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8 reported speech reading key

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ngữ pháp tiếng anh nâng cao, hỗ trợ các bạn học tốt chương trình ngữ pháp c1 tại trường, nâng cao khả năng học tập, phát triển kỹ năng ngữ pháp tại trường, tự tin sử dụng hợp lý cấu trúc. thành thạo trở thành người dùng tiếng anh giỏi.

ADVANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE Bob denied that he had taken had 15 ought/need Sues calculator Little better him self Rarely/Never/Seldom would som e milk may whatsoever Clare said (that) Andy should m ight/could/should should not forget to buy som e milk until least W hat 10 only must 11 sooner very 12 when Little 13 should he cou ld nt com e on Saturday 14 must David said he was sorry (that) 15 m ight/m ay he had not been able to com e 10 bound no circumstances are you to two weeks had passed did Clare rem inded Andy to buy Clare rem inded Andy that they needed/he needed to buy som e milk David said he was so rry (that) on Saturday cant have finished David apologized for not was her popularity m ight have been being able to com e on did not need to re-take/re-sit as it m ay seem I could was have I seen was midnight before should have left back to Singapore did Paul smash a window but you should have I suggested that Brian should as I might go back to Singapore have to be w orn by does snow fali I suggested going back to over and over n eedn t have taken /d id nt need Singapore./I suggested that he ais o 10 a s itm a y s e e m Saturday I asked Brian why he d id nt go 10 ca n t have been Brian go back to Singapore 11 shouldnt have brought have it too late should have had bound too late really/quite may be Jack warned Tim against needs/needed n ot have been leaving too late as m ight/m ay be the should not very ca n t be when 12 m ay asw ell Jack said Tim should not leave was sure/m ight have known 10 down would not 10 doubt 1A said I could told me persuaded me advisedm e warned me rem ind edu s answered them 2/ announced Hardly had I sat down accepted 10 confirm ed / / 10 / denied came three policemen / would did The customer decided to take the brown pair The custom er decided (that) he/she would take the brown pair The custom er said (that) he/ she would take the brown pair Bob denied taking Sues calculator 22 adyised me to B Strange as it m ay seem, I enjoy would like forbade him from smoking that the poUce B / asked Helen if she wanted/ Grammar 13 A under any circum stances suggested that the com m ittee B Jack warned Tim not to leave on not staying threatened to cali off the football m atch unless prom ised (her m other) that she would 10 congratulated Sue on her mention rem arked estimated complained predicted rum oured claimed ordered suggested 10 gave could GRAMMAR ANSWERS 21 accused 2 the tim e 23 - was a /- suffering 25 the had 26 a him the about 28 the - 10 The, the, the the, the, a t h e ,the, the the, a, - , the The, a, - 29 a 10 that The, the to a, the 30 - the, a Tom not to stay out in the cold fo r too long 10 a, the - a Jack not to go back into the the, - house to stay near the airport m e that I would make a the, that he was getting m arried to A nn Jones m e round to his house for a meal that she was expecting a baby apologize assure anticipate/estim ate estim ate/anticipate a, a a, complete recovery 10 advlsed are the m uch richer for them The, the But the teachers and other the, the academ ics are claiming that we 10 the, - are now starting to feel the first It’s notfirst-class significant wave o f their effects on a generation of the users It accommodation unless it has a prw ate bathroom seems nobody under the age o f 20 can spell or add up any On this record the twins play a m ore Even several professors piano duet at leading universities have Halfway through the meal we said reąuest the m any respects our lives T h e ,- announce confirm of doubt here to stay, and in an realized what the waiter had com m ented on the detrim ental effect the digital revolution has had on the m ost intelligent If a / - M rs Hillier phones, say young minds in the co u n try I’m away on a trip At the root o f one p art o f the There is wonderful scenery in problem, evidently, lies the the eastern part o f Turkey autom atic spellcheck now The cocker spaniel is one of Grammar 14 the a the the The th e /8 - a 10 the 11 - 12 the 13 the 14 15 16 the 17 18 19 the 20 the W ord Processing and the calculator are without a shadow the reporting m ention/m entioned the, a the, the Andy to buy som e milk widely available on the word the m ost popular pet dogs Processing software Professor There is going to be fog and John Silver o f the Sydney cold weather all next week University, Australia, said: ‘W hy I spent a very interesting holiday at Lake Coniston in should we bother to learn how England to spell correctly, or for that m atter to learn even the m ost We are against w ar in generał, so o f course we are against basie of the m athem atical sums, a war like this between a when at the press o f a button superpower and a deveIoping we have our problem answered for us? The implications are country enorm ous W ill the adults o f the 10 Burglaries are definitely on the futurę look to the Computer to increase make the decisions for them , to the tell them who to m arry or what the, a/the, a, a kind of the house to buy? Are we a ,- heading for a futurę individual The, - incapable of the independent - , the, the, t h e /-, the hum an thought?’ the, the t h e /-,8 a, a, the the, the, the - ,t h e 323 ... the eastern part o f Turkey autom atic spellcheck now The cocker spaniel is one of Grammar 14 the a the the The th e /8 - a 10 the 11 - 12 the 13 the 14 15 16 the 17 18 19 the 20 the W ord Processing...GRAMMAR ANSWERS 21 accused 2 the tim e 23 - was a /- suffering 25 the had 26 a him the about 28 the - 10 The, the, the the, the, a t h e ,the, the the, a, - , the The, a, - 29 a 10 that The,... The, - incapable of the independent - , the, the, t h e /-, the hum an thought?’ the, the t h e /- ,8 a, a, the the, the, the - ,t h e 323

Ngày đăng: 21/02/2023, 22:19
