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Skkn organize english club activities effectively to improve sturents english skills espegially speaking skill in trieuson5 high school

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THANH HOA DEPARTMENT EDUCATION AND TRAINING TRIEU SON HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE INITIATIVES ORGANIZE ENGLISH CLUB ACTIVITIES EFFECTIVELY TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ ENGLISH SKILLS ESPECIALLY SPEAKING SKILL IN TRIEU SON HIGH SCHOOL Author: Le Thi Phuong Position: Teacher – Group vice leader of Geography and English Group Experience initiative in the field: English SCHOOL YEAR: 2021 -2022 skkn TABLE OF CONTENTS skkn Page Introduction………………………………………………………… 1.1 Rationale…………………………………………………………… 1.2 Aims of the study………………………………………………… 1.3 Subjects of the study……………………………………………… 1.4 Methods of the study……………………………………………… Development………………………………………………………… 2.1 Theoretical background…………………………………………… 2.1.1 Definition of English Club……………………………………… 2.1.2 Definition of Speaking skill……………………………………… 2.2 Real situation in Trieu son high school before applying the study 2.3 Methods applied to solve problems……………………………… 2.3.1 Identifying the aims of joining English Club…………………… 2.3.2 The Activities of English Club…………………………………… 2.3.3 The principle as a successful English Club……………………… 2.3.4 English club activities held effectively carried out in Trieu Son high school to improve students’ English skills especially speaking skill……………………………………………………………………… Role – play……………………………………………………… Fashion show ………………………………………………… Talent contest…………………………………………………… Speaking English contest……………………………………… Games and small talks with the whole students in Trieu Son high school……………………………………………………………… 2.4 Effectiveness after applying the study for students, teaching activity, the author, the colleagues and the school……………………… 2.4.1 Effectiveness of the study for students and teaching activity…… 2.4.2 Effectiveness of the study for the author, the teachers and the school…………………………………………………………………… Conclusion and suggestions………………………………………… 3.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………… 3.2 Suggestions……………………………………………………… 3.2.1 For colleagues…………………………………………………… 3.2.2 For other studies………………………………………… References Appendix Experience initiative recognized by  Education and Training Department of Thanh Hoa province 1 2 2 2 5 9 10 13 14 16 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale English plays an important role and has become a very important language in the world People are forced to be able to mastering English if they want to interact with people in the world Besides, English is also used for skkn transferring science, knowledge, and technology of information In Vietnam, English becomes foreign language which everyone should learn to survive in this era Almost in all fields of occupations and professions, English takes a very significant role as one of the requirements for applying a good job Therefore, to learn English is a must for the people whose native language is not English, if they want to develop their carriers in this global era So, they will not be left behind Students, especially in high schools, have recently begun to show their concern on learning English They want to broaden their knowledge through English They are eager to learn and to use English in their daily communication However, in high schools, teachers mainly focus on grammar points and knowledge needed in the entrance examinations Some of students realize that English is much needed for their future career Nowadays, students find extracurricular activity or English club as one of the several ways in improving their English, especially in spoken form They use English club as their media to improve their English It has been generally assumed that participation in extracurricular activities has a positive impact for students in progressing their English Yildiz (2015) stated that to be more precise to learn English language, students need to join extracurricular activities in language learning, such as English language debate, journalism club or drama club activities to be more fluent in English The extracurricular activities may offer many skills that are not easily taught in classrooms (Holt, Sehn, Spence, Newton, & Ball; 2012) So, it will be beneficial for students in gaining more knowledge High school students spend a majority of their time inside of the classroom Therefore, students join in extracurricular activities not only for entertainment, social and enjoyment purposes, but most important, to gain and improve their skills in English Besides, the activities of extracurricular are also as a way for students to experience what they are learning in class in a real-world context They practice what they get in the classroom in daily life In conclusion, joining English club as extracurricular activities is good opportunities for students to achieve their goals in improving their English skills, stimulate their creativity and confidence in using English language In Trieu son high school, learning English two years ago still focused on Grammar points and the text book Students did not have opportunity to use English in communicative ways Therefore, extracurricular activities in general and English club in particular are something very strange to them According to the new teaching method called student – centered learning, along with the leading spirit of school administrators in our school, English teachers in my school jointly held the English club programs for our students For myself, working as an English teacher for over ten years and a leader of English group in my school for many years, I interested to the research which entitled “Organize English club activities effectively to improve students’ English skills especially speaking skill in Trieu Son high school” as my experience initiative 1.2 Aims of the study skkn Referring to the problems above, the objectives of this research will be mentioned below: - To identify the influence of joining English Club toward students’ English learning spirit and students’ English skills especially speaking skill - To know whether joining the English Club is effective on improving English skills especially speaking skill or not 1.3 Subjects of the study The subject of the study is 40 students who joined in English club at Trieu Son high school in academic year 2021 - 2022 They are in tenth and eleventh grade 1.4 Methods of the study In this study, I wanted to know the perception of the students toward English club activities and the effectiveness of English club activities on improving English skills, especially speaking skill I used questionnaire to collect the data I found that students perceived English club play an important role in supporting students to practice English skills DEVELOPMENT 2.1 Theoretical background 2.1.1 Definition of English Club English club is a student-run organization which runs exciting social and cultural events, such as language forum, writing essay, creative writing, or poetry readings (Afia, 2006) The emphasis of the English club is on exposure to the English language rather than the development of a strict set of English language skills (Afia, 2006) English club means a club for people who are interested in English language practice They gather in the club with the same goal that is to improve their English skills The existence of English club is very helpful for the foreign language learners It is because they will have enough opportunities to use the target language in real communication continually The language environment created by the members is encouraged to practice what they have learned about English 2.1.2 Definition of Speaking skill Based on Torky (2006:17), he stated that speaking is one of the four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) Speaking is defined as an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing information Speaking ability in this research is the capability or the competence that students’ have to talk and communicate using English language fluently It is used to share meaning through the use of words in spoken language and it kind of speaking for beginner level It appropriate for students in junior high school The researcher also measured some indicators in this research such as pronunciation, intonation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension 2.2 Real situation in Trieu son high school before applying the study In order to know students’ perception toward English club extracurricular activity in stimulating learning English spirit and improving students’ English skills especially speaking skill, I made a survey with some questionnaires at the beginning of the first semester At that time, English Club in Trieu Son high skkn school was underway to set up The objects of this survey were 40 students who were going to take part in English club as an extracurricular activity Questionnaire Students’ perception toward English club extracurricular activity in improving English skills, especially speaking skill before taking part in English club N o Questionnaire item English club is useful in practicing my English skills English club encourages my willingness to practicing my English skills Practicing in English club is fun English club is important to increase my speaking ability I prefer practicing speaking in English club than regular class I feel glad practicing speaking in English club I more motivated and interested practicing speaking in English club English club activities are always encouraging my motivation to communicate with my friends Option and Percentage (%) Frequency (Students) SA A DA SDA SA A DA SD A 30 5 7.5 75 12.5 32 - 15 80 - 35 - 7.5 87.5 - 29 7.5 72.5 15 33 7.5 82.5 - 31 - 7.5 77.5 15 - - 33 - - 82.5 17.5 - 32 - 80 skkn 15 I can share knowledge with my friends at English club English club is suitable medium 10 in practicing my English speaking 31 - 7.5 77.5 15 28 10 - 70 25 Note: SA : Strongly Agree A : Agree DA :Disagree SDA :Strongly Disagree Based on the background above the researcher found some problems in students’ perception toward students’ learning English spirit and English skills especially speaking skill at Trieu Son high school First, the students need extra time in learning English to gain more knowledge The limitation of time in learning English in the regular class makes students less effective in mastering English Second, students need a fun way to learn and practice their English English is one of lessons that is considered difficult by some students because English is a foreign language for students in Vietnam Thus, in learning English students need learning method that are fun for them Fun learning methods will make students like the lesson and will make them easier to master the lesson Third, students have a problem in learning English especially in speaking There are some problems faced by students in learning English especially in speaking First, errors in pronunciation often occur in students Second, in sharing opinions and ideas students often lack of confidence On their performance, students are often afraid to make mistake The lack of imagination and critical thinking also the problem faced by the students who seldom practice English in real contexts The last is students not know yet the benefits of an English club For some students who consider English as a difficult subject, they not want to join the English club because they assume that if