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(SKKN mới NHẤT) some experiences to teach relative clauses in english 11 at quảng xương 1 high school

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Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………… PART A: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………… I Reasons for choosing the topic……………………………………………… II Aims of the study…………………………………………………………….2 III Scope of the study………………………………………………………… IV Method of the study………………………………………………………… PART B: CONTENTS………………………………………………………… I Theoretical background……………………………………………………… II Factual situation of teaching and learning English………………………… at my school( Quang Xuong High School) Factual situation…………………………………………………………… Results of this factual situation……………………………………………… III Implementing sollutions……………………… ………………………… Instruct students on how to organize learning in pairs, ……………………… groups and how to arrange desks and chairs during English classes Guide and organize language game activities during English classes…… 2.1 "Lucky number" game (Find the lucky number)………………………… 2.2 ‘’ Jumbled sentences ’’ language game…………………………………… Implementing some methods to introduce new materials………………… .9 in a lively and attractive way From there, lead to teach knowledge about relative clauses 3.1 Identify the structure of relative clauses; understand………………………10 the definition of relative clauses 3.2 Distinguish defining relative clauses with non- defining relative clauses…10 3.3 how to use relative pronouns, relative adverbs…………………………… 11 3.4 Distinguish relative pronouns, relative adverbs………………………… 12 (who, whom, which, that- where, when, why) with the Wh -words in the "Whquestions" question Direct students the methods of making exercises related to the…………… 14 relative clauses 4.1 Exercises in sentence combination……………………………………… 14 4.2 Exercises in short form…………………………………………………….16 4.3 Exercises about filling appropriate relative pronoun into the blank……….17 PART C: CONCLUSION…………………………………………………… 19 I Results of the study………………………………………………………… 19 II Offer………………………………………………………………… …… 20 REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………21 School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School TOPIC: SOME EXPERIENCES TO TEACH RELATIVE CLAUSES IN ENGLISH 11 AT QUANG XUONG HIGH SCHOOL PART A: INTRODUCTION I Reasons for choosing the topic In the trend of development and integration, mastering English to communicate with other countries in the world is an essential thing not only in Vietnam but also in the world Currently, teaching and learning English is more and more popular in Vietnam It becomes the number one foreign language taught and studied in high schools Therefore, the task of teaching and learning English increasingly poses high and urgent requirements After years of teaching the new English textbook program, I found the content in the textbook very practical and appropriate with the requirements of the language level of our country today But there are actually some very difficult lessons for high school students in rural areas in general, at our Quang Xuong I high school particularly Especially the grammatical contents, some of them are difficult, so the students are not stable, they feel confused and stuck when applying the theory to some types of exercises In English 11, relative clause is an important part of the graduation exams and university exams In order to well it, students must master the basic issues related to relative pronouns, relative clauses Moreover, if you not understand relative pronouns and relative clauses, you will have a hard time using relative pronouns to combine sentences as well as apply relative clauses to express ideas From the above reasons, I would like to boldly present "some experiences to teach relative clauses in English 11 at Quang Xuong high school” II Aims of the study Research for teaching relative clauses in English 11 III Scope of the study Teaching relative clauses in English 11 IV Method of the study During the initiative experience , I have used several research methods: • Observation method • Experimental method • Methods of analysis , evaluation , synthesis • Method of collecting student opinions , colleagues School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School PART B: CONTENTS I Theoretical background As we know, learning English is a trend of the age of technology development today However, English is a foreign language, not a mother one, English teaching has been a difficult task, but students acquire and apply English into the reality of life is a more difficult thing In particular, during English classes, the grammar section is usually dry, dull, heavy and complicated Moreover, relative clauses section is one of the long, difficult, complicated and confusing grammar ones the knowledge of this lesson is often related to another lesson In English 11 program, relative clauses is a very important part of knowledge, mentioned throughout most of the E (Language Focus) sections of the lessons in the second term Therefore, teachers need to create a lively lesson to help students become more and more excited during class, comprehend and acquire this grammar well At the same time, teachers also have to use a number of methods to help divide, reinforce