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(TIỂU LUẬN) phân tích quan điểm của chủ nghĩa duy vật biện chứng về nguồn gốc, bản chất của ý thức và mối quan hệ giữa vật chất và ý thức ý nghĩa phương pháp luận của mối quan hệ

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` BỘ GI TRƯỜ Y ĐA LU 7/2017 Đề gốc, chất ý thức mối quan hệ vật chất ý thức Ý nghĩa phương pháp luận mối quan hệ vật chất ý thức nhận thức hoạt động thực tiễn? Giảng viên : Dr Nguyễn Thu Hương and Dr Lê Mộng Diễm Hằng Sinh viên : Phạm Thụy Ý Nhi-2133602 : Phâ LỜI CẢM ƠN TRÍCH YẾU TABLE OF CONTENTS LỜI CẢM ƠN i TRÍCH YẾU ii Nguồn Gốc Ý Thức 1.1 Thuộc Tính Phản Ánh Của Vật Chất Sự Ra Đời Của Ý Thức .1 1.2 Vai Trò Của Lao Động Ngơn Ngữ Trong Hình thành phát triển ý thức 1.1 Research Aims 1.2 Research Questions 1.3 Significance of the Study 1.4 Limitations of the Study 1.5 Organization of the Thesis 1.6 Chapter Summary CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Definition of Motivation 2.2 Theories of Motivation 2.2.1 Behavioral perspective 2.2.2 Cognitive perspective 2.2.3 Constructivist perspective 2.3 Types of Motivation 2.3.1 Intrinsic motivation 2.3.2 Extrinsic motivation 2.4 Motivating Teenagers 2.5 Relevant Studies 2.6 Chapter Summary CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 10 3.1 Quantitative 10 3.2 Instrument Construction 11 3.2.1 Questionnaire constructs 11 3.2.2 Questionnaire items 11 3.2.3 Content validity 16 3.3 Population and Sampling 16 3.4 Subjects 17 3.5 Data Collection 17 3.6 Data Analysis 18 3.6.1 Factor analysis 18 3.6.2 The Descriptive statistics 22 3.6.3 One sample t-test 22 3.6.4 Independent samples t-test 22 3.7 Chapter Summary 22 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 24 4.1 Teenagers’ Learning Motivation 24 4.1.1 Respondent profiles 24 4.1.2 Motivating factors 24 4.2 Differences between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation 27 4.3 Differences between VUS and Trí Việt Students’ View of Motivation 28 4.4 Chapter Summary 30 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 32 5.1 Conclusion 32 5.2 Implications 33 5.2.1 For VUS and Trí Việt administrators 33 5.2.2 For English teachers in VUS and Trí Việt language center 34 5.3 Limitations and Recommendations for Further Studies 34 REFERENCES 36 APPENDIX A 41 APPENDIX B 45 Nguồn Gốc Ý Thức 1.1 Thuộc Tính Phản Ánh Của Vật Chất Sự Ra Đời Của Ý Thức Phản ánh thuộc tính chung dạng vật chất Đó lực giữ lại, tái hệ thống vật chất đặc điểm hệ thống vật chất khác trình tác động qua lại Cùng với tiến hóa giới vật chất, thuộc tính phản ánh phát triển từ thấp đến cao, từ đơn giản đến phức tạp Trong ý thức hình thức phản ánh cao giới vật chất Ý thức dạng thuộc tính dạng vật chất có tổ chức cao não người, phản ánh giới khách quan vào óc người 1.2 Vai Trị Của Lao Động Ngơn Ngữ Trong Hình thành phát triển ý thức From what I have experienced when working as a Teaching Assistant (TA) in a language center in Ho Chi Minh city, students’ motivation, especially teenagers’ learning motivation is different from what teachers have expected and from what I have known through literatures One of the most interesting case is that, students asked for Korean videos instead of English videos during the break time They showed interest in other languages while learning English in such a convenient condition Through conversations in class, I found out that teenagers’ motivation to learn in Vietnamese USA Society (VUS) and Trí Việt is very interesting This shed light for me to conduct a research about their motivation 1.1 Research Aims The main aim of this research is to investigate teenagers at VUS and Trí Việt language center’s learning motivation Following are sub-aims of the research: To find out the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation; To find out the differences in motivation between teenagers in VUS and teenagers in Trí Việt language center 1.2 Research Questions Research question 1: What are the factors that influence EFL teenagers’ motivation for learning English at language centers? Research question 2: Are there significant differences among the factors that influence EFL teenagers’ motivation for studying English? Research question 3: Are there significant differences in motivation between teenagers in VUS and teenagers in Trí Việt language center? 1.3 Significance of the Study Investigating teenagers’ learning motivation, this research will contribute to the understanding of students’ learning motivation in the Vietnamese practice at VUS and Trí Việt, especially in the field second language teaching Therefore, it may help improving current teaching practices by bridging the gaps between students’ expectations and teachers’ interpretations of students’ needs at VUS and Trí Việt Hence, somehow, it will make a contribution to Vietnamese educational system 1.4 Limitations of the Study Since this study was implemented in a short period of time, limitations are inevitable The limitation of the research is that its results are not statistically significant because of the number of subjects selected based on convenience sampling Moreover, the study results cannot be generalized because there was unreliable responded questionnaires during the survey Therefore, although the research somehow contributes to the