they follow the English club it would make them more confused 2.3 Methods applied to solve problems 2.3.1 Identifying the aims of joining English Club The teaching and learning in our school is supported by several extracurricular activities Those are English club program, sport, scout, choir, flag hoisting unit Based on Government Regulation on National Education Standard stated that every school may give an opportunity to develop students’ competence by applying an extracurricular program Since it is not a compulsory subject, students have right to join it or not The point of the English club program held by school is to give students chance to improve their English especially their speaking skill and have more exposures and time in learning English because they don’t get extra time in regular class skkn As Mulyasa (2007) states that an extracurricular program in a certain program held outside the school regular time for supporting and improving students competence In this school, the English club program is a language program that is to enhance the students achievement in mastering English skill, there are four skills that should be mastered in learning English They are listening, speaking, reading and writing By mastering listening and reading, students can get some information from what they listening and read Meanwhile, speaking and writing are kinds of output skills which mean that the students will produce ideas, but in this research will more focused based on students’ speaking skill because in the English club extracurricular more dominate to enriching students’ speaking skill Enriching students language program is needed to enhance students language proficiency in school Another aim English club program is to support the student’s academic achievement and improve students ability in English The benefits joining English club are students will be able to participate the various activities based on the club objectives, students will have an opportunity to take part in the national and international English competition, students will be able to develop their listening and speaking skill through formal and informal situations and the last is students will have a chance to go aboard and learn different cultures To achieve the benefits, the students are required to be able to use English as a language communication It means students are able to produce and use English text, in spoken and written form The Advantages of Joining English Club: - Healthy Playground: Despite being in a learning setting, clubs have a lighter tone in terms of implementing lessons through first-hand interactions with other members The atmosphere is less formal compared to school classrooms English study groups are more of a healthy playground for members It lets members interact with other members who share common hobbies, interests, and English competency It also lets them build relationships with peers inside and outside the group Whether the group is done on a weekday or weekend, it serves as a fresh outlet for members to socialize with other members - Positive Atmosphere: Group facilitators or teachers focus more on making the atmosphere of the group welcoming for members to enjoy their sessions Group activities further encourage participation and communication between old and new members Groups are consistent in holding meetings and sessions These meetings help members in having better social relationship skills that they can use with people outside the group In group activities, members won’t feel discouraged when committing mistakes since they know other members and teachers are there to help them improve through feedback sessions - Targets Improvement: The main benefit members get from joining an English study group is the opportunity to further develop their English skills, with the main focus on improving their conversational skills Just by talking to members and participating in activities, members enjoy sharpening their English skills in different aspects, such as listening and speaking - Another Opportunity: Besides, got the opportunity to improve their English skills, students also have an opportunity to take part in the national and international English competition skkn 2.3.2 The Activities of English Club Based on Malu (2015: 16), he mentioned several activities in English club which focus on speaking ability as follow: The beginning club meeting - Welcome Club Members - Ask Club Members to introduce themselves to the group or ask members to speak to the person next to them and then introduce this person to the Club such as mentioned name, occupation, reason for joining the Club If members know each other this is not are necessary When new members join, everyone should give introductions - Present the topic or idea for the Meeting - Ask Members to share ideas for minutes on the topic or idea - Introduce 2-3 vocabulary words about the topic or idea Small-Group Conversations Club Meetings with less than 15 Members can choose to work as one group or divide into small groups Clubs with more than 15 members may want to create small groups Small groups give Club Members more opportunities to practice English with each other If Club Members want to work in small groups, ask each Member to select a role or responsibility they will have in the group Below are examples of roles that Members can have in small group conversations Table 2.1 Example Roles In Small Group Conversation Role Responsibility a) Makes sure Club Members speak and listen to each other Group b) Helps Club Members use Active Listening director c) It gives opportunities to each Member to speak a) Makes notes about what the Club Members say Note taker b) Prepares a short report to give to the Club about the small group discussion a) Watches the time