and improve the theory and exercises for students This helps them have a solid knowledge of the relative clauses as well asrelative pronouns, helps them to well the exercises about relative pronouns, use relative pronouns to combine sentences as well as apply relative clauses to express ideas However, to organize well activities during English classes or introduce new materials in an attractive and lively way, teachers must be really enthusiastic, invest a lot of time to research and cultivate daily knowledge and find appropriate ways to teach students II Factual situation of teaching and learning English at my school( Quang Xuong High School) Factual situation Our school is located in the suburb Living conditions of my school students are different from the ones for the students in the city They are rarely communicated in foreign language environment They not have good opportunity to exchange a foreign language The number of students in a language class is crowded This makes them difficult to study in groups in class and practise English Besides, the customs and traditions of the countryside make them become unconfident, even reluctant when speaking English in front of people On the other hand, rural students are now concentrating on studying natural block The study focusing block D is rare Many parents and students have not seen the importance of learning a foreign language Therefore, foreign language is a compulsory subject, it is only a "coping" subject to students A limited number of students not have background knowledge or their School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School background knowledge is limited from their junior high school years Some teachers sometimes still use traditional methods which is more theoretical than practical Because of this fact, some classes of teaching grammatical sections of relative clauses become inherently difficult and complicated to students Many children after finishing learning relative clauses still cannot determine defining relative clauses with non- defining relative clauses, remember all the functions of the relative pronouns, combine sentences using relative pronouns, etc… This makes teachers feel discouraged, hard to get excited while teaching, and students are afraid of learning English For those reasons, teachers need to create a lively lesson and give appropriate homework instructions that make it easier for students to remember and understand Results of this factual situation In fact, when I have not applied the experiences that I will present (in section B) below, the result of students feeling the excitement in the English class follows : Some students feel interested in Some students don’t feel Class Total the English class interested in learning English Number Proportion Number Proportion 11C1 40 11T3 47 11T2 48 11 15 18 27.5% 31.9% 37.5% 29 32 20 72.5% 68.1% 62.5% III Implementation solutions From the situation of studying English for students at our school which I have presented above, I would like to offer the following solutions to improve the quality of teaching and learning about relative clauses in English textbook 11: + Instruct students on how to organize learning in pairs, groups and how to arrange desks and chairs during English classes + Guide and organize language game activities during English classes + Implement some methods to introduce new materials in a lively and attractive way From there, lead to teach knowledge about relative clauses + Teach students how to exercises related to relative clauses Instruct students on how to organize learning in pairs, groups and how to arrange desks and chairs during English classes School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School One of the innovative methods to promote students' positive and to consider students as the most important element is the arrangement of desks and organization for students to work in groups Depending on the level of the lessons, I can have students work in groups or in pairs With the characteristics of foreign languages, I often let them work in pairs or in groups of and children because working in small groups helps them to discuss, practise and give comments to each other easily It is also the best opportunity for all members of the class to participate in the lesson actively Moreover, I can let the children arrange desks and chairs in a circle, a square, a rectangle, and a teacher's desk in the middle Thus, it is possible to create freedom, comfort, satisfaction in the English classes It helps them to be active, confident and boldly express their own opinions Or the simplest way is to put two tables to face each other, to make students at two tables into one group, each group should only stop at 3, children With this approach, I find that English lessons in any skill can be applied Especially it is effective for grammar lessons about relative clauses Example 1: Unit 12– Language focus -Exercise (page 144- English textbook 11) Purpose: omission of relative pronouns I divide the class into small groups of students After that, I give each group a hand out containing Exercise (page 144- English textbook 11) and I let them a time limit of minutes When the time is up, I collect them The group that has the most right answers will win HAND OUT: Complete each of the