understanding of teenagers’ motivation, the reliability of the results is limited 1.5 Organization of the Thesis This thesis consists five chapters The first chapter provides the introduction of the research, its background, objectives, research questions, and significance The second chapter, Literature Review, presents an overview of empirical researches as well as the research frameworks The third chapter, which is Methodology, is the explanation for the data collection and data analysis methods used in the study The fourth chapter, Findings and Discussions, is the representation of the study results The final chapter, Conclusion and Recommendations is a brief restatement of research purposes and recommendations 1.6 Chapter Summary This chapter is the introduction of this thesis, including the background to the study, problems which lead to the research, research aims, research questions, the significance of the study, and its limitations The first part is the background to the study, which draws an overview of previous research situation on learning motivation The second part is problems leading to the research conduction The third and fourth part are research aims and research questions The last two parts are the significance of the study and its limitations extrinsic motivation in specific (M=3.97), and students in Trí Việt language center had higher level of intrinsic motivation (M=3.9) 5.2 Implications In the hope of enhancing teaching and learning quality for teenagers, the study suggests some practical implications for the administrators and English teachers in VUS and Trí Việt language center 5.2.1 For VUS and Trí Việt administrators To attract the students, administrators should consider their needs, their wishes when choosing a language center to study Concerning the students’ needs, this research suggested some implications First, the administrators should create a friendly and convenient context outside the classrooms for teenagers to practice using English Not only the teachers but the staffs also should speak English to them This is an effective way to help them practice the English knowledge learned in a dynamic way Second, the administrators should design the course content including practical aspects of life and culture to suit the students’ goal of visiting spoken English country and study abroad When teenagers found out the knowledge they learned is needed to accomplish their goals, they might be highly motivated Finally, they should create activities outside classroom so that teenagers can interact and get to know others For teenagers, friendship influence their attitude and success in the classroom (Thompson & Goodmalimn, 2009) (Santrock, 2009) Therefore, creating outside classroom activities for students to develop closer relationship with their peers is suggested 32 5.2.2 For English teachers in VUS and Trí Việt language center To motivate students to learn, teachers should build a warm and close relationship with their teenagers By having a good rapport with them, teachers can understand their teenagers’ needs as well as their problems to develop suitable teaching methods for them Other implication for teachers is that they should create opportunities for teenagers to experience the feeling of getting good grades and successful For Vietnamese teenagers, good grades might improve their self-esteem and selfconfident, which enhance their in class performance However, this should be carefully applied since it might make the students become over confident 5.3 Limitations and Recommendations for Further Studies Although the research was conducted with strong enthusiasm, limitations are hardly avoid The first limitation of this research is the sample selection Because the subjects in this study are teenagers who are studying English at language centers, it was very difficult to gain the permission for the survey from the language centers’ managers as well as their parents Therefore, the number of subjects in this study was very limited, which leaded to the fact that the study results were not statistically significant Further researches on this topic choosing teenagers as subjects should anticipate the unexpected problems when asking for the survey permission to have better samples The second limitation is that there were unreliable responded questionnaires, which made the study results became unreliable When participating in the survey, teenagers were seen discussing the answers with their friends Some of them just 33 chose the answers for fun Therefore, although the study results somehow reflected the reality, it cannot be generalized 34 REFERENCES (2015, 12 18) Retrieved from cmu: https://www.cmu.edu/teaching/assessment/basics/formativesummative.html (2015, 12 18) Retrieved from azwestern: https://www.azwestern.edu/learning_services/instruction/assessment/ 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YẾU ii Nguồn Gốc Ý Thức 1.1 Thuộc Tính Phản Ánh Của Vật Chất Sự Ra Đời Của Ý Thức .1 1.2 Vai Trị Của Lao Động Ngơn Ngữ Trong Hình thành phát triển ý thức 1.1... tiến hóa giới vật chất, thuộc tính phản ánh phát triển từ thấp đến cao, từ đơn giản đến phức tạp Trong ý thức hình thức phản ánh cao giới vật chất Ý thức dạng thuộc tính dạng vật chất có tổ chức

Ngày đăng: 13/12/2022, 06:43


