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I PRONUNCIATION Choose the word which is stressed differently from therest 1 A confident B important C together D exciting 2 A generational B interpersonal C discrimination D nationality 3 A dominate.

I PRONUNCIATION Choose the word which is stressed differently from therest A confident B important C together D exciting A generational B interpersonal C discrimination D nationality A dominate B scholarship C principle D stability A solidarity B cooperation C opportunity D popularity A management B protective C respectful D reliant A determined B examine C reliant D medicine A interact B concentrate C counsellor D influence A campaign B hearing C slogan D talent A athlete B charter C region D success 10 A enquire B enroll C donate D Donor II GRAMMAR Choose a, b, c, or d to indicate the best answer to each of the following sentences 1.All students wear uniforms at school because it is a rule A should B have to C ought to D must The children spend too much time playing computer games A must B ought to not C shouldn’t D have to This drink isn't beneficial for health You _ drink it too much A should B ought to not C ought not to D mustn't This warning sign indicates that you step on the grass A shouldn't B mustn't C don't have to D ought not to I bought the gift for my mum on her birthday A It was from this shop that B I was from this shop where C It was this shop which D It was this shop that a high level of blood cholesterol A It is eggs that contain B Those are eggs it contains C It is eggs that contains D It is eggs contain To decide the winner of the competition, the examiners _candidates' dishes now A taste B tasted C are tasting D.tastes Listen! Her story _ interesting A sounds B is sounding C sound D sounded She was excited a letter from her mother last week A to receive B receive C receiving D to receiving 10 We are very surprised to Peter at the party A seeing B see C seen D to seeing 11 When he ten years old, Louis Braille the National Institute for the Blind in Paris A was/entered B was/was entering C was/was entered D was/has entered 12 Last Sunday, the Youth Union a campaign to help students with disabilities A has launched B launched C was launched D was launching 13 Last Sunday, Texas-based game fans The Speed Gamers in a charity activity to donate money to relief organisations A have participated B participated C had participated D were participating 14 In over ten years, he _ more than 100 bicycles to needy students in Central Viet Nam A gave B has given C has been given D has been giving 15 It is no use a girl that she doesn't need to lose any weight A convince B convincing C to convince D to convincing 16 She did a funny little curtsy which Josh and Silver couldn't help _ at A laugh B laughing C to laugh D to laughing 17 My husband _ the food while I'm cooking! It's very annoying A is always tasting B always tastes C are always tasting D always taste 18 I of participating in a competition on ASEAN and ASEAN Charter A am thinking B thought C think D thinks 19 I _ missing the first event of the ASEAN Para Games last night A regret B am regretting C was regretting D regretted 20 _when Viet Nam became an official member of ASEAN? A Do you know B Did you know C Are you knowing D Have you been knowing III VOCABULARY I live in a/an with my parents and my elder sister in the coastal area A extended family B nuclear family C extended house D nuclear house When a group of people shows , they support each other or another group A agreement B decision C discrimination D solidarity My grandpa is the most conservative person in my family He never about way of life A gives his opinion B changes his mind C gives his view D keeps in mind After graduating from university, I want to my father's footsteps A follow in B succeed in C go after D keep up Luckily, my parents are always willing to listen to my new ideas They're very A narrow-minded B open-minded C absent-minded D single-minded Generation is the difference in the thoughts and viewpoints amongst generations living together A distance B gap C space D bridge I was tired and couldn't on doing my research project properly A concentrate B take part C pay attention D involve The arises when Jack and his parents have considerable disagreement on his choice of university A discrimination B conflict C agreement D support I wish I could something to reduce financial on my parents A capital B burden C limit D gap 10 We greatly _my teacher for all of the best things that she brought to us A respect B oppose C motivate D access 11 Sometimes, in order to get things done, you have to take the _ A decision B change C idea D initiative 12 Parents are always willing to lend a sympathetic to their children when they have problems A hand B ear C eye D shoulder 13 My grandmother thinks friendship between a boy and a girl will turn into romantic A relations B relationship C relatives D relatively 14 Determination is a factor in giving up smoking A decisive B decision C decisively D deciding 15 It is your that determines how fast you achieve your goal and how well you acquire a skill or knowledge A privacy B reliability C expense D attitude 16 Being too on his mother makes me have a bad impression on him A dependent B independent C dependable D undependable 17 I was encouraged to for the grandest prize in the dancing competition A try B strive C reach D achieve 18 We've divided the group report into three parts and you're for the conclusion one A responsible B irresponsible C responsibly D responsibility 19 You should make a list of important things to and them if you want to work effectively A cope with B involve C prioritize D approach 20 impairment can cause problems with a person's thinking, communication, understanding or memory A cognitive B hearing C mobility D visual 21 Warmth, , and understanding should cost nothing in any count A sympathy B sympathetic C sympathize D sympathetically 22 My father used to a lot of challenges before establishing his own insurance company A provide B enjoy C give D face 23 When getting into troubles, Jack never on other people for help He always solves them on his own A determines B influences C relies D manages 24 communication skill plays an important role in career success A Independent B Individual C Interpersonal D Interactive 25 In spite of being the new resident in this area, he always tries to with his neighbors A go down B come up C put up D get along 26 One aim of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities is to further awareness of disability issues A raise B rise C increase D pull 27 The Braille alphabet has been one of the greatest inventions for people with impairment A visual B mobility C cognitive D hearing 28 Talented students with a disability should be helped to in the society and achieve success at school A contribute B integrate C concentrate D dedicate 29 ASEAN includes ten member states, but may get bigger because other countries have applied to join the _ A bloc B group C community D society 30 ASEAN was formed to promote political and economic cooperation and regional A identity B activity C stability D reliability IV READING Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate thecorrect word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks Fathers in today families are spending more time with their children than at any point in the past 100 years (1) the number of hours the average woman spends at home with her children has declined since the early 1900s, as more and more women enter the workforce, there has been a decrease in the number of children per family and an increase in (2) attention to each child As a result, mothers today in the United States, (3) those who work part- or full-time, spend almost twice as much time with each child as mothers did in the 1920s People (4) raised children in the 1940s and 1950s typically report that their own adult children and grandchildren communicate far better with their kids and spend more time (5) with homework than they did A Although B However C Unless D Besides A isolated B individual C unique D single A adding B counting C taking D including A whom B which C who D when A helping B to help C help D on help LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827) Beethoven is widely regarded as one of the greatest composers in history He gave his first public (1) as a pianist when he was only years old He studied in Vienna (2) the guidance of Mozart By his midtwenties he had earned a name for himself as a great pianist known for unpredictable and brilliant improvisations In 1796, Beethoven began losing his hearing (3) his illness, he involved himself in his work and (4) some of the greatest works of music Beethoven's finest works are also the finest works of their kind in music history: the 9th Symphony, the 5th Piano Concerto, the Violin Concerto, the Late Quartets, and his Missa Solemnis And be achieved all these despite being completely (5) for the last 25 he years or so of his life A perform B performance C performing D performer A on B for C behind D under A In case of B Instead of C In order to D In spite of A did B created C painted D learned A deaf B mute C blind D sick THANKS A MILLION Percy Ross was born in 1916 in Michigan His parents has come to the USA from Latvia and Russia and the family were poor But Percy soon showed a talent (1) business and made a fortune in the fur trade and auction business Then disaster struck and he (2) all his money But he soon made a fortune again - this time by (3) plastic bags In 1969, he sold his plastic bag company for millions of dollars Ross started giving away in 1977: he gave $50,000 to 50 Vietnamese refugees so that they could make a new home in the USA (4) he held a Christmas party for 1,050 poor children in the American town of Minneapolis Ross bought a bike for every one of the 1,050 children at the party After these first experiences of giving money away, Ross decided to it on a regular basis He started a newspaper column called ‘Thanks a Million’ and later a radio show, in order to give away his money It took years, but Ross finally (5) in giving away his entire fortune A for B of C on D with A threw B wasted C lost D sent A manufacture B manufacturing C manufacturer D manufactured A But B Then C Yet D Though A interested B invested C succeeded D tried Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate thecorrect word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks Asia's economic, political and cultural importance is growing (1) a never-before seen rate Take China, for example: In terms of purchasing power, China is now the largest (2) of the world, having recently taken over the crown from the long time leader United States Understanding the fundamental structural changes in the global economy and having studiedabroad in Asia is a huge asset on your resume when competing for jobs (3) the increasing importance of the continent, many international companieswith experience are expanding to Asia and need (4) with experience in Asian markets and culture To get a glimse of the action and business ideas flowing from Asia, you can _(5) Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation's (APEC) website A at B by C on D with A economic B economical C economically D economy A Although A employees A watch B Because C Despite D Due to B employers C employment D unemployment B visit C look D learn A YEAR WITH OVERSEAS VOLUNTEERS I was with Overseas Volunteers (OV) for a year after leaving university, and I was sent to an isolated village in Chad, about 500 kilometres from the capital N'Djamena Coming from a rich country, I got quite a shock, as conditions were much harder than I hadexpected But after a lew days I got used to (1) _ there The people were alwaysvery friendly and helpful, and I soon began to appreciate how beautiful the countiyside was One of my jobs was to supply the village (2) water The well was a long walkaway, and the women used to spend a long time every day (3) heavy pots backwards and forwards So I contacted theorganisation and arranged to have some pipesdelivered (4) these pipes were not really perfect, they still made a greatdifference to the villagers All in all, I think my time with OV was a good experience Although it was not paid, itwas well worth doing and I would recommend it to anyone (5) _ was consideringworking for a charity A lived B living C lived D lively A for B on C with D from A carrying B wearing C holding D drinking A If B Because C When D Although A which B when C where D who V WRITING A Rewrite each sentence to emphasise the underlined part My father usually complains about my students whenever they go to my house => Mr Hao repaired the roof yesterday morning => My neighbours always make noise at night => You gave her a bunch of rose last week => B.Rewrite each sentence using "noun/ adj + to V" and the given word in brackets My mother was very surprised when she heard that I had won a lottery (surprised) She is excited that she gets first prize in the competition (excited) Finally, she decided to take part in the talk show for young people (decision) If you don’t want to cook, invest in a microwave (desire) We should be able to take a leadership role within group situations (ability) C Complete the second sentence in order that it means the same as the first The last time I cooked was years ago => I How long have she lived in Da Nang? =>When _ It is years since I last visited my grandparents =>I have not This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful girl =>I have I haven’t met her for days => The last _ D Use gerunds to connect two sentences Hiro’s mother is a scientist She loves her job => _ Mary often walks in the rain She really enjoys it => I don’t want to come back home late at night I always avoid it => They have to wait in the queue for ice-cream They don’t mind it => Ryan doesn’t eat tomatoes He hates it => ... expense D attitude 16 Being too on his mother makes me have a bad impression on him A dependent B independent C dependable D undependable 17 I was encouraged to for the grandest prize in... competition A try B strive C reach D achieve 18 We''ve divided the group report into three parts and you''re for the conclusion one A responsible B irresponsible C responsibly D responsibility 19 ... listen to my new ideas They''re very A narrow-minded B open-minded C absent-minded D single-minded Generation is the difference in the thoughts and viewpoints amongst generations living together

Ngày đăng: 01/01/2023, 22:43

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