following sentences, using a suitable sentence in the box to make a relative clause without a relative pronoun we had it for lunch we met him this morning John told them he invited them to the birthday party You lost it I bought it yesterday Have you found the bike ? Most of the classmates _ couldn’t come The short story _ were very funny The dictionary _ is expensive, but very interesting I did’nt like the man The beef _ was really delicious Suggested answers: Have you found the bike You lost? Most of the classmates he invited to the birthday party couldn’t come The short story John told were very funny The dictionary I bought yesterday is expensive, but very interesting School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School I did’nt like the man we met this morning The beef we had for lunch was really delicious Example 2: Unit 11– Language focus -Exercise (page 131- English textbook 11) Purpose: Shorten the relative clauses I ask students to work in pairs Each pair makes sentences Time for children to work in pairs is minutes They discuss with each other to find the answer in the exercise After minutes, I ask them to stop working in pairs I demand two pairs to present their answers How to the following: a child reads the original sentence, the other still reads the shortened sentence This method can help them practise speaking English, train their confidence when speaking in large numbers, change the atmosphere of class, promote learning and teaching methods in the communication direction EXERCISE CONTENT: Rewrite the following sentences, using a present participial phrase The boy who is playing the piano is Ben Do you know the woman who is coming toward us The people who are waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet The csientists who are researching the causes of the cancer are making progress The fence which surrourds our house is made wood We have an apartement which overlooks the park Suggested answers: The boy playing the piano is Ben Do you know the woman coming toward us The people waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet The csientists researching the causes of the cancer are making progress The fence surrourding our house is made wood We have an apartement overlooking the park Guide and organize language game activities during English classes Language game activities are a tonic to treat students' boredom during grammar class because using language game activities is a way to help children "learn to play, play to learn" Therefore, they are very excited about participating in the game I have used some of the following games during the grammar lesson related to the relative clauses 2.1 "Lucky number" game (Find the lucky number) School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School How to the following: I prepare a hand out with from to questionnaires Among the questionnaires, there is always a "Lucky number" vote (it means that whoever gets it will not have to answer the question but may still get points or get a gift, or be able to shake hands with teacher, class leader, etc.) I then ask a volunteer to play this game When I have found enough players, I let them ask questions They have to answer the question they have drawn Those who answer correctly will get good points If you get a "Lucky number" vote, you will not have to answer the question but may still get a high score because this is your luck Example 1: Unit 10– Language focus -Exercise (page 122- English textbook 11) Purpose: relative pronouns with prepositions I write four questions into six votes two of which are "Lucky number" I present the rules of the game and let students draw questions After that, I ask students to answer the question that was drawn Those who answer correctly will get good points If you get a "Lucky number" vote, you will not have to answer the question but may still get a high score because this is your luck EXERCISE CONTENT: Combine the following sentences, using preposition + whom or which The movie is fantastic They are talking about it I’ll give you the address You should write to it 3.( Lucky number) The man works in the hospital I told you about him 5.( Lucky number) The picture was beautiful She was looking at it Suggested answers: The movie which t hey are talking about is fantastic I’ll give you the address which you should write to 3.( Lucky number) → students don’t have to answer it The man whom I told you about works in the hospital 5.( Lucky number) → students don’t have to answer it The picture which she was looking at was beautiful Example 2: Unit 9– Language focus -Exercise (page 109- English textbook 11) Purpose: Combine the following sentences using relative pronouns Similar to example 1, I write five questions into seven votes two of which are "Lucky number" I present the rules of the game and let students draw questions After that, I ask students to answer the question that was drawn Those who answer correctly will get good points If you get a "Lucky number" School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School vote, you will not have to answer the question but may still get a high score because this is your luck EXERCISE CONTENT: Combine the following sentences, using relative pronouns Some people were arrested They have now been released A bus goes to the airport It runs every half an hour 3.