and makes sure the group completes the task Timekeeper b) Helps the Director make sure everyone in the Group speaks equally a) Makes a note of vocabulary questions the Club Members have Vocabulary b) Tries to find answers to these questions from other Club collector Members, or an English speaker in the community, or the internet c) Tells the Club Leader what the vocabulary questions are a) Makes a note of grammar questions or problems the Club Members have b) Tries to find answers to these questions or problems from Grammarian other Club Members, or an English speaker in the community, or the internet c) Tells the Club Leader what grammar problems the Club Members are interested in learning more about Large Group Conversations skkn For large Clubs (with more than 20 members) make small groups with members each Each member selects a Small Group Role to play When the small groups finish their work, each small group gives a short (3 minute) report to the entire Club This report should summarize the small group conversation The Note Taker or Group Director can give this report A Skit A skit is a short conversation or dialogue between two or more people It usually tells a story or part of a story Synonyms for 13 “skit” are “sketch,” “drama” or “dialogue.” Club members can talk quietly while they wait for the volunteers They can review vocabulary for the skit The club leader calls the volunteers to return If the volunteers need to practice more, the leader can give them more time When the volunteers return to the meeting, the club leader tells them to stand in front of the room If the volunteers need props to dramatize the skit like a table or chairs they can bring them to the front and position them for the skit Debate At the club meeting, the club leader follows these steps: - Choose a debate topic Members vote on the topics and the topic with the most votes is chosen or members choose the topic by consensus everyone agrees on a topic - Choose a club member to be the referee The referee is the timekeeper and stops members when "time's up." The referee must be strong and direct; if the referee cannot stop the debate speakers, the club leader must intervene - Ask club members to volunteer and divide them into two teams - Team A is FOR the topic which is the “PRO” side - Team B is AGAINST the topic which is the “CON” side - Tell team members to select their debate role each team has speaker roles i Speaker This person prepares the main arguments of the debate (Pro or Con) ii Speaker This person gives the rebuttal against the opposing team iii Speaker This person prepares a summary and conclusion of the argument Inviting and Interviewing a Guest Speaker To find guest speakers, members should brainstorm a list of English speakers interested in talking at a club meeting English speakers may work at local hospitals, schools, universities, or international businesses, United Nations organizations, or other non-governmental organizations (NGOs) When a guest speaker is chosen, the club leader, or member who knows the speaker, should ask the speaker to prepare a 10-15 minutes presentation for the meeting A few days before the meeting, the club leader should confirm that the guest speaker will attend the meeting At the club meeting, the club leader introduces the guest speaker, giving information about training, education, experience, and expertise on the presentation topic The club leader asks the guest speaker to the members can ask questions during the presentation or after At the end of the presentation, the club leader calls on club members to ask questions The club leader must be sure all club members have an opportunity to ask one question and one follow- skkn + It's fun and motivating + Quieter students get the chance to express themselves in a more forthright way + Outdoor activities offer a much wider range of language opportunities + Students feel more confident when using English in real contexts Below are some pictures and typical video (recorded in CD) of role – play activity based on Literary work “ Vo Chong A Phu” written by To Hoai “ in Trieu son high school English club This video conveys the educational messages to all students about the real situation of society skkn Fashion show Fashion show and presentation are activities are a program which attracts a lot of students’ attention One of special fashion shows held in Trieu Son high school is the program named “ Fashion with environment protection” In this program, one preventative of a group gave her/his speech with messages from the meaning and material of those dresses while some students as models were wearing them to catwalk in the stage Especially, The COVID-19 pandemic has become one of the most serious health crises in human history, spreading rapidly across the globe from January 2020 to the present With prompt and drastic measures, Vietnam is one of countries that have seriously affected by the outbreak Through this program, students in Trieu Son high school also joined hands to push back this infectious pandemic Moreover, students have a chance not only to show their creativity in the fashion field but also to improve their English skills and confidence in front of audience Below are some pictures and typical video (recorded in CD) of fashion show activity in Trieu son high school English club skkn skkn skkn Talent contest This program provides students in Trieu Son high school with opportunities to show their talent in all respects It might consist of singing an English song accompanied by a guitarist, dancing, storytelling or reciting poem All activities are presented in English Obviously, participants take advantage of these activities Below are some pictures and typical video (recorded in CD) of talent contest in Trieu son high