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Skkn experience designing some games to teach english 3 effectively

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1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Reason to choose the topic In the trend of global integration of society today, equipping yourself with a good knowledge of foreign languages, especially English, is essential Learning English becomes very popular not only for working people, having to use foreign languages to communicate in work but it is also very necessary for elementary students who will soon be owners of the country With the above situation, every student must now equip themselves with a basic knowledge of foreign languages suitable to the level of education and study With such a particularly important and necessary role, however, students' language learning is not really focused and not evenly distributed among regions, among students Many students are indifferent, not like the subject The majority of students' psychology is feared when there is a subject The number of weak students in the subject is always high As an elementary school teacher, who directly teaches English subjects, he has been teaching for nearly 20 years During the working years, the school management assigned to teach in all classes from grade to grade When teaching each grade I myself have difficulties but with my love for young people, I have learned from my colleagues and friends, on books and mass media to overcome Looking back on my teaching journey in recent years in the classroom, one of the classes that I mistakenly thought I would perform my professional work in the easiest way and would meet the least difficulty on the contrary, I have a lot of difficulties: It is the grade I think about the poor learning results of the students myself, I have been thinking and finding many methods and tricks during the teaching process After a year of applying games designed with Power Point, the effectiveness of teaching English in primary schools has been significantly improved, the quality has also been improved, stimulating the love of the subject Therefore, with the desire to share the experiences that I have gained when creating electronic lesson plans using PPT and at the same time wishing to apply more and more popular and more perfect games, I choose topic: “Experience designing some games to teach English effectively.” 1.2 Objectives and tasks of the topic In recent years, education has focused on promoting innovation of content and teaching directions Implement effectively foreign language teaching under the new program Organizing teaching in the direction of activities, promoting students' activeness, initiative and creativity English is an independent subject, unlike other subjects Because outside of class time, the children receive little tutoring or support from the family Primary school students are students aged to 11 years old The children are young, their bodies are skkn in a period of change, their temperament is also changing, they like to learn the unknown but they also quickly forget, quickly get bored, easily lose concentration, leading to not wanting to learn So for elementary students to absorb and remember well what they have learned in class, they must be excited and love the subject Especially in English, in addition to remembering the meaning of words, they also have to remember the sentence structure, remember how to read and remember the characters in the words they have learned That is why they think that learning English is a difficult task for them, causing them to be frightened, afraid to speak and afraid to be wrong They lack confidence in their abilities and they have many difficulties in learning To help elementary school students get used to and love English for the first time So the teacher must give them the passion and interest in learning to simplify the content so that it is suitable for elementary school age, giving them a lively and fun learning atmosphere Looked and excited, actively actively creative in learning To this, the teacher must play the role of a facilitator and guide to help them absorb quickly and remember long That's why I have incorporated games into my lecture to help students be more interested in English lessons In the 2021-2022 school year, I have applied a number of methods to help students remember vocabulary as well as the method of using visual aids, the method of using games and they have a capital Rich knowledge of vocabulary In the course of such teaching and applying, I find that: - "Games" is an activity that children enjoy the most - The games have rich content, use interesting and useful language to suit their perception When we offer games in an English class on a regular and scientific basis, the quality of teaching English will certainly increase That is why I have chosen this experience initiative 1.3 Research subjects The school year 2021-2022 is assigned by the school management to teach grade English, I choose class 3C and textbook as the subject of my research 1.4 Limited scope of research - Students: 3C in Dien Bien Primary School - Duration: From September 2021 to the end of April 2022 - Documents: Textbooks, teachers’ books, game materials 1.5 Research Methods In order to conduct research on this topic, I have read, explored and referenced a number of materials that refer to games After research, find out and draw conclusions to see which games are suitable for the age of elementary school students I organize and conduct use