( Lucky number) A man answered the phone He told me you were away The man A waitress served us She was very impolite and impatient A building was destroyed in the fire It has now been rebuilt 7.( Lucky number) Suggested answers: Some people who are arrested have now been released The bus which goes to the airport runs every half an hour 3.( Lucky number) → students don’t have to answer it The man who answered the phone told me you were away The waitress who served us was very impolite and impatient The building which was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt 7.( Lucky number) → Stusents not have to answer it 2.2 ‘’ Jumbled sentences ’’ language game How to proceed: I give a number of sentences in which the words are jumbled I divide the class into two groups Then I require two groups to send representatives to rearrange them to make complete sentences I let them a time limit of minutes The group that finish first it and it correctly will be the winner However, depending on their level of knowledge after completing the exercise, I can correct their mistakes and give the structure once again After each correction, I ask the individual to repeat the rearranged sentences (of course, the two sentences will be deleted) School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School Example: Unit 11– Language focus -Exercise (page 131- English textbook 11) Purpose: Shorten relative clauses After allowing students to quickly the first three sentences, I redesign the last four sentences of the exercise for studenrs to play the following game: I give the sentences in which the words are jumbled I divide the class into two groups Then I require two groups to send representatives to rearrange them to make complete sentences I let them a time limit of minutes.The group that finish first it and it correctly will be the winner EXERCISE CONTENT:Rearrange the words to make the meaningful sentences: wet./ in the rain / waiting/ The people/ the bus/ are / getting/ for the causes / making / The sientists/ researching / of / are / the cancer/ progress surrourding / The fence is / our house wood./ made have / We /overlooking the park./ an apartement Suggested answers: The people waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet The sientists researching the causes of the cancer are making progress The fence surrourding our house is made wood We have an apartement overlooking the park Implementing some methods to introduce new materials in a lively and attractive way From there, lead to teach knowledge about relative clauses Teachers must know how to introduce new language to make the grammar lesson about relative clauses lively and interesting This helps the class to be lively, students to like learning English more Since then, they have the opportunity to promote creativity, self-study; avoid being passive and memorizing grammatical structures mechanically, only writing without saying it into sentences When teaching the definition of relative clauses, defining relative clauses, non- defining relative clauses, I used some of the following ways to introduce content of the lesson: + I often give examples, actual situations or create context from the surrounding environment with the purpose of making students understand and remember easily + Sometimes I can use pictures or visual tools to introduce grammar content of the lesson The purpose of this approach is to help students access the content of the lesson in a lively and interesting way School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School From there, I can explain and analyze to help students to identify the structure of relative clauses; understand the definition of relative clauses; distinguish defining relative clauses with non- defining relative clauses; know how to use relative pronouns and relative adverbs; distinguish relative pronouns, relative adverbs (who, whom, which, that- where, when, why) with the Wh words in the "Wh-questions" question 3.1 Identify the structure of relative clauses; understand the definition of relative clauses Steps to proceed: + Step 1: I give an example (I can use the introduction of new material to give an example) + Step 2: I show students the relative clause, the relative pronoun or the relative adverb in this example + Step 3: I ask students what the function clause has in the sentence Students can answer or not, which depends on their ability Since then, I give the definition of relative clauses so that they can understand and it helps them learn how to determine the location of the relative clause in sentences Definition of relative clauses: Relative clauses are subordinate clauses connected to main clauses by relative pronouns (who, whom, whose, which, that) or relative adverbs (where, when , why) Relative clause is used to complement the noun that stands right before it (prefix) Its function is like an adjective, so it is also called an adjective clause Thus, the relative clause always follows closely the noun (prefix) that it complements Ex: - The man who is standing overthere is Mr Hung relative clause 3.2 Distinguish defining relative clauses with non- defining relative clauses Steps to proceed: + Step 1: I give two examples An example contains defining relative clause The other