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Oracle Database 11g: A Beginner’s Guide Ian Abramson Michael Abbey Michael J Corey Michelle Malcher New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc All rights reserved Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher ISBN: 978-0-07-160460-4 MHID: 0-07-160460-X The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: ISBN: 978-0-07-160459-8, MHID: 0-07-160459-6 All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark Where such 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all those who have helped us learn and become better professionals We share this with all of you About the Authors Ian Abramson is the current president for the Independent Oracle Users Group (IOUG) Based in Toronto, Canada, he is an experienced industry and technical consultant, providing expert guidance in implementing solutions for clients in telecommunications, CRM, utilities, and other industries His focus includes the Oracle product set, as well as other leading technologies and their use in optimizing data warehouse design and deployment He is also a regular speaker at various technology conferences, including COLLABORATE, Oracle OpenWorld, and other local and regional events Michael Abbey is a recognized authority on database administration, installation, development, application migration, performance tuning, and implementation Working with Ian Abramson and Michael Corey, he has coauthored works in the Oracle Press series for over 14 years Active in the international Oracle user community, Abbey is a frequent presenter at COLLABORATE, Oracle OpenWorld, and regional user group meetings Michael J Corey is the founder and CEO of Ntirety—The Database Administration Experts Michael’s roots go back to Oracle version 3.0 Michael is a past president of the Independent Oracle Users group (www.ioug.org) and the original Oracle Press author Michael is a frequent speaker at business and technology events and has presented all over the world Check out Michael’s blog at http://michaelcorey.ntirety.com Michelle Malcher is a Senior Database Administrator with over ten years’ experience in database development, design, and administration She has expertise in performance tuning, security, data modeling, and database architecture of very large database environments She is a contributing author for the IOUG Best Practices Tip Booklet Michelle is enthusiastically involved with the Independent Oracle User Group and is director of Special Interest Groups She enjoys presenting and sharing ideas about Oracle Database topics at technology conferences and user group meetings She can be reached at michelle_malcher@ioug.org About the Reviewers Carl Dudley has worked closely with Oracle for a number of years and presents regularly at international conferences on Oracle database technology He is currently a consultant database administrator and has research interests in database performance, disaster planning, and security Carl is a director of the UK Oracle User Group, received Oracle Magazine’s Editors’ Choice Award for Database Administrator of the Year in 2003 for services to the Oracle community, and achieved Oracle ACE status in 2007 Ted Falcon, based in Toronto, Canada, is CEO of BDR Business Data Reporting Inc He has ten years’ experience in business intelligence reporting systems, specializing in the Cognos suite of tools FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO ORACLE MAGAZINE GET YOUR Oracle Magazine is essential gear for today’s information technology professionals Stay 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