st_64 3+rt,oY VJE Tap chi Gi6o duc (2022),22(22), 59-64 ISSN: 2354-0753 DUC KHONG cniNu quv VA PHI CHINH QI,ry CUA THAI LAI\I VA MOT SO DE XUAT cHo xAy DUNG Ludr ngc rAp suor DOr cuA lrEr NAM riu_nmu_o4o LUA-TTHUC DAy.GrAo Nguy6n Minh Tu6n Vi$n Khoa hoc GiSo dqc Vi6t Nam Emoi I : tuannm@vnies edu.yn Article history ABSTRACT Received: 1518D022 On Juty 30th, 2021, the Prime Minister of Vietram signed the Decision No.l373lQD-TTg approving the project "Building a teaming society in the period of2021-2030" An important mission and solution ofthe prcject is to promote the operation ofthe community leaming center to meet the lifelong leaming needs of the people and sewe the socio-economic dwelopment of the locality The study investigates de Law on Pmmoting Informal and Nonformal Fiucation of Thailand, a country widr similar socioeconomic and culhrral conditions to Vietlam; thereby drawing useful lessons and experience io make some suggestions for the process of building a Law on Lifelong Lraming in Vietnam The research resulB will be suggestions for fiuther research and development of the Lifelong traming Iaw in accordance with Vietram's socio-economic conditions in the cunent Accepted:08110D022 Published: 20ll l/2022 Ke),words Lifelong leaming, nonformal education, in-formal education, Lifelong traming law intemational integration context M& dAu Ngny 30/7/2021, Thil nrcmg Chinh phir tl6 ki quyCt dinh 56 1373/eD-TTg, ban henh DA ,n -Xiy dvng xd hQi hoc trip giai doan 2021-20j0", trotg d6 c6 nhtng nhiQm ru, giei ph6p quan trong: 'Nghi6n cuu, d6 xu6t ot co ch6, chinh slch ao di€u ki6n thu{n lgi cho c6ng nhdn, nguoi lao tl6ng tluoc dio tao,