example contains non- defining relative clause + Step 2: I show students defining relative clause and non- defining relative clause in these two xamples + Step 3: Since then, I give the definition of defining relative clauses and non- defining relative clauses so that they can understand and it helps them to distinguish defining relative clauses with non- defining relative clauses School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 10 Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School Definition of defining relative clauses: Defining relative clause is used to complement the noun that stands right before it (prefix) It is an important part of the sentence If it is removed, the sentence is not clear The man who keeps the school library is Mr Green defining relative clause This is the book that I like best defining relative clause Definition of non- defining relative clauses: Non- defining relative clause is used to complement the noun that stands right before it (prefix) It is an additional explanation and subordinate information If it is removed, the main clause is still clear This is Mrs Ba, who helped me last week non- defining relative clause Mary, whose sister I know, has won an Oscar non- definingrelative clause Distinguish defining relative clauses with non- defining relative clauses: defining relative clauses non- defining relative clauses - Defining relative clause always - Nouns in front of non- defining follows closely an undetermined relative clauses are often determined noun (prefix) that it complements nouns such as proper nouns, nouns following these words (this, that, these, those), or possessive pronouns ( my, your, his, her, our, their) …… - Between defining relative clauses - Between non- defining relative with main clauses, no commas are clauses with main clauses, commas required are required 3.3 how to use relative pronouns, relative adverbs It is difficult for many students to remember the usage of relative pronouns, relative adverbs So, I showed them how to use relative pronouns, relative adverbs by giving them a following summary of the usage of relative pronouns, relative adverbs: NOUN People SUBJECT WHO/THAT OBJECT POSSESSION WHO(M)/THAT WHOSE School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 11 Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School Animals/ Objects Place Reason Time WHICH/THAT WHICH/THAT WHOSE/OF WHICH WHERE WHY WHEN At the same time, I showed students some following tips (notes) when using it: Notes: + Do not use "that" in non- defining relative clauses That means never use "that" after commas + Do not omit the relative pronoun in non- defining relative clauses That means if there is a relative pronoun standing behind the comma, never omit it + We must not put the preposition in front of "That", "Who", and put the preposition behind 3.4 Distinguish relative pronouns, relative adverbs (who, whom, which, that- where, when, why) with the Wh -words in the "Wh-questions" question I showed students how to distinguish relative pronouns, relative adverbs (who, whom, which, that- where, when, why) with the Wh -words in the "Whquestions": + the Wh -words in the "Wh-questions" often stand at the beginning of the sentence + Relative pronouns, relative adverbs usually follows nouns * SOME EXAMPLES FOR PART III.3: Example 1: Unit 9– Language focus - English textbook 11 Purpose: Relative clauses, defining relative clauses, non- defining relative clauses When I want to give an example to teach defining relative clauses, nondefining relative clauses , I use the following actual situation: I pointed to the book on the table and said: “The book which is on the table is mine.” defining clause or: I pointed to the student named Ba sitting at the end of the class and said: “ Ba, who is over there, is good at English.” non- defining clause Since then, I have been leading and analyzing so that students understand about defining relative clauses, non- defining relative clauses: School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 12 Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School + "Which is on the table" is a defining relative clause because when leaving it, the main clause "The book is mine" is not clear ("the book" - prefix – is not yet determined It is determined by defining relative clause) In this case, we can replace "which" with "That" → Teacher concludes: in defining relative clauses, we can replace “who, whom, which” with "That" + "Who is over there" is a non- defining relative clause because when leaving it away , the main clause "Ba is good at English" is very clear (the proper noun "Ba" - prefix - is a determined noun) A non- defining relative clause is separated from the main clause by a comma → Teacher concludes: people not use “that” in non- defining relative clauses Therefore, through the two above examples, I lead and analyze so that students can understand about defining relative clauses, non- defining relative clauses At the same time, I also distingish differences between defining relative clauses and non- defining relative clauses Example 2: Unit 9– Language focus - English texbook 11 Purpose: Usage of relative pronouns, distinguishing relative pronouns, relative adverbs (who, whom, which, that- where, when, why) with the Wh words in the "Wh-questions": Teacher prepares a picture of orphans The teacher points at children in the picture and asks: "Who are they?" Students: "They are orphans" Teacher explains: "An orphan is a child whose parents are dead." "The orphan whom I met at the orphanage yesterday is very intelligent." From there, the teacher distinguishes relative pronouns, relative adverbs (who, whom, which, that- where, when, why) with the Wh -words in the "Whquestions": + "Who are they?" → "Who" here is the Wh -word in the "Whquestions" which often stands at the beginning of the sentence + "An orphan is a child whose parents are dead." "The orphan whom I met at the orphanage yesterday is very intelligent." → "Whose" and "whom" are relative pronouns Relative pronouns or relative adverbs usually follows nouns, substitute for the above noun and are used to join two clauses together Next, based on the above examples, teachers can guide students to know how to use relative pronouns and relative adverbs: + "An orphan is a child whose parents are dead." → “ whose” is a pronoun of possession School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 13 Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School + "The orphan whom I met at the orphanage yesterday is very intelligent." → “whom” is a relative pronoun indicating people, keeps the function of object in the sentence After that, the teacher can add some other relative pronouns and explains its use in the same way: + Who: It is a relative pronoun indicating people, keeps the function of object or subject in the sentence + Which: It is a relative pronoun indicating objects, keeps the function of object or subject in the sentence + That: It is a relative pronoun indicating both objects and people that can be used instead of who, whom, which in defining relative clauses * To help studenrs to distinguish relative pronouns, relative adverbs (who, whom, which, that- where, when, why) with the Wh -words in the "Whquestions", the teacher can give students the following exercise: Exercise: The following words in italic are relative pronouns, relative adverbs or Wh -words in the "Wh-questions" Who are absent today? The person who did it was never caught Do you remember the day when we first met? When did you met him yesterday? Suggested answers: Who are absent today? → "Who" here is the Wh -word in the "Whquestions” 2.The person who did it was never caught → "Who" here is a relative pronoun Do you remember the day when we first met? → "When" here is a relative adverb stating the time When did you met him yesterday? → "When" here is the Wh -word in the "Wh-questions” Direct students the methods of making exercises related to the relative clauses 4.1 Exercises in sentence combination Purpose: Guiding students to exercises that combine single sentences into complex sentences using relative clauses Steps to proceed: + Step 1: Determine which sentence will be the main clause, which is the relative clause School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 14 Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School + Step 2: Identify pairs of words in two sentences that have similar meanings + Step 3: Determine the function of the word with similar meaning (or related meaning) in the relative clauses + Step 4: Replace the word with similar meaning (or related meaning) with a corresponding relative pronoun and put it at the beginning of the relative clauses + Step 5: Write the relative clause, and put it after a noun( prefix), then complete the sentence Note: + If the prefix is a determined noun, you must use an non- defining relative clause Between non- defining relative clauses with main clauses, commas are required + If “whom”, “which” is the objects of the preposition, we can replace prepositiobs in front of “whom” or “which” Example 1: Unit 9– Language focus -Exercise 3- sentence - page 109, English textbook 11 Purpose: Combine sentences by using relative clauses “The man answered the phone He told me you were away.” →"He told me you were away" is the main clause →"The man answered the phone" is the relative clause + “The man” and “He” are two pairs of related words + “The man” keeps the function as the subject + “The man” is replaced with “who” and we have the relative clause "The man who answered the phone" + Put the relative clause after the prefix and complete the sentence: “The man who answered the phone told me you were away.” Example 2: Unit 10– Language focus -Exercise 2- sentence (page 122), English textbook 11 Purpose: Combine sentences by using relative clauses “The man was very kind I talked to him yesterday.” + "The man was very kind" is the main clause + "I talked to him yesterday" is the relative clause + “The man” and “him” are two pairs of related words + “him” keeps the function as the object + “him” is replaced by "whom" and we have the relative clause"whom I talked to yesterday" + Put the relative clause after the prefix and complete the sentence: “The man whom I talked to yesterday was very kind.” School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 15 Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School 4.2 Exercises in short form Purpose: relative clauses replaced by participles and to- infinitives Steps to proceed: + Step 1: Determine the relative clause which usually starts