school English club skkn Speaking English contest - Topic: optional - Participants: Members of English club - Judges: Native English teachers and teachers of Trieu Son high school - Objectives: + help students feel more confident + convey messages to all students and teachers + improve English skills, especially speaking and listening skills Below are some pictures and typical video (recorded in CD) of English speaking contest in Trieu son high school English club skkn skkn Games and small talks with the whole students in Trieu Son high school In the middle of English club programs, students as audience have chances to communicate with native English teachers who are invited to the programs with the role of the judges Besides, English teachers in my school also organize some games for audiences to jointly take part in with English teachers and main participants As a result, the relationship between teachers and students can be closer and closer Below are some pictures in Trieu son high school English club skkn 2.4 Effectiveness after applying the study for students, teaching activity, the author, the colleagues and the school 2.4.1 Effectiveness of the study for students and teaching activity skkn In collecting data about effectiveness of English club extracurricular activities improving English skills especially speaking skill at Trieu Son high school, I used the same questionnaire with 10 questionnaire item The questionnaire done on April 28th 2022, I took all the 40 students who have joined in English club for a year as the sample of this study I distributed a set of questionnaire to all of these students All of students completed the questionnaire The result of needed data would be presented in the tables below: Questionnaire Students’ perception toward English club extracurricular activity in stimulating learning English spirit and improving English skills, especially speaking skill after applying the experience initiative for a year No Questionnaire item English club is useful in practicing my English skills English club encourages my willingness to practicing English skills Practicing in English club is fun English club is important to increase my speaking ability I prefer practicing speaking in English club than regular class I feel glad practicing speaking in English club I more motivated and interested practicing speaking in English club English club activities are always encouraging my motivation to communicate with Option and Percentage (%) Frequency (Students) SA A DA SDA SA A 15 25 - - 37.5 62.5 - - 36 - - 90 10 - - 26 14 - - 65 35 - - 32 - - 80 20 - - 15 25 - - 37.5 62.5 - 31 - - 77.5 22.5 - - 12 28 - - 30 70 - - 32 - - 80 20 - - skkn DA SDA my friends 10 I can share knowledge with my friends at English club English club is suitable medium in practicing my English speaking 24 16 - - 60 40 - - 21 19 - - 52.5 47.5 - - Note: SA : Strongly Agree A : Agree DA :Disagree SDA :Strongly Disagree Based on the analysis of the data it is assumed that: First, after distributing the questionnaire, the writer got positive students’ responds toward English club in students’ learning English spirit and practicing speaking According to the result of questionnaire , I found the data that showed all of students strongly agree that English club is useful for them in practicing English skills All of students strongly agree and agree that English club encourages their willingness to practicing English skills Furthermore, all of students also strongly agree and agree that practicing in English club is fun Most of students strongly agree, that they prefer practicing speaking in English club than regular class, all of students strongly agree and agree that they felt glad practicing speaking in English club, and all of students strongly agree and agree that they more motivated and interested practicing speaking in English club It is in line with the function of extracurricular that are carried out in a relaxed, joyful, and pleasant atmosphere that supports the development process of students, extracurricular activities must be able to make the life or atmosphere of the school more challenging and more interesting for students Furthermore, another finding was found that the English club students have a positive perception toward English club in practicing speaking It is showed that all of students strongly agree and agree that English club activities are always encouraging their motivation to practice speaking with their friends, and all of students strongly agree and agree that they can share their knowledge with their friends in English club All of students strongly agree and agree that English club is important to increase their speaking ability, and all of students strongly agree and agree that English club is suitable medium for them in practicing speaking It is appropriate with the benefits of English club that are to improve students motivation and to make the learner to be confidence to speak as much as possible Besides, by following English club the students could share their knowledge to their friends and then English club also could be a better place for students to share their difficulties in learning English and to look for solutions of their problems 2.4.2 Effectiveness of the study for the author, the teacher and the school The practical significances of the study can be useful for the students itself, the teacher, the researcher and also for the school, as follows: skkn author and other teachers The result of this study is expected to increase students’ English ability by joining English Club From the result of this study, the writer and other teachers also realize the importance of English club activities in teaching and learning English As a result, We are going to make a plan to organize more