verb) câu q khứ phải lùi động từ q khứ bậc chuyển từ lời nói trực tiếp (direct speech) sang lời nói gián tiêp (indirect reported speech) theo quy tắc sau: Speaker’s words   Reported statement will/ shall => would/ should am/ is/ are going to => was/ were going to present simple => past simple present continuous => past continuous past continuous => past perfect continuous present perfect => past perfect past simple => past perfect must => had to can => could       + Nếu động từ tường thuật thì (tense) động từ giữ ngun chuyển lời nói trực tiếp sang gián tiếp Ví dụ:  Direct speech: “I’m arriving at about 6.00,” says she  Reported speech: She says (that) she’s arriving at about 6.00 Cơ nói (rằng) khoảng đến    Lưu ý:  Có thể dùng khơng dùng “that” sau động từ tưịng thuật  says/ say to + o —> tells/ tell + o said to + o —> told + o Ví dụ: He told (= said to) Helen (that) he didn’t like cofee Anh cho Helen biết (rằng) anh không thích cà phê  Một số động từ khơng thay đổi chuyển sang lời nói gián tiếp: would —> would, could -» could, might -» might, should —> should, ought to -» ought to Một số chuyển đối khác (Some other changes): Khi chuyển từ lời nói trực tiếp sang gián tiếp mà độna từ tường thuật khứ trạng từ chi thời gian nơi chốn đại từ định chuyển đổi theo quy tắc sau: Speaker's words                     Reported statement today                       =>           that day tonight                     =>           that night tomorrow                  =>           the next day/ the following day yesterday                 =>           the day before/ the previous day ago                         =>           before now                         =>           then next/ on Tuesday     last Tuesday             =>           the next/ following Tuesday   =>           the previous Tuesday/ the Tuesday before the day after tomorrow =>        in two days' time/ two days later this                          =>           that these                       =>           those here   =>  there Ví dụ: - Direct speech: “I'm leaving here tomorrow” said Mary - Reported speech: Mary said (that) she was leaving there the next day B Exercises I Chuyển câu sang câu gián tiếp.  “Open the door,” he said to them - He told them “Where are you going?” he asked her - He asked her where “Which way did they go?” he asked - He asked “Bring it back if it doesn’t fit”, I said to her - I told “Don’t try to open it now,” she said to us - She told “Is it going to be a fine day today?” I asked her - I asked her “He’s not at home”, she said - She said that “Is the bus station far away?” the girl asked - The girl wanted to know “Don’t stay out late, Ann” Tom said - Tom told Ann 10 “Please let me borrow your car,” he said to her - He asked 11 “Jean, have you seen my gloves?” Thomas asked - Thomas asked Jean 12 Don’t leave the window open, Mary”, I said - I told Mary 13 “I’ll have a cup of tea with you,” she said - She said that 14 “I’ll pay him if I can” she said - She said that 15 “What are you going to next summer?” she asked - She asked us 16 “I’ll phone you tomorrow,” he told Jack - He told Jack that 17 “Can I sit beside you, Jean?” Tom asked - Tom asked Jean 18 “I want a camera for my birthday,” he said - He said that 19 “Don’t keep the door locked,” he said to us - He told us 20 “How long are you going to stay?” I asked him - I asked him how long II Chọn đáp án Jack asked me _ A where you come from?                                             B where I came from   B where I came from      D where did I come from? She asked me _ I liked pop music A.when                        B.what                           C.if                            D.x The doctor him to take more exercise  A.told                  B.tell                    C have told                                    D are telling I wanted to know _ return home A when would she      B when will she       C when she will        D when she would Claire told me that her father a race horse A owns        B owned                     C owning            D A and B What did that man say ? A at you       B for you              C to you                  D you I rang my friend in Australia yesterday, and she said it _ raining there A is       B were       C has been            D was The builders have that everything will be ready on time A promised      B promise               C promises                D promising The doctor _ him to take more exercise A told          B tell                C have told            D are telling 10 The last time I saw Linda, she looked very relaxed She explained she’d been on holiday the week A ago       B following             C next               D previous 11.  Yesterday, Laura him to put some shelves up A asked          B is asking              C ask               D was asked 12 Tom has this story wasn’t completely true A admitting that        B was admitted that         C admitted that             D admit that 13 When I rang Tessa some time last week, she said she was busy that day A that            B the             C then                 D this 14 I wonder _ the tickets are on sale yet A what           B when            C where             D whether 15 Mathew _ Emma that her train was about to leave A.  has reminded        B has reminded that         C reminded             D reminded that

Ngày đăng: 13/03/2023, 08:52