with who, which, that + Step 2: This step is mainly reduced from the clause to the phrase The teacher ask students to follow these following steps:        If the clause has the formula “S + BE + THE NOUN PHRASE”, shorten it to noun phrase        If there are the index phrases (the first, the second ), the phrases of the unique (the only, ), the phrases of comparison( the most, the tallest… ) in front of the relative clause, shorten it to to- infinitives          If the relative clauses are in the active form, shorten it to v-ing If the relative clauses are in the passive form, shorten it to V3 / Ved Example 1: Unit 11– Language focus - Exercise 1- sentence 1- page 131English textbook 11 Purpose: shorten the relative clauses by V-ing The boy who is playing the piano is Ben + We see the relative clause in active form So, I can replace it with v-ing + We rewrite complete sentence: The boy playing the piano is Ben Example 2: Unit 11– Language focus -Exercise 2- sentence 1- page 132English textbook 11 Purpose: shorten the relative clauses by V3 / V (ed) The ideas which are presented in that book are interesting + We see the relative clause in passive form Therefore, we can replace it with V3 / Ved + We rewrite complete sentence: The ideas presented in that book are interesting Example 3: Unit 11– Language focus -Exercise 3- sentence 1- page 132English textbook 11 Purpose: shorten the relative clauses by to-V (inf) John was the last man who reached the top of the mountain + We see that there is the noun phrase “the last man” in front of the relative clause Therefore, we replace it with to v(inf) + We rewrite complete sentence: John was the last man to reach the top of the mountain 4.3 Exercises about filling appropriate relative pronoun into the blank School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 16 Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School Purpose: help students know how to determine the appropriate relative pronouns to fill in the blanks Steps to proceed: + Step 1: Determine the prefix is a person or thing + Step 2: Determine the function of the relative pronoun in the relative clause: subject or object, possession + Step 3: Choose an appropriate relative pronoun to fill in the blank Example: 1.This is Mr.Pike teaches us English. who The woman keeps this library is Mrs Ha  who/that The man daughter I always go to school with is a good doctor  whose This is the school in my father used to teach  which The house she bought last year is very nice  which / that 4.4 Multiple choice exercises Depending on the test forms that we can apply the above methods Example: Choose the correct answer (Choose the best answer) 1) The book I bought at the bookstore yesterday is expensive A who B whose C that D B & C are correct 2) What’s the name of the blonde girl just came in? A who B whose C whom D A & B are correct 3) I don’t like people lose their tempers easily A who B whose C that D A & C are correct 4) Mexico City, has a population of over 10 million, is probably the fastest growing city in the world A which B whose C that D A & B are corre 5) This is Henry, sister works for my father A who B whose C that D.All are correct 6) Frank invited Janet, he had met in Japan, to the party A who B whose C that D A & C are correct 7) Do you know the doctor for I send? A whom B that C who D All are correct 8) The man about I was telling you is standing over there A who B that C whom D All are correct 9) This is the result of our work I’m pleased with A that B whose C which D A & C are correct 10) The problem in we are very interested has been discussed in class A that B whom C which D A & C are correct 11) We were given a lot of information, most of was useless School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 17 Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School A which B it C that D All are correct 12) There were a lot of people at the party, only a few of I had met before A them B whom C who D B & C are correct 13) Summer is the time of the year the weather is the hottest A when B which C that D B & C are correct 14) The reason Jim has just lost his job is that he didn’t work hard enough A why B which C that D B & C are correct 15) They hid the money in a place it was safe from robbers A which B where C that D All are correct 16) We should participate in the movement to conserve the natural environment A organized B to organize C organizing D organize 17) The last person the room must turn off the light A to leave B leaving C left D leaves 18) The girl me this gift is my best friend A presented B was presenting C presenting D be presenting 19) The girl is our neighbor A talks to the lady over there C was talking to the lady over there B is talking to the lady over there D talking to the lady over there 20) We visited the church _ in the 18th century A was built B which built C building D built 21) Lan is the only student _ the top of mountain A reach B to reach C reached D reaching 22) Do you remember the day ? I first met you on that day A Do you remember the day where I first met you ? B Do you remember the day when I first meet you ? C Do you remember the day on which I first met you ? D B and C are correct 23) I like the teacher I learnt English with her in high school A.I like the teacher with whom I