English club activities for our students in the near future For the school The writer can help the school to attract students’ interest in learning English, especially in speaking ability CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 3.1 Conclusion English club or extracurricular activities in language learning is very beneficial for students to improve both their language and non-language ability The students become more helpful when they involved in extracurricular activities They will sharpen their knowledge and skills when they are there Moreover, as long as they keep on practicing and learning, their English will get much improvement and they could get better achievement in the future 3.2 Suggestions 3.2.1 For colleagues The teachers should pay more attention in teaching their students The teacher should find the solution to solved students’ problem In addition, the teacher should understand about their students before going on in teaching learning process because every students have their own capacity and learning style They should clearly realize that English club can be one of medias that is believed to be an interesting place for students to practice English As a result, they can organize other small kinds of English club on the scale of one class 3.2.2 For other studies It is recommended that other researchers conduct further analysis by considering this topic with a large scope of respondents, to look the effectiveness of English club extracurricular activities in stimulating English learning spirit and improving English skills in the whole schools in Trieu Son high school It is also hoped this research can be used as additional reference by other researchers or other school that not have English club yet CONFIRMATION OF THE Trieu son, May 18th 2022 HEADMASTER I swear this is my study, not copy other people's content Writer Le Thi Phuong REFERENCES [1] Yildiz, Y 2016 Impact of Language-Oriented Extracurricular Activities on Academic Achievement in Language Preparation Schools Journal of Education in Black Sea Region Vol 1, Issue , 161-171 [2].Yildiz, Y 2015 The Key to Success in English Learning Can Be Involvement in Extra Curricular International Journal of Thesis Projects and Dissertations (IJTPD) Vol 3, Issue , 24-28 [3] Holt, N L., Sehn, Z L., Spence, J C., Newton, A S., & Ball, G D C 2012 Physical education and sport programs at an inner city school: Exploring skkn possibilities for positive youth development Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy, 17(1), 97-113 [4] Klesse, E.J., & D’Onofrio, J.A 2000 The value of cocurricular activities Principal Leadership Retrieved from https://www.nassp.org/portals/0/conte nt/48943.pdf [5] Malu, K F., & Smedley, B The English Club Handbook: A Guide for English Club Leaders The U.S Department of State, United States Embassy, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2015 [6] Afia, Jawida Ben 2006 English Club: Introducing English to Young Learner English Teaching Forum Number [7] Torky, S A E “The Effectiveness of a Task-Based Instruction Program in Developing the English Language Speaking Skills of Secondary Stage Students” Online Submission, 2006 [8] Craft, W S (2012) The impact of extracurricular activities on student achievement at the high school level (Doctoral dissertations) University of Southern Mississippi [9] Gunawan, Iwan S., & Zainal A (2015) The student english club of santo petrus senior high school in Pontianak (Bachelor’s thesis) UNTAN Pontianak [10].Mahoney, L J., Beverley D C., & Thomas W F (2003) Promoting interpersonal competence and educational success through extracurricular activity participation Journal of educational psychology, 95(2), 410 APPENDIX Questionnaire Students’ perception toward English club extracurricular activity in stimulating learning English spirit and improving English skills especially speaking skill before and after applying the experience initiative No Questionnaire item SA English club is useful in practicing my Option and Percentage (%) Frequency (Students) A DA skkn SDA SA A DA SDA 10 English skills English club encourages my willingness to practicing English skills Practicing in English club is fun English club is important to increase my speaking ability I prefer practicing speaking in English club than regular class I feel glad practicing speaking in English club I more motivated and interested practicing speaking in English club English club activities are always encouraging my motivation to communicate with my friends I can share knowledge with my friends at English club English club is suitable medium in practicing my English speaking Experience initiative recognized by  Education and Training Department of Thanh Hoa province Yea r Experience Initiatives Using the integrated curriculum to teach unit 16 : historical places, english 10 with a view to raising people’s awareness of protecting historical places How to improve the average socre of English subject in the GCSE for low – level students in Trieu Son high school 2017 2020 skkn Criteria Time C N.o: 1112/QĐSGD&ĐT October 18th 2017 C N.o: 2088/QĐSGD&ĐT December 17th 2020 skkn ... Practicing in English club is fun English club is important to increase my speaking ability I prefer practicing speaking in English club than regular class I feel glad practicing speaking in English. .. Practicing in English club is fun English club is important to increase my speaking ability I prefer practicing speaking in English club than regular class I feel glad practicing speaking in English. .. speaking skill before taking part in English club N o Questionnaire item English club is useful in practicing my English skills English club encourages my willingness to practicing my English skills

Ngày đăng: 02/02/2023, 08:55