of the games during my teaching hours In addition, I also exchanged ideas with colleagues about the purpose, how to organize skkn the games in the most scientific way Finally, review the lessons learned and suggest appropriate play and rules for elementary students First semester of 2021-2022: Studying the situation of class as well as psychology of students combining suitable games for each type of lesson Second term of school year 2021-2022: Continue to implement ideas and surveys to collect feedback from students and through the test results of the subject at the end of the semester compared with each other to verify the effectiveness of Change teaching methods Summarizing the process of testing new methods, discovering positives and limitations, thereby elaborating the detailed outline of the topic and proceeding to write into experiences skkn CONTENT 2.1 Rationale The application of IT in teaching has been mentioned for a long time and very specifically in the Directives on Education such as: Directive 29 on "Application and development of IT in education and training will create a fundamental shift in in the process of renovating contents, programs, teaching methods, learning and educational management" Or "promoting the application of IT in education and training at all levels, levels and disciplines under the guidance of IT as a most effective support tool for innovating teaching methods in all subjects." For many years now, since the beginning of education reform, the teaching method has changed a lot Education Law - 2005 (Article 5) stipulates that "education methods must promote positive, self-conscious, proactive, creative thinking of learners, fostering learners with self-studying ability and real ability Onions, passion for learning and the will to rise up” Student-centered learning has been applied to promote student activism in the learning process From this aroused a movement to improve teaching methods among teachers The previous method of literacy in the teaching process has been excluded even being heavily criticized There are many new teaching methods that teachers have applied such as for students to work in pairs to practice as well as discuss to explore discovering a problem in learning Learning in the form of games has also been applied by many teachers In 2008, the Ministry of Education also launched the movement "Building friendly schools, active students" to educational units across the country, From this movement, to build a happy atmosphere in In the classroom, in teaching subjects in general, especially in English, teachers have promoted the combination of many games in their teaching process The project "Teaching and learning foreign languages" in the national education system was approved by the Prime Minister in 2008 Especially in this project, teaching and learning English is extremely important, especially the Teaching for teenagers and children There are golden rules in teaching English to children and teenagers, who are young, to teach and learn English effectively One of those principles is: Play more than teach In this principle, the class teacher may not follow a certain lesson plan but the main idea is to create a diversified, colorful playground in English for students Master the playground and gradually master the various activities 2.2 Reality Through the process of directly teaching the 3C class, through the self-survey results of the students' academic results over the recent school year, compared with the results of other classes, I see the percentage of students who are weak of the 3B, 3C class is usually much higher than other classes Wondering about such a situation, skkn I conducted a student survey and directly discussed with the students in my class to teach and conducted a student quality survey to find out what Basic reason of the above situation In the past, teachers used games to teach lessons using only pictures and manual tricks and it was difficult to play complex games like bingo, etc To simplify games like then we can design them using available software When designing games in PPT, most of us use trigger techniques and visual basic object programming supported by MS powerpoint, so the computer operating system only needs the MS Office software suite Designing games using Power Point not only helps teachers use games effectively with many vivid images or video clips that can be downloaded on the internet, but also helps teachers avoid trouble and complexity during the game Most of the games can be applied to warm-up, practice or reinforce the lesson, so teachers can switch games to help students avoid boredom Besides, these games also help teachers practice essential skills for students such as phonics, vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, reading and writing The experience that I share can help some teachers refer and use to bring excitement to students as well as attract all students to learn English, especially weak students will enjoy better in learning English and get better results Therefore, at the beginning of the school year 2021-2022, I surveyed the number of students in the classes I directly teach with grade placement test and the year-end results of graders in the 2021-2022 school year are as follows: Class Number Ss Good Fair Average Weak 3C 45 15 18 2.3 Solutions and measures a Objective of solutions and measures In recent years, education has focused on promoting innovation of content and teaching directions Implement effectively foreign language teaching under the new program