learnt English in high school B I like the teacher whom I learnt English with in high school C.I like the teacher that I learnt English with in high school D.all are correct 24) The young woman who lives next door is very kind to my family A.The young woman to live next door is very kind to my family B.The young woman he lives next door is very kind to my family C.The young woman living next door is very kind to my family D.The young woman lived next door is very kind to my family 25) Sue lives in the house The house is opposite my house School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 18 Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School A.Sue lives in the house which is opposite my house B.Sue lives in the house who is opposite my house C.Sue lives in the house where is opposite my house D.Sue lives in the house and which is opposite my house To this form of multiple-choice exercise, we have to know methods to a lot of different forms of exercises (exercises in sentence combination, exercises in short form, exercises about filling appropriate relative pronoun into the blank… ) In short, the above solutions are to improve the quality of teaching and learning about relative clauses However, in addition to the above solutions, an extremely important factor contributing to improve it is that the teacher has to pay attention to the knowledge level of students The teacher must give the best measures to help weak students, stimulate the creativity and dynamism of good students so that the lesson becomes lively and interesting Teachers must combines the students’ speaking and writing skills in a grammatical lesson so that students can express their opinions confidently in front of the class PART C: CONCLUSION I Results of the study: After applying the experiences I presente above during grammar lessons, I find their results improved Students are interested in grammatical lessons in the English textbook 11 Especially for weak students, they are more brave while answering the question The lesson become more exciting The tests at periods 74, 83, 88 about relative clauses have improved significantly The results are greatly improved: Some students feel interested in Some students don’t feel Class Total the English class interested in learning English Number Proportion Number Proportion 11C1 40 11T3 47 11T2 48 II Offer: 24 29 31 60 % 62 % 65 % 16 18 17 School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 40 % 38 % 35 % 19 Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School To increase efficiency and promote the positive advantages of teaching and learning English, I have some the following ideas: - Thanh Hoa Education and Training Department should organize more discussions on grammatical issues for teachers of high school - We should hold lot of the programe in English - Teaching equipment investments such as tapes, CDs, pictures, real objects, models, projectors, computer, standardized speaker …is increasing Functional projector classroom should be built at each school - Thanh Hoa Education and Training Department creates conditions to help teachers improve their professional qualifications as well as the application of information technology in teaching Above are some of the experiences that I have applied to teach relative clauses in English textbook 11 In the process of writing, there are certainly inevitable shortcomings, I hope the share from the teachers and colleagues to this more complete topic I sincerely thank! Quang Xuong, May 12, 2019 Teacher Đàm Thị Nga XÁC NHẬN CỦA THỦ TRƯỞNG ĐƠN VỊ Thanh Hóa, ngày 12 tháng năm 2019 Tơi xin cam đoan SKKN viết, không chép nội dung người khác Đàm Thị Nga REFERENCES School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 20 Written by Dam Thi Nga- Quang Xuong High School In English: Using Games in Teaching English to Young Learners ( Lin Hong) A university grammar of English ( Randolph Quirk- Sidney Greenbaum) A university grammar of English- workbook( Randolph Quirk- Sidney Greenbaum) English Grammar ( Betty Schrampfer Azar) English grammar in use ( Raymond Murphy) In Vietnamese: Phương Pháp Dạy Tiếng Anh Trong Trường Phổ Thông , Nguyễn Hạnh Dung, Nhà Xuất Bản Giáo Dục: 2003 Bài tập bổ sung Tiếng Anh 11, Hoàng Thị Lệ Giới Thiệu Giáo Án Tiếng Anh 11, Nguyễn Hải Châu – Vũ Thị Lợi, Nhà Xuất Bản Hà Nội: 2007 Tiếng Anh 11, Hoàng Văn Vân, Nhà Xuất Bản Giáo Dục: 2004 Thiết Kế Bài Giảng Tiếng Anh 11 – CTC, Trần Thị Ái Thanh – Hồ Thị Tân Hoa, , Nhà Xuất Bản Đại Học Quốc Gia Hà Nội: 2007 Tiêng Anh thông dụng 11, Trần Anh Tuấn( chủ biên), Mai Thị Vân School year: 2018-2019 download by : skknchat@gmail.com 21 ... Oscar non- definingrelative clause Distinguish defining relative clauses with non- defining relative clauses: defining relative clauses non- defining relative clauses - Defining relative clause... of the study Research for teaching relative clauses in English 11 III Scope of the study Teaching relative clauses in English 11 IV Method of the study During the initiative experience , I have... Xuong High School TOPIC: SOME EXPERIENCES TO TEACH RELATIVE CLAUSES IN ENGLISH 11 AT QUANG XUONG HIGH SCHOOL PART A: INTRODUCTION I Reasons for choosing the topic In the trend of development and integration,

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2022, 22:45


