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ADVANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE 4 belong 5 died 6 have met/have been meeting 7 love/loved 8 hasvisited 9 suffered 10 borrowed 11 was not working 12 got 13 have worked/have been working 14 went 15 are think[.]

ADVANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE belong will be brought (to you) died was opened with The m atch was abandoned have m et/have been meeting has been dealt with Traffic was banned from love/loved was announced hasvisited was ever heard of (using) the centre Chris was prosecuted for after half an hour dangerous driving 10 was paid to suffered This fish is usually served with 10 borrowed 11 was not working The phone was left o jf the hook a white sauce all night 12 got We have not been introduced It has been announced 13 have worked/have been that petrol prices will rise working tom orrow 14 went delivered, has not been/was O ur house was broken into 15 are thinking n ot damaged last week 16 have always wanted is (being) sold, is fitted I was asked the way three 17 perform ed have been working, is being times 18 has been redecorated The apples are picked early in 19 was has been announced, will not the m orning owns now be built It s tim e som ething was done hadnt received, spoke has been discovered, is about this problem was considering/had been thought Lots of cars had been parked considering, have changed were received, was launched on the pavement was raised, has still not been The governm ent agreed with feel/are feeling, will bring found, had lost the report and so the law was was, have been dying changed reached will be made, have been interviewed An application form has to be have had, will send filled in happens, will meet have finished/finish, will have 10 It is not known what happened to the ship missed \ by a thief by the authorities by som eone standi 11 The groups leader has not was not expecting/did not him been seen sińce his arrest last expect, are you doing / m onth by someone / have not heen packed by the selectors / is stiU being prepared by post / will be launched/is being y rented, went by everyone launched explored, went built had not been sold / was being decorated finds has been cancelled/is cancelled tastes really will have been sold/will be 10 / Grammar 1 have heen broken into w asscored disappeared / has been decided was slowly beingfilled was invented, has been has been suggested was advised to 316 is made have been offered are asked 12 would be delivered being interrupted had/has disappeared/ are invited 11 is being repaired / was given/has been given has chosen 10 was built was being rebuilt have been selected answered was entered sold are served has heen seen, was found is being/is going to be are interested 10 detach Unfortunately your letter has been mislaid H arry is being ąuestioned at the police station The remains o f an old Rom an has been announced have been discovered has been called villa have been discovered have been taken nearby have been/will be displayed A fter six m onths your salary wiU be raised was written was printed GRAMMARANSWERS with was assum ed/had been 10 with assumed is not known had been destroyed was seen 10 is offered 10 It has heen decided to adopt are believed to have been is being m ade to study hard by was packed appears n ot to have sustained The details are here below, were made to are thought to have been and a form al docum ent will be 10 are thought to be repairing sent out in due course is rum oured to be AU m em bers o f Staff will be been agreed that we wiU consulted through their line manager, and feedback will be sought gunpowder was invented It is known for a fact that rockets confirm ed that M r Jackson and fireworks were m ade by the Chinese long before gunpowder 10 not to be a viable solution and analysed was used in Europę, which occurred at about the beginning Our company has been taken o f the thirteenth century It over Your complaint is being dealt be adopted permanently or not is generally believed that the ‘A ge of Chivalry was brought with It is also possible that the trial to an end by gunpowder, sińce N ot aU the missing passengers period m ay be extended for a a m ounted knight could be have been accounted for./The further month brought down by anyone with missing passengers have not AU employees will be reąuired a firearm In fact, efficient aU been accounted for to arrive between the hours firearm s were not developed The lock of the front d oor had of 8.00 and 10.00, and to until the sixteenth century been tam pered with leave after their contractual W hen it was first introduced, W e d on t know how the body obligations o f eight hours have gunpowder was used mainly was disposed o£ been fulfilled in siege cannon Later it was I m ust insist that the rules are 10 It is hoped that this used in engineering work kept to arrangem ent m eets with your and mining, but it was found This allegation is being looked approval to be extrem ely dangerous into Gunpowder has now been Any attempts to cheat in the Grammar replaced by m odern explosives, exam will be frowned upon 1 I ’ve just had my hair cut but it is still used for making The youngest student We are having our house fireworks, just as it was by the complained that he was being painted Chinese picked on 10 The second pizza h asnt been same same paid for 1 think the whole story has same r i l have this wrapped for you./ Grammar you W ere having a new waterheater put in next week same had written down, would not have happened been made up lived, would be rU have som eone wrap this for same It is not known exactly when decided that we would intends Com m ents will be collected as to w hether the system will w asbrought was obUged to is thought to date need to get your hair aflexi-tim e system fo r a trial period ofthree months before a decision is made is known to have experienced is thought to have been not punish, wUl only with com m it in had not been/were not/was in/with with not, would be with had, would lend by touch, won t bite with by had, were by with decide, calls in in had not missed, would have by with 11 in by 12 by by with been killed 10 with 10 have finished, will elear away / If it wasn t for David, we 317 ... hether the system will w asbrought was obUged to is thought to date need to get your hair aflexi-tim e system fo r a trial period ofthree months before a decision is made is known to have experienced

Ngày đăng: 21/02/2023, 22:18

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