Organizing teaching in the direction of activities, promoting students' activeness, initiative and creativity English is an independent subject, unlike other subjects Because outside of class time, the children receive little tutoring or support from the family Primary school students are students aged to 11 years old Young children, their bodies are in a period of change, their temperament is also changing, they like to learn the unknown but they also quickly forget, quickly get bored, easily lose concentration, leading to not wanting to learn Elementary students who acquire and remember well what they have learned in class must be excited and enjoy the subject Especially in English, in addition to remembering the meaning of words, they also have to remember the sentence structure, remember how to read and remember the characters in the words they have learned That is why they think that skkn learning English is a difficult task for them, causing them to be frightened, afraid to speak and afraid to be wrong They lack confidence in their abilities and they have many difficulties in learning To help elementary school students get used to and love English for the first time So the teacher must give them the passion and interest in learning to simplify the content so that it is suitable for elementary school age, giving them a lively and fun learning atmosphere Looked and excited, actively actively creative in learning To this, the teacher must play the role of a facilitator and guide to help them absorb quickly and remember long That's why I have incorporated games into my lecture to help students be more interested in English lessons b Content and implementation of solutions and measures Play is an activity whose motivation is in the process of the game itself, not in the outcome of the game Games are a popular type of play, according to the rules of the game The game itself is the rules that define the purpose, results and requirements of the game action, the rules of the game must be clear A learning game is a game whose rules include the rules associated with internal using the lesson, helping students exploit their own experience to play Through play, students can apply the knowledge and skills they learned in the situation of the game Therefore, students can practice strengthening, expand knowledge and skills they have learned As such, the study skills of English are incorporated into the game It can be said: Play is an essential need for elementary school students, it is important as eating, sleeping, studying in their lives That's why they always find ways and take advantage of time in all conditions to play Being able to play, they will participate in a very selfconscious and active manner, when playing, they will show affection very clearly, like the joy of winning and sadness of failure Glad to see the teammates complete the mission, the students themselves feel sorry for not being able to their tasks well Because of the collective, they overcome difficulties and strive their best to bring the victory to the team, including themselves This is the very high emulation characteristic of the games, students often use their full strength, focus attention, intelligence and creativity student activities, helping students acquire knowledge voluntarily and positively Help students train, consolidate knowledge and develop experience gained through play Learning games train skills, techniques, promote intellectual activities, thanks to the use of learning games, the teaching process becomes a fun activity but still more attractive, more diverse opportunities for activities , the game is not only a medium but also an educational method Learning while playing makes students more interested, so instead of Powerpoint presentations with only lesson content, teachers can combine games related to lesson knowledge Therefore, I have designed the games on Powerpoint myself, so please skkn refer to the games below Here, I would like to share some popular games that I have successfully and effectively implemented as follows: (Purpose: Used in the practice of vocabularies or sentence patterns.) * GAME 1: THE BEE FINDS HONEY Eg: Unit 5: Are they your friends? * GAME 2: ANGRY BIRDS Eg: Unit 6: Stand up! skkn * GAME 2: SUN FLOWERS Eg: Unit 8: This is my pen skkn * GAME 3: PICK APPLES UP Eg: Unit 11: This is my family skkn * GAME 4: PLAYING ARCHERY! Eg: Unit 14: Are there any posters in the room? 10 skkn * GAME 5: FIND THE TREASURE! Eg: Unit 16: Do you have any pets? 11 skkn * GAME 6: CROSS THE RIVER! Eg: Unit 19: They’re in the park 12 skkn 2.4 The effectiveness of experience initiatives for educational activities, with themselves, colleagues and the school   Here are a few of my little ideas about integrating games into English classes in grade of the school I teach in the 2021-2022 school year and achieving remarkable results It is also my personal subjective opinion so it cannot avoid restrictions I look forward to the comments, exchanges from comrades, colleagues and experts to myself more and more progressive, more complete and the most effective topic contributing to the cause of education Education and training of young, multilanguage foreign languages come close to them, penetrate into life and become an effective and effective communication tool Thereby, accumulated more teaching experience and the art of teaching achieve the highest results that meet the educational requirements in the current period It is reasonable that we have implemented the so-called "Technical General Education, training but comprehensive, useful people for society" Over the years, I have successfully implemented a number of popular games when teaching English in primary schools, specifically for the 3rd grade that I am in charge of teaching My lessons have brought them interest and passion for English, even though they are quite good students as well as weak students Students who have 13 skkn been afraid to speak up for a long time after participating in the game also became more enthusiastic and participated more in constructive speech After the children took IT lessons with games like that, they liked it very much and often asked me when they would be able to it again Therefore, the learning results of students at the end of the school year 2021-2022 also have markedly improved compared to the beginning of the year: Class 3C Number Ss 45 Good 25 Fair 15 Average Weak PPT teaching has brought great results compared to traditional teaching, especially for English subject But it cannot be said that it can completely replace the traditional method Because besides the positive aspects, it still has certain limitations that teachers also need to pay attention to That is: Firstly, It is just a demonstration software, supporting lectures, not a specialized software for teaching Therefore, it is necessary to have a flexible coordination with the white and blackboard part to create the best results for the lesson Secondly: Note the background and color of the text when designing: Because the screen is full of colors, the effects are always "dancing, flying" along with lively sounds, students are easily attracted and practice paying attention…sometimes just focusing too much on the appearance and not paying attention to the knowledge to be absorbed, the main content of the lesson Therefore, when designing, teachers should pay attention to presenting concisely but not losing the main idea of the content to be demonstrated And not have to present all the content in detail because the teacher accidentally turned it into a traditional blackboard Thirdly: Although the effectiveness of the electronic lesson plan is very high, it does not mean that every lesson can be taught with an electronic lesson plan Because everything has two sides: pros and cons If teachers use it properly and appropriately, it will bring great benefits, but on the contrary, if teachers abuse it too much, it will make students boring and sometimes too focused on playing without paying attention to the content of the lesson Due to the limited time and capacity, the issues raised will certainly have many shortcomings And along with some of my experience, I hope more experienced colleagues give me sincere suggestions to help me continue to build more effectively and apply it to my lectures to teach more and more higher 14 skkn CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 Conclusions: * For teachers: In order for an English lesson to achieve good results, teachers must research, design lesson plans in which flexible use of teaching methods be steadfast, responsible in the career of young generation educators and especially creative passion in the career * With students: - Must be well prepared for the lesson Bold, positive, lively in learning - There is a spirit of solidarity and cooperation with friends in class and in playgroup - Forge habits quickly and quickly in study and in life * For the school: - Creating all facilities for teaching and learning - Encourage teachers to be active in applying games in teaching 3.2 Recommendations: - The school: promote the role of professional groups, invest in building and perfecting common games for each class with the same or different subjects Step by step build the stability of the game in teaching learn - Education Department: Frequently open professional activities in the district so that English teachers in schools can exchange and learn from each other, improve their professional qualifications to meet the requirements of innovation CONFIRMATION OF THE HEAD OF THANH HOA EDUCATION AND 15 skkn Thanh Hoa, 1st April, 2022 I hereby declare that this is my TRAINING DEPARTMENT initiative, not copy (The implementer ) Nguyễn Thị Sen References: English book 3, Work book and Teacher's book         2 Instructions and dispatches of the Ministry of Education and Training Articles on the issue of applying IT in teaching such as Education Times, Dong Nai, Tuoi Tre Games for English teaching.  Sources of information on the Internet at some websites such as: https://123docz.net//document/7212902-gioi-thieu-bo-70-tro-choi-powerpoint-dungcho-day-hoc.htm https://blogtailieu.com/bo-60-tro-choi-power-point/ https://download.vn/tro-choi-powerpoint-44300 https://hoatieu.vn/40-tro-choi-powerpoint-hay-nhat-cho-giao-vien-204662 https://tharong.com/cach-lam-tro-choi-chon-dap-an-tren-powerpoint 16 skkn ... content, teachers can combine games related to lesson knowledge Therefore, I have designed the games on Powerpoint myself, so please skkn refer to the games below Here, I would like to share some. .. suggestions to help me continue to build more effectively and apply it to my lectures to teach more and more higher 14 skkn CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3. 1 Conclusions: * For teachers: In... learning English is extremely important, especially the Teaching for teenagers and children There are golden rules in teaching English to children and teenagers, who are young, to teach and learn English

Ngày đăng: 02/02/2023, 08:32

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